Living room interior 20 m2 with one window. Design ideas for decorating a bedroom living room

It's time overhaul apartments and you have a great opportunity make each room something new and original. What will delight you and your guests until the next major renovation will make it truly modern and fashionable. Without losing functionality, but on the contrary, increasing it by implementing several tips from professional designers.

The combination of attractiveness and functionality are the two main factors that unite your desire to transform your guest room.

Premises of a similar profile in almost all buildings, with the exception of elite ones, are precisely 17-20 square meters in area. Therefore on 19 square meters you can unleash a flight of fantasy and direct it in the right direction professional advice from experienced designers.

What do you need to know when starting to prepare for a room renovation? Several main factors will be your allies:

Of course, all this will cost a certain amount, but thanks to the investment, you can turn a dull room into a guest room or even a salon where your relatives or friends will be happy to gather.

Advice: There are many modern and relevant styles, and these do not necessarily have to be recently invented. In a well-thought-out design of the room, both ancient classics and youth trends will comfortably take root.

Japan style

The walls should be decorated with light shades, and the furniture, on the contrary, should be dark. What else is typical for this direction:

Minimalist style

Maximum free space is exactly what is required for small room. The interior must also contain a certain number of items. In addition, we take into account the following nuances:

  • when decorating a la minimalism, color preferences should be chosen from red, gray, black and white;
  • Contrast is welcome; if it is present, it adds to the interior the necessary large space dynamics and easy perception;
  • just as in the above case, the furniture is preferably rectangular, consisting of a square or rectangular table, the same shape of the sofa, as well as square chairs;
  • possible option with wall cabinets that should have glossy surface, but on one condition - no cluttering of space.

If we are talking about minimalism, then it should be manifested in everything: a minimum of accessories, no open shelves, monograms and forged elements.

High tech

We collect all the latest technology in one room - and we get a space full of high technology:

Style high technology– this is also a variety of surfaces made of gloss and metal, preferably monochromatic. Technical thought does not accept patterns and prints, this is already romance, but it does not fit here.


A rather vague, but very relevant style of a collective format. May be present here modern materials and technology. Modern direction does not relate one hundred percent to any other, but in the design of the living room it looks with great effect.

How to organize space correctly

First of all, one should proceed from the main purpose of the living room, as a family room, where family members tend to spend as much time as possible. That’s why everything here must meet the general canons of attractiveness, combine the tastes and preferences of family members, and also carry the functionality that was originally built into a space common to everyone.

Basic element

All designers agree on one thing: every space should have something that unites everything around it. This should be the starting point when determining what is a certain focal point, basic element, on which the functionality of the guest room is based.

Such an element can be anything, from a family library with cabinets from the ceiling to the walls and tables with armchairs, to a fireplace, a TV, panoramic window or walls with family photos, which is now also (in color or black and white) a fashionable delight.

However, most often our Russian mentality puts television “at the forefront”. Most often this is a modern, large panel that can be hung on the wall, or can be installed on beautiful stand, placing original speakers nearby, which, by the way, can be used to organize parties. Around the TV there are armchairs with poufs and pillows for those who like to sit cross-legged on the floor.

Where communication happens

This type of living room requires a special arrangement of furniture. Main principle maximum sociability takes place, but with this format of using space, all furniture in the form of sofas, armchairs and chairs is grouped according to the principle of usefulness of the conversational process.

That is, a light coffee table can be located in the center, around which the entire seating area is located, and then there is free space for effective movement. Everything that happens directly in the center should not be disrupted in its integrity. Everything here works for close contact between communicating people.

Advice: The same principle is good for organizing parties, when the dancers are not located in the center, but those who communicate are surrounded by those who communicate.

Children's area

This type is characterized by strict zoning, limiting the territory where children play and adults spend their holidays. Any table or long sofa will perfectly cope with the function of a border object. You can use baskets and shelves to store toys. Providing children with maximum space plays a big role here.

Using visual balance

It is very important to maintain proportions so that objects do not dominate one another. Large pieces of furniture, for example, are best placed in corners or placed opposite each other. At the same time, using the same shapes and sizes is unacceptable.

Symmetry or asymmetry?

The first option is especially good for a minimalist style, the second will be used by those who want to have a casual living room. Symmetry is best created by identical objects and paired furniture.

Advice: Any original idea is welcome

In general, it must be emphasized that the scope of activity for changing the usual space is given to the owner of an apartment almost unlimited. You can radically and boldly change the appearance of the guest room, making it simple, strict, luxurious, and unusual.

Using modern creative innovations from masters of creation original interior Any ideas are welcome, even the most daring and risky. Moods from solemn to romantic can hover under the vaults. The main thing is to approach the issue seriously and carefully.

If the room is square, then a partial arrangement of furniture is desirable. It is best to zone elongated rooms without cluttering the space. Feel free to use built-in lamps for these purposes. Otherwise, the sense of space will be lost, and with it the feeling of comfort will disappear.

Today we will continue the series of articles about planning solutions for rooms for various purposes, and using examples we will tell you how to arrange a spacious living room with an area of ​​20 sq.m. so that her space becomes not just beautiful and functional, but looks holistic and harmonious.

Remember, only a well-thought-out interior becomes successful, regardless of the size of the room being furnished!

Living room layout 20 sq. m



  • The sofa group is located at some distance from the entrance to the living room. Books and decor are placed on a large shelving unit along the wall opposite the sitting and entertaining area, so both parts of the room balance each other.
  • The TV zone is located above the electric fireplace, which is the compositional center and decorative accent.


  • There is no such thing, the layout is successful.


  • If you install a decorative console behind the back of a sofa or armchairs (as in the plan), the living room will be visually divided into two functional areas: for relaxation and a library.


Layout of a living room of 20 sq.m combined with a dining room


  • An interesting layout option for a living room combined with a dining room. The room is divided into three functional areas: guest room (sofa group and fireplace), dining room ( dinner table and chairs with a bench), for storing chests of drawers for dishes, things, decor. At the same time, the living room space looks quite free, it is convenient to move from one area to another.


  • The dining area is located at the back of the living room, so moving cutlery and dishes from the kitchen and back can be inconvenient.


  • The fireplace or TV area here should be supported by a structure in the form of a wall rack or hanging floors, on which you can place eye-catching decor, moving it from the surfaces of the chests of drawers in the passage part of the room.


Living room layout 20 sq. m rectangular shape



  • Another option for a planning solution for an elongated living room. The location of the dining group is well thought out not far from front door, the recreation area, at the same time, is located in the far part of the room, and contains all the necessary pieces of furniture, as well as a shelving cabinet structure along the entire end wall.
  • The sofa, turned with its back to the dining group, and installed on the periphery of the living room, visually divides the room into the above zones.


  • There is no such thing, the layout is good.


  • If you plan to use a dining group in the living room, you need to plan in advance for the installation of a practical flooring in this area, or lay the carpet only in the guest area.


Living room layout 20 sq.m. square



  • The main objects that fill the decor of the room are evenly located around its perimeter, and the living room remains spacious. Next to the sofa group there is a piano or synthesizer; and the cabinet is adjacent to the TV area. A decorative console on the wall opposite the piano balances the decor and complements it.


  • Perhaps for such large room and for your personal needs, one sofa will not be enough, but this arrangement of the piano will not allow you to conveniently place another large piece of furniture in the sofa area.


  • If you install the piano near the window opposite the front door, it will be possible to use a second sofa in its previous place.

A hall or a modern living room, familiar from Soviet times, is a common place in the apartment in which all family members enjoy spending their free time. This is where they receive guests and arrange friendly parties, noisy family feasts, emotional gatherings with those closest to you, just relaxing after a tiring working day and city bustle.

So the room should be as suitable as possible for all these events. The ideal living room of 20 sq. m is a cozy home corner, not devoid of style and sophistication, and also comfortable for everyone.

Correct zoning of the room

A living room with an area of ​​20 square meters is already considered a fairly spacious room, which requires not only a choice of style and color, but also proper zoning. In such a room, in addition to classic upholstered furniture, a TV and open shelves, you can place a work corner, an area for eating, and a relaxation area. Zoning the room is a key issue, which is the starting point for the designer.

ADVICE! Before dividing the living room into separate parts, it is important to decide which of them are important for the family. For example, there is no point in highlighting dining area for those who rarely gather at the same table for dinner.

Various methods are used to divide a room into functional zones:

The nuances of decorating a living room

A living room of 20 square meters can be anything: light or dark, bright or neutral, classic or original. This area is quite enough for a professional designer to successfully implement any, even the most daring and creative wishes of clients. This is why craftsmen prefer to work with living rooms of this size: the scope allows them to demonstrate their talents in all their glory.

The color scheme of a living room of 20 square meters is the entire palette of colors known today. Of course, an interior in classic beige or brown tones is still the most common option, but increasingly, owners of a living room of this size prefer bolder color combinations.

No less pleasant is the fact that almost any style can fit into a living room of 20 square meters: from exquisite rococo to modern eco-style. It is not at all necessary to abuse complex historical trends, creating luxurious and multi-layered interiors, but if desired, the living room can be turned into an aristocratic and rather sophisticated corner.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a style for your living room, it is important to remember: the more complex and multifaceted the chosen direction, the more likely it is that it will visually make the room smaller. Simple styles, on the contrary, make the room airier and lighter.

Furniture and decor in a stylish living room

The larger the living room, the more difficult it is to correctly arrange furniture and decor in it, because more and more available stylish options room decoration. But the basic rule is still relevant: do not overload even a large living room unnecessary things so as not to turn it into a kind of warehouse.

Among the priority requirements are the following:

Unlike small living rooms, a spacious room is considered much more difficult to decorate. Many people believe that big sizes provide significant opportunities for the active use of a variety of decor. But in spacious room You can make more significant mistakes that will be more noticeable, and the room itself will become overloaded with details and completely unsuitable for a relaxing holiday.

It is equally important to take into account the specifics of a large living room, because each of the zones allocated in it will need its own unique decor. So, work area can be decorated with shelves with books, figurines or family photographs for a relaxation area a pair will do paintings in spectacular frames and a living flower as a natural antidepressant, and it is better to decorate the dining area with a spectacular lamp and candlesticks original form or a vase with fresh flowers.

A living room with an area of ​​20 sq. m is a quite comfortable room for living, in which there is no longer that cramped feeling and feeling of clutter that is characteristic of small rooms, but the monumentality and excessive spaciousness of the huge halls are not yet present.

A living room of this size is convenient because when decorating it, you can already move away from the light classic palette, and the choice of furniture for it is much wider. The scope for design delights makes it possible to create not just a comfortable and practical, but also an individualized room.

An important factor influencing the choice of interior design of any room is its area.

And, of course, if there is a fairly large area, the likelihood of implementing a variety of design ideas increases significantly.

Experimenting with use cases various styles, finishing materials, color scheme, furniture, you can get many examples of creating the interior of a 20 sq.m. bedroom. m. for any most demanding taste.

Convenience and comfort, practicality and originality modern bedroom in 20 sq. m., can only be achieved with a careful and balanced choice of interior design options for each specific room.

Special purpose

The functional purpose of the room is to create a cozy and calm atmosphere for relaxation and sleep.

That is why there should be nothing superfluous in such a room; the bedroom should be minimally furnished with only functional items.

The interior should not be overloaded with unnecessary furniture, thick curtains, decorative elements, tacky and bright wallpaper. The room should be decorated in restrained and calm colors.

If you choose wallpaper with a floral pattern, choose a muted and soft palette.

The best choice is neutral tones and shades of beige, peach or yellow.

The blue-green color palette promotes sound and healthy sleep. And for the many supporters of Feng Shui in fashionable bedroom for 20 squares, shades of warm pink and red tones are ideal.

Choice is of utmost importance proper lighting. The light should be dim and subdued.

Chandeliers are selected with very simple design with light bulbs without sharp corners, where dust can quickly accumulate and negative energy spread.

The bed should be made with one mattress without sharp corners. An important factor good sleep when planning a bedroom of 20 sq. m serves as the location of the bed.

It should not be placed close to the window. Furniture near the bed is installed no higher than the mattress and preferably has a rounded shape.

To maintain good energy in the bedroom, you can place paired figurines with people or animals, decorate them with paintings with romantic hearts and angels.

The long-standing tradition of not hanging mirrors, especially near the bed, should be observed today.

Combination of zones

If necessary, design a bedroom of 20 sq. m. can be offered various options room zoning. This is especially true when receiving relatives or guests.

In this case, it is practical to include 20 square meters in the bedroom design. m. the most optimal zoning of the living room-bedroom without compromising the functionality of the room.

The darkest and most secluded space is chosen for the bed. It is not recommended to crowd the sleeping space with appliances. The only exception might be a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall.

In the case of a bedroom-living-dining room in one room, zoning is carried out using light partitions, screens or curtains. Different colors or a change in flooring will help highlight the living and dining areas.

With the right lighting, you can visually increase the space.

Separation techniques

Let's consider the options offered by experts for separating zones and creating beautiful bedroom in 20 squares:

For lovers of reading, the technique of using bookcases and shelves with beautifully arranged books will be interesting;

If you want to preserve a large space, zones are highlighted with low cabinets or chests of drawers;

For a room with Scandinavian style, eclectic or country, division with curtains or curtains will look harmonious;

The modern market presents a variety of options, both ready-made and custom-made, mobile partitions made of glass, wood or metal;

The most popular and universal method is to use a sofa as a sleeping place and at the same time a place for receiving guests. The huge variety of sofa designs on the market allows you to instantly organize a sleeping place in the evening, and during the day turn it into a place for family relaxation and receiving guests;

If necessary, you can divide the spaces using a plasterboard partition. It can be either open or closed. Such a partition is plastered, primed, painted or wallpapered.

When choosing any of these methods, you need to carefully weigh and choose the option that is most suitable for a particular room. When dividing by a wall, choose environmentally friendly materials, think about the sufficiency of lighting and compliance with the temperature regime.

Photo of bedroom design 20 sq. m.

A combined bedroom-living room is a difficult option for zoning space, but quite possible. This planning method is chosen in case of emergency, when there is not enough free space in the apartment. Connect two functional areas of 20 square meters. m possible, knowing a few useful techniques and taking into account the advice of experienced designers. So the design of a bedroom-living room of 20 square meters. It will turn out to be very interesting.

Space zoning options

The bedroom and the living room perform certain functions that are opposite to each other. In the hall, residents receive guests, watch TV, do household chores, and in the bedroom people relax and sleep.

If the dimensions of the apartment do not allow organizing a living room and bedroom in different rooms, knowing the zoning rules, they can be combined. It is important to create a universal space so that nothing stands out in the interior and does not create chaos.

Design Tips:

  • Zoning should begin with a precise determination of the importance of one of the zones. If the living room is preferable for residents, then it should be larger, and this is where work should begin.
  • Both zones must be stylistically connected. This can be a single color scheme, ornament or shape of furniture. The visual similarity of the two spaces will add special comfort and coziness to the room.
  • It is not advisable to place the bedroom near the door. It should be hidden from prying eyes, and therefore it is better to move it to the background.
  • Ideal place For sleeping place- this is a window. Waking up with the first rays of the sun is much more pleasant than in the dark. The living room is intended for evening gatherings, so it can be limited to artificial light.
  • Minimalism will help to properly organize the space of a room of 20 squares. There should be a minimum of furniture - only the essentials so that there is free space in the room.

When all zoning issues have been resolved, it’s time to move on to fencing one part of the room from another.

To do this, it is not enough to use different wall coverings; it is best to use other options.

Partitions, screens, shelving, an aquarium and a canopy can separate the bedroom from the living room. There are no clear boundaries here; you can use any option that the apartment owner wants. The main thing is that it is convenient and does not interfere with movement.

Modern ideas

Having completed the preliminary zoning of the premises, you need to move on to solving the issue of interior design. The residents’ task is to achieve the practicality of the two zones. Using several tricky tricks, you can get the maximum usable space, which will perform several important functions.

To save space in the room, it is best to use compact furniture. As a basic option, you can purchase a folding sofa, which will be both a place for daytime activities and a place for sleeping at night. Now in stock furniture stores There are many models with various mechanisms that can easily turn a sofa into a bed. The sofa should be hard enough not to harm the spine. When choosing a sofa, you need to give preference to orthopedic fillings.

The living room-bedroom should also have storage space for various things.

It could be spacious wardrobe, rack, hanging shelves, chest of drawers or nightstands. Coffee table It must be on wheels so that it can be easily moved around the apartment.

An interesting option is to create a niche on which the bed is installed. This method is chosen because storage boxes can be made in the niche, and it itself visually divides the room into two zones. You can install lighting on the structure to create an intimate atmosphere. Curtains or a canopy that matches the color of the wallpaper will help to enclose the sleeping area.

If a partition is chosen to separate two zones, then it is important to select in advance the material from which it will be made. You need to understand that brick partition- This is a part of the room that cannot be moved. It is better to use movable partitions made of plasterboard or glass. You can replace them sliding doors, which are matched to the style of the room and can be made of glass or wood.

Style direction

As soon as renovations are started in the apartment, the owners must immediately resolve issues related to the style of the future bedroom-living room. The choice of floor and wall coverings, as well as the design of the ceiling and color scheme will depend on this. Therefore, before purchasing materials, you need to decide exactly in what style to decorate the interior.

There are several style trends that can set the mood for the entire space.



This is the most common style for decorating a bedroom-living room, which is suitable for conservative and serious people. Calm colors, precise lines, absence of colorful products and accessories - all this is valued in classic style. It is also important to use natural materials: wood, stone, leather, flax. You can achieve a feeling of luxury with the help of expensive wallpaper and textiles with gold embroidery. The bed, sofa and other interior items must be made of natural wood.


Modern is a direction that is aimed at creating comfort and warmth in the room. It implies space and an abundance of various accessories: paintings, figurines, floor lamps, indoor plants and carpets. The interior should be dominated by calm, light shades. The ceiling can be painted decorative plaster, a good option for the floor - parquet. Furniture in the bedroom-living room can vary in style, because modernism does not limit people in color or geometric design.


A direction that has gained great popularity at the present time. To create a design in this style, you need to combine decorative brick or concrete walls with a cozy upholstered furniture. It is very important that the room has a minimum of furniture and a maximum of free space. The interior should be dominated by brown, white and gray shades, which can be diluted with burgundy or orange. Furniture and interior items should have an unusual shape, and the presence of modern technology should make the room original.


High tech

High-tech is a favorite direction for lovers of minimalism. This style involves a combination of metal and glass materials with cool shades, unusual shapes furniture with plenty of light, mirror surfaces with the latest technology. The sleeping area here can be limited to a bed and a wardrobe, and the living room can be limited to a spacious sofa, a large TV, a stereo system and an unusually shaped coffee table.


Country is a creation rustic comfort, which city residents lack so much. Textiles are selected with a checkered pattern, photographs are inserted into simple frames, furniture should be made of wood, and they will help complement the interior ceramic products. You can highlight the design of the bedroom-hall with wood-look wallpaper, as well as a woolen carpet and green accents.

Eco style

Eco-style, which involves the use of natural materials in the design of the room. The floor should be wood and the walls are usually plastered or covered with wall panels. The interior should be dominated by natural shades green, beige and brown, and yellow or red will help dilute it. The presence of outdoor house plants, which will complete the style, is welcome in the bedroom-hall.