The name Gennady in different languages ​​of the world. The meaning of the male name Gennady

The male name Gennady is derived from ancient Greek name Gennadios, which in turn comes from the word “gennadas” and means “noble”, “noble birth”, “high-born”, “high-born”. Currently rare and unpopular.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: zircon
  • Green color
  • Tree: oleander
  • Plant: belladonna
  • Animal: pelican
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

IN early age Gena manifests herself as a balanced, quiet child. He devotes all his free time to reading books. Takes his time to approach any task. The adult representative of this name has a contradictory character. He has a difficult and elusive temperament, often with unpredictable reactions to external influences. The secret of the name Gennady lies in the thoroughness, accuracy, and sensuality of its bearer. Has the makings of a leader and has great intellectual potential. Stands out for cunning and cunning. He gets angry at failures and likes to contradict. Often resorts to deception to achieve his goal. Loves praise, is prone to arrogance and embellishes his own achievements. He is sensitive to any criticism and worries within himself.

Positive qualities of Gennady: seriousness, patience and leisurelyness. He loves order in everything and is very clean. Does not tolerate injustice and meanness. He is respected by his friends and can be a pleasant conversationalist.

Negative traits: hidden ambition, vanity, pride, meticulousness in business, excessive scrupulousness. He doesn't like to repay debts.

The winter owner of the name Gennady strives for leadership, is independent and stubborn. Spring - will not tolerate critical comments in his direction. He is too emotional, so he is often prone to problems with nervous system. Summer - loves to be under everyone's attention, very talkative. Autumn - practical and enterprising.

Interests and hobbies

Gennady loves spending time with his single friends and is not averse to drinking. Big fan of comfort and coziness. He loves everything exquisite, from the interior of the house to the table setting.

Profession and business

Gennady can achieve success in any activity if he shows his ambition. He is conscientious about completing his work and is valued by management for his diligence, integrity and honesty. He enjoys authority and respect among his colleagues. He has “golden hands” and becomes an excellent craftsman. Can achieve success in trade, construction, military service.

Gennady knows how to earn money and spends it wisely. He works only for the well-being of his loved ones. Often chooses the profession of a driver, clerk, translator or farmer. He is also capable of becoming a small entrepreneur and even an astronaut. He can always earn strong capital.


Thanks to his constant passion for sports, Gennady enjoys good, strong health. Weak spots- heart, liver. There may be pressure, loss of strength, and there is a risk of injury.

Sex and love

A man named Gennady adores the fair sex, he is excited by their beauty. For a relationship, he chooses an easy-to-communicate and unpretentious girl. A difficult relationship develops with the chosen one. He is attentive and patient towards his woman, but in return he demands complete dedication. In sex he seeks voluptuousness and peace of mind. Positive attitude towards love foreplay. Loves role-playing games and new positions, very affectionate and inventive in bed. He knows how to appreciate the girl he is with. But at the same time, he can manifest himself as a tyrant and cause her suffering.

Family and marriage

Gennady's family life develops differently. It is difficult for him to find a wife because he demands from her unquestioning fulfillment of all his whims and caprices. Only a truly loving and devoted woman is able to withstand such powerful pressure. He values ​​family ties, but puts his wife before a choice: either family, husband and children, or career, girlfriends and hobbies. He is not able to compromise and never forgives treason or betrayal. Treats elderly relatives with indifference. He devotes a lot of his time to children, trying to give them better education. Gennady treats home improvement and family support with special trepidation.

The name Gennady got its origin from the ancient Greek word " gennadas", What means well-born, noble. Next we will talk about full meaning named Gennady.

Character and destiny

The owner of the name Gennady is a fairly calm and independent person, not hasty, and to some extent phlegmatic. As a child, Gennady is a fairly obedient, neat and diligent boy. Everything is always in place for him, he studies well at school. Growing up, you strive to gain attention at all costs, no matter how it happens, thanks to extraordinary behavior, or an unusual hairstyle, or something else.

It is also worth noting that Gennady, who is not tall, is more complex in character, less reliable and cunning than Gennady who is taller.

The energy inherent in the name Gennady is not conducive to leadership; it is more preferable for him to go his own way than to lead someone else. He is not fussy, not in a hurry, and when preparing for any event, he carefully weighs everything. He is respected among the people around him.

Many Gennadys are balanced, proud, do not give in, but are always able to stand up for their honor if necessary. Their fate may turn out differently, depending on which person had a greater influence on him during childhood. He prefers to be in the forefront at work and takes criticism painfully. He can make a good career, not paying attention to enemies and competitors. Even if he does not rush into great teachings, he will make every effort to achieve a worthy position.

He is very careful when choosing a life partner. In his future family life he is demanding, his wife should compromise with him, then everything will be fine. A good family man and master of the house. Very jealous, a little stingy.

Famous people named Gennady

The famous composer Gennady Gladkov left his mark on history. Although from childhood he wanted to become a chemist, he even entered and studied at the chemical polytechnic school, later rethinking, he realized that he had made a mistake with his profession. But his career as a composer went smoothly. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, and with his creative passion and energy achieved his goal. His music sounded from everywhere, from television screens, radio, and theater stages. Having found his path in life, he purposefully followed it, creating more and more new masterpieces.

The secret of the name Gennady: If you decide to do something with Gennady, you don’t have to worry; if you suddenly forget something, he will take care of everything. If you have disagreements, remember, Gennady is not inclined to show compassion for enemies, even after listening to your arguments, he is unlikely to perceive them properly; most likely, he will continue his movement towards his goal, no matter what.

Name horoscope

What does the name Gennady mean in Astrology:
  • Corresponding male name zodiac sign: Capricorn;
  • Patron planet: Saturn;
  • Character Traits: Neat, sensitive, thorough;
  • Name colors: Black, red and brown and their shades;
  • Lucky colors: Brown color and its warm shades;
  • Patron saints: Gennady of Novgorod (February 23), Gennady of Kostroma (February 5), Gennady of Constantinople (September 13);
  • Talisman stone: Zirconium and Sard.

Meaning and origin: noble (ancient Greek)

Energy and Karma: the name Gennady is quite calm and independent person, perhaps it is somewhat leisurely, inclining its owner to be somewhat phlegmatic, but this also has its advantages.

This is usually expressed in the fact that from childhood Gena grows up to be a moderately obedient, diligent and neat boy. Even if it's not in his room perfect order, but everything is in place. At school he usually does well.

Secrets of communication: when you embark on any business with Gesha, you don’t have to worry that you will forget to take something important with you; most likely, Gennady will take care of everything himself. If your and his interests intersect somewhere, be careful - in business, thoughts of compassion for the enemy rarely occur to him, Gennady is unlikely to listen to your arguments, continuing to move towards his goal like a tank.

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Name colors: black, brown, sometimes red.
  • Talisman stone: sard.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 2

Comes from the ancient Greek “gennadis” - noble, well-born.

Parents will have to blush for their son more than once. In a store, he may fall to the floor, kick his feet and scream at the top of his lungs until his mother or grandmother buys him the toy he needs.

With a strict dad, he behaves much quieter and sometimes resembles an ideal child. Since childhood, he has been able to adapt to circumstances, he has a good sense of who and how to influence.

As he gets older, he strives to attract attention by any means - either with an extravagant hairstyle, or demeanor, or unusual inclinations. It is interesting that Gennady, who is short in stature, is usually more complex in character, more cunning and unreliable than his tall namesake.

At work, he rushes to the front row, often not stopping to work with his elbows. Reacts painfully to criticism, knows how to earn money and use money wisely. If he's lying, then it's very beautiful. You need to be careful when praising Gennady: he might become arrogant. He is rather indifferent towards his old parents. He also exhibits some forgetfulness when it comes to repaying debts. Loves an exquisitely set table and clean tablecloths. Worn oilcloth can drive him crazy. Irritable. Does not tolerate animals in the house. Careful in choosing a future life partner. He demands that his wife unquestioningly comply with his various whims and caprices. If the wife is able to compromise, then life with Gennady will not be so bad. He gets promoted, works around the house, and is not particularly attracted to his single friends. He is very jealous and does not forgive his wife for betrayal, although he himself cannot be called a saint.

Gennady is a little stingy. In old age he often becomes sentimental and likes to grumble.

Gennady should look for a life partner among those called Valentina, Vera, Irina, Kira, Lydia, Lyubov, Maya, Natalya, Olga, and beware of marriage with Aurora, Angelina, Dina, Lilia, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara, Tatyana, Yana.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 3

Gennady - “noble” (Greek)

Parents will have to blush more than once for their son Gena. In a store, he can fall on the floor, kick his legs and scream at the top of his lungs until his mother or grandmother buys him the required toy.

With a strict dad, he behaves much quieter, and sometimes resembles an ideal child. Yes, Gena has been able to adapt to circumstances since childhood. He is a psychologist of his kind, he has a good sense of who he can influence and with what.

In adolescence, he strives to attract attention by any means - be it an extravagant hairstyle, or demeanor, or interests that are not the same as everyone else's. It is noteworthy that short Gennady is usually more complex in character than tall Gena. He exhibits cunning and unreliability.

In the service he strives to be in the front ranks, often not stopping at the need to work with his elbows for this. Reacts painfully to criticism, knows how to earn and invest money. He lies very beautifully. You need to praise him carefully - he might become arrogant. He is rather indifferent towards his old parents if they forget to give him gifts. Gena also exhibits some forgetfulness when he needs to repay debts.

Loves an exquisitely set table and clean tablecloths. Worn oilcloth spoils his mood and often causes outbursts of anger. Irritable. Does not tolerate animals in the house.

Careful in choosing a future life partner. What he needs most from his wife is a willingness to unquestioningly fulfill his various whims. Otherwise, she is unlikely to find him mutual language. In case of an acceptable compromise, life with Gennady will not be so bad. He successfully advances in his career, does things around the house, and is not particularly drawn to his single friends. He is very jealous and does not forgive his wife for betrayal, although Gennady cannot be called a saint. A little stingy. In old age he often becomes sentimental and likes to grumble.

He needs to take care of his throat and stomach, he has an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Gennady strives to become a leader, independent, stubborn.

“Autumn” - practical, enterprising. Can be an electrician, plumber, builder, technician, trolleybus driver. The name matches patronymics: Mikhailovich, Mironovich, Sergeevich, Naumovich, Savelievich, Germanovich.

“Summer” - likes to be in the center of attention and in the know about all events, talkative, cheerful.

“Spring” - cannot stand criticism, is quick-tempered, with an unstable nervous system. He can be a translator and is interested in jurisprudence. The name Gennady is suitable for patronymics: Alexandrovich, Izmailovich, Antonovich, Eduardovich, Ignatievich, Vissarionovich, Emmanuilovich, Maksimovich.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 4

Gennady Khitrovatye. Terribly hot-tempered. Selfish. They lie beautifully. When cheating on your wife, they themselves do not forgive her betrayal. They don't understand jokes. They react painfully to criticism. They know how to earn and invest money.

They have been stubborn and irritable since childhood. Have at least two marriages. They separate from their first wife out of jealousy. The second one has a complicated relationship. They treat their children neutrally. They are not bad friends. In difficult times they will not refuse to lend a helping hand.

By old age, Gennady sells everything he had and becomes boring and sentimental.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 5

Gennady - from Greek. noble, great-born.

Derivatives: Gennasha, Genasha, Gena, Genya, Genulya, Genusya, Genukha, Genusha, Gesha, Gaia.

Folk signs.


Since childhood, Gennady has easily entered into any social circle, has a good sense of who and how to influence, retaining this skill throughout his life. He loves to attract attention; for this purpose he can lie, but so beautifully and inspiredly that even the deceived are ready to forgive the lie. Arrogant and boastful, reacts painfully to criticism. Always strives to be in the forefront in life, often without thinking about others. Knows how to earn money and spend money wisely. He takes pleasure in making his friends jealous, because he himself is envious. Gennady is very clean; his wife’s untidiness can lead to divorce. He is very picky when choosing a future life partner, and if his wife is smart and knows how to compromise, then life with Gennady will be good: after all, he is not angry, not vengeful, very affectionate, and will always be able to provide for his family.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 6

GENNADY - well-born, noble (Greek).

He founded a monastery near the Kostroma River, was humble, perspicacious, and had the gift of healing (XVI century).

September 13 - Saint Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was the protector Orthodox faith and piety in the first century.

  • Zodiac sign - Aquarius.
  • Planet - Saturn.
  • Green color.
  • Auspicious tree - oleander.
  • The treasured plant is belladonna.
  • The patron of the name is the pelican.
  • Talisman stone - zircon.


Since childhood, Gennady has been able to adapt to circumstances, has a good sense of who and how to influence, and will retain this skill throughout his life. Likes to attract attention; crafty and unreliable; loves to lie, so beautifully and inspiredly that even those deceived soon forgive everything. He becomes arrogant at the slightest praise, and at the same time reacts painfully to criticism. Always rushes to the front row - sometimes shamelessly working with his elbows. He knows how to earn and spend money wisely, trying to make his friends jealous, because he himself is envious. Gennady is so clean that his wife’s untidiness can lead to divorce.

Meaning of the name Gennady option 7

Gennady is not simple. Cunning, knows how to adapt. He does not always tell the truth and skillfully hides his negative qualities. Gennady is stingy, loves money, and repays debts through force.

However, even his close friends consider him unmercenary, so skillful is he in lying. Stubborn, always tries to insist on his own. Easily irritated. In marriage he is capricious and jealous; his wife has to give in to him in everything. It constantly seems to him that he is deprived of his wife’s cares and attention. Gennady himself does not know how to take care of anyone and is rather indifferent to his own children. You can’t expect help from him with housework; he won’t go shopping or to the market. But Gennady has golden hands; he did a lot of things in the house himself. He loves his home and tries to improve it in his own way.

In his work, he strives with all his might to take a dominant position, because he feels good only when he does not depend on anyone. And if he is a leader, then his subordinates unconditionally work for their boss. Gennady's companions should keep their eyes open - he is capable of passing off unrealistic results as real, he will definitely get his hands on what is bad, and he will never forget to include himself as a co-author or share in the distribution of income. Success for Gennady is simply harmful, as it instantly deprives him of modesty and a sense of proportion.

“Winter” Gennady has a particularly complex character.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Gennady seeks voluptuousness and peace of mind in sex. He demands complete dedication from his partner, the moment of physical separation is always painful for him, he wants to prolong physical contact until he reaches mutual orgasm. He is capable of love and pleasure like no one else, patient and attentive to his partner. His love is sensitive to the slightest troubles: you never know what could throw him off balance.

Gennady can be the most loving partner and at the same time a tormentor, causing a woman mental suffering. His sexual behavior is aimed at waiting out the moment of climax for a woman, he is unusually affectionate and inventive in erotic games, for him they are both sport and pleasure. He knows how to appreciate the woman with whom he is close. Submitting her to his sexual desires, he does it gently, so as not to humiliate her dignity or scare her away; Gennady adapts well to his partner, without rudely imposing his style of sexual behavior on her. For Gennady, love foreplay is a way to study a woman; he listens sensitively to her erotic experiences, being kindled by her passion.

For Gennady, getting his partner on fire is a matter of his male prestige, and he is capable of doing this with the most frigid woman. However, first he must be mentally disposed towards her. Without feeling spiritual attraction, he is not able to experience strong passions for her; not with every partner he can experience the fullness of erotic sensations. “Winter” Gennady’s married life is difficult; it’s better for him not to marry a “winter” girl.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Noble” (Greek)

Energy and character of the name "Gennady"

This is the name of a completely calm and independent person; perhaps it is somewhat leisurely, inclining its owner to a certain phlegmatic nature, and this has certain advantages. Usually, from childhood, Gena grows up to be a moderately obedient, diligent and neat boy. His room may not be in perfect order, but everything is in place. At school he usually does well.

The energy of the name does not carry a clearly expressed desire for leadership; he prefers to go his own way rather than drag others along with him, but Gena loves games, and often shows his characteristic thoroughness and accuracy in the game. He rarely fusses or rushes; when preparing for any event, he will carefully prepare everything necessary, no matter whether we are talking about work or, say, fishing. Of course, such qualities cannot be called harmful, and Gesha enjoys sufficient respect among those around him.

Most Gennadiys have balanced pride; Most often, they are not inclined to question themselves too much, but they can still stand up for their honor. Ambitious thoughts are also not alien to them, in the implementation of which patience and the ability to show perseverance greatly help. Of course, their fate may turn out differently: after all, balance of character is good only on the one hand, but on the other hand, it is easier for parents or other educators to influence a balanced child. Therefore, a lot in Gena’s life will depend on which person had the greater influence on him.

If Gennady’s ambition is sufficiently developed from childhood, he can make a good career, being quite calm about the discontent of his enemies and envious competitors. Often parents instill in him a desire for intellectuality, which also affects good choice life path. Perhaps he will not strive to become a great scientist, but he will make a lot of efforts to achieve a worthy position.

Secrets of communication: When starting any business with Gesha, you don’t have to worry that you will forget to take something important with you; most likely, Gennady will take care of everything himself. If your and his interests intersect somewhere, be careful - in business he rarely thinks about compassion for the enemy, he is unlikely to listen to your arguments, continuing to move towards his goal like a tank.

Famous people with the name "Gennady"

Gennady Gladkov

Honored Artist of Russia, composer Gennady Gladkov (born 1935), since childhood he wanted to be... a chemist. In any case, after school he entered the chemical polytechnic school, and only after graduating and working for some time at the Research Institute of Dyes, he finally realized that he had made a little mistake in choosing a profession.

But from that moment on, his career as a truly national composer developed in full accordance with his surname - that is, almost without a hitch. Having graduated from the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, he, with his energy and creative fervor, eventually achieved that he filled almost all possible ethereal space with his music. It sounded, and still sounds, literally everywhere: both from the theater stage and from television screens, creating the atmosphere in the most beloved and popular films of our cinema - such as “12 Chairs”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Man from the Boulevard des Capucines." But most of all, of course, children know and love Gennady Gladkov’s music, because without it it is impossible to imagine many wonderful animated films, including “The Bremen Town Musicians” and “The Blue Puppy.” By the way, in these works, as in some others, the composer himself performs his songs.

Their creative ideas and Gennady Gladkov rightfully equates plans to especially valuable property, and therefore not only never rushes to share them, but even tries not to make important notes for himself. “I prefer to keep all my secrets in my head,” he explains. “It’s much safer this way.”

According to Higir

Comes from the ancient Greek “gennadio” - noble, well-born.

Parents will have to blush for their son more than once. In a store, he may fall to the floor, kick his feet and scream at the top of his lungs until his mother or grandmother buys him the toy he needs. With a strict dad, he behaves much quieter and sometimes resembles an ideal child. Since childhood, he has been able to adapt to circumstances, he has a good sense of who and how to influence.

Fate and marriage of the name "Gennady"

As he gets older, he strives to attract attention by any means - either with an extravagant hairstyle, or demeanor, or unusual inclinations. It is interesting that Gennady, who is short in stature, is usually more complex in character, more cunning and unreliable than his tall namesake. At work, he rushes to the front row, often not stopping to work with his elbows. Reacts painfully to criticism, knows how to earn money and use money wisely. If he lies, then it’s very beautiful. You need to be careful when praising Gennady: he might become arrogant. He is rather indifferent towards his old parents. He also exhibits some forgetfulness when it comes to repaying debts. Loves an exquisitely set table and clean tablecloths. Worn oilcloth can drive him crazy. Irritable. Does not tolerate animals in the house. Careful in choosing a future life partner. He demands that his wife unquestioningly comply with his various whims and caprices. If the wife is able to compromise, then life with Gennady will not be so bad. He gets promoted, works around the house, and is not particularly attracted to his single friends. He is very jealous and does not forgive his wife for betrayal, although he himself cannot be called a saint. A little stingy. In old age he often becomes sentimental and likes to grumble.

Gennady should look for a life partner among those called Valentina, Vera, Irina, Kira, Lydia, Lyubov, Maya, Natalya, Olga, and beware of marriage with Aurora, Angelina, Dina, Lilia, Oksana, Rimma, Tamara, Tatyana, Yana.

The male name Gennady gives its owner a very unstable psyche. Capable of noisy demonstration of his feelings. Especially if he cannot achieve his desire. The meaning of the name Gennady also speaks of the special delicacy of this person. Does not tolerate rudeness in any form. Always tries to be polite and courteous with others. Respects the opinions of others and often listens to them.

The meaning of the name Gennady for a boy indicates excessive irritability. It can “explode” for any reason. People around her often characterize Gena as a person who is “on her own.” The interpretation of the name also indicates a great tendency towards disorder. Gena does not strive to put things in their places. He prefers “creative chaos” to reign around him.

The meaning of the name Gennady for a child makes the boy very capable in studies. Gena loves to study. He behaves diligently at school. Listens to teachers and diligently completes all assigned homework. Easily adapts to almost any environment. Capable even in childhood achieve your goal. Even if she seems frivolous to others.


Love relationships are often very difficult. Gena in sex life strive for peace of mind and voluptuousness. In relation to the chosen one he can be infinitely patient and attentive. But this means that the woman is required to do the same. The sincere feelings of his beloved are of great importance to him.

Inventive in bed. Loves role-playing games, new poses. Treats sex as a sport and as a limitless source of pleasure. But, for all his delicate attitude towards his partner, he can cause her serious mental suffering. He often torments a woman with nagging and caustic remarks. Because of this, quarrels can break out.

Gena tries to satisfy his partner sexually. He attaches great importance to his partner's happiness. Painstakingly studies the preferences of his woman. Cares about her pleasure. Gennady Borisovich has the highest sexuality.


Gena chooses his wife very painstakingly and often for a long time, which often means a late marriage. Great importance gives meekness to the wife. She must unquestioningly fulfill all whims and wishes. Otherwise, noisy scandals will constantly break out in the family. If a wife surrounds such a man with attention and care, then the marriage will last for a long time.

Happy family life possible with Lydia, Lyubov, Maya, Valentina, Vera, Irina, Olga, Natalia. You should not start serious relationships with Rimma, Tamara, Angelina, Violetta, Tatyana and Oksana.

Business and career

The careers of these representatives of the stronger sex are often unsuccessful. Having survived many futile attempts to find a well-paid and prestigious job, Gena eventually finds himself quiet place and decides to live only for loved ones. He brings all the money he earns to his family, which means he works only for the well-being of his loved ones.

Gennady, who has the patronymics Petrovich, Vasilyevich, Ivanovich, is endowed with special entrepreneurial spirit. It is they who often have successful careers. Such men try to occupy the highest positions. They climb the career ladder, putting aside shyness and compassion. All money earned is spent wisely. They often invest in future profitable projects.

Origin of the name Gennady

The origin of the name Gennady is ancient Greek. Its etymology is “noble”, “well-born”. The secret of the name is that it comes from the word “gennadas”, found in Greek dictionary. Where the adverb comes from leaves a bright imprint on it. The man, whose name is Gena, is considered hot and fast. According to history, the dialect is more often found among rural residents.

Characteristics of the name Gennady

He has a very complex character. Loves to attract public attention. Unreliable. Often deceives in order to achieve his goal. He embellishes his own achievements and the events that happened to him. But he lies so inspired and beautifully that those who are deceived often forgive him for this innocent deceit. He doesn’t attach any importance to this shortcoming.

The characterization of the name Gennady speaks of his greed even for obvious flattery. Can't stand criticism. Quite clean. Often quarrels with loved ones because of their sloppiness. Such quarrels can even lead to a break in the relationship. Pros and cons of character indicate excessive grumpiness. But this grouchiness, especially in old age, is completely harmless and good-natured.

It is often impossible to predict Gena's reaction to external influences. I am an optimist by nature. But his optimism is not innate. It’s just that these men are afraid to “face the truth” and avoid difficulties in every possible way. They attach serious importance peace of mind. Achieving success in life is hampered by weak intuition, excessive fussiness, and optionality.

Often such people are called “thick-skinned”. They are not able to subtly sense the mood and state of mind those around you. Gena is quite indifferent even to her elderly parents. Does not like to repay previously taken out financial debts. Moreover, the amount of debt special significance does not have. It delays the repayment of even minor debts.

Appreciates it very much home comfort and a comfortable life. All kinds of amenities and beautiful interior have for him great value. Likes to dine at a properly set table.

The mystery of the name

  • Zircon stone.
  • Name days are February 5, February 22 and September 13.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Gennady Khazanov (born in 1945) – Russian artist pop singer, theater and film actor, TV presenter, public figure, director of the Moscow Variety Theater, as well as People's Artist of the RSFSR and member of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.
  • Gennady Malakhov (born in 1954) – Russian writer, developer and popularizer of unconventional methods of conducting healthy image life, author of non-academic publications on ways to heal the body, participant and presenter of a number of special television programs.
  • Gennady Vetrov (born in 1958) is a Soviet and Russian satirist and humorist, singer, Honored Artist of Russia.

Different languages

The translation of the name from the ancient Greek language is “noble”, “high-born”. Listed below is how the adverb is translated and how it is written in several foreign languages:

In Chinese – 根纳季 (gēnnàjì) In Japanese – 膏血 In English – Gennadij In French – Gennadij.

Name forms

  • Full name: Gennady.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Gena, Gesha, Genya, Gennasha, Genasha, Genulya, Genulya, Genusya, Genyusha, Genukha, Genyukha, Genusha, Genyusha.
  • Declension of the name - Gennady - Gennadiy - Gennady.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Gennady.