Igor Malashenko condition. Biography. Consultant for Yeltsin's presidential campaign became Sobchak's chief of staff

Mega-Cherkizon: God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev received a super-project with state funding for almost 40 years

2 years ago, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the list of candidates for the board of directors of the All-Russian Exhibition Center OJSC. As Kommersant reports, ex-governor of the Kaliningrad region Georgy Boos and businessman God Nisanov entered. Nisanov is known primarily as the co-owner of the scandalously closed Cherkizovsky market in Moscow, although he owns and co-owns the most tidbits of Moscow real estate. Nisanov promised that, together with his partner Zarakh Iliev (another former co-owner of Cherkizon), he would invest $1.5 billion in the reconstruction of the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Rogues Zarakh Iliev and God Nisanov

“By its order, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the list of candidates for the board of directors of the All-Russian Exhibition Center,” writes Kommersant. - The state, which owns 70% of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (30% belongs to the Moscow City Hall), proposes ex-governor of the Kaliningrad region Georgy Boos and co-owner of Kyiv Ploshchad CJSC God Nisanov to the board of directors. Another new candidate, Alexey Mikushko, who became general director of the All-Russian Exhibition Center a month ago. Prior to this, Alexey Mikushko headed the Ukraine Hotel, which belongs to Mr. Nisanov and his partner Zarakh Iliev. His candidacy was approved after it became known that businessmen would invest about $1.5 billion in the reconstruction of the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

The Encyclopedia of “Russian Israel” covers Nisanov’s biography:

“One of the wealthiest representatives of the Mountain Jewish community ($1.1 billion). In 2011, he took 90th position in the ranking Russian billionaires Forbes magazine. Conducts business in Moscow, mainly in the areas of hotel real estate and market trade. Donates funds to the needs of the Chabad movement. Has relatives in Israel.

Born on April 24, 1972 in the village of Kuba (Krasnaya Sloboda, Azerbaijan) in the family of a cannery director. He studied to become an economist and lawyer.

According to Forbes magazine, by the age of 20 he opened several stores in Cuba.

According to the Kommersant publication, in 1990 he moved to Russia (according to Forbes version- in 1992). Worked in Telman Ismailov's AST group of companies.

In 1992 he began helping with wholesale trade to his fellow countryman Zarakh Iliev, with whom he lived in the same yard in Kuba and had known him since childhood. According to Forbes, their joint business began with renting out space in Moscow clothing markets. Since then, the partners have equal shares in all projects.

In 2000-2005 worked at the diamond processing company Diamond cutters, whose office is currently located in the Electronic Paradise shopping center owned by G. Nisanov.

In 2001, together with Z. Iliev, he opened the Moscow trade and fair complex in Lyublino in the south of Moscow.

In 2002, he was one of the founders of the Kyiv Ploshchad company, which was created for the purpose of reconstructing the square of the Kievsky Station (one of the partners of G. Nisanov and Z. Iliev was the sculptor Z. Tsereteli). In 2003, the Moscow City Hall concluded an investment contract with Kievskaya Square for the construction of a “business and commercial center” with an area of ​​72 thousand square meters. m. At the same time, the “Ploshchad Evropy” company was created, into whose ownership it was planned to transfer 100% of the area of ​​the new complex. The shareholders of this company were the Moscow Property Department (30%) and Kyiv Ploshchad (70%). The project for the development of the Kievsky Station area was completed in 2006. The Evropeisky shopping and entertainment center was opened on the site of the station park. As a result, its total area was about 180 thousand square meters. m, and rented - 63 thousand sq. m. m. After the resignation of Yu. Luzhkov, the new mayor S. Sobyanin included the European Center in the medium-term program for the privatization of city property for 2011-2013. In July 2011, the Moscow government discovered that it could not sell its 30% stake in the Europe Square company, because the city now owns not 30% of the area of ​​the European center, but only a tenth of it.

The Tats are the actual owners of the capital

In November 2003, he was one of the founders of the Trade Investments company (retail trade, restaurants, cafes). One of the partners was the former chairman of the Azerbaijan Union of Lawyers, Ilham Rahimov, a classmate and judo training partner of Vladimir Putin (for many years, I. Rahimov rented an office in the premises of the Venice restaurant, owned by G. Nisanov and Z. Iliev).

In 2005, the Biscuit company, owned by G. Nisanov and Z. Iliev, purchased the Ukraina Hotel for $275 million at an auction by the Moscow government. After that, deputy mayor I. Ordzhonikidze said that he did not know a company with that name, but the prefect of the Western District of the capital, Yu. Alpatov, said that “Biscuit” owned several large objects on his territory (“Interlocutor”, 02/05/2007). In 2006, law enforcement agencies began checking the auction for the sale of the Ukraina Hotel - there were suspicions of prior collusion, but nothing could be proven. In 2010, after a three-year reconstruction, the hotel opened under the Radisson Royal Hotel Moscow brand.

In 2007, he ran for the State Duma from the LDPR, but was excluded from the election lists due to lack of Russian citizenship, although A. Kobrinsky, a member of the Central Election Commission from the LDPR, reported that G. Nisanov was allegedly issued a Russian passport three times: at the Lyublino police station in December 2002 city, Municipal Department of Internal Affairs No. 660 in April 2003 and the Federal Reserve Service Directorate for Moscow in August 2007.

In 2008, together with Z. Iliev, he acquired the Hotel-Invest company, which owns 50% of the Slavyanskaya company, becoming a co-owner of the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya hotel. After the purchase, it became known that the deal could be challenged by the Moscow government, because it was also a shareholder of the Slavyanskaya company, but it was not offered the pre-emptive right to buy out the share. As a result, G. Nisanov and Yu. Luzhkov managed to come to an agreement.

In 2009, Moscow authorities closed the Cherkizovsky market. According to NewsRu.com, he was a co-owner of the market (in partnership with Z. Iliev and T. Ismailov). But I only benefited from its closure, because... a significant part of the entrepreneurs from Cherkizon moved to the Sadovod market controlled by G. Nisanov and Z. Iliev and to the Moscow shopping center (where the rent was higher than at the Cherkizovsky market).

According to Forbes, in 2009, the revenue of the Kyiv Ploshchad holding (manages the retail real estate of G. Nisanov and Z. Iliev, G. Nisanov is the Chairman of the Board of Directors) exceeded $490 million; in 2010 amounted to $520 million. In the management of the holding, G. Nisanov is responsible for interaction with authorities, in particular, using connections in V. Putin’s circle and in the Moscow mayor’s office.

In February 2011, together with Z. Iliev, he bought the Soyuz Hotel in the Vorobyovy Gory area from the Ministry of Defense. According to Kommersant, the partners are ready to invest about $300 million in the reconstruction of this hotel, as well as the construction of another one near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station.

Personal wealth: 2009 - $500 million; 2010 - $720 million; 2011 - $1.1 billion (90th place in the ranking of Russian billionaires according to Forbes).

He has relatives in Israel and periodically visits the country. In July 2011, he became the guest of honor of the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS L. Leviev at the conference of envoys of the Chabad movement. At the table for guests of honor, G. Nisanov was seated next to L. Leviev and B. Netanyahu. According to sources in the Chabad movement, he donated a large sum on his activities.

According to Forbes, he speaks six languages, including Arabic, Turkish, and Farsi. Married, has three children."

Lobbying.Ru reports that “in 2009, Nisanov and Iliev decided to get into the cruise business by purchasing five icebreaking yachts. They also created the cruise company Radisson Royal Moscow. In 2010, Nisanov and Iliev announced their intentions to build three hotels in Moscow - on Vernadskogo Avenue, Kutuzovskoye and Leningradskoye Shosse.”

Forbes.Ru wrote about Zarakh Iliev in February 2006 in the article “Is Zarakh Iliev an independent player or a successful money manager of the Moscow diaspora of Mountain Jews?” the following: “We are located in the village of Krasnaya Sloboda, 150 km northwest of Baku, near the border with Russian Dagestan. This is the largest compact settlement of Tats, Mountain Jews, in the CIS. The ancestors of the founders of the community were expelled from Spain in 1492, found temporary refuge in Persia, and in the middle of the 18th century, at the invitation of Hussein Ali Khan, they moved here to the Kuban Khanate.

The main occupation of local residents has always been trade and crafts. We lived well. Over there, on the other side of the river, is the Azerbaijani town of Kuba, even in the center there is devastation, chickens are nibbling the grass near the collapsed fences. And in Krasnaya Sloboda there are wide asphalt roads, behind wrought iron fences there are two-story mansions with columns. True, many “residences” are empty. Of the 11 synagogues that end of the 19th century centuries, built by local merchants, only one works. The Tat families dispersed in all directions - some to Israel, some to America. Recently, more and more people are traveling to Moscow. 3,000–3,500 people live permanently in the village; the community in Moscow is five times larger.

It was in Krasnaya Sloboda that Zarakh Iliev was born 40 years ago. His father Binsion was working as a shoemaker at the time. All five of his sons - Lazar, David, Yaruhom, Zarakh and Savely - knew how to handle leather from childhood. But it was Zarakh who was the first to show his talent as an entrepreneur. While still at school, he and a friend sewed “aerodrome” caps, which sold in great demand at the collective farm market in Cuba, populated by Azerbaijanis. “Everyone in Krasnaya Sloboda has loved Zarakha since childhood; he is very energetic and talented. “He doesn’t have a head - he has a computer,” he says in a teahouse in Krasnaya Sloboda local Savi Abramovich (everyone addresses this gray-haired, respectable man by his first name and patronymic, but he does not give his last name).

At the age of 17, Zarakh left for Moscow, where his two uncles and cousin. In the Russian capital, a native of Krasnaya Sloboda eventually became the owner of real estate, generating about half a billion dollars in rental payments per year. Iliev does not share the secrets of his success; he refused to give an interview to Forbes magazine.

They say that at first the young man supplied cognac to a store on Lubyanka, which was run by his relative. In the early 1990s, Iliev bought several retail outlets-containers at the Izmailovsky market in Moscow. This scheme still operates in the capital's markets today. “Buying a container” (for an amount from $5,000 to $45,000) means purchasing from the person who controls the market the right to rent a specific retail outlet. Then you pay this person official rental payments - $1400–3300 per square meter per year. And he himself has the right to decide whether to trade independently or sublease containers. Entrepreneurs who come to the capital for a couple of days with a consignment of goods are ready to pay dearly for space.

Iliev quickly gained the trust of his fellow countrymen. He was tasked with solving the problem of storing goods coming from Azerbaijan. The warehouse was completed, Iliev proved that he could spend money wisely. Representatives of the diaspora subsequently provided Iliev with large loans more than once and directly participated in his projects. “It is his name that is associated with success,” explains Savi Abramovich, “but, of course, he has partners.”

Registered in 1993, “Firm Iliev” manages part (15 hectares) of the flea market known as the Cherkizovsky market. Near the Ilievsk territory are the “Old AST” and “New AST” zones of another Mountain Jew, Telman Ismailov. The general director of the Iliev Firm and the head of the trading kingdom is a famous athlete, coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team Omar Murtuzaliev. Eight languages ​​are spoken at the Cherkizovsky market, and administration announcements are broadcast in four.

However, Zarakh Iliev took part in the Moscow program for transferring trade under the roof. In the summer of 2000, the Ilion-Trade company acquired a 57.7% stake in JSC ORTC Moscow, a project for the construction of a shopping complex based on a branch of the Moscow Bearing Plant in Lyublino. The second owner of the project is the Moscow government. “It was my idea,” says Vladimir Malyshkov. - There was a workshop with an area of ​​100,000 square meters. meters, they completed the second floor, it turned out to be 200,000 meters. There is nothing like this in Europe!”

They say that in the corridors of Moscow they still often see a short, fit man surrounded by bodyguards. This is Zarakh Iliev walking around the property - a complex of 5,000 pavilions, receiving up to 70,000 buyers a day, requires constant attention. In general, the management of “Moscow” is carried out by the company “Safra Instruments”, created in December 2000.

The company is now owned by Binston Investments Limited, a Belize-registered company. At least until the end of 2003, it was through Safra that investments came for Iliev’s new projects: the company’s documents record facts of additional issues of shares, which were distributed by closed subscription between individuals(Alyosha Yakubov, Edin Khananiev, Don Mirov, Benyagu Shalmiev, Istakhar Ilkhananov, etc.). "Safra", for example, owns large shopping centers "Electronic Paradise" on "Prazhskaya" and "Panorama" located near metro stations.

A little later, Iliev and partners acquired the Grand furniture center. The new owner changed the concept of Grand in accordance with his principle: more good and different goods. Previously, Grand sold only furniture, but now it also houses the Electroplaza hypermarket of the Eldorado company and a huge carpet store Art de Vivre. “Iliev is a very businesslike person. Unlike other shopping centers where we have stores, in Grand we were guaranteed that there would be no other tenants with carpets, this allowed us to open a hypermarket of 2000 sq. m. meters,” says Mikhail Volodin, head of the marketing department of the carpet company Art de Vivre.

The operational management of “Grand” is carried out by another representative of the diaspora, God Nisanov (“This is my nephew,” smiles the already mentioned Savi Abramovich, hearing the name of the entrepreneur.) It was Nisanov, on behalf of Biscuit LLC, who acquired Biscuit from the Moscow government in November last year for $275 million hotel-monument "Ukraine". Grandiose plans for the reconstruction of the hotel have already been announced, including the construction of a bridge across the Moscow River to the Moscow City district and the creation of a pedestrian zone to the Evropeisky shopping center on the Kievsky Station Square. The construction of this shopping complex is being carried out by the Kyiv Ploshchad company, 88% of whose shares are controlled by the above-mentioned Binston Investments. Building with total area 180‑000 sq. meters (seven floors, restaurants, a fitness club, cinemas and hundreds of small retail outlets) are planned to be put into operation at the end of 2006.

Finally, God Nisanov runs the City of Miracles company, created by Zarakh Iliev and Zurab Tsereteli in February 2005. It is possible that it is the “City of Miracles” that will take up the project for the development of Nizhny Mnevniki - in this area in the west of the capital, ten years ago, Tsereteli received 316 hectares for the construction of a “Russian Disneyland”.

As we can see, Iliev and his partners will have plenty to do in the coming years. It is also worth mentioning that Iliev's influence extended beyond the Moscow real estate market. Two months ago, the Arbat Food Plant company, registered by Iliev back in 1992, acquired a 28.9% stake in Interprombank. The clients of this bank are FSUE Rosoboronexport, Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, Sukhoi Holding, and Kristall Vodka Factory. Co-owner of Interprombank Rakhamim Emanuilov is one of the most respected representatives of the Mountain Jewish diaspora in Moscow.

They say that Zarakh is helping his brother Yarukh (who is a co-owner of the enterprise) in this project. “This is Iliev’s shortcoming as a businessman,” says one of the entrepreneur’s Moscow partners. “He’s dragging a bunch of relatives along with him.”

However, from all projects Iliev derives some benefit for himself personally. The same "Gen-Deri" brought him support in fact high level. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, speaking at the opening of the enterprise, spoke unambiguously: “The people running this factory can achieve success in other industries. They need to be supported at all levels,” wrote Forbes.Ru.

Zarakh Iliev is an entrepreneur, businessman, billionaire. Former co-owner of the Cherkizovsky market, chairman of the board of directors of Hotel Ukraine OJSC, co-owner of the Kyiv Ploshchad group. He is the leader of the Moscow community of Mountain Jews. In the ranking Russian version According to the results of 2015, Forbes magazine “Russia’s Richest Businessmen” ranks 24th with a fortune of $4.3 billion.

Biography of Zarakh Iliev

Zarakh Binsionovich Iliev was born on September 8, 1966 in the village of Krasnaya Sloboda, Azerbaijan. His family belongs to the Mountain Jewish community. And Krasnaya Sloboda at that time was one of the large settlements of Mountain Jews. Zarakh was born into the family of a shoemaker. Therefore, from early childhood, the father taught Zarakh and his 4 brothers to work and become a shoemaker. The future billionaire was excellent at sewing the famous “aerodrome caps” that were sold on the market. With friends, he even opened a cooperative for sewing such caps.

At the age of 17, Zarakh Iliev left for Moscow, where his cousin and uncles lived and did business. At first he began working as a flower seller in Cheryomushki. By the way, now this place is occupied by the Panorama shopping center, which belongs to a businessman. Then I decided to start supplying cognac to one of the stores on Lubyanka. However, he soon bought several trading containers and began renting them out to entrepreneurs at the Izmailovsky market.

In 1993, he registered his own company, Iliev, which managed about 15 hectares of the Cherkizovsky market.

A few years later, Iliev acquired more than 50% of the shares in JSC Wholesale and Retail Trade Center Moscow. This Joint-Stock Company owned premises at the former Moscow Ball Bearing Plant, which was later remodeled and converted into the Moscow trade fair center. The second owner of this center is the Moscow government.

Business development and major transactions

In December 2000, the entrepreneur created the Safra Instruments company. Until the end of 2003, many investments came through this company for the development of new projects of Zarakh Iliev. The documents recorded facts of additional issues of shares. In 2002, the company bought the building of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Eleron, turning it into the largest car hypermarket in Europe, Moskva. It was here that a rotating structure appeared, on which seven sparkling cars were suspended on chains. The patent for this design is owned by Zarakh Iliev.

A little later, the Grand furniture center also appeared on the property, which was completely remodeled. And now they traded here not only furniture, but also other goods. Principle: more good and different goods. Thanks to a new concept of doing business, establishing trusting relationships with tenants and the ability to correctly build a business line, the billionaire’s business took off.

Two years later, together with partner Zurab Tsereteli, he created the City of Miracles company. The head of this company was God Nisanov. The company began building a “Russian Disneyland”.

And in 2005, the Genderi factory opened, which processes leather and sews leather products. This factory is run by his brother Yarukh. By the way, many consider a big drawback for businessmen to be his desire to help all his relatives and drag them into business.

In 2009, Iliev’s fortune included shares shopping centers"Electronic Paradise", the automobile hypermarket "Moscow", as well as the shopping center "Grand".

Today, Zarakh Iliev’s capital is 50% of the shares of the Kyiv Ploshchad group, which owns commercial and retail real estate in Moscow. In addition, the billionaire and his partners own the famous Radisson-Ukraine hotel. It is located in one of Stalin's high-rise buildings.

A well-known major deal was concluded in 2013. Zarakh Iliev and his business partner God Nisanov bought Lotus City. This is a large shopping complex on the territory of New Moscow.

And in 2015, a bus station opened, which was also built by the partners on the territory of their “Southern Gate” shopping complex.

Personal life, hobbies and interests

As you know, Zarakh Iliev has several patents. Thus, he patented a utility model of a rotating advertising structure with the letter “e”, which is installed at the entrance to the Evropeisky shopping center.

Married, two children.

He leads the community of Mountain Jews in Moscow, which consists of approximately 15 thousand people.

The billionaire calls fishing his main hobby.

Zakhar Iliev has come a hard way from a tailor from Azerbaijan to the owner of the Ukraine Hotel and a billionaire on the Forbes list, as well as the holder of a patent for a suspended demonstration stand for seven cars. Among the Mountain Jews in Moscow, it is his name that is associated with success; his partners trust him with projects, because he knows how to manage money, and his instincts have never failed the businessman. However, the businessman manages to derive personal benefit from each project. Isn't that the point? main secret success?

His family belonged to the Sephardi (Mountain Jews) diaspora.

Bension's father was a shoemaker and had five sons, whom he trained in the craft from childhood. Zarakh sewed headdresses - the famous “aerodrome caps”, which were sold at the market in the neighboring Azerbaijani city of Kuba.

At the age of 17 (in 1983), Zarakh left for Moscow, where his two uncles and cousin were doing business.

In 1993, he registered the Iliev company, which managed part (15 hectares) of the Moscow Cherkizovsky clothing market.

In 2000, Iliev’s company acquired a 57% stake in JSC Wholesale and Retail Trade Center Moscow, which owns premises at the former Moscow Ball Bearing Plant in the Lyublino district, which were subsequently converted into the Moscow trade and fair center with an area of ​​200,000 square meters. meters. The second owner of ORTC Moscow JSC is the Moscow Government.

In December 2000 he created the Safra Instrument company.

In 2005, together with Zurab Tsereteli, he created the City of Miracles company.

He is a co-owner of the Electronic Paradise shopping centers, the Grand furniture center, and the Moscow automobile hypermarket on Kashirskoye Shosse.


Iliev came to Moscow when he was 17 years old. At first, he supplied cognac to a store on Lubyanka, and in the early 90s he bought several container retail outlets on the Izmailovsky market - that is, according to the scheme operating in the capital's markets, he acquired the right to rent them.

In 1993, Iliev registered the Iliev Firm, which began to manage part of the Cherkizovsky market. Nearby were the management companies “Old AST” and “New AST” of his friend and partner Telman Ismailov. The famous athlete, coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team, Omar Murtuzaliev, became the general director of the Iliev Firm.

In the summer of 2000, Iliev’s company Ilion-Trade acquired a controlling stake in JSC ORTC Moscow, a project for the construction of a shopping complex in Lyublino. In December 2000, the Safra Instrument company was created to manage the Moscow shopping center. Until the end of 2003, investments for Iliev’s new projects passed through it. Additional issues were distributed by closed subscription among individuals. The same company owns large centers “Electronic Paradise” and “Panorama”.

In October 2002, Safra bought the building of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Eleron on Kashirskoye Shosse, which was subsequently turned into the largest automobile hypermarket in Europe, Moscow. To attract buyers, Iliev patented and implemented a rotating design of seven sparkling cars on chains.

“Cherkizovsky Market” was subject to demolition by decision of the authorities in 2003. It was decided to build offices, housing and shopping complexes here. But the implementation of the decision was kept being postponed, allegedly due to the inability to quickly resolve the issue with numerous tenants.

In 2004, the Arbat Food Plant company, registered by Iliev back in 1992, acquired part of the shares of Interprombank.

In 2004, the Grand furniture center found new owners. At first, the names were not disclosed, it was only said that this was one of the owners of the Cherkizovsky market, as well as the owner of the Moscow shopping center. However, everyone said that the center was acquired by Iliev. The telephone number at Iliev’s reception was answered by the same secretary as at the Grand.

Source: Vedomosti, 10/18/2004

Iliev changed the concept of the Grand: now it sold not only furniture, but also housed the Electroplaza hypermarket of the Eldorado company and a huge carpet store Art de Vivre.

Together with Iliev, “Grand” was managed by another member of the highlander diaspora - God Nisanov.

In February 2005, Iliev, together with Zurab Tsereteli, created the City of Miracles company, with Nisanov becoming its director. The company took up the project for the development of Nizhny Mnevniki, where Tsereteli received land for the construction of a “Russian Disneyland”.

In May 2005, the Genderi factory for leather processing and sewing leather products was opened on the territory of the Baku Leather Products Factory. In this project, Iliev helped his brother Yarukhy, co-owner of the enterprise. The fact that Iliev does business with relatives, or rather, drags them along with him, was considered by some to be his shortcoming.

In November 2005, Nisanov acquired the monument hotel “Ukraine” from the Moscow government on behalf of Biscuit LLC.

Source: "Russian Forbes" from 02.2006

In the summer of 2006, an explosion occurred at the Cherkizovsky market, killing 10 people and injuring 55. An explosive device went off in the shopping arcade of the Eurasia market. The main version was put forward of “commercial rivalry” between diasporas operating in Moscow markets. The Iliev company had no official connection with this site.

Source: "Vedomosti" from 08/22/2006

In June 2006, Deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol, together with State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein and Moscow City Duma deputy Sergei Mitrokhin, tried to get to the construction site of the Evropeisky shopping center on the square of the Kievsky railway station, the project of which was implemented by Iliev, but they were not allowed in by private security company employees. Khinshtein's hand was pinched by the gate, and concrete dust was poured onto the others. Khinshtein and Mitvol considered the construction illegal, it was assumed that it could lead to the collapse of the metro and pollution environment. They came to the construction site with an order from Romprirodnadzor to check. Mitvol also believed that the head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate, Vladimir Pronin, is personally interested in the construction, since his son is a co-owner of Kyiv Ploshchad CJSC, which is building the Evropeisky shopping center. There was a big scandal in the media, which caused a lot of noise, associated with the use of violence against Mitvol and the deputies, but it soon subsided.

Source: "Company" from 07/14/2006

Soon, the prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against the security guards of the Evropeisky shopping center and the private security company Lonvik, who did not allow Mitvol to enter the construction site.

Source: "Gazeta.Ru" dated July 17, 2006

The case ended in favor of the developers; in October 2006, the Kyiv Ploshchad company won against the environmental prosecutor's office.

Source: solomin, 11/17/2006

Prior to this, a comprehensive examination of the construction project was carried out, according to the results of which it complied with all the necessary standards. Most likely, this happened due to the fact that during the vacation, Iliev and Nisanov were able to organize a coalition with other ill-wishers of Mitvol. Even Khinshtein changed his position. He stated that he was pleased with the results of the examinations.

Thanks to Iliev and Nisanov, who took up arms against Mitvol, scandalous details of his raids on dachas appeared in the media famous people in the Moscow region, as well as for the Sakhalin-2 company. An internal audit of Mitvol and a campaign to remove him from office began.

, Krasnaya Sloboda, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR) - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Europe Square OJSC, former co-owner of the Cherkizovsky Market. The leader of the Moscow community of Mountain Jews, numbering about 15,000 people.


In 2000, Iliev’s company acquired a 57% stake in JSC Wholesale and Retail Trade Center Moscow, which owns premises at the former Moscow Ball Bearing Plant in the Lyublino district, which were subsequently converted into the Moscow trade and fair center with an area of ​​200,000 square meters. meters. The second owner of ORTC Moscow JSC is the Moscow Government.

In December 2000, he created the company Safra Instruments. As of 2009, it is owned by Binston Investments Limited, a Belize-registered company. Until the end of 2003, according to Forbes magazine, investments for Iliev’s new projects came through Safra: the company’s documents record facts of additional issues of shares, which were distributed by closed subscription among individuals (Alyosha Yakubov, Edin Khananiev, Don Mirov, Benyagu Shalmiev , Istakhar Ilkhananov, etc.)

In 2005, together with Zurab Tsereteli, he created the City of Miracles company.

As of 2009, together with partners in the Moscow community of Mountain Jews, he is a co-owner of the Electronic Paradise shopping centers, the Grand furniture center, and the Moscow automobile hypermarket on Kashirskoye Shosse

Award of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia "Fiddler on the Roof" - 2015.