What should an orthopedic pillow be made of? Orthopedic pillow: how to choose the right one

Sleep occupies 1/3 of a person’s life and during this time a person recovers, rests and gains strength. Therefore, it is very important to sleep with comfort and pleasure. Modern orthopedic pillows provide such sleep. It has long been proven that they are absolutely safe and are recommended by doctors not only for older people, adults, as well as children and even newborns.

Sometimes when you have to choose orthopedic pillow for a good night’s sleep, the question becomes “How to choose an orthopedic pillow in size so that it is as comfortable as possible?”

As you know, modern orthopedic pillows relieve problems with the spine, back or neck pain, and also help get rid of snoring if your head takes an incorrect position relative to your body when you sleep with a regular pillow. In addition, if you sleep on a pillow or mattress that is too hard, by the morning the body literally becomes stiff and “stiff.”
Recently, many have begun to purchase orthopedic pillows, taking care of their health, but you need to know how to choose the right orthopedic pillow.

Today we will look at the question - How to choose an orthopedic pillow by size?

Despite the fact that many people are accustomed to sleeping with large pillows, for a full, comfortable sleep the pillow should not be particularly large. Used to be big beautiful pillows with beautifully embroidered pillowcases were considered an indicator of a good life, and now modern pillows serve their intended purpose - providing a comfortable sleep.

Only the head and neck should be on an orthopedic pillow, so you should choose pillows small sizes, guided by the parameters of length and width.

In practice, most manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have standard sizes, suitable for most people. They have a rectangular shape so that during sleep and multiple changes in body position, the head does not roll off the pillow, but remains on it.
So pillows
for larger people usually have a size of 50 cm (height) X 70 (width) cm;
average people— 40Х60;
- and small pillows for children and teenagers 40X50 and 20X30.

1) Pay attention to the height of the pillow. The choice of height depends not only on your configuration, but also on your favorite sleeping position.
In order for the head to lie in line with the body, forming a straight spine, the height of the pillow should completely fill the void between the head and the mattress. At the same time, the height should not be too high so that the head is not raised. If you usually sleep on your back, the height should be between 6-11 cm, if on your side - 9-13 cm, if on your stomach - the pillow should be completely flat so as not to raise your head relative to the body.

2) Choose correct sizes orthopedic pillow. Orthopedic bedding consultants tend to believe that larger people should choose larger pillows. It should be remembered that each person is individual, and if, for example, you feel comfortable sleeping on a different pillow than is recommended in stores selling such things, you need to follow your feelings.
Speaking about build, you need to know that for most people the optimal pillow height is from 9 to 14 cm. For large and broad-shouldered people, higher pillows are needed - about 14-16 cm.

3) In addition to the size, pay attention to the shape of the orthopedic pillow. The fact is that the size of the pillow may suit you, but the shape may not. Thus, you can choose a pillow that is comfortable in size, but you will not be able to sleep comfortably just because the shape does not suit you. Currently, manufacturers offer big choice orthopedic pillows not only in size, but also in shape. They can be round, rectangular, in the form of rollers, with recesses and protrusions. Form is important.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow so that it suits you

Take your usual body position when sleeping and place your favorite orthopedic pillow under your head. It is important not only that you feel comfortable, but also that the line of your spine is straight when your head lies on the pillow. If you find it difficult to determine whether you are lying level, ask someone close to you to look at it from the side and determine the level position of your head relative to your body.

If you feel the slightest discomfort, do not take this pillow. She will not be able to provide comfortable rest and sleep.

Finally, let us note the existence universal rule for choosing the size of an orthopedic pillow in the form of a roller.
To choose the optimal size of such an orthopedic pillow, measure the distance from the edge of the shoulder to the base of the neck. Add 2-3 cm to this amount and remember the resulting amount.

As a rule, the head pushes through the pillow by 2-3 cm. Therefore, this size calculation will be the optimal height of the pillow specifically for you.

Good luck with your choice, comfortable rest and sweet dreams.

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Healthy sleep is very important for a person’s normal well-being. It is important that the head is in the correct position while sleeping. Not always an ordinary everyday pillow can provide such a position. It is also harmful to sleep without using a pillow at all. As a result, deformation of the spine in its cervical region occurs, blood vessels and nerves are compressed, which impairs blood supply to the brain and leads to pain. All this leads to the formation and progression of osteochondrosis. This sleep pattern is especially harmful for people who already have this disease. Therefore, it is recommended to use an orthopedic pillow under your head for sleeping.

Its use makes it possible to have a healthy night's rest. An orthopedic sleeping pillow can be called effective solution for the prevention and prevention of progression of cervical osteochondrosis. If you know exactly how to choose the right orthopedic pillow for sleeping, the beneficial effect of its use will be maximum.

When is use indicated?

Before figuring out which orthopedic pillow is best to choose, it is recommended to determine the indications for its use. Products in this category can be recommended for:

  • presence of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • often disturbing pain in the neck area and recurrent headaches;
  • displacement of the vertebrae, injuries in the cervical spine;
  • excessive neck muscle tension;
  • presence of vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • pain of neuralgic etiology, myositis;
  • various types sleep disorders.

Sleeping on such a pillow is completely harmless to the body. The only contraindications include acute inflammation or skin lesions in the neck area, as well as allergies to the material from which the product is made.

At the core beneficial effect is to maintain the upper spine in the correct position during sleep. Due to this, the load that affects the spine is reduced, muscle tone is reduced, and blood circulation functions normally. As a result, pain is eliminated, normal healthy sleep is ensured, and pathological processes leading to the development of osteochondrosis of the neck and many other diseases are eliminated. At the same time, it is extremely important to choose the right orthopedic pillow, because its main parameters must be completely suitable for a particular person.

Types of products

You can choose the right orthopedic pillow provided you determine the type of product that suits you. They are released in various forms. The simplest is a rectangular pillow that suits almost everyone. However, its effect is relatively low compared to more complex models. They may have one or two rollers that provide convenient location neck. The pillow may have a special recess designed for the shoulder.

Separately, it is worth mentioning special pillows designed for travel. They are placed during a trip in a car, bus, train, or other transport. There are also orthopedic baby pillows, sleeping on which promotes the correct formation of the child’s spine.

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing

It is important to correctly determine which orthopedic pillow is best to buy. To ensure that the product is optimally suited for a particular user, the following main characteristics must be taken into account:

  • dimensions (product length and width);
  • height;
  • hardness level;
  • form;
  • type of filler used.


Buyers should have an idea of ​​how best to choose the right size for an orthopedic pillow. You should not get carried away with too large dimensions. It is enough that only the sleeping person’s head and neck are located on the pillow. Don't forget to take into account that the posture changes many times during the night. It is recommended to select the optimal size of an orthopedic pillow so that your head constantly lies on it during sleep and does not roll off.

Every person has a unique body type. Therefore, ideally, the size of an orthopedic sleeping pillow is selected individually. However, this possibility does not always exist. Therefore, depending on your body type, when choosing a product, you can follow the following universal recommendations:

  • children's pillows and teenage models should have a size from 20x30 cm to 40x50 cm;
  • for average build - 40×60 cm;
  • for a large build - 50×70 cm.

Optimal product height

You need to understand well how to choose the right one optimal size orthopedic pillow in height. In this case, the determining factors are the sleeping position and the person’s build.

When deciding how to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow, you must take into account that in any position the head should be neither lowered nor raised. It should be in line with the body. If you prefer to sleep lying on your back, then for this position optimal height pillow height is 6-11 cm. If you prefer to sleep on your side, it is better to choose a model with a height of 9-13 cm.

If you need to know how best to choose the height of an orthopedic pillow according to the user’s physique, then a size of 9-14 cm can be considered suitable for most. For people with a large build and broad shoulders, it is better to use a pillow with a height of about 14-16 cm.

Rigidity and shape

A pillow of this type must be comfortable to use. Moreover, its rigidity also depends on the sleeping position. It is comfortable to lie on your back on a harder pillow, and on your stomach - on a soft one. Orthopedic pillows with medium hardness are more versatile. You can choose them if you prefer to sleep on your side.

The shape of orthopedic pillows produced today can be very diverse. The most common are rectangular, round pillows, and products in the form of single cushions. They may have special protrusions and recesses for more convenient use.

Types of fillers

Based on the filler material used, the following main types of orthopedic pillows can be distinguished:

  • Latex. They are distinguished by long service life, perfectly retain their original shape, and have good elasticity. Latex is usually used in pillows of low and medium firmness.
  • Polyurethane foam. This filler provides good support, optimal air exchange and does not pill.
  • With memory effect. A special filler is used that is sensitive to the heat of the human body. Thanks to this, it “remembers” its shape, which allows it to achieve an excellent combination of high orthopedic efficiency and comfort.
  • Polyester. Affordable orthopedic pillows that are easy to care for and allow you to independently adjust the height make your sleep comfortable and healthy.
  • Polystyrene. The filling consists of many polystyrene balls, which are evenly distributed inside the case. It provides effective support.

Having chosen the orthopedic pillow you like, it is recommended to lie on it for a while before purchasing. In this case, you need to take the position in which you usually prefer to sleep every night. In this position, the spine must be straight. If you feel even slight discomfort when lying on this pillow, it is better to refuse to buy it and choose another option.

Since childhood, we have all been accustomed to brushing our teeth, eating with a spoon, sleeping on the bed, putting a pillow under our heads and covering ourselves with a blanket. Do you think it's just a habit?

Sleeping on a pillow is essential for proper body position while sleeping. In other words, sleeping without a pillow at all is harmful, because the spine takes an unnatural position.

Have you ever wondered whether your pillow is comfortable for you? Is it right for you?
For example, if you often toss and turn in your sleep or even wake up to fluff your pillow, this is a sure sign that it is not suitable for you.

Most of us have been accustomed since childhood to sleeping on down or feather pillow square shape: the main thing is that there is something to put under your head - this is how we usually think.

However, orthopedists and sleep specialists do not agree that all pillows are equally useful.
Most medical specialists and sleep experts recommend choosing an anatomical pillow for proper rest.

How to distinguish an anatomical pillow from a regular one

Now let's figure out how to recognize an anatomical pillow among ordinary ones. Imagine: You walk into big store, and in front of you are shelves with large and small, square and rectangular, flat and convex, soft and hard - in short, a wide variety of pillows. Even an expert can get confused here!

To immediately determine where the anatomical and where the traditional pillow is, you need to pay attention to 2 points:

  • what is the pillow made of?
  • what shape is it?

Traditional pillows are down/feather, holofiber, padding polyester, foam rubber - that is, natural and synthetic materials that do not have support. The shape of such a pillow is usually classic - square or rectangular.

However, attention: sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers try to disguise regular pillows under anatomical ones, giving them a bizarre shape. Don't fall for this trick! Inside the anatomical pillow there must be a unique material that has anatomical effect. And the cost of anatomical pillows usually exceeds the cost of traditional ones. So remember, the miser pays twice!

What material should be inside an anatomical pillow

We list the most common fillers of anatomical pillows: anatomical foam with a “shape memory” effect, latex, viscolatex, pillows based on independent mini-springs, with a specially shaped roller insert, with a unique cooling gel, latex mini-springs. The most common filler for anatomical pillows is material with a “shape memory” effect. This is when you apply light pressure to the pillow, after which it gradually regains its shape. When touched, this material even somewhat resembles plasticine, because it is able to remember the shape of your body.

What parameters to focus on when choosing an anatomical pillow

Now that you can easily distinguish an anatomical pillow from a regular one, you have to understand what shape/height/width your sleep companion should be. The most important thing here is to lie down for a few different models, into the position in which you usually fall asleep, and feel the difference.

Follow your feelings, and also listen to the consultant’s recommendations - and your chances of finding the perfect pillow are 99 out of 100!

When choosing a pillow, you need to remember that good pillow supports the head and cervical region spine, helps the entire upper body relax. In the store, make sure that your head lies level with your body so that the natural curves of the spine are maintained.

Pay attention to the width of your shoulders, your favorite sleeping position, the softness of the mattress and the material from which the pillow is made.

The wider your shoulders, the higher the pillow you need for a good night's sleep.

If a person sleeps on his back, then he needs a lower pillow than when sleeping on his side.
If the mattress is soft, then the pillow should be lower than when sleeping on a harder surface.
The filling and material of a pillow is the most important parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing it. The supporting ability of the pillow, as well as the ability to ensure the correct position of your spine during sleep, fully depends on their properties.

Pay attention to the shape of the pillow last. If you sleep on your side, a pillow with bolsters of different heights will suit you; if you sleep on your back, a classic shape will suit you. The square pillow is a thing of the past. Orthopedic specialists unanimously say that the pillow should not fall under the shoulders. It should support the head and cervical spine.

A little more about the filler...


In addition to the material with the “shape memory” effect (options for the name of this material are anatomical foam with the “memory” effect, viscolatex, “memoryfoam”), there are other fillers for anatomical pillows. For example, latex. Latex pillows are quite elastic, they seem to “spring”. They will appeal to back sleepers and those who prefer high pillows.

Latex mini springs

Another variation of latex pillows is pillows with latex mini springs. They are also quite elastic and hold their shape well, they are hypoallergenic and breathable. From the collection of anatomical pillows from the Ascona factory, this is the Mediflex Revolution pillow.

Independent mini springs

Among elastic models, pillows based on independent mini-springs have a good anatomical effect. For clarity, pay attention to the Mediflex Spring Pillow. It contains mini-springs that are unusually sensitive to load, while perfectly restoring shape. They respond to your movements, providing excellent support. These pillows are recommended when sleeping in any position.

Gel is an innovative material

Another unique material that is gaining increasing popularity is gel with a cooling effect. It distributes the load, has a micro-massage and cooling effect thanks to a special 3D liquid deformation technology. In the Askona collection of anatomical pillows, these are Technogel pillows. Among them there are models with classic shapes, suitable for sleeping on the back, as well as specially shaped pillows, ideal for sleeping on the side and stomach. Not everyone immediately likes gel-based pillows: some people get used to them within a few weeks. But after this, they will not exchange their favorite anatomical pillow for anything!

Pillows with adjustable filling

Another interesting option pillows were offered by the company Protect-A-Bed: a pillow with a protective pillowcase made of eucalyptus fibers. Its peculiarity is that you can adjust the filler level yourself! Great, right? This pillow is very elastic and “breathable”: you seem to float when you lie on it. So say the happy owners of the Protect-A-Bed pillow.
As you can see, today the market can offer you a huge variety of anatomical pillows.

Our parting words

We are confident that now you are well savvy and can choose the perfect night companion for you. But still, do not neglect the recommendations of specialists. And don’t be afraid that you will have to get used to the pillow at first: this is a normal phenomenon, because everything is unusual and useful organism At first, he may take it with hostility. But then your joy will know no bounds: you will wake up with ease and good mood, and flutter out of bed and fly towards a new day!

We wish you to find that very, your only, most correct anatomical pillow. Sweet dreams and a cheerful awakening to you!

Are you thinking about buying an orthopedic pillow? Perhaps you have problems with your spine, your neck hurts and becomes stiff. Or your spouse’s snoring has tormented you. Or insomnia, and your pillow does not help, but only prevents you from falling asleep. Or maybe you just care about your health and understand how important the right pillow is for your good sleep.

You will be surprised, but you need to choose a pillow in the same way as clothes - by size, shape, material from which it is made, and even appearance. Let's start with the main thing - the orthopedic coefficient of the pillow. It shows the severity of the orthopedic effect).

The orthopedic effect consists of two factors: the ability of the pillow to take the shape of the body and maintain it.

Both conditions complement each other, so there is a multiplication sign between them. For example, pillow N takes a 5 point shape,
and keeps it at 2. The orthopedic coefficient (OC) is 10. If one of the conditions is missing, OK = 0.

Choosing the size of an orthopedic pillow

When choosing the size of a pillow, remember that only your head and neck should rest on it. Grandma's huge pillows, on which half of the body lay, are a thing of the past. And very good, because this attribute of luxury and wealth brought many problems with the spine to its owners.

How to choose YOUR size? After all, there is no X or XL label on the pillows. Simply - in length and width.

If you can boast of a strong physique, choose size 50x70 or larger. Average build - a small 60x40 pillow will be enough for you. For children - small sizes from 20x30 to 50x40.

Choosing a height

The choice of height depends not only on your build, but on your favorite sleeping position. The height of the pillow should correspond to the clearance between the neck and the bed. If you are used to sleeping on your back, a low pillow (6-10 cm) will do. For sleeping on your side, use a higher pillow (12 cm). If you like to sleep on your stomach, the pillow should be almost flat, otherwise your neck will be arched unnaturally.
Ideally, the height of the pillow can be adjusted. There are such pillows, but more on that later.
Another criterion is your weight. The more weight, the higher the pillow, and vice versa.

Choosing the shape of an orthopedic pillow

Important - an orthopedic pillow cannot be square! All modern pillows are rectangular for the same reason (the head and neck rest on it). It is also simply more convenient, more compact, and more economical in price. If your bedding sets contain only square pillowcases, it is easier to alter them than to look for a square orthopedic pillow.

The choice of shape is especially large - manufacturers are trying. There are anatomically shaped pillows with a wave, some with a recess for the shoulder, with stitched bolsters and cartridges. There is only one logical explanation for this abundance - expansion of the range. Here main principle- "do no harm"! Therefore, a variety of shapes is allowed only for pillows that take the shape of the body with the so-called “memory effect”. After all, in any case, they will repeat the curves of your body, taking the most correct shape - YOURS.
The orthopedic properties of a pillow are determined not by the shape, but by the filler.

Special warning. Be wary of any fixed forms of pillows - stitched bolsters, insertable cartridges, etc. Often, manufacturers of soft pillows strive to make their products “orthopedic”, not taking into account the fact that all people are completely different. The cushion may not match the length of your neck, and sleeping on such a pillow is not only uncomfortable, but also harmful. You might be lucky and the size will match. But you are not participating in a lottery, but choosing YOUR own orthopedic pillow - comfortable and useful.

Let's see what forms of orthopedic pillows are the most common.

Classic shape pillow
The classic rectangular pillow is simple, universal, economical, and suits absolutely everyone.
A pillow with a recess for the shoulder - for side sleepers. Also excellent for fat people thanks to the increased height.
Anatomical pillow with a wave - has 2 bolsters, different in height for sleeping on the back and on the side. Thanks to the bolsters, you can choose a sleeping position that is comfortable specifically for you.

How to choose an orthopedic pillow filler?

There are only a few fillings from which true orthopedic pillows are made.

Highly elastic foam - the filler has a fine-cell structure, due to which it changes its shape, repeating the slightest curves of the body. It can be made from polyurethane foam (foam rubber), but in many countries manufacturers are not recommended to use foam rubber for the production of pillows due to its toxicity.
Breathing toxic fumes is harmful to your health!

An alternative to synthetic foams is bio-foams made using innovative technology from castor oil using steam. In terms of safety and environmental friendliness, they are 50 times superior to polyurethane foam.

Viscoelastic memory foam perfectly adapts to the shape of the body and “remembers” it. Originally developed by NASA to reduce overload for astronauts during takeoff and landing. It is made from both synthetic and natural materials (the same castor oil). Italians have learned to make bio-foams from natural vegetable oils, superior in “memory” properties to synthetics. And at the same time they are very durable - up to 10 years of service!

Fully peeled buckwheat husk

Buckwheat husk – are you surprised? Has the highest orthopedic coefficient! Takes the shape to 5 points, retains it until you change the position of your body. At this moment it accepts new uniform, corresponding to the curve of your neck and the position of your head. Absolute “memory effect”. Only recently have orthopedists turned their attention to buckwheat pillows, and now more and more doctors recommend them!

When choosing a buckwheat pillow, pay attention to the quality of the husk. Manufacturers always make it possible to see the contents of the pillow.
High-quality buckwheat husk, which provides 100% orthopedic properties to the pillow, has the shape of a solid box!
If you look at the filler and see that the husk consists of separate flakes, you are looking at a low-quality product. A pillow with such a filling will be heavy and hard, while husks in the form of pyramid boxes are light, voluminous, softly springy and well ventilated.

Also important: buckwheat pillows should not have stitched bolsters or cartridges. A solid cylindrical neck cushion is simply savage! Ask any orthopedist.

The husk should flow freely to take the shape of YOUR body. The neck does not have the shape of a regular rectangle. Everyone has a different length, coverage, shape, curves. How to guess with a roller? Don't guess! Lie down on the right buckwheat pillow, move your head, and the filler will remember the most comfortable position for you all night! And if the pillow is too high, simply adjust its height by pouring excess filling through a special hole.

The structure of our physique is such that for a good and comfortable sleep, the head must be elevated, that is, have a certain support. This allows the spine not to curve. But we spend almost a third of our lives in sleep, and it is simply obliged to help us rest, relax and recuperate.

Recently, inventions such as orthopedic mattresses and the same pillows. Things are undoubtedly useful and necessary. However, not everyone knows, for example, how to choose the right orthopedic pillow and what parameters to pay attention to. This is a sensitive question, but in this article we will share our knowledge on this matter so that you can choose the option that is right for you.

But first, let's make one thing clear. Orthopedic pillows are designed to support different parts of the body, be it the head, neck or legs. Thanks to their anatomical shape, they also support our spine in the desired position. But they are not intended to heal. They do not treat diseases such as osteochondrosis, they only have a preventive function. And then, when everything starts to hurt unbearably, shoot or ache, it is better to go to the hospital and get the necessary help from doctors.

In general, there is a list of indications for using such a pillow:

  • sedentary occupation;
  • excess weight;
  • previous injuries;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • frequent seizures lower limbs;
  • prevention of diseases, deformities and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

This item has more than enough parameters and characteristics, but we will talk about them a little later. Now I would like to touch on the most general and simple tips.

Advice one. If you are planning to buy an orthopedic pillow, then purchase it only in specialized stores. Firstly, there you can get competent advice, secondly, the choice of goods in such salons is much wider and of better quality, and thirdly, the price will be at the proper level.

Tip two. Before you grab a pillow and run home with it, lie on it for a couple of minutes and see how comfortable it is. It's better to try several options at once.

Tip three. The wider the shoulders of the future owner, the higher the pillow should be. On average, pillows approximately 10-14 centimeters high are suitable for most people, but it is better to select such a thing on a purely individual basis, without relying on generalized figures. However, you can purchase a pillow that allows you to adjust its height yourself.

Tip four. If you prefer to sleep on your back most of the night, choose a lower pillow. If on its side, then a taller copy than the previous option will suit you.

Tip five. If your mattress is quite hard, then the pillow itself should be higher than when sleeping on a soft mattress.

So, healthy person This pillow may seem completely uncomfortable, but after a couple of nights this feeling will pass. Also, the feeling of discomfort, pain in the neck and head will go away, and your sleep will become more sound.

Where to start choosing a pillow?

And you need to start, first of all, with yourself. If you choose an orthopedic pillow for the head or neck, then it is worth considering that there is no ideal or universal pillow. Therefore, take a centimeter in your hands and start measuring the width of your shoulder from the side of your neck to the shoulder joint itself. This distance will show the height of the orthopedic cushion, and the size of the neck to the chin will show its width. This applies to the case when you sleep on your side.

If you prefer and really like to sleep on your back, then the dimensions will naturally change. In this case, measure the curve of the neck from the back so that the roller fills this entire space.


If we talk about the bolsters themselves, and they are present in every pillow, then they are completely different in terms of hardness, just as the pillows themselves are different.

There are such cushions that they are almost invisible; they are mainly present in orthopedic pillows made from buckwheat husks. Only here the calculation is that you will form the roller yourself, and you need to do this every time before going to bed.

There are latex pillows, they are pleasant, durable, and do not cause allergies. Their height can also be adjusted to suit you.

There are pillows in which the cushion itself takes the shape of the curve of the neck or legs. These models are made of viscoelastic foam and are called memory foam pillows. So, we repeat once again, the choice of orthopedic products is large, and therefore purely individual.


Side sleepers should generally choose a firm pillow. Those who sleep on their stomachs are soft. Those who sleep on their backs are of medium firmness. Each type of rigidity, in one or another body position, will be as comfortable as possible, will maintain the muscles in the desired state, and will not allow them to become stiff.

Pillow Shape

There are two main shapes of pillows:

  • Classic. The most convenient form, you don’t need to get used to it, since it is already familiar in itself.
  • Orthopedic. It will hold one or two rollers, for example, under the neck. It is unusual because it is correct. But this is exactly what doctors advise everyone. It may not have bolsters, but only seals, recesses for the head or legs. One way or another, it creates additional support.

Length, width, height of orthopedic pillows

Here everything is selected purely for yourself, based on your comfort and convenience. On average, the length of most pillows is about 40 and up to 80 centimeters. The width ranges from 30 to 50 centimeters. The main thing you should pay attention to here is that the width of the pillow does not exceed the width of the mattress.

We have already said a few words about height above, on average it varies from 6 to 16 centimeters; for those with broad shoulders, those that are taller are chosen, but mostly suitable option goes from 10 centimeters.

These are the main and most important parameters, according to which you should choose orthopedic pillows.

To summarize, we can highlight several of the most important advantages of using orthopedic pillows.

  • First. High level comfort. Due to the fact that the pillow allows air to pass through well, its material allows this to be done, the head and face do not sweat during sleep, and the skin breathes. Waking up, a person feels rested and, as they say, does not get up with a “crumpled face.”
  • Second. The structure of the pillow allows you to maintain the same spine in its natural and correct position, and the person does not experience any discomfort. As a result, posture improves, pain goes away, and the entire musculoskeletal system truly rests.
  • Third. A wide range of pillow choices allows you to individually choose exactly the one that suits everyone, even the most capricious buyer. Shape, length, hardness, etc. - all this together makes the pillow indispensable for use. And most importantly, it’s easy to get used to, because the correct orthopedic shape can repeat all the curves of our body.
  • Fourth. Orthopedic pillows, as well as other inventions of this type, do not cause allergies, and therefore everyone can use them without any significant restrictions.
In fact, choosing an orthopedic pillow for yourself is not so difficult; it is only important to correctly measure the parameters of your body and not miss a single one important detail when purchasing it. As noted above, test your future pillow before purchasing, check how well it suits you, how comfortable it is to lie on it, and how well it meets all your needs. And then not a single purchase of yours will disappoint you!