Interesting topics for discussion in the group. Rules for creating interesting and discussed topics on VKontakte. Alcohol and smoking

The main problems facing young people lie in moral education, or rather, in its absence. It is because of this that problems in a person’s life begin to grow like a snowball. When young people are not given enough knowledge in the field of moral and psychological education, then people do not have guidelines on how to live correctly, what to strive for and, most importantly, how to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the way most of today's youth live is not worth living. Young people often do not realize their deepest needs, as a result of which true desires are replaced by artificial and inspired ones. modern world and the people around you. Which gives rise to the following pressing problems for young people: sitting at the computer all day long, the desire to drink and smoke, and sometimes even worse - drug use, trying to actually find at least some kind of outlet that would serve as a source of happiness.

I would like to consider the two most serious erroneous views on life that many young people adhere to, to which parents, unfortunately, react quite calmly. The first is to believe that while you’re young, you can go for a walk, and then build a serious relationship, as they sometimes say - you haven’t had enough of it yet. And the second is the narrowness of views on life due to subjective experience.

One of the ways to solve the problem of youth is if a person is immediately tuned to the right life values, and not to hanging out in cafes, bars, restaurants, discos and noisy companies, where people are inclined to drink and smoke, then there will be no need to reconfigure anyone to a different way of life. A person, through his actions and desires, forms certain inclinations and habits, and he gets used to experiencing happiness from just such a life. Life values youth are formed precisely during this period, and then the person will be practically unchangeable. And even if he thinks that it’s not worth living like this, that he needs to start thinking about his family, desire alone will not be enough, since feelings are attached to other things.

I’m talking about the majority; you shouldn’t count yourself among those few who are capable of radically realizing how worthless life is and taking the right path. Look around, remember your friends from your youth or just acquaintances who began to lead a wild life, think about how much their character has changed, what they have gained and what they have lost, what problems they had to face, where such a life will lead them, is it worth living like this? whether they are able to start living in the right direction, giving up old habits.

People also have a great tendency to justify their actions, basically saying that everyone lives like this, or they simply begin to compare themselves with others, pointing out other people's shortcomings, thereby showing that I am not that bad. Whatever one may say, this is all an excuse that does not contribute to personal development. It is necessary to fight this and find the strength to honestly admit to yourself your shortcomings and resulting incorrect behavior - the development of such qualities is very important for a young person.

“Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life” Lev Tolstoy

Those young people who say that in this life we ​​need to try everything, and that we are free people, we do what we want, these lines are dedicated to you. Let's remember together all the things we want to try - all kinds of alcoholic drinks, soft drugs, even hard drugs for some, all sorts of extreme sports: skiing, snowboarding down the mountain, etc. In essence, this expression should sound like “You have to try everything bad in this life” - such desires create problems among young people. Has anyone ever told themselves this phrase before doing something really good? For example, I’ll try to live unselfishly, without being attached to the results of my work, or I’ll start helping my neighbor’s grandmother, who lives alone and can barely make ends meet, you’ll see I’ll become less greedy, or I’ll start getting up in the morning and praying, I don’t know, what if and will change. An urgent problem for young people is, about what kind of freedom in general we're talking about, freedom lies not in the fact that I want to do what I want, but in the fact that I do only what is necessary and am able not to do what I want. Since you are so free, then stop drinking, smoking and curb your uncontrolled sexual desires.

It is worth noting that morality is not just some kind of reading of morality, it is, first of all, setting an example by one’s behavior - this is Main way solving the problems of modern youth is a worthy example to follow. You can say a lot of things, but children absorb exactly how you live. How can a child act as you tell him, when you yourself live differently - he feels the falsehood in this case and his trust will be in your behavior, and not in your words. Necessary by example set an example of how to live, what you need to strive for, what true happiness is. And even if the child is carried away, so to speak, under the influence of society or the young people around him, he will still have a taste for a different life. He may begin to be overwhelmed by life for a while, as was the case with me, but after a while the taste for such a life disappeared and I took the right path.

Other current problem youth is narrow-minded. People often navigate by relying only on their own experience or the opinions of similar friends, who are also often weak in many matters. Your own experience is good; it is thanks to it that problems often arise. strong faith into some kind of knowledge, but there is one good wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person learns from his own.” And it’s not just that many people are involved in psychological experiments, and not a couple of their close acquaintances. And as they say, people are not judged by themselves, so it is necessary to be objective in your outlook on life, looking at issues from different angles.

Many focus on the people around them, but, unfortunately, most of them do not know. Many rely on purely personal experience and have stereotypical thinking. People themselves often don’t know how it really is, where the truth is, but they still confidently give advice or reproach others for something. You must be an individual, a person, have your own thoughts, your own views, and not be a pawn or merge with the gray mass, and for this you need to read the right books, listen and communicate with the right people. Combine personal experience with gaining knowledge about how to live, and you will get a synthesis that will be a guiding star in your life, otherwise you can wander your whole life, bumping into problems that have been going on since youth.

“You shouldn’t rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps." Andre Maurois

Regarding the accumulation of experience in relationships with the opposite sex, this is a very serious separate topic for discussion, but I will still write a few sentences. Before you start building relationships, you need to know yourself how to behave correctly so that worthy young people who are determined to build serious relationships will pay attention to you, and you also need to know who can be called worthy, and how, ultimately, they should develop relationship to create a harmonious happy family for life.

Many people try to gain experience by simply meeting everyone - this is another pressing problem of modern youth, this is very unreasonable, I have already spoken about learning from other people’s mistakes, and about subjectivity personal experience Same. Many people are used to trusting only own experience- okay, study and check, at least this way, you need to pacify your unnecessary pride in terms of “I already know everything,” stop being categorical and start accepting knowledge from authoritative sources, kick yourself - this is your life. You need to start deeply studying how to live correctly, start reading not glamorous magazines, but good, proven literature, there is one wisdom: “Before you study something, you need to study what to study.”

I will share my experience: the problems of youth also affected me - in my youth I made many mistakes, and I lived like everyone else, like the majority of young people, I killed, simply destroyed my years of life, which could have been lived much more wisely. I still managed to turn off the wrong path, but it still left a huge mark on my life, my character, which I am trying with all my might to correct, so even if a person has had a good time and thought about, for example, starting a family, in the depths of his heart There will be a trace for the rest of his life.

“Not everything that people strive for deserves to be truly worth striving for.” Darius (philosopher)

1.1. Lecture topics.

Sample list of lecture topics for middle school students.

Interpersonal relationships and communication among adolescents.

Relationships with the opposite sex.

Psychological characteristics of adolescence.

Relationships with parents and teachers.

“White crows” and “like everyone else.”

How habits are formed.

What is resentment and how to live with it.

The influence of television and the media on the formation of a teenager’s personality.

A sample list of lecture topics for high school students.

Professional and personal self-determination.

Problems of drug and alcohol addiction.

Youth sexuality in normal and pathological conditions.

Relationships with adults.

The influence of television and the media on the formation of individual value orientations.

“Ours” and “strangers” among youth.

Youth subculture.

An approximate list of lecture topics for teachers.

Personality-oriented approach to training and education.

Prevention of conflicts with students and parents.

Factors of effective communication.

Patterns of formation and development of small and large groups.

Psychology of interpersonal relationships.

Leadership in a group or classroom.

Prevention of “emotional burnout” syndrome.

What is sanogenic thinking?

Factors of stress resistance.

Sample list of lecture topics for parents

Personal characteristics of parents as a factor in education.

The family as a system and its educational functions.

Rivalry between children in the family.

Parents' influence on the formation of their children's life scenarios.

Conditions for effective communication.

Grandchildren and children of alcoholics – problems of alcohol co-dependence in the family.

Prevention of parent-child conflicts.

Parent-child relationships and the formation of the child’s personality.

Who is the psychotherapist in the family?

1.2. Discussion topics.

Sample list of discussion topics for high school students.

When is it necessary to say “no”? (prevention of alcohol and drug addiction).

Should you introduce your parents to your friends?

How to choose a profession.

“Tell me who your friend is...” (prevention of teenagers’ involvement in paracriminal groups).

“Build a life around who?” (discussion on the topic of personal self-determination).

Books or TV?

How to manage your emotions (conflict prevention).

When you need to take a step forward (interpersonal relationship problems).

A sample list of discussion topics for teachers.

What is a learner-centered approach to learning?

What is more important in the classroom – discipline or good relationships?

Should a teacher express his emotions?

Training or development – ​​what is more important?

Lateness - what's behind it?

How to increase the responsibility of student parents?

When children lie...

Is an aggressive child a problem or...

Could there be a conflict? new opportunity development?

How to resolve the conflict?

How to deal with truancy.

A student with a cigarette, or about the boundaries of what is permitted and prohibitions.

“The jester” in the classroom is an individual or group phenomenon (systematic approach to teaching and educating students).

Sample list of discussion topics for parents.

What is good and what is bad (are “bad” habits taught or not?).

Who is the head in this house? (something about partnering with teenagers).

How to raise independence in a child.

Friends in the house or on the street

Career or child (dilemmas of working women).

Trusting relationships - myth or reality?

Is divorce bad or good for a child?

How to behave in a conflict situation (behavior strategies).

Is it necessary to say “no” to a child (something about the boundaries of parental responsibility).

The TV shows we choose (“passive” and “active” parenting).

Are family traditions necessary (rituals as a means of education).

Sports or art - which is better? (about ways to cope with stress)

On November 13, as part of the “What do young people want?” campaign Discussion round tables were held in about 1,600 municipalities. Read about the main topics raised by youth representatives in the material from the editors of the Young Guard website.

IN Cheboksary At the Center for Youth Initiatives, the round table participants were the chairmen of student governments of universities and colleges of the Chuvash Republic. Young people identified and discussed modern trends in the region, and also talked about the role of the state in the education system.

Head of the regional branch of MGER Maxim Varlashkin:

– 40 active students involved in the main agenda of the region identified the main problems that require solutions. Only by learning what young people really want can we build the right strategy development.

IN Maykop The Adyghe regional branch of the Young Guard, together with students of the Maikop State Technological University, also held round table on the topic: “What do young people want?” During the meeting, participants raised the issue of social ladders for young people.

In the Rostov region, young representatives of various professional communities took part in the discussion of current issues. Discussion round tables were held in the following major cities region as Rostov-on-Don , Mines, Zimovniki, Belaya Kalitva, Novocherkassk, Bataysk . The participants discussed which leisure places young people most often visit, what they do and how they spend their free time.

Head of the regional branch of MGER Rostov region Nikolay Romashenko:

Round tables on the topic: “What do young people want?” took place in three cities of the Amur region. At discussion platforms, activists discussed current sociocultural trends, sources of information for young people, and attitudes towards current directions of state youth policy.

For example, an extensive discussion took place on the topic: “Does the state support young professionals enough?” during the round table in Blagoveshchensk . The participants concluded that various shapes incentives relate mostly to work in rural areas, and due to the reluctance to leave for the village, young people do not get jobs in their specialty.

The topic of employment became the main topic of discussion in the city Free . The round table participants noted that young people receiving higher education, it is difficult to find a job both in your specialty and in any other field. As main reason activists cited a lack of determination and job search skills, as well as employers' requirement for seniority.

To the question of what social elevators young people rate as effective, representatives tried to find an answer younger generation cities Belogorsk . The most common were: volunteer organizations and associations, youth political organizations and business community. It was also noted that one of the significant social elevators for young people is the Amur regional branch of MGER.

IN Yekaterinburg “Young Guard” held a round table for young people in the “World Cafe” format, in which 40 people took part. During the event, participants raised issues such as favorite youth leisure places (anti-cafes, sports grounds/gyms, concert venues, etc.); Internet platforms where young people spend the most time (YouTube channels, communities on VKontakte, websites); positive trends among young people (actions, trends, lifestyles, interests), their impact on the state, economy and politics, on society as a whole, etc.

Participant of the round table “What do young people want?” In EkaterinburgIlya Azanov:

– I would like to note that with each generation young people become more and more thoughtful: they consciously and systematically build their development strategy. I am very glad that my friends and I are responsible for ourselves.

IN Samara round table “What do young people want?” took place at the District Administration. The meeting was attended by students from school No. 2, specialists social sphere, culture, representatives of sports, youth policy and public organizations. Based on the results, a list of analytical materials was compiled that reflected the current image of young people, their sociocultural trends, sources of information, etc.

IN Krasnoyarsk A round table was held at the Regional Student Center with the participation of 14 youth public opinion leaders. On the site, they put forward the following theses: it is necessary to encourage sports as the main trend of young people; self-development for young people is a comfortable stay in the territory in which they were born; considering, first of all, education as a social elevator.

Let us remind you that the Young Guard launched a federal campaign to study the trends of the modern youth community in the regions of the Russian Federation “What do young people want?” On its birthday, November 16, MGER will hold a series of regional youth discussions of the same name. Students, representatives of formal and informal youth communities in the regions, and students will take part in them. leaders, representatives of youth NGOs, working youth under 35 years of age.

IN Yakutsk the question “What do young people want?” discussed by representatives of such departments as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Social Communications of the Republic. The chairman of the standing committee also took part in the discussion State Assembly(Il Tumen) Republic of Youth Affairs, physical culture and sports Mikhail Gulyaev and the head of the Yakut regional branch of MGER Alexander Susoev.

The youth touched upon the topics of sports development in the region, organization and development of in-depth work in interaction between the authorities and youth.

Student representativeAnna Svinoboeva:

– At the end of the roundtable, we realized that the authorities listen to young people and take their opinions into account. In the tandem “state and citizen”, mutual Feedback. Round tables are a connecting link.

One of the most discussed topics at the round table in Chita became factors of positive and negative influence on the development of youth. Most participants offered their own ideas for development. We also talked about youth entrepreneurship and NGO activities.

IN Norilsk At the round table, young leaders and representatives of NGOs discussed their vision of the future, the most important trends and tools for developing the country’s youth potential, the context and priorities for the development of the northern territories of the region. Among the most important focuses of the meeting: the improvement of the region, maintaining the connection of young people moving with their small homeland, the development of young personnel, attracting young specialists to the North to implement local investment projects and getting an education.

Young Guards Irkutsk , P. Sayan , Bratsk And Ust-Ilimsk within the framework of round tables on the topic: “What do young people want?” identified the most significant and exciting needs among young people today. In total, more than 80 people attended. Also, based on the results of the event, the Young Guards prepared the following statistics: 94% of the young audience spends the most time on YouTube channels and on the social network VKontakte, 55% of respondents use Instagram. 83% of respondents, subject to passing the Unified State Examination, planned to leave their cities for administrative center region or to cities in other regions.

In the city Isilkule The Omsk region also hosted a discussion round table, the participants of which were MGER activists, students and schoolchildren.

Activist of the local branch of MGER Ekaterina Kuznetsova:

– Young people often try to hide their problems. Through the right approach and specific questions, we were able to identify difficulties and created a vector further work above them. Such meetings have taken place in our area before. Now that they will be held throughout the country, we will be able to unite our efforts to achieve our goals.

IN Tyukalinsk The head of the local branch of MGER, Victoria Murzanova, organized a discussion round table with schoolchildren.

Head of the Tyukalinsk local branch of MGE R Omsk region Victoria Murzanova:

– From school, a person needs to develop comprehensively. These are creativity, science, sports, social activities. I believe that youth is the time to realize the craziest ideas, when we achieve new heights and develop the country. How the future will be shaped depends only on us.

IN Gorno-Altaisk A meeting of youth took place, during which activists told what the youth of this region want. The discussion was attended by a deputy of the Gorno-Altai City Council of Deputies, CEO OOO " Solar energy+» Andrey Yalbakov, consultant on youth policy administration of the city of Gorno-Altaisk Anzhelika Khabarova, activists of the Gorno-Altaisk local branch of the Young Guard, representatives of the student community and members of youth public organizations.

IN Tomsk More than 10 people took part in the discussion round table. They discussed problems related to students and living in dormitories, as well as housing and communal services problems in the region.

Discussion platform “What do young people want?” took place on this day and Belgorod. The meeting participants gathered at the local branch of MGER - members of the local headquarters of MGER, representatives of students, the city administration, as well as representatives of the local branch of the Party. They discussed the following issues: youth employment, level state support for implementation in professional activity, the work of the Young Guard in the region, public and social projects, federal programs.

Member of the Belgorod regional branch of MGERVitaly Dunaytsev:

IN Bobrov The Young Guards talked with representatives of different schools, identified the most pressing problems of young people, found out what schoolchildren want to do and how we can help them realize their potential.

In the city Yaroslavl The round table was held at the LOFT youth space. The meeting was attended by Young Guard members, young deputies, students of various universities and faculties, representatives of the media sphere, and social activists. The Federal Coordinator of the MGER for the Central Federal District, Deputy Chairman of the Yaroslavl regional Duma Anton Kapralov.

The round table was also held in Rybinsk . Local Young Guards invited city youth activists and government officials to a meeting. The discussion was attended by Deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma of the VI convocation Vladimir Bespalko, Chairman of the Municipal Council of Rybinsk Konstantin Dolgov, Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports Alexander Kormilitsyn, specialists from youth centers.

How many times a week do you have to have meaningless conversations on topics that are not interesting to you or discuss questions that you have already discussed a thousand times, because you just need to say something? This usually happens in moments of forced waiting for something, for example, while waiting for a very slowly moving elevator in the company of one’s own colleagues or casual acquaintances during various events. To make boring conversations like this more interesting, worth asking people unexpected questions , which make them think, and which cannot be answered simply with “yes” or “no”.

The result will most likely be amazing: you will learn a lot interesting facts about other people who would never be pulled out of the usual boring conversation. And, as an added bonus, you will become closer to each other. Sometimes this can be really important!

If you are ready for unconventional actions, look through the list of the most successful questions, which is divided into topics for convenience.

Of course, not every one of these questions is appropriate to talk to every person or in every situation, but nevertheless, this list provides a fairly wide selection to avoid awkward silences.


1. If you didn’t work here, what would you most likely be doing now?
2. How did you become...(job title)?
3. What surprised you most about this job?
4. What is the most ridiculous task your boss has ever given you?
5. What would be more preferable for you - to work four days a week for 10 hours or five days for 8?
6. If you had guaranteed success in any position, what would you prefer to do?
7. What was your first job? Did you like her?
8. What is the most valuable advice in the plan? professional development have you ever received? Which one was the worst?


9. Are you reading any interesting book Now? I would like some recommendations. What about the show?
10. Are there any apps on your phone that you can't live without?
11. If you could only watch one genre of cinema for the rest of your life, what would you choose? What about musical preferences?
12. Which book did you hate that everyone admired? And vice versa?
13. Do you have any podcast recommendations?
14. Which movie have you watched recently that made you cry? How about laughing out loud?
15. Who would you like to be your partner on the reality show Amazing Race? In our realities, you can ask a similar question about programs like “Fort Boyard” or “The Last Hero”.
16. Who is your Instagram favorite? And vice versa? Oh, you don't have Instagram? Why?


17. If you were told that you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
18. What is the strangest dish you have ever tried in your life?
19. What is your comfort food?
20. Is there any food that you will never eat?
21. Advise what can be easily and without problems taken to work/school as lunch, but it should not be sandwiches.
22. Where can you eat inexpensively here?
23. Do your family have any culinary secrets or traditional recipes?
24. What is your favorite restaurant/cafe that is not very well known to a wide circle of people?


25. Is there a “heavenly” place to relax somewhere nearby?
26. If you could fly anywhere absolutely free, where would you go?
27. What's the coolest road trip you've ever taken?
28. What trip did you take during your last vacation? What were you doing there? What do you remember?
29. What type of holiday do you prefer - active or relaxing somewhere on a cozy beach?
30. What next trip have you already planned?
31. If you were able to take time off, or had the opportunity to work remotely, where would you go and what would you do?
32. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?


33. Where did you live before? How is that city different from your current place of residence?
34. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
35. Do you have any hidden talents or unexpected hobbies?
36. What did you like to do in primary school(outside the school curriculum)?
37. What accessory or item was your “must-have” in childhood/teenage, i.e., growing up?
38. What was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to you?
39. Who was the most for you significant person, mentor, role model?
40. What was the most valuable piece of advice you've ever been given?


41. If you were entrusted with choosing eight objects that would receive the status of “8 Wonders of the World,” what would you add to this list?
42. What would you put in a time capsule 15 years ago?
43. Which of all the compliments you have received was the strangest?
44. Have you ever thought about “cool” inventions or starting companies that, as it turns out, have already been made or founded?
45. If you could teach any course in college, what subject would you choose?
46. ​​What is something completely out of character for you that you have ever done?
47. What superpower would you like to have?
48. If you could have absolutely any pet, which one would you choose?

I learn a lot from both Russian-speaking and Western bloggers. Combining my knowledge, I have compiled a list of 21 niches that have performed well over the years and will continue to be relevant in the future.

1. Facts (lists)

For example, write an article “10 rules proper nutrition" And you begin to give a detailed answer to each point.

2. How...

You can find your niche and provide useful answers there. It may not solve the problem, but the blog will be very popular.

3. Politics

Politics is very popular. In politics there is always a topic for discussion. But be prepared to encounter some objections, since views on a given situation vary.

4. Recipes

Recipes are a great way to...

These can be recipes only for salads or only recipes for cakes. An example that has become one of the most popular in the food niche in the West.

5. Beginner's Guide

Every beginner has to start somewhere. This is a great way to drive traffic to your blog by starting to write a guide for those new to your topic.

Find out what questions beginners ask themselves when they want to start a business.

6. Complete Guides

If you are an expert in your field, you can write large and detailed guides. For example, “ ” or “Everything you wanted to know about Email marketing.”

People are constantly interested in new knowledge and such complete manuals will perfectly satisfy their need for your niche. You can also make detailed infographics, it works very well.

7. Interview

The best way to stand out among bloggers is by interviewing experts in your field.

8. Product reviews

You can review different products. This method will allow you to quickly start making money on affiliate programs.

9. Debunking myths

Every industry has fact and fiction. We like it when for a long time you think that “this” is true, but after reading or watching you find out that it is a myth.

Stories like this always attract attention. That's why the show “MythBusters” is so popular all over the world.

10. Virtual reality

VR is a fast growing industry. It will only grow in the coming years.

The topic is “hot” and while there is no competition here, you can quickly occupy this niche. You need to be interested in all the trends in this industry and follow the news.

11. Troubleshooting Guides

Troubleshooting Guides. People are always looking for solutions on the Internet because they urgently need to solve a problem.

Life advice is a valuable commodity.

13. Travel

We always want to go somewhere exotic. Any advice on how to do this cheaper will always be appreciated.

Travel will always be a popular topic for online searches. In 2017, the Federal Migration Service predicts that 5 million foreign passports will be issued.

14. Funny stories

Stories that make people smile will always be popular, including in in social networks. Due to this, you can make your blog very popular.

Parenting tips are always appreciated. There is always a lot of traffic in this topic. Dad bloggers are also very popular.

16. Gift ideas

Guides for choosing gifts for friends, relatives, and colleagues will always be popular.

Thousands of people find it difficult to choose a gift. Help them find a solution to this problem using a blog. Partnership programs will be a good source of income for your blog on this topic.

17. Health and Medicine

Eternal topic. When a person is bothered by something, he looks for symptoms and causes via the Internet.

Some diseases do not require seeing a doctor and are easy to self-medicate. Blogs like this will always bring traffic.

18. Auto

This niche is very large. Just imagine how many brands of cars there are.

19. Construction

Many people want to save money on construction and prefer to do something with their own hands.

20. Business and Finance

Interest in financial topics is always popular. Everyone wants to know the most important “secret” of financial success.

21. Women's theme

The female audience of the Internet is constantly interested in the secrets of beauty and femininity. This could be “hair care” or “weight loss diets”.


Popular topics come and go. If you choose the wrong niche, you risk wasting your time.

The topics listed above are practically guaranteed will make your blog popular.

What blog topics do you think will always be relevant?