Games to prevent bad habits in teenagers. Outdoor games for high school students

"Board of Directors"

The game is intended for older schoolchildren.

Most guys imagine what a board of directors is from movies. You can invite them to do something similar at home.

The presenter must come up with a role for each player in advance, set out the goals and capabilities of each character on separate pieces of paper, and distribute the sheets to the players. To make the game exciting, it is necessary that some participants have opposing interests.

The rules of the game are as follows: it is allowed to enter into alliances with other players, it is forbidden to deviate from the goal, substitute other players and exceed the powers received at the beginning of the game.

Those who achieve their goal first win. It is these players who have the most developed leadership abilities.

The presenter must pay attention to how the participants in the game speak in order to understand what qualities they need to develop first.

"Chickens and Foxes"

For older children school age and teenagers. Maximum number There is no limit on players, but there should not be less than 11 people.

A leader is chosen, the players are divided into two equal teams, and each team is given a name: “chickens” and “foxes.” A long line is drawn, parallel to which two teams line up at a distance of 1 m. The presenter gets on the line. When he says the command: “Chickens!”, the “chickens” begin to run away, and the “foxes” catch up with them. The team that is catching up must catch or touch the runners. The more chickens the attacking team catches, the better.

The leader can also make the “chickens” team attacking, so that the players do not get used to the fact that they always run away, and the “foxes” attack, and therefore are on guard.

Films and actors

A presenter is selected. He takes the ball, the others enclose him in a circle. The presenter throws the ball to one of the players and names any film - Russian or foreign. The player who receives the ball must quickly name any actor who is involved in it and give the ball back to the leader. If the player fails to find his bearings and name the actor in time, he leaves the game. The same thing happens if the player named the actor, but did not manage to pass the ball in time.

You can play differently. For example, the presenter names the actor, and the player names the film in which this actor starred. The game continues until the last player remains - the winner.


For children of senior school age.

There are two ways to play the game. In the first case, the players try to convey the human state through facial expressions and color, and in the second, through makeup. In both cases, it is taken into account how reliably the child conveyed the state of the person he saw.

The players draw tokens and set the order of participation. Then they sit in a semicircle. The first player draws a card with a task, and then only using facial expressions (without gestures) depicts the feeling or state of a person given to him. The rest must guess. Tasks can be as follows: express anger, fatigue, fun, cunning, despondency, pity, etc.

Then the same states must be expressed through color. This will help children in the future choose the most appropriate makeup for the next task. Each child is given a sheet of paper, paints and brushes. You have 3 minutes to complete this part of the game. After selecting a color, the players must explain why they believe that this particular color conveys a given state of a person. The winner is the one who most correctly depicts the given state of a person and chooses a color for him.

In the second option, players must divide into pairs and apply makeup to their partner’s face, characterizing the state of the person that was assigned to them. It can also be fun and joy (rosy cheeks, wrinkles around the eyes), pain (pushed eyebrows, dark color face), fatigue (swollen eyelids, drooping corners of the lips) and other emotions. In addition to makeup, you can use various additions - wigs, glasses, bows, etc. At the same time, no one should know about the task itself except the make-up artist himself, in order to later check the result of the work. That is, to expose the person wearing makeup to the audience and ask them to determine his condition and feelings.

“Create an emotional image”

For children of middle and high school age. Number of participants from four people.

Before the game starts, everyone is given 3 sheets of paper and a pencil.

The presenter invites the players to draw one human face on each sheet of paper, and this face should express some emotion: joy, sadness, anger, dissatisfaction, etc., at the player’s choice. This task will take 10-15 minutes to complete. After this, the presenter collects the drawings from the players and mixes them. Everyone sits in a semicircle near the leader, so that he can be clearly seen. The presenter takes out one drawing and shows (presents) it to all players. The guys, in turn, should try to determine. what emotion does it express? this person. The player who is the author of this drawing should not give hints to others.

If the players guess the emotion correctly, the author of the drawing gets a point.

But it may turn out that when reflecting an emotional image on paper, the author of the drawing has one emotion in mind, and the other children saw another in it. In this case, the player loses one point.

When summing up the results, the winner of the game is the participant with the most points.

Joy or sadness?

For children of senior school age.

All those present are divided into two teams. The first team must leave the room, their participation in the game is limited to the role of an outside observer. The second team starts the game. The host asks the players various questions in the fields of literature, mathematics, and art. The participants in the game answer them.

If the answer is correct, the player receives a small prize - candy, a toy or a souvenir.

After completing the questions, the second team arrives. The participants’ task is to guess from their friends’ behavior which of them answered the questions correctly and which did not. The essence of the game is simple: not all children can contain their joy over a successful answer to a question or, conversely, sadness due to not knowing the correct answer. The second team tries to guess the emotions of the members of the first team.

Of course, not all members of the second team will be able to guess this, guided only by the behavior of the guys from the first. If someone was able to fulfill this condition, he is awarded a certain number of points. Those guys from the first team who managed to restrain their emotions are also celebrated. The winners are those who score the most points.

Exact calculation

For children of senior school age.

Children should be able to analyze a situation, looking at it from the position of an outside observer. Of course, there should be no place for emotions, which only harm close analysis. To teach children this, you can use the following game.

You need to prepare for the game in advance. Its essence is that the presenter reads or tells some story that evokes a lively response from everyone. The children’s task is to express their opinion about the behavior of various characters in this story. But statements should be extremely restrained; any emotions are undesirable in them.

And so that the presenter’s story evokes the most lively response among all the guys, it can be provided with a lot of details and details. In a word, you can tell a story from your life, adding many different details to it.

The presenter carefully monitors everyone’s statements. If the player speaks calmly, analyzing the story from the point of view of an outside observer, without showing emotions such as joy, anger or hostility, then the host may appreciate his answers. If a participant in the game fails to contain his emotions, he receives fewer points. At the end of the game the results are summed up. Those who score more points can be considered winners.

"Poor and Rich"

For children of senior school age.

Modern children are clearly aware of the difference between the financial situation of different families. They know exactly whose parents earn a lot and whose parents earn little. The game will help children overcome the painful complex due to the lack of well-being of their family.

The presenter can tell a little story about some family. You can use a story from a literary work or film and include a mention of a poor or rich family. Then he suggests having a conversation on this topic. Questions can be very different, for example: “Who is happier is the one who more money, or the one who knows how to be content with little?

Every child has the right to speak out. For example, guys can bring own examples about the influence of money on life. As the conversation progresses, everyone should understand that a lot of money is not the most important thing in life. As an example, the presenter can tell stories from life famous people, whose material well-being did not bring them happiness.

The game can be somewhat varied. For example, everyone begins to fantasize about how they imagine their future life. He can say what he wants to be when he grows up, how much he would like to earn and how he would like to arrange his home, etc. There are no winners or losers in the game, everyone has the right to their opinion.

Communication with strangers

For children of senior school age.

Children often have difficulty communicating with strangers. For example, in a store they are embarrassed to ask the seller about something, or on the street they cannot muster up the courage to ask how to get to the right address. The game will help you get rid of this complex over time. The essence of the game is simple. The host and one of the participants in the game must start a conversation with one of the strangers. This can happen in the following way: they approach the salesperson in the store. The presenter remains silent, and the player himself must ask the seller in detail about something.

For example, you can choose a wind-up toy and learn everything about how it works. When the player asks the seller about something in detail, the presenter evaluates the level of his communication using a point system. The rest of the guys may be nearby, or they may be waiting for their comrades not far from the store. The game continues, but now the other player must start the conversation.

The conversation options are very different: for example, you can ask an old woman on a bench, a janitor, a policeman, etc. about something. For the ability to start a conversation with stranger The presenter awards each player a certain number of points. Of course, there are no winners or losers in the game, but the one who scores the most points may be rewarded with some kind of prize.

Games to divide the audience into several groups

1. Lot

Students choose cards with numbers, leaves different color, figures, etc., and then groups are formed in their likeness.

2. Artists

Students are asked to finish drawing something (a ship, a house, a car, etc.). Then 3-5 completed elements are determined, according to which groups are formed (sail, oars, roof, windows, wheels, etc.).

3. Making a mosaic

Each participant receives one part of some photograph, document, quatrain, famous saying and must find those who have other missing parts of the divided material.

4. Celebrities

Students receive names of historical figures. Then they should unite into groups depending on the sphere of public life, on the historical era or on the country in which historical figures lived.

5. I need support

As many leaders are selected as there are groups to be formed. The presenters take turns choosing their assistants, saying the phrase: “I need support today ... (name is called), because he (she) ... (is called positive quality)". This is how it gets recruited required amount groups. Each next participant, pronouncing the key phrase, is called by the one who was chosen last in the group. We need to encourage kids to choose not their friends, but those with whom they have little contact, since in every person you can find positive, valuable qualities that are very important to notice.

Group bonding and emotional warm-up games

6. The place to my right is free

All participants sit in a circle on chairs, with one chair remaining free. The essence of this exercise is a simple sentence: “The place to my right is free, and I would like to take this place...”. This sentence is said out loud by a participant who is sitting next to an empty chair. He must explain why he wants the classmate he named to take this place. You can't use clichés like "because he's mine" good friend”, but it is necessary to give more specific descriptions.

7. I am John Lennon

Everyone writes the name of a celebrity, but at the same time he must be absolutely sure that this person is known to everyone. It could be an actor, athlete, singer, writer. The name is attached to the back of a randomly selected participant. Everyone turns into famous people, but no one knows who exactly. Then the players walk around the room and ask each other questions to find out their identity. The answer to the question should only be “yes” or “no.” After four or five questions, the player approaches another participant. The game continues until everyone figures out who they are.

8. Blind

The players are divided into pairs. Then the partners agree on which of them should be blindfolded. After this, the partner leads the “blind” person around the room in such a way as not to hurt him, but so that the blind person can identify the objects around him. There is one thing in the game important condition: Partners are not allowed to talk. The “blind man” is completely dependent on his partner, who decides where to go and how quickly. After five minutes they switch roles. At the end of the game, you can have a discussion, first in pairs, and then in general:

  • At what point in the game did I feel most comfortable?
  • Which was better for me: leading or following?
  • When did I feel discomfort?
  • What did I like about my partner?
  • What advice would I give him?

9. Hear me

Select one player and ask him to leave the room. With others, pick up a proverb (for example, “They cut down the forest - the chips fly”). Then assign different participants to say one word from the proverb at a time. Rehearse and say the proverb at least three times. Then invite the player who comes out and ask him to recognize a famous proverb in the chaos of words you have spoken.

10. Swinging in a circle

Place 5-7 guys in a circle and one in the center of the circle. The latter crosses his arms over his chest and freezes. He needs, without moving his feet, to fall in any direction - with his eyes closed. Those standing in a circle put their hands in front of them and gently push it away, throwing it to each other. The goal of the game is to learn to trust people.

11. Charade about feelings

Participants in the game are given strips of paper with the names of feelings written on them.

The presenter says: “Everyone has feelings! Feelings cannot be good or bad. They become bad or good when we translate them into actions. It is sometimes difficult for each of us to express our feelings.”

Ask those participating in the game to think alone about their word and think of how this feeling can be played out. Let everyone play their feeling, and the rest will guess what kind of feeling it is. Then you can discuss the following questions:

    Does everyone express their feelings the same way? Are there some feelings that are more difficult to express than others? What are these feelings? Why is this happening? Why is it important for people to express their feelings?

List of feelings:

12. Hat of questions

Prepare strips of paper with questions written on them and put them in a hat. The hat is passed around the circle, and each participant draws out a question and answers it. The hat goes around in a circle until there are no more questions.


  1. What was your favorite time spent with your family this past year?
  2. What are you planning to do with your family in the coming six months?
  3. What three qualities do you admire in your dad?
  4. What three qualities do you admire in your mother?
  5. Name one of your family traditions.
  6. Name one thing that you expect from life.
  7. Name one of best books from those you have read.
  8. What day would you call perfect? What would you do?
  9. Name three things that terribly upset you.
  10. Name something that makes you happy.
  11. Name something you are afraid of.
  12. Tell us about one of your happiest memories. Why exactly this?
  13. Name one of the places you most like to go with friends.
  14. Name two things you would do if you became president of the country.
  15. What are the two secrets to a strong and long-lasting friendship?
  16. Tell us about a day last year when you had a lot of fun with your friends.
  17. Name something edible that you can't stand.
  18. What three qualities would you like to see in your friends?
  19. What do you think life on Earth will be like in 100 years?
  20. How would you describe heaven?
  21. What advice would you give to parents who want to raise their children better?
  22. Do you agree that the use of punishment is The best way get children to obey? Why "yes" or why "no"?
  23. Name one of the gifts that you would like to receive.
  24. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why?
  25. Was there a day in the past year when you felt especially close to your parents?
  26. Name three things that make your family laugh.
  27. My favorite animal is...
  28. I feel afraid when I think about...
  29. My friends and I really have fun when...
  30. When I have free time, I like...
  31. My favorite television program is... because...
  32. I like to eat...
  33. I like school...
  34. I like people the most who...
  35. In 10 years I see myself...

Add your own questions.

13. Praise me

Option 1. Players are given pieces of paper on which they write their name. Then, after collecting and shuffling the papers, distribute them to the participants. The guys must write what they like about the person whose name they received, and then bend the piece of paper so as to cover what they wrote (“accordion”), and pass it to another until everyone leaves their own note. No need to subscribe. Collect the papers and read aloud what is written on them. (Be sure to review each description before reading to make sure it is positive.) The person receiving the praise is sure to say, “Thank you.”

Option 2. The players stand in a circle. Each participant, in turn, tells his neighbor on the right what he likes about him. Then the same is done, but in relation to the neighbor on the left.

14. How good I am!

In just one minute, players must write down a list of all the qualities they like about themselves. Then give them another minute to write down the qualities they don't like. When both lists are ready, let them compare them. Usually a list negative qualities can be longer. Discuss this fact.

15. Dare to say

Participants sit in a circle. They are given a bag of paper strips with unfinished risky statements written on them. The package is passed around the circle, everyone takes turns pulling out their strip from it, reading what is written on it, and finishing the phrase.

Example phrases:

  • I really like to do...
  • I'm doing pretty well...
  • I'm worried about…
  • I'm especially happy when...
  • I'm especially sad when...
  • I get angry when...
  • When I'm sad, I...
  • I introduce myself...
  • I attract attention with...
  • I have achieved...
  • I'm pretending... when in reality...
  • Other people make me...
  • The best thing about me is...
  • The worst thing about me is...

Continue the list of phrases yourself.

16. Lonely Heart Blues

Hand out questionnaires and pencils. Give players 10 minutes to answer the questions, then gather the group into a circle. Go around the circle, ask each person one question and listen to the answers. Allow other participants to ask clarifying questions. Listen to the answers to all the questions in the questionnaire. If there is an issue of interest to everyone, discuss it as a group.


  1. Describe a time when you were lonely.
  2. What helped you cope with loneliness?
  3. What have you done to help those suffering from loneliness?
  4. What did the days of loneliness give you?

17. Three truths and one lie

Each participant receives a pencil and a piece of paper with the inscription: “Three truths and one lie” and writes down three true statements about himself and one false one. What is written down is brought to the attention of the whole group, and everyone tries to decide which statement is false. The author then states the actual false statement.

18. Guide

Group members stand in a line, holding hands. Everyone except the guide-guide has their eyes closed. The guide must lead the group safely through the obstacles, explaining where they are going. You need to walk slowly and carefully so that the group gains trust in the leader. After 2-3 minutes, stop, change your guide and continue the game. Let everyone try themselves in the role of a guide. After the game, discuss whether the players were always able to trust the leader; In the role of whom did they feel better - the leader or the follower?

19. Give me your hand

Each group member receives a piece of paper and a marker. They need to trace the outline of their brush. Moving from one piece of paper to another, all members of the group write something on the “hand” of each of their comrades. Remember to emphasize that all entries must be positive. All players can take the sheets home as a souvenir.

20. Do you love your neighbor?

The players sit in a circle on chairs, one person in the middle. The one in the middle comes up to someone sitting in the circle and asks: “Do you love your neighbor?” If he answers “yes,” then everyone, with the exception of the two closest ones, jumps up and rushes to take some other chair from those standing in the circle. The driver also tries to take possession of the chair, so that someone else will be in the center. If the answer is “no,” the driver asks: “Who do you love?” The person being asked can answer anything, for example: “Everyone in red.” Everyone who is wearing red remains seated, and the rest, together with the driver, rush to occupy other chairs. The one who is left without a chair becomes the driver.

21. Heart of the class

Cut out a large heart from red cardboard in advance.

The teacher says: “Did you know that our class has its own heart? I want you to do something nice for each other now. Write your name on a piece of paper and fold it so that everyone can then draw lots with someone else's name. If someone pulls given name, he must change the piece of paper.”

Let everyone come up with a friendly and pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name they drew by lot, and write it down with a felt-tip pen on the “heart of the class.” The teacher must control what the participants are going to write down. Hang the heart on the wall so that it can be approached from all sides. The heart of the classroom can be a wonderful decoration for the room.

Wise thoughts

  • To have freedom, it must be limited. E. Burke
  • It is easier to descend into slavery than to rise to freedom. Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
  • The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. D. Curran
  • Only fools call self-will freedom. Tacitus
  • Our life is what we think about it. M. Aurelius
  • Life is like a play in a theater: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played. Seneca
  • Life is what people strive most to preserve and protect least. J. Labruyère
  • Why am I making a friend? To have someone to die for. Seneca
  • In relation to friends you need to be as little burdensome as possible. The most delicate thing is not to demand any favors from your friends. Hegel
  • Hiding the truth from your friends, to whom will you open up? Kozma Prutkov
  • Do not have friends who are inferior to you in moral terms. Confucius
  • A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of misfortune. King Solomon
  • To be free, you must obey the laws. Ancient aphorism
  • The will in us is always free, but not always good. Augustine
  • Freedom is not about restraining yourself, but about being in control. F.M. Dostoevsky
  • To be morally free, a person must get used to controlling himself. N.V. Shelgunov
  • Freedom is only that which never harms anyone's freedom. Iranian-Tajik saying
  • Freedom is the price of the victory that we have won over ourselves. K. Mati
  • Intoxication is nothing more than voluntary madness. If you prolong this state for several days, who will not doubt that the person has gone crazy? But even so the madness is no less, but only shorter. Seneca
  • Fate and character are different names the same concept. Novalis
  • What people usually call fate is, in essence, only the totality of the stupidities they have committed. A. Schopenhauer

This is a version of the well-known game "Balls", only this time - for a group. Accordingly, you need to prepare inflatable balloons for the competition, which are tied to the leg of each participant during the process. You can tie one, or if you don’t mind, two balls on your ankle. It all depends on whether you can afford so many materials. A signal is given - and all participants begin a fight in which they need to keep their ball intact (or intact), but at the same time burst all others'. The last one left with the whole ball wins. Fun, movement and adrenaline are guaranteed for everyone!

Relay race

This is a competition similar to a relay race: you need to run a certain distance at speed. But you need to run it like this: two players stand back to back, and also hold hands. In such a pair they must run the way there, as well as back. It is forbidden to lift and carry the second partner on your back or fall - in such cases the contestants are eliminated.

Feed an apple

We select several couples from the audience. We blindfold them all and put them opposite each other. Each person is given an apple (make sure they are more or less equal in size). The task is to feed the person standing opposite as quickly as possible.

Remove the hat

A minimum of two and a maximum of two teams of several people can participate in this competition. You need to draw a circle on the ground. We put a hat on the participants’ heads, and left hand tied to the body. The task: to take off the second player’s hat and not let him take off his own, and all this within the boundaries of a circle, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot go. For a team, each hat taken off is a point; for a single case, the winner is the one who keeps his headdress.

Look and remember

Prepare a tray on which you place various objects: a pencil, a screwdriver, a watch - whatever comes to mind. Items can be either removed or returned to their place during the competition. A blindfolded person must guess everything that is on the tray.

Cut out letters

The selected people are divided into two teams, which are given: rope, pencils, pins, scissors and several sheets of paper. The presenter gives a signal and two from each team must pull the rope, and the rest need to cut out letters from paper and attach them to the rope so that they get an interesting and beautiful phrase at least two words. The winners are either those who did it first, or those whose phrase turned out to be original.


Students’ awareness of the need for goal setting, taking into account their needs and motives.
- teach step by step method achieving the goal.
- formation of an attitude towards self-analysis.

Methodological equipment: slides, tokens, forms “past successes”, “resources of achievements”, “progress achieved”, “ladder of achievements”, melodies.

One is wide, but unlit. On it every now and then there are cobblestones of fear and despair, and sometimes the road is blocked by rubble of envy and bitterness. There are a lot of pedestrians on it, but you constantly stumble over the stones of alienation and loneliness, because only deaf and dumb people walk nearby. Breaking through the thicket of grievances and guilt, you wearily push the weaker one out of the way. But in the end, this road will exhaust and destroy you.

(Musical accompaniment Melody No. 2 Figure 2)

The second road is long, but bright, with lanterns of faith and confidence burning on it. Passers-by have keen hearing because they hear not only what you say, but also what you feel. On the sides there are beautifully trimmed lawns of mutual support and revenue, and in the flower beds flowers of love, trust and forgiveness burn brightly, trees of mutual understanding and peace of mind. Perhaps this road will also tire you, but it will not destroy you.

The first road is the path of unconstructive, destructive communication. The second road is the path of constructive, creative communication. Everyone who is overcome by fear of life strives for the painful first road. Such people have problems with communication. There is only one way to rid people of fear and lead them onto a different path: to give them the opportunity to feel smart, good, kind, loved and interesting.

Exercise: Which picture is closer to you? Sometimes a person rushes about, but isn’t there a middle ground? (black and white stripe). You will place your tokens under the picture that is closest to you at the moment.

Today we have gathered to think about how to live in order to be successful.
Answer the question honestly: (Appendix No. 1 Slide No. 3)

1.Why do we live, what is our purpose?
2.Why do you go to school? What are you taught at school for?
3.What do you want to achieve in life? What are you striving for now? (answers)

There is a contradiction in your answers. It lies in the fact that the main activities at school educational, and the interests of your age lie in the fact that you are now striving for self-affirmation, personal contacts, and the search for personal meaning. What should I do?

1. Understand that adulthood is unthinkable without acquiring knowledge. This is the personal meaning of the teaching.
2. At your age there are opportunities for formation and self-improvement. Today we will work on concepts (Appendix No. 1 Slide No. 4)

Past successes
Achievement Resources
Progress achieved
Personal social support

Stage I .

What is a goal? This is what allows us in life to become not losers, but winners, teaches us to use our best qualities your personality to achieve something. If a person moves confidently, step by step towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him.

Exercise: the target can be near or far. Now formulate your goal, determine for yourself what you want to achieve.


Stage II . "Motivation". (Appendix No. 5)

Motives are a set of factors that encourage a person to act; These are the reasons that force you to do something.

As M. Gorky said: (Appendix No. 1 Slide No. 5)
“You must always live in love with something inaccessible to you.
A person becomes taller by stretching upward.”

Exercise: filling out table No. 2

D. Carnegie’s advice “How to succeed”, this is what you need to change in yourself, how to help yourself: (Appendix No. 1 Slide No. 6)

1. Develop willpower.

Success comes to those who strive for it. Don't wait for someone to open you - discover yourself. Tell yourself: I want, I can, I will do. Success prefers to be strongly desired and achieved with maximum effort.

2. Follow your goal.

Every success starts with an idea. Formulate it clearly for yourself, without giving in only to vague dreams. Write down when and what you want to achieve. Focus on this goal by noting intermediate results. If there is a hitch in the movement, determine what the reason is. Try again, but don't lose your main goal.

3. Make an action plan

Schedule in the evening what things need to be done tomorrow. As for long-term matters, you should also write them down if you need to prepare for them.

4. Evaluate yourself objectively.

Describe yourself by answering the following questions:
Am I demonstrating enough of my beneficial qualities?
Do others know about them?
You need to think about your weaknesses and take them into account. Anyone who lies to himself will never achieve success.

5. Keep track of your time.

Determine what time of day you are most productive and creative. These best watch don't waste it. Perform routine tasks only when you still become lethargic and tired. Analyze what you usually spend your time on, try not to waste it aimlessly.

6. Get things done with urgency..

Don’t put off unpleasant things indefinitely, try to get rid of them as quickly as possible, otherwise they will weigh on you. Start immediately doing what seems useful to you.

It is common knowledge that the quality of life does not improve due to dark thoughts, constant worries and pessimism.

8. Listen to others.

Learn what others know. Listen to others before you speak. Never interrupt someone who is speaking.

9. Trust your feelings.

The mind is not everything. Listen to your inner voice, express everything that at first seems incredible.

Stage III . "Past Successes"

Each of you already has some past experience behind you, past successes are your personal strength! It needs to be used! (Appendix No. 2)
(eg: graduated from elementary school without a “3”). Let's remember them. "Resources of Achievement"

This is what you are better at doing, your interests, inclinations. What gives you a feeling of joy, self-confidence, what inspires and fills you with energy (sports, hobbies, music, books, stubbornness, willpower.)

Stage IV. "Ladder of Achievement"

We all strive for success, we want to be successful, but we don’t always succeed. I will now reveal to you very important secret: Our thoughts determine the characteristics of our personality. What we think determines our destiny. Therefore, we must organize our thoughts and make the right suggestions to ourselves.
Let’s direct our thoughts to our future and try to write what successes you can achieve at certain intervals.

And make a note on the same drawing, how will you prove to others that you have made progress?
(Appendix No. 3)

V stage. "Social support"

And now we will arrange a holiday for ourselves. Imagine that you have already achieved everything we wrote about today. And we have a holiday called “Success Day” (close your eyes, dream). Describe your ideal day. It can be a drawing, or you can write in words, what do you feel? Who's Near You? Where are you? (in the forest, on the lake, in the office, in the apartment; what things surround you: a piano, a computer, a cup of coffee...)

Relaxation:“Love all your “I”s” (Appendix No. 4)

I wish you could go back to when you were a baby. Take a closer look at yourself. Smile at the baby and, opening your arms towards him, say: “I am your future, and I came to love you.” Hug him and take him with you into the present time. Now both stand in front of the mirror so that you can look at each other with love.”
Step back in time to when you first learned to walk. You got up and fell and got up and fell again. And suddenly - you took the first step, then another and another. We were so proud of ourselves, Love the baby.

You are future first graders! You didn't want to leave your mother. You bravely crossed the threshold, and the new stage of your life. You always did your best in every situation in life. Love the baby!
Now you are 10 years old. Do you remember what happened at that time? It was probably wonderful, but maybe you were afraid? You did everything you could to survive. Love this child.

Now go back to when you were a teenager. Perhaps it was deliciously exciting because you had finally grown up. And perhaps it brought you a lot of excitement of a different kind: your peers taught you what you can do and what you can’t do. You tried your best to cope with this difficult task. And you did it in the best possible way. Love the teenager!
Now my school days are behind me. You knew more than your parents. You were ready to start life the way you wanted. You were brave and scared at the same time. Love yourself in your youth!

Now think back to your first day of work. How proud you were of your first salary! You wanted to do everything well. There was so much to learn. You did everything you could for this. Love yourself at that time.
Think about another milestone in your life. About marriage or marriage. About yours own child. About the new house. It must have been a wonderful experience?! You dealt with them. Love yourself for it.

Now “put” all your many “I”s in front of you. Stand in front of the mirror so that you can look at each of them, look with love. And here is another “I” of yours. It comes to meet you from the future, extending its arms and saying: “I am here to love you.” Let it be so!.

5. Lesson reflection:

What did today's activity make you think about? Have you tried to look deeper within yourself?
- maybe someone understood the truths of these roads and changed their attitude towards them?
- what do you remember most?

As a token of gratitude for pleasant conversations Let's all stand in a common circle, hold hands and all say together: “I will be successful!”