Interesting games for last call. Games and competitions at prom

Farewell evening educational institution must become a bright and memorable event. And they will help you achieve a noble goal funny Games and graduation competitions. These original ideas will involve all the participants in the celebration and give them a great mood!

Capitals of the world

This competition will test who knows the capitals of the world better, parents or their children. So, teams of parents and graduates are formed. The presenter names the capital, whoever raises his hand first answers and names the corresponding country. The team whose team has the most correct answers is the winner.

Puzzle the class teacher

For this competition, the presenter must communicate with the children and draw up short description about each of them, for example: he is modest, good at mathematics, plays the guitar and loves sports, or she is beautiful, but does not really like to study, draws wonderfully and sings wonderfully. And the class teacher, based on such proposals, must guess which of her students is being discussed.

Best Waltz

In this competition, couples will dance the waltz. Whoever has the most beautiful and best dance will receive a prize. But, there is one “but”, you need to dance the waltz with your backs to each other.

King and queen

This competition consists of a secret ballot box located in the hall throughout the evening, next to which there are leaves and pens. Each of the guests of the evening, taking into account activity, energy, artistry, cheerful character, playfulness, enthusiasm, beauty, extravagance and other qualities, must decide for whom he will vote, who is worthy of the title of King and Queen of the ball. At the end of the celebration, the votes are counted and the King and Queen are announced, who can be awarded with homemade crowns (similar crowns can also be bought in the store).

The last bell rings

Boys and girls participate in pairs. If the age of the children does not allow the boys to take the girls on their shoulders, they join hands, and older children form a couple like this - the boy takes the girl on one shoulder or on the shoulders, whichever is more convenient. They are given a ringing bell. The task of each pair is to cover a certain distance the fastest, while shouting loudest last call.

Parents vs Children

A team of parents and a team of children are formed. The presenter takes turns turning on music, for example, the dance of little ducklings, lambada, macarena, and so on. Whoever performs best in dance - children or parents - are the winners.

My favorite teacher

Everyone in turn is invited to the center of the hall and shows their favorite teacher with gestures and facial expressions. It will be very interesting for everyone how well the children know their teachers and their character traits. The rest of the children and guests must guess who the participant is showing. The most artistic person is awarded an Oscar.

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think that it will soon be graduation and graduation. And now it has come true - your graduation has arrived! Have you prepared for it? Cool competitions at the graduation party in 11th grade will help you spend your time usefully and fun. See all the competitions for your prom below and choose the ones you liked the most.

Competition 1 – guess the object.
Graduates need to guess from the description what is being said. For example:
- from this thing you can easily understand who will become who after graduation. In this item you will find all the information about each student and you will be able to make a dossier or incriminating evidence on him. (Answer - magazine)
- if he is not there, then the school will be a mess. If you don’t know him, you won’t get to them. If it is changed, then someone is happy, and someone is worried. (Answer - lesson schedule)
- only two teachers at school have this. And not because these teachers can afford it, it’s just easier to teach and remember. (Answer - wall maps in the history classroom and geography classroom)
- If there is trouble, then we immediately go there. If you need to get out of class with a real excuse, then we also go there. (Answer: school nurse, nurse's office)
- You can't fight at school. But he is often beaten, both with hands and feet. Who is this “lucky guy”? (Answer: a ball in physical education class)

Competition 2 – find out what it is!
In this competition, graduates are invited to find out or guess what it is about. For example:
- at home we walk on it, and at school we go out to it (answer - blackboard)
- what happens if geographical map roll into a ball? (answer - globe)
- you are not waiting for him at home from the director, but you are waiting for him at school during lessons (answer is a call)
- when this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately have urgent matters (the answer is a parent-teacher meeting)
- only the teacher decides what it will be like. You can give it to the teacher later (answer – assessment)

Will you write wishes in the graduation album to your classmates? Then see our article -. In it you will find exactly the words that you need to write as a memory.

Competition 3 – remember everything.
In this competition, we invite graduates to remember not only school subjects, but also fairy tales. So let's get started.
1. How to measure the area of ​​a kolobok? (the same as the area of ​​a circle, because the bun is round)
2. Why did the bear break the tower? (because a body placed in a liquid displaces as much liquid as the body itself. So the bear displaced as much air as he himself)
3. What do Adam, Newton and Eve have in common? (Answer: apple)
4. In the old days it was a vessel for wine. And now the reward for the winner (Answer - cup)
5. These words are read the same in any direction. And this is a turbine at the station (the answer is a rotor)

Competition 4 – in alphabetical order.
Often teachers called students to the board in alphabetical order. In this competition we will also try to arrange ourselves in alphabetical order, but first we will play a little.
All graduates take the stage. They are encouraged to take a young graduate course. And to do this, they must first build in height. Time is recorded. If you do it within 20 seconds, then you have passed the first test. Afterwards they need to line up separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are lined up by tie length from longest to shortest. And girls according to the length of their nails from largest to smallest. They have 30 seconds to do everything about everything. Did you manage? Well done. And now we need to put everything in alphabetical order, like in a magazine. Afterwards, the class teacher checks everyone using the log to see if everything is in place!

Probably, for every person, prom is associated with something especially wonderful. This date will be the starting point for graduates in adult life. On graduation party You seem to feel like you’re no longer a child, but at the same time you understand that you don’t want to grow up at all. They are waiting for this solemn event, dreaming about it, and carefully preparing for it. After difficult exams, good and not so good grades, graduation becomes a kind of reward for all your hard work. Every person has it only once in their life. And understanding this, every parent tries to create an unforgettable atmosphere for their child at this farewell party.

In order for the school graduation party to be a success, you should take care of all the nuances and organizational issues. If you want your graduation to be fun, you need to think about the program, come up with naughty and Interesting games and graduation competitions.

Create and also hold an enchanting entertainment program for graduates, their parents and teachers, an experienced professional who knows his business will be able to. If you want the evening to be full of lively competitions, tricks, sparkling humor and many pleasant surprises, you should take the choice of toastmaster very seriously. Do not forget that the host of the celebration must be on the same page with the graduates, be an excellent psychologist and teacher, and also have a bright appearance and charisma.

Naturally, if a specially invited presenter is responsible for holding the prom, then he should come up with games and competitions for the prom. But not everyone invites a professional toastmaster, but gets by on our own and efforts. In addition, there is a possibility that graduates may not like the graduation competitions chosen by the presenter. That’s why it’s worth playing it safe by learning a couple of original games and competitions, because you probably know what your classmates will like.

Prom competitions can be very different: funny and serious, dance and intellectual. It’s impossible to imagine prom without them. Players can break into teams, compete, sing, and dance.

Graduation competitions - a few examples:

"Future Diploma"

To conduct this competition you will need five sheets of paper and five markers. Then invite five alumni. The participants’ task is as follows: they need to write the phrase “Excellent Student Diploma” while holding the pencil with their foot. Thus, graduates seem to promise their parents that they will graduate from the university with excellent marks. Whoever does this more accurately and quickly becomes the winner.


Each team draws from the leader a card with the name of a famous painting that will need to be depicted. We must try to do this in such a way that everyone recognizes the depicted work. The winning team is determined depending on how quickly the pictures were guessed.

One cannot ignore prom competitions, which involve choosing the King and Queen of the ball. Many graduates have been waiting for this moment for a long time and only dream of winning this title. Voting is best done at the end of the celebration, anonymously, when everyone who wishes must write on a piece of paper the name of the candidate for the title of King or Queen of the Ball and put it in a special box. The King and Queen are selected by counting votes. After this, they are usually awarded prizes and are also invited to dance the school waltz.

The host of such a celebration should include it in the games. This could be a humorous basketball game, where the role of a ball will be played by a crumpled up newspaper, and the basketball basket will be a real trash basket attached to the wall, or it will be a funny football game, in which graduates will play as football players. balloon. You can also play this game.

Many people say that a birthday is both a happy and sad holiday. This is really so, because on this day a person understands that a year of life has flown by. But this only applies to adults, because children do not delve into such moments, so on their birthday they have fun with all their hearts. However, they have another holiday, which is both sad and happy. It's about about the last bell of school, which means that children will not be able to see their favorite classmates for the whole summer. But with the help of games and competitions for the Last Bell, you can make this holiday so fun that schoolchildren will have no time to be sad.

Draw the school year

This competition is great for students of all grade levels. The teacher asks all students to draw on a large canvas of paper the moment that they remember most in the past academic year. To do this, it is not necessary to have remarkable drawing abilities. This competition does not evaluate artistic talents, but is held only so that schoolchildren remember the cheerful, bright and interesting points that happened at school during the year.

Try to guess

To participate in this competition, the teacher calls willing students and blindfolds them with scarves. Any object is placed on the table in front of each student, and the participants must guess what exactly is standing or lying in front of them. But don’t think that this is easy to do, because participants are only allowed to touch the object with a pen or pencil in their hand. The one who can know the subject first wins.

Sweet predictions

This competition is only suitable for graduating classes. For this you need to order a large cake. It must be cut into many small pieces so that their number corresponds to the number of students in the class. To each piece you need to attach a piece of paper with a prediction about what the graduate will become after school, for example, an athlete, musician, actor, businessman or astronaut. You can attach a prediction to the cake different ways, for example, using a toothpick.

Instead of a graduation cake, you can order Chinese fortune cookies. The competition will be more fun with this confectionery product. Especially if you approach the predictions themselves with humor.

Tower of Babel

This competition for the Last Bell is suitable not only for graduates, but also for students of all classes. The presenter announces that with the help of this competition he wants to check how the students have learned to interact with each other over the year. He invites them to divide into teams of 5 people, whose task is to build the highest possible tower from a construction set in one minute. The winner is the team that managed to build the tallest and most durable tower from the construction set.

School crocodile

The teacher divides the students into two teams. After that, each team chooses one representative. The selected participant must draw a word with chalk on the board that the opposing team wishes for him. The participant’s task is to depict the hidden word so that the team can guess it. No more than three minutes are given to guess the word. The team that manages to guess the answer wins greatest number drawings.

Fact or Fiction

Each student tells a story that happened to him at school during the school year. The story can be either fictional or real. The other participants' task is to determine whether the student was lying or telling the truth. The winner is the one who managed to identify the most invented stories.

Message to descendants

The teacher asks students to record a video with a message in which they need to wish something to people from the future. If the Last Bell takes place in the lower grades, then the wish can be written down for an adult. Well, graduates can record a message as first graders. The competition will look both touching and fun.


Schoolchildren are divided into pairs. The presenter calls the first team and gives one of the participants pre-prepared cards on which various words are written. The participant reads what is written on the card, but does not pronounce this word, but only describes it in his own words. For example, if the word "Ice Cream" is written on the card, the participant might say, "Cold and sweet." If he comes across a card with the word “Sea,” then he can describe this word as “Deep and salty.” The team that can guess the most words wins.

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a large number of cards in advance, so that there is enough for everyone who wants to participate. With the help of this competition, you can find out how students have learned to express their thoughts over the school year.

our school

The host of the Last Bell divides everyone present into two teams and announces a quiz about knowledge of the school. He asks the teams questions that are somehow related to the school. For example, he may ask, “How many teachers are there in the school?”, “When was the school founded?” or “How many classes are there in the school?” These questions may be too difficult for those present, so you can prepare answers for them. The team that knows the school better and was able to give more correct answers wins.


Students will definitely enjoy this Last Bell competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare several pairs of sushi chopsticks and several plates of food, for example, sliced ​​apples or chocolates. The challenge is to empty your plate as quickly as possible using chopsticks.


In the lower grades, all students know the alphabet because they are forced to learn it. But older schoolchildren forget the alphabet, because it is completely unnecessary for them to know it. To conduct this competition, you need to draw two identical squares on the board, which must be divided into 33 fragments. After this, you need to select two teams of six people. The participants' task is to fill in each of the 33 squares with one letter of the alphabet. Whoever copes with this faster wins.

In order to complicate the competition, you need to ask participants to write down the letters not in alphabetical order, but randomly. This will force the participants to really work as a team, because they will have to work together to keep track of which letters are written.

Guess the teacher

Each teacher at school has his own behavioral characteristics. Based on this, one can truly fun competition for the Last Bell, which will please not only students, but also teachers.

The presenter calls one person at a time and asks him to take out a piece of paper from the box on which the name of a particular teacher is written. The participant needs to show this teacher without words, focusing on the peculiarities of his behavior. There are teachers who are quite easy to show off, but there are also those who do not have pronounced characteristics. So this competition will not be equally simple for everyone. One student must show the teacher, and the other participants must guess who exactly is being shown to them. The winner of the competition is determined by popular vote. Students and teachers must choose the person who best fits the role.

Graduation evening is a joyful and sad event in everyone's life. Schoolchildren are eager to start a new adult life, teachers say goodbye to students to whom they have devoted more than one year, parents realize that their children have grown up. In each school, the celebration of the graduation party has its own established traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains within the walls of their home school, but in both cases, each participant wants to remember these moments.

It falls on the shoulders of the organizers (teachers, parents or students themselves) not an easy task prepare the holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and appeals to several age categories. Correctly selected games will help with this. interesting competitions for the graduation party.

Entertainment can be organized around one theme or be competitive program. Games can be team or individual, with random selection of participants or based on the wishes of the audience. It is better to involve everyone - parents, students, teachers.

Fun competitions interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion 2017".
  • "Lollipop."
  • "The hard way."
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Slam-Top."
  • "Ciphers".
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks the girls from the audience to prepare a little for the competition - to tint their lips (preferably with their own lipstick). To each young man They give you a piece of paper and ask you to collect as many “kisses” as possible from your beautiful classmates in a short period of time (30 seconds). The one who collects the most wins and is proclaimed “The most charming and attractive graduate.”

Competition for girls

Several participants (3–5) are selected and asked to choose accessories for a fashion show in the hall in a few minutes. But the names of these items must begin with a specific letter and not be repeated. For example, with “C”: napkin, bag, glass and others. Afterwards, the participants parade, trying to present the acquired accessories to their advantage. The winner is determined by the audience.

Cool competition to lift your spirits

young people. Materials - lollipops according to the number of participants.

To begin with, the boys with one piece of candy in their mouths say the phrase: “I am a graduate.” Next, the number of candies is increased to three and they are asked to say: “I am a graduate high school No...." Each time there are more lollipops in the mouth, and the text gets longer. If a participant fails to complete the task, he is eliminated. The winner is the graduate who manages to say the most long phrase with a lot of sweets in the mouth (but there should be at least 6 lollipops).

Game options:

It’s fun to end the holiday with such a competition. The presenter asks all the young people to come up to him and quietly tells them the rules:

The boys begin to complete the task, and girls are invited to the leader, they are given slightly different instructions, they must:

  • walk the same way as guys;
  • follow them all the time;
  • answer the question “no”.

After the locomotive starts moving, the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- NO-NO!
- Why do you follow them?

General competitions for parents, teachers and graduates

Graduation competition with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment, similar to the famous game "Rock, Paper, Scissors", but with elements of theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to remember the characters and actions (which can be created together). Let's say the following heroes:

  • Student (sings the song “la-la-la”, pretends that he doesn’t care, but is afraid of the strict Teacher).
  • Teacher (shakes his finger, swears, but is afraid of the Parent).
  • Parent (dissatisfied, closes his eyes, afraid of the Student).

Teams play against each other and field one of their “fighters”. They show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets a point. The game goes to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then it's a draw.

  • This
    The game is interesting because it gives the opportunity to look at others in a new way, for example, for graduates - at teachers, and for parents - at children. Everyone writes something on a piece of paper interesting fact about yourself, preferably unknown and honest (“I love raw carrots", "I dream of becoming a veterinarian" or "I considered myself a fish as a child"). The leaves are put into a common pile, mixed and taken out one at a time. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • An active game for everyone. The leader constantly changes and stands in the center, and all the players are in a common circle. The driver suggests “switching places with those who have...” (any sign that unites several people is selected). The goal is to take a place in the circle while others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then a “whirlpool” is declared and everyone changes chaotically; naturally, one cannot remain in place if the leader’s conditions are met.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but calmer. Participants sit in a circle, and the leader stands in the center. His task is to get a place in the circle. A person inside the circle must tell some fact, choose any sign so that any other participant can attribute it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new leader appears. This game is interesting if it touches not only on trivial things, like appearance, but on deeper ones. By the way, phrases should begin with the words “The sun shines for those who...” (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, cannot stand the smell of tobacco, etc.).
  • Can divide participants into several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts their hands on their neighbor’s shoulders, lining up like a snake, and then they “get entangled” in a ball or in a large monster. The presenter comes up with tasks for the animal (or several): to run to the goal, to “eat” someone, and others.
  • This entertainment needs to be prepared in advance. The presenter or class teacher collects children's photographs of students (preferably several, for example, at the age of up to one year, at three and five years). You can present everything as a wall newspaper or postcards, or transfer it to a projector screen. The task of the graduates is to guess who is in the photo, to find similarities and differences with today. You can also use photographs of teachers and parents.
  • Another version of the game for graduation at school. Participants are divided into teams (divided by class, play against teachers or parents, girls against boys, etc.). The presenter offers to pull out 5 cards with words from the envelope (without repetitions or, conversely, identical sets for commands). The players' task is to create a motto for the evening (graduation or class), using all the words, adding only prepositions, changing only cases and numbers.
  • Materials: lollipops and sushi sticks. Participants are asked to quickly transfer lollipops from one dish to another, using only chopsticks. You can make the competition more difficult by blindfolding the players.

  • The goal of the competition is to translate a phrase from Russian into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning by replacing words with synonyms without repetition or hints. Let's say, “A 6-year-old boy was sitting in the chair” changes to “In soft version a male child sat in a chair preschool age, almost a first grader." This competition is best held between teams or individual students, counting points for a successful option, or giving a limited time. The text is created based on the graduation theme, for example: “In the life of every person there should be a night that he will remember forever.”
  • The competition is especially for teachers; it is better to prepare for it in advance. The presenter, together with the students, writes cards describing a person, some kind of him characteristic feature or acts out a skit in such a way that the teacher can recognize himself. It is better not to use names and titles of subjects that teachers teach in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (you can use portraits or cartoons) is given to the teacher who was wished for.
  • Before the start of the competition, topics are invented (nature, animals, etc.), written on pieces of paper and placed in an envelope. The participant is given a topic, and his task is to come up with a story on the fly in such a way that it matches the topic, and each word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris Always Walked During the Day, Eated Hedgehogs, Lived Wonderfully and Loved to Meow Beautifully. The winner is the one who reaches the farthest letter of the alphabet.

You can hold an unforgettable graduation ceremony with your own efforts; it is not necessary to invite a professional presenter, because an active and resourceful parent, teacher or even student knows the audience better and will always find a way out difficult situation. The main thing is to think through the entertainment program correctly and in advance, to select interesting competitions and games that can be easily replaced and alternated depending on the mood of the public.