Instructions on how to open a beer bar. How to open a profitable small bar: the best business ideas


Weekly visits to expensive restaurants are out of reach for many people. Having fun, relaxing, drinking beer without risking your last savings is preferable for the average person. Ubiquitous minibars will always be popular, whether it's a beer garden, a sushi bar, or a karaoke bar. There is a lot of competition, but the income is still decent, and most importantly, stable. The question of how to open a small bar worries many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Preparing to open a business: choosing a concept and premises for a bar

To start your own business and understand how to open a bar, for example, with karaoke, you need to decide on a general concept. This establishment is, first of all, a small establishment where they sell alcohol. The main menu of the small bar consists of snacks. The easiest way for “dummies” is to set up a mini-bar. This is beer and related products: small crackers, chips, fish. During the season, it is profitable to establish a summer establishment on the beach and other recreational areas. It’s worth thinking in advance about how to open your own outlet, because setting up a small beer joint is not interesting. If you manage to get the minibar style right, you can make a small establishment quite a popular holiday destination. After developing the concept, you need to estimate how much it costs to start a bar. Initial costs include (in rubles):

  • Repair and decoration of the premises - 600,000.
  • Purchase of a bar counter and other furniture – 400,000.
  • Purchase of food, alcohol – from 120,000.
  • Business registration, other organizational expenses – 100,000.

A beer bar can be established in any residential area of ​​the city. It is profitable to open a beer entertainment establishment in small residential areas of the city. Visitors will be here on holidays and weekdays. It is better to open a convenient establishment closer to the roadway, and not in the depths of the courtyards. Access to the minibar should be convenient. It is important to provide for long-term rental of a small space, only then attract designers and conduct an advertising campaign. You need to prepare for frequent inspections by Rospotrebnadzor. This organization loves dummies in the beer business. An uninterrupted hot water supply and good ventilation must be installed in the room.

The bar must be located at least 100 meters away from schools and other social facilities.

Purchase of ready-made equipment and recruitment of personnel for the establishment

When purchasing equipment, you will need step-by-step instructions - first of all, this is the purchase of a small bar counter, costing from $3,000. One wooden table and four small chairs will cost about $1,000. In addition to furniture, the purchase of the following equipment is necessary:

  • Refrigeration equipment (cabinets, small display cases, bar refrigerators, beer apparatus).
  • Bar equipment (coffee makers, coffee grinders, juicer, blender, mixer).
  • Dishes for clients, glass mugs, wine glasses, bar glasses.

To establish your own establishment, you need to competently approach the selection of personnel. Rude, intolerant employees will ruin the cozy atmosphere of the bar. To serve an establishment with 3-4 tables, you will need to hire two waiters and bartenders, for shift work, an administrator, a security guard, a cleaner and a dishwasher. True, in a small bar, one person can play the role of bartender, waiter, administrator and security guard - this is convenient, and hire another employee for cleaning and washing dishes.

It is very important to think through the control system - theft is common in this small business.

Sometimes minibars go under only because the staff pockets more than 50 percent of the establishment's revenue. For “dummies,” it is better to hire an experienced administrator or monitor the process yourself.

Starting a business from scratch: necessary documentation

The most profitable option for starting work is to find a small former catering space. Then you won’t have to collect a package of permits; the owner will have all the documents. All that remains is to re-issue the documents in accordance with the lease agreement. This is the best option for dummies, but you will have to open a business limited by the concept of the previous tenant. Before you start a bar from scratch, you need to fill out the necessary paperwork - a competent lawyer will tell you where to start. A beer bar can only be opened by a legal entity; a private person cannot sell alcohol. Most often, the form of organization chosen is a limited liability company. To register an LLC, the following documents are required:

  • Statement.
  • Charter of the company.
  • Founder's decision.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • A copy of the lease agreement.
  • Application for transition to the simplified tax system.

Before opening the establishment, you will need to obtain the necessary documents:

  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a bar in a rented place.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate, for which fire protection must be provided.
  • SES permission. Inspection requirements include light levels, bar size, humidity, and room structure.
  • License to sell alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Patent.

To open a small establishment, you can receive the necessary documents within a month. If a business is opened from scratch, paperwork can take up to six months.

Risks when opening a drinking establishment and its payback

Enormous competition in the market - to open a successful business, you need to think through the design of the premises and create a cozy environment. Customers must want to return. You can also start a business by developing a beer bar with karaoke or broadcasting sports matches. It is profitable and original to organize beer production at a bar. This is not an easy task, but the freshest beer will satisfy the most spoiled taste. One of the risks in operating a bar is the process of decline, turning into an ordinary drinking establishment that normal people will avoid. To avoid this situation, regular marketing research of visitors' preferences, the constant emergence of new products - cocktails and main dishes, live music in the bar, various advertising steps and small promotions are required. And basic face control is desirable. So, step-by-step instructions for opening a small bar business are as follows:

  • You need to start by finding a suitable location, purchasing a small space or concluding a lease agreement.
  • Obtaining the necessary documents to start activities.
  • Development of the concept of a small bar, purchase of appropriate equipment, furniture, dishes.
  • Personnel selection.
  • Opening and running a small advertising campaign.

The main stages cover everything you need, but additional costs will inevitably arise as the work progresses. Establishing a small establishment will cost 1-1.5 million rubles. In addition, 200-300 thousand are spent monthly on wages, advertising and other expenses. At first, a small bar will generate a daily income of around 20,000 rubles. Gradually the figure reaches 50,000 rubles. With successful development, the business pays for itself in a year, after which there is net profit. For small establishments that operate only in the summer, for example, on the beach, the costs are lower and pay off faster. Such a business, in particular a bar, brings good profits to a purposeful and ambitious owner who has invested time, nerves and money in the idea. And the development of a small establishment in accordance with the tastes of visitors will increase monthly income.

What does modern man need most? In basic friendly communication. A beer bar is not just a place where people drink alcoholic beverages. Here they have the opportunity to communicate, exchange impressions, and forget about everyday problems. For a beer bar to flourish, it is enough to think through its concept taking into account this human need. Create an appropriate interior, carefully select personnel, and provide entertainment programs.

How to open a beer bar from scratch

Choosing a suitable place

This is the first thing you need to think about before opening any entertainment establishment. The more responsible you approach this issue, the more successful your business will be. Where is it appropriate to open a beer bar?

  1. city ​​outskirts and residential areas. Entertainment establishments are not often opened in these places, since it is believed that it is not profitable. The lack of competitors is only beneficial. The beer bar will become a place where people will come to meet friends and chat in a relaxed atmosphere;
  2. near enterprises and business centers. After a hard day, people want to rest and relax. If you open a pub not far from their work, then they will do it here. All that remains is to establish your establishment well;
  3. close to train stations. Visitors are often faced with the need to “pass away” time somewhere. An entertainment establishment where you can chat and drink a glass of delicious beer is perfect for this purpose.

Choosing a room

  1. House. Only people with “nerves of steel” would dare to open a beer bar in this place. In the eyes of most people, such an establishment is a “brothel,” so complaints will immediately pour in to the city administration. They won’t close you down, but you will have to pay bribes regularly. If you have just started to promote your business, then you should not choose this option. You will give most of your income to “important people.”
  2. Basement. This place has a special atmosphere. You can set up a pretty decent establishment here. But for those who want to create an elite beer bar, it is better not to choose a basement. There are often problems with ventilation and sewerage, television and cellular communications. Young girls refuse to come here at all.
  3. Separate room. This is the best option. You will not depend on anyone. All responsibility will rest with you. At first, you will have to rent it. But if things go uphill, then over time the premises can be purchased.

The concept of the establishment

A beer bar can be different. Before opening it, you should decide for which visitors it will be opened. Depending on this, the following beer bar options are distinguished:

  1. Standard beer bar. The premises may be located on the territory of a shopping center or supermarket. Customers are offered a wide range of beer products, quality service and comfortable conditions for relaxation.
  2. Mobile tent. You can see it in the summer, not far from busy places. Tents can vary in size. The big advantage of such establishments is that they are located on the street and thereby attract a large number of customers. You can drink cold beer at the bar table, or take it with you.
  3. Beer bar with brewery. This option is suitable for those who already know something about this business. The brewery will allow you to produce beer and sell it not only in the territory of its bar, but also sell it to other establishments. Your own brand of beer will become your business card, which will attract many customers to you.

Choosing a name and design

Before opening a pub and choosing a location for it, it is appropriate to come up with a name for it. It will become the basis for creating the design. There is a lot of competition in this business, so the name must be unique, interesting and memorable. The best option is to use the history of the country. A beer bar in the style of a Ukrainian hut or a Soviet store will certainly attract a large number of visitors.

Choose furniture in accordance with the design concept. But it is desirable that it be as simple and not cumbersome as possible. Expensive soft sofas and antique furniture in a beer bar will look ridiculous.

Dishes. If you don't want to get the reputation of being a cheap establishment, don't use disposable tableware. Also avoid crystal glasses and porcelain plates. The pub will have appropriate strong dishes and massive glasses.

Making a menu

The assortment of your pub should include not only different types of beer, but also traditional beer snacks: chips, crackers, snacks, dried fish and seafood, smoked meats, etc. Come up with several signature, original snacks that will be sold only in your establishment.

Study your competitors' menus in advance - this will allow you to create your own. If the premises are located near the station, organize hot lunches. Travel-weary people will certainly like this idea.

Beer bar business plan

Any enterprise needs strict calculations. To make a beer bar a profitable business, create a business plan with detailed financial calculations before opening it. Another important point is documentation. But first things first.

What do you need to open a beer bar?

  1. Register your business activity. This must be done at the tax office. A suitable organizational form for a beer bar is LLC, taxation regime is UTII.
  2. Licensing the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Obtain permission to open a pub from the fire inspectorate and the SES.

Required purchases:

  1. Refrigerators for beer and food.
  2. Gas bottles.
  3. Spill columns.
  4. Kegs and spill counters.
  5. Furniture.
  6. Dishes.
  7. Cash machine.
  8. Hygiene products and detergents.
  9. Plate.

On average, opening a bar requires 700,000 rubles. After opening, you also need to purchase initial products and run advertising. This will cost approximately another 400,000 rubles.

We are hiring staff

Who will help you maintain the beer bar?

  • bartenders;
  • cleaners;
  • accountant;
  • marketer;
  • administrator;
  • cook;
  • dishwasher

All employees must have health certificates. You need to take care of this in advance so that your establishment is not closed after the first inspection.

Opening a brewery bar

If you have a little experience in the beer business, you can take it to the next level and open a brewery bar. Your goal is to offer customers a wide selection of delicious and varied home-made drinks. Fresh and new varieties should be brewed in your establishment. You can organize this process in such a way that clients can observe this process. This will build customer confidence, and they will be happy to visit your bar.

What you need to open a brewery bar

The registration procedure is approximately the same as for opening a regular pub. You will need a license for the production and sale of beer, business registration, permission from the fire inspection and SES.

After collecting the necessary package of documents, think about who you would like to see as your clients. It is important to think about gender, age, income level, and type of activity. This will allow you to create a suitable establishment concept. After that, select a place where these people could potentially be.

The best choice is the main street of your city. But if you are counting on clients with an average income level, then you can choose a residential area.

What you need to buy:

  • shelves and display cases for exhibition products;
  • dishes and cutlery;
  • cabinets for storing dishes;
  • beer bottling and dosing system;
  • specialized refrigerators for storing products;
  • beer brewing system;
  • beer barrels;
  • special dishwashers;
  • accessories for preparing snacks for beer, etc.


One of the most effective types of advertising is word of mouth. It needs to be launched before the doors of your establishment open for the first time. They should talk about your establishment, discuss it, wait for its opening. Be sure to create a website and pages on popular social networks. Hire a person who promotes your business on the Internet. In this case, you will quickly make yourself known. Make sure your customers get answers to their questions quickly. Hire an administrator or manager who will be responsible for this.

Profit calculation

Monthly expenses for a beer bar are about 300-400 thousand rubles. The daily profit with good turnover will be approximately 20,000 rubles. Given these numbers, you can easily calculate how much you will receive at the end of the month. Subtract the monthly costs from the amount received. Now divide the amount you spent on starting your business by your monthly profit. You will get the number of months in which you can recoup your costs.

A beer bar is not just a place where people drink alcoholic beverages. Here they have the opportunity to communicate, exchange impressions, and forget about everyday problems.

How to open a beer bar from scratch: what is needed and how much does it cost? Let's look at this issue from all sides.

Market analysis

You need to figure out in advance how exactly your establishment will attract customers, and choose an area of ​​the city that is relatively free from competitors. Be sure to think about the format of the establishment - whether it will be an affordable sports bar or an elite beer restaurant. The amount of initial investment, space requirements, etc. depend on this.

The advantages and disadvantages of beer bars as a business are quite obvious. The advantages include the absence of the need for a license, as well as good prospects. Over the past 10 years, the volume of consumption of this foamy drink by the population has increased by one and a half times, and today the majority prefers to drink it in specialized establishments rather than at home.

However, legislation that tries to combat the level of alcohol consumption is constantly increasing the requirements for drinking establishments, so running this business may be much more difficult in the future. Also among the disadvantages is the high level of competition in the area.

According to experts, organizing your own beer bar is certainly not an easy task, but it is also very exciting. The average profitability hovers at 45%, and it pays off in about 1.5 years, which makes this business idea especially attractive for beginners.

Institution format

Existing establishment formats should be considered. Everyone has their pros and cons.

  1. The beer restaurant has one of its special features: the widest possible range of foamy drinks, more modest ones - wine, vodka and other alcohol. In addition, guests are also offered delicious cuisine, stylish interiors and service at the highest level. Optional additions include hookah, video games, karaoke, children's rooms, etc., depending on the format of the establishment. The required investments are high. The audience is married couples, wealthy clients, students, depending on the format of the institution.
  2. Pub – needs to be stylized in a classic Irish or British style. Wood and accessories should prevail in the interior. An almost indispensable attribute of such establishments is the presence on the menu of foamy drinks from England, the Czech Republic and, if possible, craft products. In addition, you must install one or more sports games, such as darts or billiards. The menu should offer meat snacks, traditional English and Irish dishes. The required investments are average. The audience is beer connoisseurs, office workers, students.
  3. Sports bar – constant broadcast of various sports competitions on one or several screens. It is important to place them in such a way that they are visible from any place in the hall. Taking into account the target audience, it is best to keep the interior simple, since it will be subject to very serious loads and tests. The menu will have enough 3-5 types of beer, as well as the most simple snacks, for example, chips or crackers. The required investments are average. The audience is sports fans and students.
  4. A summer tent is seasonal in nature, but it can also bring considerable income. The summer tents offer a limited number of beers, but they are open until late. Also, the tents do not have their own kitchen, so the menu contains only purchased snacks, and at most, heated semi-finished products. To achieve success, you will need to make the cafe as cozy and presentable as possible, while trying not to incur large expenses. The required investments are low. The audience is unlimited.

An example of a detailed business plan with calculations can be downloaded from.

Basic regulatory documents and registration

Among the main ones:

  • government decree on quality criteria and operating procedures for catering services;
  • GOST, which regulates the types of services of such establishments;
  • OKVED classifier;
  • accounting methodology regulating the process of accounting for goods and raw materials;
  • an album of forms, which includes a special form of primary documentation.

Even if all requirements are met, the establishment will not have the right to sell drinks to take away - for this it will be necessary to open a separate one.

To register, you must contact the tax service to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or a joint-stock company. The first option is preferable if you plan to do business alone. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system. Important: beer is not a strong alcoholic drink, so a bar does not need to obtain an additional license.

The establishment will have to undergo an inspection by the fire service and SES, and then receive the relevant documents. You also need to buy a cash register and sign a contract for its maintenance. The total cost of registration is about 15-20 thousand rubles.


The location of the bar must be chosen as carefully as possible, as it has a huge impact on traffic and, as a result, profit. It's good if there is a metro station or bus stop nearby.

When choosing a location for installing a mobile tent, it is recommended to prefer the central areas of the city. The second option is train stations. A good option may be to install a tent in densely populated residential areas. At the same time, you need to make sure that there are no competitors nearby, as this will negatively affect attendance.

In any case, you should not locate your establishment on the lower floors of residential buildings, as it will constantly annoy the residents of the upper floors with noise, which will result in a whole stream of complaints. You will either have to install high-quality noise insulation, or prefer separate buildings.

As for the area, the best option would be 120-150 square meters. True, only if you do not plan to cook food on site. If we are talking about a full-fledged beer restaurant, you will have to double this parameter. All main communications and heating must be provided in the room. High-quality ventilation is equally important.

An additional advantage will be the arrangement of a small summer area. The arrangement of the surrounding area is mandatory - it must be beautiful and always clean.

Interior and equipment

The concept and style of the establishment should be immediately apparent - very often, the successful or not so good decoration of the premises became the key to the success of the business. When choosing a design, you should take into account the format and potential clientele.

The decoration of the bar should not only be stylish, but also practical - all materials should withstand contact with detergents well. There should be one or another paraphernalia on the walls. Considering the variety of drinking establishments, you should attract customers with something unusual and memorable. A good option would be to hire an experienced designer who will develop step-by-step instructions, but their services are usually not cheap.

The business plan should include all costs for furniture (including tables and stools) and various equipment. It's not worth saving on it - no one likes to sit on the cheapest plastic chairs. Alternatively, you can order everything from reliable craftsmen who will carry out the work according to an individual project.

In addition to many tables and chairs, you will need to buy several hangers. All furniture in the interior must be selected to match the uniform design. The cost of furnishing a hall of 130 square meters will cost about 700 thousand rubles.

No pub would be complete without branded mugs, glasses and plates. Bartending will require appropriate equipment, including a microwave, kegs, display cases and refrigerators.

Many people often forget about little things like accessories, textiles and bathroom equipment. Meanwhile, the costs for them can reach 100 thousand rubles. The total cost will be more than 2 million rubles.


Beer bars are often open until midnight or even later, so a minimum of two shifts of staff will be required. The main employees required are bartenders, waiters, dishwashers and security guards.

A hall administrator will also be required, but at the initial stages of business the management of the enterprise itself will cope with the role. He will also be responsible for managing the financial side of the issue. In the future, this will require hiring a qualified accountant.


As practice shows, the wider the range of drinks and dishes on the menu, the wider range of visitors the establishment attracts. To organize the supply of food and beer, you will need to enter into agreements with direct suppliers.

A good option would be to enter into an agreement with, which will not only provide the drink itself, but also branded paraphernalia, which can then be used for decoration or in work. On average, for monthly supplies of beer and snacks you will need to set aside an amount of about 250 thousand rubles, which must be included in planning in advance.

It includes the distribution of flyers and leaflets, but network promotion of the establishment can bring much greater results. Pages on social networks with a description of the bar, its promotions and special offers can attract many customers.

As an option, you should consider contacting one of the advertising agencies and entrusting the task to professionals. The main disadvantage of this method is the fairly high cost of services.

Video: craft beer bar.

Business plan

An important step on the path to starting your own business is drawing up a business plan. It takes into account expenses and potential income (a sample is easy to find online). The first ones are easiest to summarize in a table like this:

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People always want entertainment; relaxing in a cafe or bar is the most common leisure option. That is why the question is relevant: how to open a beer bar. Remember that the number of such places is increasing every day, which means the bar must stand out from its competitors.


The beer business in general is problematic, since it is necessary to collect a lot of permits and sanitary and epidemiological documentation.

Beer business: what documents are needed:

  • Conclusion of the SEZ from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission to place;
  • Production control program for beer sales point;
  • Agreements for deratization, disinfestation and disinfection;
  • The menu, which must be agreed upon with the Rospotrebnadzor authorities;
  • Regulations;
  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • Agreement for dry cleaning and laundry services for washing work clothes for employees;
  • Contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • Internal documents for opening an establishment.


To have a clear competitive advantage, it is recommended to sell only tasty, fresh and high-quality beer. Gone are the days when a good selection could only be provided by bottled and canned beer. Nowadays, unfiltered, unpasteurized freshly brewed beer is considered high quality. It follows from this that the answer to the question: where to start a beer business will sound like this: organizing a mini-brewery. To do this, you need to purchase the appropriate equipment and hire a person who understands brewing. If it is not possible to organize a brewery, you should enter into agreements with factories that produce live beer.


In terms of location, it is most advantageous to locate bars in the city center, where there are offices and vacationers, and in the evenings workers disperse who want to sit with friends over a glass of beer.

Since the cost of rent in the center is significant, you can also consider residential areas. Here clients are less solvent, but also less picky.

Financial questions

How much does it cost to open a beer bar? To open a bar in large cities you will need at least 400 thousand dollars, while in small cities you can invest up to 150 thousand dollars.

In the capital, the monthly rent of a premises with an area of ​​300 m2 will cost 15 thousand dollars.

You can save money on interior design. Most pubs have a country style, with vintage photos and pictures hanging on bare walls. The costs here will mainly be for the purchase of wooden furniture: one table and 4 chairs will cost about 1 thousand dollars. In this case, you need at least 20 such tables. A bar counter is required. It costs at least 3 thousand dollars.

Since many customers like to watch sporting events in the bar, it is good to buy a large plasma TV. Even with such investments, beer pubs pay for themselves in 2-3 years.

How much income does the beer business have? Even in the worst scenario, you can count on a profit of 40 thousand rubles per month, although this figure is often several times higher.


Since people come to a beer bar to drink beer, you should take care of the beer list. It is advisable to have up to 10 varieties: unfiltered, light, dark, etc.

To satisfy your hunger, it is necessary to provide first and second courses, a variety of beer snacks: crackers, chips, nuts, cheese, crabs, shrimp, dried squid, crayfish, etc.

Work is good, but, as they say, work is not a wolf, it won’t run into the forest, which means you also need to find time for rest. And what could be better than sometimes drinking a glass or two of good beer while enjoying pleasant communication with friends? Yes, not in the entrance on the stairs, but in a well-appointed beer bar.

Beer bars have been popular at all times and have not lost their relevance to this day. For ordinary people, this is a place for a pleasant pastime and relaxation, and for businessmen, good earnings with little hassle. What does it take to open your own beer bar or store? First you need an idea. But it is worth remembering that such a business direction does not apply to ideas for. You will not only have to work hard, but also invest a certain amount of money, just like in order to or buy.

Opening a beer bar - where to start?

Opening a beer bar, just like opening a beer bar, is a profitable and profitable business. But the desire to engage in this type of activity must be supported by capital and labor. In addition, it is worth considering what additional entertainment your bar may have and how to install them there.

Selecting a location

The choice of location can sometimes play not just an important, but also one of the key roles. Not only can some places be unprofitable, but they are also completely prohibited by law for opening such establishments, so you need to be very careful. Options:

  1. Sleeping areas of the city. Such a place in the city may promise a lack of competition.
  2. Locations near production centers. Many people like to relax after work, and in this case, your beer bar may be the first and most important place to relax.
  3. Near train stations and marinas. People who have just arrived from the road also need rest.

What to sell?

Of course, in a beer bar it is not enough to sell only beer, which, by the way, should be of different varieties. It is also necessary to think over the snacks that the waiters will serve with beer. Usually these are dry snacks like chips, nuts, cheese and crackers. Plus, of course, salted, dried, dried and smoked fish. In addition, such a beer bar can serve business lunches.

Advice: Try to find some original dish for business lunches so that it becomes the calling card of your bar. In addition, it is desirable that the food be inexpensive.


It's no secret that a bar can be famous not only for its products, but also for its interior. It must be decorated with taste and, most importantly, meet all standards and sanitary requirements. The bar can be stylized to match a specific theme. As a rule, exclusively male.