I. Elections: concept, meaning and types. Majoritarian electoral system. Why are elections needed?

Since ancient times, elections have become characteristic of man. On general meetings(gatherings) elected leaders. This is how the primary authority arose - a unique element of democracy - primitive in nature.

In Athens, there was another type of secret ballot, the “court of shards”: according to it, the community had the right to expel any public figure from the city limits if his popularity threatened the foundations of democracy. The voting procedure looked like this: the participant received a shard and wrote on it the name of the person whom he considered necessary to expel from Athens, and then placed the shard in a special fenced place in the square. The one whose name was repeated more times was declared expelled.

As for democracy in Russian Federation, then this concept is revealed in the following provisions of Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

The multinational people of the Russian Federation are the bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation;

Power is exercised directly by the people, as well as through the organs state power and organs local government;

The highest direct expression of people's power is a referendum and free elections.

Direct democracy) is the exercise of power by the people through forms of direct expression of will. These forms include: referendum, elections, gatherings and meetings of citizens, rallies, processions, demonstrations, picketing, public discussion important issues public life, individual and collective appeals of citizens to state authorities and local governments, recall of a deputy or other elected official, people's law-making initiative, public hearings, etc.

Representative democracy is the exercise of power by the people through elected officials. authorized representatives(for example, deputies) who make decisions expressing the will of those they represent, i.e. their voters.

The power elected by the people is legitimate, i.e. legal (lawful). Etymologically, the word “legitimacy” originates from the Latin legalis - legality. However, legitimacy and legality are not synonymous, since political power is not always based on law and laws, but always enjoys one or another support from part of the country’s population. Legality indicates a legal, legislatively based type of government.

Elections make it possible to openly and publicly present conflicting interests, values, ideas to the court of popular opinion, to determine real support for the positions of one or another side of the conflict - mobilization of the electoral corps to solve pressing public problems.

Elections are the most important channel for citizens to join the political elite and make political career, the establishment and decline of political leaders.

Elections perform the above functions only if they themselves are organized democratically. Elections are initially designed to serve democracy and are inextricably linked with its general concept and values. Their main thing social purpose- adequately reflecting the opinion and will of citizens, ensure representation of the main social groups in government bodies, as well as form an effective government.


  1. Trusov N.A., Goreva T.V.. Electoral law of Russia. Police activities ensuring the implementation of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation: tutorial / ON THE. Trusov, T.V. Goreva. - N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2015.
  2. V. P. Pugachev, A. I. Olovyov. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Aspect Press, 2004.

Today, elections should be considered as a procedure of state legal significance established by the law in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which individuals(citizens of a particular locality) cast their own votes for a candidate or party. As a result of such simple actions, a representative (elected) government body is formed or a certain official, be it a judge or president, occupies his post (is elected). In the Russian Federation, three varieties of the presented category are relevant: regional, federal and municipal elections. It would be advisable to consider them in more detail.

The concept and meaning of elections

Developing a conversation about the content, current features and purpose of electoral law, it is impossible not to recall the issue of the concept and classification of elections in the Russian Federation, because it is the regulation of relations that are closely related to their preliminary preparation and subsequent implementation, represents the main meaning of the regulations that form the branch of constitutional law under consideration. The starting point in understanding the concept of elections, as well as their political and legal nature, are the provisions of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation. So, in strict accordance with them, elections are:

  • Firstly, the highest direct expression of public power in accordance with Article Three of the current Constitution.
  • Secondly, the concept of elections implies a method of participation on the part of individuals (citizens of individual regions or the country as a whole) in the management of public affairs, which is realized through the right of citizens to be elected and elect government bodies of national importance, as well as local self-government. This provision is stipulated by Article 32 of the current Constitution.
  • Thirdly, the Law “On Elections” assumes that the corresponding category represents an imperative order regarding the filling of the post of President of Russia, as well as the creation of the State Duma Federal Assembly RF.
  • Fourthly, this is a necessary means of implementing local self-government, which presupposes the mandatory participation of elected local government structures in public life. This provision is justified by the Law “On Elections”, as well as Article 130 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Definition according to Federal Law

It is important to know that the official definition of the category in question is included in article two of the Federal Law “On the basic guarantees of the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation and electoral rights.” In accordance with it, guarantees of citizens' voting rights are approved. In addition, the above interpretation assumes that elections are nothing more than a form of direct expression of the will of individuals, which is carried out strictly in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, charters (constitutions) of the constituent entities of the Federation, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipal-type entities in order to create a structure state power, local government structure, or vesting an official with certain powers.

In order to fully understand the concept of elections, today the legal position is important Constitutional Court, which was formulated by means of a resolution dated 06/10/1998 in accordance with the case regarding the verification of certain provisions of the Constitution (clause six of article four, clauses three and four of article thirteen, clause three of article nineteen), as well as clause two of article 58 of the Federal Law of September 19. 1997 “Concerning guarantees of the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation and voting rights.”

It is important to note that the interpretation of elections, which is contained in the presented resolution, one way or another characterizes them as a way of expressing public will, as well as the creation of appropriate state power structures of legitimate significance and local government structures, on its behalf, exercising power of a public nature. In order to fully achieve these goals, elections must be based on the priority of the will of the largest percentage of voters who took part in the voting.

Election classification

In this and subsequent chapters, it would be advisable to fully consider the classification of types of elections. It is important to note that the current Russian legislation electoral nature does not include an exhaustive list of types of elections that are held on the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, the classification is determined by the presence of certain criteria.

In accordance with the level of the procedure, which is determined by the immediate territory where it is held, today the following types of elections are distinguished:

  • Elections to the structures of the Union State. It is important to know that their holding is stipulated by the Treaty of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation dated December 8, 1999. Thus, according to Article 39 of the presented Treaty, in Russia it is customary to elect 75 deputies to the House of Representatives.
  • Elections to federal bodies (elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, presidential elections).
  • Elections of legislative structures of the constituent entities of Russia.
  • Elections in government bodies local level. Among them, it is important to note the elections of control structures, elections of heads of municipal-type entities, as well as elections of deputies of structures municipalities representative plan.

Elected body as a classification criterion

In accordance with such criteria as an official or an electoral body, it is customary to distinguish the following types of elections:

  • Election of officials of the highest importance corresponding to the degree of power. It would be advisable to include here the leaders of municipal formations, as well as the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Elections of representative authorities (elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly, elections of representative structures of municipal formations, elections of parliaments of constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
  • Elections of other bodies. This must include, first of all, certain officials, for example, justices of the peace. Besides, we're talking about about choice political parties, as well as control structures of municipal-type entities.

Reasons for elections as a criterion

In accordance with such a criterion as the reason (ground) for prescribing the procedure, today the following types of elections are distinguished:

  • The next elections.
  • Early election.
  • By-elections.
  • Repeated elections.

It would be advisable to consider them in more detail, as well as analyze examples of elections.

Regular, early and by-elections

It is important to note that regular elections are implemented due to the expiration of the terms of office of officials and elected structures established by law. Early elections refer to the early termination of the powers of certain officials, as well as the early termination of parliamentary powers. It must be added that this kind of termination one way or another entails the incompetence of a representative (legislative) government body of state significance of a subject of the Russian Federation or a representative structure of a municipal formation. It is interesting to know that the early termination of the powers of a representative (legislative) government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a representative structure of local government or deputies, if it indicates the termination of the powers of the corresponding structure, is the basis for holding additional elections.

Repeated and combined elections

It is necessary to know that public participation in repeated elections is relevant when all the procedures discussed in the previous chapter did not lead to the election of a structure, deputy or official in accordance with the reason for recognizing these elections as invalid or not held. In addition, the legislation specifically stipulates that additional and repeat elections are not called and, accordingly, are not held when, based on their results, a particular deputy cannot be elected for a term exceeding one year.

It is also necessary to note combined elections, which differ in being scheduled for the same day. It is important to add that the presented procedure is carried out in relation to several officials, government-type structures or local self-government. It is logical that the combination of elections is objectively facilitated by the definition in law of two dates for their implementation, which are considered possible, due to which, one way or another, savings take place material resources, in particular Money used for the needs of the electoral process. In addition, in this case, the level of interest of citizens in terms of participation in the election campaign significantly increases.

Current restrictions

It is important to note that the current legislation contains some restrictions regarding this type of election as combined. Firstly, this is an exception to the assumption of combining the voting day for elections to federal government bodies with the day of a similar operation in a referendum of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the Federal Law “Concerning the Basic Guarantees of the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation and Electoral Rights” specifically stipulates cases in accordance with which it cannot be allowed to combine voting days on different elections, as a result of which the voter gets the opportunity to simultaneously vote on more than 4 ballot papers, which are issued in early, repeated and additional elections.

Legal significance as a criterion

In accordance with the legal orientation of the procedure under consideration, the following types of elections are distinguished today as a methodology for the formation of governing structures of national importance, as well as local self-government:

  • Imperative elections, which are an exceptional method of endowing society with powerful public powers.
  • Elections that are used on an alternative basis with other methods of filling elected positions and deputy mandates.

The first group includes elections of the following categories of persons:

  • President of the Russian Federation.
  • Deputies of the representative (legislative) structure of power of the subjects of the Russian Federation of national significance.
  • State Deputies Duma
  • Deputies of the legislative structure of an urban district or rural settlement.

The second grouping is formed by elections:

  • Leadership of municipal formations (municipal elections).
  • Judges of world significance.
  • Deputies of legislative structures of municipal districts.
  • Control structures of municipal formations.


It would be advisable to separately note the indirect (indirect) type of elections. It is an electoral system, according to which a candidate for a particular position is elected not by individuals, but by the power structure or electors pre-selected by certain officials. It is important to note that the presented type of election can be carried out in two or more stages. A striking example in this case is the election of the President of the United States of America.

It is important to note that the elections discussed in the materials of this article do not serve only as possible methods for the formation of certain structures (these bodies are clearly indicated in specific chapters). It is worth emphasizing that it is other methods that are in no way related to elections that today are often given preferential enshrinement in the legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in the current charters of municipal formations.

It is interesting to note that this picture is especially evident in the process of selecting judges of world significance. Although the federal-level Law “On Justices of the Peace in the Russian Federation”, in accordance with its eighth article, suggests that, despite the possibility of filling the position of a justice of the peace or through appointment by a representative (in other words, legislative) government body of state significance of a subject of the Russian Federation, or through the election through the efforts of the population, as well as its individual representatives of the relevant judicial area, the legislation of absolutely all subjects of Russia ignores elections as a method of filling the above positions.

Elections are a method and procedure for forming a government body or vesting powers in an official, carried out by voting of authorized persons.

Election meaning:

· legitimation of power;

· indicator of democracy development;

· method of forming government bodies;

· barometer of political life (reflects public support for the authorities);

· sanction for political leaders (they receive mandates and the right to power directly from the people);

· promoting the political socialization of the individual (it is during elections that a person becomes acquainted with certain political norms and procedures);

· control over power (if there is no trust in power, its representatives are not elected);

In democratic countries, elections should cover all levels of government - from local government to the head of state.

Types of elections

There are several classifications of election types:

1. Direct and indirect. In direct elections, the question of election belongs directly to the citizens (this is how, for example, the President of Russia and the State Duma are elected). In indirect elections, there is another link between the population and the elected body. A striking example of indirect elections is the election of the US President. American citizens elect the Electoral College, which then officially elects the President of the United States in their name and on their behalf. That is, between the American voter and the President there is a third link - the Electoral College.

2. Universal (all adult capable citizens of the state participate) and partial (part of the population participates); there may be additional ones (if it is necessary to replenish the composition of the Chamber of Deputies, if any of them left early in the event of death, resignation, etc.).

3. National, regional and local.

5. Regular or extraordinary (due to the death of the President, dissolution of parliament). Great importance has a periodicity of elections, because the term of office of government bodies and officials depends on it, it is an indicator of democracy. In some states, there cannot be early elections due to the peculiarities of the political structure. For example, in the United States, both houses of Congress cannot be dissolved under any circumstances, as a result of which early elections are not necessary. And in the event of the early resignation of the President, his death or impeachment, the Vice President of the United States becomes President until new elections. Therefore, according to American law, the election of the Electoral College of the President of the United States is held on the “first Tuesday after the first Monday in November leap year", and the election of deputies to Congress is "the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the month of an even year" and is impossible at other times.

6. General or limited (qualified).

7. Equal and unequal.

Elections are the election of officials by the population. This procedure is the most important form of civil participation in the political and public life of the country. Today, in most countries in the world there are elections of one kind or another, thanks to which legitimate power is formed and changed.

Election concept

Suffrage is a key subtype of constitutional rights enshrined in the main law - the Constitution. Without it it is impossible to imagine a free civil society. Voting is the exercise of power by the inhabitants of the country to officials).

At its core, the concept of elections is inextricably linked with In every country, regular elections are held in accordance with established legislation.

Electoral legislation of the Russian Federation

IN modern Russia The elections elect deputies of the general and local parliaments, the president, city mayors and heads of the constituent entities of the Federation. There are several sources of a country's suffrage. This regulations(laws) that regulate voting procedures.

The concept of elections and their place in the life of the country are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the charters of regions, territories, cities, as well as the constitutions of the republics that are members of the Federation. This legislation throughout the period modern history The Russian Federation remains the basis of its electoral system.

There are also specialized regulations. First of all, this is a Federal law adopted in 2002. Its key purpose is to guarantee citizens of the Russian Federation the preservation of their voting rights. In that Federal law describes the voting procedures, as well as the principles of campaigning. Over the years of its existence, the document has gone through several editions and revisions. However, despite all the modifications, its basic essence remains the same.

Change electoral legislation is cyclical in nature. It is being edited in response to changing political conditions. For example, in 2004, gubernatorial elections were canceled, and a few years later they were returned. Single amendments may be made by special orders of the Russian Federation. Some details of electoral legislation are within the competence of the Central Election Commission and State Duma. Therefore, elections also depend on their decisions and decisions.

Direct and indirect elections

Most states have adopted direct and democratic elections. This means that officials are determined directly by the citizen. Polling stations are open for voting. A resident of the country records his choice in the ballot. The will of the people is determined by the amount of these papers.

In addition to direct ones, there are also indirect elections that are opposite to them. The most famous example of such a system is the United States. In the case of indirect elections, the voter delegates his powers to the electors (who later convey the will of their voters and end the election). This is a rather complex and confusing system adopted in different countries largely due to adherence to tradition. For example, in the USA, the president of the country is not elected by citizens, but in the same way, the upper house Indian Parliament.

Alternative and uncontested elections

Two election systems (alternative and non-alternative) determine the nature of the entire electoral system, regardless of its other features. What is their essence and difference? Alternativeity assumes that a person has a choice between several candidates. At the same time, citizens give preference to diametrically opposed programs and political ideas.

Uncontested elections come down to a single party (or family name) on the ballot. Today, such a system has practically disappeared from widespread practice. Nevertheless, uncontested elections remain in countries with a one-party system, where the government can be authoritarian or totalitarian.

Majoritarian electoral system

In the world today there are the most different types elections. Although each country has its own unique practices, several key trends can be identified. For example, one of the most common electoral systems is majoritarian. In such elections, the territory of the country is divided into districts, and each of them holds its own voting (with unique lists of candidates).

The majoritarian system is especially effective when electing parliament. Thanks to it, deputies are included who represent the interests of all regions of the country without exception. As a rule, a candidate runs from the district of which he himself is a native. Once in parliament, such deputies will have a clear and precise understanding of the interests of the people who voted for them. That's exactly how it is in in the best possible shape a representative function is performed. It is important to comply with the principle that in fact it is not the deputy who votes in parliament, but the citizens who elected him and delegated his powers.

Types of majoritarian system

The majoritarian system is divided into three subtypes. The first is the principle of absolute majority. In this case, in order to win, the candidate must receive more than half the votes. If such a candidate cannot be identified the first time, then additional elections are called. They involve two people, whose assets include: greatest number votes. This system is most often typical for municipal elections.

The second principle concerns the relative majority. According to it, any mathematical advantage over opponents is enough for a candidate to win, even if this figure does not exceed the 50% threshold. Much less common is the third principle, which concerns In this case, the specific number of votes required for victory is established.

Proportional electoral system

Common types of elections are based on party representation. According to this principle, the proportional electoral system operates. It forms elected authorities through party lists. When elected in a district, a candidate can also represent interests (for example, communists or liberals), but first of all he offers citizens his own program.

In the case of party lists and the proportional system, the situation is different. Such voting in elections focuses on political movements and organizations, and not on the individual politician. On the eve of elections, parties draw up their lists of candidates. Then, after voting, each movement receives a number of seats in parliament proportional to the votes cast. Candidates included in the lists are included in the representative body. In this case, preference is given to the first numbers: politicians widely known in the country, public figures, popular speakers, etc. The main types of elections can be characterized differently. Majoritarian ones are individual, proportional ones are collective.

Open and closed party lists

The proportional system (like the majority system) has its own variations. The two main subtypes include voting on open party lists (Brazil, Finland, the Netherlands). Such direct elections are an opportunity for the voter not only to choose a party list, but also to support a specific party member (in some countries you can support two or more). This is how the preference rating of candidates is formed. IN similar system a party cannot decide on its own which composition to nominate to parliament.

Closed lists are used in Russia, Israel, the European Union and South Africa. In this case, a citizen has the right to vote only for the party he likes. The specific people who get into parliament are determined by the political organization itself. The voter first of all votes for the general program.

Pros and cons of the proportional system

All types of elections have their own advantages and disadvantages. The proportional system is positively different in that citizens' votes do not simply disappear. They go into the party’s common treasury and influence the political agenda. There is also an important circumstance in this rule. Each country has a certain threshold. Parties that do not pass this mark do not enter parliament. Therefore, the most fair elections in this case are considered to be in Israel, where the minimum threshold is only 1% (in Russia 5%).

The disadvantage of the proportional system is considered to be a partial distortion of the principle of democracy. List elected officials inevitably lose touch with their voters. If candidates are determined by the party, they do not have to prove their own competence to people. Many experts criticize closed lists for being susceptible to all sorts of political technologies. For example, there is the “locomotive principle”. Using it, parties place popularly recognizable people (film, pop and sports stars) at the front of their closed lists. After the elections, these “locomotives” renounce their mandates in favor of little-known party functionaries. History knows many cases when the closeness of parties led to dictatorship within the organization and the dominance of the bureaucracy.

Mixed elections

The electoral system can combine two basic principles (majoritarian and proportional). With this configuration it will be considered mixed. In Russia today, when electing parliament, these are the direct general elections. Half of the deputies are determined by lists, the other half by single-mandate constituencies. The mixed electoral system will be applied on September 18, 2016 (before that it was used in State Duma elections until 2003 inclusive). In 2007 and 2011, the proportional principle with closed party lists was in effect.

Other formats of the electoral system are also called a mixed system. For example, in Australia, one house of parliament is elected by party lists, and the other by single-member constituencies. There is also a mixed coupled system. According to its rules, seats in parliament are distributed according to a single-member majority principle, but voting takes place according to lists.

Advantages and disadvantages of the mixed principle

Any mixed system is flexible and democratic. It is constantly changing and offers the country several ways to form the composition of representative bodies. In this case, polling stations can become the site of several elections at once, taking place according to different principles. For example, in Russia, voting at the municipal level of cities is increasingly being carried out in this format.

Mixed direct elections are an important factor of fragmentation political system. Therefore, experts consider it a serious test for countries with young, failed democracies. Fragmented political organizations forced to create coalitions. In this case, a party majority in parliament is practically unattainable. On the one hand, this interferes with decision-making, on the other hand, such a picture is a clear example of the versatility of a society in which there are many groups with different interests. Mixed electoral system and a large number of small parties were typical for Russia and Ukraine in the 1990s.

The President of Russia through the prism of the Constitution

Elections of the country's president are always a landmark event for any state. It is the president who determines the vector of internal development for the next few years, as well as foreign policy countries. But more importantly, the head of state is the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Thus, the president is a system-forming figure, especially when it comes to Russia. Based on the scope of the powers of the first person, our state is a classic example of a presidential republic.

Moreover, one of the main differences of such a constitutional system is, of course, that the president is elected not by parliament, but by popular vote. It is also important that it is the president who forms the government, which is the executive branch of government in the country. Yes, the president does not formally head the cabinet of ministers, but it is difficult to overestimate his contribution to resolving national issues. It is no coincidence that the head of state has the right of legislative initiative. Thus, the importance of this figure in Russian realities is exceptional. But truly democratic constitutional state, which is the Russian Federation, is impossible without the active position of the president of the country.

The figure of the president is also important because he takes measures to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and ensures interaction between government bodies. He also represents the state in the international arena. Probably, we are not at all indifferent to what kind of person a country like Russia will represent in negotiations with foreign partners.

Down with nihilism, or everything for the voter

Each of us will very soon have the right to directly choose a candidate who can most optimally cope with the responsibilities that the fundamental law of the country assigns to the president. To do this, you just need to decide which of the 8 people registered by the CEC you are ready to support on March 18th. Judging by the candidates presented, every Russian who has the right to vote and also adheres to any political ideology will be able to choose his favorite. There are representatives of left-wing views, liberal democrats, centrists, conservatives, etc. on the ballot.

Meanwhile, it is important to answer the question that worries many people - why should I, as a citizen of the Russian Federation, go to the polling station on March 18 and cast my vote for one of the candidates. You can often hear from some Russians who are far from politics or are interested in it from time to time: “I didn’t go to the polling station, so what can my single vote decide?” Or: “Why would I even go there? It’s better to spend my day off in another way, and my civic duty is to reach out to others.”

By the way, previously, some citizens whose business trip, vacation, or just a weekend trip to a neighboring city coincided with voting day experienced significant inconvenience in how to cast their vote in the presidential elections.

Now everything looks completely different, no absentee ballots no need to take it. This time, the procedure for voting outside the place of registration is as convenient as possible for voters; the Central Election Commission has already provided for everything. If on March 18 you will not be at the place of registration indicated in your passport, or you do not have registration, vote at any polling station at your location. To do this, you can, for example, submit an application in advance through the State Services portal to be included in the voter list at a polling station convenient for you.

On voting day, do not forget to take your passport and application with you. It can be printed out or shown on the screen mobile phone. You can send your application until March 12 inclusive. Thus, the most favorable conditions have been created for all voters to vote on March 18, even while outside their city or constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

To the site - like on a holiday

….You know, there have been quite a few cases in history when the vote of an individual person decided the outcome of the entire election campaign. One can recall the same presidential elections of 2000 in the United States, where a manual recount of votes was completely required. Well, if we take examples from national history, then this is the 2014 election of the head of the Altai Republic. Then the winner won in the first round, gaining just over 50% of the votes. If we rely on dry mathematics, we were talking about about 400 votes. Now imagine if these people stayed home - at a minimum, this would mean a second round, and at a maximum, the defeat of their candidate in the future.

Therefore, the reasoning of those people who say: “My candidate will win anyway, even if I cannot come to the polling station” is not entirely clear. But excuse me, where does such confidence come from? History proves that this can be a dangerous delusion. And then, if you know exactly who you would like to see as the head of your country for the next 6 years, is this person really not worth a few minutes spent on him? Take a short walk with your family on Sunday, go to the polling station, get a ballot, go into the voting booth, put a tick next to the name you like and put the ballot in the ballot box. All. Nothing extra. But then for a long time you will feel your involvement in the formation of state power in the country - isn’t this the purpose of a true citizen and patriot of his fatherland?

In addition, the very atmosphere of the elections is like a big national holiday, close in spirit, for example, to Maslenitsa festivities. On this Sunday, March 18, as always, concerts, quizzes, sports competitions will be held at the precincts, and for those who wish, there will also be excursions to school museums, prize draws and much more. So a trip to the site turns into a kind of Sunday leisure activity for entire families.

Write your name in the history of the country

Again, you can take your children with you to introduce them to the atmosphere of the elections. Not in words, but in deeds to show what voting is and why, without exaggeration, the whole country strives to get to the polling stations on this day. This is the only way to raise a Russian patriot in the future. It is important that our children early age felt a sense of involvement in important government affairs, which, of course, are elections. Then this tradition can become a good habit.

Why should I, as a parent, vote? We choose not just the future for our country, and not even the future for ourselves. First of all, we are talking about our children. This is medicine and education, these are clubs, sport sections and much more.

What Russia will be like in the 2020s, in which direction it will develop, depends, among other things, on your vote. That's why I will still go to the site on March 18th.

Again, we should not forget about those who have just turned 18 years old, who will vote not only in presidential elections, but in any elections at all, for the first time in their lives. Agree, there is a certain symbolism and magic of numbers - to get to the PEC on the 18th at 18 years old. In this case, the young man will come to choose the future both for the country and for his generation as a whole. A generation that in the near future will have to resolve key issues at the state level, build and create a new Russia - a country of the 21st century.

...It is clear that going to the polls is a right, not an obligation. But for every conscious citizen of our country, going to the polling station is a chance to become part of the history of Russia. It is written by all of us, here and now.