Tricky ideas for equipping caches that will help you reliably hide everything you need (17 photos). A cache in an apartment: from thieves, family, parents - fast, simple, without experience and reliable. Caches in an apartment in the most unexpected places

Perhaps everyone has something they need to hide from prying eyes, be it savings or a bunch of spare keys that are needed just in case. In today's review, we have collected 17 clever ideas for equipping hiding places that will help you reliably hide everything you need.

1. Birdhouse

A birdhouse with a double bottom, inside of which you can safely hide spare keys to your house - great idea for summer residents. Such a cache will fit perfectly into the countryside landscape without attracting unnecessary attention, and can be a great help in an emergency situation.

2. Table

A small coffee table with a spacious drawer for storing various valuables. It is worth noting that the drawer does not have any handles; it opens by pressing the side panel of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

3. Curtain

A small pocket for money or valuable jewelry, equipped at the bottom of the curtains. The advantage of such a hiding place is that any owner of dark curtains made of thick fabric can acquire it.

4. Log

A mini-safe for spare house keys that can be made by any man with a standard set of tools and minimal woodworking skills. The resulting cache will fit organically into the woodshed or can be carelessly thrown in the garden.

5. Globe

In a regular globe you can hide valuables while you're away or create your own stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables should be placed in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball with tape, and the globe itself should be placed on the desktop or in the nursery.

6. Washing machine

The washing machine's rubber band is another place where you can hide money and jewelry while you're away. To do this, pack valuables in small ziplock bags and hide them under an elastic band, after wiping it from moisture. The main thing is, when you return home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

7. Trash can

It is unlikely that attackers will look for money in a trash can. So why not hide them there? Moreover, to equip such a cache you only need a zip bag, tape and a garbage bag. Using tape, glue the valuables, packed in a sealed bag, to the bottom of the trash can, put a garbage bag on top, and for realism, sprinkle some paper trash on the bottom.

8. Gear shift lever

Recently, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. A gear lever with a small hiding place will help protect small valuables from car thieves.

9. Stickers

A cunning hiding place in a stack of stickers is a great way to hide something from colleagues or family members.

10. Shoes

A hiding place under the insole of your shoes will help you hide your stash from your significant other or protect yourself from street thieves.

11. Candle

A large scented candle is another safe and discreet hiding place. Simply turn the candle over, cut out the core, pack away your valuables and set it down. It would be nice to place a few more candles around the house so that the hidden candle does not attract attention to itself and looks organic.

12. Photo frame

Wall mounted photo frame with storage space for money and jewelry- an excellent solution that will fit into any interior and help hide valuables from prying eyes.

13. Book

You can hide a few bills unnoticed in the spines of thick-bound books. The main thing is not to forget over time in which publication the money is hidden.

14. Belt

17. Door

A tiny money hiding place disguised as a functional part of a cabinet door is an ideal place to store money and jewelry.

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If you think that these options are not reliable enough, then, in continuation of the topic,

A big and warm hello to everyone! Although it is believed that a house should be a fortress, cases of burglary are not uncommon. Concerned owners are thinking about where to hide valuables, but attackers anticipate all the obvious options. To protect your savings, you need to know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands.

Main rules

When getting down to business, consider the following subtleties:

  • Don’t put everything in one place;
  • make a hiding place in a hiding place, because thieves, delighted with the loot, will not notice the double bottom of the opened safe;
  • do not hide your savings in the TV or speakers - robbers will take them away;
  • Avoid standard solutions.

By adhering to these principles, you will increase your chances of protecting your property. After all, even a secure door can be hacked, so further developments depend on your ingenuity!

Where not to make a hiding place in the house

It’s easier to look at an option if you immediately reject platitudes. Do not hide money in the following places:

  • behind mirrors and paintings;
  • in desk or dresser drawers;
  • among dirty linen or other objects that cause disgust (lawbreakers are not known for their disgust);
  • in the pages of a book or in a box disguised as one;
  • on mezzanines;
  • behind the wallpaper;
  • in mattresses;
  • under the parquet.

When you come up with an idea, think about how obvious it is. If you have heard from others at least three times about an option for storage, then an attacker will probably find it. It is better to leave a valuable item in plain sight and be mistaken for a trinket than to put it in!

Where to start making a hiding place in the house with your own hands

To set up a secluded place, decide from whom you are hiding finances or jewelry. If you want to protect yourself from thieves, keep in mind that the main factor for them is time: if they fail to find a homemade “safe” in a matter of minutes, they will disappear with the loot that is in plain sight. This factor will benefit you, because you can wrap the gold in food foil and put it in Plastic container for breakfast and place it on the refrigerator shelf - it is unlikely that robbers will want to check how healthy you are eating. But they will not have the need to leave their housing in a presentable form, so false sockets or ventilation grilles will be mercilessly torn out.

You should approach the issue differently when you are arranging a shelter for a “stash” from your family. They have time and know your habits, so don't hide your finances in a cut-up tennis ball if you don't go near the court. Better take advantage of the fact that a curious relative who decides to dig into things is trying not to leave traces! For example, a container buried in flower pot, will become the prey of intruders who throw flowerpots onto the floor. But this method will serve as a solution to protect the item from annoying household members. Having decided on the goal, it will be easier to cope with the task!


Don't miss the opportunity to transform Appliances to the safe:

  • If a computer or TV becomes a prey for thieves, then they are unlikely to be interested in the refrigerator. At the right approach you will hide several packs of banknotes, and this will not affect the operation.
  • The air conditioner is less suitable for your purposes, because there is almost no free space, but you will still be able to place a small amount.
  • Money is easy to hide in washing machine, pre-wrapped in a plastic bag.
  • You can cope with the task with the help of an old vacuum cleaner, whose container will please you with its spaciousness. Place the device at the far wall of the closet or take it to the attic, where it will not arouse suspicion.

Important: most electrical equipment is only suitable for storing banknotes, because gold chains or pendants will become current conductors. As a result, you will ruin things and cause equipment breakdowns!


If burglars break into your home, they will certainly look at the back of the countertops, so do not stick a bag of valuables there. But the nests in the legs will become successful shelters, and they will be equipped in the upper part: the loads on the lower point are already high, and if the support area is reduced, the table will break over time.

The option with a hidden bottom of the drawers is too banal, but it will be replaced by the double top of the bookcase. Thieves will not have time to take measurements, and you will easily hide important papers. Banknotes can be hidden in books, but not between the pages, but under the spine.

The result can be achieved with the help of shortened desk drawers: although the difference should not be noticeable, you can easily gain a couple of centimeters. It is good to cover large items in a pear chair, which will require opening the zipper, slightly cutting the cover and carefully sewing it up. Such a trick will deceive even an introscope, which is used during a legal search, because the filler absorbs radiation.

With a non-standard approach, you will turn a sofa into a shelter. Although the space under the seat and armrests is usually used for storing things, a removable backrest has not yet become an obvious solution. The DIYer will remove the pillows, attach the frame to them, and use hinges to attach it to the backrest.

You will also find cabinets with a double back wall, which can deceive even an experienced thief, useful. The drawers are not shortened because the movable section is attached to the back of the furniture. Thanks to the grooves, it lowers, freeing up a small space.

It is impossible to equip such “safes” secretly from household members, since preparation will require carpentry work. But you will mislead the villains, and the valuables will be preserved!


Interior doors will serve as a place where you can hide expensive things:

  • To hide small objects from prying eyes, place them in an oblong metal container and drill a suitable hole in the end of the canvas. Place it in the upper part, and it will be impossible to find the cache without knowing about it in advance.
  • To store securities, they resort to a similar method, choosing inexpensive model doors. Such structures consist of a plywood frame covered with cardboard, and cutting out a cavity on top is not difficult. You need to make sure that the level of the cover coincides with the surface of the door, for which it is fixed on magnetic strips.

It is better to hide banknotes in a niche intended for a lock. When choosing a mechanism, give preference narrow models, slightly deepen the hole made in the canvas, and you will be able to hide valuables even during a professional search. To prevent translucent instruments from “seeing” voids, before installing the lock, place a steel bracket of a suitable size on the body.

Windows and walls

Windows will become potential storage, because in plastic window sills a lot of empty spaces. They are revealed by tapping, but it is impossible to determine that treasure is hidden under the outer covering. Worth using also mosquito net, disassembling the plastic frame and putting everything important there: the increase in weight will be unnoticeable, and with a large number of windows you will have a lot of space at your disposal.

Owners of metal curtain rods use their hollow tubes. Remove the cap on the end and stash rolled up bills or small items.

Niches in the walls have become a commonplace option, but a private house will provide room for variation. The owners erect partitions, leaving a space of up to 1 m behind them - in a country residence the reception will go unnoticed. It is only important to make sure that the disguised door opens inward, otherwise the resulting scratches on the floor will give away the secret.

How to make a hiding place at home with your own hands in the rooms

Outwitting experienced thieves can be difficult, but you can cope if you take into account the specifics of each room.


The option of hiding in a children's room has helped more than one homeowner: thieves are not eager to inspect numerous toys. They might feel out a teddy bear in plain sight, but they won't look in every construction box. Hide the rolled money inside plastic toy, and for prying eyes she will get lost in the general chaos of the nursery.


Practice shows that lawbreakers inspect the bedroom immediately after the hall. After all, owners often hide valuables in the linen closet, hoping for a simple trick! You should not resort to this method, because you have at your disposal original options:

  • Hidden shelf The high headboard of the bed is suitable for storing weapons. This method was chosen by Americans who wanted to protect themselves in case of robbery. But if there are children in the house, it is necessary to store weapons only in a reliable safe with a combination lock.
  • You can keep sex toys in your bedroom that will actually serve as a container for your valuables. There is a chance that robbers will not want to pick them up, and the ruse will go unnoticed.

Important: despite the tricks, there is a chance that thieves will carefully inspect the room. Follow the principle “it is better to sacrifice a little than to lose everything” and hide a small amount of valuables in the bedroom. Having discovered the desired prey, the uninvited guests will disappear without finding the main part!


The room will delight you with a variety of possible hiding places:

  • Place bills in a shampoo or lotion container.
  • Box of washing powder will become a reliable shelter. To achieve complete safety, pour out the contents, carefully cut the cardboard along the fold lines, glue in a separator under which you will hide the valuables. Collect the box and add the powder back.
  • It is convenient to install a wall safe in the bathroom. Its surface will disguise tile, and the secret niche can be large or hidden under just one component of the wall covering. To implement the idea, you will need to carefully remove the tiles and make a smaller hole in the wall. Use a plastic box as a drawer. Glue a tile to it, and there will be no reason to complain about the result.
  • A medicine cabinet in the bathroom will provide a variety of potential hiding places. It will not become a refuge for large sum, but you can put a few bills in an empty medicine bottle.

If you keep pads in your medicine cabinet, take advantage of the fact that men are uncomfortable with feminine hygiene products. There is a possibility that uninvited guests will not conduct a thorough inspection! Carefully cut one gasket, place the bills and seal along the edge with an iron, ironing through thick paper. A similar option is also used in cases where a lady, going on a trip, is afraid of being robbed on the road.

  • You can store gold rings and chains in empty cream jars.
  • It's easy to turn a hollow mop handle into a jewelry hiding place.

When looking for a method, try to be original. By giving up the idea of ​​storing money in a vent, you'll save at least some of your savings.

Stash in the apartment from household members

The examples discussed are good when you are trying to protect yourself from the consequences of a visit from uninvited guests. But if you want to hide a couple of bills from your household, you are unlikely to start drilling walls and doors! Simple methods will help you:

  • If the room has Wall Clock, then the battery compartment will fit a folded bill. The main thing is that no one in the household decides to replace the power source!
  • Convert old keyboard, taking out the “stuffing” is not difficult, and as a result the case will turn into reliable storage. When you spend your “stash”, you can use the little thing as an organizer.
  • Vintage candlesticks and cast iron lamps inherited from grandmothers will bring a surprise - it turns out that in order to save money they were made hollow inside and the base was sealed with felt. Carefully peel back the soft cover and then secure it with Velcro so you can get into the piggy bank at any time.
  • Women hide the money they save for “pins” by hiding it in a box of cereal. When the method became too familiar, inventive ladies began to make their own decorative jars With salt. Just pour the contents into the bottom, then place a cardboard container in the center, the height of which reaches the edge, and fill the gap between it and the glass with multi-colored material. By removing the cover, you will be able to get your finances out as needed.
  • An ordinary cactus will serve as a hiding place, since the plant is hardy. Most of the core is spongy tissue, in which you can make a groove: carefully dig up the plant, shake off the soil and sharp knife cut off part of the rhizome. Once you return the cactus to the pot, do not worry about wilting, as it will quickly recover and even bloom. But do not forget that the banknotes will need to be placed in an airtight container, otherwise the caustic juice will spoil them.
  • Old shoes will turn into a safe, just put your savings under the insole. The main thing is that when your family starts cleaning, they don’t send it to the trash heap! For this reason, you should not choose outright junk for storage.

Try simple tricks and you will be pleased with the results.

How to protect your office from household members

If you have allocated a separate room for your studies, then you use it not only for work. Your own office becomes an area where you create your personal space. Alas, family members do not always respect privacy, so you have to resort to tricks:

  • Do not throw away a marker that has become unusable! By removing the core, you will have a convenient container. You can even carry it with you, because no one will think that the plastic walls are hiding banknotes.
  • Carefully cut out a section in the hollow globe so that the lines coincide with the latitude and meridian symbols - this will make them more invisible.
  • Naughty offspring like to peek into the office? It is unlikely that they will be interested in folders with boring documents. You will need several binders from which you will cut the fronts. Glue the pieces together to fit the shelf, and place a bottle of your favorite whiskey behind them or hide a stash of cigars.
  • Vintage fans keep a collection of records in their office, not wanting to part with it in favor of newfangled trends. Children are not interested in this kind of retro, so use shelves to equip a secret place: make a drawer of a suitable size, and glue 2 record envelopes on the sides. It will be possible to disguise the front part by sacrificing a large number of packages. To avoid damaging your pride, go to a flea market and buy cheap records. Once you place this box on a shelf with your music collection, you won't notice a difference, so the contents will be safe.

Whatever idea you use, keep in mind that the best way To avoid losses, it remains to increase the safety of your home. Install an alarm, take care of a strong door with reliable locks, and use hiding places as aids!

Now you know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands. Where do you store your valuables?

How to hide valuables, Picasso originals and other useful things that for some reason you can’t eat or put in your hair right now.

Andrey Nevtonov

Vlad Lesnikov

There is very little money, gold or original Picasso in the world. But there are a lot of people. This tragic dissonance leads to the need to hide valuables. Not only from intruders - after all, they may not be able to get into your apartment. It’s much easier for them to wait for you on the street, because as a reward for your patience they get not only your money, but also the chance to hit you on the head with a piece of pipe!

Alas, in addition to thieves, who do not visit you very often, there are other dark personalities who love to rummage through your things. These are, firstly, wives looking for evidence that you have a mistress.

And secondly, mistresses looking for evidence of your wife. And mind you, we have not yet said a word about the police officers, who also have the right to come to you, especially if you put a secret sign of a safe house on the windowsill - a pot of seedlings...

In general, if you have something to hide, we won’t ask where you got it from or whether you can buy another one for cheap - we’ll just tell you how to hide a valuable item in the walls of an apartment, office or even a hotel room. Experts will help us with this: Colonel of the GPU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ivan Bulych-Bulakhovsky and Michael Connor, author of the book “How to Hide Anything,” which was once banned for distribution in the United States. To equip a hiding place, you will need nothing at all: a lighter, a screwdriver, a drill, a jigsaw and superglue. Oh yes, more hands!

1. Do robots dream of electric money?



Although it may seem that thieves are not friends with common sense (after all, they simply take money instead of earning it through hard labor!), in fact, this is not the case. No attacker, for example, would risk his life in vain. Therefore, it is most logical to hide valuable things in places where you yourself are afraid to put your hands under fear of death or injury.

A trap or a neighbor's wife satisfies these conditions, but there is also a simpler hiding place - a socket! Turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the plastic cover from the outlet. There will probably be a hole in the wall underneath, full of menacing wires. Among them it is quite possible to hide money or psychotropic drugs that compromise you. If the hole is big enough, there will even be room for a chained hamster to guard the hiding place!

Just keep in mind that the objects you hide in the outlet should not conduct current. It would be a good idea to wrap any treasure with a rubber glove just in case.

Pros Girls experience an almost sacred horror of electrical outlets. So there's no better place for a secret late-night sandwich, dirty socks, or sentimental mementos left over from your ex.

Cons If you have absolutely no knowledge of electrical engineering, the risk of causing a short circuit is still very high.

2. You seem to be hooked

If you have already joined the ranks of those rare lucky people whose apartment has a toilet, consider that you have received an almost ready-made cache. And we don’t mean a banal cistern, because this “safe” is one of the checked ones - in the sense that thieves check it first. No, look deeper.

If you remove the lid of the tank (check at the same time to see if there is any money left there from the previous owners of the apartment), then in most cases there will be water under it. A float will dangle on its surface - a plastic bulb on a stick that controls the ebb and flow of water in the tank.

Turn off the water and with a decisive movement unscrew the float. You will have a good fist-sized container in your hands, capable of holding a rolled up wad of money or, for example, a spare fist. Pushing bills one at a time through a narrow hole is a troublesome task. So we suggest cutting the float, stuffing it with treasure, and sealing the seam with superglue. Better yet, brew it with a lighter or a not too hot soldering iron.

Pros The beauty of a hiding place is that thieves will probably look in cistern, and when they are sure that the money is not taped on the inside, they will return the lid to its place and will not lift it again (they usually do not have much time to double check every potential hiding place).

Cons It will be difficult to get to the treasures when you urgently need them yourself (for example, if thieves find you at home and start torturing you with a soldering iron, begging you to give them money). In addition, there is a risk of damaging the float or reducing its displacement, stopping the operation of the toilet.

3. Pipe to nowhere

The detective writer F. Dürrenmatt liked to repeat: they say, if you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest. If you extrapolate this advice, it turns out that the money should be hidden among other money (which you will have to borrow from friends). However, Dürrenmatt should not be taken literally. He just wanted to say that what is least striking is what does not disturb the natural setting.

What are you used to seeing in the bathroom? A stack of MAXIM, summer tires, but most importantly, pipes. They fit so naturally into the interior of a toilet or bathroom that no one would think of counting the pipes or wondering why they are there and where they go. And this is your trump card.

Find somewhere (at a landfill or in a store) a pipe similar to those installed in your apartment. Take a suitable scrap and hide the valuables inside it. Then mount it parallel to a real pipe - for example, the one that goes from the sink to the main line, or to those on which the taps are located that shut off the water supply. Best place I can't find a hiding place.

Pros When changing housing, valuables can be easily transported along with the pipe and hidden in a new place.

Cons If you contract amnesia somewhere, even professional detectives are unlikely to help you find the hiding place.

4. In the wilds of foam rubber



People figured out how to make hiding places in the foam rubber of sofas and armchairs a long time ago. The thieves, in turn, guessed that people guessed about it. Therefore, they often remove the upholstery from the furniture and see if there is a hole in the foam with treasure. If it is not discovered, the upholstery is carefully nailed into place (a joke, of course; thieves have nothing else to do - nail the upholstery).

Fool everyone! Not only remove the cover from the sofa, but also take out some of the foam rubber. Then cut a hole in the part that is not visible upon quick inspection. Or use a blade to make a slit, stick your hand in there and cut out a hiding place deep in the foam.

When you pull your hand out (one day you will have to do this, otherwise the thieves will guess that there is something in the foam rubber since you are sitting there), the edges of the crack will close and the hiding place will become inaccessible. You can nail the upholstery using a regular stapler. Or using something unusual.

Pros If you hide valuables close to the surface, you can always make sure that they are in place by simply sitting on the sofa.

Cons Sometimes sofas are stuffed not with foam rubber, but with small rubbish that scatters throughout the apartment as soon as the upholstery is removed. And in cardboard boxes, which replace armchairs for most bachelors, it is generally inconvenient to hide valuables.

5. Magnetic front

One of the few hiding places (one of two, to be honest) that can be equipped even in an unfamiliar place. For example, in a hotel room or a bank vault. One condition: you must have a refrigerator at your disposal. It doesn’t have to be working; a model not connected to an outlet will do. All you need is a door.

The magnets that hold it closed are usually enclosed in a rubber braid. Bend it back and cut it with a razor blade in an inconspicuous place. Some of the magnets will be easy to remove (they are usually separated into segments, and if not, the soft material can easily be crushed or broken with bare hands).

The door will continue to close; half the magnets will be enough to secure it. The resulting rubber groove can easily hide rolled up bills, columns of activated carbon tablets and other small items.

Pros The refrigerator is perhaps the only electrical appliance that burglars rarely remove due to its size.

Cons If they do take it away, they are unlikely to be able to use the stolen valuables, they are so well hidden. It's doubly offensive. Not for yourself, not for people.

6. Rattling curtains

Another hiding place that can often be found even in a hotel is a curtain rod in the bathroom. Usually this tube with rings turns out to be hollow. Removing it is as easy as shelling pears if you have at least one hand. It is also easy to remove the rubber knob.

Make sure that valuable thing the diameter was smaller than the cornice tube. The fact that it won't fit is not so bad. In the end, money can be cut into circles that can easily fit into a cornice. It's worse if the item slips to the middle of the tube and gets stuck there. Then the thieves will have to cut down the cornice - but you don’t want to once again bother people who already have little time to spare?

Pros You can hang a curtain on the cornice. Close it when you start taking a shower, and those terrible puddles will no longer accumulate on the floor!

Cons If the tube turns out to be solid rather than hollow, it will have to be drilled out with a drill. Okay, if this happens at a hotel, you can always ask for a drill at the reception. But where can a normal person get a drill at home?

7. Green and fluffy



Since you still have a corpse in your refrigerator, a small, inconspicuous saucepan of aspic is unlikely to attract attention. So hide your valuables in it! If the dish is opaque and unsightly, the item lying on the bottom and wrapped in plastic will be difficult to notice.

The ideal option is to forget the pan for so long that its contents have time to become moldy on top. Disgust is a powerful deterrent.

Pros In pans with opaque food (borscht, mashed potatoes, Coca-Cola) you can hide anything in a couple of seconds. So, if you always have something like that in your refrigerator or on the stove, a search will never take you by surprise.

Cons If thieves break into your apartment when you're hungry, they might take away your food as well.

8. Extreme anxiety

Metal edging of the end of the tabletop, or, as it is called normal people, “that garbage on the side of the table” is good not only because it leaves puffs on clothes. With proper skill, you can hide various necessary things behind it.

Unscrew the frame using a regular screwdriver. Use a drill to make several holes in the exposed end. Using a narrow jigsaw or even a file, remove the bridges between the holes - they are usually made of an easy-to-grip material.

When you're done, you'll have an excellent narrow pencil case at your disposal, the depth of which is limited only by your needs (and partly by the size of the original table). Once you return the edging to its place, the contents of the pencil case will be hidden from prying eyes. Voila!

Pros The end is unscrewed, as a rule, kitchen tables. This means that the cache will serve you for five, or even ten years: kitchen sets are updated less frequently than other furniture.

Cons It's not difficult to get to the hiding place, but to do this you will always have to have a screwdriver on hand. So you will have to take it from your neighbor for good or even buy it.

9. False rod



A variation on the theme of the hiding place, already described above, is a decoy socket. Instead of digging through the wires, risking your life, just make a box out of plywood (or steal a finished birdhouse from your nephew and saw off the roof), put valuable items in it and wall it up in the wall.

Screw the socket cover to the outside of the wall. That's it, the fake is ready!

To distract your eyes, you can even stick a device into it that you hardly use, for example, a vacuum cleaner, iron or electric chair.

Pros A decoy socket repels no worse than a real one, but has even greater capacity.

Cons It would be good to fill the hole for the box at the renovation stage. Picking out wires from a ready-made socket is a troublesome task. In addition, you may one day realize why one of your sockets is not working. If you start repairing it, you will feel stupid.

10. Every needle makes you happy

If you are one of those people who keep cacti near their computer in the hope that they will save them from harmful radiation, then, firstly, you are a victim of a myth. And secondly, you have another almost finished cache.

Remove the cactus from the pot by eroding the soil around its roots. Don't be afraid to hurt him! Cacti can survive for some time without any roots at all, so if you tear off a couple, nothing bad will happen.

Now cut out the core of the cactus at the bottom. If you are not a latent Greenpeace supporter, this will not be difficult to do. Hide the money inside and dig the cactus back into the pot. It may occur to thieves to poke the ground with a probe. But they are unlikely to get involved with the cactus itself. Thieves generally don't like pets.

Pros There are cacti different forms and sizes, and their abundance in the apartment is unlikely to confuse anyone. So, if you want, you can hide anything in cacti, including smaller cacti!

Pull everything out and carefully remove the back walls. Then shorten them using a hacksaw or jigsaw (if the boxes have external tin runners, shorten them too by cutting a piece from the middle). Then screw the back walls into place. Place the drawers back into the chest of drawers, hiding the skeleton behind them.

Now, if someone messes around in the chest of drawers, he will have full feeling that short boxes are a strange whim of the woodworker. Just make sure you don't accidentally saw off the latches that prevent the drawer from sliding out completely. Otherwise, thieves will quickly reveal the secret and laugh at you.

Pros If you have a large chest of drawers, behind the supposedly short drawers you can hide even a Rubens painting, or even his model, not to mention a stack of porn magazines.

Cons Taking things out of a cache is much more difficult than putting them there, so you are unlikely to be able to use its contents often. And one more thing: even if you are hiding a small item, you will have to shorten all the drawers - their different lengths can catch the thief’s eye.

One secret: the drywall will not be pressed if you put a sheet of plywood on it in advance, and then put a box or a wad of money on the plywood. The weight will be distributed over larger area, and the ceiling will not collapse.

The easiest way to access the cache is through the chandelier hole. If it is too small for you (for example, you want to stick your head into the cache and make sure its contents are safe), you can widen the hole. But, you understand, it will be easier to notice her this way.

By the way, the lamp, which you will then use to plug the hole again, can be coated around the edges with white toothpaste - this will create the illusion that the ceiling was whitened after the installation of the chandelier and it is tightly embedded. The effect will be even better than from a note pinned nearby: “There is no hiding place here, the chandelier is built in tightly.”

Pros Most halogen lamps are easily removed from their sockets, giving you constant access to the hiding place.

Cons Ideally, the hiding place should be planned at the renovation stage, otherwise the gap will probably be too narrow, and it will only be possible to place plywood under a heavy object from the neighbor’s apartment above. And even then only after dismantling the floor there in advance.

Even if you don’t have a lot of valuables in your home, you’re still unlikely to want to lose them. Not to mention some pretty impressive savings! Since the reality around us is becoming more bleak every day, and the number of burglaries has increased several times, it is worth thinking about how to make a hiding place at home. As they say, God protects what is taken care of, so it is still better to keep the most valuable things away from prying eyes.

Basic rules for storing valuables

Before we talk about where and how to make a cache, remember a few simple rules, which will help you keep what you have acquired and all your secrets:

  • do not put all the “mushrooms” in one basket; if your hiding place is discovered, even worse than hope, you will lose everything at once;
  • when arranging the cache, be as creative as possible;
  • make a hiding place within a hiding place - if one is found, the second one will most likely remain untouched;
  • avoid obvious storage; if you have heard about such a “snatch” at least three times, then this is no longer a reliable place;
  • hide at home only what you are willing to risk;
  • come up with an exculpatory story in case you discover what you have hidden (if you are hiding it from your family);
  • If you don't want something to be found, don't hide it - put it in a visible place.

This is definitely not a hiding place

There are a lot of obvious places that have been widely known for a long time. The burglars examine them first. If you are wondering how to make a hiding place, make sure that your hiding place is not one of the ones listed below.

  • Drawers of tables, chests of drawers, furniture walls, pianos, secretaries and the like. This is too obvious; even a child can easily discover such a stash.
  • Among linen, both clean and dirty. You shouldn’t hope that a thief will disdain to turn over a basket of bad-smelling socks.
  • In pockets and behind the lining of an old coat or jacket. Values ​​there are also easy to find.
  • In old and new videotapes, magazines and books. An upside down library is a classic attribute of every heist.
  • Under the mattress or inside. It's funny, but many people (and not only older people) continue to keep their savings there.
  • Behind mirrors, wall and floor carpets and behind paintings. Believe me, it will take you much more time to secure the “shovanka” there than it will take a thief to discover it.
  • IN cistern toilet. This is another classic example of a hiding place. Rest assured, the thief will definitely look there.
  • IN freezer, oven, jars of cereal, sugar or jam. You can find valuables there with one movement of your hand.
  • Mezzanine. For some reason people think that this perfect place for storing stash. There's so much trash there. The problem is that a thief will not carefully go through the contents of the mezzanines. He will simply dump everything at once and very quickly find what is hidden.
  • Video, audio equipment, other Appliances. If the item is worthwhile, there is a risk that it will be taken away along with the cache, and if it is old, the thief will have a question as to why the junk has not been thrown away yet.
  • Under parquet or behind wallpaper. If the thief is in a hurry, it may work, but if they start tapping on the walls, then...

Hide the flat and important

So how to make a hiding place for money (bills) or for something thin, such as a folder with documents? For this purpose, niches and hiding places in furniture are most often used. Double bottoms for drawers and the bottoms of heavy cabinets are what you need. Of course, to get it required document, you will have to empty the closet of all your belongings and turn it upside down, but the thief definitely won’t have time for this.

By the way, as a double cavity it is best to equip not a double bottom, but double ceiling- such a cache is more difficult to detect.

If the document consists of only a few pieces of paper, you can roll it into a tube and put it, for example, inside a curtain rod or in the handle of a floor mop.

Hiding small and valuable things

How to make a home cache if you need to hide something large, such as gold, stones, coins, a flash drive with information or a roll of money?

The most popular (and therefore most unreliable) is the hiding place in the door. This is the same option when at the top end door leaf a cavity is drilled into which a metal tube, for example from a cigar, is inserted. Small items fit inside easily. You can remove the cache using a simple magnet. It’s impossible to notice it while looking at the door, but you just have to move your hand from above - and voila...

Another popular hiding place is most often equipped in an outlet. The point is that there are many sockets installed around the perimeter of the apartment, all of them identical in appearance. One of them is fake. To find it, just pull off the caps on all of them. If you do not use a screwdriver, but simply break them, your mini-safe will be discovered very quickly.

To reliably hide small items, disguise them as everyday items and place them in plain sight. A can of cola, a ballpoint pen with a hundred dollar bill instead of paste, a box of paper clips with a double bottom - these are just seeds for your imagination.

I don't trust anyone, it's better to do it yourself

Today, various websites, especially Chinese ones, offer countless trinkets that have secret cavities for stashes. If you want to hide something from your family, this might work. But if you are afraid of a thief, this option will not work. If you have seen a cute little thing, then burglars are probably also familiar with it. You can be sure that they are also interested in “new products” in their field of activity.

In this case, you have no choice but to make a cache with your own hands. This is the only way you can be sure that such a cache exists only in a single copy. If you know how to make any crafts, this can be a serious help - you can make a hiding place in one of the souvenirs. If God deprived you of talents, you will have to strain your imagination.

Children hide from their parents

Many members of the younger generation, especially smokers, are interested in the question: how to make a hiding place at home from their parents. The advice here can be simple: if you learn to smoke, learn not to hide. But these are lyrics. In fact, there can be a lot of hiding places. Try to do them in places where parents prefer not to look. Young people make classic hiding places in system unit computer, CD boxes, soft toys and so on.

By the way, if you have small children at home and scattered toys are a common thing, you can arrange a hiding place in one of them. The main thing is to choose one that the child is already tired of, and he no longer plays with it. Such a hiding place will not look suspicious, and a thief is unlikely to take apart all the cars and cubes.

The most unusual hiding places

First of all, think about how to make the hiding place secure, find a place where the thief will not even think about rummaging. Here are a couple of examples:

  • in old shoes - one or two large bills can be tucked under the insole of worn shoes and placed along with all the shoes; the main thing is that the shoes do not look like outright junk - this may arouse suspicion; It is also important not to forget that money is hidden in shoes or sneakers, otherwise you may accidentally throw away your own stash;
  • in a woman's pad - here the fact of disgust comes into play; most often a man, on pain of death, will not touch feminine hygiene products; Moreover, it would not occur to him to gut every gasket he found; if you hide the money inside one of them and carefully seal it again, then most likely your stash will remain untouched; again, it would be good not to forget that there is something there;
  • in a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of deodorant; almost any case can be equipped with a double bottom and it will be no different from its own kind; the main thing is to place them where they will not look ridiculous; for example, a bottle of shower gel will look weird on a dresser or bar.

Stash "with strawberries"

As already mentioned, when organizing a hiding place, you can play on human disgust or try to confuse the seeker. Figure out how to make a hiding place in one of your intimate toys - and the valuables will most likely remain intact. Even if you don't use such things in your sex life, buy a couple and put it where “it” is usually hidden: in a nightstand near the bed or a secluded place in the bedroom.

If a thief finds any “device” with a sexual slant in your home, he will most likely disdain to touch it, much less examine it carefully. The weirder the sex toy looks, the better.

This method is most likely not suitable for those who have small children, otherwise “curious people” will have to somehow explain what it is.


If you still don’t know how to make a hiding place at home, and simply have no idea where you can hide this or that item, play hide and seek with your children. The peculiarity is that you do not need to hide yourself, but place small objects in secluded places and look for them according to the “hot - cold” principle. Children are famous inventors. You can't imagine how many great hiding places you can find in places you never thought possible.

And one more thing: if you want to safely hide your valuables, do not use any of the methods listed in this article. Since you read about them, thieves might also know about them. Come up with something of your own, original - and your savings will remain with you.

It is within the power of every person to protect their home and property from thieves as much as possible. To do this, there is no need to go out and buy the most expensive safe. Reliable hiding places, the presence of which is not so easy to guess, can be made independently.

Some hiding places are useful not only to protect things from thieves - many of them can store bills, documents or new Year gifts for children. Most cache-making tools are easy to purchase at your local hardware store.

You can create a hiding place for money right in a regular interior door. It is also convenient to store jewelry or flash drives with important documents. To do this, you just need to drill a hole in the top and place a metal or plastic tube with a screw-on cap there.

Large paintings or posters often hide caches of valuables. Therefore, it is better to choose a less trivial place for the safe, and place a niche for cables and behind the work of art.

But a large picture is perfect for storing jewelry. You just need to place a vertical hanger behind it for beads, chains and earrings.

Regular wall shelf can be equipped with a hinged lid, under which you can store anything you like.

The mirror can be equipped with pull-out shelves on the sides, the existence of which is not easy to guess.

Many have seen in movies how people create hiding places in old books by simply cutting out a niche in the pages. Anyone can repeat this using an ordinary breadboard knife or scalpel.

There are hollow computer keyboards on sale that allow you to store small items inside. Of course, this will not protect you from loss if a burglar decides to steal your computer, but it will help keep your desktop in order and hide some things from children.

Nowadays, imitation sockets are popular - small safes that are installed in the wall and opened with a key. They are very convenient for storing money and jewelry.