Tatyana's character. The meaning of the name Tatyana (Tanya). Interpretation of the name. Name Tatyana in English

Great amount people believe in various signs, horoscopes and astrological influences on fate and life. It is worth recognizing that quite often such beliefs coincide with reality, and in some cases they can help to accept correct solution, find the answer to some questions, understand the actions of others. So every person at least once in his life was interested in what his name meant and whether it somehow influenced his destiny. Today we will talk about the name “Tatyana”, recall the meaning of the name “Tatyana”, and also talk about the character and destiny of such girls.

What can you find out about a person named Tatyana (name meaning)?

There are several meanings for this name. So translated from Greek language it means “set” or “appointed.” Some sources also mention the meaning of “organizer.”

The name “Tatyana” itself is considered quite emotional and firm. Even by the combination of vowels and consonants, one can judge a certain determination and self-confidence of its owner. It is worth recognizing that today such qualities may be more than in demand.

What will Tatyana be like with age: character and fate

In early childhood, Tanya often becomes a leader among her peers. Their character is usually compared to that of a boy. It is difficult for parents of such girls to keep track of their daughters, but they cannot be called particularly naughty. Most likely, such irrepressible energy is a property of a living character. At the right approach and adequately, Tanya’s unrestrained behavior can be directed in a rather peaceful, and even useful direction.

In terms of energy, the name “Tatyana” is quite earthly. Its owner is not inclined to chase dreams into the sky and live in an imaginary world. Such girls try to resolutely achieve what they want here and now. As practice shows, among the Tan there are indeed a lot of very practical people who do not wait at all for weather by the sea and live in accordance with the principle: “Our happiness is in our hands.” However, it is worth noting that this tendency often makes Tanya too impulsive, impetuous, and in some situations obsessive, which can greatly complicate her life. However, self-confidence gives her the necessary optimism. It is especially favorable if Tanya’s energy and mobility skillfully coexists with a sense of humor, which is also facilitated by the energy of this name. In this case, the girl manages to avoid many problems, misunderstandings and conflicts.

In most cases, Tanya is sociable and sociable. But at the same time, they are often too self-centered. Sometimes such girls, actively pursuing their happiness, simply do not take into account those around them and even their relatives.

Tatyana often has an exaggerated sense of ownership, and sometimes they even confuse it with love. In this case, the girl actively tries to subjugate her loved ones to her will. However, at the same time, she will not be happy at all if her husband suddenly becomes an obedient and resigned creature, because this way his value in Tanya’s eyes will sharply decrease. That is why the family life of girls with this name often represents an eternal war of characters, or becomes the reason for the steady growth of Tanya’s discontent. Both options can end quite sadly. But it is worth recognizing that a logical and calculating girl usually manages to find some kind of compromise.

In most cases, Tanya is an excellent housewife, but she rarely manages to be satisfied with just one such role. Significant self-esteem, as well as the activity of nature, require the achievement of some more significant successes or public recognition. Of course, a decisive character can help Tanya achieve significant career success, but it is not a fact that such achievements will make her truly happy. If a girl with that name becomes a boss, she often pulls her subordinates back and likes to put them in their place.

Impulsiveness of character also manifests itself in relationships with children. Tatyana can shout at them without any particular reason. She has few friends, or none at all.

Tanya loves to dress beautifully, but does not have much imagination, so she often pays for choosing an image and ready-made clothes. They know how and love to preserve food and are thrifty. It is Tanya who initiates moves, repairs, and rearrangement of furniture.

With age, girls with this name become more tolerant, which helps them improve family relationships. They do not like to complain about life to anyone, they are often jealous, but they do not want to show such feelings and hide them. Tanya absolutely cannot stand monotony; they are constantly drawn to travel and trips.

The character of a girl with the name “Tatyana” also largely depends on what time of year she was born. So winter Tanyas are quite mediocre - they have no pronounced talent in any area of ​​​​life. However, at the same time, they make every effort to appear smarter. If a girl with this name was born in the fall, she is most likely narcissistic and unreasonably self-confident. Summer Tanya is eccentric and unbalanced, suffering from frequent nervous disorders. And girls born in spring most often have a particularly unpredictable and even hysterical character.

It is believed that the name “Tatyana” is best combined with the patronymics Sergeevna, Leonovna, Valerievna, as well as Vsevolodovna and Timurovna.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

The name Tatyana means "organizer", "founder"(from the word “tatto” - “I establish, establish, approve”, from ancient Greek).

According to a less common version, the name Tatyana Latin roots and it comes from male name Tatian, who appeared on behalf of King Titus Tatius. In this case, the meaning of the name is “lady from the Tatia family.”

Name abbreviations - Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusya, Tanyura, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.

On English language the name is written as Tatyana, in Italian and Spanish - Tatiana (Tatiana), in Ukrainian - Tetyana, in Polish - Tacjana.

The name Tatyana is one of the most popular, because 4% of women in Russia are Tatyana. Nowadays, very few newborns are called by this name, and the peak of the 80s and 90s apparently will not be repeated. In 2017, only 400 girls in Moscow became Tatyanas (3,708 girls were named Sophia, 2,709 were Maria, 2,595 were Anna).

Day Angel. Tatiana's day is January 25. On this day, the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Tatyana's Day, according to tradition, is a holiday for students, celebrated and loved by many, because as you know, a student will never miss the chance to have a good rest.

Patrons named after Tatyana

  • Zodiac – Capricorn
  • The planet Mars
  • Color – Crimson, blue, brown, all shades of red and warm shades of yellow.
  • Happy time of year- Winter
  • Happy day of the week- Saturday
  • Treasured plant– Elm (symbol of longevity), clover (symbol of faith, hope and love), cherry (health)
  • Patron – Gopher, lynx
  • Talisman stone - Ruby, heliodor, tiger's eye. Ruby symbolizes authority, gives courage and inspires. Tiger's eye is believed to bring health and protect.

Tatiana's childhood

Tanya means restless. It’s not easy for parents with this bright, positive girl - the energy in the child is overflowing, she has almost male character and explicit leadership skills. Her activity knows no bounds - she is a robber, a dreamer, an artist, an athlete and a singer all rolled into one. At the same time, she cannot be called naughty or difficult - life is simply “overflowing” in her, and it is difficult for her to sit in one place. One can also note some of her stubbornness - her parents hear the word “herself” very often.

There are no problems at school - Tanya can stand up for herself, she has good abilities, and studying does not cause such obvious rejection as in many other children. Of course, restlessness interferes in many ways, but it is not a serious problem. Her interests are wide - in fact, she can be interested in anything. And school amateur activities and informal communication are her native element, although, as always, she does not complete most of the tasks. But in any company her place is among the leaders.


Despite her creative, artistic nature, Tatyana can choose the most everyday profession - lawyer, personnel officer, accountant. The reason is that she can achieve success in almost any field, because her active, active nature will be visible everywhere, in the thick of things. She is overly self-confident, but this only gives optimism to her actions.

Tatyana works conscientiously and tries to be the first in everything. For her, praise, approval, real achievements are the best reward.

She is ready to work without restrictions. Being a born leader, she often becomes a real businesswoman - here she is helped by business acumen, ambition, the ability to transform herself, and an amazing ability to communicate at any level.

And yet, only in creative professions can Tatyana find what will be the basis of her life.

singer, model

Character of the name Tatyana

Tatyana has a strong character. It’s as if some kind of strength lives in her, she is decisive, emotional, bright, sometimes a little impudent and proud. She has charm, and rarely does anyone get to see her mistakes. In conversation and manners, she can show restraint, tact, and intelligence. She is very smart, but her emotions and ambitions get in the way. She is always ready to rush towards the most incredible goals, without regard to the real situation. Another thing that bothers Tatyana is that she loves being praised too much. In an effort to gain approval, she goes ahead, without looking back.

Tatyana is not limited by strict moral principles, and always acts in a way that is beneficial to her. As for objections and criticism, she cannot tolerate them at all. That's why she has few friends, more friends, but even those can be counted on one hand.

Tatyana is not particularly concerned about the impression her actions make on others; she rarely regrets what she has done and does not consider it necessary to correct the consequences.

But she is quite concerned about the fate of her loved ones - she always strives to help, tries to settle everything, relieve tension, and solve the problem. In the family, she is the center, unites everyone and gives everyone confidence. With such a mother, a person is not alone in this world.

Love, family and marriage

Charming, artistic and positive Tatyana enjoys well-deserved success among men. She is easy to talk to, very charming and can interest anyone. Her sensuality has no boundaries, and her passion can ignite granite. Relationships with men are usually complicated by the fact that Tatyana takes any acquaintance too seriously, beginning to see a husband in each partner, and in the event of a disagreement, she begins to despise her ex, or even hate her. In her youth, her hobbies are endless, but with age she becomes more serious and more calculating. Her chosen one, as a rule, is reliable as a rock, and quite successful.

Her family life cannot be called ideal - all because of Tatyana’s tendency to lead and command. She stubbornly tries to subjugate her husband, and at the same time gives reasons for jealousy. Over time, everything returns to normal - Tatyana “gets used to” family life, calmly copes with everyday life, children, surrounding loved ones with care and attention, begins to value stability, peace and material well-being. In adulthood, she finds true mutual understanding with her husband.

Relationships with relatives on the husband’s side, as a rule, do not work out. The children are a little afraid of her because of her severity and peremptory nature - but with age, the relationship becomes almost ideal.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Tatyana.

What does the name Tatyana mean?

The name Tatyana means organizer (Greek)

The meaning of the name Tatyana for life

A woman named Tatyana is blessed with a strong character and always stands up for herself. Can look after the weaker, but will not tolerate competition. Will find a way to get anyone out of the way, especially if it concerns her personal life. She is prone to high self-esteem, considers herself the smartest, the most beautiful, and unsurpassed in love. At first, she manages to create and maintain just such an opinion about herself, but in an unpleasant situation, all her negative qualities immediately emerge, and this image immediately crumbles. This is not to say that she is unintelligent, but due to excessive impulsiveness and exaltation, she most often forgets to use her mental abilities. It’s cunning, but its cunning is easily calculated by people who are more intelligent and capable of analytical thinking. In each such person, Tatyana sees a personal enemy. She adores male company and spends a lot of energy to look attractive and sexy. In fact, she is very moderate in her physiological needs; again, she is driven to become more sophisticated by the desire to be “the very best,” extraordinary. A woman named Tatyana is envious, can weave intrigues, and is capable of unseemly acts. She gets married without difficulty, but her husband will have a hard time with her. Tatyana loves the attention of men and will not miss the opportunity to have an affair or at least light flirtation on the side. If her appearance does not allow her to always be the center of attention of men, then she is quiet and modest, but in the depths of her soul a tigress lurks. She is vindictive and can pretend that she does not remember the insult, but only to make it easier to take revenge later. She knows how to cook dinner, bake a birthday cake, do a grand laundry, but she won’t tolerate her husband reading the newspaper or watching TV while she’s working. In family life, a woman named Tatyana is often unhappy, because she strives to lead her husband and at the same time wants a strong and courageous person to be next to her. The children are a little afraid of Tatyana: she is strict and hot-tempered, she can shout for no particular reason. The name Tatyana should be given to girls carefully and not with all middle names. It is not advisable to call those born in winter this way.

The meaning of the name Tatyana for sex

Tatyana captivates men with her caring nature and surrounds her with warmth and tenderness. A woman named Tatyana can be an excellent partner for someone who is interested in more than just sex. She has a very sensitive body, especially her breasts and Bottom part backs.

The character and fate of the name Tatyana, taking into account the patronymic

First name Tatyana and patronymic....

Tatyana Alekseevna, Tatyana Andreevna, Tatyana Artemovna, Tatyana Valentinovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Tatyana Vitalievna, Tatyana Vladimirovna, Tatyana Evgenevna, Tatyana Ivanovna, Tatyana Ilyinichna, Tatyana Mikhailovna, Tatyana Petrovna, Tatyana Sergeevna, Tatyana Yur Evna cheerful, loving, energetic, quick-tempered. Ambitious and arrogant. He pursues a selfish goal in everything and values ​​material well-being above all else in life. She makes profitable acquaintances and makes friends only with those who can be useful to her in some way. If among her friends there are simple, unremarkable people, it is only because they serve as a background for her, against which she looks even brighter. She easily breaks off relationships with people who cannot be of any use to her. Tatyana has no real friends. He behaves completely differently with men. She tries to keep everyone close to her; the more imaginary friends she has among men, the more prestigious she is. Look, what an extraordinary, unsurpassed woman she is! Without the attention of men, you become depressed. She is susceptible to flattery and praise, and often praises herself, inventing various stories in which she presents herself favorably. Tatyana should not rush into marriage. A hasty decision can make her spouse unhappy, and the marriage breaks up very quickly. First, as they often say about men, she needs to “walk up.” She must understand who is more suitable for her in sex, who can tolerate her in everyday everyday life. It’s better when Tatyana has the opportunity to realize herself in a professional field, then she can leave men alone. You can’t call her an ideal housewife, although even here she wants to seem the best. Stingy; If she cooks for guests, she spares quality products and uses those that she does not use herself. She can leave her children with her husband and go on vacation on an expensive trip, without thinking about the fact that she left her family without a penny of money. A husband with a weak character next to such Tatyana is doomed to a long, unhappy married life. A man with a strong character quickly divorces her. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Tatyana and patronymic....

Tatyana Alexandrovna, Tatyana Arkadyevna, Tatyana Borisovna, Tatyana Vadimovna, Tatyana Grigorievna, Tatyana Kirillovna, Tatyana Maksimovna, Tatyana Matveevna, Tatyana Nikitichna, Tatyana Pavlovna, Tatyana Romanovna, Tatyana Tarasovna, Tatyana Timofeevna, Tatyana Aries, Tatyana Yakovlevna even more emotional and unbalanced, but less insidious. She is easier to communicate with and you don’t have to expect a trick from her every minute. But if someone seriously hurts her pride, she will not remain in debt. More sexual, more vain than ambitious. She loves to be admired by men, and has absolutely no need for permanent, devoted girlfriends, and easily breaks up with them. If she was born in the summer, she can easily become addicted to alcohol, and only with great difficulty does she manage to get rid of it. Flighty and frivolous in her youth, she marries early and unsuccessfully. In her second marriage, although she is not particularly happy, she calms down. Tatyana is a capricious wife, she loves to eat delicious food, although she cooks according to her mood. Loves various delicacies and sweets. Fidgety, it is difficult to keep her at home. Enjoys being in company, loves nature, animals, and willingly travels. Rarely is she completely satisfied, always in search of something extraordinary. He considers himself unappreciated and offended by fate. She dreams of sublime love, she can start an affair on the side, but, making sure that these feelings are not the ones she dreams about, she breaks off the relationship. Her mother is most often involved in raising the children of such Tatyana. She herself treats her daughters as her friends, loves them, spoils them, but doesn’t even try to educate them. She is completely absorbed in herself and her personal problems.

First name Tatyana and patronymic....

Tatyana Bogdanovna, Tatyana Vladislavovna, Tatyana Vyacheslavovna, Tatyana Gennadievna, Tatyana Georgievna, Tatyana Egorovna, Tatyana Konstantinovna, Tatyana Makarovna, Tatyana Robertovna, Tatyana Svyatoslavovna, Tatyana Yanovna, Tatyana Yaroslavovna optimist. She doesn't focus on negative aspects life, does not dwell on failures. Secretive with loved ones, reserved in love. Stubborn and domineering. He is more friendly with men. Cannot stand loneliness, boredom, monotony. Her life is full of vivid feelings. Tatyana tends to idealize her lovers, which is why she often experiences disappointment. Her self-esteem is greatly inflated, she is vain and proud. He does not tolerate the superiority of others, he will always find something to stand out and attract attention to. She cares little about public opinion, but the judgment of those elected is important to her. She is in no hurry to get married, it takes her a long time to choose her betrothed, but rarely does her family life correspond to the one she dreamed of in her youth. This Tatyana never complains about fate, diligently hides the feeling of dissatisfaction within herself, presents her family union as the happiest, he praises his spouse, talks about his passionate love for her. In reality, everything is different. Only those who for a long time maintains friendly relations with Tatyana, they understand that she is unhappy. The husband of such Tatyana would gladly leave her, but children and family obligations do not allow him to do this. Tatyana is very jealous, and if she catches her husband being unfaithful, she can take revenge and take on a lover, and then she can no longer be stopped. She can change partners without hiding her love affairs too much from her spouse. Her relationship with her daughters is very difficult. She needs to be thoughtful about naming them. Not every child's name is compatible with Tatyana.

First name Tatyana and patronymic....

Tatyana Antonovna, Tatyana Arturovna, Tatyana Valerievna, Tatyana Germanovna, Tatyana Glebovna, Tatyana Denisovna, Tatyana Igorevna, Tatyana Leonidovna, Tatyana Lvovna, Tatyana Mironovna, Tatyana Olegovna, Tatyana Ruslanovna, Tatyana Semyonovna, Tatyana Filippovna, Tatyana Emmanuilovna a very secretive, hot-tempered, stubborn woman with a difficult character. Unbalanced, emotional, but does not like to dwell on topics of her personal life, relationships with men, or her spouse. Everything is always good in her family. Tatyana is amorous, gets very used to her lover, and finds it difficult to bear parting. He will not forgive betrayal, he will definitely take revenge. However, she is kind and sympathetic. She is always ready to help her neighbor, although one should not count on a long-term relationship with her in such cases. She is tired of empty chores, and her outbursts of mercy quickly pass. It is impossible to use her for personal gain; she will quickly put anyone in their place. She herself knows how to take advantage of profitable acquaintances. Unlucky in her personal life, she is married several times. She often gives birth to boys, whom she does not know how to raise at all, and does not even try to do so. With her sons, when they grow up, she has serious problems, boys grow up not adapted to independent life. In sexual relationships, Tatyana is not too temperamental. The material side of family life worries her most. She spends a lot of time and money on maintaining her appearance; she looks great even in old age. However, sexual partners do not stay near her for long, despite her seductive appearance.

First name Tatyana and patronymic....

Tatyana Alanovna, Tatyana Albertovna, Tatyana Anatolyevna, Tatyana Veniaminovna, Tatyana Vladlenovna, Tatyana Dmitrievna, Tatyana Markovna, Tatyana Nikolaevna, Tatyana Rostislavovna, Tatyana Stanislavovna, Tatyana Stepanovna, Tatyana Feliksovna- man of moods. Very stubborn, persistent. If he sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. Smart, witty. Knows how to stand up for himself. She gets married quite successfully. With such middle names, Tatyana’s reason dominates her emotions. She may be unhappy with her marital status, but she behaves patiently. She is quick-tempered, but only in extreme cases gives vent to her feelings. Knows how to control himself. Very fair. He is the leader in the family, although in the early years life together her husband tries to guide her, but over the years he understands that it is not worth suppressing her will. She is often right, and it is useful to listen to her words. Tatyana gives birth to children of different sexes, but often she has one son, who is closer to her in his mental make-up, than to her father. She finds him easily. mutual language, she is raising him herself. This Tatyana is a passionate nature. If over time the husband loses interest in her, he can start a fairly long and stable love affair on the side. She values ​​her family and will not dare to divorce, but she will not put up with the position of a “straw widow”. She needs to feel loved. Good hostess, skillfully and efficiently leads household. Not stingy, but economical. Very hospitable, loving fun companies.

Numerology of the name Tatyana

Self-sacrifice is the destiny of every shooter.

Kozma Prutkov

The meaning of the name Tatyana: According to one version, the name Tatyana comes from the name of the Sabine king Titus Tatius and translated from Latin means “belonging to Tatius.” According to another point of view, the name has ancient Greek roots and means “organizer”, “founder”.

Days of remembrance: 25.01 (Tatiana's day), 03.03.

Note. Students celebrate Tatyana's Day because it was on this day in 1755 that the Russian Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University - the first higher education institution. educational institution in Russia.

Personality. Organizer of life.

Characteristics of the name Tatyana by letter:

T - sacrifice;

A - hard work;

T - repeat;

b - non-conflict, compliance;

I am ambitious, selfish;

N - selectivity of sympathies;

A - repeat.

What does the name Tatyana mean in numerology:

TATYANA = 2123661 = 3 (Mars).

The purpose of life of a person with the name Tatyana is determined by the great Mars, the planet of heroism, stoicism, and courage.

What does the name Tatyana mean in astrology:

2-1, 1-2 (Moon - Sun, Sun - Moon) - stability, health, luck;

2-3 (Moon - Mars) - the results of affairs depend on the emotional mood;

3-6 (Mars - Venus) - energetic, lucky nature, generosity, openness, harmony in relationships with the opposite sex. Dreaminess, reliability, passion;

6 (Venus) - the point is deepened: the search for harmony, peacefulness;

3-1 (Mars - Sun), code line - the line of beginning, conscious activity.

Characteristics of the name Tatyana, taking into account the analysis

Tatyana is successful in her endeavors, law-abiding, even dogmatic, hardworking, sociable, and men like her. He has a rare charm. You have to know her to love her. She looks caring, but is proud, independent, and selfish. Canny. Pragmatic, always wants to lead. Moderate, abstinent in eating, drinking, hoarding. However, evil fate is not indifferent to her charm: he punishes her, as a rule, with children - they either die or are not very lucky. More often these are sons. In order to get what she wants, Tatyana does not hesitate to use means. Fields of activity: computer science, engineering, design, sports career.

Sexuality low level. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Anatoly, Victor, Ilya.

Career, business and money

Tatyana is a real businesswoman. She should choose a profession where she can win the attention of people around her. Since Tatyana is a power-hungry person and has a sense of self-esteem, she is unlikely to be able to join the team at a garment factory or any plant. She needs to occupy a leadership position, which is expressed in family relationships Tatiana. She is a true entrepreneur who, if desired, will create her own company, where she will manage a staff of employees.

Tatiana climbs the career ladder with purpose. If she gets a job in some large corporation, then it is quite possible that she will be able to achieve certain heights. This person is a real careerist, but this does not mean that going over heads is her strong point. He removes enemies quickly and mercilessly. Tatyana handles money carefully and knows how to save in order to realize her intended goal. He mainly spends it on jewelry, expensive clothes, accessories, household and interior items.

Marriage and family

Tatyana seems to be made for a family. She loves her children very much, constantly worries about them, supports them in difficult situations. In family relationships, she is a real leader; she tries to subjugate a man, but she does not always succeed. As a person, she is not prone to divorce because she values ​​stability, material well-being and so-called sustainability.

Gradually gets used to her husband, finds with him common interests, mutual understanding and harmony. Tatyana is an excellent housewife, in her house there is always full order, and in the refrigerator there are plenty delicious dishes. She is strict in marriage, but she loves her family very much and values ​​it. She’s touchy, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of every little thing, you can get along with her.

Sex and love

For this representative of the fairer sex it is very important that sexual relations with my partner were perfect. In the presence of a stranger young man, which she likes, she perks up and uses all her charm to conquer a new peak. Without any problems, Tatyana can woo a man if there is a certain logic and common sense in this.

Sex is very important to her, but only with the partner she loves. To win her heart, you should go on a tourist trip with Tatyana. In bed, she likes to dominate, can be aggressive, and gets excited quickly. She has a very sensitive body, but she thinks only about herself, so she often sees her partner only as an object of her own pleasure.


In infancy, this is a very restless child who often cries and has trouble falling asleep, but eats mother's milk without any problems. Premature Tatyana is gaining her weight well and quickly. In early childhood, Tanya is prone to infectious diseases, minor injuries and fractures. She must be protected from hypothermia, as she has weak bronchi and lungs.

Diseases of the tonsils and larynx are possible. In adulthood, Tatyana suffers from hormonal disorders and inflammation of the ovaries. Because of her waywardness, she is not always happy in her family life, and therefore is prone to depression, nervous breakdown or alcoholism. If Tatyana does not take care of her nervous system, then mental disorders await her.

Interests and hobbies

Tatyana’s main hobby is tourist trips and traveling – it’s as if she’s trying to conquer the whole world. He is indifferent to drawing and sculpture, but loves music. But Tatyana maintains her home in perfect order, prefers to rearrange the furniture in the house, loves to cook, treats holidays with a special approach.

She is a supporter active image life, devotes himself to sports, has an excellent figure, and in rare cases suffers from excess weight. She categorically does not like boredom and monotony - you should not invite her to go fishing. Tanya’s characteristic energy will help the girl achieve success in any field. She is persistent, able to insist on her own and pull down presumptuous subordinates. As a rule, he works as an orthopedist, personnel officer or researcher. Can achieve success in creative professions.

Short form of the name Tatyana. Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusya, Tanyura, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatuya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.
Synonyms for the name Tatyana. Tatiana, Tatiana, Mystery, Taya, Tetyanya, Tatyana, Tanya, Tatyani.
Origin of the name Tatyana. The name Tatyana is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Tatyana, translated from ancient Greek, means “organizer”, “founder”, derived from the Greek “tatto”, meaning “I establish, establish, approve.” According to the next version, the name Tatyana has Latin roots. It is the feminine form of the male name Tatian, which appeared on behalf of King Titus Tatia, so the name is translated as “lady of the Tatia family.”

The diminutive form of the name Tatyana - Tanya, is very popular in the West, especially in the USA, and is perceived as an independent name. And the address Taina is also an independent name, which in modern times is more often used as Tayana.

In Russia, Saint Tatiana is especially revered, considered the patroness of students. In honor of her, students have a holiday called Tatyana's Day - January 12 according to the old style, and according to the new style this date falls on January 25. It was on this day that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Among Catholics, the martyr Tatiana of Rome is especially revered.

Little Tatyana is smiling and restless. She does not lag behind others either in growth or development. WITH early years You can notice some stubbornness in the girl. She certainly wants to do everything on her own and copes well with her affairs. Perfect order always reigns in Tanya's things.

Tatyana's school successes only make her parents happy. Very often this girl graduates from school with a medal. She has very diverse interests. Tatyana may be interested in everything from cybernetics to journalism. She is always the first among school amateur performance participants. Already at school, Tanya shows herself as an intelligent and self-sufficient girl. In subsequent years, these qualities only intensify.

Communication with men transforms Tatyana. As soon as a prominent gentleman appears next to her, Tanya becomes lively and flirtatious. For the opposite sex, this is a caring and gentle friend. Tatyana chooses her partner strong men, strives to defeat them.

Tatyana's wayward character makes her unpredictable in various fields life. She conquers men for her own pleasure, and thereby amuses her vanity. Tanya takes someone’s superiority very hard, especially if we're talking about about a woman. Even close friends become enemies as soon as she feels competition from them. Tanya is ready to do anything to be the best in the eyes of others. Striving for this, the girl does stupid things, but does not regret it. For her rivals, Tatyana is an envious and insidious enemy, capable of any vile deeds.

Loyalty for Tatyana is a relative concept, and even if she is married, she can continue to change partners, as before. The husband and children easily fade into the background. The situation is somewhat different if the husband completely satisfies Tanya in all respects.

Tatyana is powerful and knows how to stand up for herself. She is a person of mood, but, as a rule, having achieved leadership positions, she does not betray her sense of duty. Tatyana strives to think soberly in any situation, without succumbing to outside opinions. He rarely resorts to pressure, only when absolutely necessary.

Tatyana gives the impression of a very elegant and well-mannered person. She dresses well, is reserved in conversation, and knows how to say nice things. Tanya has both rich inner world and high self-esteem. Trying to “jump in over her head,” Tanya often fails; she tends to create problems for herself. However, by nature the girl is an optimist and does not become depressed from the failures that come her way.

Tanya’s characteristic energy will help the girl achieve success in any field. She is persistent, able to insist on her own and pull down presumptuous subordinates. As a rule, he works as an orthopedist, personnel officer or researcher. Can achieve success in creative professions.

Tatiana's name day

Tatyana celebrates her name day on January 25, February 23, March 14, April 3, May 17, June 23, July 21, August 18, September 3.

Famous people named Tatyana

  • Tatyana Peltzer ((1904 - 1992) Soviet Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1972). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951).)
  • Tatyana Tolstaya ((born 1951) Russian writer, publicist and TV presenter. The most famous novel of the writer is “Kys”, which received the Triumph Prize. The works of Tatyana Tolstaya, including the collections of stories “If you love - you don’t love”, “Okkervil River” , “Day”, “Night”, “Raisin”, “Circle”, “White Walls”, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. The writer gained widespread popularity in 2002, when she became the co-host of the television program “School of Scandal”. year entered the rating of “One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia” compiled by the radio station “Echo of Moscow”, news agencies RIA Novosti, Interfax and Ogonyok magazine.)
  • Tatyana Tarasova ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian figure skating coach. Honored coach of the USSR (1975). Tarasova trained more future world champions and Olympic Games than any other coach in history. Until 2004, her students won a total of 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, as well as 8 Olympic gold medals in three disciplines out of four possible (Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev (pairs - 1976 and 1980), Natalya Bestemyanova and Andrey Bukin (dance - 1988), Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko (dance - 1992), Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov (couples - 1994), Ilya Kulik (men - 1998), Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov (dance - 1998), Alexey Yagudin (men - 2002)).)
  • Tatyana Yablonskaya ((1917 - 2005) Soviet, Ukrainian painter. People's Artist of the USSR (1982), laureate State Prize USSR (1979) and two Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1950, 1951).)
  • Tatyana Lioznova ((born 1924) film director, who directed “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”)
  • Tatyana Vasilyeva ((born 1947) maiden name - Itsykovich; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter, People's Artist of Russia (1992))
  • Tatyana Navka ((born 1975) Russian figure skater who competed in ice dancing with Roman Kostomarov. This couple is the 2006 Olympic champions, two-time world champions, three-time European champions, three-time winners of the Grand Prix finals and three-time Russian champions.)
  • Tatyana Vedeneeva ((born 1953) Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actress, journalist)
  • Tatyana Okunevskaya ((1914 - 2002) Soviet and Russian actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1947).)
  • Tatyana Doronina ((born 1933) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1981).)
  • Tatyana Dogileva ((born 1957) Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist Russian Federation (2000))
  • Tatyana Samoilova ((born 1934) Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1963), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1992). Winner of the Jury Prize of the XI Cannes Festival "Orange Tree" as "The most modest and charming actress" (1957, for the film "They Are Flying" cranes")
  • Tatyana Lavrova ((1938 - 2007) real name- Andrikanis; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Tatyana Egorova ((born 1944) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, journalist)
  • Tatyana Bek ((1949 - 2005) Russian poetess, literary critic and literary critic. Member of the USSR Writers Union (1978), Russian PEN Center, secretary of the Moscow Writers Union (1991-1995).)
  • Tatyana Ustinova ((born 1968) Russian writer working in the detective genre)