Innovations in education management. Problems of practical implementation of innovative processes

On the issue of innovation management in the educational process - page No. 1/1

Kosolapova Olga Ivanovna


UNPO Vocational School No. 21

Novgorod district

On the issue of innovation management in the educational process

What is innovation?

Innovation – this is the content and organization of the new.

“Innovation is the end result creative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, or a new or improved technological process used in practical activities.”

Innovation- this phenomenon carries in itself the essence of the method, methodology, technology and organization and content of the new.

Innovation– this is only the organization of something new.

Innovation process reflects the formation and development of the content and organization of the new.

In relation to education, innovation means the introduction of something new in the purpose, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, the organization of joint activities of a teacher and a student in the economics of education, in the organization of the educational process and management.

Innovative activities in education

The main characteristic of the global processes taking place in modern education is its modernization, the main goal of which is to achieve the highest quality of mass education.

Russian education is developing in line with global trends. Documents of recent years: the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 (2002), the Federal target program for the development of education for 2006-2010 (2005), which determine state policy for the near future, are aimed at modernizing training and education, the purpose of which is is the sustainable development of the education system.

Ongoing changes in the system preschool education are caused by the objective need for changes that are adequate to the development of society and the educational system as a whole.

The main mechanism for such changes is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool institutions.

Currently, a number of social trends can be identified that can lead to the birth of innovation.

  • requirement for humanization of the educational process

  • high level of requirements for the quality of education and development of children

  • orientation towards cultural and moral values

  • competitive relations between educational institutions

Innovation management in an educational institution

Any educational institution goes through three stages of renewal:

  • formation (when creating a new educational institution, and a new team, or when updating most of the team)

  • functioning (the educational process is organized on the basis of traditional stable programs, pedagogical technologies)

  • development (the previous content of education, pedagogical technologies of training and education come into conflict with new goals, conditions of the educational institution, the needs of the individual students and society).
Developing operating systems operating in search mode differ significantly from those operating systems whose goal is stable traditional maintenance of the established order of functioning once and for all. These differences impose

a certain imprint on the entire management system. Pedagogical technologies that give positive results in the usual mode of operation do not allow achieving new desired results when working in an innovative mode.

The main subject of innovative activities carried out by educational institutions is the teacher.

The object of management in the educational institution is the educational process. In a developing educational institution, the subject of management becomes its goals, content, methods and forms.

Children become the object of almost any innovation process. The task of researchers and managers of educational institutions is to reduce deviations from the predicted result to a minimum. Therefore, every innovation process in an educational institution is subject to management.

Innovations, innovations and innovations in their development cycle have certain life stages:

  • the birth of an idea;

  • goal setting;

  • developing new ideas;

  • implementation of new things;

  • spreading;

  • routinization (dying out).
The life stages of innovation are closely related to the stages of development of the team mastering new things.

Potashnik identifies five ways for innovation to emerge in an educational institution:

  1. Developing your own experience.

  2. Using other people's experience.

  3. Approbation of scientific developments.

  4. Experiment.

  5. The path of trial and error.
In the conditions of the innovative regime, there is an active process of personal self-determination of all participants in the educational process, both teacher and student. This is reflected in the nature of people's relationships. A team entering the innovation process usually goes through several stages of its development: timidity - clique - stabilization "cooperation" - mature team. The last two stages are the stages of high awareness of the innovation process by the team. They are characterized by each person going through all stages of reflection.

The development of a team from the stage of timidity to the stage of a mature team depends on the speed of change of innovation cycles.

The first task of a manager when managing the innovation process is to determine attitudes towards innovation and collect alternative opinions about it. The process of birth and development of innovations is always characterized by the presence of a complex system of relationships to it.

According to selective statistical data, at the stages of the emergence of a new idea and goal setting, members of the educational institution team according to the degree of motivation for innovation are divided approximately as follows (in percentage): 1st group - leaders - 1-3, 2nd group - positivists - 50, 3rd group - neutrals - 30, group 4 - negativists - 10-20.

People who are poorly motivated to master and implement an innovation may resist it in different shapes. Practice shows that positive results change people’s attitudes towards innovation. In addition, the attitude towards innovation depends on the individual characteristics of the individual, type nervous system, degree of reflection, anxiety, creativity, competence, self-esteem, etc.

The task of the process manager is to transfer people from groups 3 and 4 to a zone of increased motivation. Therefore, transparency and instruction during innovation take a leading place so that every person understands their mission. And if a person realizes his mission, self-determination, self-expression, self-realization begin, his stereotype changes, and self-development occurs.

Management consulting acts as the dominant one. It carries goal setting, analysis, systematic steps, pedagogical technologies, organization of new things, expert control, i.e. all controls. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that self-control and self-correction occupy more space than regulation from the outside. By managing the innovation process, you can manage the development of the team.

Any innovation process is probabilistic in nature, and not all of its consequences can be predicted. Drawing up an analytical justification and an innovative testing program will help you avoid many mistakes and omissions even at the project or model level. This program is compiled by the experimenter. It needs to be subjected to expert analysis. A review of an innovation should, at a minimum, include the following items: integrity of the program content; structural relationships of its parts and blocks, their sequence, logic, constructiveness; errors, shortcomings, shortcomings; substantiated proposals and additions to the program, expert opinion (recommended for implementation or modification is necessary based on the noted comments).

Once the educational institution's innovative activity program has been determined and key results have been predicted, the educational institution's managers, together with the initiative group, begin to develop a comprehensive targeted program, which consists of stages of organizing and implementing innovation.

Comprehensive-targeted program “Management of innovation processes in educational institutions (stage of organizing Innovation)”

Goal: to identify and create conditions for the formation and development of innovative processes in educational institutions, to develop a model and technology for the system of operation of educational institutions in the conditions of innovation.

system of appropriate forms and measures of organization:

1.Organization of work with personnel

1.1.Meetings with the manager. Goal: development of strategy and tactics for innovation implementation

1.2.Pedagogical council. Goal: making a decision to organize an experiment, motivating team members to create conditions for the development of innovations.

1.3. Production meeting

1.4. Creative group meetings

1.5. Self-education work

2. Work with parents. Purpose: to familiarize with the goals and content of the experiment, to attract working together on its organization and conduct.

3. Council of the educational institution. Goal: adopt a resolution to begin experiments.

4. Liaison with basic institutions and organizations

5. Control, analysis and regulation. Purpose: collection of information and initial analysis of the progress of the experiment program.

6. Information support. Goal: collecting information to manage the process of introducing innovations.

Comprehensive-targeted program “Management of innovation processes in educational institutions (stage of innovation implementation)”

Goal: formation and development of an integrated management system for the educational institution in the mode of introducing innovations.

1.Organization of work with personnel.

1.1.Meetings with the manager. Goal: strategy and tactics to ensure the implementation of innovation.

1.2.Meeting of creative groups. Goal: coordination and correction of the activities of specialists in the implementation of new programs and complexes; diagnostics of diagnostic equipment based on innovations

1.3. Teachers' council. Goal: development of tactics and strategies for introducing innovations into work practice in educational institutions. Generalization and regulation of the results of work on innovations

1.4.Production meetings. Goal: encouraging the teaching staff to innovate, protecting the rights of teachers to introduce innovations

1.5.Other forms of advanced training. Goal: to create conditions for each participant in innovation to master the content and technology of the experiment

2.Organization of work with parents, the public and the board of the educational institution. Goal: work with parents based on the results of the experiment. Creating conditions for the introduction of new pedagogical technologies with the participation of parents

3.Organization of work with base enterprises and sponsors. Goal: development of educational and material base for the implementation of innovations

4.Control, regulation. Purpose: collection of information, analysis and regulation of innovation processes.

5. Information support. Goal: collecting the necessary information to manage the innovation process.

The goals and objectives of the team’s program activities are based on a thorough analysis of the current situation in the educational institution, on the one hand, and from forecasts of its development, on the other.

The selected goals and objectives in a comprehensive target program must be agreed upon at all levels, approved by the majority of the team, realistic, adapted to new conditions, increase the level of motivation and stimulation, and ensure control.

When managing innovation processes in an educational institution, taking into account the forecast of final results, the main part of these actions is discussed collectively.

Formation of an innovation bank

To manage innovation, it is necessary to form an innovation bank. To do this, the innovator creates a special card for each innovation. It is best to do this at the beginning of the school year.

Card points:

1. Problem

It is necessary to think about what contradictions in the practice of education and training force one to abandon the traditional path and start searching for a new one, or from what needs the need for this innovation arises.

2. The purpose of innovation, innovation

To cope with the formulation of the goal, you need to pay attention to the second part of the problem and answer the question: what is it desirable to create as a result of the work? (develop and master)

3. The essence of innovation

The essence of innovation is a detailed goal, a set of interrelated tasks that need to be solved. (Develop and implement)

4. Predicted result of innovation

The predicted result must contain indicators of achievability; the following are predicted: possible positive results; possible losses, Negative consequences; compensatory measures to eliminate them

5. Classification of innovations by area of ​​application of knowledge

It is necessary to emphasize which areas of knowledge correspond to the issues addressed by the innovation.

6. Innovator

Information is entered about who introduces this innovation. It is necessary to emphasize who he is in relation to this innovation (developer, user, distributor)

7. The innovation has gone through stages (1. idea formation; 2. goal setting; 3. development; 4. development at the stage of pilot implementation or experiment; 5. dissemination; 6. routinization (implementation in established structural units)

8.The innovation has been experimentally tested

Indicate the frequency of inspections after completing the full cycle of the academic year.

9. Innovation experiment

Ascertainer - tracking the process, stating the results.

Clarifying – adjusting the hypothesis in accordance with the results.

Formative – design and description of pedagogical technology and expected results.

An active experiment is of a laboratory, industrial nature.

Passive experiment - pedagogical observation.

10. Obstacles to development and implementation.

These are the problems that hinder the implementation of innovation.

11. Experimental control is carried out...

Experimenters can be specialist teachers – colleagues, experienced leaders of other educational institutions, methodologists, scientists, etc.

12. Evaluation of innovation.

13. What other problems remain to be solved?

14. Special notes on the meaning of innovation.

Filled out based on the results of the examination of the innovation and innovation program.

After creating an innovation bank, a thorough analysis of the results is required. Only in this case will it be possible for managers to implement a program to regulate and correct innovation

Expertise of innovation activities

Expertise of innovations in education is a mechanism for managing the development of education, teaching practice and pedagogical initiative.

“...expertise in education is understood as a mechanism for the manifestation and support of abnormality”, “in special cases pedagogical precedent”, this is “a manifestation of the differences between initiative and standard educational spaces”...

Expertise in education is a set of procedures necessary for research and evaluation of all components of education, to obtain a professional conclusion about the possibility and prognosis effective organization educational process.

The objectives of the examination of innovative developments in the field of education are:

  • assessment of the degree of compliance of the materials under consideration with certain normative models (or existing traditions) according to a set of general, special or particular criteria;

  • clarification of the author's intention and project idea: its worldview context, target orientations and its value-semantic foundations;

  • assessment of designers based on the degree of development of the innovative project, their professionalism (the potential of the participants) and the degree of project implementation.
F.V. Sukhushin points out that expertise is necessary where the phenomenon of the new arises, where practice strives to be an innovation. The effectiveness of innovative processes depends on a timely examination, where the result is “measured” by positive changes observed during educational processes: in their content, organization, quality and, finally, the development of children.

Experts in innovation activities in education assess the state, identify the social significance of innovation, its potential, and the peculiarities of incorporating innovation into practice.

The following areas can be the subject of examination of innovative activities:

  • education management (organizational and managerial activities);

  • material and technical base of education;

  • personnel;

  • educational and methodological support;

  • educational technologies;

  • Wednesday educational institution.

Control, analysis and regulation of innovation processes

When managing innovation processes, the main place is control over results. Its purpose and objectives: statement, expert analytical assessment of the results achieved and corresponding conclusions for carrying out work to regulate the process educational activities; assessment of all participants in the educational process, their specific results and corresponding conclusions for correcting the behavior and activities of the team; assessment of the results of innovation management in accordance with a comprehensive target program and corresponding conclusions on the regulation of control influences; formation of direct and feedback to inform and stimulate participants in the innovation process.

The teaching staff and each innovator individually, focused on the final result of innovations and innovations, are able to quickly determine the cause of deviations from the programmed result when analyzing the data obtained.

Control over the results of innovations is carried out across borders. As a rule, this is a selective control based on the results of the half-year or a holistic control based on the results of the academic year. It is very important to correctly evaluate the achieved result and draw appropriate conclusions. To monitor the results of innovation, a map is proposed in which two blocks of indicators are highlighted:

1. Reflecting the results of the educational process.

2. Reflecting the management process.

Expert assessment is carried out according to a point system: 0 - critical level, 1 - low level, 2 - permissible level, 3- optimal level. The average variable score for all indicators is calculated, then all scores are summed up and divided by the number of indicators for each block. An indicator of 75% and above is the optimal value, 50% and above is an acceptable value; 40% and above is a critical level. To analyze the results of innovation activities, diagrams are constructed based on indicators. Based on the diagram, trends are identified and management decisions on correction are made.

Based on the results of expert control and analysis, a meeting of the pedagogical or methodological advice OU. It should adopt a program to regulate and correct innovation.

Conditions for the development of the innovative potential of the teaching staff

  1. Psychological - pedagogical conditions.

    • lack of strict regulation of activities, unnecessary instructions to teachers, strictly defined standards;

    • providing them with freedom to choose the content and forms of professional activity in accordance with their personal needs and capabilities;

    • teacher orientation towards cooperation rather than competition; the formation of relationships in them that presuppose the availability of their own experience for others and the openness of their experience for themselves;

    • creating situations of professional success for teachers.

  2. Organizational and pedagogical:

  • the presence of a worthy, interesting, socially significant goal, which becomes the core of the creative activity of the team;

  • diagnostics of innovative activities of teachers both in terms of process and result, emphasis on positive intermediate results;

  • creating a group of like-minded people: students, teachers, administration, parents, connected by common goals, interests, attitudes.

  • attracting the potential of scientific personnel from higher institutions to the organization of the educational process;

  • effective organization and continuous improvement of the system of scientific and methodological work;

  • organization management activities, motivating and optimizing the creativity of teachers: involving them in joint activities to plan the educational process, guarantees of freedom of creative activity, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, material incentives, the presence of democratic principles in management and social protection of members of the teaching staff.
The implementation of psychological, pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical conditions in the educational process will ensure the development of the innovative potential of its teaching staff.

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State educational institution of higher education vocational education


Institute of Management of Continuing Professional Education



Scientific supervisor: Associate Professor of the Department of Management

education, Ph.D. Musaeva I.P.

Dibirova Fatima Saadulaevna

Makhachkala 2009


Chapter I Theoretical aspects of the implementation and development of innovative processes.

§ 1.1 Theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative processes in education

§ 1.2 State innovation policy

§ 1.3 Legal regulation of innovation activities

Chapter II Problems of practical implementation of innovative processes.

§ 2.1 Management of innovative processes in education

§ 2.2 Problems of introducing innovations into education. Implementation recommendations

§ 2.3 Organization of innovative activities of the teaching staff educational institution




Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes in national education policy. This is due to the transition to the position of personality-oriented pedagogy. One of the tasks of a modern school is to reveal the potential of all participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with opportunities to demonstrate creative abilities. Solving these problems is impossible without implementing the variability of educational processes, and therefore various innovative types and types of educational institutions appear that require deep scientific and practical understanding.

The modern Russian school is the result of enormous changes that have occurred in the national education system over the past last years. In this sense, education is not just a part of the social life of society, but its vanguard: it is unlikely that any other subsystem to the same extent can confirm the fact of its progressive development with such an abundance of innovations and experiments.

The changing role of education in society has determined most of the innovation processes. “From being socially passive, routinized, taking place in traditional social institutions, education becomes active. The educational potential of both social institutions and personal is being updated.” Previously, the unconditional guidelines of education were the formation of knowledge, skills, information and social skills (qualities), ensuring “readiness for life,” in turn, understood as the ability of an individual to adapt to social circumstances. Now education is increasingly focused on the creation of technologies and methods of influencing the individual that ensure a balance between social and individual needs, and which, by launching the mechanism of self-development (self-improvement, self-education), ensure the individual’s readiness to realize his own individuality and changes in society. Many educational institutions began to introduce new elements into their activities, but the practice of transformation faced a serious contradiction between the existing need for rapid development and the inability of teachers to do this.

In domestic literature, the problem of innovation for a long time was considered in the system economic research. However, over time, the problem arose of assessing the qualitative characteristics of innovative changes in all spheres of social life, but defining these changes only within the framework economic theories impossible. A different approach is needed to the study of innovation processes, where the analysis of innovation problems includes the use of modern achievements not only in the field of science and technology, but also in the fields of management, education, law, etc.

The search for solutions to pedagogical problems of innovation is associated with the analysis of the available research results on the essence, structure, classification and features of the flow of innovative processes in the field of education.

At the theoretical and methodological level, the problem of innovation is most fundamentally reflected in the works of M.M. Potashnik, A. V Khutorskogo, N B Pugacheva, V.S. Lazarev, V.I. Zagvyazinsky from the standpoint of a system-activity approach, which makes it possible to analyze not only individual stages of the innovation process, but also move on to a comprehensive study of innovations.

Purpose of the work: to study and characterize innovative processes in education.

Object: innovative processes in education.

Subject: the process of introducing innovative processes into educational institutions.

Hypothesis: management of the innovation process in an educational institution will contribute to the development of creative abilities of teachers and students if:

It is a continuous process, cyclical in nature and carried out within the system.

The system is based on the laws and principles of organization of the subject of management

The mechanism of the management system includes: creating a creative atmosphere; cultivating interest in innovation and innovation; integration of promising innovations into productive projects into actually operating educational systems.

1 identify the theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative processes in education

2 explore state innovation policy and legal regulation of innovation activities

3 reveal the problems of practical implementation of innovative processes in education

Methods: analysis of scientific literature; study of pedagogical innovation; analysis of legislative and regulatory documents; observation; survey methods.

Structure: the thesis consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, 6 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and applications

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the implementation and development of innovative processes

1.1 Theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative processes in education

The concept of “innovation” translated from Latin means “renewal, innovation or change”. This concept first appeared in research in the 19th century and meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge arose, innovation - the science of innovation, within which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovation processes have become the subject of special study in the West since about the 50s and in the last twenty years in our country

Innovation is defined as an increase in the existing body of knowledge, entailing changes in current technology and management that bring economic benefit. Thus, innovation as a result of the creative process manifests itself in the form of new value.

Innovation is implemented in the period between the beginning of the creation of the concept of a new product and the preparation of justification for the decision to launch mass production, organize a sales system and after-sales service.

Innovation is a product of collective intellectual work that allows the use of everything new (ideas, inventions, technologies, management methods) to dramatically increase the efficiency of existing or form promising areas of economic and social activities person.

Innovation activities cover the creation and implementation of:

New products;

New technological processes and forms of production organization;

New Market;

New management processes and solving socio-economic problems corresponding to them financial instruments and organizational structures;

New human preferences in the spiritual sphere.

The emergence of innovation has two starting points:

1. Market need, that is, the existing demand for a certain product (product, service). It can also be called evolutionary. Naturally, evolutionary changes also include various changes in products (goods, services) available on the market. For example, changes leading to lower production costs or making products more marketable.

2. “Invention”, that is, human intellectual activity to create a new product aimed at satisfying a demand that is not on the market, but may appear with the advent of this new product. This is a radical, revolutionary path.

The concept of innovative activity includes: scientific and technical activity, organizational, financial and commercial and is the most important component of promoting innovations to consumers. Scientific research and development, being a source of new ideas, is carried out at various stages of the innovation process.

The sources of financing for science and innovation in Russia are the own funds of organizations (enterprises) performing scientific research and development or implementing innovations; funds from budgets of all levels; funds from extra-budgetary funds; foreign sources.

The innovation process is the process of creating, disseminating and using an innovation (i.e. a set of new ideas and proposals that can potentially be implemented and, subject to the scale of their use and the effectiveness of the results, can become the basis of any innovation). This is the transformation of new types and methods of human life (innovations) into socio-cultural norms and patterns that ensure their institutionalization, integration and consolidation in the culture of society.

The innovation process occurs in several stages. In most cases, innovation is a combination of many factors that are introduced partly simultaneously and partly sequentially. Therefore, innovation is not an isolated event, but rather a trajectory consisting of many small events. Therefore, when analyzing an innovation, it is difficult to indicate the exact moment when it arose or to indicate its sole cause. To understand the essence of the process of developing and implementing an innovation, it is impossible to study the various bases, participating organizations and stakeholders separately, but it is necessary to analyze the situation in its entirety.

Thus, all the elements that make up the content of innovation activity do not simply flow from each other, but are closely interrelated and mutually influence each other. As a result of a change in one of the elements, a change occurs in the rest, and ultimately in the entire organization. This requires a comprehensive solution to any of its problems: large and small, simple and complex, current and future. Therefore, a systematic approach is needed here.

F. Jansen, using a systematic approach to the organization and the innovative processes occurring in it, presents it as a living organism with complex connections and reactions, arguing that “... life, consciousness, innovation are phenomena of the highest level of the hierarchy, resulting from the behavior of many molecules , cells or, respectively, producers and consumers"

The following factors encourage an organization to innovate: the surrounding (external) environment, its changes that force a person to innovate; the state, through its policies, gives or takes away incentives for innovation; scientific and technological progress, encouraging enterprises to keep track of new products for effective fight with competitors. Internal factors driving innovation for an enterprise are the creative abilities of employees, their intra-company competition, as well as the preferences of the owners, managers of the organization and its informal leaders.

Issues of scientific support for innovative activities in education belong to the field of pedagogical innovation.

Pedagogical innovation is a young science; people started talking about it in Russia only in the late 80s. last century, i.e. a little over 15 years ago. Today, both pedagogical innovation itself and its methodology are at the stage of scientific development and construction. Let us consider the conceptual apparatus and theoretical foundations of innovative processes in education.

Innovations in education represent the creative development of new ideas, principles, technologies, in some cases bringing them to standard projects, containing the conditions for their adaptation and application.

It is necessary to distinguish between innovations and innovations. If we understand a pedagogical innovation as a certain idea, method, tool, technology or system, then innovation in this case will be the process of introducing and mastering this innovation. We consider the concept of “innovation” to be synonymous with the concept of “innovation”.

With the help of designing innovations, it is possible to manage the development of educational systems: both at the level of an educational institution and at the level of a region or country. Justification of the typology of pedagogical innovations allows us to study the specifics and patterns of development of innovations, identify and analyze factors that promote and hinder innovations.

The key concept in innovation is the innovation process. Innovative processes in education are considered in three main aspects: socio-economic, psychological-pedagogical and organizational-managerial. The general climate and conditions in which innovation processes occur depend on these aspects. Existing conditions can facilitate or hinder the innovation process. The innovation process can be either spontaneous or consciously controlled. The introduction of innovations is, first of all, a function of managing artificial and natural processes of change.

Let us emphasize the unity of the three components of the innovation process: creation, development and application of innovations. It is precisely this three-part innovation process that is most often the object of study in pedagogical innovation, in contrast, for example, to didactics, where the object of scientific research is the learning process.

Another systemic concept is innovation activity - a set of measures taken to ensure the innovation process at a particular level of education, as well as the process itself. The main functions of innovative activity include changes in the components of the pedagogical process: meaning, goals, content of education, forms, methods, technologies, teaching aids, management systems, etc.

Innovation came to pedagogy from cultural studies, linguistics, and economics. Innovation is based on the implementation vector, which characterizes the traditional and often criticized relationship between science and practice (science develops and implements into practice). This understanding contradicts the student-oriented pedagogical paradigm that has developed in recent years, which determines the increasing role of the subject in designing his education.

It is considered inappropriate to mechanically transfer into the field of pedagogy the apparatus of innovation that operates in economics, entrepreneurship or production. Taking into account the human-oriented essence of pedagogy, we define the object and subject of pedagogical innovation not in the traditional sense of “external influences” on students, but from the position of the conditions for updating their education, which occurs with their participation. This is the main principle that is used as a guideline for constructing theoretical methodological foundations of pedagogical innovation.

Based on the above, by pedagogical innovation we will understand the science that studies the nature, patterns of emergence and development of pedagogical innovations, their connections with the traditions of the past and future in relation to the subjects of education.

Let us formulate the object and subject of pedagogical innovation as follows.

The object of pedagogical innovation is the process of emergence, development and mastery of innovations in education. Innovation here refers to innovations - purposeful changes that introduce new elements into education and cause its transition from one state to another. Education is considered as a socially, culturally and personally determined educational activity, in the process of change (updating) of which the subject of this activity is included.

The subject of pedagogical innovation is a system of relationships that arise in innovative educational activities aimed at developing the personality of educational subjects (students, teachers, administrators).

Innovative changes are taking place today in such areas as the formation of new educational content; development and implementation of new teaching technologies; application of methods, techniques, means of mastering new programs; creating conditions for individual self-determination in the learning process; changes in the way of activity and style of thinking of both teachers and students, changes in the relationship between them, the creation and development of creative innovative teams, schools, and universities.

Research on innovation processes in education has revealed a number of theoretical and methodological problems: the relationship between traditions and innovations, the content and stages of the innovation cycle, the attitude of different subjects of education to innovations, innovation management, personnel training, the basis for criteria for assessing what is new in education, etc. These problems require understanding at a different level - methodological. Justification of the methodological foundations of pedagogical innovation is no less important than the creation of innovation itself. Pedagogical innovation is a special area of ​​methodological research.

To develop scientific support educational innovations we will need to rely on the existing methodological base.

The scope of the methodology of pedagogical innovation includes a system of knowledge and corresponding activities that study, explain, justify pedagogical innovation, its own principles, patterns, conceptual apparatus, means, limits of applicability and other scientific attributes characteristic of theoretical teachings.

Pedagogical innovation and its methodological apparatus can be an effective means of analyzing, justifying and designing the modernization of education. Scientific support for this global innovation process needs to be developed. Many innovations, such as educational standards for general secondary education, new structure schools, specialized training, unified state examination, etc. have not yet been developed in an innovative and pedagogical sense; there is no integrity and consistency in the processes of mastering and applying the declared innovations.

There is a growing need for a new theoretical understanding of the essence of managing innovation processes in an educational institution, and the development of pedagogical conditions that ensure continuous innovation movement. It is also important that innovative processes require special training of personnel - teachers, administrators, education managers, competent in the field of pedagogical innovations.

As part of the ways to solve the listed problems, we will consider the problem of the typology of pedagogical innovations.

The taxonomy of pedagogical innovations consists of 10 blocks, each block is formed on a separate basis and differentiated into its own set of subtypes. The list of grounds was compiled taking into account the need to cover the following parameters of pedagogical innovations: attitude to the structure of science, attitude to subjects of education, attitude to the conditions of implementation and characteristics of innovations.

Pedagogical innovations are divided into the following types and subtypes:

1. In relation to the structural elements of educational systems: innovations in goal setting, in tasks, in the content of education and upbringing, in forms, in methods, in techniques, in teaching technologies, in teaching and educational means, in the diagnostic system, in control, in evaluation of results, etc.

2. In relation to the personal development of subjects of education: in the field of developing certain abilities of students and teachers, in the field of developing their knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity, competencies, etc.

3. In the field of pedagogical application: in the educational process, in the training course, in the educational field, at the level of the educational system, at the level of the educational system, in educational management.

4. By types of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process: in collective learning, in group learning, in tutoring, in tutoring, in family learning, etc.

5. By functionality: innovations-conditions (provide renewal of the educational environment, sociocultural conditions, etc.), innovations-products (pedagogical tools, projects, technologies, etc.), management innovations (new solutions in the structure of educational systems and management procedures that ensure their functioning).

6. By methods of implementation: planned, systematic, periodic, spontaneous, spontaneous, random.

7. By the scale of distribution: in the activities of one teacher, a methodological association of teachers, in a school, in a group of schools, in the region, at the federal level, at the international level, etc.

8. According to social and pedagogical significance: in educational institutions of a certain type, for specific professional and typological groups of teachers.

9. By volume of innovative events: local, mass, global, etc.

10. According to the degree of proposed transformations: corrective, modifying, modernizing, radical, revolutionary.

In the proposed taxonomy, one and the same innovation can simultaneously have several characteristics and take its place in different blocks. For example, such an innovation as the educational reflection of students can act as an innovation in relation to the system of diagnostics of learning, the development of methods of student activity, in the educational process, in collective learning, an innovation-condition, a periodic innovation in a senior specialized school, a local, radical innovation.

From the point of view of strategic management, innovation serves as a tool for adaptive adaptation to changing conditions external environment, as well as a means of continuous improvement of processes in the organization, aimed at increasing the efficiency of its activities. Solving the strategic problems facing a company is possible in two ways: on the basis of already mastered, traditional processes or on the basis of changing existing ones and creating new processes (innovation). Thus, in a strategic decision-making system, innovation is one of two options for responding to likely future changes in the situation. The success of the company’s activities and the achievement of goals in the long term depends on the choice of this option.

The innovation strategy must define the framework within which the organization operates. The delimiters here are environmental factors (technological, political and legal, economic and social). They also provide the organization with certain boundaries for functioning. Therefore, the basis of strategic innovation planning is the analysis of the life cycle of technologies, products and markets. An innovative enterprise can concentrate its efforts on identifying technological opportunities for itself within the framework of existing technologies on the market or develop something radically new. Once you have identified innovative opportunities, you can begin to strategic planning innovative activities in the organization.

Therefore, for an organization to successfully achieve its goals and achieve long-term survival, strategic management is necessary.

Depending on the chosen object of strategic management, the following are distinguished:

· strategy of the organization as a whole;

· strategy of individual strategic divisions of the organization;

· functional strategy, i.e. functional area strategy

Now many scientists and practitioners consider innovation management as part of strategic management and include the innovative orientation of the enterprise in the corporate strategy. However, we can already talk about separating innovative strategic management into a separate science.

According to V.G. Medynsky, strategic innovation management is “an integral part of innovation management, resolving issues management, planning and implementation of innovative projects, deals with the process of anticipating changes in the economic situation, finding and implementing large-scale solutions that ensure its survival and sustainable development through identified future success factors.”

Strategic management of innovation activities is the management of an organization that, based on scientific and technical potential, orients its innovation activities to consumer needs.

The process of forming innovation strategies is the most critical stage in developing an innovation management mechanism. However, to date this process has not been sufficiently developed either methodologically or practically.

The methodology of innovation is a system of methods by which an innovation strategy is developed, including a system of necessary factors, conditions, techniques, levers, and mechanisms.

A typical model of the innovation process consists of three stages (the decision-making process is key here):

I. Innovation development (creation of a concept and documentary description of the innovation);

II. Decision making: 1) development of alternatives: 2) forecasting the consequences of each alternative: 3) clarification of the criteria for selecting an alternative: 4) selection of the alternative that best satisfies the minimum efficiency standards among other alternatives;

III. Implementation of the solution (overcoming resistance and routinization of innovation). The characteristics of innovation are variables of management decisions - those factors that can be manipulated by the organizational management system and depend on the history of the organization - its successful or unsuccessful activities in the past.

1.2 State innovation policy

State innovation policy is an integral part of socio-economic policy, which expresses the state’s attitude to innovation, determines the goals, directions, forms of activity of government bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and the implementation of scientific and technological achievements. It is presented in the concept of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation being developed by the government of the Russian Federation at long term perspective and the program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the medium term.

The state innovation policy of the Russian Federation is formed and implemented based on the following basic principles:

· recognition of the priority importance of innovation activity for increasing the efficiency of the level of technological development of social production, the competitiveness of high-tech products, the quality of life of the population and economic security;

· ensuring state regulation of innovation activities in combination with the effective functioning of the competitive mechanism in the innovation sphere;

· concentration of government resources on the creation and dissemination of basic innovations that ensure progressive structural changes in the economy;

· creating conditions for the development of market relations in the innovation sphere and suppressing unfair competition in the process of innovation activity;

· creation of a favorable investment climate when implementing innovative activities;

· intensification of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the innovation sphere;

· strengthening defense capability and ensuring national security state as a result of innovation activities.

The formation and implementation of the state innovation policy of the Russian Federation is ensured by the state executive authorities of the Russian Federation, appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The innovation policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is formed and implemented by government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the state innovation policy of the Russian Federation and the interests of the regions. Public associations operating within the powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation may be involved in the development and implementation of state innovation policy.

Policy in the field of innovation activity as an element of the state regulation system has:

· clearly defined goals and priority areas of innovation;

· management bodies that implement functions that ensure the achievement of the stated goals;

· an information system that forms an information image of the regulated object, sufficient for the implementation of management functions;

· regulatory and support tools with which authorities government controlled influence enterprises and the environment in the performance of their functions.

“Russia’s transition to an innovative path of development is the only opportunity to make our country competitive and enter the world community on equal terms,” says the “Fundamentals of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of science and technology for the period until 2010 and beyond.” The transition to innovative development of the country is defined in this document as the main goal public policy in the field of development of science and technology. And as one of the most important directions of state policy in the field of development of science and technology is the formation of the development of a national innovation system.

The policy formed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is aimed at achieving these goals and objectives. The main tasks that the federal target scientific and technical program is designed to solve are: determining priorities in the field of science and technology and their implementation; development of a system of scientific and technical priorities, mechanisms for creating and building public-private partnerships; development of infrastructure activities, i.e. building innovation infrastructure in Russia; as well as assistance in strengthening the material and technical base scientific activity Universities, improving the regulatory framework of science and innovation, etc.

In the new edition of the program, it is worth noting 3 main blocks within which the work is built: knowledge generation, technology development and technology commercialization.

The first block is knowledge generation

Within the framework of this block, about 250 problem-oriented exploratory research of a fundamental nature and applied developments are being implemented. Support is also provided for scientific, organizational and methodological support for the integration of scientific and educational activities, and scientific and educational complexes are created.

Second block - technology development

This block is focused on supporting and developing applied research and development.

The third block of the program is technology commercialization

First of all, here we should talk about the creation and development of effective mechanisms of public and private partnership. Good examples in this regard, the most important innovative projects of national importance, which were already supported by the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation and continue to develop very successfully with the support of Federal Agency science and innovation, in fact with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The most important element is the financial infrastructure. First of all, these are budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, such as: a fund for promoting the development of small enterprises in the scientific and technical field; Russian fund technological development.

The state supports and stimulates innovation activities by:

· improvement of legislative and regulatory framework regulation of innovation activities;

· participation in financing from funds federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state extra-budgetary funds for innovation programs and projects, as well as the creation of innovation infrastructure facilities, including for the development of small and medium-sized innovative entrepreneurship;

· organizing procurement for state needs of high-tech products and advanced technology in order to ensure their guaranteed distribution;

· creation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, of preferential conditions for carrying out innovative activities and stimulating Russian and foreign investors investing in the implementation of innovative programs and projects.

Let's consider the principles of state scientific, scientific-technical and innovation policy:

The unity of scientific and educational processes and their focus on the economic, social and spiritual development of society;

The optimal combination of state regulation and self-government of scientific and innovative activities in the education system;

Concentration of resources on priority areas of research;

Support and development of scientific and technical creativity of young people;

Support for leading scientists, research teams, scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools capable of providing an advanced level of education and scientific research;

Development of a variety of forms of organizing research and innovation activities in the education system;

Competitive beginnings of the formation of thematic plans of universities, scientific, technical and innovation programs while ensuring transparency;

Orientation of the educational-scientific-innovative complex of the education system towards carrying out a full cycle of research and development, ending with the creation finished products;

Support for business activities in the scientific and technical field;

integration into the international scientific and educational community.

The main goal of the state scientific, scientific-technical and innovative policy of the education system is to ensure the training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the level of world qualification requirements, to intensify scientific research and innovation activities, efficient use its educational, scientific, technical and innovative potential for economic development and solving social problems of the country.

The directions of scientific research of the education system, as well as the priority areas of innovation activity, must be consistent with the priorities of federal and regional scientific, scientific, technical and innovation policies. At the same time, the education system, taking into account the peculiarities of organizing scientific and pedagogical activities in a wide range of areas, must develop its own priorities that take into account its specifics. This will ensure the preservation high level training of specialists in the entire range of specialties.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

Development of scientific research as the basis for the fundamentalization of education, the basis for training a modern specialist;

An organic combination of fundamental, exploratory and applied research with competitive commercial developments;

Formation of educational, scientific and innovative complexes on the basis of leading Russian universities as one of the most important areas for implementing relationships between science and education, science and production, aimed at strengthening the socio-economic and technological development of the country;

Priority development of scientific research aimed at improving the education system, all its levels, introducing new educational and information technologies, improving scientific and methodological support of the educational process, improving the quality of training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel;

Further improvement of the system of planning and financing of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities of subordinate organizations, creation of conditions for legal and other support for small innovative enterprises and centers created by universities and other educational institutions;

Supporting developments in the field of high technology with the aim of producing high-tech goods and services based on them and entering domestic and foreign markets, expanding international integration in this area, creating conditions for attracting foreign investment in R&D of the education system;

Support for the development of technology parks, innovation and technology centers, innovation and industrial complexes and other centers that are part of or whose founders are subordinate institutions;

Creating conditions for training and retraining of personnel in the field of innovation and scientific and technical entrepreneurship, ensuring increased innovative activity in the education system, commercialization of scientific research results;

Development of a legal framework for science, including protection intellectual property authors, universities, scientific organizations education systems and the state on the results of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities, the involvement of intellectual property in economic circulation;

Carrying out an inventory of the results of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in subordinate organizations to ensure the rights of the Russian Federation to these results obtained from the federal budget;

Attracting additional extra-budgetary funds to the university science sector.

Close partnership of the educational, scientific and innovative complex of the education system with industries, regions, economic cooperation associations, concerns, enterprises and other economic entities;

ensuring the active participation of universities in analyzing the results of privatization in the regions, developing scientifically based recommendations to improve the efficiency of state property management;

Activation of the activities of research institutes, research laboratories, development bureaus, experimental and pilot plants of higher educational institutions, their inclusion on the basis of new regulatory documents into universities or associated associations, increasing the efficiency of technology parks, technology incubators, innovation technology centers, innovation -industrial complexes, licensing and certification centers, leasing, marketing, etc.;

Increasing academic mobility of youth different regions by creating conditions for postgraduate and doctoral studies at leading higher educational institutions and scientific organizations in the country;

Improving postgraduate professional education in accordance with the priority areas of science and technology, expanding the educational functions of graduate school, improving the planning and formation of a contingent of graduate students and doctoral students, revising and optimizing the network of dissertation councils, introducing a new range of specialties for scientific workers;

Concentration of resources on the development of postgraduate professional education mainly in higher educational institutions and scientific organizations with reputable scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools;

Organization of scientific and educational methodological associations(NUMO), contributing to the development of advanced training of specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in priority areas science and technology;

Carrying out certification and accreditation of institutions of higher and postgraduate professional education, taking into account the relationship of scientific and innovative activities with the educational process;

Responsible autonomy and accountability of educational institutions;

Active participation of scientists from the education system in federal target programs, scientific, scientific-technical, innovation programs and in grant competitions announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia,

Effective international cooperation in scientific, educational and innovation fields, wide participation of scientists from the educational system in international scientific programs;

The transition from supporting international individual grants and programs aimed, first of all, at the implementation of educational research by scientists for foreign organizations, to creating conditions for attracting foreign investment in the education system in order to use the results of joint activities in the domestic and international markets of science-intensive products.

In recent years, a system of budgetary support for fundamental, exploratory and applied research in universities and scientific organizations of the education system has been developed, based on the use of competitive formation principles and including:

thematic plans for research work, which significantly expanded the rights of academic councils of universities and scientific organizations in choosing research topics;

grants providing support to the most outstanding scientists and small scientific groups;

scientific and scientific-technical programs.

The system of planning and financing of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities should be determined by the nature of the scientific research being conducted. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, ministries and departments with higher educational institutions must create conditions and provide support for all stages of the scientific, scientific-technical and innovation cycle: from fundamental, exploratory, applied research to development and production of finished products.

At the stage of fundamental and exploratory research, the main source of funding should be the state budget. Funds allocated by the state for conducting fundamental research and promoting scientific and technological progress are planned and distributed through three channels.

Firstly, for targeted budget financing of thematic plans for research work of universities and scientific organizations carried out on the instructions of the Ministry. Within the framework of this form of planning and organization of scientific research, it is ensured governmental support scientific teams of universities and scientific organizations, development of the scientific and technical potential of higher education and strengthening the relationship between science and education.

Secondly, on a competitive basis in the form of grants intended to finance the most promising and important initiative projects proposed by research teams and individual scientists.

Thirdly, to support scientific research of organizations subordinate to the Ministry under agreements with it as the founder.

Thematic plans must be drawn up for the calendar year. It is advisable to hold grant competitions every 2-3 years.

Applied research and development, innovative activities in the education system must be developed and supported in accordance with federal, regional and industry priorities of science and technology.

The customers of applied research and development carried out in the education system should, as a rule, be industries, which involves expanding intersectoral interaction, concluding agreements with ministries and departments, and forming joint scientific and technical programs.

When planning, organizing and financing applied research, the direct participation of the Ministry is necessary because of the importance of these research projects for the process of education and training of specialists, as well as the high degree of risk of such research, significant costs of material and other resources, which cannot always be attributed to the cost of the final product.

One of the forms of organizing R&D is scientific and scientific-technical programs. The Ministry also acts as a customer for specific applied scientific research, guided by the current needs of the education sector and concern for its development and improvement. In strategically important areas of this research, a state (industry) task should be introduced in the form of:

Target assignment for specific performers and specific high-priority goals with the priority right of the Ministry to use the results obtained, provided for in the relevant agreement;

Tasks, the right to perform which is achieved on a competitive basis, with the division of ownership of the results obtained between the Ministry and the performers.

The special role of the educational, scientific and innovative complex of the education system is determined by its influence on solving the problems of socio-economic and technological transformation in the regions, in most of which universities form the basis of scientific and technical potential. Because of this, the formation of regional scientific and technical programs is important. They are aimed at solving the problems of the territories and should be financed jointly with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Sources of extra-budgetary funds for universities and scientific institutions of the education system from scientific and innovative activities are: commercialization of scientific research results, sale of finished products to consumers, contracts with customers and other forms that allow effectively involving intellectual potential in the economy and social sphere of the country.

The development of a unified material and technical base for scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the education system should be carried out on the basis of:

Concentration of federal and regional resources at the interregional level, creation of funds for the development of the education industry;

Focus on domestic production, targeted updating with imported equipment;

Attracting material and financial resources industries - consumers of scientific and technical products and personnel trained by the education system;

Increasing the efficiency of using existing scientific equipment, remote access laboratories, creating centers for collective use, joint educational and scientific laboratories together with Russian Academy sciences, branch academies of sciences, state research centers and large research and production associations.

As for educational, scientific and innovative complexes. then the expansion of the scope of activity of modern universities requires the formation on their basis of educational, scientific and innovative complexes, the structure of which, in addition to the university, may include or be associated with it, research institutes, design bureaus, technological bureaus, industrial enterprises, technology parks, innovation and technology centers, etc. d. The creation of such complexes will improve the efficiency of the entire cycle of development of high-tech products - from fundamental research and development to the finished product. The formation of educational, scientific and innovative complexes of universities should be ensured by the development of the legal framework for their creation and functioning as a single economic entity, changes in the internal structure and management mechanisms.

In this regard, a system of measures is needed to stimulate the creation of these complexes.

Educational-scientific-innovative complexes provide the process of obtaining new scientific knowledge, the implementation of this knowledge and new ideas in applied research and development, closely related to both the learning process, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, and the decision practical problems economy and social sphere. They should be centers of attraction for the creative forces of the regions, mechanisms for more effective implementation of the intellectual potential of universities in the interests of boosting the economy of the region, its spiritual and cultural development.

Educational, scientific and innovative complexes create the prerequisites for the development of new areas of economic activity, such as equipment leasing, trust management of state shares industrial enterprises and corporatized industry research institutes in the regions.

It is advisable to strengthen the process of integration of science and education, transform leading universities into powerful educational, scientific and innovative complexes through the creation of Federal Research Universities, which ensure advanced training of highly qualified specialists, scientific, scientific and pedagogical personnel and the socio-economic development of the country. Having received functions close to state ones scientific centers, Federal research universities will also contribute to the academic mobility of youth within the country.

The following should be used as the main mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities of the education system:

Formulated basic provisions of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation policy in regulatory and administrative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and other ministries and departments that include educational institutions, mainly in an indicative form (a form characterized by the presence of measurable indicators);

Scientifically based methods for assessing the state of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative potentials, the level of results achieved and contribution to the development of the country's economy, the efficiency of using available resources in the education system; methods must provide reliable assessment of indirect indicators at the level of both the entire education system and individual higher educational institutions or groups of higher educational institutions;

Monitoring and analysis of the state, trends and dynamics of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities of the education system (based on the use of data from state statistical reporting, departmental reporting, special surveys).

The results of assessing the effectiveness of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the education system must be presented annually in the form of analytical material (report) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, including information from other ministries and departments with higher education institutions.

As a result of the implementation of the Concept, there will be:

The formation of priorities for scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities in the education system has been completed and mechanisms for their renewal and implementation have been developed;

Scientific study of priority problems in the development of the education system was provided and support was provided for scientific research as the basis for the fundamentalization of education;

a restructuring of thematic research plans of universities and scientific organizations, scientific and scientific-technical programs, grants was carried out;

A system of continuous education has been created on the basis of leading universities in Russia and academic mobility of scientists has been ensured;

Organizational and financial mechanisms for implementation have been developed:

a) supporting the research work of students, young scientists, graduate students and doctoral students;

b) support for unique scientific facilities and leading pedagogical schools;

c) regional policy in the field of science and innovation;

a set of measures was implemented to reform the network of scientific organizations and develop the innovative infrastructure of the education system;

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Novokuznetsk Institute (branch)

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

Higher professional education

"Kemerovo State University"

Faculty of Technology and Economics

Graduation qualifying work on the topic of:

"Management of innovative processes in education"

Completed by: Sazanovich E.D.

Head: Doroshenko A.G.

Novokuznetsk 2015



Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of innovation processes…………………….6

1.1 The concept of innovation in education, their classification…….……...6

1.2 The role of innovation in school development………………….25

Chapter 2. Practical part…………………………………………….…….32

2.1 Features of innovation process management……………..32




Currently, our country is undergoing significant changes in national education policy. This is due to the transition to the position of personality-oriented pedagogy. One of the tasks of a modern school is to reveal the potential of all participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with opportunities to demonstrate creative abilities. Solving these problems is impossible without implementing the variability of educational processes, and therefore various innovative types and types of educational institutions appear that require deep scientific and practical understanding.

The modern Russian school is the result of enormous changes that have occurred in the national education system in recent years. In this sense, education is not just a part of the social life of society, but its vanguard: it is unlikely that any other subsystem to the same extent can confirm the fact of its progressive development with such an abundance of innovations and experiments.

The changing role of education in society has determined most of the innovation processes. “From being socially passive, routinized, taking place in traditional social institutions, education becomes active. The educational potential of both social institutions and personal is being updated.” Previously, the absolute guidelines of education were the formation of knowledge, skills, information and social skills (qualities), ensuring “readiness for life,” in turn, understood as the ability of an individual to adapt to social circumstances. Now education is increasingly focused on the creation of technologies and methods of influencing the individual that ensure a balance between social and individual needs, and which, by launching the mechanism of self-development (self-improvement, self-education), ensure the individual’s readiness to realize his own individuality and changes in society. Many educational institutions began to introduce some new elements into their activities, but the practice of transformation faced a serious contradiction between the existing need for rapid development and the inability of teachers to do this. To learn how to competently develop a school, you need to be fluent in such concepts as “new”, “innovation”, “innovation”, “innovation process”, which are by no means as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first glance.

In the domestic literature, the problem of innovation has long been considered in the system of economic research. However, over time, the problem arose of assessing the qualitative characteristics of innovative changes in all spheres of social life, but it is impossible to determine these changes only within the framework of economic theories. A different approach is needed to the study of innovation processes, where the analysis of innovation problems includes the use of modern achievements not only in the field of science and technology, but also in the fields of management, education, law, etc.

The search for solutions to pedagogical problems of innovation is associated with the analysis of the available research results on the essence, structure, classification and features of the flow of innovative processes in the field of education.
At the theoretical and methodological level, the problem of innovation is most fundamentally reflected in the works of M. M. Potashnik, A. V. Khutorsky, N. B. Pugacheva, V. S. Lazarev, V. I. Zagvyazinsky from the standpoint of a system-activity approach, which makes it possible to analyze not only individual stages of the innovation process, but also move on to a comprehensive study of innovations.

Today, the innovative search has entered a “calm channel”, has become part of the image of any self-respecting school, an element of the “regular situation” in the system of life of many educational institutions in the region. But there are a huge number of innovations that apply to education in general and to school in particular. They play a huge role in the existence and further development of the school.

Based on this, we can formulate the object and subject of the work.

Object: innovative processes in education.

Subject: management of innovative processes in education.

Purpose of the work: to study and characterize innovations in Russian education, as well as methods for managing them.

Historically, children studying in developing, innovative educational institutions have a higher level of development on various indicators than children from traditional schools. It is for this reason that parents often send their children to innovative schools, without taking into account the individual abilities of the children. Weak children do not always master the curriculum of a developing school; they usually lag behind their peers. Therefore, in our time the problem of choosing a school, the differences between different types and types of schools are especially relevant.

Based on an understanding of the purpose of the work, we formulate the objectives of the research:

  • Conduct an interdisciplinary study of the concepts of novelty, innovation, innovative educational process, pedagogical innovation, management of an educational institution.
  • Based on the study of psychological, methodological, and philosophical literature, analyze scientific approaches to managing an innovative educational institution and determine a strategy for its improvement.
  • To study the opinions of managers and teachers about the management of innovation processes.

Research hypothesis: the introduction of innovations in schools contributes to improving the quality of education.

Experimental research base: MBOU “Gymnasium No. 73”, Novokuznetsk.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of innovation processes

1.1 The concept of innovation in education, their classification

Innovations, or innovations, are characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore naturally become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. Innovations do not arise by themselves; they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience of individual teachers and entire teams. This process cannot be spontaneous; it needs to be managed.

S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition of new: new - created or made for the first time, appeared or emerged recently, to replace the previous one, newly discovered, relating to the immediate past or to the present, not familiar enough, little known. It should be noted that the interpretation of the term does not say anything about progressiveness, about the effectiveness of the new.

The concept of “innovation” translated from Latin means “renewal, innovation or change”. This concept first appeared in research in the 19th century and meant the introduction of certain elements of one culture into another. At the beginning of the 20th century, a new field of knowledge arose, innovation - the science of innovation, within which the patterns of technical innovations in the field of material production began to be studied. Pedagogical innovation processes have become the subject of special study in the West since about the 50s and in the last twenty years in our country.

Applied to pedagogical process innovation means introducing something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, and organizing the joint activities of teacher and student.

People have been talking about innovation in the Russian educational system since the 80s of the 20th century. It was at this time in pedagogy that the problem of innovation and, accordingly, its conceptual support became the subject of special research. The terms “innovations in education” and “pedagogical innovations,” used as synonyms, were scientifically substantiated and introduced into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in teaching activities, changes in the content and technology of teaching and upbringing, with the goal of increasing their effectiveness.

Thus, the innovation process consists in the formation and development of the content and organization of the new. In general, the innovation process is understood as a complex activity of creation (birth, development), development, use and dissemination of innovations. In the scientific literature, the concepts of “novation” and “innovation” are distinguished. To identify the essence of these concepts, we will draw up a comparative table.

Table 1

The concepts of “novation” and “innovation”




Scope of goals and objectives



Methodological support

Within existing theories

Goes beyond existing theories

Scientific context

Fits relatively easily into existing “norms” of understanding and explanation

May cause a situation of misunderstanding, rupture and conflict, since it contradicts the accepted “norms” of science

Nature of actions (quality)

Experimental (testing private innovations)

Purposeful search and the fullest desire to obtain a new result

Nature of actions (quantity)

Limited in scope and time

Holistic, long lasting

Action type

Informing subjects of practice, transferring local innovations “from hand to hand”

Design new system activities in this practice


Approbation, implementation as a management move (from above or by agreement with the administration)

Germination, cultivation (from the inside), organization of conditions and space for appropriate activities

Result, product

Change individual elements in the existing system

Complete renewal of the position of subjects of practice, transformation of connections in the system and the system itself


Initiative in action, rationalization, updating of techniques, invention of a new technique

Opening new areas of activity, creating new technologies, achieving a new quality of performance results


Improvement of the previous system, rationalization of its functional connections

Perhaps the birth of a new practice or a new paradigm of research and development

So, innovation is precisely a means (a new method, technique, technology, program, etc.), and innovation is the process of mastering this means. Innovation is a purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the environment, causing a transition of the system from one state to another.

It is also necessary to distinguish between concepts such as “innovation” and “reform”. Let's look at the differences between these concepts in the table.

table 2

The concepts of “reform” and “innovation”



Changing the start dates of training

Changes in the internal organizational activities of the school

Increased funding

Changes in the content of education

Changes in equipment of educational institutions

Changes in teaching methods

Changes in duration of study

Changes in relationships

"Teacher - Student"

Raising the status of education

New sanitary and hygienic requirements

Changes in the structure of the education system

Innovation with this consideration is understood as the result of innovation, and the innovation process is considered as the development of three main stages: generating an idea (in a certain case - scientific discovery), development of ideas in the applied aspect and implementation of innovations in practice. In this regard, the innovation process can be considered as a process of bringing a scientific idea to the stage of practical use and the implementation of related changes in the socio-pedagogical environment. Activities that ensure the transformation of ideas into innovation and form a system for managing this process are innovative activities.

There is another characteristic of the stages of development of the innovation process. It contains the following actions:

  • identifying the need for change;
  • collecting information and analyzing the situation;
  • preliminary selection or independent development of innovation;
  • making a decision on implementation (development);
  • the actual implementation itself, including trial use of the innovation;
  • institutionalization or long-term use of an innovation, during which it becomes an element of everyday practice.

The combination of all these stages forms a single innovation cycle.

Innovations in education are considered to be innovations that are specifically designed, developed or accidentally discovered as a result of pedagogical initiative. The content of innovation can be: scientific and theoretical knowledge of a certain novelty, new effective educational technologies, a project of effective innovative pedagogical experience, prepared in the form of a technological description, ready for implementation. Innovations are new qualitative states of the educational process, formed by introducing into practice the achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences, using advanced pedagogical experience.

Innovations are developed and carried out not by government bodies, but by employees and organizations of the education and science systems.

There are different types of innovations, depending on the criteria by which they are divided.

6) by source of occurrence:

  • external (outside the educational system);
  • internal (developed within the educational system).

7) by scale of use:

  • single;
  • diffuse.

8) depending on functionality:

Table 3

10) based on the intensity of innovative change or level of innovativeness:

Table 4

zero-order innovation

this is practically the regeneration of the original properties of the system (reproduction of the traditional educational system or its element)

first order innovation

characterized by quantitative changes in the system while its quality remains unchanged

second-order innovation

represent a rearrangement of system elements and organizational changes(for example, a new combination of known pedagogical means, a change in the sequence, rules for their use, etc.)

third-order innovation

adaptive changes in the educational system in new conditions without going beyond the old model of education

fourth-order innovation

fifth order innovation

initiate the creation of “new generation” educational systems (changing all or most of the initial properties of the system)

sixth order innovation

as a result of implementation, educational systems of a “new type” are created with a qualitative change in the functional properties of the system while maintaining the system-forming functional principle

seventh order innovation

They represent the highest, radical change in educational systems, during which the basic functional principle of the system changes. This is how a “new kind” of educational (pedagogical) systems appears

11) on reflection before introducing innovation:

Table 5




innovations are far-fetched and introduced from outside, not following the logic of development of the educational system. Most often, they are implemented on the orders of higher management and are doomed to failure.

innovations that correspond to the mission of the educational institution, but are unprepared, with vague goals and criteria that do not form a single whole with the school system

innovations derived from the problem field with clearly defined goals and objectives. They are built on the basis of taking into account the interests of students and teachers and are of a continuity with traditions. They are carefully prepared, examined and provided with the necessary resources (personnel, material, scientific and methodological)

Based on the above, we can formulate the basic pattern of innovation design: the higher the rank of innovation, the greater the requirements for scientifically based management of the innovation process.

For a complete and accurate representation of the specifics of innovative processes occurring in the modern Russian educational space, two types of educational institutions can be distinguished in the education system: traditional and developing. Traditional systems are characterized by stable functioning, aimed at maintaining the once established order. Developing systems are characterized by a search mode.

In Russian developing educational systems, innovative processes are implemented in the following directions: the formation of new educational content, the development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, the creation of new types of educational institutions. In addition, the teaching staff of a number of Russian educational institutions is engaged in introducing into practice innovations that have already become the history of pedagogical thought. For example, the alternative educational systems of the early twentieth century by M. Montessori, R. Steiner, etc.

The development of a school cannot be achieved otherwise than through the development of innovations, through the innovation process. In order to effectively manage this process, it must be understood, and therefore known. The latter involves studying its structure or, as they say in science, structure.

Any process (especially when it comes to education, and even its development) is a complex dynamic (moving, non-static) formation - a system. The latter is polystructural, and therefore the innovation process itself (like any system) is polystructural.

The activity structure is a combination of the following components: motives – goal – objectives – content – ​​forms – methods – results. Indeed, it all starts with the motives (motivating reasons) of the subjects of the innovation process (director, teachers, students, etc.), defining the goals of innovation, transforming goals into a “fan” of tasks, developing the content of innovation, etc. Let’s not forget that all of the named components of activity are implemented in certain conditions (material, financial, hygienic, moral-psychological, temporary, etc.), which, as is known, are not included in the very structure of activity, but if ignored, the innovation process would be would be paralyzed or ineffective.

The subject structure includes the innovative activities of all subjects of school development: the director, his deputies, teachers, scientists, students, parents, sponsors, methodologists, university teachers, consultants, experts, employees of educational authorities, certification services, etc. This structure takes into account the functional and role relationship all participants in each stage of the innovation process. It also reflects the relationships of participants in planned private innovations. It is enough for the director to now write in a column the functions of each of the named subjects and arrange them in order of importance of the roles performed in the innovation process, and this structure will immediately appear weighty and significant.

The level structure reflects the interconnected innovative activities of subjects at the international, federal, regional, district (city) and school levels. It is obvious that the innovation process at school is influenced (both positive and negative) by innovation activities at higher levels. For this influence to be only positive, special activities of managers are needed to coordinate the content of innovation and innovation policy at each level. In addition, we draw the attention of managers to the fact that managing the development process of a particular school requires consideration of it at at least five levels: individual, small group level, whole school level, district and regional levels.

The substantive structure of the innovation process involves the birth, development and adoption of innovations in teaching, educational work, organization of the educational process, school management, etc. In turn, each component of this structure has its own complex structure. Thus, the innovative process in education may involve innovations in methods, forms, techniques, means (that is, in technology), in the content of education or in its goals, conditions, etc.

Life cycle structure. A feature of the innovation process is its cyclical nature, expressed in the following structure of stages that each innovation goes through: emergence (start) – rapid growth (in the fight against opponents, routineists, conservatives, skeptics) – maturity – development – ​​diffusion (penetration, spread) – saturation (mastery by many people, penetration into all links, areas, parts of the educational and management processes) - routinization (meaning a fairly long-term use of an innovation - as a result of which for many people it becomes a common occurrence, the norm) - crisis (present in the appearance of exhaustion of opportunities to apply it in new areas) - finish (the innovation ceases to be such or is replaced by another, more effective one, or is absorbed by a more general effective system).

Some innovations go through another stage, called irradiation, when with routinization the innovation does not disappear as such, but is modernized and reproduced, often exerting an even more powerful influence on the process of school development. For example, the technology of programmed learning before and after the widespread use of computers in schools (now virtually every school has computer classes, and most of them have Internet access).

A specialist in the field of pedagogical innovation, Academician V.I. Zagvyazinsky, who has studied, in particular, the life cycles of various innovative processes, notes that very often, having received positive results from mastering an innovation, teachers unreasonably strive to universalize it, to extend it to all areas of teaching practice, which often ends in failure and leads to disappointment and a reluctance to innovate.

One more structure can be identified (very close to the one just described). This is the structure of the genesis of innovation, taken from the theory of innovation in the field of material production. But if the reader has a sufficiently developed imagination, it is quite transferable to innovative processes in school: emergence - development of an idea - design (what is on paper) - production (that is, development in practical work) – use by other people.

The management structure involves interaction four types management actions: planning – organization – leadership – control. As a rule, the innovation process at school is planned in the form of a concept new school or - most fully - in the form of a school development program, then the activities of the school staff are organized to implement this program and control over its results. Special attention It should be noted that the innovation process at some point can be spontaneous (uncontrollable) and exist due to internal self-regulation (that is, all the elements of the given structure seem to be absent; there can be self-organization, self-regulation, self-control). However, the lack of management of such a complex system as the innovation process in a school will quickly lead to its attenuation. Therefore, the presence of a management structure is a stabilizing and supporting factor for this process, which, of course, does not exclude elements of self-government and self-regulation in it.

Each component of this structure has its own structure. Thus, planning (which actually boils down to the preparation of a school development program) includes a problem-based indicative analysis of the school’s activities, the formation of a concept for a new school and a strategy for its implementation, goal setting and the development of an operational action plan.

For managers who find it difficult to immediately switch to a capacious four-component structure of management actions, we can offer its previous, more voluminous version, also called the organizational structure of the innovation process at school. It includes the following stages: diagnostic – prognostic – actual organizational – practical – generalizing – implementation.

In addition to those mentioned, in any innovation process it is easy to see such structures as the creation of innovations and the use (development) of innovations; a complex innovation process that underlies the development of the entire school, consisting of interconnected micro-innovation processes.

The more often a manager turns to these structures in his analytical and, in general, management activities, the sooner they will be remembered and become self-evident. In any case: if the director detects a situation where the innovation process in the school is not proceeding (or is proceeding ineffectively), the reason must be looked for in the underdevelopment of some components of a particular structure.

Knowledge of all structures is also necessary for the director because it is the innovation process that is the object of management in a developing school, and the director is obliged to thoroughly know the object that he will manage.

All of the above structures are organically intertwined not only horizontally, but also vertical connections, and moreover: each component of any structure of the innovation process is implemented in the components of other structures, that is, this process is systemic.

The head of any school, and especially one that is moving into development mode, i.e. The educational institution in which the innovation process is organized is obliged to carry out all transformations on an impeccable legal basis. Legal norm is an important and necessary tool management activities.

Of course, any norm - legal, administrative, departmental, moral - limits freedom. But the freedom of action of a modern leader presupposes, first of all, his high legal culture. Without normative regulation, normal school activities are impossible. Reliance on law and morality in a school that implements innovations is one of the most important conditions ensuring the safety of children and teachers.

In the innovative activities of the school, documents of various levels are used - from acts of international law, federal laws to decisions of local authorities, decisions of municipal and regional educational authorities, governing bodies and officials of the school itself.

The meaning, content and application of any regulatory legal acts are primarily determined by the rights and freedoms of man and citizen established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Pedagogical innovations should contribute to the fullest realization of the right to education , the right of everyone to freely use their ability to work, choose their type of activity, profession , other rights and freedoms disclosed in Chapter 2 of the first section of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The priority of international and federal standards over regional, local, departmental and intra-school standards is obvious.

Federal legislation establishes that generally accepted international norms related to human rights have precedence over the laws of the Russian Federation and directly give rise to the rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Today, in conditions of increased independence of the school, its head has the opportunity to rely directly on the norms of the law, including international law. This kind of management practice is in itself innovative.

For example, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the 44th session of the UN General Assembly on December 5, 1989, provides ample opportunities for updating school education.

The central place in the regulatory and legal support for school development belongs to the Russian Federation Law “On Education”. Only on the basis of the Law do educational authorities develop Regulations on the types and types of educational institutions, and the schools themselves develop Charter and other documents ensuring their functioning and development.

Knowledge of the Law allows the head of a school to defend the interests of his staff in all innovative activities, to protect them from any encroachments by anyone, from incompetent interference in the pedagogical and management processes independently implemented by the school.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” introduces into the competence of the school not only the choice, but also the development and approval of general education programs, curricula, curricula of training courses and disciplines. These powers specify the principle of autonomy of educational institutions.

Increased competence and the implementation of the principle of school autonomy mean at the same time an increase in the responsibility of teaching staff and the head of the school for the results and consequences of any, but especially innovative activities. The school, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for:

Failure to perform functions within its competence;

Implementation of educational programs in an incomplete volume in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process;

The quality of education of its graduates;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of students, pupils and school employees;

Life and health of students and workers during the educational process .

The impact of innovative changes on the health of students should be monitored by school leaders especially carefully.

The teaching load and class schedule are determined by the school’s Charter based on agreements with health authorities. The class schedule must include a sufficiently long break to provide meals for students. When choosing and independently developing options for new content and educational technologies, the staff and the head of the school are obliged to take into account the weekly workload of students with lessons.

School innovations always affect the interests of the population, working conditions and employment of teachers. Some schools are moving away from the traditional structure of the academic year: changing the timing of study courses and exams, allocating days and even weeks for independent study, postponing, and sometimes extending the holidays. These innovations associated with changes in the “annual academic calendar” must be coordinated with the local government by the head of the school. , as well as with municipal executive authorities, advisers, and specialists from these authorities on educational issues.

Other innovations require the same approval: the introduction of new specialized courses; reduction of time for studying individual subjects and their integration; differentiation of education; changes in enrollment conditions; creation of elite educational institutions and other new types and types of schools.

State educational standards are intended to guarantee the right to education . A single component of state standards is the federal component of educational programs. Competent innovation management presupposes the ability of the school leader to ensure the high-quality implementation of the federal component by each teacher.

Failure to comply with the minimum requirements for curricula threatens a rupture, destabilization of the unified educational space of Russia, disruption of continuity in the development of intellectual potential as a condition of national security, and loss of equivalence of documents issued to school graduates.

Schools use various options curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. But with any choice, the head of the school is obliged to ensure that educational subjects no less than is provided for in the invariant part of the exemplary basic curriculum.

1.2. The role of innovation in school development

After the head has comprehensively analyzed the situation in the school and determined what results of the school’s work need to be improved, he naturally has a need to make an informed choice of ideas with the help of which this could be done in the best possible way. The choice of ideas is inevitable because to achieve the same goals, certain results, different innovations can be selected, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. It would seem that this logic of thinking is obvious, but in real practice it often does not hold up. Instead of a reasoned approach to the selection of ideas, we see:

Some people have the desire, almost without any choice, to introduce, to master literally everything that was not there before, that they heard or saw somewhere (it is no coincidence that they say about such schools that they are developing so “frantically” that they do not have time to function normally);

Others have a desire to try, to master new things in a row, in order to thus find the optimal idea for their school. This is, in fact, working blindly (blind tests and, of course, numerous errors);

Still others have a desire to master what their neighbors from surrounding schools are mastering in order to withstand competition in the struggle for the student population, for the good opinion of parents, and heads of educational authorities of their district;

The fourth group clearly has a desire to keep up with fashion at any cost, to be on its crest, and therefore they headlong strive for the status of an innovative school and certainly with an elaborate, complex name;

Fifth people are ready to accept for implementation any recommendation, any instruction from local educational authorities regarding the development of this or that new idea.

It is not difficult to understand that all these approaches to innovations in school are fraught with serious costs, such as colossal overload of children and teachers, decreased performance in those subjects that are not covered by “experimental” work, since the development of an irrelevant, suboptimal alien idea, and even illiterate development takes away all the energy and time from teachers involved in this activity, which inevitably leads to destabilization of the pedagogical process.

But if all these approaches are not typical for a leader, he understands their inferiority and wants to reasonably choose development ideas that are optimal for his school.

The choice of ideas is implemented through their discussion and thinking through by a group of competent expert persons (these are the most mature and progressive school employees, invited specialists). It involves a comparative assessment of ideas according to a number of parameters and is a creative act. The evaluation of ideas can be carried out both through thought experimentation and on the basis of developing projects for the activities of the proposed participants in the transformation.

Table 6

Idea Evaluation Options


Characteristics of parameters

Relevance of the innovation being assessed

It is determined by the degree to which the innovation meets the needs of the school, social order, the possibility of eliminating any significant shortcomings in the work, as the problems identified as a result of the analysis of the school’s work are resolved, compliance with regional and local policies in the development of education, according to the degree of significance of the problem that the innovation is aimed at solving.

We realize: not every new idea, technology, or development can be a means of developing a particular school. When assessing an innovation on this basis, one should look at how much the proposed innovation, so to speak, fits into the school development concept. This concept is important integral part development programs for educational institutions.

It is assessed either by analogy with the development of this idea elsewhere, or by expert means (based on intuition, studying the potential of the idea, etc.).

Of course, it is not at all necessary to solve the current problems of the school only with the help of radical innovations ( highest degree creative novelty), having neither analogues nor prototypes. If there is a technology or program that is effective, although not new, then it should not be rejected just because it is not new. We must always remember: what is effective is progressive, regardless of when it was born - a long time ago or just recently.

It assumes the presence of specific descriptions of the content of the idea, structure, as well as stages and technology for its development. In the absence of the described developments, methods, technologies, the idea can still be accepted for development in the form of an experiment, during which all these technologies are developed: first in the form of a hypothesis, research project, etc., and then in the form of a proven, proven practice .

Possibilities potential participants mastering innovations

They are determined by the complexity and accessibility of the technology, the nature and strength of motivation of the participants, the degree of interest of teachers and managers in introducing innovation, the extent of the need for additional training and retraining of members of the teaching staff, etc.

Balance of teachers' interests.

Balance of interests of different groups of teachers in relation to a particular innovation.

It may arise from those teachers whose proposals did not pass; recent bearers of excellence; those teachers who are unable to cope with the innovation; those for whom innovation turns into anxiety and the disappearance of the conditions of a quiet, serene, lazy existence; those whom mastering an innovation dooms them to leave school or an undesirable change in position, etc.

Gymnasium education, for example, can be given to a child for eleven years, but the situation is such that, due to objective conditions, in a few years the school should be repurposed or reformed, major renovations should begin and students will be divided into several schools. This example shows: when planning innovations, teachers must take into account the fact that both the time required to master an innovation and the number of stages in its development depend on the working conditions of the school. In addition, each innovation requires a different amount of time to master. For one school, it may be more important to obtain a not very voluminous, but quick result, for another - just the opposite: a complete result is needed, and the time spent does not play a big role.

Money is needed not only for the purchase of equipment necessary for the preparation and organization of innovation. They may also be needed for teachers’ salaries (for example, if the innovation involves reducing class sizes in the interests of better differentiation and individualization of teaching). They may also be needed to pay for scientific consultations, examination of developments, school development programs, and for inviting specialists to provide methodological assistance to teachers in mastering new ideas.

Organizational conditions.

There may not be any at school structural divisions or positions necessary to bring innovation to life, they need to be created.

A number of innovations, especially if they involve experimentation, require permission from the relevant educational authority, coordination with other educational institutions, conclusion of business contracts, labor agreements, medical or other examination, etc.

Attractiveness of the idea.

Compliance of the innovation with the personal interests and tastes of those teachers who will master it.

Novelty of the idea.

Compliance with the level of the latest achievements of pedagogical science and practice.

It is necessary to think through the entire organizational mechanism for selecting ideas, including collecting proposals from teachers, children and parents through interviews and questionnaires, identifying the preferences of all groups of people participating in the innovation process, discussing selected innovations at meetings of methodological associations, creative microgroups, departments, and, if necessary, at a meeting of the teachers' council. In achieving the goal, the leader must move not only and not so much from himself, but from others - the performers, implementers of future innovations. It is very important that they themselves participate in the search, evaluate and select new ideas for development. Otherwise, their work will not have the necessary motivation and there will be no update in the way innovation is managed in the school. At this stage of work, the manager may find it useful to have a table in which each teacher determines how he will develop innovation in each specific object of renewal (for example, in the content of mathematics education, a teacher can develop his own experience, master someone else’s experience, master scientific developments, or create your experience based on an innovative idea, i.e. conduct an experiment (see Appendix 1).

An analysis of specialized literature and the experience of schools indicates an insufficient intensity of application of pedagogical innovations in the practice of educational institutions. We can identify at least two reasons for the unrealization of pedagogical innovations. The first reason is that innovation, as a rule, does not undergo the necessary professional examination and testing. The second reason is that the introduction of pedagogical innovations has not been previously prepared either organizationally, technically, or, most importantly, personally and psychologically.

A clear understanding of the content and parameters of pedagogical innovations, mastery of the methods of their application allow both individual teachers and heads of educational institutions to objectively evaluate and predict their implementation. Haste in introducing innovations has more than once led the school to the fact that the innovation recommended, often from above, was forgotten after some (short) time or canceled by order or regulation.

One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of an innovative environment in schools - a certain moral and psychological environment, supported by a set of organizational, methodological, and psychological measures that ensure the introduction of innovations into the educational process of the school. The absence of such an innovative environment is manifested in the methodological unpreparedness of teachers, in their poor awareness of the essence of pedagogical innovations. The presence of a favorable innovative environment in the teaching staff reduces the coefficient of “resistance” of teachers to innovations and helps to overcome stereotypes of professional activity. The innovative environment is really reflected in the attitude of teachers towards pedagogical innovations.

Chapter 2 Practical part

2.1 Features of innovation process management

Managing the processes occurring in educational institutions is one of the most important factors in achieving a high level of educational results. Special meaning has this position when it comes to managing innovation processes that determine the vectors of development of educational systems at all levels in recent years.

The school management system - the director, his deputies, heads of structural divisions - is effective only when the principles and patterns of management are fully understood by each of them and have become part of their professional self-awareness. The level of professional culture of school leaders largely determines the quality of innovative activities of the educational institution as a whole.

Professional, i.e. cultural, the leader purposefully and persistently shapes the professional culture of performers acting as subjects of innovation, considering such efforts as a condition for enriching the human resources of innovation.

The purpose of the study was to study the opinions of managers and teachers of educational institutions on the management of innovation processes.

Research objectives:

  1. identify the properties of the innovation process management model;

2. identify management features at various stages of innovation


3. determine the forms and methods of work when managing innovative


4.assess the state and level of management activities in the field


3.identify the degree of satisfaction of respondents with the quality of management

Innovation processes.

The objects of the study are managers and teachers of educational institutions, who are carriers of the problem under study.

The study was conducted on the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 73”, where innovative pedagogical activities are carried out.

The sample population consisted of 58 people.

The study can be divided into several general stages:

Stage I – preparatory (at this stage the problem, tasks,

object, subject, hypothesis and the choice of research methods was made).

Stage II – research (factual data was collected).

Stage III – processing of research data (quantitative and qualitative analysis of research data was carried out).

Stage IV – data interpretation is carried out and a conclusion is formulated.

The research method is questionnaires.

To determine the properties of the innovation process management model in the MBOU “Gymnasium No. 73”, it is necessary to identify:

Criteria for assessing the management of innovation processes;

Teacher training;

Their creative spirit and initiative in innovative


Stage of innovation activity.

  1. The criteria for assessing the management of innovation processes, according to the administration of the educational institution, are: the level of effectiveness of the implementation of the innovation process, novelty, relevance, quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, effectiveness, acceptance of innovations by all participants in the educational process, expediency, timeliness.
  1. Does work in the conditions of innovative pedagogical activity require special training from teachers? vocational training? To the question “Have you undergone training to carry out teaching activities” the following answers were received (in%):

Table 7

As can be seen from the information data, the majority of teachers received special training to work in conditions of innovative activity.

  1. Pedagogical innovation is one of the most complex types of creativity, relying on the self-creativity and individuality of teachers and students. At the same time, it matters who initiates the creation of a basic platform for the introduction of pedagogical innovations.

From the responses of the administration and teachers it follows that (in%):

Table 8

According to data, 2/3 of teachers talk about initiative from above and only 1/4 - about initiative from below.

  1. To what extent do teachers show personal initiative in introducing and implementing innovative activities in their educational institutions?

From the teachers’ words it is clear that (in%):

Table 9

The data obtained indicate that the majority of teachers (84%) fully demonstrate personal initiative in innovative teaching activities. There are also teachers who do not take the initiative due to the fact that they do not support the innovations being carried out in the educational institution.

  1. How does innovative activity affect teachers' motivation to improve their professional skills?

According to teachers, they strive to:

Gymnasium No. 73 – to self-knowledge (31%), self-education (27%),developing new forms of work (22%),studying new approaches and technologies (18%), found it difficult to answer (2%).

  1. Are any incentives used to encourage teacher initiative?

According to teachers, the following are used:

Gymnasium No. 73 – moral and material (86%), 14% did not answer;

According to the administration, the following are used:

Gymnasium No. 3 – moral and material, raising the qualification category during certification.

  1. To the question “What governs your approach to innovative teaching activities?” teachers responded as follows:

Gymnasium No. 3 - regulatory framework (41%), instructions and methodological developments (28%), orders (9%), curriculum (20%), did not answer (2%).

Variation of teachers' opinions on this issue obvious. It is noteworthy that 2% of respondents declined to answer.

We can only state that managing innovation activities is impossible without regulatory documents and all teachers should be familiar with them.

  1. To determine the features of managing innovation processes, it was necessary to identify at what stage innovative pedagogical activities are carried out in educational institutions (in%):

Table 10


Gymnasium No. 73






The answers indicate that respondents disagreed on this issue. Therefore, it is quite difficult to characterize the features and properties of the innovation process management model.

Working in conditions of innovative pedagogical activity involves changes in the content of education, in organizational structure, in the mode of operation, in the management system of educational institutions, technologies of training, education and development of students, in the preparation, retraining and recruitment of teaching staff, therefore it was necessary to consider the forms and methods of work in managing innovation processes.

9. The managers were asked the question “Have there been, in your opinion, changes in the process of implementing innovative activities in various aspects of teaching activity?” The responses received indicate in which aspects, in the opinion of managers, changes have occurred (in%):

Table 11

Aspects of pedagogical activity

Gymnasium No. 3



Organizational structure of the institution or structural units involved in innovation activities

Mode of operation of the institution

Control system

Technologies of training, education and development

Training, retraining and recruitment of teaching staff

Judging by the data presented in the table, changes have occurred in almost all aspects of teaching activity.

10. The innovative activity of the teaching staff is aimed at restructuring the content of education, its forms and methods.

Almost all survey participants indicate that in the course of innovation activities the forms and methods of work have changed, but about 5% of respondents were unable to answer this question.

11. Managers in the management process analyze innovation activities using various methods:

Gymnasium No. 3 – testing, questioning, cross-sectional analysis, attending lessons, self-analysis of teachers’ activities, conducting open lessons, monitoring.

13. To the question “What difficulties do you experience in your teaching activity, working in new conditions?” teachers responded (in%):

Table 12

Answer options

Gymnasium No. 73

Large amount of preparation for lessons

Large amount of analytical work

Insufficient equipment with educational materials

Lack of premises

There is no opportunity to improve professional qualification level

Insufficient equipment with scientific and methodological material

Data analysis shows that the most pressing problems that reduce the quality of the innovation process are an increase in time spent preparing for lessons and an increase in the amount of analytical work.

It should be noted that the innovation process is insufficiently equipped with educational and material resources, as indicated by 10% of teachers.

14. What kind of assistance is provided to teachers by the administrations of educational institutions can be seen from their answers (in%):

Table 13

The data obtained show that the majority of teachers talk about the provision of comprehensive assistance to them by their leaders in the conditions of innovation.

16. To the question of the administration of the educational institution “What difficulties do you experience in the management process?” The following responses were received:

Gymnasium No. 73 – insufficient funds to stimulate pedagogical innovation activitiesstereotypical thinking of individual teachers, lack of motivation for innovative activities, insufficient training of some teachers.

According to the administration of the educational institution, these reasons reduce the effectiveness of innovation management.

17. How was management innovation activity assessed in educational institutions? According to teachers (in%):

Table 14

Answer options

Gymnasium No. 73

Management is carried out successfully, in accordance with all regulatory, management and other requirements

Difficult to answer

The data obtained show that the majority of teachers say they are successful in managing innovation processes. However, 2% of teachers indicate that they do not see positive results.

18. How do the administration of the educational institution evaluate its management innovation activities (in%):

Table 15

Answer options

Gymnasium No. 73

Management is carried out successfully, in accordance with all regulatory, management and other requirements

There are shortcomings and mistakes in management

No positive results yet

Difficult to answer

The data in the table shows that the administration’s opinion on this issue is divided and some respondents admit that miscalculations and mistakes are made in management.

19. The degree of satisfaction of teachers with management activities can be seen from Table 16 (in%):

Table 16

According to the data obtained, 80% of teachers are more or less satisfied with the management activities carried out in the gymnasium.

The relevance of the research conducted in educational institutions lies in the fact that the results obtained made it possible to determine the state of innovation activity using indirect signs and identify the reasons that do not allow more effective management of innovation processes. Among these reasons are the following:

  • instability of direct and feedback connections in the “leader-team” system;
  • lack of standardized requirements for innovation activity and its management at all levels of the educational system.

With all this, it is impossible not to note, although insignificant, the changes occurring under the influence of innovations in teaching activities in the following areas:

  • in the quality and content of teacher training;
  • in the development of creative initiative of teachers;
  • in the selection and implementation of new forms and methods of teaching and educating students;
  • in the growth of the desire of teachers and heads of educational institutions for self-knowledge and self-improvement, necessary for the implementation of innovative pedagogical activities.


Based on the above material, we can say with confidence that the tasks that life poses to us in the field of education will be solved with the help of various pedagogical innovations.

The work comprehensively examines the issue of innovation in education, reveals the importance of pedagogical innovations, gives their classification, identifies the differences between innovation and reform, innovation and novation, and identifies parameters for evaluating innovative ideas that are fundamental to education. This:

  • Correspondence of each particular new idea proposed for selection to the general idea of ​​school development.
  • The effectiveness of innovation.
  • Creative novelty (innovative potential) of an idea.
  • Methodological development of the idea.
  • Opportunities for potential participants to master the innovation.
  • Balance of teachers' interests.
  • Possible resistance to innovation.
  • Time required for mastering.
  • Financial costs for the development of a new idea and its logistical support.
  • Organizational conditions.
  • Regulatory support.
  • Attractiveness of the idea.
  • Novelty of the idea.

Analysis of domestic experience made it possible to analyze scientific approaches to managing an innovative educational institution, as well as to determine a strategy for its improvement.

A study of the opinions of managers and teachers of educational institutions on the management of innovation processes made it possible to determine the state of innovation activities using indirect signs and identify the reasons that do not allow more effective management of innovation processes.

At the same time, although insignificant, changes were identified that occur under the influence of innovations in teaching activities.

Thus, the research problems have been solved, the hypothesis put forward by us has been confirmed.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the more pedagogical innovations are used in our country, the more developed students will be and the more leaders and teachers will be familiar with the processes of introducing innovations.

In the course of conducting the research and understanding its results, new problems emerged, including: further theoretical and methodological research into innovative processes in education, as well as components of the management system of an innovative educational institution.


1. Alekseeva, L. N. Innovative technologies as a resource of experiment / L. N. Alekseeva // Teacher. – 2004. – No. 3. – p. 28. .

2. Vokhmyanina, S. M. According to the system of Maria Montessori / S. N. Vokhmyanina // Pedagogical Bulletin. – 2002. – No. 8 (299). – p.7.

3. Erofeeva, N. I. Project management in education / N. I. Erofeeva // Public education. – 2002. – No. 5. – p.94.

4. Zagvyazinsky, V.I. Innovative processes in education and pedagogical science / V. I. Zagvyazinsky // Innovative processes in education: Collection of scientific works. – Tyumen, 1990. – p. 8.

5. Kamensky, A. K. Regulatory and legal framework of public and state school management / A. K. Kamensky // School director. – 2006. – No. 3. – p.93.

6. Lazarev, V. S. Management of innovations - the path to school development / V. S. Lazarev // Rural school. – 2004. – No. 1. – p.16.

7. Lazarev, V. S. The concept of the pedagogical and innovative system of school / V. S. Lazarev // Rural school. – 2003. – No. 1. – p.4.

8. Novikov, A. M. Organization of experimental work on the basis of an educational institution / A. M. Novikov // Additional education. – 2002. – No. 4. – p.53.

9. Novikov, A. M. Organization of experimental work on the basis of an educational institution / A. M. Novikov // Additional education. – 2002. – No. 6. – p.55.

10. Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov. – M., 1978.

11. Orlova, A. I. Revival of education or its reform? / A. I. Orlova // Teaching history at school. – 2006. – No. 1. – p. 55.

12. Rapatsevich, E. S. Pedagogy. Great modern encyclopedia / E. S. Rapatsevich. – Minsk: Modern word, 2005

13. Rudnev, E. N. Mission, strategy and practical actions / E. N. Rudnev // School Director. – 2006. – No. 8. – p.38.

14. Selevko, G. Ya. Mastering the technology of self-education of the personality of schoolchildren: how to become an experimental platform / G. Ya. Selevko // Public education. – 2005. – No. 1. – p. 181.

15. Slastonin, V. A. Pedagogy / V. A. Slastonin. – M.: Shkola-Press, 2000.

16. Tyunnikov, Yu. S. Analysis of innovative activities of educational institutions: scenario, approach / Yu. S. Tyunnikov // Standards and monitoring in education. – 2004. – No. 5. – p.8.

17. Khabibullin, K. Ya. Methods effective management/ K. Ya. Khabibullin // Education in modern school. – 2005. – No. 7. – p.3.

18. Khomenko, I. Yu. Image of the school: formation mechanisms and methods of construction / I. Yu. Khomenko // School Director. – 2006. – No. 7. – p.27.

Modular test in psychology

Question 1. Basics of managing innovation processes in school

Question 2. Describe the ideal, in your opinion, education system in a modern Ukrainian school

List of sources used

Question 1. Basics of managing innovation processes in school

The word innovation (from the Latin in - in and novus - new) translated means “update, novelty, change.” Innovation is the content and organization of the new, while innovation is only the organization of the new. Innovation is understood as a phenomenon that carries the essence of the method, methodology, technology of organization and content of the new, while the innovation process reflects the formation and development of the content and organization of the new.

Any school goes through three stages of renewal: formation (when creating a new school and a new team); functioning (the educational process is organized on the basis of traditional stable programs, pedagogical technologies, textbooks); development (the previous content of education, pedagogical technologies of teaching and upbringing come into conflict with new goals, school conditions, and the needs of the student’s individual and society).

In the modern period of development of the national school, innovative research is proceeding in the following directions:

  1. formation of new content of education;
  2. development and implementation of new pedagogical technologies, methods, systems for the development of children and adolescents;
  3. creation of new types of educational institutions (gymnasium, lyceum, college, etc.).

Students become the object of almost any innovation process. The task of researchers and school leaders is to reduce deviations from the predicted result to a minimum. Therefore, every innovation process in a school is subject to management.

Innovations, innovations and novelties in the cycle of their development have certain life stages: the emergence of an idea, goal setting, development of a new idea, implementation of a new one, dissemination and, after a certain period, routinization (withering away). The life stages of innovation are closely related to the stages of development of the team mastering new things.

In the conditions of the innovation regime, there is an active process of personal self-determination for both students and teachers. This is reflected in the nature of relationships between people. A team entering the innovation process, as a rule, goes through several stages of its development: timidity - clique - stabilization - cooperation - mature team. The last two stages are the stages of high awareness of the innovation process by the team. They are characterized by each person going through all stages of reflection. The development of a team from the stage of timidity to the stage of a mature team depends on the speed of change of innovation cycles.

Once the school’s innovative activity program has been determined and key results have been predicted, school leaders, together with the initiative group, begin to develop a comprehensive targeted program, which consists of stages of organizing and implementing innovation.

The goals and objectives of the team's program activities are based on a thorough analysis of the current situation in the school, on the one hand, and from forecasts of its development, on the other.

The intended goals and objectives in a comprehensive target program must be agreed upon at all levels, approved by the majority of the team, realistic, adapted to new conditions, must increase the level of motivation and stimulation, and provide control.

When managing innovation processes in a school, taking into account the forecast of final results, the main part of these actions is discussed collectively. The largest program innovation activities are developed using a group method.

In a specific program you should define:

· the starting position of the activities of each member of the team (or school unit);

· the final result of the activity;

· the time required to achieve the intended results;

· ensure improvement of existing conditions.

The goals and objectives of program activities always reflect the desire of each part of the school to achieve certain results. Set on the basis of an analysis of what has been achieved, they reflect the specification and individualization of the result, a specific object of activity, time and resource frames, limitations, and the level of goal achievement (low, acceptable, optimal).

To manage innovation, it is necessary to form an innovation bank. For this purpose, for each innovation of a class or school, the innovator creates a special card. It is best to do this at the beginning of the school year.

When managing innovation processes, the main place is control over results. Its purpose and tasks:

  1. statement, expert analytical assessment of the results achieved and corresponding conclusions for carrying out work to regulate the process of educational activity;
  2. assessment of all participants in the innovation process, their specific results and corresponding conclusions for correcting the behavior and activities of the team;
  3. assessment of the results of innovation management in accordance with a comprehensive target program and corresponding conclusions on the regulation of control influences;
  4. formation of direct and feedback channels to inform and stimulate participants in the innovation process.

The head of any school, and especially one that is moving into development mode, i.e. The educational institution in which the innovation process is organized is obliged to carry out all transformations on an impeccable legal basis. A legal norm is an important and necessary tool for management activities.

Of course, any norm - legal, administrative-departmental, moral - limits freedom. But the freedom of action of a modern leader presupposes, first of all, his high legal culture. Without normative regulation, normal school activities are impossible. Reliance on law and morality in a school that implements innovations is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the safety of children and teachers.

In the innovative activities of the school, documents of various levels are used - from acts of international law, federal laws to decisions of local authorities, decisions of municipal and regional educational authorities, governing bodies and officials of the school itself.

The choice of ideas is implemented through their discussion and thinking through by a group of competent expert persons (these are the most mature and progressive school employees, invited specialists). It involves a comparative assessment of ideas according to a number of parameters and is a creative act. The evaluation of ideas can be carried out both through thought experimentation and on the basis of developing projects for the activities of the proposed participants in the transformation.

It is necessary to think through the entire organizational mechanism for selecting ideas, including collecting proposals from teachers, children and parents through interviews and questionnaires, identifying the preferences of all groups of people participating in the innovation process, discussing selected innovations at meetings of methodological associations, creative microgroups, departments, and, if necessary, at a meeting of the teachers' council. In achieving the goal, the leader must move not only and not so much from himself, but from others - the performers, implementers of future innovations. It is very important that they themselves participate in the search, evaluate and select new ideas for development. Otherwise, their work will not have the necessary motivation and there will be no update in the way innovation is managed in the school.

Question 2. Describe the ideal, in your opinion, education system in a modern Ukrainian school

school innovative educational team

The origin, formation and development of the educational system of a school are stages of a long and complex process, taking place under the influence of many objective and subjective factors and introducing significant changes into the life of the educational institution and the surrounding society. The success of its implementation largely depends on the ability to determine what, how and when to change in the developing organism of the school.

The teaching staff of the school sees its graduate as a physically and mentally healthy person, responsible for behavior in society and nature, a cultural citizen, ready for self-realization in life, or the personality of a harmoniously developed person.

One of the most effective forms of educational work is personality-oriented and collectively creative education.

The goal of the educational system is the maximum development of the student’s personality, capable of spiritual and physical self-development, self-improvement and self-realization.

The main tasks of educational work:

Creating conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children (the need to be healthy).

Creation of security conditions for everyone (need for security, safety).

Organization of diverse, creative personal and socially significant activities of children (the need for creative activity).

Creating conditions for self-affirmation of each child (the need for respect, recognition).

Creating conditions and providing assistance in searching and acquiring moral values and the meaning of life (the need for meaning in life).

Psychological and pedagogical education of pupils, teaching them how to make the right choice, methods of self-regulation, self-government and self-education (the need for self-realization).

Education of feelings. Instilling an optimistic worldview, teaching joyful, highly moral living of life, every minute of it. Make the school a “school of joy” (according to Sukhomlinsky) (need for pleasure, pleasure, joy).

In my opinion, in an ideal school there is no need to stuff a child with an excessive amount of knowledge. Parents themselves can teach him the exact sciences, humanities and social subjects within the scope of the school curriculum. Where they can’t cope, they will invite tutors.

The school should teach the child the right attitude towards life. At the right time, re-educate, help overcome promiscuity. A person needs discipline - a framework within which he will keep himself. An inner core that will help him not to be dissipated by laziness and craving for pleasure and not to lose himself in the impulses of passion that awakens in youth.

Unfortunately, discipline is often understood as simple submission to teachers and the rules of the charter, which is necessary only for the teachers themselves for the sake of their personal convenience. The child's free spirit naturally rebels against such discipline, and is then either suppressed or labeled a “disobedient bully,” thereby pushing him into anti-social behavior.

Also, the school should teach the child how to properly interact with people, because this is the most important skill that determines a person’s life. Let him see in people not threat and competition, but understanding and support, and he can understand and support others. School should not kill his sincere childhood belief that the world is beautiful and kind, and full of opportunities to rejoice and bring joy to others. A person must know that in himself and in others there is both good and evil, and be able to accept the world as it is. But the belief that he and the world around him can be better must remain in the child and become a motivation for action.

One can learn this, in my opinion, only among people, among people like himself, because it is in relation to others that a person’s personality with all its positive and negative qualities. For this you need school. A children's team is needed, organized by teachers in such a way as to unite the unique individualities of each into a single community. It is known that children quickly adopt the behavior patterns of their peers and their values ​​and react much worse to direct instructions from adults. Therefore, it is the atmosphere in the children's team that should be the main concern of teachers. And if the school educates children through positive example submitted by high school students and teachers, then such a school can be trusted.

However, any influence on the child should come not only from the school, but also from relatives and people close to him. Parents should take part in school activities, organize their children’s homework wisely, with creative approach, assist teachers in carrying out extracurricular activities (hikes, visits to museums, theaters, etc.).

I believe that for more effective learning, you should alternate mental work with classes in various clubs and sections, give a full time for a good lunch, and not the usual 15 minutes. It would also be necessary to divide classes into smaller groups, 10-12 people, for better learning.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to see such a picture in modern schools. Classes are overcrowded, there are not enough new young teachers, the child is not nurtured as an individual, but is suppressed. Many teachers do not pay any attention to the condition of their students and consider their subject, be it mathematics, drawing or physical education, to be the most important and most necessary for the child.

For many teachers, it is simply contraindicated to have contact with children, since they do not know how to restrain their emotions and convey their bad mood by shouting and swearing.

It goes without saying that not all teachers are always like this. Many are brought down by the children themselves with their behavior, disobedience and disrespect.

The situation in modern schools, in my opinion, is quite contradictory and complex. It is difficult to determine the source from which the main problems arise, since everyone has their own opinion about it, their own view of the situation.

I would really like my ideal school to become a reality, but unfortunately our society is not ready for this yet. Everyone is accustomed to authoritarian power in education and in the near future everything will remain in its place.

List of sources used

1. Alekseeva, L.N. Innovative technologies as a resource of experiment / L. N. Alekseeva // Teacher. - 2004. - No. 3. - p. 28

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Elabuga State Pedagogical University"

Department of Pedagogy

Innovative management in education Tutorial

Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Yerevan State Pedagogical University dated December 24, 2009, protocol No. 39


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the Elabuga Municipal District for Social Issues E.E. Solovyova

Director of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 8" Elabuga municipal district A.N. Ostroumov

Taziev S.F. Innovative management in education: Textbook. – Elabuga, 2009. – 158 p.

The textbook examines the issues of the academic discipline “Innovative Management in Education”, the purpose of which is to teach methods and technologies for managing an educational institution to ensure its development and strengthen its competitive position in the market through the creation, development and commercialization of innovations in the field of education.

Section 1. Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of pedagogical innovation

1. 1. Subject and content of the discipline “innovative management in education”

The transformations taking place in all spheres of Russian society (economic, social, political, cultural) could not but affect the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the strategic directions in education has been determined by the innovative activities of educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions).

Understanding the need to reform and modernize the education system leads in practice to the inevitability of inclusion of educational institutions in innovation processes, their constant presence in their “innovation field” of the field of creation and, most importantly, the development of a specific innovation.

This is especially relevant for our time, since innovative activity is both a condition for the survival of an educational institution and a condition for ensuring the social security of both its students and all members of the teaching staff.

According to sociological research, more than 90% of educational institutions in the Russian Federation are currently involved in the search for new means, methods and forms of educational activities. In educational institutions, especially in the last decade, a huge number of different innovative processes have been carried out. This is quantitative statistics.

At the same time, qualitative analysis shows that innovation processes are often fragmented, poorly managed, poorly thought out and unprepared. Educational institutions, as a result of orders from above or fashion, undertake the development and implementation of various innovations that are not organically related to the life of a particular educational institution. The result is either a traditional “action plan” or a complex “work of art” created by the leader, incomprehensible, alien to the team and, as a result, rejected by them. As a result, the massive scale of the announced innovative projects is in no way confirmed by the number of people who have successfully mastered this or that innovation.

One of the main reasons for this discrepancy is the lack of a system for managing innovation processes in a particular educational institution. In practice, this is expressed in the fact that, by mastering certain innovations, the educational institution solves any and anyone’s problems, just not its own. Those. innovations are not a means of solving the problems of a particular educational institution and, as a consequence, a means of its development. Moreover, these problems cannot always be formulated sensibly and understandably by the heads of these institutions. And as a result, teachers themselves ignore the problems that the educational institution should be working on. The main motives for updating the work of many teachers are their desire to try out new methods, work techniques (39%) and make teaching interesting for children (36%), etc., and not the desire to solve the fundamental problems of the educational institution that prevent it from developing and moving forward.

Moving forward as one of the decisive factors in the effectiveness of the educational process, educational innovations (IE) require special study, effective organization and management, and therefore there is an urgent need for fundamental innovative training of education managers, teachers and other specialists-developers of diverse ES. At the same time, the task arises of synthesizing scientific and educational material accumulated within the discipline “Innovative Management” (today focused mainly on the production sector of the economy) and scientific and educational information in the discipline “Management in Education”. The use of a number of achievements in the management of production and technological innovations in the field of management of educational innovations is important because in the conditions of market development and innovative economy, modern educational institutions to a certain extent acquire the features of unique enterprises (organizations) for training and graduating creatively thinking youth who are able to adapt and work in a dynamic environment. a changing world, in a knowledge (information) society.

The goal of the discipline “Innovative Management in Education” is to teach methods and technologies for managing educational institutions to ensure its development and strengthen its competitive position in the market through the creation, development and commercialization of innovations in the field of education.

The discipline “Innovation Management in Education” is intended to prepare future teachers for organizing and managing the development and implementation of innovations at all stages of the life cycle of pedagogical innovation: from scientific research to marketing support and support.

Objectives of the discipline “Innovative management in education”:

Mastering theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of innovation, management of the innovation process, organization and financing of innovation activities in educational institutions, risk management;

Developing practical skills and techniques for making and justifying decisions on organizing the development, implementation, and financing of innovative projects, namely:

a) determining trends in the development of the innovation process in a specific educational institution;

b) organization of management of the development of the educational institution;

c) identifying promising areas of innovative activity of the teaching staff;

d) assessing the effectiveness of innovation processes;

e) identification and assessment of risks arising in the process of creating and using innovations;

f) development of projects for introducing innovations;

g) creation of an innovation management system;

g) creating a favorable innovation climate and conditions for the organization to adapt to innovations;

h) making decisions aimed at stimulating the innovative activity of the educational institution staff;

i) justification of innovative solutions under conditions of uncertainty and risk.

The subject of study of the discipline “Innovation Management in Education” is the process of managing the creation and use of pedagogical innovations.

Basic concepts of the discipline: a) innovation (innovation); b) innovation (innovation); c) innovation process; d) innovation; e) educational institution; f) management; g) management; g) manager; h) manager of the educational and cognitive process; i) educational process manager; j) market educational services; j) organization; k) innovation management (see glossary).