Interior with clinker tiles. Clinker tiles for interior decoration: types and installation features. Video - The process of finishing a wall with clinker tiles

  • First of all, it is environmentally friendly, since it does not emit any harmful to health and environment fumes.
  • Simplicity. The tiles are easy to care for; to clean, simply rinse with plain water or use chemicals. As a rule, clinker tiles are used in the interior of the hallway due to their resistance to dirt and easy care for her.
  • It is also often used in the kitchen or bathroom due to its anti-slip properties. Does not slip even when exposed to fat and water.
  • Strength. The tile copes well with any load, both with bends, compression, and long-term statistical loads.
  • Sustainability. This means that the tiles are resistant to temperature changes, high humidity, fading, chemicals, and ultraviolet rays. It does not lose its original appearance.
  • The tiles are absolutely fireproof as they do not burn.

When choosing clinker tiles for the living room interior, you can note that its texture is almost 100% identical to natural stone or other elements. This effect achieved through the use of minerals, which during the firing process give required type. If you come across picturesque tiles in the form of a brick, this effect is achieved due to the randomness of firing, giving the material the maximum appearance of a brick.

Clinker tiles in the interior of the house, how to use?

The use of clinker tiles in the form of brickwork allows you to reduce the cost of a full brick purchase, as well as add style and elegance to the room. In apartments, this way you avoid unnecessary load on the walls and save space.

You can use similar tiles in the following designs:

  • High tech. Modernity of the premises with advanced technology and fashionable furniture successfully emphasizes clinker tiles for interior decoration walls, which you can buy on our website or in the store. Thanks to it, you can tint glass or any chrome-plated surface. This style is mostly used for decorating kitchens.
  • Loft. This style implies appearance old warehouses or former factories. In its design, the initial element is brickwork on at least one of the walls, which can be replaced with clinker tiles. Also in the interior elements there are pipes, wires, etc.
  • Minimalism. An extravagant and rough style that will be successfully emphasized by brick-like clinker tiles in the interior. Best colors: brown, red and dark brown.
  • Country. In this style, a fireplace or stove must always be present. Country harmoniously combines elements with brick on the walls. It is used both in apartments and country houses.
  • Gothic. This style originated in the Middle Ages, when no one decorated the walls, and stone and brick began to be the main design elements of the room. In this case, clinker tiles for interior wall decoration, the price of which is quite reasonable, represent a contrast between brutalist masonry and luxurious furniture and crystal chandeliers.

As a rule, clinker tiles in the form of stone are used to decorate columns, for the kitchen or living room, adding elements of nobility and antiquity.

Clinker tiles are widely used today in finishing the facades and plinths of buildings for various purposes - both residential and common use. However, even in interior this material is used no less actively - in particular, it is used to create spatial accents, decorate fireplaces, stairs, windows, etc.

Due to such characteristics as water resistance, clinker tiles can also be used as cladding for baths, saunas and swimming pools. It turns out that this material can be called universal - it is durable, does not attract dirt, and is easy to clean.

Photo: clinker tiles in the interior of a private house

Main advantages

If you are afraid whether clinker tiles will be appropriate in the interior, then you need to evaluate their practicalities, which include:

Types of clinker tiles

Tile coloring is carried out using natural dyes, which ensures not only the harmlessness of the materials, but also the widest possible color scheme. The main shades here are orange, brown, yellow, white and red.

Types of clinker tiles for bricks

The material can also be classified according to surface texture into:

  • rustic (like rough-hewn stone),
  • smooth,
  • rough.

Photo: clinker tiles in the kitchen interior

There are also different variations in size and shape - either a square (standard size 240 or 300 mm) or a rectangle. The thickness of the tiles may also differ - most often this value is in the range of 12-65 mm.

Features of use in the interior

Clinker tiles are used. This is fully consistent with modern design trends. Since the material is considered universal, its use is justified and appropriate everywhere - from the office to the bedroom, including hallways, recreation areas, libraries and billiard rooms.

Photo: clinker tiles in the interior of a hairdressing salon

It is important that tiles can be used both throughout the room and only on part of the surfaces being finished - this depends on the overall stylistic concept, as well as on the area of ​​the room. Brick-like clinker will bring a special atmosphere and vintage mood to the interior, and can also perfectly focus attention on unusual interior details.

Clinker tiles go well with antique furniture

Antique furniture, forged lamps and unsurpassed glass elements With such tiles they look very bright and rich. A suitable addition to the material is original textiles- velvet or shiny satin, as well as stucco, classic wallpaper in the old English style, and aged wood.

Thanks to the variety of textures and colors, clinker tiles allow you to realize any design fantasies:

  • loft style in a studio apartment,
  • bedroom in the spirit of Parisian attics,
  • Provence in the dining room,
  • an impeccable classic in the office.

Balconies also look great framed with clinker tiles and combined with luxurious green flowers. This material would be appropriate and or.

Popular interior projects using clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are excellent for decoration interior walls, because with its help you can create an amazing and stylish interior.

With its help you can implement classic interior using tiles for cladding columns. It is important that you can vary the shades of clinker, creating contrasts. For example, a very common combination is the combination of anthracite and white pearls. These colors allow you to create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

IN modern interiors clinker tiles play a leading role. Surfaces lined in this way are in harmony with high-tech office equipment, wooden parquet And modern furniture with inserts of chromed metal and glass. Such projects successfully combine materials with a smooth and aged texture. By the way, for fireplace rooms, clinker tiles will be the best option- both practical and inexpensive.

Photo: white brick-like clinker tiles in the interior

Brave design solution You can also call the use of clinker tiles in. This option will be especially relevant for boys, as it will create an unrivaled atmosphere of a knight’s castle. In addition, this material will form an excellent composition with bright pieces of children's furniture.

Photo: white brick-like clinker tiles

So, with the help of clinker tiles you can reproduce the interiors of the following style:

  • high tech,
  • loft,
  • industrial style,
  • pop Art,
  • vintage,
  • medieval Gothic,
  • english classics,
  • french provence,
  • ethno,
  • modern styles.

The original interior decor makes the room unique and gives it individuality. Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration - practical material, which gives neatness to the walls, adding a special twist to the design. It is used not only for internal lining, but is also often used to decorate the façade of a building.

Clinker tile manufacturing technology

Clinker tiles are made from slate or peat types of clay, which are characterized by high environmental friendliness and naturalness. The peculiarity of its production technology is the long (about 36 hours) process of high-temperature firing (from 1200 to 1500 ° C). It is the prolonged exposure to high temperatures that gives this material special strength, providing it with a monolithic waterproof structure. Firing takes place in tunnel kilns, and then the tiles are gradually cooled, this promotes the appearance of natural shades and textures that do not change over time.

Another feature of the production of clinker material is its standard sizes, which correspond to standard brick sizes. To obtain exactly this shape, the pre-prepared mixture is distributed along a conveyor by pressing or extrusion. Only the thickness of the tile can vary from 8 to 21 mm. As a rule, more thin types clinker tiles, which as a result will not hide the space in the room.

Types of clinker tiles for interior decoration

Clinker tiles, which are used for interior decoration, are divided into the following types according to their purpose:

The clinker tiles offered on the market can be divided into the following types based on the type of texture of the outer layer:

  • Smooth - universal look, can be used for finishing any premises, simple and easy to maintain;
  • Glazed - such tiles have a very smooth and shiny surface and are very popular for interior decoration due to their stylish appearance;
  • Rough - this texture makes it possible to use tiles for finishing corridors, bedrooms, living rooms, and other rooms where there is no likelihood of constant contamination (for example, in the kitchen) using various individual design techniques in creating interiors;
  • Rustic - this material has a particularly rough appearance, or an imitation of aged stone or brick is made. It is especially popular in extravagant interiors in loft, industrial and other styles.

Among the varieties of colors, clinker tiles also have a wide variety. And since they are used as dyes natural materials- this ensures the safety and environmental friendliness of the decorative coating. For uniformity and durability, paint is added to the clay mixture. In addition, this ensures pristine color throughout the entire service life, no traces of moisture, sun rays or chemicals.

The main colors of the produced tiles are red and brown, which further increases their resemblance to brick. But there are others on sale color solutions, and glazed clinker tiles may even have unexpected colors (silver, white).

Advantages and disadvantages

This finishing material has many advantages that make it popular and in demand:

One of significant shortcomings clinker tiles is its high price, as well as the high cost of adhesives for installation. Another drawback is correct installation, which, although not very complex, still requires some experience and knowledge. When choosing this finishing material you should be very careful and know the subtleties of the difference quality material from low-quality ones to protect yourself from making the wrong purchase.

Laying features

Installation of clinker tiles requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions that are necessary for high-quality installation and ensuring the durability and durability of the decorative coating.

The first step is preparation. At this stage it is necessary to perform the following actions:

Important! Since clinker tiles are a fairly expensive material, it is necessary to try to most accurately calculate the required quantity.

For installation work no special tools are required; the task can be completed with smooth and serrated spatulas and rubber mallet. And evenness and equal distances between the tiles can be ensured by using special mounting crosses of varying thicknesses. If you need to cut tiles, use a regular tile cutter or grinder with a diamond blade, as well as a glass cutter. A diamond crown is suitable for cutting rosette holes.

Laying work should be carried out in the following sequence:

Important! Before laying, the tiles are placed in water for a while to soak.

After all materials have completely dried, you can begin to clean the surface from construction dirt and adhesive composition.

Clinker tiles are often used in interiors various styles for creating original combinations or contrasts. It is often used to completely finish the wall on which the fireplace is located; it not only looks original, but also provides special protection to the room, since it is not a flammable material and does not emit harmful substances when heated. This finishing material is capable of creating an imitation of brick or stone, which is especially important for high-tech and Provence styles.

High operational properties And quality characteristics clinker, thanks to a special production technology, ensures this material is in demand among consumers and popular among designers as a universal material for creating original interior solutions

Decorating the interior of any home is, first of all, an attempt to give it an attractive and neat appearance, which is maintained in a certain style. If possible, some “zest” is also introduced, which, nevertheless, is in harmony with general style registration And one of these “highlights” may well be clinker tiles for interior wall decoration, which will be discussed in today’s article.

Clinker tiles for interior wall decoration

Let's start with the fact that for many, the “brick” look of the tiles does not seem entirely appropriate. Yes, people’s tastes differ, but interior styles also vary, and if you don’t overdo it (that is, don’t completely cover all the walls with the material), you can get quite a result. unique room. In short, the material described in the article still enjoys some popularity, and therefore definitely deserves your attention.

Key Features

Don’t think that clinker is something modern, high-tech and new. In fact, the ever-increasing demand for clinker tiles is more likely to trace the return of past traditions, the developments of masters of past centuries.

Thus, in the 19th century, all of Europe was swept by a construction boom, which forced people to search for new production technologies - traditional hewn blocks at that time were simply in short supply. Specialists from Holland and Germany have mastered unique high-temperature firing clay products made from carefully selected varieties. As a result, bricks were obtained that were characterized by increased strength, water resistance and durability. They began to build not only walls and plinths, but also roads. A clear proof of the quality of clinker are houses that have stood for one and a half hundred years and have not lost their attractiveness.

In fact, the clinker manufacturing technology of those times is used today practically unchanged. But the equipment used is more modern. The clay is still carefully sorted and cleaned, then special mineral components are added to it, the material is molded, and then fired at temperatures above 1200 degrees. As a result, an almost glassy substance is formed, which, in fact, explains the unique advantages of the material.

On a note! The structure of high-quality clinker is dense and uniform. If you hit it with a hammer, the sound will be clear.

At first, the material was produced in blocks and bricks, but later they also appeared cladding panels"under natural masonry." They are quite expensive, and therefore are not used for home decoration too often.

It should also be noted that in addition to the varieties listed above, there are others - various profile components for cladding stairs, windows, doors, window sills, fences, plinths, and so on. The material is also used in interior design, because none of its “competitors” can boast such a reliable imitation of masonry. And all thanks to simply universal benefits.

Material advantages

There are many of them, and therefore we will only get acquainted with the main advantages of clinker tiles.

  1. First of all, these are the excellent strength characteristics and wear resistance of the material. Even with a strong desire, you will hardly damage it, while durability is generally not limited by any time frame.
  2. If you properly care for such tiles, it will decorative properties will be preserved throughout the entire operational life, even under the most unfavorable conditions.
  3. From an environmental point of view, this is a completely clean material. It is made from non-toxic chemicals. connections, and therefore simply cannot harm health, regardless of operating conditions.
  4. But the main advantage is still low moisture absorption, which is also characteristic of clinker tiles for interior wall decoration (on average, this figure reaches only 3 percent). Therefore, the material can be safely used for finishing rooms with increased level humidity. To be fair, we note that such tiles are also available with a higher moisture absorption rate, but this does not matter for a private house/apartment.
  5. Thanks to the previous advantage, the material is also characterized by increased resistance to temperature changes. Thus, the tiles can withstand over 150 freezing/defrosting cycles, therefore, they are ideal for unheated rooms.
  6. The next advantage is Fire safety. The material is completely non-flammable, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful or dangerous substances.
  7. Finally, they try not to use most finishing materials on walls exposed to direct sunlight, since UV radiation causes the coating to fade very quickly. However, clinker tiles do not react to this in any way - they retain their original appearance until the very end of use.

A few words about the decorative qualities of clinker tiles

There is an opinion among many that the appearance of brickwork is “cold” and unattractive. This is fundamentally wrong, and such people, apparently, have never seen clinker tile catalogs. The range of this material is really huge, so why choose suitable option not easy (since everyone is good).

Modern variety will satisfy the taste of any consumer. There is strict geometrically correct masonry, “aged” tiles, and a material whose surface imitates uneven firing. Tiles in which third-party inclusions were deliberately introduced are also quite popular.

Note! Often designers use not only the “classic” type of brick, but also other colors - from white to almost black.

It is also worth noting that most clinker tiles are not afraid of abrasive effects - on the contrary, chips and abrasions make them even more attractive. Artificial dyes are not used to obtain one or another shade - there is only a change in the initial mineral mass used to form the product.

For those rooms that require frequent wet cleaning(this is a kitchen, bathroom, and so on) tiles that are covered with a protective layer of glaze (the latter can be either colored or transparent) are more suitable. The color variety in this case is also quite large.

Almost all clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are made to standard brick sizes. And due to the fact that these products are mostly foreign-made, the standards maintained are European. For a more detailed overview of the possible formats, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

Table No. 1. Clinker tile standards (Europe).

Name, photo Dimensions (WxH)

29.5x7.1 centimeters

21.5x6.5 centimeters

21x5 centimeters

24x1.3 centimeters

24x5.2 centimeters

24x6.5 centimeters

24x7.1 centimeters

Important information! RF is a tile format that is familiar to us.

Table No. 2. Clinker tile standards (USA).

Name, photo Dimensions (WxH)

29.5x9.2 centimeters

29.5x7.1 centimeters

29.5x5.7 centimeters

19.3x9.2 centimeters

19.3x5.7 centimeters

As for the thickness of the products, it can vary within 0.7-1.8 centimeters, but in the case interior design For rooms, it is better to give preference to the thinnest version possible - it will not create additional loads.

Note! In addition to the tile itself, there are often corner elements, with which you can beautifully and neatly decorate the corners (if there is such a need).

Tips for using clinker tiles in the interior

As noted earlier, the material in most cases is applied fragmentarily. There are even certain design techniques that you can check out below.

  1. Focusing on one wall. A kind of classic - for example, only the wall located at the head of the bed is tiled. May be suitable not only for the bedroom, but also for other rooms.
  2. This material is also used quite often to decorate kitchen “aprons” (in such cases, low hygroscopicity and increased strength characteristics are very useful).
  3. Also clinker tiles (especially if several are used at once) different options) is in a good way room zoning.
  4. And if you have a fireplace (not even a real one, but an imitation), it can also be finished with the tiles described in the article.
  5. In rooms such as a hallway, you can line it with material bottom part walls in order to protect it from dirt, moisture and mechanical damage.
  6. Finally, with the help of clinker tiles you can finish the perimeters of window/door openings and various interior details.

The material is ideal for most modern styles. Of course, it is difficult to advise anything specific in such situations, and therefore we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the interesting video below, which clearly shows popular solutions using such tiles.

Video - Interior finishing options using clinker tiles

Which brands should you prefer?

Due to the fact that clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are becoming increasingly popular, many companies are trying to carve out their niche in this area. But to obtain truly high-quality material, the entire production chain must be followed, and there can be no talk of any “handicraft” production or the use of equipment not intended for these purposes.

Note! On the market you can find many samples that are sold as clinker, but in reality they are not. It's about oh pretty good ceramic tiles, imitating brickwork, but it is inferior in all its parameters to true clinker.

Table No. 3. Popular manufacturers of clinker tiles.

Title, photo Short description

"Feldhaus Clinker"
This German manufacturer is rightfully considered one of the best, especially since it has been operating for more than 150 years. The range of products here is simply huge - about five hundred items. Although they are not cheap, the price is quite justified.

Another large manufacturer from Germany, offering 14 collections of clinker tiles with different colors and textures. As a rule, the dimensions of the products are 24x7.1 centimeters.

Another worthy German manufacturer of finishing materials. The tile is distinguished by the fact that it has a glossy finish, stylized as antique, and it is also quite easy to care for. There is a non-standard long Glyantsstuke tile measuring 44x5.2 centimeters, with which you can get a beautiful and interesting finish. The products are also expensive.

ABC Klinkergroup
Produces consistently popular tiles. The most popular are always the representatives of the “Austria” collection, stylized as masonry from the Middle Ages. The main advantage of the product is its relative cheapness when compared with other German-made products.

A Spanish manufacturer offering high-quality clinker tiles for interior wall decoration in a wide range. The company is distinguished by the fact that it has its own testing laboratories, thanks to which finished goods meet all requirements and quality standards.

Let us also note that this is not a complete list of worthy representatives. But if you like the tiles of a particular brand, we still recommend that you read reviews on the Internet, samples and presentation materials. Those products that have “overgrown” only negative reviews or for which information is not available, it is definitely better not to buy.

How to tile walls yourself?

Let’s immediately say that there is nothing particularly complicated in this case, and clinker tiles for interior wall decoration are laid in almost the same way as ordinary ceramic ones. But first you need to prepare everything you need.

So, to work you will need:

  • mixer and clean container for preparing the solution;
  • spatulas (including serrated);
  • rubber hammer;
  • brush, roller;
  • jointing;
  • a special syringe for filling seams with a solution;
  • the required amount of tiles;
  • stepladder (if necessary);
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • good tile adhesive;
  • calibration crosses of the required sizes (necessary to ensure that the thickness of the seams is the same everywhere);
  • primer for interior work;
  • grout.

Preparing the walls

First you need to seal all the cracks and crevices. All stains are removed and the surface is thoroughly leveled. After this, the walls are primed (the proportions and number of applications should be found in the manufacturer’s instructions for the primer mixture). When the primer has dried, you can proceed to further actions.

Now the walls need to be marked. The markings begin from the starting bottom row; for convenience, you can fix them there metallic profile or a wooden block.

Laying tiles

First, the adhesive solution is prepared; again, you need to act in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The consistency of the finished composition should be like thick sour cream. It is also important that one portion of the finished glue is enough for a maximum of half an hour of work.

Next, the actual installation begins. If there is a corner on the wall to be finished, then it is preferable to start from there. The rows are laid alternately from bottom to top, and the horizontality of the resulting lines must be periodically checked. First, the glue is applied with a trowel, then spread using a notched trowel. It is advisable to cover areas of five or six tiles in one go. Each tile must be installed in place, then pressed tightly and tapped with a rubber hammer. Excess glue must be removed.

Before laying the second and all subsequent tiles, the crosses already mentioned above are installed so that the thickness of the seams is the same everywhere.

Note! If the material has to be cut, then it is better to use a grinder and a stone disc for it; it is advisable to close your eyes when working, since the tiles produce sharp small fragments.

There is no need to apply the adhesive mixture to the tile itself. If glue gets on the surface of the finishing material, it must be removed immediately before it hardens.

What about seam design?

Once the tile laying is complete, you can begin to make the joints. As noted earlier, this is conveniently done using a special gun (syringe), although often the seams are filled with the solution manually, introducing it into the gaps. Already finished seams need to be unstitched, for which unstitching is used - special tool in the form of a narrow concave blade. As a result, the seams should be more neat.

And finally, the final stage is cleaning the surface from various grout and adhesive stains. If the tile is embossed, then it is better to clean it with a metal brush, and if it is glazed, then simply wash it with water. That's all, almost real brickwork on your wall is already ready, and if you did everything correctly, it will serve you faithfully for at least several decades. Good luck with your work!

Video - The process of finishing a wall with clinker tiles

Video – Clinker tiles

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Beautiful room decoration brickwork allows you to give special comfort to your home and emphasize the originality of the interior. For interior decoration of this type, you can use decorative clinker tiles. The material has increased strength, is easy to clean and is not afraid of water. Can be used in any premises of apartments and houses.

Characteristics of clinker tiles and its features

Thanks to the production of finishing material from natural raw materials, clinker is completely safe. It can be used to style bedrooms and children's rooms. Clinker tiles can be used for interior wall decoration in home offices or living rooms. To others important characteristics products include:

Low water absorption (about 3%)

The dense structure of the finish eliminates significant water absorption, which ensures long term material service. It can be used for original design kitchens, swimming pools, plumbing rooms.

Resistant to fading

Even if the surface is constantly exposed to UV rays (in the bedroom, in the kitchen), clinker will not change color and will not fade. The pigments used for coloring are resistant to the negative effects of sunlight.

Fire safety

Clinker tiles are suitable for attractive interior decoration of walls around fireplaces and stoves. Exposure to high temperatures or open fire will not lead to the release of harmful vapors and will not degrade the characteristics of the material.

Easy cleaning of products is ensured by a smooth surface. But for rooms in which care of materials should be carried out as often as possible (for bathrooms or kitchens), it is sold special type clinker with glaze. The coating makes it easier to remove dust, dirt and grease from the surface of the material.

Specifics of manufacturing modern clinker tiles

Foreign and domestic factories producing clinker use purified clay for their work. Coloring of raw materials is carried out using natural, harmless pigments. During the manufacturing process, clay is mixed with mineral components. Next, the brick-like clinker tiles receive their shape (by molding after pressing or grinding). The final stage is the firing of products at a temperature of about 1200 degrees. Pressing and grinding the prepared raw materials makes it possible to make the material dense and eliminate the presence of air pockets inside individual products.

Standard sizes and colors of decorative clinker

There are two types of standards according to which clinker is classified: European and American. They separate materials by size. For example, for American standards, the clinker length is 295 or 193 mm. For European, the acceptable length of products is from 210 to 295 mm.

The variety of clinker colors allows you to select them for any style: from modern loft to a light Provence. In the presented photos you can see that there are practically no restrictions on the colors of clinker: it is sold in light beige, dark brown, and black. White clinker tiles are also quite popular, used to visually expand rooms by finishing them with light-colored materials.

Features of using clinker tiles in the interior

There are no restrictions on the use of clinker in the house: the finishing is suitable for all rooms. If you use this finish to style each room, you can ordinary apartment create an original loft style. The material is also excellent for this use:

  • frames of fireplaces or stoves;
  • making a kitchen apron;
  • framing passages between rooms;
  • additions metal stairs or marches;
  • highlighting corners in hallways and corridors;
  • highlighting 1 or 2 walls (sections thereof) in bedrooms and living rooms.

Decorative clinker tiles also look great in bathrooms. It allows you to stylishly decorate rooms, give them original look. The use of clinker for framing niches in the wall is popular: beautiful design allows you to draw attention to even a small compartment and make it the “highlight” of the interior.