Using Eps for the foundation. Self-insulation of the foundation with extruded polystyrene foam from the outside and inside. Insulation of walls and foundations with polystyrene foam.

The monolithic slab base of the foundation has proven itself when used in weak and heaving soils. Annual soil freezing in winter period leads to uneven rise and settlement slab base, which contributes to the occurrence of mechanical deformations that can cause destruction of the slab itself and the building built on it.

A layer of horizontal insulation can reliably isolate the foundation slab from the zone of frost heaving, contact with soil moisture and prevent freezing.

Advantages of insulating a slab base

Horizontal insulation slabs

High-quality insulation monolithic foundation slab guarantees the durability of the building and long-term operation without the need for unplanned repair work. Particularly relevant is the insulation of the foundation slab under residential buildings, when it is possible to avoid significant heat loss on the first floors of the house.

Insulation of the foundation slab must be performed for the following reasons:

  • Providing increased waterproofing of the foundation.
  • Significant reduction in heat loss.
  • Saving money on heating a residential building, real heat saving mode.
  • Preventing the formation of condensation that can destroy the building structures.
  • Increasing living comfort.
  • Temperature stabilization interior spaces exploited residential building.

Materials for insulating a monolithic slab foundation

The choice of materials for insulating a slab base depends on a number of certain conditions, first of all, on the possibility of using special equipment (polyurethane insulation must be performed using a special polyurethane foam installation for spraying insulation), and the availability of sufficient free funds to purchase insulating materials.

Typically, insulation of foundation structures is carried out using the following materials:

One of the best insulation materials- Styrofoam
  • Polyurethane foam is a type of foamed plastic that is riddled with pores containing air bubbles. The composition for insulation of polyurethane foam is made directly on construction site, for which two compositions are mixed, which as a result chemical reaction form a strong hardened foam. Different ratios when mixing the starting materials make it possible to obtain insulating compositions with various qualities, suitable for insulating bases made of different materials(including reinforced concrete). Polyurethane foam has unique qualities: it helps retain heat in the room; reduces noise; improves sound insulation; does not decompose under the influence of excessive moisture; Resistant to a number of chemical liquids. The material is highly resistant to ignition (some brands of polyurethane foam are not flammable and belong to the group of low-combustible materials).
  • Foam plastic - the structure of the material consists of a foamed substance containing pores filled with air. Polystyrene foam is used for insulation building structures, including foundations, but the surface of such insulation requires additional surface protection due to the low mechanical strength material.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam - produced in the form of rectangular sheets with a fine-cell structure. The material has unique properties– ability to withstand high compressive loads without changing geometric dimensions and internal structure. Extruded polystyrene foam is widely used to insulate foundation slabs without additional protection. When using material to insulate foundation slabs, it is very important to provide special openings for the free exit of soil moisture.

Foundation slab insulation technology

When insulating a foundation slab, horizontal and vertical insulation is used, in which a layer of insulation is laid under the slab base or along the side walls of the foundation structure. As insulating material Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is most often used. Watch the video on how to insulate a foundation slab with polystyrene foam.

The insulation is laid during the installation of the foundation using the following insulation technology (consider the option of insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam):

  1. To begin with, the location of the foundation for the building is marked on the building site.
  2. The top layer of continental soil must be removed to the depth of laying the foundation slab, the bottom of the excavation must be as smooth as possible.
  3. The prepared area is filled with coarse sand, which must be compacted using vibrating rammers. A small layer of concrete is poured over the sand layer, for which temporary formwork is installed.
  4. After hardening concrete screed, lay out insulation from polystyrene foam boards, making sure that the mounting grooves match as much as possible. Large gaps should not be allowed between the insulation boards.
  5. A layer of polyethylene film is laid on top of the laid polystyrene slabs, which is glued together using special tape.
  6. Construction formwork is erected for pouring a slab base, into which a spatial frame made of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm is mounted. Concrete is poured from the corner of the slab foundation, evenly leveled and compacted using a vibrator.
  7. The foundation slab gains strength in about 28 days, the formwork can be dismantled two weeks after the structure is poured - by this time the foundation has gained up to 70% strength.
  8. The side walls of the foundation slab are additionally insulated with expanded polystyrene slabs.

An insulated monolithic slab will last long years without structural damage from exposure to unfavorable factors.

Many owners, trying to insulate their house, forget that a significant part of the heat escapes through an uninsulated foundation.

It’s one thing if the floor is well insulated, but quite another if it’s not. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure thermal insulation of the base of the house - to protect the foundation from freezing.

Insulating the foundation allows you to solve two important problems:

  • reduction of heat loss;
  • protection of the foundation of the house from freezing and deformation. Let's clarify this point. Most of the soil in our country can be classified as heaving. It tends to freeze to a considerable depth, and during the process of thawing, change its original volume. When the soil plays, it has a detrimental effect on the foundation that is located on this soil.

For external insulation of the foundation, various thermal insulation materials can be used. But the most effective is the use of rigid insulation - polystyrene foam. And to be precise, one of its two types - polystyrene foam.

Insulating the foundation with foam plastic from the outside

Foam insulation can be considered the most popular method of foundation insulation. This is due to the characteristics of the material:

  • cheapness;
  • absolute non-hygroscopicity;
  • durability. Important parameter, since insulating the foundation from the outside with polystyrene foam is a rather labor-intensive process;
  • polystyrene foam does not deform or change its size under the influence of moisture or chemical compounds;
  • resistance to any ambient temperature;
  • the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient among known insulation materials. This is due to the structure of the material itself. After all, polystyrene foam is 98% air. Which is known to be a poor conductor of heat.

Basic physical and mechanical properties different brands polystyrene foam are presented in the table

The only one significant disadvantage foam can be called its fragility. To minimize the appearance of cracks and damage, you need to quickly cover the area with an adhesive mixture.

Before proceeding with installation, please note that insulating the foundation with foam plastic from the outside is carried out only in the warm season. The foam itself can withstand low temperatures. But the time it takes to dry the base and the properties of the glue may change.

How to insulate a foundation with foam plastic

The sequence of work on insulating the foundation with foam plastic can be presented as follows:

1. Goal setting

That is, the decision for what purpose the insulation will be carried out. For example, reduce heat loss from a living space, insulate the basement under the house from the outside, or turn the basement into living room. Depending on this, the thickness of the foam for insulating the foundation will be selected.

2. Planning

2.1 Material selection

In this case, the insulation is polystyrene foam, and adhesive composition You can choose glue or adhesive foam.

Each foam adhesive has its own advantages and disadvantages. As well as different costs and setting times. Therefore, the budget and construction time have a direct impact on the choice.

2.2. Calculation of foam thickness for insulation

Before starting work, you need to determine what thickness of foam plastic will be sufficient to insulate the foundation in accordance with the goal.

The calculation can be carried out based on the data in the table below (parameters for polystyrene foam brand PSB-S-25).

For clarity, we present some signs. Foam plastic 50 mm thick. corresponds to the heat saving parameter with brickwork 250 mm thick. (one brick).

It is worth noting that when planning to convert a basement into a living space, you need to not only insulate the foundation, but also the basement and the ground floors.

2.3 Calculation of the amount of foam for insulation

You can determine the amount of material by multiplying the height of the cladding (foam sheet) by the perimeter of the house. And dividing by 0.5 (the area of ​​one sheet.) The resulting result will reflect the required amount of foam in the sheets. The amount of adhesive composition depends on its type and consumption. Which is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

2.4. Budgeting

Even if you do not pay builders, but insulate the foundation yourself, you will inevitably incur some costs. Drawing up an estimate will allow you to understand what budget will be sufficient for the planned work. It must include: the costs of purchasing materials, their delivery, and removal of construction waste.

3. Choosing foam for foundation insulation

When purchasing polystyrene foam, pay attention not only to its density, but also to the geometry of the sheet. Tolerance along the length and width of the foam - 10 mm. Otherwise, you will have to adjust each sheet on site, which is not very convenient. Famous manufacturers they monitor compliance with this parameter, but the “shrubs” can make any cutting. Accordingly, both the quality and durability of such foam should raise doubts.

The second aspect that allows you to determine the suitability of polystyrene foam for insulation is its color. The color of high-quality foam is snowy white. If it has a yellowish or grayish tint, we can conclude that low-quality raw materials were used or there were violations in technology. But, most likely, such material was exposed to ultraviolet radiation as a result of improper storage. That is, its surface layer is destroyed under the influence of the sun. Such insulation can be used, but provided that the depth of the damage is not great, and the damaged area is treated with a foam grater.

4. Excavation of the foundation

It is advisable to insulate the foundation at the construction stage of the building. This way the work is easier to complete because it is not duplicated. Modern developers do just that.
But what about those whose house was built several decades ago? In this case, you have to dig out the foundation almost to the ground. Ideally, to the depth of soil freezing in a given region (usually 1-1.5 m). Or at least the length of a sheet of foam plastic. That is, about half a meter.

In this case, the width of the trench is determined by adding the thickness of the sheet and the space required for the work. That is, it should be 350-500 mm. Making it wider is impractical, especially if you are insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam yourself, without using construction equipment, and a narrower trench will be inconvenient for work.

When choosing soil from a trench, you should think about where to put it. Insulation work lasts more than one day, and the sale of excavated earth should not affect movement around the site.

5. Filling a trench near the foundation

The bottom of the trench, or at least that part of it where the foam plastic will be laid (50-100 mm), must be covered with sand. Layer thickness is about 200 mm. The sand must be compacted, maintaining a slight slope. This will allow the water to flow away from the foundation. If the level groundwater high, you need to take care of drainage around the house - pour a gravel bed, lay geotexile on it, and wrap the pipes in it.

6. Preparing the foundation base

The excavated foundation should dry well. That is why it is better to carry out work in the warm season.

Taking this opportunity (while the foundation is being dug) it is worth paying attention engineering communications, which inspect, isolate, repair or restore.

Next, all delaminations are removed from the foundation, and unevenness is leveled - this will prevent the appearance of voids. Then a level is struck; this line will serve as a guide to the height of the foam sheet.

Moisture-proof mastic or bitumen mastic is applied to the prepared foundation. Its purpose is to protect the foundation from moisture.

Concerning bitumen mastic, then there is a controversial situation, according to the laws of chemistry, bitumen (based on solvents) has a detrimental effect on the structure of the foam. At the same time, there is practical evidence that the foundations of private houses, treated with bitumen and insulated with foam plastic, last for many years. Probably, everything depends on the chemical composition of a certain bitumen mastic and the method of fixing the foam.

7. Attaching foam plastic to concrete (foundation)

Installation of polystyrene foam is carried out using an adhesive solution or adhesive foam.

Material prepared for the website

The adhesive solution is applied in blots or with a notched trowel to reduce the possible gap between the sheet and the base.

Advice. If you choose glue for foam plastic, it is better to take foam in cylinders under the gun, this way it is more convenient to use and costs less.

During installation, the sheets are laid on minimum distance from each other.

If there are two rows, the sheets in them should be arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The sheets are laid on a sand cushion and leveled.

Advice. If you need to achieve a sheet thickness of 100 mm. use two 50 mm sheets. The overlap between the rows will prevent the appearance of cold bridges. Work on installing the next layer can begin only after the glue in the previous one has completely dried.

The reinforced mesh is designed to protect the foam from mechanical damage if the insulation protrudes beyond the trench and may be damaged.

The mesh is applied to the top of the sheet and fixed with adhesive.

9. Finishing

If the house is with low base, i.e. the foundation of the building is flush with the ground and the foam is completely covered with soil, then installation of the mesh and finishing are naturally not needed. In this case, it is enough to fill the trench with expanded clay; it will serve as additional insulation, sand or soil.

Insulating the foundation with foam plastic from the inside

Internal insulation is carried out using a similar technology, excluding trench digging. But it has a number of features.

  • mandatory fastening to an umbrella dowel (fungus). The dowel is attached to the corners of the sheet and one in the center;
  • insulation is carried out along the floor (if it is planned to adapt the basement into a living space). In this case, polystyrene foam is placed between the joists;
  • the need to use a membrane that will protect the base of the foundation from moisture;
  • mandatory ventilation device, through a system of ventilation ducts, through a through hole in the foundation or forced. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate in the basement, which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the foundation base, the appearance of mold and rot.

In general, insulating the foundation with foam plastic with your own hands does not require special knowledge and tools, but will entail time and physical costs.

The foundation is the basis on which not only the durability and strength of the building depends, but also its thermal insulation qualities. Without additional protection of this part of the building, about 20% of the heat will escape from the room. To prevent heat loss, you should use special materials - insulation.

Expanded polystyrene is one of the most common types of thermal insulation, used in almost any part of the building. It is used to protect foundations, facades and roofs, as well as to create custom blocks that allow the restoration of almost any damaged decorative element on ancient buildings.

Expanded polystyrene is the most popular material in modern construction. The raw material for its production is the same as for polystyrene foam - polystyrene, a product of styrene polymerization. But the creation technology is completely different. When making polystyrene foam, this polymer is placed in a block mold and treated with water steam. Its granules increase in size due to micropores and sinter with each other. But due to the formation of voids, this processing option greatly reduces the strength of the material.

Expanded polystyrene, depending on the production method, can be foamed (EPS) or extruded (XPS). In the first option, polystyrene granules are filled with pentane and heated under the influence of steam, resulting in an increase in their size tens of times. The balls are filled with air, becoming elastic, and then stick together.

The second type of material is produced using extrusion - by pressing molten polystyrene through a molding hole. The structure of the polymer changes: strong molecular bonds are formed, which increases density, moisture resistance and thermal insulation qualities. This insulation is lightweight and frost-resistant, but is fire hazardous, which is why flame retardants are added to the material - substances that accelerate attenuation.

Extruded polystyrene foam, due to its solid structure consisting of closed granules filled with gas molecules, is more resistant to impacts external environment and liquids. But the cost of this thermal insulation is 3 times higher than that of conventional foam plastic.

When producing polystyrene foam boards, a large block is first produced, which is then cut into standard sheets. They can be of different thickness.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The advantages of expanded polystyrene include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • soundproofing qualities;
  • moisture resistance;
  • light weight;
  • ease of processing (it can be easily cut with a saw or knife);
  • ease of fastening;
  • excellent adhesion to other materials;
  • frost resistance (withstands up to -50°C);
  • safety during operation (expanded polystyrene does not smell, does not generate dust and does not emit toxic fumes);
  • preservation of material properties for a long time (about 50 years);
  • no shrinkage;
  • biological resistance (does not mold).

Disadvantages of the material:

  • flammability (special additives make it self-extinguishing);
  • may release harmful substances when ignited;
  • low strength;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • inelasticity;
  • instability to ultraviolet radiation.

Styrofoam brands

In accordance with the requirements of GOST 15588-86, expanded polystyrene boards (PSB) are divided into two types, depending on the presence of fire retardant in their composition:

  • PSB-S – self-extinguishing,
  • PSB - ordinary.

GOST 15588-86. Polystyrene foam boards. Specifications. File for download.

According to the maximum density value of the material, PSB is further divided into grades: 15, 25, 35 and 50. The higher this parameter, the harder the board and the greater the load it can withstand. For example, PSB-S-15 is used indoors, PSB-S-50 is suitable for industrial structures, including road construction. For foundation insulation, the PSB-S 35 brand is most often used.

Calculation of the optimal thickness and amount of material

If you have decided to insulate the foundation of your house with polystyrene foam, you first need to find out optimal thickness material and its required quantity.

The first step is to determine the purpose of the work:

  • reduction of heat loss in the room;
  • basement insulation;
  • converting a basement into a living room.

The required thickness also depends on:

  • climate;
  • operation and purpose of the building;
  • measures to protect against moisture condensation;
  • energy saving.

Most important characteristic for the foundation insulation is its thermal conductivity. The lower this value, the better the heat is retained. Thermal conductivity can be defined as the amount of thermal energy that passes through a material with an area of ​​1 m² if the surface temperature difference is 1 °C. This value is measured in W/m²*°C. To calculate the required insulation thickness, you need to know one more value - heat transfer resistance. It is measured in m²*°C/W. To calculate it, you can use the following formula: R=d/k, where d is the thickness of the wall, K is the thermal conductivity coefficient, and R is the required thickness of polystyrene foam.

Table. Calculation of thermal insulation thickness.

Thermal insulation thickness, mmHeat transfer resistance, m2*°C/WThermal conductivity coefficient, W/m2*°C
40 1 0,83
50 1,25 0,68
60 1,50 0,58
70 1,75 0,51
80 2,00 0,45
100 2,50 0,37
120 3,00 0,31
130 3,25 0,39
140 3,50 0,27

Important! Correct calculation of thermal conductivity will help improve operating efficiency heating system and will save a lot of money. There is no need to immediately buy too thick slabs, as their cost is higher. It is more profitable to calculate the optimal option in advance.

The required amount of polystyrene foam can be calculated by multiplying the height by the perimeter of the house and dividing the resulting value by its area. The final result will help you find out how much polystyrene foam you need in sheets. To work, you will also need glue, the consumption of which depends on the manufacturer and is indicated on the packaging.

Penoplex prices


Vertical installation method

The vertical option is suitable for both houses that are still under construction and those that are in operation. It is best to use it for a house under construction. This method consists of the following steps.

Step 1. The surface must first be dug up, cleaned of soil, debris, including construction debris, mold, dust and grease stains.

Step 2. It is then leveled using cement mortar and perform coating waterproofing without using solvent-based mastic. This is necessary in order to avoid the foundation getting wet from groundwater.

Prices for bitumen mastic

Bitumen mastic

Step 3. The contact adhesive is diluted and, while it is maturing, the lower boundary of the installation is marked on the working surface. The slabs can be buried a little.

Step 4. The glue is applied in strips around the perimeter and in the center, after a minute the slab must be pressed to the base and held in this position for several seconds. If necessary, align it and attach the next one, inserting it into the groove. It is better to use a level to prevent distortions. If a second layer is needed, it is positioned so as to overlap the seams of the previous one. This arrangement of the plates contributes to better insulation.

Step 5. The part of the foundation that will remain underground is no longer strengthened in any way - then it will still be pressed down by the soil.

Step 6 After the glue has dried, the slabs are attached to the remaining surface using dowel nails. They are driven into the surface by 4 cm.

Video - Procedure for insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam

Horizontal installation method

Horizontal insulation is used for slab and strip foundations, for which polystyrene foam up to 10 cm thick is used.

Step 1. First, the site is cleared of soil, leveling the bottom; the last few centimeters are removed manually.

Step 2. The base is covered with sand, which needs to be compacted.

Step 3. Temporary formwork is performed, which is filled with a layer of concrete without reinforcement.

Step 4. Then, when it hardens, laying the slabs begins.

Step 5. A thick film is placed on top as waterproofing, which is glued with tape.

Step 6 The formwork is made, then reinforcement is made and the foundation is poured.

Step 7 When the formwork hardens, it is removed and additional thermal insulation of the side walls is performed.

Video - Monolithic slab foundation. Insulation and waterproofing

Video - Monolithic slab - technology

Thermal insulation of the blind area

Insulation of the soil around the building is used to protect it (the soil) from heaving and reduce the depth at which the foundation is laid. Expanded polystyrene prevents deformation. This increases the reliability and durability of the base.

Thermal insulation of the surface begins with vertical laying, after which the sand is poured back 15 cm below the ground level. The formwork is carried out at a distance of about a meter from the wall, the bottom is leveled and compacted. After this, the slabs and waterproofing film are laid and the concrete is poured. It needs to be leveled so that there is a slight slope on outside. If the concrete has hardened, the formwork is removed and the blind area is finished with stone or paving slabs.

Protection of slabs from external influences

Finishing the base is necessary not only for decorative look, but also to protect polystyrene foam from external influences. It is very important to protect the insulation from ultraviolet rays and damage from small animals.

In order to maintain the integrity of the insulation, you need to cover it with reinforcing mesh or panels made of wood shavings. The mesh is also attached using a dowel. Apply on top cement plaster. Additional waterproofing components can be added to the solution, which will help avoid the material getting wet. When the surface is dry, it can be painted or any cladding material can be attached.

Prices for facing materials

Video - Attaching reinforcement mesh to polystyrene foam

If the building is located on wet soil or the groundwater level is very high, drainage is required when insulating the foundation (this can be a perforated pipe laid on a bed of crushed stone). It is made around the perimeter and taken to a specially designated place.

Insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam boards eliminates freezing, helps eliminate temperature changes from several sides and prevents the formation of condensation. This reduces the humidity in the basement and basement, improves the microclimate and saves money on heating the room. The positive effect of thermal insulation also helps to increase the service life of the building. Expanded polystyrene can be used not only outside, but also indoors, it is easy to work with, and its long service life allows it to remain the most popular thermal insulation material on the market.

Video - Insulating the foundation from the outside with polystyrene foam

Nowadays, many people independently build and repair their homes. For anyone who has encountered insulation, EPS means only one thing - extruded polystyrene foam. The range of applications of this material is very wide; in particular, it is widely used for insulating foundations. Extruded polystyrene foam is produced by extruding polystyrene foam through an extruder. Extrusion imparts new qualities to polystyrene that are not possessed by material produced by non-press or press methods.

Scope of application

EPPS is used in civil and industrial construction, greenhouse farming, household appliances, when constructing highways, runways, and laying pipelines. IN construction industry EPS is used to insulate all house structures: from the foundation to the roof.

EPPS is one of the best materials for insulation

Insulation of foundations for almost all buildings in Russia is a necessary measure. According to the climatic zoning map, only in the southern regions of the Russian Federation can one do without this work. In the rest of the area, thermal insulation of the foundations must be carried out, and the further north you go, the larger the layer of insulation must be laid.

Since expanded polystyrene is produced in sheets, it is convenient for thermal insulation of all types of foundations - strip, pile, slab.

Moreover, the strip foundation can be insulated both from the inside and outside. For ease of installation, polystyrene foam sheets have a groove along the edge. For strip foundations, in addition to insulating the foundation itself, insulating the blind area is also important, especially on heaving and moist soils. Therefore, first of all, you need to take care of drainage.


Polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, foam glass and expanded clay are suitable for insulating the foundation. The best is polyurethane foam, but it is more expensive and requires a spraying unit. Among expanded polystyrene foams, the advantage is on the side of EPS.

There are several reasons for this:

  • good thermal insulation properties. Thermal conductivity is at the level of polyurethane and is 0.029-0.031 W/m*ºС. Moreover, in humid environment these properties practically do not change;
  • low vapor permeability – 0.005 mg/m*h*Pa. This is not enough for walls, but just right for the foundation;
  • minimum water absorption – 0.4%. The walls of the basement and foundation will be dry;
  • compressive strength and bending strength are quite high compared to other foams;
  • frost resistance – more than 50 cycles. It is used at temperature differences from -70 to +75;
  • durability – declared service life is 45 years;
  • ease of use. Absolutely light, with a special edge, sheets that can be cut with a knife.

Extruded polystyrene foam is competitive in terms of price. However, it is always worth remembering that EPS is flammable, so you should try to use it outside in places with minimal risks of ignition, and also be sure to insulate it with non-flammable material.

How to choose

When buying EPS, you must definitely ask for a quality certificate. The sheets themselves also need to be inspected. They can be of different colors, but the color must be uniform. It is advisable to break a piece of the sheet; a characteristic crack should be heard. Then look at the structure; regular polyhedra will be visible on the fault lines. When you press on the sheet with your finger, it should spring back, but a small dent may remain.

When choosing EPS for foundation insulation, you need to pay attention to the density. For these works, the density of polystyrene foam must be at least 35 kg/cubic meter. m.

Very important point, how thick should the EPS sheet be? The answer to this question can be found in SP 50.13330.2012, which provides indicators and requirements for thermal protection of buildings.

A key indicator of the thermal protection of a structure is heat transfer resistance. For ease of use, the Rules provide the values ​​of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures, broken down by degree-day of the heating period. For each construction area, the normalized heat transfer resistance is calculated, adjusted by a coefficient that takes into account the conditions of the region.

The heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structure consists of the sum of the thermal resistances of each material (layer) of the structure, taking into account the heat transfer coefficients of the internal and external surfaces of the structure. Thermal resistance– this is the ratio of the thickness of the structure to the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material of the structure (sq. m*ºС/W), i.e. the structure is homogeneous.

Returning to the question of choosing the thickness of the EPS for the base, you need to use the formula:

δth – thickness of the insulation layer (m);

R0 – reduced heat transfer resistance of the building envelope of the construction area, according to the table taking into account GSOP (sq. m*ºС/W);

δ – foundation thickness (m);

λ – thermal conductivity coefficient of the foundation material (W/m*ºС);

λth is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation (W/m*ºС).

Types and characteristics of EPS

For some time now in Russia extruded polystyrene foam has been called by the name of the company that produces this material. This is how Penoplex, Technoplex, TechnoNIKOL and Ursa appeared. Well-known manufacturers Penoplex, TechnoNikol, URSA Eurasia supply high-quality thermal insulation to the construction market.


Especially for underground structures and structures, the company produces a type of insulation called Penoplex Foundation. The manufacturer guarantees increased strength and ability to withstand loads for 50 years. Stated characteristics this insulation are characteristic of EPPS, however, the thermal conductivity coefficient is slightly higher - 0.03-0.032 W/m*ºС.

The sheets have dimensions of 1200x600 mm with a standard thickness of 20 to 150 mm. The average cost of one sheet 50 mm thick is 199 rubles.

Watch the video how it is used this type material for insulation.


For insulation of slab foundations, the TechnoNIKOL CARBON ECO SP brand of EPPS is produced. Characterized by strength, biological stability aggressive environment, thermal inertia. Service life – 40 years.

The company produces one standard size of this brand - 2360x580x100 mm. The price of one sheet fluctuates around 740 rubles.

URSA Eurasia

The company produces three grades of URSA XPS extruded polystyrene foam. The most suitable for foundation insulation is URSA XPS N-V, since it has the highest compressive strength - 50 t/sq.m. m. However, reduced temperature regime: -50 to +75.

URSA calls its products slabs, and the dimensions of this material are as follows: 1250x600 with a thickness of 50.60, 80, 100 mm. The cost of one slab with a thickness of 50 mm is 192 rubles.

The use of polystyrene foam for external use requires reliable sealing plaster mixtures based on cement.

Thermal insulation of a home must begin from the foundation, and the best material This is what polystyrene foam is for. Insulating the foundation with polystyrene foam is a 100% proven option, + the video will help you master the technology. And although this method not the cheapest, but very effective, and also quite simple to implement.

Insulation characteristics

Expanded polystyrene sheets has a lot of positive properties:

In addition, this material is easy to install and lasts about 40 years if the thermal insulation is carried out according to all the rules. Have expanded polystyrene and disadvantages:

To attach polystyrene foam sheets, do not use organic solvent glue or hot mastic. To protect the insulation from damage, it must be transported and unloaded carefully, not thrown from a height, and be sure to close it after installation. exterior finishing- tiles, siding, plaster or at least cement mortar.

Technical characteristics of polystyrene sheetsIndex
Temperature range of operation of sheets not subject to mechanical loads (C°)from -18 to +60
Density (kg/m3)1040 - 1060
Hardness (MPa)120 - 150
Softening point (Vic) in air environment(С°)85
Softening point (Vic) in liquid medium(С°)70
Tensile strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less for sheets with a nominal thickness up to 3.75 mm inclusive17,7 (180)
Tensile strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less for sheets with a nominal thickness of over 3.75 mm16,7 (170)

Prices for popular types of insulation


Preparatory stage

First you need to calculate how many insulation boards will be needed for the foundation. Dimensions standard plate expanded polystyrene – 600x1200 mm, thickness from 20 to 100 mm. For the foundation of a residential building, slabs 50 mm thick are usually used, laid in two layers. To find out how many slabs will be needed, the total length of the foundation is multiplied by its height and divided by 0.72 - the area of ​​one sheet of polystyrene foam.

For example, if a 2 m high foundation is insulated in a 10x8 m house, the thermal insulation area is equal to 72 square meters. Dividing it by 0.72, we get the number of sheets - 100 pieces. Since the insulation will be carried out in two layers, it is necessary to buy 200 slabs 50 mm thick.

This, however, is a very average calculation, based on the fact that the insulation thickness will be exactly 100 mm. But this value can be greater - it all depends on climatic conditions region, and on the foundation material, and on the type of insulation.

Exists special system thickness calculation system, which requires knowing the R index - this is a constant value of the required heat transfer resistance, established by SNiP for each region. It can be clarified in the local architecture department, or taken from the proposed table:

City (region)R - required heat transfer resistance m2×°K/W
Saint Petersburg3.23
Nizhny Novgorod3.36