The name Eileen meaning origin. Career and personal growth. Meanings and origin of the name Eileen

Main characteristics



Origin of the name(Muslim, Turkish, Tatar, Turkic, English).

General characteristics of the name “Eileen”

There are several interesting sources for the formation of the name “Eileen”. According to one version, “Aylin” is translated from Turkic as “lunar halo”, “moonlight”, or is used in the meaning of “giving inspiration”. Another theory is that the name has Irish roots and is a form of Eileen, a common name in many parts of Europe.

The owner of this name is a multifaceted personality, not without insight and ambition. She wants to lead the whole world and inspire others. Strong-willed nature, leader by nature. She is flirtatious and knows how to create a favorable impression of herself. She likes to travel, learn new things, and connect with people. different cultures. Those around her are charged with her optimism and energy.

Eileen in the family

Eileen is a wonderful conversationalist and a charming girl. She has no shortage of gentlemen. She will choose a positive and purposeful partner. She gets married quite late, having taken a good look at her chosen one. “Getting in” in marriage is not easy for her, but she is always ready to discuss the problem and find a compromise. A demanding wife, for her the house is a personal territory in which she sets her own rules.

Eileen in business, in society

At work, Eileen does not lose her feminine charm, and successfully uses her attractiveness to attract clients and build relationships with colleagues. She achieves her goal, but does it quietly, measuredly, and does not boast of her high position. Eileen feels like a fish in water in a position that involves constant communication, business trips, acquaintances and meetings with interesting people. Eileen can motivate and push herself to deliver work on time; she does not need external “drivers”. Has a penchant for learning languages. He is also interested in art, visits various exhibitions, museums, and uses knowledge of “beauty” in his activities.

Characteristics for children

Eileen in childhood

Eileen is a little fashionista. She loves to dress up, asks to do her hair and (mommy, please) makeup. Almost any adult, seeing Eileen, immediately falls under her charm and forgives her little whims. Eileen knows how to lead her peers, but she does it quietly. Even the boys think Eileen is “a good girl to have fun with.” Eileen gets tired quickly, so she should exercise to become more resilient. Thanks to the fact that Eileen knows how to win someone over, teachers treat her favorably.

Synonyms for the name Eileen. Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.
Origin of the name Eileen. The name Eileen is Tatar, English, Muslim.

The name Eileen has different versions of its origin. According to one of them, the name Aylin has Turkic roots, the “ai” part of the name in this case can have two interpretations - “moon” and “inspiration”, the second part is interpreted as “light”. The name can have different meanings - “moonlight”, “light of the moon”, “inspired radiance” and others. This name is used by Tatars, Turks and other peoples.

The name Eileen is used among Europeans, more often among the English-speaking population. It is found in use, in particular, among the Irish and Scots. Eat various options origin of the name in Europe. According to one of them, the name Eileen is a variant of the name Evelyn, its derivative, in the homeland it is pronounced through “e” - Eileen, but in Russian pronunciation, in addition to the native pronunciation, it also appeared through “a”. According to the second option, the name Eileen is the Irish version of the pronunciation of the name Helen, Helen (in Russian - Elena).

Also the name Eileen, also pronounced Eileen - a Breton variant Jewish name Abel (Hevel), meaning "breath".

The name Eileen may have common roots with male name Alan, and is a variant pronunciation female name Alan, who has various origins.

Due to different pronunciation in Russian English spelling The name Eileen is also possible that the name Eileen is just one of the pronunciation options for other names, such as Elina, for example. It is easier for Europeans to pronounce Russian names in their own way, so Alena and Alina can become Eileen.

A girl named Eileen is very perceptive and naturally endowed with an aristocratic appearance. She is gentle and refined and wants to be admired, not out of vanity, but out of setting a good example for others. Eileen is a strong personality, a strong-willed woman, very disciplined, not without ambition, and can be authoritarian if she needs to achieve a certain goal.

Eileen is sociable, capable of great generosity, extremely sensitive, and cares a lot about others. She can become a victim of her gullibility and arrogance, so it is very important that she always has real, true friends next to her.

Eileen is interested in various fields, she masters art and languages ​​quite quickly and easily. Most often, the owner of this name finds her “I” in creative activity, or in other areas where creativity is required, for example, in sports - this gymnastics, synchronized swimming, dancing, etc. Eileen can achieve success in the social field, she likes to contact people. For her, an occupation related to responsibility and justice is also important - politics, jurisprudence. She is fascinated by travel, Eileen will be able to make a career on television.

IN family life Eileen will be quite demanding of her partner; she deeply respects the feelings of others, and therefore requires a corresponding attitude towards herself. Exemplary order will reign in her house; this girl is a real perfectionist.

A girl named Eileen is a tactful person, not without ingenuity, moderately thoughtful and does not take rash steps.

Eileen's birthday

Eileen does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Eileen

  • Eileen ((born 1982) pseudonym, real name – Pilar Jimenez Garcia; Spanish singer, vocalist of the gothic metal band “Sirenia”)
  • Eileen McDoug ((1962-2012) American actress who acted primarily as a child in the 1970s)
  • Eileen Heckart ((1919-2001) American actress, winner of various film awards, such as Oscar (1973), Golden Globe (1957), Emmy (1994), Tony (2000). She starred in such films like “Butterflies are Free”, “Someone Up There Loves Me”, “Sudden Love”, “The Last Betrayal”, “First Wives Club” and others.)
  • Eileen (Eileen) Vartan Barker ((born 1938) English sociologist, expert at the Center for the Study of Human Rights at the London School of Economics. Founder of the INFORM organization (Information Network Center for Religious Movements). Author of the books “Cults Among Us”, “The Creation of the Moonite: Choice or brainwashing?".)
  • Aileen Khachaturian ((born 1978) Armenian-Lebanese singer, performer of songs in various genres - from jazz and rock to folk and traditional folk songs. Her album received the "Armenian Music Awards" in the "Best Rock Album" category.)
  • Eileen Chaiken ((born 1957) American screenwriter and producer, winner of the 2008 GLAAD Media Awards)
  • Eileen Atkins ((born 1934) English actress, starred in more than 80 films and TV series, winner of the Drama Desk Award (1978, 1991))
  • Aylin Aslım ((born 1976) Turkish singer, also writes songs herself, in 2010 her album was included in the top 50 Turkish music albums. She acts in films, is an activist in various campaigns for the protection of women's rights, supports the Greenpeace organization.)
  • Eileen Essel ((born 1922) English theater and film actress)
  • Eileen Brennan ((1932-2013) American actress, originally performed in musicals. Winner of the 1981 Emmy Award, was nominated for an Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe. She starred in films such as Divorce, American Style , “The Last Picture Show”, “The Sting”, “Private Benjamin”, “The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking”, “In Search of Doctor Zeus”, “The Tooth Fairy”, “Comic Book Scoundrels”, “Miss Congeniality 2: Beautiful and Dangerous” and others.)
  • Jacqueline Root "Eileen" Woods ((1929-2010) American singer and actress, known for voicing the role of Cinderella in the Disney animated film Cinderella. Winner of the 2003 Disney Legends Award.)
  • Eileen Davidson ((born 1959) American actress, starred in the soap operas The Young and the Restless, Santa Barbara, Days of Our Lives, The Bold and the Beautiful. Winner of the Daytime Emmy Award in 1998 and 2003 .)
  • Zhang Ailing, also known as Eileen Chang ((1920-1995) Chinese and American writer. Author of the books “Golden Shackles”, “Love on a Scorched Earth”, “Songs of Rice Shoots”, “Gossip”, “Love in a Fallen City”, "Eyes Wide Open", "How the Flowers Withered Over the Sea", "The Continuation" and others. Movies were made based on her books. She translated a number of Chinese works into English.)
  • Shania Twain ((born 1965) real name - Eileen Regina Edwards; Canadian singer, performs songs in the style of country and pop music. Initially performed under the pseudonym Eileen (Eileen) Twain. Shania is the only performer in the world who has three times in a row albums went Diamond. Winner of numerous American awards, such as the Academy of Country Music Awards, American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, and Canadian awards, such as the Canadian Country Music Association Awards." She received her own star on Canada's Walk of Fame in 2003, and was awarded the Order of Canada in 2005.)
  • Eileen Adelaide Bruce ((1905-1955) English botanist, was the curator of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. She also studied the flora of Africa. Several plant species were named in her honor.)

Eileen is close to many names: Eileen, Elena, Evelyn, Evelina, Elina, Alana, Alina, Alena.

Available in different countries and languages: Tatars, British, followers of the Islamic faith.

The secret of name and character

Judgments about the origin of Eileen vary. There is an opinion that the name comes from the Turkic words moon or inspiration - “ay” and light - “lin”. Therefore, the interpretation of the name in translation is very different - “moonlight”, “light of the moon”, “inspired radiance”, “radiance of the moon”, “bright moon”. The name is common in places where Tatars, Turks and Turkic-speaking peoples in general live.

English-speaking peoples do not neglect the name either; the Irish and Scots are especially partial to the name Eileen. They have their own explanations for its appearance. One of them - Eileen is considered a modification of Evelyn, therefore, when pronounced, the initial letter is replaced accordingly, and the name turns into Eileen. Another interpretation also does not recognize Eileen as an independent name, believing that this is how the name Helen or Helen is pronounced in Irish, and in Russian the name Elena.

The Bretons have their own form of pronunciation along with Eileen - Eileen, derived from the name Abel - “breath”.

The debate about the origin of the name Eileen does not end there. It is correlated with the name of a man, Alan, or the name of a woman, Alan.

Due to the difference in letters when writing and pronunciation in Russian and English languages a viable version is that the name Eileen is derived from many names, in particular from the name Elina. Or Eileen arose as a result of foreigners pronouncing the names Alena and Alina in their own way.

The representative of the name is endowed with intuition. Eileen looks like a real aristocrat in appearance - graceful and pampered. A girl named Eileen craves self-admiration, but it is not narcissism that speaks in her, but the desire to be good example for others. Those named after Eileen can boast of a strong will and self-discipline. Along with these qualities, Eileen also suffers from ambition and a tendency towards authoritarianism.

The bearer of the name finds communication easy. Thanks to her ability to be generous, Eileen takes care of people, which leads to negative consequences- the girl becomes a victim of her love for others. Eileen's close friends must keep her from being too gullible and arrogant.

The owner of the name shows interest in various fields of knowledge; she is capable of studying languages ​​and areas of art. Therefore, it is not difficult for Eileen to express herself in many types of creativity or areas close to it. In Eileen's sports, creative types are suitable - rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming, dancing. The owner of the name will cope with the work in social sphere- Eileen loves to communicate with people. Eileen will find herself in activities that require a responsible and honest attitude, for example, politics or the legal profession. Being keen on travel, the representative of the name can become a traveler. Eileen is also capable of mastering a profession on television.

Having created a family, the owner of the name will present many demands to her husband. Eileen is very respectful of other people's feelings and wants to be treated the same way. She will keep the house in absolute order. Eileen's character type is perfectionism. Possessing a sense of tact and ingenuity, Eileen is prone to thoughtfulness and is in no hurry to make decisions.

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The name Alina has several versions of origin. Naturally, in this case there will be several meanings. About the origin of the name, its meaning and much more in our review article.

The most popular in Russia is the version of the Turkic origin of the name. It is formed from the root "Ai", which has several meanings ("moon" and "inspiration"). The most popular interpretation states that The name Eileen means "Moonlight", but there are other versions. Another version claims that The meaning of the name Eileen is “inspiring” or even “giving inspiration”.

The second version is the version of Irish-Scottish origin. In these languages, the name Elena is pronounced as Eileen, and therefore it is possible that this is where it originated. Naturally, in this case, the derived form of the name inherits the meaning of the original name. You can find it out by following the link.

The meaning of the name Eileen for a girl

Little Eileen is a very charming girl who knows how to flirt from the cradle. She is surprisingly gentle, although this is more of a performance for the audience than internal state child. Eileen, with all her demonstrative tenderness, has a strong-willed character and amazing determination. She just tries not to advertise these qualities of hers once again. The girl is growing up sociable and with good leadership abilities. Even among boys, Eileen often becomes the main one. She is somewhat prone to an authoritarian management style if she becomes the leader of a group.

Eileen is a good student, in which her curiosity plays a significant role. Eileen easily masters new disciplines, but not all school subjects are equally easy for her. She is more prone to humanities science, but in general prefers creative areas of activity. Eileen usually finds hobbies outside of school. We can say that the girl is a creatively gifted child. If she puts in enough effort in this direction, she can achieve very serious success.

Eileen's health can be called average, as is her vitality. She doesn’t get sick often, but she has a hard time dealing with the painful condition. He never understands his peers who want to get sick just to stay out of school. If Eileen plays sports, her vitality will noticeably increase, but still it will not become particularly high.

Short name Eileen

Diminutive pet names

Ailinchik, Ailinochka, Ailinushka, Ailinonka, Linochka, Linushka, Linonka.

Name Eileen for international passport- AILIN

Translation of the name Eileen into other languages

in Turkish - Аylin
in Scots - Aileen

Church name Eileen(V Orthodox faith) - Elena. This name is usually recommended for Eileen's baptism, but of course you can choose another church name.

Characteristics of the name Eileen

Adult Eileen still skillfully uses coquetry as in childhood. She knows how to please people and create a good impression of herself. This allows her to use her connections to achieve her own goals. Although her determination is not striking, those who know Eileen closely can say for sure that this is one of her strong character traits. Eileen knows how to achieve her goals, but she knows how to do it quite quietly. Moreover, she shows amazing discipline in achieving her goal, but she does it so naturally that from the outside the hard work is completely unnoticeable. Eileen has many friends and comrades, because many people want to be friends with her. She is a positive person and it is very pleasant to spend time with her.

Eileen can work in many directions, but her most successful career will be in the field of interaction with people. She is so able to adapt to a person that she achieves incredibly high results. Eileen is a professional in the field of communication between people. Of course, she can find herself in other industries, but it is in the field of communication that she will achieve the greatest success.

Eileen's family relationships are characterized by special perfectionism. She has been dreaming of an ideal relationship since childhood and has the exact picture ideal family. That is why she often gets married quite late, because finding your ideal is not an easy task. Of course, she is a demanding wife, but she has no less demands on herself. Eileen is ready to become an ideal wife, albeit ideal from her point of view.

The secret of the name Eileen

Eileen's secret is her consumerist attitude towards many of her acquaintances. She does not hesitate to use people, although she does it very carefully. She manipulates people so skillfully that they are even happy about it. At the same time, Eileen herself does not like to help her “friends and comrades.” She has few real friends, and those who mistakenly consider themselves such may subsequently be greatly disappointed.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Pelican.

Name color- Sea wave.

Tree- Willow.

Plant- Mimosa.

Stone- Carnelian.

Meaning: vitality, breath, light; torch, light; moon; inspiration

Meaning of the name Eileen - interpretation

The refined and melodic name Aylin has Turkic roots and means “moonlight”. According to another version, it is of Arabic origin and is translated as “giving inspiration.” Widely distributed in the East, but its beauty has made the name popular also in Western Europe And North America, only there it has a slightly different sound - Eileen.

Name Eileen in other languages

Years later

The baby is charming and especially captivating. Everyone notices that already from the cradle she begins to “flirt” - she smiles and makes funny faces. Her artistic talent is clearly awakening in her. He arouses the admiration of others, trying with all his might to please them and be remembered.

The girl's willfulness and character are already evident by the age of two, which greatly surprises her parents. She willingly does only what she likes, and completely refuses to submit in the opposite case. Eileen always achieves what she wants and can use available children’s methods to achieve this - tears, whims, hysterics.

So the best method raising a girl with beautiful name There will only be a carrot, but not a stick.

Sociable, well aware of her charm. He has the qualities of a true leader, and at the same time gets along very easily with his peers, understands them and justifies them. She often acts as an arbitrator in disputes.

However, her tenderness and softness are a mask under which hides a decisive and strong-willed nature. He knows how to subjugate guys, often argues with teachers and firmly defends his point of view, regardless of rank. With this quality, she earns great authority among others.

Eileen's curiosity and inquisitive mind allow her to achieve success in her studies. She shows a special inclination towards humanitarian subjects. The girl is endowed with creative abilities and can achieve great success in painting and singing.

Adult Eileen is surprisingly insightful and smart. Nature initially rewards this woman with refined manners and an aristocratic appearance, which affects her behavior. She is well aware of her strengths and exploits them to the fullest.

She loves and knows how to manipulate people, sometimes behaves “like a king,” and is very ambitious. The lady is constantly surrounded by fans, but she has few friends.

Eileen has integrity, determination and at the same time incredible perseverance. Like no one else, she copes perfectly with monotonous work that requires increased attention, concentration and scrupulousness.

Eileen's character

Eileen is a strong-willed woman with a strong character. She is distinguished by her concentration, but is not devoid of ambition, which is important if you need to achieve a certain goal. She is sociable and sensitive, strives to take care of others, but never forgets about herself.

If he helps someone, he remembers it for a long time, but never asks for anything in return. He is distinguished by refined manners, energy and curiosity.

Trusting her subordinates to do the work, she does not always control them, since she herself is used to doing everything on time. Eileen is characterized by impulsiveness and eccentricity.

Her character has a tendency towards intricacies in relationships, as well as intrigue, which is not always to the liking of others. But her desire to be first, to be a winner and her pride are sometimes stronger than common sense.

Eileen's fate

Eileen is interested in learning foreign languages, and it comes very easily to her. A woman strives to get to know the world, she is interested in the culture of other peoples. She is characterized by unpredictability, her actions and decisions can be sudden, but Eileen never regrets it. Doesn't get lost in the most difficult situations, the decision made by this woman spontaneously always turns out to be correct. She is distinguished by her wit, loves to be ironic, resourceful and charges those around her with her optimism.

Eileen lives for tomorrow, so she often cannot soberly assess the present, and sometimes this leads to disappointment. If Eileen cultivates a small amount of realism and pragmatism, her life will be successful and happy.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Eileen can find herself in creative professions, often becoming a translator, because languages ​​are very easy for her. She often achieves success in teaching and enjoys interacting with children.

It is important for her that the profession is well paid; she loves money and spends it very quickly. She is fascinated by travel, Eileen can create her own travel business in which he will succeed.

Marriage and family

Eileen will be loyal to her husband and his little weaknesses. She deeply respects the feelings of others, quickly finds mutual language with all her husband’s relatives, she tries not to show them her strong character. There is always exemplary order in her home, because this lady is characterized by perfectionism.

Eileen is not devoid of ingenuity, so she will not overprotect her husband, but will give him some freedom. A woman never takes rash steps that could lead to a break in marital ties.

She is a loving and faithful wife. Constantly places increased demands on himself regarding appearance. Her husband will never see her dressed sloppily. She loves her children madly and becomes an ideal grandmother.

Sex and love

Eileen is popular with men, she likes expensive gifts and is flattered by gallant treatment. A wealthy man with a strong character becomes her lover.

In sex, she prefers to play the role of a queen and is in no hurry to give pleasure to her partner. A woman builds relationships with complete dedication, but never opens up to everyone she meets.


As a child, he practically never gets sick; as he gets older, he begins to gain weight, so he goes on a strict diet. Problems with the stomach and metabolism are typical.

Thanks to the availability good health she usually has nothing to worry about. But it is advisable to avoid overwork and nervous tension. Aigul should also beware of fire and be especially careful on the road to avoid car accidents.

Interests and hobbies

Eileen loves to travel and can spend all her savings on a voyage. He is interested in writing and studying foreign languages.

She likes the occult sciences, because she loves secrets. The lady never has problems with learning; throughout her life she tries to learn something new.