Characteristics for an employee for advanced training sample. Examples of positive characteristics (samples from the workplace)

Characteristics form ( letter of recommendation) for an employee is a special type of recommendation that reflects the opinion of the institution’s management about the professional activities and adequacy of the personal traits of its employee. Despite the fact that there is no approved template for writing letters of recommendation, the significance of such a document is undeniable. Today positive recommendation often serves as a promotion for a person and this term is becoming more and more firmly established in everyday life. Such a document plays especially important role when registering for a company.

What is an employee profile?

Such a letter does not describe the biography or what he has achieved outside the institution. That is, his labor and social activities in the institution in which he works are displayed here.

In most cases, the employee’s reference is issued on the institution’s letterhead, and if it is not available, the details of the institution or businessman must be displayed at the top of the document. Such a form is signed by the boss or a person entitled to do so and certified by a seal.

How to write a profile for an employee?

The format for filling out the characteristics is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, however, recommendations for its preparation are generally accepted. Let's try to figure out how such a letter of recommendation is filled out and why it is necessary.

Firstly, the characteristics are written either on letterhead or on an A4 sheet. The letter must have three main sections.

The first section is general and displays:

  • If you do not have a letterhead, fill out all the details of the institution at the top.
  • Full name (full name) of the person for whom the form is being filled out.
  • The date he was born.
  • The employee's working time in the institution.

The second section is a description of the labor and social functions of the employee at the specified institution, which displays:

  • Career movement during the period of work at the company. Position, moves, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • Incentives, awards, punishments are displayed (with reasons displayed).
  • Professional skills, training courses, trainings.

The third section relates to personal traits, which displays:

  • Professional skills.
  • Accumulated experience and professional skills to perform assigned tasks.
  • Communication skills.
  • Relations with employees.
  • Hard work, etc.

Despite the fact that there are managers who consider the reference from the enterprise a relic of the past, this form is in demand to this day and is gaining “ second wind" The mixed assessment of this letter is explained by the fact that many managers treat it formally and do not pay too much attention to this form.

The description is not too different from the rules for writing any official documents and usually contains the following set of information:

  1. General information
  2. Work experience
  3. Personal traits

If the document is written on a regular sheet of paper, then all the details of the company issuing the document are filled in at the top.

  1. Next, fill out information about the employee for whom the document is being drawn up. This includes surname and initials, date of birth, marital status, attitude to military duties, education, and receipt of various awards.
  2. The next paragraph contains information about labor activity. The section displays information about length of service, its beginning and end (if the employee is no longer a member of the company’s team), and moves up the career ladder in the institution issuing the form. It is also required to display labor and professional merits, whether the person improved his qualifications during the work process, etc. If the person has received thanks or reprimands, this information also needs to be displayed.
  3. A person’s personality traits are perhaps the most significant part of the entire form. The document needs to display information about the employee’s personal qualities. If the person belongs to the junior management team, then it is necessary to display him organizational skills, level of responsibility for the department, ability to make responsible decisions, self-discipline, etc. If the person is a performer, then here you need to show his readiness to complete tasks, determination to achieve results, etc. In addition, here you need to display the person’s relationship with employees.

If such a form is sent at the official request of the organization, then it is necessary to display where this document is intended. The letter is certified by the person who issued the form. This could be a personnel department employee or the head of the institution. The number of completion of the letter must also be recorded.

Example of compilation of characteristics

For a better understanding of the correctness of filling out the characteristics from the institution, we will give an example of drawing up such a document.

  1. Option one (on the institution’s letterhead)

Company details are posted here

№____ “______” _______________ 20___


Issued by ______________________________________________

(full name, date of birth, position)

Full name worked in _____________________________________________________ starting with “______”

_______________ 20___. During the period of his working career, he was sent more than once to study to improve his level of qualifications, which he successfully completed, on the following topics:


Full name has broad skills in his acquired profession and is always aware of innovations in his field of activity. Acquired decent business relationship skills.

Full name is a responsible employee, aimed at obtaining the final result, instantly perceives innovations and is not afraid to bear responsibility for their implementation. Can always work under any circumstances, including outside working hours.

He is punctual by nature, considerate in communicating with team members, and enjoys respect among people. Demanding of himself and his employees.

___________________ ___________________

Position Last name I.O. Signature

  1. Option two (recommendations on request)

"______" _______________ 20___


This characteristic is represented by the full name who was born: ____________________, working in _______________________________________________________________.

(name of the institution and its details)

from “______” _______________ 20___ to the present period in the position of ______________.

Received secondary technical education __________________________________________.

Marital status: _____________ _____________________________________________.

(describe family composition)

The employee proved to be an excellent specialist. Never received disciplinary punishment.

Supports the team a good relationship. Friendly and modest, under any circumstances ready for the peaceful resolution of any disputes. Has no bad inclinations. Has the right priorities in life. Actively participates in social movement companies.

Characteristics provided for ______________________________________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position Last name I.O. Signature

(Video: “Characteristics from the place of work. How to correctly write a letter of recommendation for an employee”)

For an accountant

Today, entrepreneurs increasingly require a recommendation before hiring a person. IN Soviet times instead of such letters it was proposed ordinary characteristic from the final place of activity. A recommendation is especially important now when hiring for a responsible position, since any manager wants to be confident in the employee. The position of an accountant is precisely a responsible one.

Below is a sample of drawing up such a recommendation for an accountant, according to which you can write such a document.

If an employee treats his duties with due responsibility, he will always be given a positive reference.

Here are examples under which circumstances positive recommendations are issued:

  • To apply for a new company (from the previous place of employment).
  • To pass exams at an educational institution.
  • When presenting the regalia.
  • When moving up the career ladder.
  • When moving to another department.
  • When assigning the highest rank to an employee.
  • To pay remuneration.
  • For presenting diplomas and certificates.
  • When purchasing a loan.

Typically, such letters are written on the organization’s letterhead. The document is drawn up either by the employee’s manager or by an employee of the personnel department. The characteristics form must be filled out in the same format as described earlier in the previous sections.

At the end of the letter of recommendation, you must write for whom the document is intended, for example, “ ...for provision at the place of request..." The letter completed in this way is certified by the head of the unit and the head of the institution.

Example of a negative characteristic for an employee (Sample)

Here are the circumstances under which negative recommendations are most often issued:

  • For law enforcement agencies.
  • For ships.
  • For banking departments.
  • For disciplinary punishment.

The letter form is filled out in the same format as a positive recommendation. At the end of the document, the purpose of the characteristic must be written. The completed letter is also certified by the head of the department and the head of the company.

Job references are no longer as popular as they used to be, but they are not completely losing ground. Many employers do not require it for employment; they prefer a resume. It is believed that the description contains too dry text, unsuitable for understanding the person.

The characterization is not emotional; it is only a brief assessment of the professional and business aspects of a person’s personality.

What is a job description?

Such a document is short description work, professional and personal components of the employee. The employee can be either active or retired. A reference may be necessary in different situations: to a bank to apply for a mortgage, to many authorities, to judicial authorities. Certain types of characteristics may be required when workers travel or transfer to other locations.

How to correctly write a job description for an employee

As usual, it is compiled either by the director of the organization himself or by a human resources specialist. Depending on the purpose of writing the characteristics, there are two types of composition:

Internal is written (most often) for:

  • Transfer to other vacancies;
  • To encourage or punish a person;
  • When receiving a rank or title in order to determine whether he can perform official duties;
  • Assist in defining new labor requirements;
  • Before going on a long, important business trip, etc.;

Such employee data, intended for use within the organization, is collected according to a general template. At the same time, the bias is towards labor detail. Based on the purpose of writing, you can assess the creative abilities of the employee, write what he strives for, what he expects from a new day, from a new position, provide information on how best to apply such qualities, etc.

Often characteristics for an individual organization become an element of a portfolio. Sometimes it is necessary to indicate the details of the executive person at whose request the characteristic was prepared.

The external characteristics of the employee will be written only when the employee submits a request. Without such characteristics, they may not be enrolled in educational institution, may not get a mortgage or loan. The most unpleasant reason when such a description may be needed is the suspicion or accusation of an employee of administrative/criminal offenses. In such matters, the employee’s financial situation, his personal qualities, how he manifests himself at work with his superiors and colleagues, may be important. good man or not. Marital status and relationships with clients/customers may be important. What information needs to be taken into account and displayed can be found out from the employee himself or from the person who requested this characteristic.

Sample characteristics for a good employee

There is no legally approved form for writing a reference from a place of work, but there is a generally accepted sample. It consists of three parts.

First part (personal information): full name;

  • Date of Birth;
  • Organization data, full details (not necessary when using letterhead);
  • The employee's length of service in this organization.

The second part (we describe the employee’s experience in more detail):

  • steps up the career ladder. (all transfers, demotions, promotions are important);
  • we write all encouragements, reprimands, certificates, letters of praise;
  • indicate why specific measures were applied;
  • We indicate what training the employee received while working (advanced training courses, seminars, etc.).

Third part (Personal characteristics):

  • what professional positive qualities does he have?
  • what types of work you have encountered, how you cope in stressful situations, how quickly you achieve your work goals;
  • how he finds mutual language with clients;
  • How does one find a common language with colleagues? - ability to work, etc.

Example of filling out a positive characteristic


(name of the company, firm or organization)

(company address: zip code, city, street)

(company details)



to _____________________ for submission to ____________

(FULL NAME. employee), works in ( organization) (your position) With ( date of employment).

IN (date of) year received an education in his specialty ( your level of education), which is certified by a state-issued diploma issued ( Name educational institution ) .

Passed military service With " number » month year and by " number » month year in the service area No. ___. Upon graduation, he was enlisted in the reserves with the military rank " rank ».

Seed position: Single /married /divorced , children No /It has age floor .

To work in ( organization) got a job at number » month year . Employee ( FULL NAME.) has proven himself well even in stressful situations, while maintaining an optimistic attitude. Never ( FULL NAME.) was not noticed in a stressful state, did not violate labor discipline. The team treats him very well, ( FULL NAME.) always come to the rescue and support colleagues even in the most difficult situations. Does not use alcohol or drugs. Avoids conflicts. A very sociable and open person with high ambitions, capable of making independent, informed decisions.

The reference was issued to provide _________.

Director ( signature) / (full name)

You can end there, but no one can stop you from adding something of your own to the description.

Video on writing characteristics

A character reference from a place of work is a document that can be drawn up at the official request of legal structures (their rights are also protected by the appropriate), upon request, for entry into the civil service or at the request of the person himself. Sometimes, an official paper is drawn up in an organization to consider issues of dismissal, promotion or award (the latter can even take place online if the company has a corresponding client of Sberbank or another similar organization - details can be found at). The document is also drawn up for the mother and submitted to the guardianship authorities for the adoption of the child. In any case, the procedure for its preparation must be accompanied by an order to amend the staffing table 2018 model. This process described in the article on.

Sample characteristics from the place of work, sample 2018

There is no ready-made form of writing. However, there are some requirements that must be adhered to when drafting the text (and if they are not met, but the employee is hired, this may attract the attention of anti-corruption authorities, working on the basis of a number of laws, including).

For example:
— the text is drawn up on an A4 sheet;
- the presentation is in the third person or in the past tense;
— indicate the title of the document, name and position;
— the employee’s personal data is listed.
You can see from the personnel department of the enterprise how the document and certificate are written (if we talk about students, they can also get acquainted with the documents related to expulsion, including samples, in the dean’s office).

The above requirements are also relevant for another document relevant to employees - this memo, an example of which can be found. It can be issued on whole line cases, ranging from reasons for bonuses to reasons for dismissal.

Requirements for writing a job description

How to draw up a document? The job description contains standard information about career growth and achievements in work. Significant successes and information about additional education, advanced training. Professional and personal qualities, the presence of awards, incentives or penalties are assessed (in the latter case, it may be necessary to attach all relevant documents, including an application to initiate enforcement proceedings, described).
The document is signed by the head of the organization. The date is indicated and the company seal is affixed.

If you can’t write a correct description, ask for help:

Recognition of bankruptcy - Federal Law 127 in a new reaction

Characteristics from previous place of work

How to write a document? A sample reference from a previous place of work and a form can be downloaded from specialized websites, after which the text is printed out from the word program (like any similar certificates, such as a certificate of birth, etc.). An approximate description of the manager is given, general director, for a driver, for an employee, for a seller, for a watchman, for a nurse, for a lawyer, for a doctor, for a clerk, for a storekeeper. There is also a writing sample and a standard template.

Characteristics from the place of work, sample to the police, court, military registration and enlistment office

Download the text for writing about a car mechanic, a janitor, a handyman, a teacher primary classes, for an auxiliary worker there is an opportunity on web resources on the Internet. Based on the examples given, you can make an individual performance assessment for an employee, accountant, salesperson, consultant, economist, office manager, hotel administrator, individual entrepreneur, programmer, welder, cashier, health worker, engineer, cook, manager, loader, security guard, electrician, etc. taking into account the personal characteristics of the position.
The document may also be needed for presentation upon request to the court (for example, to respond to the statement of claim described), various government agencies and organizations, banks for issuing a loan.

If the paper is written to be submitted to the court, the police, or the military registration and enlistment office, then great attention is given to personal qualities. Since a reference from a place of work, a sample in court in a criminal case, is used to pass a sentence, so as not to cause unnecessary harm to the employee, a negative and bad assessment is not drawn up. In this case, it is better to consult with a lawyer or lawyer. In an administrative case, the document is also considered for a decision by bailiffs.

How to write for a student at the place of internship

When compiling a text for a student at the place of internship (his first job, so to speak), the name, address and period of internship, and the data of the mentor are indicated. The paper is drawn up by a methodologist or supervisor and signed by the director of the institution.

Feedback on work activity and recommendations for further training are required. Usually friendly and positive assessment written for many students.

Examples of ready-made characteristics

Sample 1

As an example, a production assessment for a trainee is provided:
During the passage industrial practice at _____________ (name of institution), student _________________ (full name) showed himself to be disciplined and ready to acquire the skills necessary in the field of production. The main task practical work There was an acquaintance with aspects of the enterprise's activities. Under the direction of experienced craftsman studied legislative acts And teaching materials, labor legislation, profile and specialization of the enterprise.
The duration of the internship was___________days. The student showed himself to be active, communicative, and ready to study a large amount of information.
The master's instructions and tasks were carried out responsibly and on time. Practical work deserves ____ grade.
Head of the enterprise ______ (full name)
Date ________ (day, year)

Other examples of document composition will help you correctly write a text in favor of a candidate for a position or for presentation to the necessary authorities.

Sample 2

Sample 3


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Select category 1. Business law (230) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening an individual entrepreneur (26) 1.3. Changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (4) 1.4. Closing an individual entrepreneur (5) 1.5. LLC (39) 1.5.1. Opening an LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity(12) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll calculation (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments (7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability benefit (11) 1.8.4. General issues accounting (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (14) 10. Online cash registers (9) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (398) 2.1. General tax issues (25) 2.10. Tax on professional income (6) 2.2. USN (44) 2.3. UTII (46) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (34) 2.4.1. VAT (17) 2.4.2. Personal income tax (6) 2.5. Patent system (24) 2.6. Trading fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums(58) 2.7.1. Extra-budgetary funds (9) 2.8. Reporting (82) 2.9. Tax benefits (71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Pension reporting services (4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Governmental support small business (6) 5. PERSONNEL (100) 5.1. Vacation (7) 5.10 Salary (5) 5.2. Maternity benefits (1) 5.3. Sick leave (7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (21) 5.6. Local acts and personnel documents(8) 5.7. Occupational safety (8) 5.8. Hiring (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relations (34) 6.1. Bank of agreements (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the contract (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations (12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (81) 8.1. Source documents(35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application forms (11) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. LLC charters (3) 9. Miscellaneous (24) 9.1. NEWS (4) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal disputes (4)

A character reference is an official document with feedback on the activities of a certain person (official, public). In other words, this is a brief description of the employee’s career path, his business and moral qualities, labor and social activities.

Good performance with previous place work can be a big plus when looking for a job.

Most often, a reference from the place of work is used; references are also common for students studying in various institutions (for schoolchildren and students), as well as for students during internship.

The standard specification contains the following information:

1. First name, patronymic and last name of the employee, date of birth, education.

2. The place of work from which the reference is issued is indicated, the positions held by the employee while working in this company, and the duties that he performed are named.

3. The positive qualities of the employee (personal and business) are indicated; information about incentives and awards.

4. Information about advanced training courses that the employee has completed, as well as his participation in various company projects.

5. It is indicated for what purposes and for whom the characteristic is issued.

Example of characteristics for an employee


for marketing specialist of DownTown LLC Nikolay Evgenievich Ivanov

Ivanov Nikolay Evgenievich born in 1985. In 2007 he graduated with honors from the State University of Humanities.

She has been working as a marketing specialist since October 2009.

During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the area entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among his employees.

N. E. Ivanov is constantly increasing his professional level: visits thematic events, trainings and seminars, reads specialized literature, takes responsibility and seriousness in performing job duties.

The company's management highlights N. E. Ivanov's constant desire to professional development: He currently receives additional professional education majoring in personnel management.

For his conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the “Best Employee of 2009” diploma.

In communication with colleagues he is friendly and attentive. During his work, he introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial impact on the company’s activities.

The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request.

Date, stamp