Willow: types and subtleties of cultivation. Weeping willow: description of the tree, features, varieties in the photo Willow fruits

Willow – deciduous tree Willow family. There are more than 550 species on the planet, mostly growing in temperate and cool climate areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Some varieties are found above the Arctic Circle and in the tropics. Scientists note that willows are old-timers on the planet; their leaves are imprinted in chalk deposits, the age of which is estimated at tens of millions of years.

Total information

In Russia, the plant has several names - willow, willow, willow, willow, tal, vine, lozina, shelyuga.

Most often, willow is a tree about 15 meters high, or a low shrub. But some species of willow are represented by specimens over 30 meters high with a trunk diameter of 50 cm. In the North, willow is no longer a tree, but a low-growing, creeping shrub that does not grow higher than 20-30 cm. Herbaceous willow also grows there, only 20 cm tall. 2-3 centimeters.

Willow grows well along the banks of rivers and lakes, but there are species that grow on mountain slopes and in semi-deserts.

Willows various types The roots are very well developed, so they are planted to strengthen loose sandy soil. Willow is also grown to secure the banks of natural and artificial reservoirs - dams, canals, rivers, lakes, ponds. Weeping willow is a good decoration for a park or personal plot, especially if there is an artificial body of water nearby - a pond or swimming pool, so landscape designers willingly work with it.

Variety of species

This article will discuss decorative varieties that are used in landscape design.

White willow is a fairly large tree with spectacularly hanging thin branches, with long silver leaves. White willow grows quickly, is not picky about soil, and can grow in waterlogged soil. This tree loves light and warmth, and at the same time tolerates harsh Russian winters well. The lush crown is easy to trim. The tree can be used for single planting in the park.

Willow has a tent-shaped crown, dark green leaves with a silver tint, which turn yellow-green in autumn. It blooms in April-May with fluffy yellow-green flowers called cats. At five years it grows up to 3 meters, reaching a maximum after 15-20 years, and it is 25 meters. at the same time, its crown diameter increases to 20 meters.

Kilmarnock goat willow - low decorative tree with hanging branches, the height depends on the grafting site. Goat willow is unpretentious to growing conditions, loves light, but can grow in shaded places, and is suitable for planting near a pond. Grows well in moist soil and is frost-resistant.

The crown shape of this willow variety is weeping, the leaves are dull green with a silvery tint, turning yellow in the fall. It blooms in April-May with fluffy golden flowers. Kilmarnock willow does not grow higher than one and a half meters, and its crown diameter rarely exceeds 1.5 meters.

Goat willow Pendula is a low ornamental tree that will look great in group plantings on the shore of a pond. Its height also depends on the height of the graft. A light-loving and frost-resistant plant, it grows well in any type of soil with varying humidity.

The crown of this willow variety is weeping, the leaves are dull green, silvery, turning yellow in autumn. Blooms in spring with golden seals. Willow pendula does not grow higher than 170 cm, and its crown diameter does not exceed 1.5 meters.

Goat willow Pendula.

Brittle willow is a small tree or shrub. Grows quickly in moist soil and flooded areas. Light-loving, but can also grow in partial shade.

The shape of the crown of this willow variety is soft, round, and resembles clouds in appearance. The green leaves turn bright yellow in the fall. It blooms in April-May with oblong green-yellow flowers. Brittle willow grows up to 15 meters in height, while its crown diameter reaches 12 meters.

Brittle willow “Globular”.

Purple willow is a shrub with thin, reddish-brown branches with a bluish bloom. Grows quickly in any type of soil, even sand. It is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentiousness to light. The crown is easy to shape with a haircut. Purple willow can be used in a hedge or in a single planting.

The shape of the crown is spherical, the leaves are silver-green, and in the fall they acquire a yellow-green color. It blooms in April-May with oblong purple flowers. Purple willow grows up to 5 meters in height, and the crown diameter rarely exceeds 5 meters.

Purple willow.

Purple willow Mayak is a winter-hardy, ornamental, openwork shrub with thin red-pink branches. Loves bright, sunny places and moderately moist soil. Can be planted in hedges, and in compositions with other shrubs and trees.

The crown is spherical in shape, the leaves are silver-green in summer and yellow-green in autumn. Yellow-pink flowers are produced in spring. The lighthouse willow measures 3 meters in height, with a crown diameter of 3 meters.

Purple willow Nana is a shrub with red-brown branches. Undemanding to soil and light, frost-resistant, but in winter needs protection from the wind. The crown is easy to shape with a haircut. The shrub can be planted in groups or alone, in hedges and for planting near water bodies.

The crown shape is lush, semicircular. The leaves are oblong, narrow, silver-green in summer and yellow-green in autumn. Blooms in spring with light green flowers. The height of the bush and the diameter of the crown do not exceed one and a half meters.

Purple willow Pendula is a frost-resistant, lush shrub with thin purple branches. Loves moist soil and light, can grow in flooded areas, but at the same time tolerates drought well. Can be used for single plantings near water bodies.

The shape of the crown is openwork, weeping, the leaves are green with a bluish tint, turning yellow in the fall. Purple flowers. The height depends on the height of the grafting site, but rarely exceeds 3 meters, with a crown diameter of 1.6 meters.

Purple willow Pendula.

Willow tortuous Sverdlovskaya is a frost-resistant, decorative tree with spiral-shaped, hanging branches. It is undemanding to soil, but grows slowly and is well shaped by pruning. Willow of this variety can be used for planting in a hedge or in a single planting.

The crown shape is weeping, the leaves are green in summer and yellow in autumn, does not bloom. the maximum growth of the tortuous willow does not exceed 3 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 2 meters.

All-leaved willow Hakuro-nishiki is a spreading shrub or small tree with unusual coloring and hanging shoots. The variety is not frost-resistant and is poorly suited for cultivation in the Russian climate. Grows well in moist soil, in a well-lit place.

Can be used for single planting, or in composition with plants that have a dark green color. A lush bush can be easily formed by cutting.

The crown shape is round, the leaves are white-pink-green in spring and summer, turning pink in autumn. Blooms in April-May with yellow-green flowers. The height and diameter of the crown of this variety are within 2 meters.

Swiss willow is a spreading, dwarf variety. Slow-growing, light-loving shrub. Feels good on fertile, loose, moist soil. The color goes well with coniferous trees.

The shape of the crown is round, the leaves are silvery in spring and summer, turning yellow in autumn. Spring flowers, golden. The height of the bush is 1 meter, with a crown diameter of 1.5 meters.

Swiss willow.

Babylonian willow is a spreading tree with thin and long branches hanging down to the ground. Branches in red, yellow or green shades. This variety is characterized by frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions. Suitable for single planting on the shore of a pond.

The crown shape is round, the leaves are long, dark green on top, and bluish-green below. They turn yellow in autumn. It blooms with white-yellow flowers - earrings. The tree grows up to 10-12 meters, the crown can exceed these values.

Willow or holly willow is a shrub or tree with thin, flexible branches of red color, which is why the plant is popularly called krasnothal or red shell. The branches have a waxy coating that is easily erased. Frost-resistant, unpretentious, can grow near a pond on sandy soil.

The shape of the crown is oval, the leaves are long, shiny, green with a bluish tint, turning yellow in autumn. It blooms in April with earrings containing yellow pollen. The willow grows up to 8-10 meters in height, the crown is spreading - up to 3-4 meters in bushes and up to 5-6 meters in trees.

Hairy willow - ornamental shrub or small tree with lush branches. Frost-resistant variety, grows well in moist, fertile soil. Excellent for planting in the garden near small artificial ponds.

The shape of the crown is round, formed by cutting. Leaves original look– elliptical in shape, silvery-green, turning yellow in autumn. The leaves and branches are covered with silky hairs. The flowers are yellow, spring, similar to vertically placed candles. Plant height is 1.5-3 meters, crown diameter is 3-4 meters.

Creeping willow Armando is a small shrub with bare flexible branches. This variety of willow is grown in the form of a trunk. It can be planted not only in the garden, but also indoors or on the balcony in a tub or container. Frost-resistant, loves moist soil and plenty of light. The tree can be used to decorate stone gardens and planted near small artificial ponds.

The crown is spreading, the leaves are matte green above and gray-green below, with shiny fibers. Flowering occurs in spring, the inflorescences are fluffy, silvery and pinkish in color.

The bush does not exceed 1 meter in height, the crown diameter is 2-3 meters. Sometimes gardeners give the bush a standard shape.

Rosemary willow in Russia is known as netala, niceloz or Siberian willow. This is a low, spreading shrub with flexible shoots of red or purple color. Grows slowly, in any soil, tolerates well very coldy and wind. Suitable for planting among rocky hills.

The crown shape is spreading, the leaves are straight with silky fluff. The color of the leaves is dark green on top and bluish on the underside. It blooms in May with numerous fragrant earrings of yellow or purple color. The height of the bush is 1 meter, the diameter of the crown is 3-4 meters.

Many property owners underestimate the willow and treat it as a waste or even weed plant. A quick acquaintance with some species and decorative forms can radically change this view of this interesting culture. Willow has long been used for treatment and used on the farm. Today we can afford to decorate our areas with this plant by choosing the appropriate species. This plant is better suited than many others for creating garden bonsai and unusual shapes.

Willow in flowering period

Where does the fluff come from?

Willow is a dioecious plant that has males with anthers and females that bear fruit. Bisexual specimens are less common. Earring-shaped inflorescences decorate some species in spring. Men's earrings first look like silvery silky balls, soon they are covered with bright yellow anthers, and then fall off. Willow fluff is given only by women's earrings. This is necessary in order to disperse the seeds at a distance from the mother plant. And we usually only blame poplars for the appearance of balls of fluff. Even when these trees are not nearby. Some types of willow bloom in early spring before the leaves bloom, others bloom when the leaves turn green on the branches.

Willow or willow?

One day before Palm Sunday I heard two people arguing about the name of the bush growing next to them willow . One of them claimed that it was a willow tree. Another called the bush a willow. Both were right, because... holly willow And willow It is customary to call it a willow and break off branches before the holiday.

Holly willow (red willow, red willow, red willow) - one of the earliest flowering species in middle lane Russia. It is a tall shrub or tree with reddish-brown smooth branches. Flowering begins before the long narrow leaves appear. Large buds with red-brown scales are visible already in autumn.

Various furniture and boxes are woven from thin willow branches, rather than baskets, because... It is not worth storing food in them because of the bitter bark.

Willow willow also called willow. This common plant can grow as a shrub or tree. The long leaves are wider than those of Norway willow. This type of willow does not tolerate prolonged stagnation of water.

Wolf willow allows you to quickly grow hedge from cuttings stuck into the ground that quickly take root. They need to be regularly trimmed or young flexible shoots intertwined with each other. Interesting variety "Aglaya" with large silver earrings and red branches. In early flowering varieties "Praecox" earrings length is about 9 cm.

Do goats like goat willow?

We often hear about goat willow (bredena) . This is a tall tree or shrub in early spring decorated with fluffy earrings that stay on bare branches for a week or two, and then instantly fall off. During the flowering period, a subtle aroma is felt. Later, wide leaves with a velvety-felt underside grow. They are said to resemble the skin of a goat's lips when touched. Hence the name of this type of willow.

Weeping form "Pendula" - the result of grafting goat willow onto a rootstock of a different species. The result is miniature trees with a trunk 60 - 170 cm high with a cascading crown. In the first years, immediately after flowering, all young shoots need to be cut short, leaving about 20 cm on each of them. Subsequently, the scion is annually cut to the outer bud, which allows you to increase the size of the crown and form a strong frame in the shape of an open umbrella. Without corrective pruning or regular blinding of the buds, the shoots quickly reach the ground, sink to it and continue to grow in the horizontal plane. The growth rate is more than two meters during the summer. It is necessary to ensure that the rootstock does not produce its own shoots that drown out the scion.

The initially neat tree, unattended, acquired a strange shape. Long shoots of the scion felt great between the stones of the alpine hill and grew in the stagnant water of the decorative pool. Forced pruning was reduced to shortening branches and removing dried twigs

At first, you need to pay attention to the vaccination site. Immediately after purchase, remove the winding and all fasteners. In the first winters, it is advisable to insulate the scion for the winter, especially its “crown”. Non-woven material folded in several layers is suitable for this purpose.

This willow can be planted on the lawn, next to it, in a rock garden, or grown in a container. A group of several weeping willows with different heights of trunks looks impressive.

Eat garden forms and varieties of goat willow with white-green variegated foliage ( "Variegata" ) and broad oval outline of the leaves. Decorative men's uniform "Mas" , which is good during flowering and in the fall, when the foliage turns golden yellow. Grows into a tree or bush "Zilberglyants" with a beautiful crown of hanging branches. The slightly wrinkled leaves have a felt underside that is pleasant to the touch.

Goat willow leaves are rich in vitamin C. In earlier times, they were brewed as tea. It is useful to gargle and gargle with a decoction of the bark for various inflammatory processes, especially sore throat. Abscesses and ulcers are treated with an ointment made from powdered willow bark and butter.

Forming brittle willow

Brittle willow (broom) - a fast-growing tree with a tent-shaped crown. Lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long bloom at the time of flowering. In autumn they turn lemon yellow. This species is easily propagated by cuttings, the degree of rooting is close to 100%. Brittle willow does not freeze even in the harshest winters. Under the species willow there are always a lot of dead, dried branches that easily break off during strong gusts of wind.

So I formed a brittle willow, which grew to the wires

I consider this species the most suitable for creating garden bonsai. Cultural form of brittle willow "Bulat » (« Bullata ") tolerates corrective pruning very well. From it you can “cut” different geometric figures. At the end of winter, the bark of young shoots begins to turn green, so in early spring the crown acquires a pleasant greenish tint. Willow does not produce fluff, which is important for people with allergies.

Option for forming the crown of willow brittle "Bulat"

Who bends the willow branches?

Twisted trunk and branches of matsudana willow - distinctive feature these trees or shrubs. The frost resistance of the species is satisfactory: in severe winters, freezing occurs above the level of snow cover. Some gardeners additionally insulate their plants for the winter. Popular decorative form " Tortuosa » - a tree or bush with a twisting trunk and olive-gray branches. The leaves are also twisted in a spiral. The plant does not do well in a windy place, especially in an icy northeast wind. Willow leaves are burned during spring frosts. Without corrective pruning, the tree becomes thickened, which makes it difficult to admire the pattern of intertwined and twisted branches.

Willow tortuous "Tortuosa"

The tortuous willow of the Ural selection with strongly curved branches of olive or reddish-brown color and twisted leaves tolerates our climate better. Tree height "Sverdlovskaya winding 1" about 4 m. It has a slightly weeping shape. There are winter-hardy low-growing forms with a weeping and pyramidal shape. They tolerate pruning well. When propagating, it is better to root short cuttings.

Twisty willow always looks so unusual

Low growing willows

The choice of low-growing ornamental willows is huge.

Shaggy willow (woolly) in the Moscow region it grows no higher than one meter. In spring, catkins appear. The grayish-green leaves are round in shape and have white felt pubescence, so the entire bush appears blue and fluffy. This slow-growing willow is afraid of cold winds, waterlogging and prolonged drought. After the end of sap flow, the frozen tips of the branches are removed.

Drought resistant rosemary willow up to 1 meter high, it is better to plant it on poor soil, perhaps among rockery stones. On nutritious soil it fattens, which prevents the appearance of dense crown cushions. Most of the shortened trunk is hidden underground, and we see only numerous branches of the crown. Earrings appear before narrow dark green leaves, pubescent on the underside. Dense bushes are suitable for borders. Peat is added to the planting holes.

This low-growing willow tree needs very little space.

Purple willow "Gracilis" (Nana) is a ball up to 1.5 m high made of thin flexible branches of a purple hue. They arise from a shortened stem. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, silvery-bluish in color. earrings are bright, reddish in color. This willow is more elegant in a bright place. In the shade, the shoots stretch out and the crown thins out. The plant grows better on sandy soils with the addition of lime. Both wet and dry places are suitable for this crop. In harsh winters, the beautiful bush may freeze slightly, but then quickly recovers. Pruning is easy and allows you to create various garden shapes.

Willow herbaceous (dwarf willow) up to 15 cm high (most often 6 - 7 cm) decorated with tiny earrings and small rounded leaves with a relief pattern of veins. This is a frost-resistant species that is incredibly interesting. The herbaceous willow is sometimes called the smallest tree in the world. Its homeland is considered not only in the Arctic latitudes, but also in the highlands of the Alps and Pyrenees. There this willow almost completely fits into a layer of moss, hiding from strong winds. This species can be recommended to bonsai connoisseurs.

Tundra species include willow reticulum - a strongly branched, low-growing, frost-resistant shrub with branches 30–50 cm long that spread along the ground. It grows slowly. Dark branches with small leathery leaves with a relief mesh pattern. Young leaves are pubescent. In spring, reddish catkins stick vertically upward. This species looks great among a scattering of stones, where low carpet cushions form over time. Reticulated willow is ideal for rock gardens.

Is there enough room for white willow?

We are often forced to refuse to plant spectacular large trees. (silver willow, willow ) from among them. This is a powerful tree up to 25 meters high. Young leaves are silvery-white. For small plots Less tall garden forms have been bred.

Such a white willow is unlikely to fit in a garden plot

Weeping white willow up to 7 m high, it attracts with its rare beauty of a weeping crown with a skirt of branches right down to the ground. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant needs regular watering and good lighting. This willow will decorate anyone decorative pond. It can be planted as a tapeworm on the lawn.

White silver willow up to 12 m high, it has silvery foliage. She wins when landing next to plants with burgundy leaves.

White willow "Chermezina" ("Chermesina" ) - a tree up to 7 meters high with orange-red bark and gray-green leaves, which can be grown as a tall shrub. The plant is pruned at least once every two years, removing old, faded branches, which provokes the appearance of bright young shoots.

ABOUT medicinal properties White willow can be judged by the fact that in the first half of the 19th century, the glycoside salicin was isolated from willow bark, after which salicylic acid was obtained. Later, aspirin was synthesized on its basis. ethnoscience different countries uses teas, infusions and decoctions of white willow bark as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. The bark infusion is used to rinse the mouth during inflammatory processes.

I haven’t named very many other types of willow that could decorate our plots. It is worth taking a closer look at this wonderful plant and using it amazing ability adapt to any living conditions. When no other plant could survive. Even in the most unfavorable situations, the willow continues to live.

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Life form: shrub or tree
Dimensions (height), m: 5-10
Crown diameter, m: 3-6
Crown shape: Widely spreading. The bark is greenish-gray, smooth, fissured at the bottom of the trunk
Growth pattern: Grows very quickly
Leaf Shape: Slightly wrinkled, from oblong-ellitic to broadly oval, up to 10 cm in length
Summer coloring: Dark green above, gray-felt below
Autumn color: Yellow
Flowers (color): Dioecious. On female trees the catkins are gray-green, on male trees they are bright yellow
Decorative: Male specimens are especially decorative during flowering.
Application: Single plantings, groups, edges, plantings along the banks of reservoirs
Relation to light: Relatively shade-tolerant
Relation to soil: Undemanding to soil fertility
Frost resistance: Frost-resistant

Weeping willow, holly,or pussy willow, red willow, red willow, red willow, willow, willow - Salix acutifolia Willd.

A tall shrub or tree up to 10 m tall with dark trunk bark, an oval crown, medium density and purple-red, twig-like, flexible shoots, covered with an easily erasable bluish coating. bark with inside lemon-yellow, wormwood-bitter. Flower buds are large, 10-19 mm long, brownish or reddish, initially hairy in whole or in part, later bare, elongated into a sharp, bare, often bent to the side spout. Leaf buds are 4-6 mm long, lanceolate, brownish-red or variegated, glabrous or slightly pubescent, pressed to the shoot. The leaf primordia in the flower buds are completely absent. The core of the shoots is whitish with a reddish tint.

The leaves are lanceolate, 6-15 cm long. Pointed, wedge-shaped at the base. Shiny above, bluish or greenish below, glabrous. The edges are glandular-serrate. Stipules lanceolate, acute, serrate. Petioles are yellow-red.

The flowers of the weeping willow are arranged in earrings. The bracts are covered with dense tomentose hairs with a black tip. 2 free stamens and 1 posterior nectary; anthers yellowish. The ovary is almost sessile, conical, usually glabrous, with 2 elongated whole leaves. It blooms in April-May or June, before the leaves bloom. The fruits ripen in May-June. Weeping willow propagates by cuttings.

The range covers the Central and Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, western part of Eastern Siberia, Central Asia.

The branches of the weeping willow, as well as the roots, reaching a length of about 15 m, are used for weaving. - one of best breeds planted to consolidate shifting sands.

One of the most undemanding species of willow in terms of growing conditions. Due to its high decorative value, weeping willow is widely used in gardening and park construction in groups, on forest edges, near ponds, and in hedges. This species is as frost-resistant as goat willow, grows on poor dry soils, even on sand, but does not tolerate stagnant water.

Weeping willow is easily propagated by cuttings and even twigs. It is suitable for hedges; Single plants and group plantings look beautiful. Brightly colored branches are also good in winter against a background of white snow. Thanks to its powerful root system, it is often used to secure slopes, landslides, and sandy banks of rivers and reservoirs.

Has and economic importance: its flexible long rod is used to make wicker furniture, baskets and other products. Weeping willow is also an early honey plant.

You can buy seedlings from us!

Willow is one of the most common trees both in Russia and in other countries. The plant is unusually good-looking: a strong trunk, long hanging branches, leaves of all shades of green and flowers, like fluffy earrings, fascinate with their beauty and beckon to the world of nature and harmony. Many people grow willow in their gardens or near their homes.

The tree has been an inspiration for many writers, poets and artists for a long time. A. Fet, A. Akhmatova, S. Yesenin, F. Tyutchev and others wrote about him. The famous storyteller H.H. Andersen, who owns the fairy tale “Under the Willow,” did not stand aside. The painting “The Weeping Willow” by C. Monet is also known.

Wood is widely used in manufacturing, industry, agriculture and medicine.

The bark and leaves of this plant in Greece and Ancient Egypt treated fever, and in the United States of America, broom infusions were used as a pain reliever. Scientists later found out that the tree has many useful substances, including salidroside, tannin, flavonoids, salicin and salicylic acid.

Flexible thin branches have long been used for weaving furniture, fences and enclosures, and fish traps. Today from willow twigs they make chairs, baskets, boxes and cradles. In agriculture, it is an excellent honey plant, valuable because of its early flowering and a protector against erosion, easily coping with it thanks to its long and twisting roots.

Most species of the “willow” family are a separate ornamental crop that can decorate a park area or a personal plot. Many designers include plants in their compositions and create gardens in an original style.

Popularly, this tree has several names: willow, willow, willow, vine, lozinka, etc. Until now, scientists have not come to a consensus: willow is a tree or shrub. After all, the “willow” family has about 600 species, differing in size and external characteristics. Experienced gardeners know that it is a shrub and deciduous tree, but for amateurs it is not always clear where the willow grows, why it is called a weeping willow and what the willow looks like.

The willow root system is just as varied as the willow species. It may be:

  • formed compact vertical main root system;
  • tiered, prostrate main root system;
  • a system formed due to existing adventitious roots or vegetative propagation by cuttings.

Generally root system This tree is deep and powerful, but is a little picky about the condition of the soil: the roots do not like too much moisture, despite the fact that the tree grows mainly on the banks of lakes, rivers, ponds and streams. Willows often form large “willow” groves that can stretch along the shore for a long time - the seeds are carried by the wind and when they fall into silt or water, they for a long time retain viability.

Gallery: willow tree (25 photos)

Tree species diversity

Trees of the willow family are distinguished by a transparent, see-through crown, thin and flexible shoots and narrow, pointed, oblong leaves. Willow fruits are small flowers. There are dwarf and shrub willows, many species reach up to 15 m in height, and the tallest - up to 40 m.

The diversity of species of this plant is the result of mutations occurring in nature, as well as human activity. During the study of the tree, a large number of hybrids were bred, even botanists found it difficult to classify. And today, thanks to their work, we can distinguish the most common types of willow, various shapes, varieties and varieties, including decorative ones:

  • silver;
  • rod-shaped;
  • crying.

Silver or white willow

Silver or white willow is a large tree up to 30 m high, with a spreading openwork crown and thick bark. Popular in Russia, China, Asia Minor and Western Europe. It is found on the banks of rivers and reservoirs; in favorable conditions it grows very quickly and can occupy vast areas; The tree is durable, not picky about soil, and can grow up to 100 years.

Distinctive features:

  • thin branches of a silver-gray color (over the years they become brown);
  • smooth, bright green, lanceolate-shaped leaves with finely serrated silvery edges on the reverse side;
  • round inflorescences.

Silver willow is grown for landscaping in urban areas and is also used for vines. Its widespread use led to the emergence different varieties, shapes and varieties.

Varieties of silver willow:

  • yellow (with a large rounded crown and red or golden yellow shoots);
  • shiny (medium-sized tree with emerald-gray leaves);
  • glaucous (the branches of the tree are directed upward at a slight angle, the leaves are bluish-gray in color).

The forms include:

  • silver ( young tree with leaves of a silver-gray hue on both sides, later one side of the leaf changes color and becomes rich green);
  • yellow weeping (distinguished by very long shoots all the way to the ground);
  • oval (has elliptical leaves).

Among the varieties of white willow, the most popular are:

Weeping, or Babylonian

Babylonian, or weeping, willow is a tree with low, ground-level, green branches and a yellowish tint, and is brittle. It grows mainly in the subtropical zone: on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Central Asia and the southern coast of Crimea. However, China is considered to be its homeland; it was from there that willow was transported to other regions. The height of the tree reaches 12 m, and the crown diameter is about 6 m; is considered an ornamental plant, because it has a short leafless period and only a couple winter months is without leaves. At the same time, the weeping ornamental willow is afraid of frost and will not be able to grow in cold conditions.

Of the varieties, the most popular is the Beijing one (common in Korea, China and Eastern Siberia).

There are many more known varieties:

  • "Tortuosa" or Tortuosa (a tree with strongly curved twisted branches of a green-brown hue and bright foliage);
  • "Crispa" or Crispa (a variety with interesting twisted shoots and leaves that form curls on long branches);
  • "Tortuosa Aurea" or Tortuosa Aurea (plant with twisted red-orange stems).

Rod-shaped, or rod-shaped

The twig or twig willow is primarily grown for its vines, but decorative forms also exist. This is a shrub or tree up to 10 m, which has long flexible shoots and straight young branches covered with short silvery hair, which disappears over time and reappears after a while. The main difference of this plant is considered to be the many branched stems with a pile and unusual leaves of an elliptical shape, with different surfaces: dark green glossy on top and bluish pubescent on the bottom.

This species is one of the most widespread in France; the plant is protected in almost all regions of the country. In Russia it grows in Western Siberia and Altai. The shrub does not like swampy places and is beautifully located on the banks of rivers along a living riverbed, it is light-loving, its stem cuttings take root well, it grows quickly and has excellent sprouting ability; resistant to spring frosts, considered a classic basket willow.

The most popular variety of shrub is creeping silver willow; the French consider it a valuable, highly ornamental plant with densely pubescent gray leaves and purple shoots. The plant blooms from March to May.

Willow is one of those plants that most of us are familiar with. Many people know it under such names as willow, willow, vine, and willow.

Most often it can be found in the middle part of our country. Favorite habitats are damp areas. There are certain species that thrive in swamps. Sometimes this shrub can be found even in forests, where it acts as a mixture with other trees.

Description of the plant: what willow looks like

Willow includes a large number of shrubs that may have different external characteristics. This family is represented by about 300 species, most of which are cultivated purposefully. Among the characteristics of the plant it is worth highlighting transparent, see-through crown, as well as shoots that are quite thin and flexible.

When it blooms, small inflorescences form on the willow. Many species of this shrub can grow up to 10-15 m, while there are more impressive specimens whose height can be 30-40 m. Dwarf subspecies are also distinguished.


Willow looks great in solitary and group plantings. They are often used to decorate rockeries and rock gardens. dwarf species this bush. Most varieties withstand pruning well and are often used for making hedges.

Most often, willows are found near bodies of water, where they look especially impressive thanks to the silver-green hue of the leaves, successfully complementing the surface of the water. The big advantage of these plants is their powerful root system, which allows them to be used to strengthen slopes and prevent soil erosion.

Medicinal properties

Willow bark is highly valued in medicine, because from this raw material preparing medications for the treatment of specific diseases such as:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • tachycardia;
  • neuroses.

In addition, they have antipyretic properties, can alleviate the patient’s condition with rheumatism and relieve diarrhea.

As an external remedy, preparations based on willow bark are used to treat inflammatory diseases oral cavity, as well as with increased sweating. For the treatment of eczema, baths made from a decoction of willow bark and birch buds are effective.

  • feverish conditions;
  • cold;
  • rheumatism;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of the spleen, gout;
  • has a hemostatic, choleretic and diuretic effect.

Decoctions are an effective remedy for the treatment of:

  • tonsillitis;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • whiter;
  • varicose veins;
  • muscle fatigue.


White willow

This representative of the family has no equal in height, which is 10-12 m, as well as unpretentiousness. The name of this species is associated with silver leaf color. Looks great in combination with large trees with dark green foliage - horse chestnut, elm or linden. It is also appropriate to plant this plant in the background; as a result, the decorative foliage of this shrub can focus attention on the beauty of red-leaved maple, barberry or dark mountain pine needles.

White willow, weeping form

Reaching a height of 5-7 m, this shrub is distinguished by its decorative crown, which cascades down. It is also distinguished by long branches that reach almost the very surface of the earth. Can grow in almost any soil, resistant to negative temperatures , responsive to moisture. Can grow even in a shaded area, but deficiency solar lighting negatively affects the density and decorativeness of the crown.

Weeping willow looks impressive not only as a separately planted shrub, but also as part of a group of trees, especially if they are planted along the banks of reservoirs. It can form an excellent composition together with other decorative deciduous shrubs and low conifers - juniper, cypress,.

Brittle willow, spherical shape

The shrubby willow owes its attractiveness to its crown, which has a regular spherical or dome-shaped shape. During the growth process, broom forms a large number of trunks, which in some specimens can grow up to 7 m. Being a cold-resistant plant, it is excellent withstands even harsh winters. Rakita looks good not only as a separately planted plant, but also as part of group plantings. This tree can be used as a background for others ornamental plants. The shore of a reservoir, which is decorated with a small curtain or a string of similar plants, looks especially beautiful. Also, the broom tree is often used as a hedge.

Goat willow, weeping form

The decorative character of this shrub is given by weeping shoots, which are formed in the form of a tent at the top of a small stem, reaching an average height of 1.5 m. last years interest in it begins to grow, which was greatly facilitated by the availability of foreign planting material. If this ornamental willow is planted in a sunny place, it can form a narrow, spherical crown with shoots running vertically downwards, which in some cases can reach the ground.

In the spring, when the tree begins to bloom, on the shoots fluffy flowers open, as a result, the willow begins to resemble large dandelions. This plant usually does not exhibit vertical growth; the height of the trunk exceeds no more than 30-40 cm. It is usually used in group plantings. However, this shrub takes on a spectacular appearance when combined with plants that have a distinct foliage color, or when planted near bends in garden paths.

Caring for this species is similar to any standard-grafted plant. A mandatory activity for her is to trim the wild growth that regularly appears on the post under the grafting site. If this is not done, then the grafted part may subsequently die. Considering that this variety of willow is not cold-resistant, it is recommended to choose places for its planting that have good lighting and are protected from the wind.

When growing in the northern Moscow region, a grafted part of the seedling is recommended prepare for wintering. To do this, it is wrapped in several layers of non-woven material, for example, spunbond. When growing standard plants, care must be taken to maintain their verticality: to do this, three stakes are driven into the ground nearby and the plant is tied to it.


It is found in many regions of our country, except the far north and south. It is a large tree with a large number of branches, having a height of no more than 8 m. It forms a wide crown formed by long twig-like shoots, which are fluffy in the first years of growth, and subsequently become bare. The shoots are decorated with linear-lanceolate leaves with rolled edges. They have a length of no more than 10 cm, and are painted dark green on top. Bottom part has a silvery color due to the presence of silky hairs.

This variety of willow has another name, which is associated with its similarity to hemp leaves. When it starts to bloom, small earrings are formed up to 6 cm long, cylindrical in shape. At this stage of the life cycle, the bush becomes very fluffy, remaining this way for 6-13 days.

During the season it rapidly gains green mass, but the life cycle does not exceed 30 years, after which it dies off. Being very resistant to negative temperatures, this type of willow can withstand transplanting, pruning and thrives in city conditions. It can grow even on infertile soils. Thanks to cuttings, it can form quite large thickets.


Today, willow is considered one of the most famous wild trees, with which almost all of us are familiar. It is very easy to recognize this shrub due to the presence of long branched shoots. Many owners summer cottages It is often used for decorative purposes, since due to its unpretentiousness it can grow almost anywhere. Therefore, to find a seedling, it is not necessary to know where the willow grows. Its flexible and strong shoots tolerate pruning well, so it can be used as a hedge. At the same time, it can be used as a background for decorating other ornamental shrubs.