Icon of the Burning Bush: meaning. How does the icon of the Burning Bush help? What does the icon of the Mother of God of the Burning Bush look like? Icon of the Burning Bush: the history of occurrence

As if the bush had not burned down, so the Virgin gave birth to thou.
Rejoice, Burning Bush.

Stichera for the Feast of the Annunciation

Ancient Sinai. When you look from its top at the intricately twisted rocks, mighty, dark crimson, scorched by Divine fire, you begin to understand that great and terrible, truly cosmic event of timeless significance.

It was here that the prophet Moses received the Tablets of the Covenant from God, and there, not far from Sinai, near Mount Horeb, he saw a bush bush - burning and not burning - and heard the voice of God predicting the birth of Christ.

The memory of that fateful event was immortalized by the earth itself in stone: thousands of pilgrims find stones with a crystalline image of the branches of this bush. Nearby, at the foot of Sinai, is the most beautiful monastery in the world in the name of St. Catherine, founded in the VI century. Neither Muhammad, nor the Arab caliphs, nor Napoleon began to destroy this monastery. It has never been closed, and for a millennium and a half this candle of Orthodoxy has been burning, burning and not burning.

The altar of the monastery cathedral is located just above the roots of that very burning bush. Behind the altar is the Chapel of the Burning Bush. Here, to fall to the shrines, thousands of pilgrims flock. Not far away in the garden, a new mighty bush rose from the same shoot. Here, in the Egyptian desert, a type and a fulfilled prophecy were united.

Bush bush became one of the Old Testament prototypes of the Mother of God. The bush burns and does not burn out - the Virgin gives birth and remains Ever-Virgin, who was born on sinful earth She herself remains eternally Pure. Icon " Burning bush"- an image of a truly cosmic sound. He sums up the Orthodox conception of the Theotokos-Church-Sophia in all the beauty of Her timeless and universal significance.

The composition of the icon is formed by two four-pointed stars superimposed one on top of the other, in the center of which in the medallion is the Mother of God with the Christ Child in bishop's vestments. Symbolic images are placed on the chest of the Most Pure One: a ladder (the vision by the holy Patriarch Jacob of a ladder, “established on earth and reaching heaven on top”, as a prototype of the Mother of God) and chambers (house). In the rays of the first star of blue color, Angels are depicted - the rulers of the elements, in the rays of a fiery red star - the symbols of the holy evangelists: Angel (Matthew), Eagle (John), Taurus (Luke) and Leo (Mark), mentioned in the Apocalypse. Around the stars in two-petal clouds - Angels - the spirits of Wisdom, Reason, Fear and Piety; Archangels: Gabriel with a branch of the Annunciation, Michael with a rod, Raphael with an alabaster vessel, Uriel with a fiery sword, Selaphiel with a censer, Barahiel with a bunch of grapes - a symbol of the Blood of the Savior. In the corners of the icon are visions of the prophets: the appearance of the Burning Bush in the form of the Mother of God “The Sign” in a burning bush to Moses, Isaiah - Seraphim with burning coal in tongs, Jacob - a ladder with Angels, Ezekiel - a closed gate.

The Mother of God gathered the whole world around the Eternal Child - the forces of the earth and Heaven. It is precisely such, gathered together, that God conceived the Universe in His Wisdom, it is precisely by her that the chaotic, centrifugal forces of death and decay must be defeated. Thus, another image appears near the Bush - the image of Sophia, the Divine will, the Creator's eternal plan for creation.

This sign of the Divine will in the form of an octagonal radiance on the icon has been known since ancient times. We see exactly the same eight-ray radiance emanating from the Savior on the Transfiguration mosaic in the altar of the cathedral of the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. Many icons of the "Burning Bush" became famous for miracles. One of the oldest remains in the altar of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and was brought to the Third Rome in 1390 by Palestinian monks. According to legend, it is written on the stone of the very rock, at the foot of which the prophet Moses saw a flaming bush. Another miraculous image, also originating from the Kremlin, from the Holy Entrance Hall of the Faceted Chamber, was kept in the Moscow Church of the Burning Bush, which disappeared in 1930. Only her name remained in the name of Neopalimovsky Lane, and lines from Andrei Bely's poem "The First Date":

It used to be: a gray-haired church
Burning Bush,
In a white blizzard crouching,
Flashing me out of silence;
In front of a pensive kiot -
Inextinguishable lantern;
And falls with a light flight
Under the light of pink snow.
Neopalimov Lane
A pearl barley blizzard boils;
And Our Lady in the alley
He looks thoughtful with tears.

There was also another small sizes the icon of the "Burning Bush", donated here in 1835: it also depicted a man crouching in prayer before the Mother of God. This temple also kept an old handwritten service to the “Burning Bush” with an explanation that it is customary in Sinai to sing this service during a heavy thunderstorm, “when lightning is terrible.” As if in memory of this ruined temple in Moscow, a new temple in the name of the “Burning Bush” has now been built, on the distant northern outskirts of the capital, in Otradnoye. Of the other most revered lists, we will name the image in the Trinity Church in the city of Slavyansk, Kharkov province and in the village of Kubenskoye, Vologda province.

Recently, the chapel of the “Burning Bush” has also appeared on Prechistenka, adjacent to the Moscow Neopalimovsky Lane - it is this image of the Most Pure that once again began to patronize the Moscow firefighters who have been located here for a long time. The very name of this image gave rise to folk belief, according to which he protects those who worship him from fire, and there is a lot of evidence of how the "Burning Bush" kept houses and huts intact in the midst of huge conflagrations, "fiery storms" that tormented our pious ancestors.

I often remember Sinai, the sunrise on the top of the holy mountain and the stones that every pilgrim takes away from there - fiery color and imprinted on them with the silhouette of blackthorn twigs, burning and not burning. This is a living reminder of that great and mighty Divine fire, when God speaks to man, a fire that scorches the infidels and warms the souls of the righteous with a wondrous radiance.

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "The Burning Bush" takes place on September 4 according to the old style.

Troparion, tone 4

Even in the fires of the burning bush, seen by Moses in ancient times, He foreshadowed the mystery of His incarnation from the Unsophisticated Virgin Mary, He and now, as the Creator of miracles and of all creatures, the Creator of Her holy icon, glorify miracles with many, bestowing it on the faithful for healing illness and protection from fiery ignition. For this sake, we cry out more blessedly: Hope of Christians, from fierce troubles, fire and thunder, deliver those who trust in You, and save our souls, like Mercy.


O Most Holy and Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, we kneel down and bow down to You before Your holy and most honorable icon, by which you work marvelous and glorious miracles, from the fiery ignition and lightning thunder of our dwelling you save, heal the sick and fulfill all our good petitions for the good. We humbly pray to Thee, the all-powerful Intercessor of our kind: vouchsafe us the weak and sinful of Your motherly participation and well-being. Save and save, Mistress, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, this abode, this city, our entire Orthodox country, and all of us who fall to You with faith and love, and tenderly asking with tears of Your intercession.

Yes, the Most Merciful Lady, have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins and not having boldness to Christ the Lord, ask Him for mercy and forgiveness, but we offer You to beg for Him, His Mother according to the flesh: You, All-good, stretch out Your God-receiving hands to Him , and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death, and a good answer at His Last Judgment. At the hour of the formidable visitation of God, when our houses are set on fire or we will be frightened by lightning thunder, show us Your merciful intercession and sovereign help: yes, save us with Your all-powerful prayers to the Lord, we will avoid the temporary punishment of God here and inherit the eternal bliss of paradise there: and with all let us sing with the saints the most honorable and magnificent name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us, forever and ever. Amen.

Dialogue with the Lord should be in the temple or at home. Also, do not forget that at least one icon must be available in the red corner.

Believers are told to pray and the more often, the better, saying mostly words of thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift of life. Including the icon "Burning bush" is suitable.

But with this icon, there are a number of nuances that should be reviewed, starting with history and ending with places where you can meet the Mother of God.

And what does this icon protect from?

The icon is glorified for its help:

  • in case of fires, various injuries;
  • in battles and in the army to recruits;
  • in the regression of the degree of mental illness;
  • safe at home from accidents.

How did the icon appear?

The appearance of the icon took place in 1822. Once in one city, strong fires began to appear due to arson, devastating everything in its path. Attempts to find the perpetrator proved fruitless. Unexpectedly, the pious elderly woman Belnitskaya had a vision at night. It read: “The fire will stop if they paint the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”” and serve a prayer service. The icon was painted instantly by professionals.

And after some time, a new fire broke out. It was then that the violator was caught - a crazy girl. After that, the fires completely ceased to disturb the population. People made a golden frame for the icon with a eulogy to the Holy Face. Many years later, the tradition of praying to the icon to save your home from fires has remained.

Also known is the most ancient history the birth of the icon, which was also mentioned in the Bible. Moses, a shepherd, near Mount Sinai was pasturing sheep and saw fire on the horizon. As he approached the fire. A thorn bush burned there, but did not physically smolder. Then the Lord arose from the fire, speaking instruction to Moses on how to free the Israelites from the yoke. Then a great event happened - mankind received the Ten Commandments.

In our century, the monastery of St. Catherine was erected near this bush and every believer should visit it.

Prayer from the fire

Holy Mother of God! Through you the Lord will come down and appear to people. You are peace. Why do we come to You, like an indestructible wall: behold mercy, all-embracing, on our strong malice and heal us materially and spiritually from the misfortunes of all: take away from the enemy away and rude people, deliver us from poisoning and from exhaustion, and from accidental death; Let those who hate everything become ashamed and fearful before the flame, so that everyone will understand, if the Lord is not with You, O Mistress, then with You and with us.

In the autumn time, give us Thy gratitude, in the darkness of the dead and the fallen, consecrate with a sacred ray from heaven, necessary and frightening to everyone: change our tears for happiness and save us from tears, Thy sinful servants, fulfilling all promises for the good of peace and love.

ABOUT, Holy Mother of God! We bow at your knees and miraculous image To yours, may your deeds be wondrous and wonderful, from the fire of the devil and all-consuming, killing our crops and our native places, with the illness of the servants of the Lord, healing and fulfilling our every noble request for the good of the world and the holy spirit. Dying, we pray to You, our mighty protector.

Shelter and protect, Lady, under Your wing the church, as well as the entire country. Madam All-Merciful, forgive us, who cast many sins into the world and do not have the courage to be rude to Christ the Lord, forgive Him. And when the day of the terrible coming of God into the realm of mortals comes, when all our houses are set on fire, show us Your merciful wing and Your friendliness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, may Your great selflessness descend upon us forever. Amen.

Do you want to see the icon with your own eyes?

To date, many painted images of the Mother of God have been irretrievably lost. But the most ancient image has been preserved, now it is in the Armory in the Kremlin.

The Holy Face can also be found in other temples listed below:

  • Cathedral of Peter and Paul (in the Urals);
  • Neopalimovskaya church (in the Leningrad region);
  • Holy Mother of God-Neopalimovsky Cathedral (in Ulyanovsk).

At the intersection of Yurlovsky Proezd and Dezhnev Avenue in Otradnoye, a temple was built for the icon of the Burning Bush. In the middle of the hall in the temple is an icon. In the center of the image is a drawing of the image of the Mother of God next to the symbolic attribution. The whole image is enclosed in a star with eight ends.

Now any believer can enter into communion with the Lord in this temple and pray for the well-being, protection and safety of his home and his family.

Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" has a very unusual story appearance, which has its roots many centuries ago, in the days of early Christianity.

A bit of history

According to legend, not far from Sinai, very close to Mount Horeb, there was a green bush bush. And suddenly this bush flared up with a bright flame. The fire engulfed every leaf and every branch of the bush. What was special about this spectacle was that the plant burned, but did not burn out.

A passer-by noticed this miracle, stopped in front of the flame and heard the voice of God, who told him that very soon the Israelites would be freed from Egyptian captivity.

Soon, the phenomenon seen by Moses was called the "Burning Bush" and was captured on the first icon of the same name.

In addition, in honor of the event described above, a beautiful chapel was erected right behind the altar of the monastery of St. Catherine. They say that under the altar are the roots of the same biblical bush.

The Burning Bush icon, which is of no small importance for Christians, was painted just at the foot of the mountain, approximately in the place where the prophet noticed the burning bush.

How did this image get to Russia

In 1390, Palestinian monks brought this shrine to Moscow. Today, the most ancient icon of the Burning Bush, whose meaning has not changed over time, is located in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Description of the image

This image of the Virgin has different variants performances, among which you can meet the Mother of God, depicted in a bright flame that burns, but does not scorch her. And there is one where the Virgin Mary is depicted against the background of an octagonal star formed from two quadrangles with sharp concave edges. One of the quadrangles is green and symbolizes the bush bush, and the other is red, which means fire.

On the oldest icons, you can see an almost verbatim depiction of what happened: a green thorn bush, engulfed in flames, and above it towers the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms. The prophet Moses kneels next to the bush.

Miracles of Our Lady

The icon of the Burning Bush, whose meaning for Christians has not changed after so many centuries, has many legends about miracles associated with it.

One of these miracles was an incident that occurred in 1820-1821. In the small town of Slavyansk, frequent fires began to occur, the cause of which was someone's arson. The criminal could not be caught.

Once, an old parishioner had a dream in which the Mother of God came to her and said that the fires would stop if the Burning Bush icon was painted in this city. Its significance as an image that preserves from fires and various disasters caused by lightning or fire has been known for a long time.

The old woman told the local archpriest about her dream, and the image was painted very soon. What was the surprise of the people when, after the prayer to the icon "Burning Bush" was read, the culprit, or rather the culprit, of arson was found! She was a local resident of Mavra, who suffered from dementia. She stepped out of the crowd, confessed everything, and there were no more fires.

This case is not the only one. There are other miracles in history that happened thanks to this image.

In addition to salvation from fire, there are some cases of help from the icon that are not associated with natural disasters and fires. So, for example, after tireless prayers before the Burning Bush, the unjustly convicted Dmitry Koloshin, who served as a groom for Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, was released.

Every year in Jerusalem, on the holy land, on the eve of the celebration of the bright Easter, a blessed fire descends to the earth to Orthodox Christians.

The bright Divine flame has the miraculous property of burning majestically and not harming those who truly believe in our Savior.

Description of the icon

In the middle of the star is the Blessed Mary with the Divine Infant in her arms.

Since the image of the “Burning Bush” is very ancient, the images may differ with the development of Orthodoxy.

Most often, the icon shows two elongated rhombuses superimposed one on top of the other. in the center of the composition, in a green rhombus, symbolizing the bush itself, the Mother of God appears with the Divine Infant in her arms.

The secondary rhombus of red color means the fire that surrounds the Mother of God, but does not scorch Her. In the corners, in the form of a lion, an angel, an eagle and a calf, the faces of the evangelists mentioned in the Apocalypse are allegorically inscribed.

Rhombuses are crowned with genre scenes, in which the archangels hold various things in their hands, symbolizing gifts. The composition is completed by the images of the prophets in the corners of the icon, which notify Christians of the miracles that have come down to earth.

The meaning of the icon

Looking closely at the icon, you can see a lot of symbols that are deciphered quite easily. On the icon of the Burning Bush, the Image of the Mother of God is multifaceted, but it can be said with certainty that Her feat of motherhood summarizes an incredible number of believers.

Since ancient times, people worshiped the Mother of God, asked for protection and patronage, therefore The Mother of God, engulfed in fire, but not affected by it, appears as the Defender of the human race from earthly elements, fires and disasters.

The angels surrounding the Mother of God give humanity lessons of courage, teaching and wisdom, the ability to bestow and forgive, humbly accept the blows of fate and remain merciful. In a complex, but at the same time understandable image, one simple meaning is intertwined - She is the center of gravity of human sins and She is the guarantee of victory over troubles.

The history of the appearance of the icon is considered one of the oldest, which is narrated in Old Testament.

Moses saw a bush engulfed in flames.

Once a shepherd, grazing a flock of sheep, saw the reflections of a distant fire. Interested in the incident, he approached the flame and saw an incredible sight. The majestic thorn bush was on fire, but did not burn.

Suddenly, in a burning bush, before the eyes of Moses, the Lord appeared with instructions to free the people of Judah from slavery to the Egyptians.

Finishing the message, the Lord told the timid shepherd about the ten most important commandments that true Christians must follow. Having received as a gift the ability of a prophet and miracle worker, Moses carried the covenants of God to the people.

Later, near the growth of a wonderful bush, a chapel was built. Hundreds of believing Christians and pilgrims come daily to the holy place to admire the miracle of the Lord and build faith in Him.

What does the icon help with and what do they pray for the "Burning Bush"

The main meaning of the image of the Mother of God on the icon "The Burning Bush" is the command to keep the soul clean from hellfire, and with the help of Divine fire to burn out sinful passions and vices.

The extensive meaning of the symbols allows you to turn to the Mother of God for support and help in various everyday situations: The image patronizes firefighters.

  • About healing from various chronic bodily diseases, about the retreat of mental anguish and suffering.
  • About the protection of the house and the inhabitants living in it from robbery attacks and criminal plans of insidious people.
  • About the deliverance of sins, dirty thoughts and unholy thoughts.
  • On the granting of success in the career ladder to servicemen and students in their studies.
  • About not taking a rash step and a deliberate decision to eradicate the problem.

People of a noble profession, whose duty calls to save the victims and victims of natural Disasters, the image of the Virgin protects them and their wards from injury.

Rescuers, firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police, military and civilian doctors receive assistance when they turn to the Mother of God.

Defenders of the Fatherland, the military, pilots are especially protected by Her, as people called to save human lives. In hot spots, servicemen pray for protection in battle or to be saved from captivity.

Since the image of the Mother of God is inextricably linked with fire, Her invisible presence protects, first of all, from fires. There are cases when a religious procession with an icon around the city prevented the appearance of fire when an emergency fire danger was declared. The Mother of God also protects the worshiper during the revelry of the elements, in particular thunderstorms with lightning.

Where is the icon placed?

It is better to place the icon opposite the entrance.
There are no special strict rules for placing an icon in the Church Charter. The image can be placed next to the already present faces in the house. But more often the holy icon is set above front door premises or in front of it.

Thus, everyone who enters will be invisibly under the supervision of the Mother of God, whose stern gaze will shame anyone who has planned evil in relation to the owners of the dwelling.

It is believed that the icon installed near the entrance protects all rooms, and, consequently, of all households, since the Mother of God serves as the guardian of the family hearth.


First Prayer

O Most Holy and Blessed Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, we kneel down and bow down to You before Your holy and most honorable icon, by which you work marvelous and glorious miracles, from the fiery ignition and lightning thunder of our dwelling you save, heal the sick and fulfill all our good petitions for the good.

We humbly pray to Thee, the all-powerful Intercessor of our kind: vouchsafe us the weak and sinful of Your motherly participation and well-being. Save and save, Mistress, under the shelter of Your mercy, the Holy Church, this abode, this city, our entire Orthodox country and all of us who fall to You with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears of Your intercession.

Hey, Lady All-Merciful, have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins and not having boldness to Christ the Lord, ask Him for mercy and forgiveness, but we offer You to Him for supplication, His Mother according to the flesh. You, All-good One, stretch out Your God-receiving hands to Him and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us for forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment.

At the hour of the formidable visitation of God, when our houses are set on fire or we will be frightened by lightning thunder, show us Your merciful intercession and sovereign help, but save us with Your all-powerful prayers to the Lord, we will avoid the temporary punishment of God here and we will inherit the eternal bliss of heavenly tamo and with all the saints let us sing the honorable and magnificent name of the worshiped Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Queen of Heaven, Our Lady, Lady of the Universe, Most Holy Theotokos, undefiled, undefiled, incorruptible, Most Pure, Pure Ever-Virgin, Mary the Bride of God, Mother of the Creator of creation, Lord of glory and Lord of all!

Through you, the King of kings and the Lord of lords come and appear to us on earth. You are ugly God's mercy embodied, You are the Mother of Light and Life, as if you once carried Him in Your womb, and in Your arms you had the Infant Word of the Eternal, God, so always have Him with You.

For this sake, according to Bose, we resort to You, as if to an indestructible wall and intercession: look with mercy, All-singing Mother of God, on our fierce anger, and heal our souls and bodies of our disease, drive away from us every enemy and adversary, deliver from gladness, pestilence, from ulcers, from many waters and corrupting airs, and from sudden death; and like the three youths in the cave of the Babylonians, save and keep us, yes, like the ancient people of God, so will all good things be to us who honor Thee; strike, and all who hate us, let them be ashamed and put to shame, and everyone will understand, as the Lord is with you, O Mistress, and God is with you.

The name of this icon is shrouded in mystery and mystery, it makes us plunge into the history of Christianity in order to find answers to such questions as what is the history of the origin of the Holy Image, what does this shrine help with, how to pray to the icon and where to hang it, where to find the Burning Bush.

The miraculous stories about the Burning Bush amaze everyone who learns about them.

Let's try to figure it out and find detailed answers to all questions.

The history of the origin of the Holy image

"The Burning Bush" is a very interesting name, it is difficult to imagine something in the mind after hearing it.

This thorn bush that burns but does not burn out. Literally "fireproof bush". In it, God appeared to Moses, who was tending sheep in the desert near Mount Sinai. In this apparition, God told Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt to the promised land.

The Burning Bush is prototype of the Mother of God in Christianity. This bush was a sign of the immaculate conception of Jesus Christ. And also this is the shrine of the same name, the Divine appearance, which is written in the Old Testament.

Kupina's image first mentioned in the 14th century when the monks from Palestine brought the shrine to Moscow. The monks said that the image of the Mother of God appeared on a rock, a thorn bush burned under the rock, but the flame could not destroy the plant.

Moses had to convince people to follow him to Israel, if they do not leave, then the Lord will send terrible punishments to Egypt. God gave the staff to Moses and said if the people did not believe him, then Moses should throw the staff on the ground so that it would turn into a snake. People, seeing such a miracle, would believe in God's power.

The Egyptian ruler did not want to let the Israeli people go, he punished them and gave them even more hard work. Then the Lord turned all the waters of Egypt into blood, he sent midges and toads, swarms of flies, pestilence, thunder, lightning and hail of fire. Ten plagues befell the land of Egypt. Pharaoh surrendered and allowed the Jews to leave his country. This phenomenon was called the "Exodus of the Jews from ancient egypt". The events of that time served as an impetus for the painting of the Burning Bush icon.

What is depicted on the icon, how does it look

In the center of the icon, the Mother of God is depicted against the background of two rhombuses, which are concave inward in such a way as to form an eight-pointed star. The Mother of God holds her son and a ladder in her hands. The shrine is made in several colors:

  • the green color of the second rhombus means a thorn bush and the Mother of God, which were not affected by the fire;
  • the red color of the first rhombus symbolizes the fire with which the plant was embraced.

The description of the icon may differ slightly, for example, instead of Green colour maybe blue. The ladder on the icon symbolizes the descent of the son of God to earth.. A mountain is drawn next to the stairs. The icon also depicts angels and gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, miracle creation, teaching, giving and other holy elements.

During severe thunderstorms and downpours, all the priests of the temples turn to the icon, to protect them from fires. This shrine helped save Moscow from fire, miraculous icon carried around the dwellings of the people.

Another miracle happened in 1822 in one of the cities of the Kharkov diocese. The city, for unknown reasons, often became subject to fires. One of the inhabitants of the city, by the name of Belnitskaya, an image appeared in a dream, whose voice said to write an icon of the Virgin and read prayers over it. The townspeople painted the icon "Burning Bush" and began to pray to her without stopping. Soon the culprit of the fires was arrested and the troubles stopped.

After the miraculous deliverance from the fires, the inhabitants of the city made an icon case for the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”, on which they wrote words in memory of the salvation of the city from the fires of 1822.

This holy icon is venerated in many countries. For example, in Ukraine, on September 12, they celebrate the Day of the Rescuer (Firefighter) on the day of the celebration of the icon of Our Lady of the Burning Bush.

How does this shrine help?

The image of the Holy Mother of God on the icon "Burning Bush" protects people and their homes from fires. Relatives of firefighters turn to this icon with prayers, worrying about their life in the service. And also pray with requests protect from military fire, from bombing and shooting.

Holy Bush protects from evil thoughts, conspiracies and intentions of enemies. Before the image, Christians pray with requests to cleanse them of sins. People believe that the fire of the Burning Bush can burn all human vices and sins.

You need to pray sincerely, then the image of the Holy Mother of God will help get rid of illnesses and ailments, direct you on the true path and find correct solution in any situation.

Firefighters, policemen, soldiers and military personnel ask for protection from the icon, all the people who are in difficult situations or at war.

You can ask the Burning Bush for divine protection and patronage.

How to pray to an icon and where to hang it

To protect your home from fire, you must definitely hang the icon "Burning Bush". The location where you place the shrine does not matter. You can hang it on the wall, put it on the window, set it in the corner of the room. The image of the Mother of God protects the family hearth and the well-being of the family.

You can pray at home in front of the icon, you can pray in the temple. Prayer must be sincere and from a pure heart.

There are several prayers to the icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush", one of them begins with the following words: "Queen of Heaven, our Lady ..."

It is desirable to pray every day, visit the temple more often, do good deeds, and then the Lord God will surely hear you and help you.

Where to find the Burning Bush

By Gregorian calendar(current) Day of the miraculous image of the icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" is celebrated on September 17, according to Julian calendar(according to the old style) - September 4. This day in Christianity is considered the day of remembrance of the very thorny bush on which the Holy Image of the Mother of God appeared to Moses. On this day, prayers and an akathist are held in the church.

The oldest icon of the "Burning Bush", which has survived to our time, is a shrine of the 17th century. It is located in the Moscow Kremlin.

Another ancient shrine is located in the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, which was erected in the village of Suksun Perm Territory Russia. It appeared thanks to one resident of a neighboring village, who found a shrine in the river.

The miraculous effect of Kupina was seen more than once in the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin in Ulyanovsk. This cathedral was built in the 20th century, the icon was painted especially for this temple.

The holy image of the Cupid is widespread throughout the Christian world. It can be found in Europe, CIS countries, North America.

Miraculous stories about the Burning Bush

An interesting event is connected with the riza of the icon "Burning Bush". In 1812 she was kidnapped. When french army Napoleon was leaving Moscow, one of the soldiers came to the Novodevichy Convent and gave the priest the robe from the icon. The soldier asked to return it to the temple from where the robe was stolen. The soldier confessed to the abbot of the monastery that he was tormented by longing and there was no rest for his soul. The soldier immediately felt better after he returned the riza.

There was a temple in Khamovniki, it kept the ancient prayer "Burning Bush" and the shrine of the same name. Locals prayed to her during severe thunderstorms, asking for protection from fires and bad weather. Unfortunately, after the destruction of the temple there was no icon left.

In the Ivanovo region of Russia, in one of the villages, a man decided to kindle the stove, when he threw a tree into it, he saw the image of the Mother of God on a log. The man's wife carefully pulled the log out of the oven and cooled it down. When the couple wiped the log with a rag, they saw a real icon. The shrine was taken to the Yuryev Monastery. There the parishioners prayed to the Holy Image until 2001. In 2001, unknown people stole the icon from the monastery, where it is now unknown.

Another miracle happened in the Yuzhsky region of Russia. In 2010, the entire area was subjected to severe fires. When the fire approached the temple, the priest took the icon of the Burning Bush and walked around the temple. The wind changed direction and the fire did not destroy the temple.

The holy image of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" really has powerful miraculous properties. Many people around the world have witnessed amazing healings, rescues from fires.

It is necessary to pray to the Holy Image of the Burning Bush under such circumstances:

  • if the war started;
  • if you or your close military personnel;
  • if you or your loved ones work as a firefighter, pilot, police officer;
  • if you don't know what decision to make;
  • ask miraculous fire to deliver from sins and evil thoughts;
  • ask for a miraculous recovery for you and your loved ones;
  • ask the Intercessor to protect you and your house from misfortunes and troubles.