The interior of the apartment is in English classical style. Beautiful moderation: everything about the interior of an English house Wall decoration in the English style

The traditional English style in the interior (another name is Victorian) is strict and, to some extent, according to the prevailing stereotype, this type of design is inherent in conservatives. In strict outlines, restrained colors and a huge number decorative elements elegance, sense of style and good taste combine.

Design in english style

Home library in English style

A characteristic feature of the interior is the textile variety: velvet, satin (pompadour subtype), jacquard upholstery and curtains. Single-color canvases are combined with complex woven patterns of the 18th-19th centuries. Classic bedroom in the spirit of England, it is traditionally decorated in cool shades of aquamarine, emerald and eggplant.

Textured wallpaper and textiles should harmoniously complement each other: pillows and chairs should be covered with fabric of the same type as curtains, but with a more relaxed motif - stripes or circles. Used to decorate rooms ceramic tile And wooden panels.

English style in the interior

Bright room design in English style

Characteristic elements of an English-style cabinet are carved panels of solid oak, wenge or rosewood for wall cladding. Library with an impressive collection of books, fenced off from the hallway glass door, leather sofas, large-scale paintings with portraits of noblemen of the 18th century are mandatory attributes of the study.

Owners and guests of a home in the spirit of ancient Great Britain can see the disadvantages and advantages of an appearance in an antique mirror with a massive frame. Wooden panels made of kempas, hornbeam or beech, leather upholstery, Saintpaulias and balsams in pots will decorate the hallway and dining room.

Beautiful room in English style

English style in the interior

The design of old England houses lacks several details:

  1. Comfort comes first. In almost all living rooms there are two small sofas, not one wide one. This trick is used to create conversation areas and cozy corners for residents and guests of the house.
  2. Bright color accents. In the everyday foggy grayness of British homes, they take on a slightly dull appearance, from which attention can be distracted by a wall painted in rich blue, red or Orange color, bright rug.
  3. Everything is stored inside the furniture. For these purposes, the British use coffee tables, open shelving in the kitchen, thin cabinets and bookshelves in the living room and corridors.

To properly create an English interior in a house, you need to calculate everything down to the smallest detail.

English style design

Materials for creating an English setting

You need to talk about the arrangement of objects in an English interior only after the room has been renovated, the ceiling, walls and floor have been finished. The following materials correspond to the interior of a British house:

  • tree in the form decorative panels, type-setting parquet or floorboards;
  • textured wallpaper on a vinyl or non-woven basis;
  • ceramic tiles for rooms with high humidity(kitchen, bathroom, pantry).

The best decoration for a traditional fireplace is marble or limestone. Expensive fabrics and genuine leather are used for decoration.

English style in the interior of the room

Chic design in English style

Color filling of housing in the spirit of England

Both in the classic design of British housing and in modern times, designers are looking for inspiration from nature. From the beauty and tenderness of roses one can draw shades of pink and yellow, from the meadows and hills of the countryside - pale lime and green. A particularly relevant detail of the English interior is the floral pattern, which is created using pastel shades orange, yellow and red colors.

To decorate a cozy living room, it is enough to use three or four colors. But there are exceptions that are found in traditional English kitchens - pure white table tops and accessories in the form of vases or stands.

Light design in English style

English style in the interior

Decorating walls and floors in a British home decor

What appears in the imagination of most people after they hear the phrase “English style in the interior”? Perhaps rustic details, flowers around the door and ornaments on every corner. But, for professional designers, this phrase provides much more.

Before you start decorating a room, you need to find out the colors that are relevant for this style, or more precisely, their location on the walls, ceiling and floors. British housing design involves:

  • dark floors – brown, red;
  • walls must have a pattern - floral, geometric;
  • ceilings – matte and plain with wooden beams, caissons or stucco.

When working with elegant British-style home decor, it's important to use contrasts. For example, wooden walls colors of hornbeam, wenge, rosewood, terracotta flooring and milky white ceilings.

English style design

Bright room interior in English style

Furniture for rooms

The main material for making cabinets, tables and beds, similar to the English interior, is natural wood. Wood can be light or dark. The option of using painted, screen-printed, artificially blackened material cannot be ruled out. Tables, chests of drawers and bookshelves are usually made of oak, mahogany or pine.

Furniture fittings can be made of brass and Tibetan steel. Sofas and chairs are typically deep-stitched and covered in patterned fabrics. Carefully placed pillows soften appearance wooden chairs and seats.

Screen racks, built-in bookshelves and china cabinets throughout the home present treasured items and family heirlooms to home guests. Next to them, on secluded shelves open type straw baskets and tea sets will be placed. Both classic and modern English interior design styles emphasize the functionality of furniture and objects that tend to have a worn but sturdy appearance.

Living room design in English style

English style in the interior

Lighting, decor and accessories

Nature has made a huge contribution to the lighting of rooms: lamps, candles and traditional chandeliers are used instead of those that rarely appear from behind the clouds sun rays. Home decoration inspired by foggy England includes many accessories and details in the form of beamed ceilings, cladding and wooden floors.

Most homes have a fireplace, and a large family portrait usually hangs in a prominent place in the living room. Accessories highlight the little things, dear to the heart things - photographs, handmade crafts and pillows. Flower arrangements– recently cut or dried – arranged in long corridors, in the bedrooms and hallway.

Bright room in English style

English style design

Fabrics for upholstery, textiles and decor are selected to match the color scheme. Curtains, curtains in the kitchen, bedspreads and pillowcases on pillows simply must be painted with floral patterns. This type of home decoration involves the use of natural fabrics - linen, cotton, cambric, jacquard. For people looking to transform their home into a small, authentic corner of the UK, remember that every little detail doesn't have to look planned or designed.

You can create beauty, style and fashion in a room with the help of trendy details. But only special elements can fill a home with comfort: photographs, hand-made items, original crafts. The following tricks will help you make your interior special and warm:

  • used furniture can be painted and then lightly sanded to give it an aged look;
  • covers for chairs and sofas, made according to individual order or with your own hand, if the owner of the apartment is a needlewoman;
  • enlarged family photographs inserted into frames will decorate the walls of the hallway.

Embroidered with beads or ribbons will bring even more uniqueness and originality to the interior. decorative pillows on the sofas, vases painted with pastel colors and tapestry panels on the walls.

Living room in English style

Beautiful room design in English style

Basics and rules of design

The grace of wood and the ornamentation of textiles, massive doors and high windows, cozy carpets in soft muted colors and thick curtains, wide wooden stairs and fireplaces with marble decoration - everything accurately characterizes the style interior design houses of old England. Lined natural stone or carved wood paneling, the fireplace is the central component that surrounds the room's interior.

Sturdy wood paneling and textured wallpaper with traditional stripes or small flowers are commonly used to decorate the walls of British living rooms. The floor is covered with stacked parquet, the ceiling is decorated with cast elements, sagging wooden beams and stucco molding. The color range ranges from warm shades of brown, scarlet and gold to cool aquamarine, emerald and ash.

Textile plays important role in the British interior: kitchen and corridor curtains, eye-catching pillows and blankets are integral elements. Furniture for rooms should be made from natural wood: oak, Walnut, mahogany, ash, yew. In addition, cabinets, beds and chairs look especially elegant: graceful carved legs, painted in warm pastel shades of brown, inlaid with stones. Only natural fabric is used for upholstery of sofas, armchairs and chairs.

Integral decorative elements are rugs, tapestries, porcelain and silver items, crystal chandeliers, candlesticks. A large number of pillows and feather beds are typical features of English-style bedrooms. Another subtle feature is the four-poster bed.

English style design

English style in the interior

Creating an English atmosphere in different rooms

There has never been a debate between designers about which rooms can be decorated in the English style, because this type of furnishing is suitable for an apartment, a house, and even a restaurant. An example of room furnishings, taken from the portfolio of American designers Sean Ward and Stephen Fillmore, will help you find inspiration for creating an English interior in your home.

Living room

A harmonious combination of modern art and antique objects will add functionality to the hallway. Key details: several small tables with chairs, a colorful rug, a Chinese cabinet for family heirlooms and antiques.


The walls are painted a pastel peach shade, which harmonizes with the red-brown wood cabinets and bedside tables and the beaded pillows on the small sofa.

Living room in English style

Interior of a room in English style

Dining room

Essential elements - spacious table, opposite which there is a wall-mounted TV, a wide sofa with jacquard upholstery, an Italian chandelier with transparent pendants on the ceiling.


Tall windows, a beige door and a built-in wardrobe with carvings make the interior of the sleeping room calm. Along one of the walls there should be a four-poster bed made of dark wood and covered with a patterned bedspread.

Beautiful bedroom in English style


A classic sink with a table on legs, the same vessel in the bathroom and golden-beige tiles on the walls are bright accents of the room.

Many details for home decoration can be found at a flea market. These could be antique mirrors, paintings, vases. Even a massive carpet with an original pattern, chair covers and a tapestry with images of monarchs will perfectly complement the decor.

Video: English style in interior design

50 photos of interior design ideas in the English style:

The English style in the interior finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century; it absorbed the features of two royal styles - Victorian and Georgian. This style reflected the lifestyle of a respectable Englishman, absorbed the value system of that time and gave status to even tiny apartments and houses in England.

Regularity, unhurriedness, quiet reading and long tea drinking - a purely English style of behavior in its own cozy little world. And surely many would like to feel a little English, if not in their souls, then at least at home: to settle into an easy chair after a working day and condescendingly raise an eyebrow in response to the absurdities that occurred during the day.

In fact, it is actually possible to create a purely English atmosphere even in a typical Russian apartment, if you manage every square meter correctly and feel the character of the style. We will help you remember its main features.

1. Traditional

The purpose of space in the English style is understood literally and with English precision: the kitchen invites you to prepare food, the bedroom captivates with its comfort, and the living room contains all the elements of a traditional classical setting - it is filled with armchairs, tables, consoles, poufs and banquettes, bookcases and sideboards, and unchanging soft chairs located near the fireplace. Arranging furniture in the living room, leaving the center of the room empty - such a thought would never occur to an Englishman.

Also, you will almost never see various high partitions and dividing structures in English interiors: the designation and division of space occurs through lighting. Small light sources of different formats, including fireplace fire, make the room deep and enveloping. The compositional structures of sofas and armchairs are closed, and if the room is large enough, then there are several such zones.

2. William Morris's legacy

The canons of English style were set by William Morris, an artist and designer who created unique floral ornaments fabrics and wallpaper. Colorful and restrained at the same time, Morris's motifs became the prototype of a recognizable English style in decoration. Modern stylization has adopted the special English charm of Morris's interiors - the floral pattern of the wallpaper creates elusive romanticism, and paneled windows add magical mystery. That's what we imagine the perfect bedroom in English style. As for living rooms and hallways, wallpaper with horizontal stripes has become widely used here to make the ceilings of rooms visually higher.

3. Massiveness and grace

The main feature of furniture in the English style is a combination of elements of classicism and rococo: symmetry and static coexist with light curls of sofa legs or flirty “ears” of armchairs. The capitonné technique, or diamond-shaped screed, makes a voluminous piece of furniture appear sophisticated and refined. The legendary Chesterfield sofa made using this technique, massive and at the same time elegant, sets a high standard for the entire interior, like the production of Thomas Chippendale.

Decorating furniture with carnations and decorating massive cabinets with carvings contrasts handmade mass production, adds elegance and aristocracy to simple, laconic convenience. And the use of tapestries with floral designs makes voluminous furniture weightless and more feminine.

4. Materialism

The main thing in any room is not the space, but the thing itself, and the British are famous for the high quality of their products. Maybe that’s why their houses are filled with open shelves and sideboards with jars and vases, teapots and mugs, and libraries good books and status office?

The nature and origin of things can be completely different, since the English style has an echo of colonial times. Things brought from all over the planet coexist in one interior, but often the authenticity of an English interior consists of classical paintings, antiques, hunting trophies and family heirlooms.

Trellis hanging of paintings and cabinets stretched to the ceiling occupy almost the entire wall, and if there are corners of free space left, they are filled with lamps or small shelves.

A hospitable host tries to include everything that might interest his interlocutor and help maintain an intellectual heart-to-heart conversation while warming himself by the fireplace on long winter evenings.

5. One whole

Interiors in the English style are full of peace and tranquility, due to which they can be called cozy and intimate. This effect is achieved through the use of wood as a binding material for floors, ceilings, walls and furniture. Even the modern interpretation of this style involves the presence of interior items made of dark wood, which takes us back to medieval England.

Rarely used now Wall panels And wood trim ceiling, especially in standard apartments, rather make accents and hints using antique chests, geographical maps, globes and stuffed animals. Despite the variety of options for finishing and filling the space, several characteristic details, with a competent approach, can combine all the present elements into a single style solution.

Have you always wanted to live in the UK? There is nothing simpler - turn your own apartment into a cozy corner of good old England! Arrange your home in a classic style, if it is close to your spirit.

The main features of this style are severity and restraint combined with wealth and luxury. This is not as easy to achieve as it seems, especially if you want to apply the English style to the interior of a small apartment. Find out what techniques designers use.

Features of the English style for a small apartment

Here are some tips to help you get as close to your desired result as possible:

  • think first color scheme rooms. There are usually only a few windows, and they face a certain side of the world. As a rule, cold colors are used for a southern or western room (for example, green, azure or snow-white), and in rooms facing north or east, on the contrary, warm colors (pink, golden, brown);
  • large mirrors and paintings in massive frames are not suitable for a small apartment. As a last resort, limit yourself to one similar element - it will emphasize the style, and at the same time will not overload the space;
  • In terms of materials used, the area of ​​the apartment does not limit you in any way. Yellow copper, gilding, crystal will look great in a huge country house, and in the city two-room Khrushchev house;
  • the British habit of rigor and order will come in handy in the design small apartment. There may be few decorative elements, but they will become an excellent accent in the interior. For example, traditional shelves with family heirlooms will replace “classic” racks. They will save space and at the same time comply with required proportions in design.
  • English style will be appropriate if the kitchen and dining room in your apartment are represented by two different rooms. This is easy to arrange if your apartment is not of a standard construction, but has been remodeled;
  • Gold-plated plumbing fixtures, black and white floor tiles laid out in a checkerboard pattern, and a lamp or sconce with matte lamps will help decorate a small bathroom in the English style.