Church of the Holy Family history of creation. Sagrada Familia is the greatest creation of Antoni Gaudi, which still cannot be completed

There is a building in Barcelona that has been under construction for almost 128 years, with minor interruptions, but everything comes to an end, doesn’t it?) This is the Sagrada Familia, the majestic Sagrada Familia Cathedral

Founded in 1882, the grandiose Cathedral of the Holy Family - Sagrada Familia in Spanish - is little by little taking on the appearance of a completed creation. The way it was conceived by one of the greatest architects of the 20th century, Antoni Gaudi... At the moment it is the most outstanding landmark of Barcelona

“Either man is playing God, creating such masterpieces, or God is playing man, giving birth to such ideas in his head,” said one of the researchers of the work of Antonio Gaudi, frozen in amazement near the Sagrada Familia temple. The most famous temple in Spain is truly amazing. It rises above Barcelona like a huge cave with bell towers in the form of stalactites and deep grottoes that take you inside the mysterious temple

View of the cathedral towers from the other side

On March 19, 1882, on the outskirts of Barcelona, ​​in the modest quarter of Barrio del Poblet, all the most eminent people of the city gathered. The Bishop of Barcelona, ​​in his festive vestments, spoke slowly and solemnly. “...May sleeping hearts awaken, may faith be exalted, may mercy triumph, may God have mercy on this country...” With these words, he laid the first stone in the foundation of the future Redemptive Temple, dedicated to the veneration and glorification of the Holy Family

The original project belonged to Francesco del Villar. But a year later he was replaced by Antonio Gaudi, who completely changed the design of the cathedral, which had already begun to be built. Del Villar planned to build a church in the neo-Gothic style, but only managed to build a crypt under the apse

“The traditional Gothic system is a dead system. It can be compared to a human being whose skeleton, instead of harmoniously supporting the various parts of the body, was crushed by the flesh that it supported and needed support of any kind,” wrote Gaudí. As a result, the usual Gothic pointed arches in Gaudí's work became parabolic, the buttresses were replaced by internal ledges that perform the same function, but more gracefully, and the inclined columns branched like the crown of a tree - this way the load is better distributed. To further emphasize the lightness and vertical aspiration of the temple, Gaudi gave the internal columns a spiral shape, making them “strive higher and higher, feel the desire to live their own life.” “It will be like a forest. Soft light will pour through window openings located at different heights, and it will seem to you that the stars are shining,” wrote the architect

Antoni Gaudi's plan was grandiose. The height of the finished cathedral - 170 meters - will be only one meter less than the height of the cathedral itself. high mountain Barcelona. So Gaudí wanted to emphasize that the creation of man cannot be higher than that created by God. The main doors of the Passion façade reproduce words from the Bible on different languages, including Catalan

Gaudi was guided by the masterpieces of nature in his projects before. Likewise, the Sagrada Familia strives to be like a system of peaks and grottoes. Inside the building, the vault is supported by very unusual columns. They consist of polygons that change their shape upward, and most closely resemble trees. “It will be like a forest. Soft light will pour through window openings located at different heights, and it will seem to you that the stars are shining,” - this is how Gaudi saw the interior of the cathedral

The cathedral ceiling from another angle

Very unconventional for temple architecture. The similarity with a Catholic church is limited to the fact that it has a cross in its plan. The rest is a figment of the imagination of an eccentric architect who sought to create a visual image of faith, a “Bible in stone.” The entire appearance of the cathedral and every detail of it are therefore symbolic. 18 towers should rise above the cathedral building. 12 of them symbolize the apostles, 4 higher ones symbolize the four evangelists, the highest one symbolizes Jesus Christ. Statues, carvings, Latin inscriptions - everything serves the complex Catholic symbolism of the cathedral

Each of the three facades of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral is dedicated to one of the three central plots of Christ’s earthly life: “Nativity”, “Passion of Christ” and “Resurrection”

The sculptural groups of the Nativity façade are sculptured by Gaudí in life-size. For the scene of the beating of infants, the architect made plaster casts of stillborn children. To make a cast of an animal, he first put it to sleep using chloroform.

The second facade - “The Passion of Christ” - was made by the Spanish sculptor and artist Joseph Maria Subiraches, and is distinguished by wayward, emaciated figures of people, including sculptures depicting the flagellation and crucifixion of Christ

Here you can see a piece of the third, not yet built, facade - the Resurrection. In the construction of the cathedral in general great amount all kinds of symbolism. In particular, the bunches of grapes that are visible on the small towers on the left symbolize Holy Communion

The design of facades often contains symbolism of numbers, for example here the sum of the rows, columns and diagonals gives the number 33 - the number of years of the life of Christ

Not only the size of the planned cathedral is impressive, but also the sophisticated detailing. Gaudi was ready to calculate the weight of each stone of the cathedral. Antonio Gaudi devoted several years only to the study of acoustics in order to create a perfect system of bells. They must be driven by the wind. Inside the building, the echoey acoustics suggest a large choir. In the photo - the “stomach” of one of the cathedral towers)

As is his custom, the architect did not outline a detailed design for the building, leaving room for improvisation. Devoting himself entirely to the cathedral, Gaudí lived on it for many years. construction site, constantly monitoring construction, implementing again and again fresh ideas to the construction site. A passionate, fully immersed architect inevitably seemed strange

Inside the cathedral there is a museum room where Gaudi's drawings and ideas and various models are exhibited (what has survived; much was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War)

Cathedral chandelier project created by Gaudi. What was born from Gaudi’s head and embodied in small drawings and models can now be reproduced only with the help of computer modeling and a long calculation of all the nuances

A constant obstacle to construction was the lack of funds: such a grandiose project was built solely on donations from the residents of Barcelona. Primarily due to a lack of funds, the cathedral became a long-term construction project. Only recently have funds from investors, including foreign ones, been attracted to construction. Gaudi, however, answered questions about the construction timeline calmly: “My customer is in no hurry.”

So the construction survived the architect. Already a 74-year-old man, Antonio Gaudi died under the wheels of a tram not far from the cathedral under construction

After Gaudi's death, construction was continued by his students, then by his students' students. During the Spanish Civil War, anarchists destroyed Gaudi's drawings. After this, construction was suspended again, and there were even disputes about whether it was worth continuing? As a result, the famous smooth lines of Gaudi gave way to the chopped and rough forms of our contemporary Subirax, who today heads the work on the Temple. This discrepancy between styles clearly does not add harmony to the entire complex as a whole. The Sagrada Familia already evokes conflicting feelings, and the events that took place on November 28, 2000 added to the mystery of Barcelona's long-term construction. On this day, the ceremony of consecration of the nascent Temple was planned. But the solemn event was overshadowed. Early in the morning of the same day, a hurricane began in the city, and the finial crowning one of the arches of the window opening fell onto the site of the Church of the Holy Family with a terrible roar. Perhaps in any other city this would be perceived as a bad sign, but not in Barcelona. The consecration took place after all. And the Catalans, with whose money the construction of the Sagrada Familia began and continues, cannot wait for the Temple to be completed. Now it is again surrounded by cranes as usual, but is open to the public. Completion is planned for 2026.

In continuation, visit the selection 15, where you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Sagrada Familia - Sagrada Familia

Construction of the temple began in 1882 and is currently ongoing. The architects were three people - first Francisco del Villar, later Antonio Gaudi came, under whose leadership the cathedral became one of the most unusual temples in the history of architecture, and Domenech Sugranes, who continued Gaudi’s work.

If initially the temple was planned to be built in the neo-Gothic style, then under the influence of Gaudi, several styles were mixed in the architecture of the temple, and all this resulted in something unique and amazing. The construction budget of the Sagrada Familia was based on donations from visitors, so the construction of the temple is still ongoing.

The work is planned to be completed only in 2026. There are photographic models of the future temple. The temple is located in the Spanish city of Barcelona, ​​in the Eixample district, although when the cathedral just began to be built, it was 7 km away from the city. You can get to it by metro and bus. Divine services in the temple have been held since November 7, 2010.

The beginning of the construction of the temple

In 1881, a plot of land was purchased where they planned to build the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, several kilometers away from the city of Barcelona. Initially, the temple was built with funds from the community of admirers of St. Joseph and was planned to be a relatively small church. They invited Francisco del Villar as a designer, who agreed to build the Sagrada Familia.

On March 19, 1882, the first work on the temple began. The first project was thought out by del Villar, according to which the temple should be built as a neo-Gothic basilica in the shape of a Latin cross. Locals They hoped that the temple would be built within 10 years, but their expectations were not met.

Relations between Villar and the church council began to deteriorate. The dispute that arose as a result of the choice of material for supporting the crypt of the columns escalated into a real quarrel. As fate would have it, Villar stopped supervising the construction of the church at the end of 1882; Antonio Gaudi was later appointed instead.

Villar was a very experienced and respected designer and taught at the École Supérieure d'Architecture, and Gaudí was his student. In addition, Antonio was a younger and novice architect, so he cost the church council less than others. The Sagrada Familia later turned out to be Gaudi's life's work.

Construction under the direction of Gaudi

On November 3, 1883, work began on the church according to Gaudi's plans. The new architect initially proposed to remove his obligation to follow Villar’s ​​previously developed project.

Reflections on the future architecture of the temple lasted not months, but years. In the process of this work, an individual style was formed, which later became characteristic only of Gaudi. Antonio was nearby every day and worked on the creation of the cathedral and its symbolic design.

The parabolic arch was chosen as the main structure, justifying its use in Colonia Güell. The external design of the cathedral had to correspond to the time in which it began to be built. Those times in Spain were characterized by the importance of family and work. All this was reflected in the cathedral, combined with elements of the fantastic and various scenes from the Gospel.

Antonio understood that the acoustics of a space are no less important than its design. The shape of the bells must be elongated and, in addition, the structure of the church is designed so that the wind penetrates the openings, creating various sound effects inside like a giant organ.

During his first years of work in 1889, the architect completed work on the crypt built by the previous architect. A vault appeared above this building, located higher than in the previous project. In the future, it will be decorated with bright multicolor mosaics.

Working with building facades

1892 – decoration of the Nativity façade. The Sagrada Familia features scenes of the birth of Jesus Christ in the decoration of its façade, recreated in sculpture; they can be seen in many photographs.

This facade is the first on which work began, since Gaudi was afraid to begin the façade of the Passion, since the scenes of the crucifixion, with emphasized frankness and cruelty, could frighten people who came to look at the church.

1910 A church school for children is built on the site of the not yet erected main facade. It has a unique design, without supporting walls to take on the weight of the building; its reliability is ensured by curved partitions in the roof.

1895 - the construction of the apse is completed; its design contains elements of vegetation and insects of the area where the cathedral was built. At the same time, work was underway on a part of the cloister illustrating the portal of the Holy Virgin of the Rosary.

1911 - Gaudi began to think about the design of the façade of the Passion, which could not be completed before the death of the architect. Then he creates drawings of the facade of Glory.

The appearance of the building in Barcelona, ​​according to the creator's idea, was supposed to be a forest thicket of columns, with elements similar to the arched structures of Colonia Güell.

After the death of the genius, work on the construction was continued by Domenech Sugranes, who completed work on the remaining columns of the Nativity façade. In addition, he completed the cypress tree located above the entrance to the façade.

As a result of the Spanish War, construction of the cathedral was suspended. Most of the drawings and sketches remaining from Gaudí's work were burned in a fire.

1952 - construction of the church resumed, decoration of the Nativity façade continued. A staircase was made, and the facade began to be illuminated, there is a photo of the illuminated temple at night, which is a beautiful sight.

Exterior of the temple

The Sagrada Familia, as you can see in the photo, has three facades. The Nativity façade is represented by three portals, symbolizing Faith, Hope and Love. The portals are a collection of sculptural compositions illustrating the affairs of Jesus Christ on earth.

In the Portal of Hope, located to the right of the entrance, there are sculptural scenes: the wedding of Mary and Joseph, the escape to Egypt, the murder of infants.

In the Portal responsible for Faith there are statues dedicated to fragments from the New Testament: the meeting of the Virgin Mary with Elizabeth, Jesus with the Pharisees, Entering the Temple, Jesus while working as a carpenter.

The portal located in the center of the façade is dedicated to the virtue of Love or Mercy. Here are sculptures symbolizing Christmas: the adoration of the Magi and shepherds, angels, the star of the Nativity, and the Virgin and Child.

A huge “ceramic cypress” symbolizing the church grew above the portal. In the photo you can see that the Sagrada Familia looks as if its towers are sculpted from sand, in which there are many holes for acoustic effect.

The passion façade is located on the reverse side of the Nativity façade. There are four towers above it, and it is decorated with sculptures illustrating the Crucifixion of Christ.

The Sagrada Familia will eventually have eighteen bell towers, twelve of them belonging to the facades, each with four columns. The number twelve symbolizes the number of apostles.

Four towers with a height of 120 meters are dedicated to the evangelists: Mark, John, Luke, Matthew with their corresponding symbols of a lion, eagle, calf, angel. The windows are decorated with multi-colored bright stained glass windows with Biblical symbols.

Interior decoration of the temple

The inside of the temple looks, according to some, even better than the outside; in the photo below you can see how interesting the architecture is inside the Sagrada Familia. Since Gaudi understood that during his lifetime he would not have time to complete the Expiatory Church of the Holy Family, he thought through many details.

Not wanting the standard straightforwardness in the design inside the temple, Gaudi decided to use various figures from geometry, such as hyperboloid, ellipsoid, helicoid, conoid. The Sagrada Familia has interior design in compliance with geometric laws.

The windows have a round and elliptical shape, the vaults imitate the shape of a hyperboloid, the columns are twisted in the form of helicoids, and spiral staircases are inside the bell towers. There are many other geometric elements inside the temple. For example, the columns carry the entire load of the building; their section at the bottom is a star, which gradually turns into a circle with height.

Rising higher, the columns branch like trees, collectively creating the feeling of being in a forest. The star is also a frequently recurring element within the temple, sometimes appearing at the intersection of lines of geometric elements within the temple.

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most striking and remarkable architectural monuments. This temple in Barcelona attracts many tourists every year who take fantastic photos and enjoy its splendor.

Sagrada Familia full name Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family (Basilica De La Sagrada Familia) in Barcelona is one of the greatest projects of Antoni Gaudi. A colossal architectural example of a unique architectural style, combining Gothic and curvilinear forms in the Art Nouveau style.

Currently, the Sagrada Familia tops the list of attractions in Barcelona and is the most famous and visited place in the capital of Catalonia.

The Sagrada Familia is truly the greatest building in the city, the construction of which began back in 1882, under the watchful eye of the architect Francisco de Paula del Villar, who was the original designer of the Sagrada. In 1883, when Villar resigned, Gaudi took over as chief architect, transforming the project in an architectural and engineering sense. It was Gaudi who brought to the project that exquisite combination of strict Gothic and natural curvilinear forms, thanks to which the temple became such a unique creation, and not just another Gothic church. In 1914, Gaudí abandoned all other work to focus exclusively on this single project, on which he worked until his death on June 10, 1926, as a result of a tragic accident that occurred three days before the death of the greatest architect and creator.

At the time of the death of its second founding father, the Sagrada Familia was less than a quarter completed. The date of completion of the construction of the temple still remains unknown, because the church has still not been completed. Perhaps this is the most ambitious unfinished construction project in the modern world.

During Gaudí's work on the Sagrada, he had many assistants and followers who collaborated with him during his life. After Gaudi's death, it was these architects and craftsmen who continued the construction of the Expiatory Church of the Holy Family; the work was carried out according to Gaudi's plans and plaster models.

Despite its unfinished construction, the Sagrada is currently the outstanding building in Barcelona. And, indeed, we can say with all confidence: “If you are in Barcelona, ​​then, even without going inside, it’s definitely worth coming and seeing a unique work.” The spiers of the Sagrada are visible from afar, and you, like a child lured by candy, follow their call and, as you move towards your goal, the majestic basilica opens up more and more.

In front of the main entrance to the Sagrada there is a small park of the same name - Plaça de la Sagrada Família. A great place to relax after visiting the temple.

The façade of the Nativity and the crypt of the Temple of the Redeemer of the Holy Family were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005. Palau Güell, Casa Milà (La Pedrera) and Park Güell, were also added to the World Heritage List in 1984. The heritage site was expanded in 2005 to also include Casa Vicens and Casa Batlló in Barcelona. All these elements together make up “The Works of Antoni Gaudí” and “Gaudí’s Unforgettable Barcelona”.

Also included in Unesco is the crypt at Colònia Güell in Santa Coloma de Cervello.

Tickets to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

In addition to admiring the outside, you can go into the Sagrada. Ticket offices are located here - near the central facade. You can also purchase tickets online, we recommend buying online, so each ticket will cost 4-6 Euros cheaper.

As the official website says: “Your ticket helps us build the Basilica. Come to us and help us realize Gaudí's dream in 2026." Drawing a simple conclusion, we can judge that the final completion construction work The Sagradas are planned for 2026)).

There are several types of tickets. For example: - visiting a temple - 15 Euro; - temple + excursion - 22 Euro; temple + audio guide + ticket to the Gaudi House Museum (in) - 24 Euro; temple + visit to one of the towers: on the Nativity façade, overlooking the eastern side of Barcelona or on the Passion façade overlooking the city center + audio guide - 29 Euro.

It’s also worth considering that the number of visitors is limited, so you may have to wait until those who have already entered leave and it’s your turn.

Alternatively, you can consider purchasing a Barcelona City Pass. The ticket includes a visit to the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, transfer from/to the airport(s), a trip on a sightseeing bus + a 20% discount on admission to some other museums and attractions in Barcelona. The Barcelona City Pass can be beneficial only if you take advantage of the complex of all services provided, otherwise it is more profitable to purchase separate tickets to the Sagrada Temple and Park Güell. The entrance ticket to Gaudi's works in Park Güell costs 8.50 euros on site (at the entrance to the park) and 7.50 online. Entrance to the Gaudi House Museum in Park Güell is paid separately; the visit costs 5.50 Euro.

Address and opening hours of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Address: Carrer de Mallorca, 401, 08013 Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Opening hours: - from November to February from 09:00 to 18:00;

March from 09:00 to 19:00;

From April to September from 09:00 to 20:00;

October from 09:00 to 19:00;

Tickets end on sale 30 minutes before closing.

Excursion times depend on the time of year and day of the week. Excursion times can be checked on the official website.

How to get to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

Walking is easy! The Sagrada is just 2.5 km away. from Plaza Catalunya and 1.4 km. from another creation of Gaudí - Casa Mila.

Near the Temple there is a metro station of the same name - Sagrada Família. The station is served by metro lines L2 and L5.

Buses: 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50, 51, B20 and B24.

For me, Catalonia, and in particular Barcelona, ​​until recently was associated with the same name football club and the famous El Classico. And when I had the chance to attend this grand event with my company, I agreed without hesitation. Since we got there early, we got to Barcelona the day before the match, and we had free time to get to know the city. We were immediately offered to visit the most popular unfinished construction project in Spain and one of the most famous in the world. Its Catalans, even if they weren’t Catalans, have already managed to turn it into a tourist attraction - Sagrada Familia.

I’ll say right away that the structure is impressive even from a distance. Even against the backdrop of the extraordinary architecture of Barcelona, ​​it stands out for its size, shape and special, concentrated energy. Upon closer acquaintance, he evokes stunning feelings.

The history of the creation of the Sagrada Familia

  • The idea of ​​building a temple arose back in 1874 and came from a wealthy bookseller Josepa Maria Bocabello. Initially, it was planned that construction would be carried out exclusively on private donations. After collecting the necessary amount in 1881, it was purchased land plot in the area of ​​Eixample, at that time several kilometers away from the city limits.
  • The first architect of the project was Francisco de Villar, under his leadership the temple was founded. This event took place in 1882 on St. Joseph's Day, or more precisely on March 19. De Villar saw the future temple in the neo-Gothic style and, based on this, planned construction. But at the end of the same year, the architect had disagreements with the clients, and he left the project.
  • The construction of the Sagrada Familia was led by an architect Antonio Gaudi, who at that time was 31 years old and had only one completed building as experience.

There are several versions why the choice fell on him. One, romantic, says that Josep Bocabello dreamed that the Sagrada Familia would be built by a blond, blue-eyed man. Since there are few Catalans who fit such characteristics, when Bocabello saw Gaudi, he immediately insisted on choosing him. Supporters of the second, pragmatic, are inclined to believe that the choice was caused by the desire to save money for customers, since Gaudi at that time was still a little-known architect. Be that as it may, Gaudi devoted the next 43 years of his life to this project, and the Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona itself is associated with.

Gaudi - the main creator of the Sagrada Familia

Gaudi, being not only an architect, but also an abstractionist, made fundamental changes to the original design of the temple. Strictly speaking, he had practically no finished project on paper, preferring to work spontaneously, obeying inspiration. In order to constantly monitor the construction process, Antonio Gaudi settled directly on the construction site.

The architect's main idea was to use natural lines (trees, the human body), which he considered a model of perfection, in the appearance of the future structure.

IN last years Gaudi's life, realizing that he would not have time to realize even a small part of his plans, paid more and more attention to drawings and sketches, trying to convey as many of his ideas as possible to future builders. Therefore, at this time the pace of construction is somewhat reduced.

After the death of the master in 1926, a discussion arose among the Spanish public whether it was worth continuing the construction of the temple or leaving the construction unfinished, in memory of Gaudi. Moreover, many famous artists, including Salvador Dali, spoke in favor of stopping the work. However, the work continued and was headed by one of Antoni Gaudi's assistants. Domenech Sugranes.

The construction that began in 1936 was significantly hindered Civil War. Moreover, it was not only the temple that suffered. Most of the drawings and sketches made by Gaudí were destroyed. Full-scale work was resumed in the 1950s and continues to this day.
In 2010, Pope Benedict XVI, during a visit to Spain, consecrated the Church of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) in, thereby recognizing it as suitable for holding services.

Main attractions and relics of the Sagrada Familia

To imagine the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​I will cite it short description with photo.

  • Made in the shape of a Latin cross. It is framed by three portals: Christmas, Passion of Christ And Ascension(currently being completed). Upon completion of construction, 18 towers will rise above the temple: 12 dedicated to the apostles (4 on each of the 3 facades), 4 in honor of the Evangelists (above the central vault), as well as the main one, dedicated to Jesus Christ, the tower and bell tower of the Virgin Mary. Each of the facades symbolizes a milestone in the life of Christ, and the images placed on them are dedicated to scenes on biblical stories. Moreover, all figures are made in life size. Gaudi, and then subsequent architects, wrote out every design element so meticulously that you can spend a long time looking at one single episode.
  • The first thing that catches your eye as soon as you enter the temple is the many columns of various shapes. Moreover, they do not stand, but grow, bending like trees, at different angles and digging their crowns into the arches of the room.
  • Particularly attractive temple lighting. Light penetrates through many multi-colored mosaic windows, mixing inside and acquiring an unusual, mysterious hue.
  • Altar of the Sagrada Familia also attracts with its originality. It is raised two meters above the floor level and is clearly visible from any corner of the room. Above the altar, floating in the air, rises a crucifix under an open canopy. Finishing elements interior decoration are thought out no less carefully than the details of the facade, and for a long time the visitor will not be able to figure out what to concentrate his attention on.

Everything is subordinated to clear geometric laws, complementing the impression of perfection received from the appearance of the Sagrada Familia.

How to get there

Address of the Church of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) Antonio Gaudi: st. Mallorca, 401, Barcelona, ​​Catalonia, .
You can get to the Expiatory Church of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona on your own:

  • Metro– Sagrada Familia station on the lilac and blue lines;
  • By bus– stop of the same name on routes No. 19, 33, 34, 43, 44, 50 and 51.

Prices, promotions, opening hours

You can visit the Sagrada Familia by purchasing one of the entrance tickets:

  • Panoramic tour with a visit to the towers (with an audio guide in Russian) will cost 29 euros;
  • Specialized excursion dedicated to Antoni Gaudi, with a visit to the temple and the architect’s house-museum (audio guide available in Russian) costs 24 euros;
  • Tour with a specialized guide for Sagrada Familia it will cost 24 euros (not provided in Russian);
  • Individual excursion for the basilica – 22 euros (there is an audio guide in Russian);
  • Ticket valid for one hour of visiting the temple without a guide, audio guide and visit to the towers - 15 euros.

Temple opening hours

  • During the winter season(November to February) the temple is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • In the off-season(March and October) you can visit the Sagrada Familia from 9 to 19 hours.
  • During the summer season(from April to September) visitors are welcome from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • IN holidays On December 25, December 26, January 1 and January 6, opening hours are limited from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Ticket sales stop 30 minutes before closing.

Sagrada Familia - video

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most important attractions in Barcelona. The most famous creation of the brilliant architect Antonio Gaudi has been under construction for more than a century. This video cannot convey all the feelings you experience while looking at this masterpiece. Enjoy watching!

I was very impressed by my visit to the Sagrada Familia. But since this was a spontaneous excursion, perhaps I did not fully understand the full scale of this structure.

The capital of Catalonia is one of the main tourist centers Europe. This city is famous for its abundance of attractions, its daring character and unbridled architecture. Barcelona acquired such fame largely thanks to the works of the outstanding architect Antonio Gaudi, which have amazed tourists since the day of their creation.

One of the most striking and incomprehensible works of the architect is, of course, the legendary Sagrada Familia cathedral, or the Temple of the Sagrada Familia by Antoni Gaudi.

Sagrada Familia of Barcelona

Sagrada Familia is the most famous landmark of the capital of Catalonia. This church has been under construction for almost 140 years. Construction of the church began in 1882, then the church acquired a plot of land outside the city to build the most majestic cathedral in the history of Spain. The talented and extraordinary architect A. Gaudi was invited to work on the project, who at that time was an unknown young designer who had a with their shoulders only one building.

Antonio set to work with enthusiasm, even without a specific construction plan. All his decisions were intuitive, and often the builders had to redo ready-made parts of the basilica when new ideas came to the architect. The architect devoted his entire adult life to the construction of the Sagrada Familia. Antonio simply lived on the construction site, because he could not leave work unattended for a minute. Under his leadership, the work continued for 40 years, until the death of the architect.

The uniqueness of this building lies not even in unusual forms and mixing different architectural styles, which Gaudi used. In fact, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is a bible embodied in stone. Each of the facades of the building is bible stories, which hide the secrets of the universe, the secrets of the past and future. It is also noteworthy that the artist used casts of animals and people to create the sculptural compositions. So, for the picture of the murder of children by King Herod, casts were made from stillborn babies, and in order to create figures of animals, Antonio simply put them to sleep for a while.

Surprisingly, such a majestic structure was built entirely with donations from the townspeople. When the money ran out, the architect himself went out into the streets of the city to collect donations. The fire and enthusiasm in his eyes did not leave the citizens indifferent, and each of them donated even their last savings for the construction. This continued until 1926. This year, the great architect absurdly died under the wheels of a tram, without leaving behind a single drawing of the finished project.

After the death of the great architect, the construction of the Sagrada Familia Cathedral passed under the control of Gaudi’s student, D. Surganes, but he did not have time to finish his life’s work. After his death, three more architects supervised the work, each of whom contributed their own ideas to the architecture and decoration of the building.

Exterior interior and architectural features

Despite the fact that the construction of the church continues to this day, services began to be held in it back in 2010, then the church became available for tourist excursions. Today, the Sagrada Familia (Barcelona) is recognized as the most unusual basilica in the world, and therefore the most visited attraction in Spain.

Among the outstanding architectural features In the building, several remarkable details can be distinguished, for example, the towers, which rise above the modern buildings and are visible from almost anywhere in the city, soar up from a single base, as if a huge rock had separated into several parts and directed its peaks into the endless sky.

Also surprising in their unusualness are the bas-reliefs and sculptural compositions that tell about those stages of Christ’s life, birth, torment and resurrection. The architecture of the basilica has many irregular shapes and geometric nonsense, which creates big picture a kind of chaos, subordinated by the architect to his will.

It's definitely worth going inside. The interior of the church, as well as its external appearance, amazes with its unusualness and the unbridled imagination of the architect. The Sagrada Familia offers wonderful views to those who enter. Visitors are surrounded by fancy branchy columns, which rush under the openwork arches and look like flower vines, climbing along the unique frescoes and stucco moldings. It's very light and cozy inside. The sun penetrates inside through numerous windows and stained glass, which makes the lighting soft and somehow fabulous.

Today, not all of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is accessible for inspection. Tickets can be bought for the towers of the Nativity and Passion facades; the museum of the construction of the church is also open, where unique sketches and drawings of the great architect are exhibited. Most of the exhibition, unfortunately, was destroyed during the war, but what remains amazes visitors with its originality.

Once you find yourself in this extraordinary structure, be sure to go up to the observation deck. You can get here by elevator, and there is also a unique spiral staircase leading to the site. The spiral is unique in that when viewed from below it creates the impression of a curved reality and full sensation that the arch moves upward without stopping. From here you have a truly unique view of Barcelona. From the observation deck along spiral staircase you can climb to the very top of the tower, to where, according to the great architect’s plan, bells should be installed that will produce magical music when the wind moves.