Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital history magazine. Legends and scary stories. Where is Khovrinskaya Hospital located?

For several decades now, residents and guests of the northern outskirts of Moscow have been oppressed by the mere appearance of an abandoned building that looks like a gigantic ghost ship - the Khovrinskaya Hospital (KhZB). Its notoriety makes people avoid it, and some, on the contrary, are attracted by its gloom, mystery and terrible legends. What epithets did the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital know, photos of which make the blood run cold. It is called Umbrella by analogy with the gloomy closed corporation from the movie “Resident Evil”, Unfinished Construction, Nemostor, Khovrinka. The walls of this hospital have seen murders, suicides, dark romance, stalker parties, and, of course, more than a dozen drug addicts and alcohol lovers. And it all started with the grandiose plans of the Soviet authorities.

History of HZB

Most buildings from the times of the USSR are not particularly original and are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. But not the Khovrinskaya Hospital, whose history, like itself, is shrouded in a trail of secrets and legends. The very unusual layout of the building in the form of a triangular biohazard cross is unlike anything else around.

The idea of ​​creating a grandiose hospital complex with 1,300 beds was born in the minds of the capital’s authorities in 1980. For comparison, at the current Research Institute named after. Sklifosofsky - 900 places. The Khovrino district was chosen for the construction of the complex, where at that time there was no hospital at all. Several eminent architects took on the creation and implementation of the project. Construction lasted 5 years, during which time it was decided to give the hospital to the Khovrinsky district administration.

As a result, by 1985, not far from the highway to St. Petersburg, a 10-story building in the style of post-war brutalism, maneuvering between practicality and aesthetics, had already risen. Since then, the era of HZB began: the history of the hospital was interrupted, giving way to numerous conjectures, legends, and rumors. The project was suspended and then completely closed. During Perestroika, no one cared about the unfinished monumental structure.

Why was the HZB abandoned?

A logical question arises: if the city, and then the region, needed the Khovrinskaya hospital so much, why was the building not completed? What exactly made the authorities freeze the project is not known for certain. Exists two main versions: lack of funds and problems with the foundation.

It is said that the site of the building was previously a cemetery, but in fact the foundation was laid in the epicenter of a swampy landfill. The swamp was drained, but apparently incorrectly. This led to flooding of the basements of the structure during construction. It was not possible to correct the oversight of the designers; the chances of passing the acceptance committee were close to zero, since the hospital could collapse at any moment, burying all 1,300 beds along with equipment, staff and patients under the rubble. Having imagined the scale of a possible disaster, the project was banned and closed. The unfinished building was surrounded by a fence and barbed wire, a guard was posted, who after a short time withdrew, leaving the facility to the mercy of fate. That's when the fun began.

For some time, only the wind walked through the corridors of Khovrinka. And then he was joined by a certain sect of Satanists who called themselves Nemostor.

Useful for tourists:

The members of the sinister sect were mainly the dregs of society - drug addicts, tramps, alcoholics. But there were also several normal, but fanatical people. They were the first to sprinkle blood on the abandoned gigantic building. The sectarians settled in one of the basements, where they installed an altar and held their black masses with sacrifices. Dozens of animals, and according to some reports, people, have died at the hands of Satanists. Before the beginning of the new millennium, cases of missing people who were never found either alive or dead became more frequent in the KhZB area. Sacrificed by crazy fanatics to Satan, they disappeared from this world without a trace. When too many missing persons reports accumulated, riot police intervened. They say they raided the sectarians and blew up the basements, burying the followers of Satan under the rubble. Since then, their sinful, swollen bodies have been floating in basement lakes, and restless souls have been wandering through dark corridors. In fact, no one blew up anyone. The police actually staged a raid on the Satanists, after which they were detained and taken to their proper destination.

The idea of ​​Nemostor was then picked up by another company of devil worshipers - the Black Cross. These guys were doing their dark deeds on the fifth floor of the unfinished building, as the walls covered with satanic symbols eloquently tell. It is believed that they still live in the hospital in a secret room behind a sliding wall. But no one can confirm these rumors. However, how to refute it.

After the dispersal of the Nemostor sectarians, the hospital premises were filled with all and sundry. Homeless people, drug addicts, criminals, stalkers, photographers, and curious teenagers found shelter here. The gloomy Khovrinsk hospital protected its legends from external encroachment, so anyone who meddled into its bottomless depths was in great danger. In fact, the danger did exist and still exists. But it lies not in the embittered hospital spirit and ghosts, but in rotten structures, concrete failures, open shafts, and protruding reinforcement.

Rumors about numerous suicides committed within the walls of the KhZB are also not surprising. However, only one thing is a confirmed fact. In 2005, a sixteen-year-old boy, Alexey Krayushkin, stepped into an open elevator shaft from the eighth floor, suffering from unrequited love. A memorial plaque was erected at the site of the suicide, where his friends came to honor the memory of the teenager. But “unfinished construction specialists” claim that Krayushkin’s body was not found at the bottom of the mine, but in one of the utility rooms. An ominous inscription appeared above the doorway stating that the soul of “The Edge” rests here and entry into this room is prohibited. Curious violators of the ban claimed that they saw the translucent silhouette of a teenager easily passing through the walls.

On this horror stories HZBs do not end there. Fans of dark romance and extreme sports constantly introduce stories about the Khorvin ghosts, mass deaths from falls into mines, and the dying howls of victims lost in tunnels into their conversations. The legends of Khovrinka flourish beyond time: strange cases born of the human imagination have happened and are happening within the walls of this hospital to this day. But this does not deter extreme sports enthusiasts.

Visit Khovrinka and take a photo with the famous inscription “This hospital is a land of miracles, I fell into it and disappeared there” - great achievement among connoisseurs of stalking entertainment and teenagers. They are not afraid of accidentally tripping and falling, because the hospital is under the protection of the mythical god Raf, who protects visitors to the unfinished building from harm.

There is also a real “God Raf” - a private security company that took over the building in 2011.

Demolition of Khovrinskaya hospital in 2017

Parents of children and teenagers mutilated by Khovrinka have repeatedly stammered about the need to demolish the hospital. Even local residents who were accustomed to Umbrella’s neighborhood said that the city landscape would look better without the complex. Therefore, the news that the Khovrinskaya hospital would be demolished was received with a bang. The city authorities made this decision in 2015, promising to allocate about 1 billion rubles from the city budget for the relevant work. It will no longer be possible to save the hospital. The building, which stood abandoned for 30 years to the delight of winds, rains and swamps, is in extremely poor condition and cannot be restored. Therefore, the demolition of the KhZB is inevitable. Residential or commercial buildings may appear on the site of the world's largest long-term construction project. However, for now, the authorities’ plans exist only in oral form, and thrill-seekers continue to explore abandoned corridors and invent chilling legends.

Where is Khovrinskaya Hospital located?

The more tales appear around Khovrinka, the more its lifeless corridors attract lovers of everything unusual and mysterious, who quite naturally have questions about where the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is located and how to get there. In the northern district of Moscow Khovrino, everyone can tell you the way to the hospital. It is located near the Khovrino railway station and Grachevsky Park, exact address - st. Klinskaya, 2, bldg. 1. The gigantic building is overgrown with greenery, surrounded by a fence and in some places even barbed wire, but will this scare real adventure seekers?

Khovrinskaya hospital on the map

To accurately get into the complex, you can use navigation using Google or Yandex maps. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital on the map displays an ominous biohazard sign. However, from a satellite the building looks quite harmless. And what impressions will remain after seeing the symbol of Soviet long-term construction with your own eyes, you will be able to understand when you visit this strange, legendary object.

You can talk about the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital for hours. Over the 30 years of its existence, this building has collected much more horror stories and legends than real facts. If you want to figure out for yourself what is truth and what is fiction, go on a chilling tour of Khovrinka. Just be careful, because an abandoned unfinished building does not forgive mistakes.

Construction of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital began in the 1980s. It was originally planned that a large medical facility would be the pride of the city, but it was later decided that a building with a capacity of 1,300 beds would better serve the area, but construction was stopped in 1985.

Now there are rumors that they built a hospital on a former cemetery, canceled in the 60s, and also that there used to be a church there in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. In fact, previously there was a landfill on this site, on which an entire Zeleneogradskaya street was later built, and directly on the site of the hospital building itself there was a swamp, which was unsuccessfully drained as a result of which even during the construction process basements whole lakes of hospitals appeared. That’s when the construction was stopped, realizing that the project had made a serious mistake with the construction site, and if the construction of the building continued, it would simply collapse.

As for the second building, there was never a morgue or a crematorium, as many “experts” on this story claim, just as there was no imported furniture, doors, signs on the doors or plumbing in the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital, and the military never guarded this object. At first there were several watchmen on duty, but when the collapse of the USSR began, they also left.

Nemostor in the KhZB building

In the period from the late eighties, early nineties, a sect of Satanists called Nemostor settled there. By and large, this group consisted of adherents who were considered “scum of society”: drug addicts, alcoholics and mentally ill normal people. There were, of course, normal but fanatical people among the adherents. Taking advantage of the fact that this place was quiet and not crowded, they set up their own altar in the basement for holding black masses and sacrifices. Many of the sect members lived right there.

At first, members of Nemostor brought stray animals to the territory of the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital and the sadists killed them by sacrificing them. Feeling their impunity, they set to work on the homeless and curious onlookers who came to look at the unfinished Khovrinsky building.

When the number of reports of missing people on the territory of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital exceeded several dozen, it was decided to conduct a raid on the sect members. Riot police arrived at the hospital. Police fired into the air and exploded flash grenades to blind cultists in dark basements lit by homemade torches and candles. As a result, several dozen people were detained, the rest fled. No one blew up any tunnel, so the story about the sectarians flooded in the basements of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is nothing more than a tale. By the way, after some time, the Satanists returned to the KhZB building, but placed their altar in the central part of the building on the fifth floor.

The next ones to start settling in this place, there were various gangs and thugs who brought or lured people, killed and robbed. According to data for 2004, 6 bodies were discovered in the building of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital, in 2006 there were 13, and in 2008 there were already 17 bodies. In general, law enforcement agencies already have more than 1,500 reports of missing people in the KhZB area.

Khovrinskaya hospital is a very dangerous facility

Regarding the numerous suicides in the territory Umbrella, as local teenagers call it, it can rather be attributed to urban legends. Only one case of suicide was recorded in the HZB building, which occurred approximately 8 years ago. 16-year-old Alexey Krayushkin threw himself from the eighth floor of a building into an elevator shaft because of unrequited love. Friends erected a memorial to him: on the 2nd floor of one of the buildings, painting the entire wall with graffiti, poems and simply farewell autographs: “The land, we mourn and remember.”

The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital itself is a very dangerous object. Multiple holes in the floor, weakened by time concrete structures, open elevator shafts. Also, protruding reinforcement rods, flights of stairs without railings, etc., can become one of the causes of death for a tourist who is not prepared and does not know the traps of HZB.

One such accident occurred in May 2011. An eighteen-year-old boy accidentally tripped and fell into the elevator shaft. And this is only one of the registered cases, and there were many similar ones that no one knows about. Many daredevils walk alone around the building in pitch darkness with a flashlight, where it is dangerous during the day and if one of them falls into a trap, it is unlikely that anyone will find him in such a huge and deserted building.

Due to the incident that occurred in 2011, it was decided to strengthen security near the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital. She is guarded by several private security company employees with dogs.

KhZB auctioned for 1.8 billion rubles

In 2009, the Khovrinsky unfinished multidisciplinary hospital was transferred to the ownership of the city of Moscow.

In 2012, it was planned to demolish the existing buildings and erect new hospital buildings, but already in October of the same year, the buildings of the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital, together with the building under them land plot were put up for auction with a starting price of 1.8 billion rubles.

For that long term that the Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital exists, it served as a habitat for many people from homeless people to goths, punks, skins, emo and other members of subcultures. Companions of the RNU and Limonovites were based in the Khovrinsky unfinished building. The “Berserkers” detachment of the NSO organization trains at the KhZB, the dogs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations undergo training, as well as trainings in various shooting sports.

Over time, many abandoned and gloomy objects become overgrown with various rumors and legends, but not everything is true. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital is just such an example, when there is more fiction than truth, but telling and listening to stories is much more interesting.

This is information that I collected from all over the Internet...
Construction of the Khovrinskaya hospital began in 1981 on the site of an old cemetery. It was designed for 1,300 beds for patients from all over the USSR. It was planned to create one of the best medical institutions in our country. Later, the nature of its application changed to a more modest one, that is, a regional nature (in Khovrino in those years there were no medical institutions at all). In 1985, construction was completed under unclear circumstances. By that time, some equipment had already been delivered to the hospital and furniture had been installed. All this happened with clear conscience made by local residents.
The reasons why construction was stopped are as follows:
1. Lack of funds to complete the work and maintain the hospital (the most plausible)
2. The foundation of the building was made unsatisfactorily (played cruel joke building shape). The project was banned because it could collapse.
Well, the story with the great Khovrinsk hospital ends construction work didn't end. It was not destined to become a place that helps people save lives. It became the place where these lives were taken. They were taken away because of faith, unrequited love, because of chance and fate to disappear there.
Location. About the building itself
The hospital is located near Khovrino station, near the park. Easily accessible from the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station.
In the building: 2 buildings. The main building is shaped like a star. 6 wings extend from it, which are connected by 3 storey passages. The main building has 3 roof levels. A large and scary flooded basement that goes approximately 4 floors deep. There is a version that there is a flooded tunnel between the buildings, in which a truck could pass. But more on this a little later.
The second building was ophthalmological. It housed a morgue and crematorium.
The hospital is popularly called not only Umbrella. It is also called Khovrinka, Khovrinsky Nedostroy, Nemostor (the fun begins).
Nemostor. Satanist sect
After the sudden cessation of construction work, the building began to be guarded by the military. The object was listed as strategically important. But then they left too. The building was empty for long. The satanic sect Nemostor settled there. Various sources attribute this to different years. Some say that this happened in the late 80s, others in the early 90s. But the date is not the main thing in this case. The main thing is the 100% fact of their existence
there during this period and their activities within Umbrella.
The sect, as they say, made their church there in the basement (which they should not have done, if you follow the Bible of Satan), where there are no windows and where sunlight does not reach. They have done a good job in the basement. There are even some things they made there. homemade stairs. It was committed by Satanists great amount attacks on people. All the curious people who went there ended badly. They were either simply killed or sacrificed to Satan (which again contradicts the Bible, since it clearly states that Satan does not need sacrifice). In Umbrella, satanic rituals and orgies were held, ordinary residents, small children, dogs and homeless people were sacrificed. Their corpses were often burned in special ovens. In total, on the unflooded level of the basement there are now 2 churches with ovens. Satanists also organized Black Masses there.
The Mass itself is the main Christian Catholic ritual.
The Black Mass is a peculiar satanic type of mass directed against Christianity. There is a kind of parody of Christian ritual and desecration of Christian symbols. Instead of light candles, black candles are used on the altar. The cross with the crucified Christ is either turned over or a six-pointed star is used. Instead of incense, most often all kinds of mushrooms that have a narcotic effect are burned on the altar, which helps the adherents of the sect quickly achieve a stupefied state.
The sect leader begins to read a satanic sermon. In it he praises Satan, reads christian prayers backwards (which is a sin), curses Jesus and the entire Christian religion in every possible way. Throughout the sermon the leader is in a state of approaching orgasm. The adherents sing satanic hymns and are in a deranged state.
Then the preacher has an orgasm, he desecrates the sacrament, and throws the cross with the crucified Jesus on the ground. The adherents of the sect rush at him in a rage, trying to break him and desecrate him in every possible way. It all ends in a messy and wild orgy, in which they do not look at the gender of their like-minded person. As they say, group sex is messy.

All these rituals were carried out in Umbrella. And this is for everyone known fact. Including law enforcement agencies. The action of a dangerous sect within the walls of the building and constant ritual murders did not go unnoticed. The authorities soon found out about this.
The apartments of the Satanists with furniture and electricity, where the base of Nemostor lived, were located in an underground tunnel between the main and ophthalmological buildings. Satanists gathered there and many lived there. During the next meeting of Nemostor, the authorities staged a special operation to destroy the sect. Riot police arrived at the hospital. Armed detachments surrounded the sectarians, opened fire and drove them into this tunnel, and then blew up (nothing was said about a grenade, note that nothing was said) both entrances there, thereby closing their path to retreat. The explosion flooded the tunnel, and the remaining Satanists drowned. Their corpses are still there. The tunnel is flooded, and now no one knows the entrance to it, except for some people.
The man who showed the operas the entrance there disappeared before the operation.
This is the most famous story about Umbrella. The most common. Now no one can say whether everything was as I described above. But there are two facts. Nemostor acted there, and the organs got rid of it.
To confirm this version, you need to explore the lower levels. And you can’t do this without special equipment and scuba gear. And who will do this if not some daredevils. All that remains of them are poems on the walls and the eternal memory of the shed blood.
Satanists in Umbrella today
Despite sad fate their predecessors, Satanists still gather in the hospital after sunset and perform rituals. But they do this no longer in the basement, but on the 5th floor of the main building. They have a special room there in the very center. The room has no windows or doors. They get there by moving the wall. No one sticks around there, not even the police, although there is a chance that they don’t know about its existence.

This is not the end
The existence of the sect left a dark mark on this place.
But the destruction of Nemostor was not the end of Umbrella's story. People are still disappearing and dying in the building. The series of bodies found there does not stop. The local police department has about 1,500 applications for the hospital. According to the data I dug up, in 2004, 6 bodies were found in Umbrella. During the summer of 2006 13 tel. And this is only two years. If we had access to police archives, then I think we would learn a lot more interesting information, but alas.
The hospital is surrounded by a huge number of mysteries, unexplained phenomena. There are rumors of ghosts, of children crying and screaming in empty and dark corridors. No one knows if ghosts really exist there.
By the way, regarding the death of animals, there is one story about a hospital.
In a house near Umbrella lived a compassionate old woman. Somehow she lost her mongrel and decided to look for him inside the building. In one of the rooms she came across a dead dog, which she hardly recognized as her pet. His paws were tied with rope. Nearby, the grandmother found another pair of severed and tied dog paws, with which she went to the police. Law enforcement officers conducted raids for several days, but failed to detain anyone. And a week later, a pensioner who decided to track down the killers, under mysterious circumstances, fell into a trap in a bad house and died there for several days with broken legs.
Umbrella has a lot of traps. The most important thing when you are there is to look at your feet. The floor underneath you may collapse. There are a huge number of holes and gaps leading down to the floor or into the water. There are also often traps covered metal sheets. If you step on one, you will fall down onto metal bars specially prepared for this occasion. During our tour of the hospital, I also noticed areas on the ceiling with rods protruding vertically downwards.
Suicides in the hospital
Umbrella didn't just kill people. There were also cases of suicide. The most famous is the suicide of a guy, the memorial to which you can see when you enter the hospital from the park.
A guy whose nickname was Krai jumped down from the 8th floor into an elevator shaft because of unrequited love. He was very young. Now there are a lot of flowers, cigarettes and poems on the wall. One of them - “The hospital is a land of miracles, you entered it and disappeared there” - became a prophecy for all of Umbrella. For all the people who lost their lives there.
Directly from the memorial is a dark room, in which Kray's body was found. There are inscriptions written above the entrance that his soul rests here and entry is prohibited. One of our people went there and quickly ran out with fear in his eyes. After moving to a safe distance, he said that he saw a man in uniform there. They thought it was a ghost, but everything turned out okay. It turned out that these were two riot police who, most likely, were organizing a raid on someone there for some other crime committed in the hospital.
Residents of Umbrella
There are also people in Umbrella who live there permanently. Well, first of all, these are homeless people. Lots of homeless people. Raf is another resident of the hospital. Information about this strange character minimal. He is said to be the god of Umbrella. Her keeper. He is there all the time, although we won’t find him if we want to. There were cases when he saved people who had fallen into traps or were in trouble. But after assistance was provided, he disappeared again.
Further fate
After getting rid of the Satanists, everyone started hanging out in the building.
From the numerous influx of homeless people - to goths, punks, skins, emo and other representatives of subcultures. Everyone has been here... From RNU comrades and national socialists to supporters of left communist ideas and Limonov's NBP members. The “Berserkers” squad of the NSO organization trains in the hospital, and
Ministry of Emergency Situations dogs are trained, as well as trainings in various shooting sports.

The mystical center of Moscow, the gateway to a parallel world, the prototype of the Hollywood horror film “Resident Evil” - such is the reputation of an unfinished hospital in the north of Moscow, where people regularly die.

Killer Hospital

The empty 11-story buildings near Khovrino station have become the epicenter of mysticism and nightmares not only in Moscow; KhZB (Khovrinsk Abandoned Hospital) was included in the unofficial rating of the “most scary places planet." In the early 80s, they began to build a city multidisciplinary hospital here with 1,300 beds. The megaproject was stopped after 5 years, and at the stage when all the buildings had already been erected. Paradox: for 25 years this hospital has not saved lives, but, on the contrary, maimed and kills. Instead of staff, Satanists, homeless people, crazy people and thrill seekers have been registered here for decades. Tragedies occur here regularly: people fall from the roof, or fall into elevator shafts.

The mysticism is enhanced by a very sinister appearance killer hospitals. If you look at it from above, the location of the main buildings quite accurately corresponds international sign biological hazard Biohazard.

In fact, there is nothing sinister about this sign: it was invented by engineers of the chemical company Dow Chemical back in 1966 and was unknown to the general public for many decades. People started talking about the “mystical analogy” when the horror film “Resident Evil” with Milla Jovovich was released worldwide. Plot: the mysterious Umbrella corporation is building an underground medical center, where a terrible virus is being tested secretly from the people. As a result of the emergency, the staff turns into zombies that take over the entire planet. “Resident Evil” became a cult horror film; 3 sequels and a full-length cartoon were filmed. And in every film there is always a close-up of the Biohazard shamrock.

The reaction was predictable: Khovrinsky's unfinished project in the form of "Biohazard" instantly gained notoriety, and the Sabbaths of Satanists completed the picture. Naturally, the hospital, like a magnet, attracted city dwellers thirsting for extreme sports and adventure, mainly young people. Of the crowds of teenagers wandering at night with flashlights through empty buildings with unfenced elevator shafts, not all returned home. There were rumors about black masses, ghosts, and the living dead.

From time to time the facility was taken under guard, but there were years when the hospital remained in the grip of extreme people and Satanists. On the forums dedicated to the “Moscow Umbrella”, you can read terrible stories. Here is a girl describing in detail how she walks with her boyfriend in a hospital at night, takes him to the upper floors, asks him to look into the elevator shaft, and then pushes him in the back. You can blame it on rich teenage fantasy. But not everything could be blamed - the tragedies were repeated rarely.

Racing with zombies

Legends say that the hospital was built on an abandoned cemetery, which is why the place turned out to be disastrous: 2-4-level basements are flooded, the buildings are slowly going underground. Also, according to the main legend, once upon a time, riot police blocked members of the Nemostor Satanist sect on the underground floors of the hospital and blew up the tunnel on both sides. Some of the sectarians were buried alive, or rather, flooded with groundwater.

Of course, legends always diverge from reality to one degree or another, but, be that as it may, the Satanists left the hospital. Just like the homeless. What remained were “stalkers” and extreme sports fans, plus “tourists” from all over the country. At one time, a nighttime extreme skating rink was organized on the flooded levels in winter. Then the project was unexpectedly closed, according to rumors - after a police raid.

On the wall of one of the hospital buildings on the side of Klinskaya Street there is a drawing: some kind of symbol, the word “spirit”. The artist had to demonstrate industrial mountaineering skills. Namely: having climbed onto the roof, fasten to the halyard, descend along vertical wall no windows. This artist-climber had strong nerves: under his feet there was a height of 20 meters, and not the ground, but pieces of concrete, brick, steel reinforcement.

The Central Internal Affairs Directorate informed me that the territory was not guarded from April 2009 to April 2011. True, police officers in the Khovrino district regularly detained teenagers and conducted preventive conversations with them and their parents. Nevertheless, there are plenty of people who want to visit the killer hospital. From January 1 to June 2011, 72 minors were caught on the territory and taken to the Khovrinsky police department, police took 12 teenagers from the killer hospital to a regular hospital: the guys were injured. It is extremely easy to break a leg in KhZB: reinforcement sticks out everywhere, there are a lot of holes and dips. Among target audience A night hike to Khovrinka (dangerous during the day, but not so scary) is comparable in degree of coolness to a trip to the Chernobyl zone.

The hospital today is surrounded by a metal fence made of welded mesh, covered with barbed wire on top. On two sides along the perimeter there are ordinary city streets, on one side there is an industrial zone and on the other side there is the Grachevka park. The security is not noticeable, but it is there: 6 soldiers from two private security companies plus dogs are on duty around the clock.

Security was tightened after another tragedy: in May, an 18-year-old extreme tourist from the Moscow region died here. The guy walked into the territory, went up to the 8th floor, tripped and fell into the elevator shaft.

As a rule, all deaths are declared accidents. Only one drama by Khovrin’s “Resident Evil” is recognized as suicide. 6 years ago, 16-year-old Alexey Krayushkin threw himself from the roof because of unrequited love. He has his own memorial: on the 2nd floor of one of the buildings, the entire wall is painted with graffiti, poems and simply farewell autographs: “The region, we mourn and remember.”

This place is considered a “must” to visit: if you somehow broke through the barbed wire, the evil Chop dogs, missed the ghosts and safely passed the elevator shafts and sharp fittings, then you must honor the memory of the Edge. And also - take a photo with the famous inscription: “This hospital is a land of miracles, I went into it and disappeared there.” Your teenage friends will be jealous.

Witch Oaks

The Federal Property Management Agency and the Moscow authorities fought for a long time over the hospital, and in the spring of 2009, the long-term construction was finally transferred to the Moscow Property Department. The city has not yet decided what to do with it next.

The parents of the dead and mutilated teenagers and the children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov demand to get rid of the killer hospital. To local residents the proximity to “Resident Evil” is also pretty boring. Not only does it not in itself beautify the area. There are also man-made nightmares. From the park side there are as many as 2 at KhZB metal fence: sick leave and city leave. They run parallel for some time, and then form a dead end. If you don't know the way, you can easily wander into it. It’s very unpleasant: suddenly there are steel bars all around and barbed wire overhead. I wonder whose unhealthy imagination created the dead end and who the trap is addressed to?

I got into a conversation with one of the locals in the park. Ivan Vladimirovich lived in Khovrino all his life. Hospital mystical place doesn't count. But the place itself, in his opinion, is not entirely normal. In the summer, out of the blue, a huge oak tree collapsed here.

And this on a windless day! - the pensioner is indignant. - I'm not saying that zombies sawed it down, but in general our places are not boring.

The people have already approached the head of the council with a proposal to demolish Umbrella to hell and give the territory over to public garages. The head replied that for now the intended purpose of the site (use for a hospital) has been retained. But the current buildings can hardly be repaired. There is a project for their demolition and construction of two new buildings of a multidisciplinary hospital with 1,200 beds.

But the authorities promise to make the final decision after a detailed examination of the structures and foundations of the buildings. What they will show and when they will be completed is still unknown.

By the way

Resident Evil was filmed in Germany and Canada in 2000. The filmmakers do not mention the Khovrinsk hospital as a source of inspiration, but they created their medical center, decorated with the Biohazard sign, only 15 years after the construction of the KhZB. Formally, the film is based on the title of the same name. computer game about zombies, but the game was created much later than the appearance of the Russian mystical hospital.

In subsequent episodes of "Resident Evil", characters depicting Russian special forces were introduced.

Hulls on top and biohazard sign The most truthful article about the Khovrinsky hospital. There are places in our country that are so overgrown with terrible legends, fairy tales and stories that the real truth is no longer so easy to extract. The Khovrinskaya abandoned hospital is one of these places; during its short history it has become a religious building and was even named after the famous corporation from the series Resident Evil. The informal community began to call the Khovrinsk hospital Umbrella, because of the biohazard sign, which the location of the buildings resembles. If you want to know everything about this unfinished building, read the article.

Having studied the topic of this article in detail, I discovered so many myths that later I had to break each section into two parts: truth and legend.

The beginning of a nightmare

How did this epic with the mysterious abandoned hospital begin? In 1980, the Moscow authorities came up with the idea good idea build a hospital complex with 1,300 beds, which would have all the modern equipment, and the patients would be provided with first-class care. Well, we wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Several architects took on the creation of the project at once: I. Ya. Yadrov, A. Saukke, I. Kosnikova, K. Knyazeva, A. Moiseenko, N. Pokrovskaya. The Khovrinsky abandoned hospital was supposed to become a wonderful example of brutalism, which was already gaining momentum in England and Europe. Brutalism - architectural style, maneuvering between aesthetics and practicality in the post-war era.
This is how the famous Khovrinka form was born, which in its body structure resembles the sign of a biohazard when viewed from above. At that time, no one even thought about it.
Construction began in 1980 and stopped in 1985.

Legend: on this moment There are two legends about the suspension of construction of the hospital. They say that the building began to be erected in an abandoned cemetery, after filling the area with a layer of concrete. The cemetery was abandoned in the 60s and everyone gradually forgot about it.
The second legend says that at the construction site there were the remains of a church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God.

Is it true: there was no cemetery, and certainly no church at the construction site. And there was a landfill and a small river or even a stream flowed - Likhobrodka. The swamp was drained, but many mistakes were made in this process, which led to flooding of the basements even at the level of construction of the first floors. It soon became clear that the geological error could no longer be corrected, and there was no point in completing the construction of the Khovrinsky hospital - it would collapse after some time of operation. Now the building is slowly sinking under water, the first floors are already flooded.

Illegal residents of Khovrinka

Perhaps this is where the fun begins. Very often people attribute mystery to some places, given by nature, they say there are magnetic fields, old cemeteries and aliens driving saucers at night. However, in most cases, the bloody history of a place is created by the people themselves - this was the case this time too. In the late 80s, the abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital attracted a sect of Satanists to its depths. They called themselves Nemostor and were the first to begin the bloody history of this place.
These guys settled in a tunnel that connected the main buildings of the hospital with the morgue. They placed various paraphernalia and altars there, wrote “Ave Satan” on the walls in broken English, and began organizing rituals and orgies. At first they killed domestic animals, dogs and cats, and then switched to people.

The famous wall with the autograph of a now deceased sect

Legend: In the early 90s, law enforcement agencies found out about the murders, riot police took the tunnels by storm and, with the help of an explosion, flooded the tunnels along with numerous sectarians.

Is it true: It is unknown how many human casualties the abandoned Khovrinsk hospital actually received at that time. For example, numerous corpses of dogs and cats with tied paws were found in the tunnels, but nothing was reported about the found corpses of people. The riot police did not blow up the tunnel, so the legend about the “decaying corpses of Satanists” remains just a legend. The police used shots in the air and light and smoke grenades to drive the sectarians out of their hideout. Several people were detained. By the way, some sectarians returned and placed their altar on the 5th floor.

After Nemostor ceased to exist, Khovrinka was chosen by all and sundry. Here you can meet a drug addict, a homeless person, a photographer and a stalker.

Real dangers

Despite many myths, the real danger of this place is beyond doubt. Around 2004, a group of some thugs settled in the hospital and robbed and killed people. The police received statements about found bodies and missing people. Over the course of 4 years, 17 bodies were found on the territory of Khovrinka. And these are just the remains found.

Is it true: There was only one suicide. It was committed by a young man named Alexey Krayushkin. He jumped down the elevator shaft and death occurred instantly. The guy’s friends built a whole memorial for him with inscriptions and flowers.

Legend: There are many traps in the hospital set by criminals and Satanists. Hence there are many accidental deaths.

Is it true: The abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital was not completed. Sometimes you can come across the statement that they even managed to bring furniture and equipment here, and almost the first patients were settled in, but this is a lie. See for yourself, there are no frames, no interior decoration, No door jambs. The hospital has NEVER been in use. And the morgue never worked. Hence the real dangers of this place - multiple holes in damp concrete, reinforcement sticking out of the floor and ceiling. Elevator shafts, not fenced off by anything, and staircases, crumbling right under your feet. All these factors, multiplied by the darkness of the corridors and the temperature in the blood of travelers, give rise to many accidents. At the moment, there are more than twenty of them registered.

The modern look of Khovrinka

Legend: Due to the increasing incidence of suicides and robberies, the authorities assigned a private security company with dogs to guard the territory.

Is it true: You can actually find security at the site. But this is not a private security company. They're just local scumbags, guys getting together and drinking cheap alcoholic drinks. Many of them are in camouflage, some have walkie-talkies. They gather so that the main entrance to the hospital can be seen from the balcony. To ensure that nothing happens to you, all you have to do is donate 150 rubles to them, and they will not only let you in, but will even take you on a tour of the “famous places.” they will show a memorial site of suicide, a piece of a flooded tunnel of the Nemostor sect, a dead dog with tied paws, and so on.

At the moment, the authorities want to demolish the hospital and this project, according to preliminary estimates, will cost about 1 billion rubles. Then it is planned to sell the area and rebuild a residential area there. It’s not entirely clear who would want to live in it, but Moscow is a cramped city and there’s always not enough space.


Dear readers of my blog! I am very glad that you read the article to the end, and I hope now you understand that the abandoned Khovrinskaya hospital is a bloated accordion. No mystical events have ever happened here. The hospital was not functioning, so there is no need to talk about the ghosts of patients. As for the dangers, there are no more of them here than late at night in the middle of garages somewhere in southern Butovo.

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