Interesting Mother's Day scenes for school. Methodological development (4th grade) on the topic: Skits for Mother’s Day

Mother's Day Scenes

Participating in the scene:
adult - storyteller,
children - Petya, Vladislav, Yulia, Olya, Natasha.

One day, children gathered in the yard.
6, 7, 8 years old girls and boys.
They ran and jumped and played tag
And now they are completely tired of their amusements.
They all sat down on the bench together
And they quietly started talking about mothers

Peter:- My mother is the best in the world!

Narrator: The boy Petya tells everyone.

Vladislav:- And where did you get this from?

Narrator: Vladislav told him.

Peter:- Mom always helps me with everything.

Narrator: Petya answers Vladislav.

- she cooks breakfast for me, dresses me for kindergarten
And then he takes him home from kindergarten.

Julia:- No! my mommy is the best!

Narrator: Little Julia is speaking here.

She combs my hair every day
And at night my mother tells me fairy tales.
Always buys me beautiful dresses
And my mother never scolds me.

Vladislav: - No, none of you are right.

Narrator: Vladislav tells everyone.

I want to tell you all now
That I think my mother is the best!
She cooks, cleans, does laundry,
And he knows everything, everything, everything in the world!

Olya and Natasha (together):
No, no, no, Vladislav!
You're just wrong!

Narrator: Olya and Natasha were indignant.

Olya and Natasha (together): Our mother is the best in the world.

Mom has two of us, and we have only one.
And yet she copes with both of us.

She has to wash twice as many clothes
And twice more rooms needs to be cleaned up.

Cooking and ironing too
She needs twice as much.

So don't argue with us,

Olya and Natasha (together): Otherwise we'll tell mom everything!

Narrator: Wait, don't swear, friends!
I want to tell you one secret.
Everyone's mom is different
And for each of you, mom is the best!
There are a lot of mothers in the world
And for every child,
His mom is the best in the world
And for every mother, happiness is her children!
But different mothers are important,
After all, everyone, everyone, everyone needs mothers!
So, dear children,
All girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers,
And always appreciate your mothers!
And you also love your mommy
And for everything, everything, thank her!

Together: Thank you mom!!!

Scene "Helper".

The boy Dima diligently sweeps the floor, singing “a grasshopper sat in the grass.” A dressed mother comes through the door, a bag in her hands, a key in her mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, dropping his keys in fear, and asks:

Mom: Dima, what happened?

Dima: Nothing!

M.- How is it okay? Why are you sweeping the floor?

D. - Because he was dirty.

M. - Dima, I beg you, tell me what happened? Last time you were sweeping the floor when you were given a bad mark for behavior, and the penultimate one, when they wanted to leave you for a second year.

Have you wiped off the dust too?

D. - Wipe it off!

M. - Dima, tell me, what happened? Tell me what have you done?

D. - Yes, I’m saying nothing! It was just dirty, so I cleaned it up.

M. - (suspiciously) Why did you remove your bed?

Dima.- Just like that. I removed it and that's it.

M. - (ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) Dima, the truth!!! Why am I being summoned to the school principal?

D. - Don’t be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. I did my homework, ate lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.

Mom faints.

D. - (scared) Mommy! What happened to you? Now I'll bring you some water.

(pours water)

D. - Day of Helping Parents, Day of Helping Parents!!! Look at it! (points to mom) I should have said right away that this was only for one day.

M. - (raises his head with interest) Will everything be the same tomorrow?

D. The old way, the old way! Don't worry mommy.

(Mom faints again)

Teacher: Good afternoon, guests.

Invited and welcome!

Here for you, for our dear guests,

There will be a big holiday

The holiday is joyful.

He celebrates Mother's Day

And it is celebrated at the end of November.

Mother's Day is an international holiday in honor of mothers. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, in contrast to International Women's Day, when all representatives of the fair sex accept congratulations.

Mother's Day is a holiday of love, attention, affection, and spiritual unity.

1 student: And today in this class

There are many different mothers.

We called you all here

Not by chance - on business!

Student 2: For what kind of business?

Don't scare our guests!

He just wanted to say

We want to test mothers.

3 student: We have mothers with experience,

Their experience is very important to us.

So, it's time to decide

How are we going to torture them?

4 student: Here, eccentric, don’t torture!

We will glorify mothers!

But not only with words,

And with visual things!

Team “Droplet” (children) and “Rucheyok” (mothers).

1 competition. Warm-up – Rhyming

Ar, ar, ar, ar - we bought a samovar.

Am, am, am, am – let’s collect a bouquet for mothers.

You, you, you, you - the owl has a lot of children.

Vi, vi, vi, vi - quickly catch the ball.

Ka, ka, ka, ka - the cat asks for milk.

Ka, ka, ka, ka - I’m holding a beetle in my hand.

Ush, ush, ush, ush - take a shower in the morning.

Ut, ut, ut, ut - squirrels live in hollows.

Tu, tut, tut, tut - I put the kettle on the stove.

This, this, this, that – Lena has a new coat.

Sy, sy, sy, sy - the cat has long whiskers.

Sa, sa, sa, sa - a wasp flew into the house.

Ra, ra, ra, ra - the game is not over.

Ru, ru, ru, ru - I’ll put away the toys.

Ma, ma, ma, ma – it’s winter outside.

Ma, ma, ma, ma – I wash the windows myself.

EVERYONE: Mo, mo, mo, mo – we all love popsicles.

2 competition. Holiday dinner

You are offered the same set of products. It is necessary to select from the offered products only those that are necessary for cooking.

1 team – mom: BORSCH

Team 2 – children: SALAD



Girl: Who came to me in the morning?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Boy: Who said “it’s time to get up!”?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Girl: Who managed to cook the porridge?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Boy: Should I pour some tea into my glass?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Boy: Who kissed me?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Girl: Who loves laughter as a child?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

Boy: Who is the best in the world?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy!

3 competition. "Cinderella".

- I think everyone is very familiar with this fairy tale. So, at the beginning of the fairy tale, the evil stepmother gave poor Cinderella a lot of work so that she could not go with her and her daughters to the ball. And one of those jobs was separating the peas from the lentils. So our participants will have to play the role of Cinderella and separate the peas from the beans. Speed ​​and quality are assessed.

Scene “Spring cleaning”

HOST: In one fairy-tale kingdom there lived a queen who had three daughters: Princess Snezhana, Princess Vika and Princess Zhanna. One morning the queen entered the princesses' room.

The displeased Queen enters, armed with a broom. The princesses are sitting in the room. Princess Snezhana is leafing through a magazine, Princess Vika is preening herself while looking in the mirror, Princess Zhanna is knitting.

QUEEN: Dear daughters, there is complete chaos in our palace. What's going on here? Toys are scattered, dust and candy wrappers are everywhere. Books are lying around everywhere, cups of unfinished tea are on the tables. Today I issue a decree: it is announced spring-cleaning. Will you help me?

PRINCESS Snezhana: I will definitely help you. You go away, and I'll read you a book. This will make it more interesting for you, and you will be able to finish cleaning faster.

QUEEN (sad): Well, what about you, Princess Lena, how can you help me?

PRINCESS Vika (without looking up from the mirror): And I’ll turn on the tape recorder. I’ll put on a cassette with your favorite songs, and with cheerful music you’ll be able to do the cleaning faster.

QUEEN (even sadder): Well, what will you turn on, Princess of Light?

PRINCESS JEAN (putting down her knitting and getting up). And I’ll turn on the vacuum cleaner... Or rather, first I’ll put all the things in their places, wash the dishes, then vacuum the floors and wipe the furniture with a damp cloth. (Puts on an apron.)

QUEEN (with joy, but not without reproach): Now I see which of you three is my real helper.

HOST: So which of the princesses really helped mom? That's right, of course, Princess Jeanne. And although in our sketch the action took place in a fairy-tale kingdom, the same thing can happen in any house. If you think carefully and be honest with yourself, you will probably remember a time when you did not help your mother.

Of course, playing, reading books and listening to music are also very good, but you should not forget that your mothers are tired at work and they need your help. You are not yet able to clean up or cook dinner, but you can wash the dishes, water houseplants, put your toys in order. And your mother will definitely appreciate your help.

Help your mom

And you will see for yourself:

Her smile will bloom

Like the sun in spring.

The day will be bright and bright.

Your help is like a gift -

And priceless and beautiful -

To your mother dear.

4 competition. “Dress the baby.”
Each team will have to dress their child in warm clothes for the walk. This includes a jacket, hat, scarf, mittens, jumper and boots. All the things are in this big pile. At the signal, the team begins to perform the task.

5 competition. TENDER WORDS
Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and conveys balloon to the one standing next to him. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded balls.

1st I love your ringing laughter,
Everyone - Mom!

2nd You are the best in the world,
Everyone - Mom!

3rd Open the doors to the fairy tale,
Everyone - Mom!

4th Give me a smile,
Everyone - Mom!

5th If you sing a song,
Everyone - Mom!

6th Then the rain will be heard,
Everyone - Mom!

7th C Good morning tell me,
Everyone - Mom!

8th The sun will flash in the window,
Everyone - Mom!

9th The stars look from above,
Everyone - Mom!

10th It’s good that you’re nearby,
Everyone - Mom!

11th Smile, sing songs,
Everyone - Mom!

12th I will always be with you!
Everyone - Mom!

6 competition. Treats

Imagine that you are invited to a royal feast. There, various treats were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “K”. Within 5 minutes, each team writes down possible foods on pieces of paper. How many dishes are listed - each team gets so many points.

7 competition. A member of the “droplet” team, blindfolded, finds his mother in his mother’s hands.

8 competition. A blindfolded member of the “Rivek” team finds his daughter by her hair.

Teacher: And finally, with all our hearts we would like to wish you:
1 student: Don’t let the children upset you,
They will be as beautiful as flowers!
Get A's at school
And make all your dreams come true.

2nd student: From you, our dear mothers,
We will lead by example in everything.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,
We say: “Thank you!”

Student 3: I love you, mom, I don’t know why.
Probably because I live and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,
Why do I love you, my dear?

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,
I love you, mom, you are my best friend!

At the end of November, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. Festive performances and performances are dedicated to this day in schools. Mothers and grandmothers, sisters and aunts will come to visit. Have you already decided what to show them? New short skits for Mother's Day at school, funny and cheerful, they will definitely be remembered by all the guests and mothers will be happy! Watch the skits, perform them at your party and rejoice with your parents.

Mini scene - mother's helpers.
This scene is shown by three children and one adult - a mother (for example, a teacher). But you can replace the teacher with a tall girl who will play the role of mother.

And so, the children are in the room, and their mother comes in, having returned from work.

Hello my dears!
Children shouting in one voice:
- Hi, Mom! (and run to mom)
How was your day, what did you do?
First child:
Mom, mom - I washed all the dishes!
What a great fellow you are, how caring! (takes out a chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
Second child:
Mom, mom - I’m great, I wiped all the dishes after!
And you’re also smart, here you go (takes out a second chocolate bar from the bag and gives it to the child)
What did you do all day? (mother addresses the third child)
Third child:
And I swept up all the broken dishes and took them to the trash!
Mom makes a surprised face and “falls” onto the sofa or chair. He comes to his senses and says:
- anyway, you are the best and most caring children!

Mini scene - children talking.
It's always interesting to watch children talk to each other. They boast, show who can do what, and try to be adults in front of each other. In this scene, children will behave the same way, and adults will look at them from the outside and understand that they are doing the wrong thing in raising children.

Children are standing on stage. You decide for yourself how many children you need. Perhaps 2-4 children will be enough, but then they will have to learn a lot of phrases. And if there are more children, then each will not have many phrases and they will remember them.

Every day my mother cooks soup, prepares the second course and always adds vegetables to her food. But I don't eat them!


Vova (thoughtfully and importantly):
This is how nature made me!

Winter has already arrived. Frosts will hit soon and I won’t walk outside until spring.

Why until spring?

How to walk in winter? Suddenly the frost hits me too!

And I know all the months of the year.

Come on, tell me.

My mother and I say them together, she says the beginning, and I say the end.

How is that? Is that so - yang...



Rahl. Yes. So!

Art, Rel, Ai, Yun, Yul, Gust, Yabr, Yabr, Yabr, Abbr!

Look, I have money (shows money)

They're not real! We can print these ourselves on a computer!

So what. But you can buy a car with them children's store!

It’s like, the money isn’t real?!

So the car is not real!

Yesterday I did an experiment and now I know how long one tube of toothpaste lasts!

And for how long? For a month?

No, for the entire corridor and another half of the room!

Script for Mother's Day

“About the one who gives us life!”

Presenter 1:

Hello dear guests, teachers, masters and students! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate everyone on the wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. We dedicated this holiday to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Presenter 2:

Happy Mother's Day, dear ones! This autumn day is dedicated to you! Let this holiday be bright! Let sorrows go away and dreams come true! Let people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

Oleg Gazmanov's song "Mama"

1 Presenter:Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person - we call MOM! And congratulations to all the women who have had such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!
2 Presenter:
And we congratulate everyone else sitting in this room on the fact that they also had the great happiness of being someone’s children, being born on this earth and knowing loving, gentle hands.


It's so good to have a mother

Her smile is so wonderful

When she is always with us.

Friends, this is so lovely!

She's like a ray of light light bright,

She gave us everything and opened up the world.

About how many of her gifts,

We just didn't appreciate it.

She only taught good things

And so calm, quiet, gentle.

Oh how she loved us all,

Like no one, and so boundless!

I love you, my dear,

It's so good when you're near.

Be with me, you dear,

And nothing else is needed!

Presenter 2:We grow up, leave our native home, and our daily activities fill all our time, and mothers are waiting... waiting for at least news from their children.

Presenter 1:Forgive us...for every wrinkle...
After all, because of us, you have a hard time.
Forgive us for every tear,
Stealthily wiped from my own cheek.
And how hard it is for us in life.
When melancholy frightens with a black shadow,
Holyly protects us from all troubles
Blessings to beloved mothers...
Presenter 2:From the bottom of our hearts, with love and joy, we give this wonderful, cheerful number to our mothers.


Scene “Mom and flash drive”

Lesha R: I finally understand that these are real knights

Glory to S. the assholes who screwed up this phone for me

Lesha R. What is it?

Slava S. Only the speakerphone works, is it normal?

Slava S: Guys, don’t fight, mom’s calling. Hello mom.

Dima V: Hello, thank goodness I’m crazy right now. I haven’t been able to write photos onto a flash drive for three hours now.

Slava S: Mom, did you insert the flash drive into the computer?

Dima V: What do you think, is your mother at all?...... Of course she did.

Slava S: Then go to my computer

Dima V: Not your computer, but our computer, you’re not making money yet.

Slava S: Did you come in or not?

Dima V: Well now... Aaaaaaaaaa. Slava, I broke something again (crying). Where do you keep your cigarettes????

Slava S: Mom, I don’t smoke

Dima V: But I found everything. Slav, Slava, he constantly writes to me: “Your copy of Windows has not been verified for authenticity. »

Slava S: Click continue.

Dima V: Where to continue Slava??? Next is prison.

Slava S: Mom, don’t be ashamed, you are a computer science teacher.

Dima V: I'm turning it off to hell.

Slava S: Okay. Did you turn it off?

Dima V: Turned it off.

Slava S: Did you take out the flash drive before this?

Dima V: Of course I got it.

Slava S: Mom.

Scene "Grandma take me"

Presenter: A first-grader who is not picked up from after-school for a long time

Dima V: Grandma, please take me away

Teacher: Oh Dimka, you're the only one left

Dima V: Yes

Teacher: Well, draw, draw mom, dad, don’t be bored.

Dima V: Okay, Marya Stepanovna.

Lyuba, Lyuba is going to pound at our house, she will eat something or not.

Don’t swear in front of your child, at this age they remember everything.

Then close his ears.

And I’m not going to pick him up from school. Let your mother take it.

Grandma take me please

Scene "Basin"

Leading: And in the next situation there was everyone, and so let’s imagine the height of a birthday landing look and get to know yourself.

Dima: Slav, how are you?

Slava: Is it normal?

Dima: I don’t hear? What?

Slava: Are you there yet?

Dima: My mother is calling you.

Slava: Come on

Dima: I'm sure

Slava: Come on

Mom: Hello

Slava Sokolov: Alo

Mom: Slavik

Slava: Who is this?

Mom: Son, where are you?

Slava: Not far

Slava: Tired

Mom: Son, when are you going home?

Slava: Soon, I’ll come, put the basin near the bed

Mom: Why?

Slava: I’ll wash the things

Mom: Don’t worry, I’ll do the laundry myself, wait, dad wants to talk to you.

Dad: Hello

Slava Sokolov: Alo

Dad: Who is this?

Slava: Who is this?

Dad: Why are you calling my wife?

Slava: And she promised to wash my things!

Dad: The basin is busy...Today I’m doing the laundry.

2 Presenter: Probably everyone will agree that there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a mother bending over her baby who has fallen asleep on her chest. There is nothing more disturbing than endless sleepless nights and mother’s unclosed eyes.
1 Presenter:Mothers always shine themselves and light the way for others. They are full of tenderness, selfless love, and their hands do good on earth.

Song to the accordion “White Roses”

2 Presenter:So where does mom start?
1 Presenter:
And mom starts with this magic house!


Presenter 2:What is happiness? With such a simple question
Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.
But in fact, happiness is simple!
It starts with half a meter of height.
Presenter 2:
These are vests. Booties and bib,
Presenter 1:
A brand new described mother's sundress.

Presenter 2:Torn tights...
Presenter 1:
Broken knees
Presenter 2:
These are the walls painted in the corridor...
Presenter 1:
Happiness is soft warm palms,
Presenter 2:
There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...
Presenter 1:
This is a whole heap of broken toys,
Presenter 2:
This is the constant noise of rattles...
Presenter 1:
Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor...

Presenter 2:A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections...
Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead... this is a constant “What” and “Why?”...
Presenter 1:
Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...
Presenter 2:
A small candle on a huge cake...
Presenter 1:
This endless "Read me a story"
These are daily Piggy and Stepashka...
Presenter 2:
This is a warm nose from under the blanket...
Presenter 1:
A hare on the pillow, blue pajamas...
Presenter 2:
Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...
Presenter 1:
Puppet theater, matinee in the garden...
Presenter 2:
What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;
Everyone has it
who has children!


Presenter 1. We are in eternal, unpayable debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, we must and are obliged to tenderly love, respect, take care of her, and not cause pain to the mother with our words and actions. To thank her for her work and care for us, to be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her. Constant care, attention, cordiality, sympathy, kind words Mom is waiting for us.


Presenter 2:

All our mothers love flowers at any time of the year. Do you like to play “Field of Miracles”. Our game is called: “Recognize the flower.” Flowers give people joy. And in summer they don’t get boring, and in winter they bring us freshness and warmth. Now let’s guess the name of the flowers:

Presenter 1: This flower looks like an inverted headdress: it is called “lala”, “lola”, “lala”. What is the real name of this flower? (tulip)

Presenter 2: This flower is called the sister of mercy. His popular names: popovnik, whitehead, Ivanov flower. This flower is considered national symbol in Russia. (Chamomile)

Presenter 1: Popularly this flower is called boletus, commotion, ringing grass. (Cornflower)

Presenter 1 : People call this flower maiden beauty, city dweller. They also say that nature gives strength and brightness to those who are not afraid of life’s adversities. (Carnation)

Presenter 1: Flower of the sun - that’s what they call it. It came to Russia from Holland. (Sunflower)

Presenter 1:

Happy holiday to you! Being a mother is not only great happiness, but also great responsibility and hard work. Being a mother of many children is a high moral feat! Low bow for this undoubted feat!

Presenter 1: We are proud of our mothers and rejoice at their achievements. But much more - because they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, warm everyone with their care and love. After all, the most important thing in every person’s life is his family, which gives him support for the rest of his life, and the main thing in the family, of course, is his mother.

Presenter 1:Let's not limit ourselves to congratulations on this day, but simply try to make the lives of our mothers a little easier and more festive every day.


3 participants: mother, son and robot. Starting position: the robot stands with its arms wide apart, mother and son are on the sides of the robot, slightly in front of it (so that the robot’s palms are not far from their heads).

Son (pointing to the robot): Oh, who is this?

Mom: It's a robot. He knows how to distinguish whether a person is telling the truth or deceiving. For example, tell me, what grades did you get at school today?

Son: Five!

Boom! (the robot pretends to slap its son on the head).

Mom: So you told a lie. So what did you actually get?

Son: Four.

Boom! (the robot slaps his son on the head again)

Mom: Not true again. What did you get?

Son: Well, three...

Boom! (again a slap on the head).

Mom: Tell the truth! What did they give you?

Son (sighing): two.

The robot strokes his son's head.

Mom: Oh, you! And at your age I studied with straight A's and neverI lied to my parents!

Boom! Boom! (now mom is getting two slaps on the head!)

Presenter 2.Appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy and always remember that we are all indebted to them.

Presenter 1: Dear women, the smile on your faces broughtThe atmosphere of our holiday is a lot of warmth and light. We want you to smile like that always, and not just on holidays.


Presenter 2 : Thank you, dear ones! And may your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Presenter1 :

First word, first step
Only mom remembers the first lesson.
Tears, grievances and our smiles,
Mom always forgives us for our mistakes.

Presenter 2:
Today is Mother's Day in our country,
We will hug mom twice as hard.
Thank you for the love through the years,
May happiness always surround you!



On a bench near the house,

Tom sighs heavily

Toys lie to the side

She doesn't care about her friends.

Neighbor Leila came up:

Leila: “Why are you sitting, aren’t you tired?

Let's play catch up

Hopscotch or jump ropes"

Toma: “No,” the friend answers,

Shakes his head sadly

"I have great grief,

I’m in a quarrel with my mommy.”


Leila said anxiously:

“Is it possible to argue with mom?”

Toma: “No, I wasn’t rude to my mother,

My mother stopped loving me

All attention to brother

Fruits, diapers, panties,

I asked for a new doll,

But my mother didn’t buy it for me

She looked and said,

To play with the old ones.

He buys everything for Andryushka,

But he doesn’t notice me.”


Leila Tomu understood

And she called her sisters

She has six of them

And there is also a brother.

Leila: “Look at us, friend,

It's good for us to live with each other,

And we have enough toys,

And no one bothers us

We are a wall for each other,

How bad is it to be alone?!

We sit at the table together,

Mom knows what we need

We help her with everything

We don’t offend mommy

After all, she is the only one we have,

She gets tired during the day.

Are you helping your mom?

Do you play with your brother?


Tom felt very ashamed

She is of no use in the house

Walks and whines all day long,

She is too lazy to clean up after herself.

Tom: “I’ll go home now

AND I'll put things in order,

I'll wash the dolls' dresses

And I’ll play with Andryushka.”

Leila: “Well done, I understood everything” -

Presenter: Leila hugged Tom,

Leila: “Mom’s heart is like this,

Very kind, big,

How much love, warmth,

And it doesn’t hold a grudge.”


Tom and Leila said goodbye,

And she quickly rushed home. . .

I took a broom and dustpan

I swept in the corridor,

And then toys, books -

I gave everything to my brother,

Quietly rocking the stroller,

She told me a fairy tale for my brother,

I put the rompers in a stack,

I really surprised my mother:

Mom: “What happened? That's it,

Our daughter has grown up!” -


Mom said kindly

And I took out the box:

Mom: “Here, daughter, take it,

Play with your new doll."


Tom kissed his mother

And whispered in her ear:

Toma: “I won’t be capricious,

Want? I'll wash the dishes

I'm going shopping

I’ll sit at home with my brother...”

Mom: “Daughter, what’s wrong with you?”

Toma: “My brother and I are just two,

Talk to dad

And give me a little sister.”

Mom: “Tom, I’m surprised

Did you want to be alone?

Toma: “No, mummy, dear,

We need a big family,

Here we have Andryusha,

And you need six sisters,

Like Leila, the neighbor,

Dasha, Sasha, Ksyushka, Svetka...

Tom and Mom:

The world will become brighter, kinder,

Let the laughter of children ring in it!”

Presenter 1 :

Moms are our pride
This is our glory, strength!
This is our strength of spirit,
This is help when you are powerless!
We bow our heads to mother
And we sincerely congratulate you,
So that you, mommies, know for sure,
That only you are the best for us!

Presenter 2:

Bow to you, dear mothers,
For your hard, necessary work,
For all the children you raised

And those who will grow up soon.
For your affection and attention,
For sincerity and simplicity.
For courage and understanding,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness.