Character of a male tiger wooden. Personal eastern horoscope. Tiger

People born between the dates of January 23, 1974 and February 10, 1975 belong to the Wood Tiger sign according to the Eastern Calendar. The color of this year, according to the eastern horoscope, is green. This color symbolizes the element Wood. According to the interaction of elemental elements, Wood generates Fire and is destroyed by Metal. Unlike representatives of other types of this sign, these people are the most willing to cooperate. They have less independence.

Year of the Wood Tiger

Among the many positive qualities of people born in 1974, the animal Wooden Tiger eastern calendar, there is also a subtle sense of humor. They are friendly and pleasant to talk to, which makes them more popular and available large quantity friends and associates. They often have an active public position.

These people are highly emotional and impulsive. It is important for them that people trust and indulge them. Their careers are often successful. They love to be the center of attention, they love to be idols. A family is created only with a person who can appreciate all the positive qualities of a tiger.

People born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished from all others by their courage, strength of character, composure, purity of mind and justice. Of course, they are not without their shortcomings - sometimes they are quick-tempered, but after a short amount of time the outburst of anger subsides, and the offense is forgotten. These people are not touchy or vindictive.

Nature has endowed people born in 1974 with a lively character and a large supply of energy, but at the same time they are prone to depression. Wood Tigers can often replace one activity with another. It is important for them to learn to concentrate and focus on one thing, and also to be stoic about possible failures.

  • From 02/08/1902 to 01/28/1903 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger;
  • From 01/26/1914 to 02/13/1915 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Tiger;
  • From 02/13/1926 to 02/01/1927 - Year of the Fire (Red) Tiger;
  • From 01/31/1938 to 02/18/1939 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Tiger;
  • From 02/17/1950 to 02/05/1951 - Year of the Metal (White) Tiger;
  • From 02/05/1962 to 01/24/1963 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger;
  • From 01/23/1974 to 02/10/1975 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Tiger;
  • From 02/09/1986 to 01/28/1987 - Year of the Fire (Red) Tiger;
  • From 01/28/1998 to 02/15/1999 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Tiger;
  • From 02/14/2010 to 02/02/2011 - Year of the Metal (White) Tiger;
  • From 02/01/2022 to 01/21/2023 - Year of the Water (Black) Tiger.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Gemini.

Character Strengths

The tiger is one of the most decisive and courageous signs of the eastern horoscope. People born this year have every chance of becoming part of history, but still most of them are not artists, but rebels.

The tiger feels comfortable in political activity, and if it reaches high position and a certain authority, immediately begins to change the established rules and structures in his own way. As a rule, he achieves exactly the result he expected, but the adjustments he makes do not always benefit people, the cause, and most importantly, the Tiger himself. To be fair, it is worth noting that the Tiger’s intentions are always the most noble, and for the most part the fruits of his activities are enjoyed by everyone who can - in the Tiger’s characteristics there is neither greed nor a sense of superiority over other people.

A person born in the year of the Tiger almost does not know what blues and disappointment are. He perceives any failure as a lesson from which he can extract maximum experience and, oddly enough, benefit. The Tiger has a rare talent for finding benefits where it would seem out of the question.

Character Weaknesses

The negative part of the Tiger's characteristics lies in the hackneyed phrase - he first acts, and then thinks. The tiger is impulsive and subject to outbursts of uncontrollable anger, and he is so unpredictable that it is difficult for the people around him to calculate in advance what exactly might set him off.

The Tiger's character is full of contradictions, and one gets the impression that all events in his life happen not thanks to, but in spite of. He may respond to a good and reverent attitude toward himself with indifference and behave selfishly, or he may become attached to someone who does not like him. Understanding him is as difficult as becoming his friend.

The main thing you need to know about a person who was born in the year of the Tiger is that he will always live his own, separate life. He loves people close to him, but does not let them get close to him. At heart, the Tiger is very lonely, despite his freedom and sociability.

In love

A person born in the year of the Tiger loves to be in the center of events, and does everything to ensure that representatives of the opposite sex pay attention to him. He does not try to be nice and attentive, moreover, sympathy is not exactly what he is looking for. By and large, it is important for the Tiger to be looked at and listened to, and he doesn’t care what people think about him.

The love relationship between the Tiger and his chosen one does not promise to be cloudless. For the smoothest possible life, he needs a partner who is a little calmer and who knows how to tolerate the constant “surprises” without which the Tiger finds it boring to live.

It is contraindicated for the Tiger to be around an equally temperamental person - the relationship will turn into a testing ground for scandals, and possibly even assault. A melancholic person is also not an option for the Tiger - the striped predator will try to stir him up, not accepting refusals and not listening to his opinion, as a result of which this union will also fall apart.

You need to love the tiger limitlessly and not try to in any way influence his way of life - this is not only useless, but also fraught with aggressive protest on his part with the subsequent termination of relations with the dissatisfied party.

In career

Tiger can only associate the life of an ordinary office clerk with a nightmare. Everything banal and gray is immediately rejected by him. The tiger sincerely believes that he was born for a great purpose, so he does not waste his time on trifles. Spend long years for training, or to wait for a promotion, which essentially will not open up any new opportunities for him, is not interesting and tiring for the Tiger. He wants everything at once.

The tiger is passionate. He believes in luck and chance, so he can put a lot on the line for the sake of a tempting prospect. If the investment doesn't pay off, he won't be upset. The Tiger does not look back, does not subject what happened to a deep analysis, but looks to the very essence. As a rule, this is quite enough for the Tiger to avoid stepping on the same rake again.

If the Tiger holds the position of leader, he is demanding and unpredictable, so his subordinates find it difficult to work with him. Even if he is still working under someone else, this does not prevent him from acting as if the company belongs to him. The tiger may well tactlessly point out to his superiors their mistakes, which often complicates his life and unexpectedly leaves him unemployed.

Tiger Man

The Tiger man is charming and intelligent, it is interesting to communicate with him, thanks to which people are drawn to him. At the same time, the Tiger is not working on improving relations with an appreciative audience, but on increasing his own self-esteem. Oddly enough, the more narcissistic he is, the more attractive and desirable he is, especially for the fairer sex.

The Tiger man's youth is turbulent. The series of bright but short-lived novels seems endless. Each Tiger has its own collection broken hearts, whose owners he doesn’t even remember by name. If he decides to start a family, it is unlikely to happen at a young age. Early marriages among Tiger men usually end in a quick and scandalous divorce.

The Tiger's sexual activity does not leave him the chance to be content with the company of one woman. Attempts to control him will lead to the fact that he will begin to cheat out of spite, cynically and arrogantly. If the spouse turns out to be patient and not too demanding, the marriage can become long and strong.

The tiger is unpredictable - the thirst for adventure is in his blood. He likes to travel, he enjoys extreme sports and the danger that breathes in his back. The Tiger man should not be limited in this either - reading morality in his case will only aggravate the situation.

Tiger Woman

Like the stronger sex, born in the year of the Tiger, Tigress knows how to attract attention, please, and benefit from it. In order to charm, she does not need to be in full dress and weigh every word - her natural charm will do everything for her. She has many fans, but many of them for years do not dare to admit their sympathy to her, fearing a sharp refusal. What can I say, you can understand them. Tiger woman and tactlessness are almost synonymous.

She shows maximum interest in her work and chooses an occupation to her liking. What she does must be related either to communication or to constant movement or business trips. The boring office environment and strict dress code will tire her so much that she will quit her job before her first paycheck.

The Tiger woman is not attached to the house. She is sociable, loves to relax in entertainment venues in the company of numerous girlfriends and friends of the opposite sex, who will not leave her life even after marriage. If her husband is lenient with her tendency to flirt, things are unlikely to come to the point of betrayal, but suspicion and jealousy can only push Tigress into the arms of another man.

, Metal Tiger, Water Tiger.

The Wooden Tiger is a good-natured person, a joker, a comedian, a favorite of the public, and very easily involves others in his affairs. It differs from other Tigers in its tractability, ability to make concessions, and take into account the opinions of others. He lacks endurance and calmness, he wants to achieve any result instantly, and if it doesn’t work out, then he’s ready to give up. Everything will be fine for the wooden Tiger if he devotes himself to one thing he loves and has the patience to wait for the fruits of his labor.

This Tiger is more tolerant of other people's shortcomings than others; he assesses the situation from a practical point of view and is unbiased. He is democratic, enjoys working and having fun in a group, and understands the importance of long-term cooperation to achieve goals. He has many different friends and acquaintances. In society he feels in his place.

The Wood element makes him friendly. He is an attractive person and very productive when working in a group. He is polite in society and has a talent for putting together completely different people. Nevertheless, he is true first of all to himself and understands that irreplaceable people not in his surroundings.

The Wood Tiger is the least perceptive of all the Tigers. He prefers not to go into the essence, but rather skim the surface. He is not as aggressive as other Tigers and can be a good diplomat. He is a talented leader who knows how to give instructions and manage the work process to achieve best results, however, will in every possible way avoid the need to take responsibility. Wooden Tiger takes his hobbies seriously. Like other Tigers, he has little capacity for self-discipline and should not take on more than he can handle. Like other Tigers, it is difficult for him to limit himself and adequately perceive criticism, even if it is presented in a soft and kind form.

Wooden Tiger according to the Chinese Horoscope

People under the sign of the Wood Tiger look quite peaceful, but there is an involuntary impulsiveness hidden in their souls. Their strange behavior is sometimes confusing. These people are calm and give the impression of a carefree person. But this is their mask, behind which constant anxiety is hidden. They must not take themselves by surprise, otherwise failure will befall them. They need to improvise and embody their ingenuity; their creativity instructs and calms. They are very much in love with freedom, they should not be afraid of the stage, since the crowd cannot take their eyes off them, because they always and completely surrender to the inspiration that often visits them. People under the Wood Tiger sign love to joke and have a good sense of humor.

These Tree Tigers are not as independent as their other tiger sign types and have a tendency to work collaboratively for common goal. These people often change their plans, get confused easily, and this greatly upsets them. They are usually loved and respected and have a large circle of friends. People under the sign of the Wood Tiger are often busy in an active social life.

They love spring and thrive in windy weather. Their weak organ is the liver. They love sour food, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from rice and meat; pork is better. The tiger is passionate and angry, and sometimes this helps him, but you shouldn’t abuse it, constant anxiety will ruin his nervous system.

The color that always brings good luck and happiness is lemon.

Wooden Tiger Man

A charming, outwardly interesting man evokes sympathy from the first minutes of meeting. He knows how to win over, knows how to please, women are especially partial to him. A peace-loving, good-natured person is not at all associated with the sign of the Tiger. However, he has courage and strength, and is able to defend his interests. This man is open to communication, makes contact easily, and you can negotiate with him on any issue. Does not show anger or aggression, the Wood Tiger is a man who is ready to make concessions. True, impulsiveness, characteristic of all representatives of this sign, prevents him from concentrating on one thing. Often he does not understand what to devote his time to and begins to get scattered over trifles.

Women do not ignore these interesting men. Excellent manners, an excellent sense of humor, an easy-going character - all this sets Wood Tigers apart from other suitors. For them there are no obstacles on the path to personal happiness. A man in love can come up with a thousand ways to win the heart of his chosen one. The good-natured disposition of the Wood Tiger should not be misleading in deciding important issues demonstrates the strengths of his character: perseverance, firmness, resourcefulness. If his plans include a strong marriage with this woman, then so be it. IN family life a man of this sign manifests himself with the best side: loves his wife and idolizes his children.

Wooden Tiger Woman

These sociable women enjoy constant success with men. They love to travel, visit new places, and crave thrills. There is no aggression or anger in them; they are cheerful, carefree women who know how to enjoy every moment of life. However, if necessary, they can be tough and demanding; no one, even those closest to them, will be able to fool them. The Wooden Tiger is a bright, interesting woman, perhaps a little frivolous, but not at all stupid. A sharp mind, flexibility - qualities that allow you to quickly find a solution even in the most difficult situations. difficult situation. He approaches his work very responsibly, if, of course, he can decide on his calling.

Women born in the year of the Wood Tiger love to have fun, they like to spend time in crowded places. They communicate with all friends and acquaintances equally friendly, although they can be a little harsh and hot-tempered. They cannot stand loneliness, so they are the first to make contact. The Wooden Tiger is a good-natured woman, readily forgives insults and tries not to let things lead to a complete break. This charming person has a lot of fans, each of whom hopes to become her husband. There is no doubt that a representative of this sign will make a good wife. Despite great amount friends and a fast pace of life, he will always find time for his family.


The month of the Wooden Tiger has arrived in the solar Chinese calendar (and at the same time the year of the Yellow Earth Dog). This is the month when the power and strength hidden in each of us is revealed. But what the Tiger lacks is the ability to adapt to circumstances, endure, and perceive new things. This is the month of conservatives who welcome stability and honor authority.

A hero who defends traditions - that's what the Wooden Tiger is.

In February 2018, with the advent of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the unfavorable direction of the year also changes - now it is not the south, but the north. Try not to plan trips to the north, spend less time in rooms located in the northern part of the house, and if you face north Entrance door- hang a bell over it that will ward off evil spirits. In February, the unfavorable north is joined by the southwest, which carries health hazards (do not ignore even the slightest ailment if your bedroom or workplace are in the southwestern part of the house), the east, which provokes risky transactions with money, and the west, which is unfavorable for relationships (if your bedroom is in the western part of the house, be more lenient with your partner!) The south is favorable this month, awakening creativity, and northwest, bringing success to students.

Favorable dates for the Wood Tiger month in 2018

February 11, 23-successful for any business, not only personal, but also of a business nature, but not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.

February 7, 19 and March 3- the best day for starting long-term projects and concluding contracts, but it is not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat.

18th of Febuary Difficult negotiations can be successfully completed. but only if you were not born in the year of the Pig.

Unfavorable dates for the Wood Tiger month in 2018

February 5, 9, 17, 21 and March 1-unfavorable for starting important things; projects launched these days will face numerous difficulties and opposition.

February, 15- Day Solar Eclipse, which must be lived with the utmost care.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rat

Metal Rats (born 1960) will have a chance to get rich, all other “rodents” will spend a rather boring and barren month. Use it for planning, making new useful contacts, and finally for relaxation, you need it now. Earth rats (born 1948 and 2008) are contraindicated in new novels; they will quickly turn into resentment and disappointment. It is not recommended to plan for this month the sale of real estate and, in general, large trade transactions as a result of which you plan to receive money - most likely, the profit will be lower than expected.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Ox

It's time for the Bulls to take care of their health, and for the Water Bulls (1973) to turn Special attention on the heart and blood vessels. Old health problems may now worsen, and they will also bring new ones with them. It is better to spend time on preventive examinations now than on treatment later. Don't try to save money on this; It seems to you that you are now very limited in funds, but soon this situation will change, in any case, you will have enough for everyday needs. It is also likely that you will be worried about children or family members who depend on you - their problems will require your active intervention.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Tiger

In its month, the tiger begins to reap the benefits of previous luck: financial and career opportunities seem to be floating into your hands; if you have recently started a new romance, then it will develop in the most pleasant way for you. However, in the month of the Wood Tiger you cannot relax. Remember, some offers are made to us only once, and we need to choose correctly what to agree to and what to refuse. Carefully weigh the arguments for and against, do not allow emotions to prevail over reason, and common sense to drown out the voice of the heart. This month is also favorable for buying shares and other long-term financial investments.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits lose more than they gain in the month of the Wood Tiger, so before you start a new major project, think about whether this is a good time for this? Try to adhere to the calendar of favorable dates, and also follow the voice of your intuition - it is now heightened for you, and this despite the fact that intuition is generally yours strong point! Avoid debt - both lending and borrowing. Dating in the month of the wooden Tiger will not lead to marriage, but family Rabbits will be able to enjoy domestic well-being: parents will be patient, children will not be capricious, spouses will not be grumpy. And what could be better than a cozy evening at home with family?

Prediction for those born in the year of the Dragon

A dangerous month for Metal Dragons (born 1940 and 2000) - the threat of robbery, fire, loss of property as a result of an accident. This does not mean that all the misfortunes of the Universe will fall on you, but about putting your apartment on guard or checking the strength of the hoses washing machine, it doesn’t hurt to think. But this is a good month for starting education, changing your profession, taking on a new position, as well as for collecting old debts that you may have already given up on. It is better to limit contacts with the authorities; complaints and petitions should be submitted to favorable days. If you want a vacation in the summer, think about what date your application will be received by your boss!

Prediction for those born in the year of the Snake

In the month of the Wood Tiger, Snakes can successfully get married and have promising romantic relationship. The situation with the finances is not so rosy: quick profits are not expected, but “long-term” projects will bring in good money. This doesn't necessarily apply to work; if, for example, you have been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to sell an apartment or cottage, then do not rush to reduce the price - a generous buyer is already on the way to you. Perhaps the weakest link of the month is health. It may require sudden investments, especially for Earth Snakes, born in 1989.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Horse

The Horse is the financial lucky one of the Wood Tiger month. She will receive money without difficulty - it could be an inheritance, a lottery win, a bonus that you did not expect, or at worst - a loan for favorable conditions. They will be lucky both in the casino and on the stock exchange - how can they not take advantage of this? But it’s better to postpone spending: large purchases will not be successful. In the best case, you will overpay a little, in the worst case, you will buy a worthless item. Court proceedings this month will end in your favor, and there is also a chance to win the elections, even if the preliminary alignment is not in your favor.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Goat

The month of the Wood Tiger is unfavorable for Goats, regardless of the year of birth. Moreover, those born in the month or day of the Goat will also suffer from his aggression. Is there a chance to be protected? Eat! Do not go on long trips, especially to the north. Do not start large projects, and if you do, take care of insuring your funds. Don’t quarrel with your loved ones (it’s not them who are nasty, this is a bad month!), don’t go on diets, don’t plan unnecessary medical interventions, and if they cannot be avoided, carefully choose a medical institution and collect several alternative opinions. The good news is that this month is not endless!

Prediction for those born in the year of the Monkey

Monkeys spend money easily and successfully - the most successful investments will be in health and education, for themselves and their household. Problems may arise at work - or partners or colleagues will let you down. Because of this, deadlines are compressed and you will have to work in emergency mode, and no one will like this! It’s good if you still find the time and energy for a romantic date - the Wooden Tiger is favorable love adventures. If you don’t find the strength to go on a date, still don’t refuse new acquaintances, even if not romantic ones. The people you get close to this month can provide you with help and protection.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Rooster

Unusually bright career prospects open up for Roosters (especially Water Roosters born in 1993)! You will be offered a good position (with an appropriate salary, but in this case this is even secondary), so if you are looking for a job, do not be lazy to update your resume. Luck is good luck, but you also need to make an effort! New job responsibilities, alas, can interfere with your personal life; If you are looking not only for a job, but also for romantic adventures, definitely make a choice in favor of work.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Dog

For the Dog, it is not so much the month of the Wood Tiger (Dogs get along with these Tigers, especially if born in the year of Wood (1994) or Water (1982), but rather the Year of the Dog. Suddenly everything becomes too much: plans, projects, problems... Every day is needed make a choice, and the choice is right! After a relatively free and relaxed “Rooster” year, the Dog will feel like he’s been caught under a steamroller, the load will increase so much. Well, there’s nothing you can do about it - work now, you’ll reap the benefits in the future! We remind you that Dogs (like For dragons, it is advisable to wear a pendant with a rabbit image around your neck this year.

Prediction for those born in the year of the Pig

The Wood Tiger Pig will open new horizons. Suddenly she will decide that she set small goals for herself, gentle plans, and the profit that beckoned yesterday seems like mere pennies today. And some Pigs will even decide that it’s time to take care of the soul and set out on a search spiritual teacher... Of course, not all Pigs will be lucky, but the metal ones, born in 1971, have a higher chance of success than others. The main thing is to be open to something new, and not to overshadow the previous small goal with a new one, bigger and more satisfying, but also small. Yes, the idea of ​​applying for a new position is good, but why not take the plunge own business, you are ready for this, aren’t you?

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