Using blue wallpaper in the bedroom. Blue bedroom (50 photos): successful color combinations in interior design Bedroom interior classic style blue wallpaper

It so happened that in different rooms apartments the role of wallpaper blue color– completely different. Therefore, they should be used in one or another part of the home carefully and only after a detailed study of the room and interior planning. The fact is that some shades will look great in the bedroom, but their use will be undesirable, for example, in a children's room. And so on with all the other rooms and corners of the apartment. In some places they will be more appropriate, but in others, on the contrary, it is better to choose some alternative shade for the walls.

Bedroom in heavenly colors

So, what can we say about the blue color and its place in the interior of a modern apartment?

Characteristics of blue color

For many, the blue color in the interior symbolizes purity and the path to finding harmony. Is it really? Let's try to turn to the opinion of psychologists. Indeed, most psychologists argue that blue wallpaper can create a relaxing and calming effect. It is this circumstance that speaks in favor of gluing blue wallpaper in the bedroom.

Need to know! If you plan to glue blue wallpaper in the bedroom, it is advisable to avoid using overly bright shades that this seemingly gentle and pastel tone may have, since they will not contribute to calm and relaxation, but, on the contrary, to an overexcited and even nervous state. On the other hand, a wide variety of shades and halftones indicates the depth and versatility of color, which, in turn, indicates wide possibilities its use in almost any style of bedroom interior.

As psychologists say, many people like the blue color for the reason that it subconsciously reminds them of the endless clear sky, symbolizes wide space, purity and a sense of freedom.

Flowers on blue

The positive effect for the bedroom interior also lies in the fact that in our difficult times, fraught with difficulties at work, traffic jams, overcrowding of transport and, as a consequence, the occurrence of nervous disorders, the blue color in the bedroom interior makes the atmosphere so favorable that the room itself it looks filled with clean mountain air, spacious and attractive. This makes staying in the bedroom pleasant and desirable.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let's talk in more detail about the advantages and disadvantages of blue wallpaper for the bedroom.
The advantages, of course, include the following qualities:

The bedroom becomes visually wider and more spacious.
The environment in such a room is more favorable and healthy.
The general background of the walls of the room contributes have a good rest and deep sleep.

Undoubtedly, there are some negative sides:
1. Some shades of blue are so-called. "cold tones". This can make the room uncomfortable and even annoying if you stay in it for a long time.
2. Disproportionate use of blue wallpaper in the bedroom can make its image somewhat simpler and more primitive. To prevent this, it is advisable to combine them with other, brighter shades, and also use contrasting curtains, furniture and other interior items.

A little bright won't hurt

Interesting moment! Some psychologists are inclined to argue that blue wallpaper in the bedroom interior has such a beneficial effect on emotional condition people that families living in apartments with bedrooms of this color are stronger, and the divorce rate is lower in them, compared to those with bedrooms with wallpaper of other shades. So this is another reason to think about the advisability of purchasing sky-azure canvases!

Possible combinations

As for combining blue wallpaper in the bedroom, design experts identify 2 different ways of combining colors in the interior. In the first case we're talking about about monochrome combinations (those where different shades the same color or similar tones). In this case, we can talk about such “companions” as purple, turquoise, aquamarine, color sea ​​wave, blue, etc.

Combination with other colors

In the second case, designers advise creating contrasting combinations. In other words, options such as beige, brown, white, gray, as well as bright or dark colors– orange, red, yellow, green, black. Be careful not to overdo it, as a significant amount of bright or dark tones will only spoil appearance your bedroom. Use them in small details and accents, curtains and furniture pieces.

Blue wallpaper is beneficial not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical point of view. They will help you calm down and relax comfortably after a busy day at work. The blue background serves as a source of light in the room, promoting visual increase limited space.

Blue shades are quite common in the interior and are loved by many people. The colors are romantic, associated with the sky and the surface of the sea. Colors can have a variety of shades, for example, purely heavenly, cornflower blue, deep blue. Blue rooms are always spacious, clean and full fresh air. It is easy and pleasant to be in them, as the color of the walls is soothing.

Blue wallpaper is great for creating exclusive interior in any room - children's room, bedroom, living room and even kitchen.

Blue wallpaper in the interior (video)

What wallpaper goes best with blue?

Blue suits many people. But there is certain rules combinations.

The blue tint goes well with these colors:

  • Grey;
  • Red;
  • Green;
  • Orange;
  • Yellow;
  • White.

White and blue combinations. The combination of these colors for walls looks very noble. Moreover, wallpapers are combined not only in the bathroom. They will help make the living room or bedroom light and spacious, create an airy atmosphere that promotes good and complete rest. The ideal option for this union is rooms with small windows. Bright and saturated shades are not suitable for this combination; they will take all the attention, blue and White color they will simply get lost. They can be combined with soft pastel colors: beige, caramel, vanilla or light pink. Don't focus on the dark floor covering, it must also be done in light colors with a blue and white combination of wallpaper on the walls.

Blue and grey. This combination will create a moderately cool atmosphere in the room. This is especially true in rooms that are located on south side.

Gray is a neutral shade; it is the one that adds ease and softness to the interior. Gray and blue shades will help visually increase small room or kitchen.

Blue wallpaper and red color. Designers call the combination of blue and red “ice and fire.” But to create an interior with such colors you need the skills of a professional designer, because even one extra red detail can disrupt and ruin the entire interior. Red is not the main color, but it is the one that focuses attention on certain details and areas of the room. This combination will go perfectly in a kitchen studio.

Blue and green. Green shades are very close to blue. But, green color- not the main one, but the secondary one. An interior using these colors is an excellent option for a children's room or a spacious living room.

Blue, yellow, orange. Yellow or orange colors in blue interiors create a feeling of awakening nature and introduce notes of gentle spring motifs. The interior with this combination of colors is natural. The combination of a blue background and individual orange zones also creates a spring, cheerful mood.

The above combinations are suitable for creating a special, exquisite interior in any room, premises.

"Blue background" in the interior

When choosing the interior of a room in blue, you should take into account the depth of shades, the style and combination of patterns on the wallpaper, the peculiarity of the gluing and the size of the room area. It is important to choose the right color for curtains and decorative trims. The blue background is very easy to “send” into the background with multiple bright interior items, so one bright painting or shelves for figurines made in red or dark blue is quite enough.

The blue 3D wallpaper looks very nice. Cloudy sky or sea surface - such canvases are placed not only in the bathroom, but also in the bedroom.

In addition, luminescent 3D wallpaper causes real delight not only among children, but also among adults.

Blue bedroom

A blue room looks very beautiful with properly selected light furniture. Blue and gold wallpaper for the bedroom is in demand. The blue background in the interior performs various functions. One of the main ones is providing a calming effect, which is very important in the bedroom. After all, it is in this room that people spend a lot of time, and what design is provided depends not only on how much it will be good sleep, but also internal state person.

For the bedroom it is better to use delicate light blue colors. In this case, the background can be monochromatic or combined with various patterns on the canvases.

But they should not be too colorful; white or beige shades are quite suitable. It is not necessary to use wallpaper. It is enough to stick pale blue wallpaper on the wall and add beige curtains, white bed linen and beige pillows to the decor. Wallpaper in rich blue shades will create tension and help stimulate the brain to be active. Therefore, designers do not recommend using them in the bedroom.

Blue children's

For a children's room, you can use rich blue shades. At the same time, various combinations of colors will help to separate the play area from the recreation area and training area. A children's bedroom in blue is more suitable for boys. But, blue colors in a girl’s room are also perfect for creating a beautiful interior. They can be combined with pink shades.

The work area should be made bright and rich, the relaxation area should be pale blue. Psychologists say that blue wallpaper in a children's room contributes to the rapid development of the child.

Today, beautiful and practical luminescent blue wallpapers are on sale. In the light they look delicate and may have star-shaped patterns. At night, the stars glow, creating the illusion of the night sky. Children love this kind of wallpaper and quickly fall asleep contemplating the celestial stars.

Blue kitchen

This is not to say that many people use blue backgrounds and wallpaper in the kitchen. But fans of this style still exist. Studio kitchens in blue and blue shades, living rooms combined with a kitchen space look organic and beautiful.

Designers call the blue color “unappetizing,” which means there is no particular desire to eat food in a blue kitchen. The blue style interior is perfect for people leading healthy image life or dreaming of losing extra pounds.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen (video)

This year, it is considered very fashionable to combine rich blue or blue with orange and red shades. And many people create such interiors specifically for the kitchen. But, it should be noted that for small kitchens, soft blue shades are more suitable, because bright colors visually reduce space.

Examples of blue wallpaper (photo)

Blue color is a prototype of the sky, which evokes in the interior of an apartment the most pleasant emotions associated with endless sea ​​spaces or clouds in the sky. Being in a room decorated in exactly this color scheme, a person feels the desire to think, reflect, and remember something.

The color of the sky is a feeling of peace and quiet, purity and well-being. Many of those people who design their homes themselves agree to various experiments, and maybe even cardinal decisions. Interesting solution there will be curtains in blue or blue tones in combination with the color of other interior items.

Here the characteristics and design of the room must be taken into account; therefore, each case must be considered individually.

Let's talk about the interior in blue in more detail, because it is precisely this kind of wallpaper that will give a pleasant feeling of calm, spaciousness, and tranquility.

Blue wallpaper in the interior: heavenly design

Blue color is special. All shades of this color have a special energy, thanks to which the room becomes very cozy, and its inhabitants receive a calm, peaceful mood. The blue color of wallpaper is present in the interiors of houses very often, because it is suitable for different interior styles. It looks equally good in both classic and retro style x, and in modern or high-tech style.

A strict blue interior will be brighter and warmer if you add a little yellow or orange accents to it.

As a result, the room will have a rather bold design, which is more suitable for creative individuals.

Combination options:

  1. The colors blue and red together look very noble.
  2. The combination of blue and natural wood color will be appropriate even in office interiors.
  3. The expressive combination of blue and black style is associated with wildflowers, relaxation and summer.
  4. Calm and strict people will like darker combinations of blue with their own shades; a collage with gray and even black is especially interesting.

It is easy to experiment with blue wallpaper; it will not be difficult for designers to choose the shade, size and shape of wallpaper necessary for the room. Interesting patterns on the wallpaper will also add a special look to the interior. Wallpaper with a pattern will transform an ordinary surface into a noble composition.

Gray-blue or white-blue color has a positive effect on a person’s mental state.

Blue wallpaper for walls: reasons for choosing

Decorating the walls with blue wallpaper is an excellent solution. Blue wallpaper visually increases the space of the room, lifts your spirits and gives special cheerfulness. If the owner of the apartment is a romantic, then this is the solution for him.

Choosing blue wallpaper is a good interior solution. For a bright room, this cool-colored wallpaper will become a special highlight, filling the room with calm and comfort. Here it is important to consider the compatibility of blue wallpaper with the placement of furniture in the room.

You need to combine blue wallpaper with curtains, interior items and flooring.

Design rules

Complete room decoration in blue - correct solution. Advantageous for blue interior will be bright and calm color shades. Darker or vice versa more light color you can decorate individual decorative items, such as cornices, frames for photographs and paintings, all kinds of lamps and others. A room with blue wallpaper will be bright and elegant; its owner will not get tired of it for quite a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of curtains or tulle: they should be light, which will contribute to a greater visual expansion of the room.

What color goes with blue wallpaper?

Blue color is usually combined with several colors. This is a cool color, it is very popular with people who love freedom and lightness, and promotes relaxation and pleasant rest. People often use blue backgrounds in their bedroom designs.

It will be very pleasant to be here for irritable, nervous people, or those who are often tired at work.

In general, this is a fairly universal color background, so wallpaper in blue shades will suit almost any room.

The blue color of the wallpaper is combined with a large number of other colors in the interior:

  1. Blue color is often combined with white, especially when decorating a bathroom. The white and blue color will create an airy atmosphere and look appropriate and noble.
  2. Pastel shades would be appropriate in the bedroom: beige, vanilla, caramel. In order for the pleasant effect of the color combination not to be lost, there is no need to add bright spots or any accents to the existing range.
  3. The gray-blue color of the wallpaper in combination with gold will suit the interior of the living room. Light gray color shades are neutral and therefore look quite soft. If you use gray and combine it with white, it will create the impression of snow in the living room.
  4. Creative designers use yellow and orange colors in interior decoration. I must say that this is an unusual solution. Considering the coolness that the blue color brings with it, this is done in order to soften the atmosphere a little, filling it with the warmth of the sun. At the same time, this combination of colors will not at all take away from the room the special freshness and visually expanded space that is obtained when using blue shades. Nobody cancels experiments, therefore, why not?

How to create a harmonious interior

The most successful way to give your apartment an interior with cool tones is blue wallpaper and matching curtains, which will be an additional decor. After the renovation, the room will acquire a modest, cozy atmosphere.

Often specialists complement the interior of the premises decorative element, which can be a painting, vase or photo frame in blue or gray. Be sure to pay attention to the upholstery upholstered furniture in the room. It should be in harmony with the overall color scheme of the room.

Blue wallpaper goes well with a blue or gray carpet. It is better that the color of the carpet is a little brighter than the shade of the wallpaper, then a lighter atmosphere will appear. Here, a special addition will be small kitchen utensils, for example, various vases, salad bowls and other decorative items.

Blue wallpaper in the bedroom interior (video)

Don’t be afraid to experiment, no matter what the shades of your room are, they will give you special pleasure and decorate your interior as well as possible!

Blue wallpaper in the interior (photo)

All shades of blue are associated with water, sky, infinity; these are the colors of coolness, purity and freshness. Blue bedroom helps create an airy, light environment that relaxes, soothes, and charges with optimism. It’s easier to breathe in a sky-colored room, it looks spacious and gentle.

Bedroom interior in blue tones

Using cold color range you can create a cozy and colorful environment. The blue color in the bedroom interior imbues it with aesthetic beauty and bliss. Its atmosphere attracts with serenity and tranquility. When decorating a home in this way, different color combinations and shades are used (sky, turquoise, aquamarine, azure, blue). They are found in wall decoration, furniture, textiles, and decor. Using heavenly colors in apartment design, it’s easy to create cozy place in a home space where it will be comfortable to stay and relax.

Azure is one of the most sensual shades. Wallpaper for the bedroom in blue tones creates the illusion of freshness and cleanliness. Turquoise, sea, floral notes embodied in heavenly canvases different saturation, demonstrate refined taste and emphasize the delicate style of the interior. It is important to choose the right tone for the walls and correctly combine the shade and pattern of the material.

One of the latest fashion trends is the design of a monochrome bedroom. The interior involves the use of one color; it is complemented by details similar to it in palette. When decorating a bedroom with plain blue wallpaper, you can use turquoise, purple, and gray decor. All details in such a setting seem more textured. Patterns on a blue background look luxurious. Gzhel, monograms, curls, flowers, stems will help create an elegant accent wall. In addition to drawings, the plane above the head of the bed can be highlighted with a different color scheme.

Green-blue wallpaper in the bedroom looks harmonious. These shades are similar, among them you can choose any one as the dominant basis and create a real riot of the tropics in the room. It is appropriate to enhance the natural effect of such an environment by using living plants, especially ornamental palm trees. Sea style The interior is emphasized by a wicker chair, bamboo elements, and shells brought from the beach, which are located on open shelves and remind of the beauty of the ocean.

TO turquoise wallpaper It is important to find the appropriate window frame. Blue curtains for the bedroom are selected in a single color scheme; they must match the chosen style and harmonize with the furniture. The royal apartments are decorated with rich and luxurious curtains - with a lambrequin, lush draperies that match the canopy above the bed. Straight blue with snow-white tulle will suit a blue bedroom.

Romantic Provence can be complemented with curtains with small delicate floral patterns or checkered patterns. To create an airy interior, light curtains made of translucent plain fabrics of similar shades and delicate tulle or organza with soft draperies are in demand. Bright accents are acceptable on curtains in a blue bedroom. The color of the pattern should be repeated in the bedspread on the bed and other textiles.

Heavenly color has unique optical properties. A small bedroom in blue tones looks visually more spacious. Sharp contrasts in such a room are undesirable, so when decorating the ceiling and walls, colors from the same palette are used. The optimal effect is achieved if the top of the apartment differs from the bottom by several tones; white is a popular color for finishing floors.

If the ceiling in the bedroom is multi-level, then the transition can be emphasized using a combination of colors. It is allowed to use moldings and baseboards made of polyurethane. On a stretch ceiling, delicate photo wallpapers with a natural pattern on a blue background - clouds, dim large flowers, nature - are in demand. Glossy film will make the room visually higher.

Blue bedroom - furniture design

When choosing a heavenly color scheme as the main background for arranging an apartment, furnishings are selected in warmer or richer shades. Cream looks great in a blue bedroom, beige furniture made from natural wood. It softens the coldness of surfaces and gives the room additional comfort. Objects with mirror, glass inserts, and silver elements look good in such an environment. Turquoise walls are the ideal backdrop for blue, gray, and white furniture.

You need to equip the room beautiful bed, wardrobe, dressing table, matched to the style of the interior. A massive royal bed with graceful legs and a figured headboard, a wardrobe with carved overlays, a dressing table with a mirror in an ornate frame are suitable for a classic setting. Blue armchair for bedroom, glamorous coffee table will complement expensive furniture; they can be installed in the corner of the apartment near panoramic window. A strict geometric bed and built-in storage systems are the optimal set for minimalist housing.

Bedroom design in blue tones

The coldness and restraint of the turquoise color scheme is revealed in many style directions. The blue bedroom can be decorated in a modern way. Simple lines and shapes, minimal details and steam bright accents will play wonderfully in the azure palette. French, rustic country, and timeless classics go well with the aquamarine color scheme. The blue interior of the bedroom is very delicate, its beauty is presented differently depending on the colors that are added to the decor of the room. Some nice color combinations are acceptable in sky design.

Gray-blue bedroom

The azure color is cold in itself. If you add silver-gray shades to a blue bedroom design, you can turn it into a more formal and “winter” one. It is appropriate to complement the theme with fluffy fur bedspreads, elegant pillows with openwork patterns in the form of snowflakes. Shiny silver satin curtains combined with airy tulle will look beautiful on the window. You can decorate the wall with a colorful winter landscape, and hang it on the ceiling crystal chandelier with shimmering pendants. Such a room will always feel light, clean and fresh.

If you want to soften the coldness of the heavenly surfaces, you can add soft homely shades to the decor. The blue interior in the living room and bedroom is easily insulated by adding beige and sand colors to it. This tandem emphasizes the tenderness and romance of the interior. The beige shade softens the blue color, making it less bright. The best option combinations of such colors in the interior - turquoise furniture, curtains, bed linen, carpet, and the rest of the room is decorated in beige.

This combination is dictated by nature itself; it is associated with heavenly infinity, sea blue, earth and trees. Modern bedroom in blue tones with brown details in the form of furniture made of natural wood or chocolate-colored textiles gives a feeling of comfort, peace and stability. A massive bed made of dark wood, nightstands, and chests of drawers will look great against the background of blue walls.

The brown color can be duplicated in stripes, tiebacks on curtains, and complement the room with paintings in dark frames, vases, elegant baskets. It is appropriate to add golden elements to the interior in the form of patterns on furniture, fringes on curtains, frames on lamps. Shiny details will make the room sparkle with new colors and add luxury to the atmosphere, especially when decorating the bedroom in a classic manner.

The brightness of the turquoise color palette can be balanced by adding darker, rich tones to the decor. A blue bedroom with blue elements looks solid and solemn. This combination looks more elegant and brighter than the sky background. In a combined room, marine-themed photo wallpaper in bright azure colors on the accent wall above the bed will look great. You can fill a room with an azure background with classic blue furniture, curtains, and a bedspread. Such an environment will look natural and rich.

The blue bedroom can be decorated in rooms with different combinations this color palette. The presence of rich blue color, striped walls, themed decor, ornaments and inserts with ocean stars and underwater inhabitants, themed paintings with ships and images of the water element - all this is an interesting version of this interior design.

The heavenly shade looks harmonious with other cool shades. A blue and white bedroom is the most popular win-win solution. She looks fresh and elegant. This design is characterized by white stripes on the walls; if desired, you can add coral colors to the decor in the form of pillows and bed covers. In a classic setting, a light bed with carved legs and a figured headboard will look great against the background of azure walls decorated with monogram designs. Finishing with gold or silver will add royal luxury to the room.

The blue bedroom in Provence style looks elegant. It can be decorated with milky lace, fresh and dried flowers, a snow-white ornate chest of drawers and a bed with a painted carved or elegant forged back, light airy curtains and tulle. Floral patterns on the wallpaper and fabric lampshades on the lamps will be an excellent addition to the interior and emphasize its antiquity.

For creating unusual interior, turquoise can be combined with brighter colors. Blue bedroom with accent wall pink color is a traditional model for arranging a woman’s or girl’s interior. You can decorate it with moldings with classic baseboards or photo wallpaper with a bright wide-format flower on the entire plane accent wall Over the bed.

A gentle, harmonious tandem of such muted colors can envelop residents in romance and love, saturating the apartment with glamor. To balance the image, you can add a bedspread and curtains, or patterned stripes on the closet. pink color against the background of blue walls. The combination of these shades has certain notes of retro style, which gives them elegance.

Purple is a rich tone; combinations with it bring some mystery to the interior. A soft blue bedroom with lilac accents will become brighter and more luxurious. A purple bed with a velvet figured headboard, silk lavender curtains on the windows, a large painting of a floral theme above the headboard - and the bedroom will sparkle with new rich colors that will bring spring notes to the apartment along with heavenly depth.

A blue bedroom and other shades of this color give rise to pleasant memories of relaxation and the azure sea. They relieve tension, pacify, calm. Elegant furniture, competent finishing, colorful decor and airy textiles will help decorate the room in soft colors. It will attract with coolness, freshness and romance. You will want to be in this bliss for an infinitely long time.

Blue is the color of the sky above, ice, life. A bedroom in blue tones is decorated by people who prefer comfort, security and reliability. Dark shades of blue help you relax, while light and delicate shades help you feel light and carefree. Thanks to the right shade of blue, you can disconnect from problems or, conversely, cheer up and feel unusually active.

Why should you choose a blue color for the bedroom, who is it suitable for?

The word "blue" according to one version means "dove", according to another - "deep". It attracts attention and draws you into its bottomless depths.

Since ancient times, the color blue has been considered the color of nobility, because it is not for nothing that there is an expression about “blue blood” - a sign of belonging to the highest strata of society. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the color blue, and even painted their feet with blue paints to emphasize their chosenness.

Thanks to the rich palette of shades, this is one of the predominant colors in design.

It can be either warm or cold shades. His palette allows it to be heavenly, azure, cornflower blue and even blue. Blue color is preferable to use in rooms where there is a lot of sun, as it belongs to the category of cool tones. Sun rays will fill it with warmth due to the play of light. Shades of blue should not be used in dark room. The grayness of the street will mix in and the room will look gloomy and uncomfortable.

Blue color has one more property - it is able to “pause” time, create the feeling that it is slowing down and everything around is coming to a state of peace. It relaxes, helps to turn to the inner “I”. According to psychologists, blue color is preferred by those who love peace and quiet, strive to find harmony with themselves and the world around them, aesthetes.

It is not advisable to use blue for very large rooms - it simplifies the decor.

Use blue sparingly - if the color is oversaturated, the bedroom will seem empty and too cold.

Blue color for the bedroom, good color combinations

First of all, you should decide which shade of blue will be used in the interior. Each of them has certain qualities.

  • Sky blue - calms, relaxes and helps you fall asleep quickly
  • Rich blue - fills the space with freshness, makes the room airy and comfortable
  • Blue - blue - the color of calm and freshness, helps to get rid of excessive emotionality
  • Turquoise is a sophisticated and airy color that evokes a romantic mood.

Most often, designers use turquoise, sky blue and aquamarine to decorate the bedroom.

If blue is chosen as the main color, you should use whitened colors of more delicate shades. To eliminate excessive coldness in the bedroom, warm colors are used as additional colors - beige, pink, coral, yellow.

Using various combinations of shades of blue and contrasting colors, the bedroom can be decorated in both country and palace style.

Blue and white

The combination of these colors gives a feeling of frosty air, winter, and coolness. Not the most suitable combination for a bedroom due to the coldness of the colors, so it is advisable to add delicate details pastel colors. It is allowed to use beige and gray colors, elements of warmer shades of blue.

When combining the white color of the ceiling and the blue color of the walls, the space visually increases, which is suitable for decorating a room not big size.

Combination with pink

Cool blue and warm pink create unique coziness and comfort in the bedroom. A few bright accents should be added to this combination to highlight the softness of the shades - olive, fuchsia, blue or yellow.

This color combination is perfect for decorating a bedroom with a romantic, sophisticated nature.

Black color in a blue bedroom

Black is a rather aggressive color in relation to blue. Therefore, only two colors should not be used, but an additional color should be introduced.

As a rule, it is white or beige. Black color is used minimally so as not to give the interior unnecessary tension. This combination is suitable for active young people.

Green and blue

By choosing blue as a base color, a subtle warm shade of green as a complement, and adding accessories in pastel or pale yellow shades, your bedroom will turn into a room where summer reigns.

A combination of delicate shades of green and blue - a good option for decorating a children's bedroom.

Active combination with yellow color

A bedroom decorated in the colors of the sea and sun creates a positive mood and gives additional energy. If you add the greenery of fresh flowers to the interior, you will create the feeling of being on the sea coast.

Use the combination of these colors in the bedroom of active, dynamic people.

Laconic combination with brown

The color of the sky and the brown of the earth. It looks natural and concise. Typically used for retro bedroom design. It is better to use brown as an additional color so that the bedroom is not too gloomy.

Using blue and brown colors in the bedroom interior, you should introduce an additional light accent - yellow, white or beige color. This calm combination colors are most suitable for decorating a couple's bedroom.

Photo gallery: successful shades of blue in the bedroom, examples of combinations with other colors

An original combination of white and blue colors in the ceiling design
Panel delicate color softens active blue
Delicate bedroom in pastel colors
The cool combination of white and blue is softened by wooden furniture parts
Various shades of bright blue match the color of the built-in furniture
The tenderness of gray-blue color accentuates the variety of textile textures
Active blue combined with white can be balanced with checkered textiles
Delicate turquoise color sets off beige textiles
In the interior of a blue bedroom there are light brown accents
Golden interior details complement pastel colors
Cool blue softens the floral pattern of Roman blinds and bedspreads
Active wallpaper pattern adds dynamics to a teenager's bedroom
Calm interior colors make the bedroom a relaxing place
Yellow color in the bedroom is complemented by turquoise accents
Delicate shades of blue are combined with warm creamy tones

Choosing a bedroom design concept

When starting to design a bedroom, you need to decide what you want it to look like and how it will fit with the rest of the rooms in the house. Will it be a room only for sleep and relaxation, or will it be for reading books, meditation, playing sports, watching movies. Depending on this, consider the necessary furniture: a chest of drawers, a dressing table, a shelving unit, a closet, a bookshelf or a home theater.

Choose a design option: will it be a bedroom reminiscent of the sea coast, an alpine lawn or mountains. Maybe it will be a delicate floral design or a strict and laconic bedroom with a geometric pattern - it all depends on your imagination.

It is important to take into account both the age and preferences of the future owner of the bedroom. For a man, you should choose more saturated shades of blue: gray-blue, dark blue, blue. Combine them with brown, green, and black. Preference should be given to carpet or geometric patterns, stripes.

For a woman or girl, you should choose a combination of sky blue with pastel colors. They will be good floral motifs, polka dots, stripes. Use yellow, coral and pink as accent colors.

For a married couple, a calm combination of blue and brown colors is suitable. You should not choose brown as the main color - in large quantities it can cause depression.

High-tech or Provence - deciding on the interior style

Blue color is universal. It can be applied to almost any style. Having chosen the main color of the bedroom and selected additional ones, you should decide on the design style. Each of them has its own design laws.

To decorate a laconic bedroom, give preference to minimalism or Scandinavian style. There are no unnecessary details here, only minimum required and light accents.

Like minimalism, Scandinavian style is characterized by a minimum of furniture.

Lovers of marine painting and everything related to water will prefer the marine style. A stretch glossy ceiling gives the room additional volume and enhances the depth of shades.

High-tech is characterized by a cold and technologically advanced interior. Blue is the perfect color for it.

If you are a fan of luxurious and elegant design, give preference to the art deco style.

This style is distinguished by sophistication and elegance, palace luxury.

Provence - rustic style of home decoration. It is characterized by delicate, pastel colors and floral prints. A bedroom in Provence style is a design option for romantic natures and young girls.

Eclecticism involves mixing a wide variety of styles and trends. Furniture from different eras and styles is united by a common color scheme.

Eco-style allows you to feel like a part of nature. Sky blue is a great color for this.

Thanks to the combination with delicate mustard color, blue looks warm and airy.

Bedroom decoration: walls, floors, lighting, furniture, decor, textiles

The completeness of the bedroom design largely depends on the correctly selected details. Even one insignificant element that stands out from general concept, can ruin the impression of the bedroom as a whole.


Use white to decorate the ceiling. It will emphasize the depth of the blue color of the walls. A stretch glossy ceiling will reflect the blue of the walls and daylight, making the room more spacious.

You can use complex, multi-level suspended structure. It is suitable if the room is large enough and has a high ceiling.

If the bedroom small size, from multi-level suspended ceiling It’s better to refuse - it will visually make the room smaller.


Natural materials are best suited for the bedroom - parquet, batten, laminate Give preference to light warm shades.

You can use a light-colored carpet with a thick, high pile if the floor is dark in color.

For the floor in the bedroom you should not use linoleum and carpet.


If the bedroom is located on the east or south side, sunlight will make the room light and spacious, while adding warm shades to the blue spectrum. To preserve the delicacy of the bedroom interior, you should not use thick curtains.

When choosing chandeliers and sconces, give preference to light, weightless designs with white shades, or shades warm color with small floral pattern. Metal frames chandeliers and sconces should be made of light metal.


When choosing bedroom furniture, give preference to natural materials. For a bedroom with light blue walls, light gray, white, silver, cream or natural-colored furniture would be better.

If the main color is brighter, give preference to a dark array.

You should not use black furniture - it will make the room gloomy.


In order to emphasize the beauty of the main color, a variety of accessories are used: a mirror in a thin beautiful frame, wall panels or photographs. Typically in bright or warm shades to highlight the softness of the underlying blue color. You can also use darker, more saturated shades of blue. Monochrome combinations are a good option for the bedroom.

Flowers are another decor option. These can be either indoor plants in pots or compositions of dried flowers.


Thanks to the right textiles, the bedroom can look different. If you choose curtains and bedspreads of a lighter and cooler shade than the main color, you will get a light, airy room with winter freshness and coolness. Textiles in creamy or beige shades will make the room more delicate and warm.

Use fabrics of different textures - when the lighting changes, they will change shade and the room may look different.

Photo gallery: original bedroom interior

Delicate combination of blue and cream colors
Roman curtains with an original pattern complement the interior
The combination of blue and brown is complemented by silver textile details
The combination of different shades of blue balances the gray details
Combination with a warm mustard shade softens the severity of the bedroom
The combination of brown and blue for the men's bedroom
Warm shades of decor make the bedroom even softer
Mirror unusual shape visually enlarges the bedroom