Design ideas and layout of a site on a slope. Multi-level plot landscape design Landscaping of an individual plot on two levels

Suburban plots located on slopes differ from land plots located on plains. Due to the characteristics of the soil and changes in relief, owners have to face the need to carry out additional work. In most cases, to solve existing problems, it is necessary to resort to the installation of retaining walls, terracing and the construction of special structures that help strengthen the soil layer.

Land on a slope - what can be done

A detailed study of many nuances and a thoughtful approach allow you to get the output original solutions. Defects that are incorrigible at first glance turn into a highlight, as a result of which a summer cottage site located on a slope acquires attractive advantages that arouse the admiration of neighbors.

To ensure that the efforts expended are not wasted, before starting work it is advisable to study the area from the point of view of its further planning. Particular attention should be paid to functionality.

The buildings built into the slope look very original. Such tactics expand the circle architectural solutions through the implementation of additional exits to the adjacent territory from different levels.

At the planning stage, it is advisable to decide on the locations:

Preliminary marking of areas for:

  • flower beds;
  • gazebos;
  • canopy;
  • recreation areas.

The slope can also be used to arrange a cellar.

In the photo - making retaining walls

A careful study of level differences and protrusions can prompt a non-standard solution in the field of landscape design.

Some corners seem to be created by nature for:

  • waterfalls;
  • streams;
  • light openwork.

Rocky areas are ideal for creating rock gardens that recreate a mountain landscape.

Coping with steep slopes

The predominant part of summer cottages is used for planting trees, ornamental and agricultural plants.

Realization of the set goals is impossible without reducing the steepness of the slope.

  1. To solve this problem, they most often resort to this simple method transformation of the relief, such as terracing.
  2. When developing a terrace plan, it is important to work out how to connect individual areas.
  3. Level paths or stairs can be used as the latter.
  4. Climbing up and down steep steps can cause fatigue. As a result, it is highly desirable that the height difference between elements does not exceed 10 cm.
  5. Staircases designed for heavy loads should be wide.

Advice: during construction, give preference monolithic structures, erected using the formwork method from a concrete mixture.

  1. Decoration with stones and tiles begins after the main work is completed.

Tip: For the construction of small stairs, use wood and natural stones, fixed with cement mortar or dry-laid.

The transformation of the landscape begins after drawing up a site plan. A sketch created on the ground will also come in handy. Steeper slopes require more terraces.

Advice: when arranging the latter, you should not forget about the level of difference. The value of this indicator should tend to a minimum.

Support structures

To enhance the stability of the terraces being built, supporting walls are used, the main function of which is to hold the soil and redistribute the pressure it exerts. Let's look at different materials:

  1. The method uses round timber, the diameter of which ranges from 80-130 mm. Thin logs and poles are treated with a special water-repellent impregnation. With their help, small-height supporting walls are erected with your own hands.
  2. The option is based on attaching boards or timber to previously installed poles. The soil should be well compacted. In some cases it is necessary to build concrete base. The waterproofing layer can be polyethylene film or roofing felt laid on the supporting wall. Last step— filling of the upper level.
Stone In practicality supporting walls people were convinced of it from stone several centuries ago. The basis of the method, which does not require a solution, was the selection of stones of appropriate shapes and sizes. Implementation this method in practice, it requires creative thinking and perseverance. The price of work depends on the volume.
Concrete Individuals who are far from construction can resort to the pouring method monolithic concrete. The arrangement of supporting walls made of natural stone, fixed with mortar, also does not require special knowledge.
Blocks and bricks The instructions allow the construction of supporting walls from such materials. Before installation begins, work related to the creation of a monolithic foundation must be completed. Most often, a tape variety is used for these purposes, which attracts owners. high degree reliability. With its help, high terraces are built, which are characterized by large differences.

Excess moisture problem

Effective functioning of supporting walls is impossible without a drainage system. Successfully combats excess moisture drainage layer, for the construction of which sand and crushed stone are used.

They cope with the task:

  • drainage pipes laid towards the slope of the terraces (1 pipe is laid for every 2.5 m);
  • if required, drainage trays can be used.

Backfilling of the terrace is carried out in the following order:

  • the drainage layer is covered with an infertile layer of soil;
  • Vegetable soil follows on top.

Remember, the possibility of ground settlement cannot be ruled out. The occurrence of this complication is most likely during the first few days.

Advice: it is advisable to start work related to the improvement of the site after filling up the settled soil.


Summer cottages on a slope can be turned into interesting areas using the terrace method. You will not only add useful space to yourself, but also make your place original. You just need to strengthen the slope in advance with the help of supports.

The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.


beautiful landscaping garden retaining wall

Nature does not have bad reliefs; everything is harmonious and unique. It is believed that if you get a plot with a slope, then this is not good. But this is not a reason to be upset - it is a reason to think about how to turn his shortcomings into advantages. We will build a house at the top of the plot, decorate the middle with terraces, in the lowland under the slope - the best place for a small pond. Many owners of flat plots artificially create hills and valleys to embody exquisite design ideas. After all, uneven terrain is a huge field for creativity; the main thing is not to be afraid and roll up your sleeves.

Improvement of a sloping area will require serious both material and physical costs. But as a result, you will get a unique, stunningly beautiful and expressive landscape of the estate, suggested by nature itself.

First you need the direction of water flow, the composition of the soil, the orientation of the slope in relation to the cardinal points. The next stage will be planning the location for future buildings and recreation areas. It is better to entrust the design and all calculations for a site with particularly difficult terrain to specialists, and a slight slope will make it possible to do all the work yourself.

Specialists will help you evaluate the site from an engineering and architectural point of view and advise you on how to best adapt the uneven site to the desired operating conditions.

When planning a site on a slope, you should definitely take into account several characteristic features such a relief.

  • On slopes, the soil is highly susceptible to various natural and climatic influences (snow, rain, wind and others), which can cause erosion or sliding.
  • The microclimate will differ in different parts of the slope. The lower part is characterized by slightly more low temperature, accumulation of moisture, some stagnation of air masses. And the top of the slope is subject to strong exposure to the sun and winds, so the ground there quickly dries out.
  • The orientation of the slope relative to parts of the world should be taken into account. The southern slope will always be sunny and the plants will need additional watering, while the northern slope will be shady and humid.
  • When starting work on landscaping a “difficult” site, it is necessary to carefully consider the geoplasticity of the soil. Where it is possible to level the terrain as much as possible by removing part of the soil layer in one place and adding it in another. Sometimes it may be necessary to fill the area additionally. This is due to the draining and raising of wet lowland soils or the formation of planes.

How to fill the area or its parts depends on further application territory and assigned tasks. So, to strengthen the soil for construction, to level depressions, to form terraces (if there is a lack of own soil), you can use construction waste (broken brick and concrete) in the bottom layer, crushed stone or gravel for the middle layer. In damp, wet places with loved ones groundwater In addition to the materials listed, sand is also used. The dumped area or part of it must be covered with a layer of fertile soil on top (for landscaping, the soil layer should be thicker).

The first priority is to avoid soil displacement. You can leave the natural slope, leveling its topography and strengthening it. Another option is terracing the site on a slope. Most often these options are combined.

Slope strengthening

If the slope of the site is small, then to strengthen it you can use various plants with a highly branched root system. This dwarf species Scots spruce, mountain pine, creeping junipers, cross-paired microbiota, cypress, hornbeam, hazel, willow, euonymus, snowberry, hawthorn, serviceberry, barberry, Russian broom, golden currant, white dogwood, about which you can learn more. And fast-growing cornflowers, clover, bluegrass, fescue, buttercups, and daisies will not only help strengthen the sloping area, but will also create a beautiful Moorish lawn on it.

What to do with strong slopes? Use geotextiles, geogrids, geogrids, geomats. These materials are highly durable and resistant to sun rays and aggressive environment, have a long service life, do not cause harm environment. They are laid on the slope, then covered with soil. And plants planted on top will enhance the bonding effect of these materials.

A strongly sloping area should also be strengthened with terraces.


Reliable strengthening of the slope is the creation of horizontal “steps”-terraces along its entire surface. You shouldn’t make them long and straight; it’s much more beautiful and practical when they are different in shape and size. The advantage of terraces is that they provide a horizontal plane for arranging recreation areas, gazebos, and lawns. You can plant on the terraces fruit trees or plant garden beds. Each “step” of the tier should be designed differently, which will make the landscape design on the slope especially interesting.

You can arrange the terraces in any order, showing creative imagination. Their sizes will depend on the intended use. Each terrace is secured with a vertical retaining wall. The walls can be different in shape, but it is better to form them with ribbon-like curves that follow the natural relief. This will make the entire structure more durable and bring harmony to the overall landscape.

The technology and materials for the construction of retaining walls are selected depending on the height of the ledge and the overall landscape design of the uneven area.

If the height of the tiers is very small, up to 50 cm, then you can use simple stone masonry without a cement binder, and in the spaces between the stones the seeds of perennial herbaceous plants are placed, which, when germinating, strengthen and decorate the wall.

To create high retaining walls, as well as when placing construction projects on the terrace (house, outbuildings) use concreting, as well as foundation blocks and slabs. Refinement of such walls is carried out using various materials, matching the style.

Widely used in retaining walls is masonry made of natural stone or brick, bonded cement mortar.

Gabions are gaining popularity in landscape construction. These are mesh frames made of metal wire filled with natural stone. They are practical, easy to use, durable, and decorative. It is easy to create retaining walls of any configuration from them. Making such blocks is not very difficult. Sometimes stones are mixed with soil inside the mesh, and then seeds of ornamental plants are placed there. Any stone or even some other material can be used in gabions. In addition, they are easily integrated into almost any landscape design of a site with a slope.

The use of timber in strengthening retaining walls gives the site a certain flavor and looks very decorative. However, one should take into account the fragility of wood under various natural influences. Careful processing by special means protection will briefly extend the service life.

If the retaining walls are high and also built on loose, moving soil, then they must have good foundation. For low walls (up to 1 m), a crushed stone or gravel cushion (20-40 cm) at the base is sufficient.

A retaining wall made of any material should be covered with small crushed stone at the back and have a small pipe at the bottom to drain water.

Drainage systems for slopes

A dacha plot on a slope is most susceptible to soil erosion under the influence of heavy rains and spring floods. Water also has a destructive effect on retaining walls. During the rainy season, the bottom of the slope will be excessively wet and damp. Therefore, during the formation of terraces and the construction of retaining walls, it is worth taking care of drainage. This can be simple drainage, consisting of various water-permeable layers (broken brick, fine gravel, coarse sand and others) or a complex system using drainage plastic pipes and filtration holes. In parallel with the drainage, an irrigation system is also installed.

The drainage system can be closed or open. A closed one will save space, and an open one will become a decorative element. Water running down open decorative gutters can turn into a small waterfall on some ledge or form at the bottom of a slope decorative pond. More practical owners can arrange to collect water in special containers on their site, from which they can then carry out automatic watering.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the main thing is that the drainage system is made correctly, taking into account the features of the terrain and the direction of water flow.

Owners suburban areas They try to arrange the territory so that it is comfortable and beautiful. More and more beds...

Paths and steps

Landscape design a plot on a slope cannot do without paths and steps. They serve for convenient movement around the territory and combine the terraces into a harmonious composition.

The paths are built on a relatively flat surface. The paths, meandering in a variety of ways as a ribbon, will visually smooth out the steepness of the slope. And those twisted with serpentine, on the contrary, will emphasize the differences in heights.

For harmonious integration into the overall landscape, stairs can be curved or radius. Long flights of stairs should be interrupted by rest areas on which you can place a bench or decorative decoration. An interesting solution is when the staircase changes its direction from such a platform.

It is desirable that the paths and stairs be equal in width, and also made of the same or compatible materials. It can be stone, wood, concrete, tile.

When arranging stairs, the main thing is not to forget about safety. The steps should be non-slip, non-steep and fairly wide. If there is a strong slope, it is necessary to install handrails. Lighting is very important. Decorative lanterns and lighting must serve not only as a decoration of the landscape, but also to ensure the safety of movement.

Rules for landscaping on a site with a slope

Landscape design summer cottage on the slope has a number of features. The location of zones should be carried out taking into account each specific relief.

Most often, the house and outbuildings are located at the top of the slope. This is a more convenient option, since the entrance to the estate is nearby, and spring meltwater does not cause inconvenience. Tall trees are always planted at the top of the slope. The house, built at the bottom of the slope, is decorated using low-growing trees and various shrubs. In both options, it is important that the plants do not cover the building.

If you want to visually smooth out the difference in heights, then the most tall plants, and closer to the top - undersized.

The selection of plants will directly depend on the location of the slope relative to parts of the world.

Sun-loving, drought-resistant plants are suitable for the south. For example, maples, hawthorn, barberry, junipers, mountain pine, serviceberry, caragana shrubby, St. John's wort, spirea, lilac.

Various rocky gardens (rockeries, rock gardens, alpine slides) are perfectly located on the southern and southwestern slopes. They will be decorated with cute ground cover and low growing plants. For example, arabis, thyme, parsley, evening primrose, catnip, sedum, loosestrife, woolly stachys, grass, perennial phlox. Lush cushions of fescue, carnations and a beautiful ground cover rose will add charm. And the elm and pachysandra will cover the slope with a dense green carpet and strengthen it.

On the western slope, bulbous primroses, as well as irises, echinacea, mallow, and alyssum will be comfortably placed. The East is suitable for dicentra, astilbe, bergenia, and aquilegia.

The northern slope is the most problematic, it is shady, humid, and not very warm. In such a plot you can plant dwarf conifers, pea cypress, hazel, euonymus, snowberry, and fieldfare. In the spring, primrose, lungwort, and anemone will bloom, then astilbe, volzhanka, geranium, aconite, and Rogersia will pick up the baton. You can also select shade-tolerant ground cover plants, for example, periwinkle, saxifrage, duchesnea, and tenacious.

A small decorative pond is ideally placed in a low area. Merlin, astilbe, meadowsweet, miscanthus, hostas, marsh geranium, bathing geranium, brunnera, and various ferns will help to ennoble its banks.

On one of the upper terraces you can arrange a recreation area, it will be so pleasant to relax while admiring the panoramic view of the entire area. If you prefer privacy, then create a seating area downstairs so that on a hot summer day you can read an interesting book in peace and cool.

Terraces will give you the opportunity to show all your creative imagination. For landscaping, you can use various design directions. The most successful would be an alpine garden in the chalet style or a rustic landscape (natural) style.

We examined the basic principles of planning and design of an area with sloping terrain. Now you know how to make your “difficult” site with a slope comfortable, beautiful and original. Despite the rather labor-intensive process, the resulting result will more than repay all the difficulties. You will get much more than a banal rectangle of land.

Not all owners of suburban areas can boast of their correct and convenient shape. It often happens that the plot is quite narrow, but on it you want to create both a comfortably decorated yard and beautiful garden, and a gazebo with a barbecue would not be out of place. But there is no need to despair, even narrow and small areas can be arranged so that they appear wider and more voluminous, and are functionally in no way inferior to areas of the correct shape. And how to achieve such an effect, and what techniques will help us with this, we will now discuss.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

When arranging a narrow area, you need to take into account its specifics, and proper planning of changes will make it possible to correct all its shortcomings. When planning the design of a small and long plot, it is necessary to use its entire area, including even those zones and remote corners that seem non-functional. With this approach, it will be possible to arrange a long plot wisely, using every centimeter of the territory.

Unfortunately, when designing a long plot of land, owners often make the same type of mistakes.

For example, it is quite common when designing such a site to have tall trees along the fence, which only aggravates the appearance of the site, making it even longer and narrower.

To achieve the right effect and make the area of ​​the site visually wider, you need to plant tall trees at the end of it. And in the foreground place low-growing trees and shrubs.

In this way, you will adjust the shape of the site, giving it the appearance of a residential area, and not a walking alley (as in the photo). There is no need to try to maintain the visual integrity of a narrow site. From a sense of integrity, the disproportionate shapes of the site will attract attention even more.

  • It would be more correct to develop the design of the site in such a way that the territory is clearly divided into certain zones.
  • A variety of architectural forms will help you achieve this effect. For example, you can divide the site into zones and divide them among themselves with hedges, ornamental plants, pergolas or small gazebos.

Proper division of the site into zones will help to conditionally expand it and blur the real boundaries of the territory.

  • You need to start zoning a narrow area by dividing it into two large zones.
  • One of these zones can be sown with lawn grass, and the second can be covered, for example, with pebbles.
  • The division of the site into zones must be done in such a way that the rest of the territory is visible in perspective.
  • Zones should not be separated by blank walls.

What the zoning of such a site looks like, look at the photo:

When arranging the design of a long section, there is no need to use straight lines and strict shapes when designing, especially along it.

  • It is better to make the paths winding and winding, and when transitioning from one zone to another, tiles can be laid on them with different patterns or textures.
  • Give flower beds and flower beds rounded and irregular shapes. This will visually expand the area of ​​the yard and garden and give them the desired volume. See the photo below for an example.
  • It is advisable to make all zones on the site unusual in shape. A recreation area or pond will attract more attention if it is made in the shape of an irregular circle or oval.
  • It is advisable to use the same forms for other objects - paths, bushes and trees with a ball-shaped crown. This will serve as a counterbalance to the elongated shapes of the site.
  • The fence around the perimeter of a narrow territory cannot be made monotonous. It is better to make it multi-level and complement it with low or climbing plants. An example of such a fence in the photo:

Adding volume to an elongated yard will be helped by ridges and mixborders located on the sides of the transverse garden paths.
You can also expand the site with transverse lines, which can be borders, hedges and flower beds.
A narrow yard area will look wider if the paths of the zones are different.

Remember one fundamental point - all the lines in landscape design running along the site lengthen it even more, and the transverse design expands it and brings balance.

Techniques that bring distant areas closer

You can correct a narrow area using fairly simple techniques.

If you grow in the far corner of your plot tall tree, then on the other side, in a straight line from it, plant the same tree, but smaller. Two identical trees of different sizes, located in opposite corners, will visually shorten the length of the site.

A long area can be visually brought closer by placing a small gazebo surrounded by flowers in its far corner.

If it is not possible to build a gazebo, you can use an alpine slide, multi-tiered flower bed or fountains to achieve this effect.

The photo shows an example of this design:

On a long-shaped site, it is advisable to make at least three accents that will attract the eye and distract from the shape of the site.

Such accents can serve not only

  • flower beds and gazebos,
  • sculptures and secret gates.

If there is a need to build any utility rooms on the site, it is better to place them in the background.

All distant elements of the landscape of a narrow area should be bright and rich, and the foreground should be kept in cool and restrained colors.

The area of ​​the site will also be visually expanded by trees and shrubs that have bright and large yellow leaves and yellow-orange flowers (as in the photo).

Multi-level design of the site

The multi-level arrangement of elements on the territory of a narrow area is another way to properly design it. Different levels will create the effect of placing objects at different heights, which will visually expand and enlarge the area.

The creation of such levels - improvised terraces is not entirely easy process, in which you will need to invest both money and time, but the result will please you.

  • If the location of the main objects allows, then it is better to raise the central part of the territory or its distant part.
  • Raising the central part will visually limit the view of the rest of the area and thereby reduce its length.
  • Proper creation of levels, regardless of their location, will create the impression of independent terraces, thereby breaking the integrity of the site, leaving other areas out of sight.

The upper level can be used as a recreation area, rock garden or rock garden. And if you make a terrace on the farthest side of the plot, then visually the plot will not seem so long.
An example of multi-level design in the photo.

There is an opinion that the area with different levels heights are a drawback, but this is not at all true - the difference in garden heights is rather a highlight and allows you to turn the most incredible landscape design ideas into reality.

While creating landscape project all plants, buildings, paths, and recreation areas must certainly be linked into a single composition. Everything should be designed down to the smallest detail, since even the slightest defects will immediately catch your eye.

Soil strengthening

The choice of ideas for landscape design directly depends on the topography and condition of the site. For multi-level surfaces, professionals advise using geoplastic techniques, which involve developing a structure and arranging retaining walls that perform the functions of strengthening and redistributing soil.

Geoplastics allows you to divide a site into separate zones, design an observation deck, or plan the construction of additional relief zones.

To enhance the strength of the upper inclined layer of soil, an engineering technique such as geogrids is used - these are polymer strips fastened together in a checkerboard pattern, which create a cellular structure that ensures effective strengthening of the soil.

Layout features

Choice appearance multi-level garden depends entirely on your preferences.

Perhaps you want to equip a traditional garden with a spacious lawn and courtyard where children can play, or you want to maximize the beauty of nature and arrange a garden, for example, in a Japanese style.

Basically, when planning a garden, they try to combine business with pleasure, but the final result depends on your imagination and desires.

When creating a project for a summer cottage, you need to take into account certain objective restrictions.

Secondly, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • type and topography of the soil;
  • the location of the site and the presence of structures in it;
  • climate of the area.

For example, you want your living room windows to have a view of a beautiful decorative pond, but it is preferable to place it in the sunniest place, where it would be nice to have a place to relax. In this case, you will have to choose or combine.

In addition, from natural conditions The choice of plants depends. Many of their species can grow in sunny places, but not every flower or bush will survive in the shade.

When arranging a multi-level garden, give free rein to your imagination, the main thing is that there are contrasts in everything. In such a garden, landscape stairs, streams, waterfalls, terraces, and stone flower beds will look great. Garden designs located closer to the house, located at the very top of the site. Combine various buildings into complexes.

When planning a site, they use a rule called the “golden proportion”, namely, 3 parts of the area are equipped with flowers, bushes, 5 - paths, alpine slides, rottary, fountains, etc., 8 - lawns (3: 5: 8). With this layout, the garden will look harmonious.

In a private garden there must be some small detail that will become the highlight of the garden and will definitely immediately attract attention. Such a detail could be an elegant fountain, sundial or an exotic plant. To avoid this, the main thing is that this highlight fully corresponds to the style of the garden.

Terracing the site

Marking and preparation

When arranging a multi-level garden at the very beginning, it is important to determine how many terraces the sloping terrain can be divided into. If this small sizes slope, then 2-3 levels will be enough.

You should also calculate the length and height of the slope. To do this, you need to drive two poles at the top of the slope and at the bottom, between which horizontally, using a level, pull the rope. The distance from the rope to the stick located at the top of the slope will be equal to its height, and the length of the horizontal cord will be equal to the length of the slope. Depending on the length of the slope, the number of terraces is determined, and the total height of the slope gives an idea of ​​the height of each of the terraces.

After all the design work, markings are made on the site and the soil is removed in those areas where the first terrace will end and the next one will begin - the result is large earthen steps.

When terracing a site, horizontal platforms (terraces) are formed, reinforced with retaining walls. Using this method, you can also turn a flat area into a multi-level garden.

The boundaries of the terraces may not be rectilinear; it is more aesthetically pleasing in gardens in landscape style the curves look.

The terraces comfortably accommodate lawns, rockeries, ponds, fountains, vegetable gardens and fruitful plants.

Retaining walls

There are two types of retaining walls: solid and lightweight.

The first type is designed for heavy loads and is used as support for cut soil. Capital thickness retaining wall must be at least 25 cm. To increase performance qualities the wall should be built with a slight slope towards the slope, while drainage holes must be provided in the lower part to drain excess water.

To build a retaining wall, you must first organize a foundation. To do this, dig a trench about 40 centimeters deep, then fill it halfway with crushed stone or small stones, and reinforce it with cement mortar. The next step is laying the retaining wall stones. It is advisable to make it with a slight slope to strengthen the structure. The gaps between the stones must be filled with compost, consisting of sand and leaf humus.

Lightweight retaining walls serve mainly a decorative function; they can be used to build small raised flower beds. Such supports do not require a design, and they can be as thick as one brick.

Plants can be planted in the seams of the walls. Near brick or wooden walls you can place benches or equip them in the body of the retaining wall itself, if it has the appropriate dimensions.

Garden paths

Garden paths are the best option pay attention to something and direct your gaze correctly. Garden alleys with a clear border are immediately perceived as a compositional axis; low-growing plants such as spirea and boxwood are perfect for these purposes.



The water flows of such a fountain pass from bowl to bowl in a cascade. Selecting a pump is not at all difficult, you just need to take into account the expected pumped volumes of water and the height of the structure. The main task in building a fountain - stream - is to correctly organize the cascade, which consists of several bowls (mostly 3 or 4), each of which has its own foundation. The water jets of the waterfall descend into the reservoir in the form of a small lake. As finishing materials suitable for both natural and artificial stones. By grinding the surface, you can simulate the appearance of water flows (from thin streams to continuous small waves).

Fountain - source

Connoisseurs of natural beauty will appreciate a fountain in the form of a spring.

Here you can use a variety of sculptures that serve as decoration for the source, the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination. Stone, concrete or polymer concrete are suitable as construction materials; you also need to take care of the foundation in advance - the key to stability. To supply water you will definitely need a submersible pump.

floating fountain

This type of fountain is quite popular among consumers; it can be installed in a natural deep body of water. It is sold already assembled, and you can clearly see how the fountain will look in your garden, so here you won’t be able to show much imagination in its improvement. For installation you only need to select appropriate place and plug it into the network.

Alpine slide and rock garden

An alpine slide and rock garden are excellent ways to diversify the garden landscape.

To create such decorative elements people were inspired by the relief of the Alpine mountains - a society of stones and plants, both of which play the same role, so it is very important that the entire composition is carefully selected and looks harmonious together.

The difference between an alpine hill and a rock garden is that the first forms an embankment, which is decorated with stones on top and plants are planted, while a rock garden does not require an embankment; a rocky garden is usually set up on a flat surface or on slopes.

For the manufacture of alpine slide Initially, you should prepare a trench for the foundation with a depth of no more than 1 m. The bottom, leaving approximately 40 cm to the surface, is covered with small stones, broken bricks, sprinkled with river sand on top, the layer thickness of which should be 5-8 cm.

The next stage is the most creative - laying stones. Initially we install the largest stones, then smaller ones, and the smallest ones at the top. Experts advise not to equip an alpine slide with the correct geometric shape, since it should be as natural as possible. Then you should start planting the plants. Heather, juniper and saxifrage are perfect for these purposes. The most light-loving plants are planted at the very top, and herbs at the bottom, since they need moisture most.

For an alpine hill, regardless of its design, evergreen plants, for example, periwinkle, are ideal.

In order for your hill to bloom all the time, take care of planting “transition zone” plants, such as violets, bells, tulips, euonymus, etc.

A rock garden does not require arranging a foundation; all you need to do is arrange the stones correctly and harmoniously, in accordance with the style of the entire garden, and plant the plants on the topography of the site.

In a garden with smooth paths, the rockery should be as close to nature as possible - it is highly discouraged to use straight, symmetrical lines with sharp corners, but on the contrary, curves and s-shaped transitions are encouraged. It can smoothly transition into an alpine lawn or scree. Quartz, granite, quartzite, and steppe can be used as accents. Plants can also be the main feature; in this case, you need to use discreet gravel and river pebbles.

Two symmetrical rocky gardens on both sides of the entrance to the house will look very harmonious.

Divide all rockery plants according to height criterion. Place the tallest ones (such as spruce, thuja, rowan) in the first tier, lower plants (barberry, spirea, mountain pine) in the second, and plant low creeping plants in the third tier.

Stairs in the garden

In a multi-level garden you cannot do without stairs and they should be considered not only as a necessity, but also as part of the landscape design. A staircase in the garden will undoubtedly decorate the hill, and even on an almost flat area, decorative steps will create the effect of a height difference, allowing you to look at the garden from different points. It can be both the beginning and the continuation of garden paths, and when using the same building material will further emphasize the landscape style.

The most common and at the same time simplest option are stairs made of gravel and wood. To organize it, it is enough to lay wooden sleepers and fill them with gravel, which forms smoothly rising steps. To smooth out the contours of the corner and create a more spectacular composition, you can plant various plants along the edges.

The most important thing when building a staircase in the garden is that it should be as safe and comfortable as possible. The steps should be optimal in width and gentleness, since stairs that are too narrow and have a steep rise will negatively affect the walk through the garden. It is also important not to make the steps too smooth, as in wet weather they can be easy to slip on.

It is also necessary to take care of high-quality lighting of the ascent; in the dark, each step should be visible so that it does not turn into a “stumbling block.”

Place to rest

In multi-level landscapes, you definitely need to take care of a place to rest, where it will be calm, windless and where you can explore the rest of the area. If the plot is medium in size, then it can be designed in the form of a gazebo or a bench with a table. In a large area you can even equip sports ground with a rocking chair or a pool with a sun lounger.

An excellent option for relaxation would be an open arched gazebo. This building should be placed at the intersection of paths and will require a kit to assemble it steel pipes with nylon coating.

Drop off at each counter climbing roses, which in the near future will braid the structure and create a wonderful, cozy atmosphere for relaxation. In this case, the gazebo is the main element of the garden layout.

Rules for landscaping multi-level gardens

  • Unlike flat garden surfaces, slopes are more often exposed to wind, so you need to think about planting wind-resistant plants: pines, black poplar, field maple, barberry, rugosa rose, etc.
  • Also very common problem on sloping surfaces there is soil washout, spring landslides and drying out of the slopes. Such a lawn is not always up to the task of consolidating the soil, as a result of which it often dries out. The solution to this problem is to plant plants with a deep root system, for example, sea buckthorn, spirea, and fieldfare.

  • To prevent soil convergence due to possible water flows, it is necessary to organize the so-called drainage system. To do this, it will be enough to correctly plant plants with fast-growing root systems and grasses, for example, bluegrass, oatmeal, clover, thanks to this, water flows will flow not the way they want, but the way you need. If the angle of inclination of your site becomes more than 30 degrees, then experts advise using a geogrid, which is cellular modules with various herbs or small shrubs planted. It is worth remembering that the plants must be resistant to lack of moisture, since water will drain from the slope very quickly. It would be appropriate to create an irrigation system.
  • By different levels we understand the presence of plants of different tiers: low-growing herbal plants, shrubs and trees themselves. In the case of the last level, it is a little difficult here, since the seedlings need quite a lot of time to turn into more trees. To solve this problem, designers immediately plant mature trees, making it possible to zoning the garden literally within a year.
  • No more than 2/3 should be allocated for planting trees and shrubs. total area summer cottage, since large trees grow throughout their entire life, this means that over time they can create an unwanted shadow for low-growing plants and nearby buildings.
  • Trees should be planted more than 10 meters from the house, and bushes - 5 meters.
  • If you want your garden to develop quickly, then be sure to opt for forsythia and buddleia - they will become powerful in just a year flowering shrubs. But, for example, kalmia, wolfberry and rhododendron grow much longer and will need to wait about 5 years for their flowering. A hedge is perfect for dividing a plot into zones; it will act as a beautiful frame for the garden. Perennial flowers, such as geraniums, delphiniums, phlox, are a real salvation for those who want to see their garden bloom every year without planting anything in the spring.

The gardener is extremely lucky if he gets an excellent, flat plot without a slope. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen often. What to do if the cottage is located on a hillside? Don't despair, there is a way out.

It’s worth starting with the fact that some gardeners simply dream of a summer house located on a slope. They can be used to implement design solutions on multi-level areas that the average person would never have dreamed of. Why is it that such seemingly unprofitable land appeals so much to smart landscape designers?

The fact is that on a multi-level site you can recreate several types of landscape, and successfully combine them. For example, a waterfall with a pond, a rock garden or rock garden, steps and terraces, paths and fountains. Combining what is incompatible in nature is the beauty of such solutions.

Photo example:

Terracing a site in landscape design

Terracing a site is leveling it horizontally, simultaneously turning the slope into clear steps. Terraces are the simplest and most logical way to turn a permanent slope into several horizontal steps, much more convenient to use.

To create terraces, you need an ordinary building level, rope and wooden stakes. Using this simple tool, the horizon of the site is verified. According to the steepness of the slope, it is divided into several steps.
Next, you will have to take up a shovel or order heavy equipment, depending on the steepness and the number of expected steps.

Retaining walls for a site on a slope

Very impressive and at the same time necessary engineering structures on multi-level areas are retaining walls.

Depending on the height of the wall and the structure of the soil, the material from which it will be built is selected. The strongest walls are poured from reinforced concrete. The beauty of the design lies in its strength and durability. If desired, the concrete can be decorated with anything on top. The main thing is not to violate its integrity.

The supporting walls are also raised from masonry. The right compromise between strength and aesthetics would be natural stone masonry. Do not use limestone - it breaks down too easily. Natural stone in the exterior looks monumental.

How to use steps for site design

The most profitable solution without redevelopment of the site level will be the use of steps in landscape design. Steps made of natural stone will easily fit into any exterior and will be able to connect all levels of the garden.

The most interesting thing is that when terracing, the steps will be used everywhere, but taking into account the use of retaining walls they will take on an artificial straight shape. Photo:

Which tracks are best to lay out?

Garden paths are necessary for every garden, regardless of its layout. Beautiful winding paths from natural stone, brick, paving slabs, clinker paving stones - will only add beauty to the garden and perfectly connect all the existing zones of the summer cottage.

Wooden floorings, lightly sanded or untreated, look especially original. Wooden plank protected from rotting by treatment with special substances.

A stream is an excellent solution for a sloping slope

An excellent way to use the natural slope of the site is to create an artificial stream. To create this element, you need to strengthen the riverbed by lining it with natural stone and bring water to its source. Not bad design solution will form the source of the stream. It can be a jug, a suitable figurine, a barrel, a bottle, etc.

A logical engineering solution would be a reservoir into which a stream flows. It will allow you to place a submersible pump in an artificial pond, due to which water will circulate in both reservoirs at minimal cost.

How to create a waterfall on a steep slope

A waterfall is very similar to a stream, but to create it you need a steeper slope, which will have to be strengthened accordingly. To create a waterfall bed you need to remove upper layer soil, fill in the drainage and pour a layer of concrete. In this concrete, before it hardens, you can lay a foundation under a bed of natural stones.

The rapids and riffles themselves are created from a combination of large and small stones, fastened together with cement mortar, so that the flow of water does not wash the stones out of the waterfall bed.

Place a rock garden on the site

Alpine coasters are designed to imitate a specific section of the Alpine mountainous terrain. A multi-level plot is ideal for these purposes. You can recreate a mountain slope, a rock, terraces, a mountain valley, a lawn.

To create a rock garden you need little: suitable stone, which you won’t have to look for for long, necessary plants and a lot of patience in order to lay the stones in the right order, figure out which plants should be planted and at what level and how to take care of all this.