Guzmania transplant after purchase. Indoor guzmania flower at home (with photo). Here are the recipes experienced flower growers share

Guzmania is an evergreen tropical representative of epiphytic plants, which came to Europe from the forests of America. Decorative look Bracts in the form of cones, which retain their beauty for a long period of time, have become the reason for the wide popularity of the plant among gardeners. However, caring for Guzmania at home requires certain knowledge, which is worth gaining before the tropical crop appears in your home.

A plant belonging to the bromeliad family, being a representative of tropical flora, has its own requirements that must be taken into account when growing at home:

  • a large number of diffused light;
  • regularity of watering and high air humidity;
  • temperature moderation;
  • Seating of children after the death of the maternal rosette.

Types and varieties of flowers

In the natural environment, the genus includes more than 30 species, some of which are cultivated as potted crops.

Among the most popular are:

  • Guzmania reed is the most common species in indoor floriculture, capable of growing on rocky soil and represented by rosette plants. In the center of the leaf rosette, a corolla is formed, consisting of bright bracts of leaves that frame a spike-shaped, inconspicuous inflorescence. Popular varieties: Guzmania Minor Rondo with lemon and red bracts, modestly colored Guzmania with light orange bracts with bright tips.
  • Guzmania blood-red is a plant with glass-shaped rosettes consisting of wide leaves and bright red bracts formed around corymbose inflorescences. A common form is Guzmania short-legged with pointed buds in the form of a helmet and Guzmania bloody.
  • Guzmania Donnell-Smith is a species with a loose rosette, which is formed by green leaf plates covered with light-colored scales. The pyramidal inflorescence is slightly covered with intense red bracts.
  • Guzmania Tempo is a species distinguished by the golden-green color of its leaf blades, forming a spreading rosette. The bracts are colored in a typical red color.
  • Guzmania mosaic - the long leaves of this species are collected in a rosette, from the center of which a low peduncle develops, topped with a simple capitate inflorescence with pointed pink elliptical bracts.

Home care

To successfully grow Guzmania in an apartment environment, it is necessary to provide the plant with conditions that are close to natural.

Lighting and location

Since the natural habitat of the plant is tropical forests, the flower needs abundant but diffused lighting. The optimal solution for placing a flower would be to install it on the windowsill of eastern or western windows with protection from direct sunlight.


During the flowering phase, guzmania needs to maintain the temperature at 25°C. However, after its completion, the plant feels comfortable at 20-22°C. The maximum permissible temperature values ​​are 27°C and 13°C, setting temperatures above and below which, respectively, can cause the death of the flower.


Guzmania should be watered with warm, filtered water, which does not contain chlorine, directly into the leaf outlet. When installing an irrigation system, you need to know that the earthen ball should not dry out, constantly remaining slightly moist.

Air humidity

A representative of bromeliads needs daily spraying, which should also be carried out with warm, purified water. IN autumn-winter period It is necessary to spray the crop exclusively in the morning.

Carefully! Spraying water onto the bracts can significantly shorten the flowering time.

Top dressing

During the active growing season, Guzmania is fed monthly using the foliar method. Used as fertilizers special complexes for bromeliads, from which boron and copper should be excluded.

Transplanting guzmania - how to do it correctly?

Only once during the entire life cycle of a plant may there be a need for replanting - after purchasing it from a shipping container to a permanent pot.

When transplanting:

  1. Due to the shallow root system of the plant, a weighted pot of small diameter (10-12 cm) is selected.
  2. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom.
  3. From the old container, the guzmania is transferred along with the old substrate into a permanent pot.
  4. The free space is filled with a light soil mixture of sand, humus, turf soil and peat in a ratio of 1:2:2:4.

Advice! If there is no possibility or desire to independently prepare the soil mixture with the necessary parameters, then you can purchase a ready-made substrate for orchids or ferns at a flower shop.

Guzmania after flowering - nuances of care

Annual Guzmania is conventionally considered perennial plant, since it usually takes three years before flowering. But after flowering, which lasts several months, the crop dies. The only thing that can be done is to obtain new specimens using lateral processes that will form after the death of the mother rosette.

Protection from diseases and pests

In case of violation of the regulations on the content of a tropical representative, guzmania can be affected by a number of harmful organisms:

  • Among the pests at low humidity levels on crops, there are: spider mite, mealybugs and scale insects, if detected, the plant should be sprayed with a working solution of an insecticidal preparation according to the instructions indicated on the package.
  • When excess moisture develop in the soil and air on Guzmania powdery mildew and gray rot, which should be treated immediately after identifying the first signs. Delay in timely treatment can result in the death of the flower.

Indoor flower propagation

Guzmania reproduces by lateral shoots (babies) and seeds.


At the end of the flowering phase, which occurs in spring and summer, the mother specimen dies. Lateral shoots form around them, which gradually develop their own roots.

When the root system of the lateral shoots reaches a length of 1.5 cm, the following steps are taken:

  1. The shoot is separated with a sharp, disinfected knife.
  2. The cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal (charcoal or activated).
  3. The baby is placed in a pot with an air- and water-permeable substrate for orchids.
  4. The container is covered with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions and moved to a warm, bright place.
  5. After new copy becomes stronger, the guzmania flower is transplanted by transferring it into a permanent pot.

Attention! The root system of each shoot is formed with at different speeds, so the seating process can take quite a long time.


To breed Guzmania, you can resort to seed method, which is more labor-intensive and does not always end in success.

With generative reception:

  1. At the flower shop, seed material of the desired type and variety is purchased.
  2. The shifts are immersed in a prepared solution of potassium permanganate, where they are kept for about 20 minutes to destroy pathogens and other harmful microorganisms.
  3. At this time, a loose and light substrate is prepared from peat and sand in equal parts, which is calcined in the oven and placed in a box for seedlings.
  4. Disinfected seeds are distributed over the surface of the moistened substrate.
  5. The box is covered with glass and moved to a bright place where the temperature is kept at 25°C.
  6. After 20 days, the first shoots appear, which peak after the formation of two pairs of true leaves.
  7. The plant is transplanted into a permanent pot after it has become well established.

What problems may flower growers encounter?

If a florist studies the basic rules for caring for guzmania before purchasing a flower, he will be able to avoid most problems. However, due to the tropical nature of the plant, the likelihood that difficulties may still arise is quite high.

Among the main problem situations are:

  • Lack of flowers - the problem is often associated with a violation general rules by plant content, including lack of lighting, poor soil, insufficient air humidity. To correct the situation, it is necessary to review the care and identify non-compliance with the requirements, as well as stimulate the flower by placing an apple and a banana next to the pot. To prevent the released ethylene gas from evaporating, it is recommended to place the pot along with the fruit under a plastic bag.
  • Wilting of leaves - a situation observed when water gets into the rosette, rot develops, or if the flower is infested with pests. Normalizing the watering system and chemically treating the plant can easily cope with this difficulty.
  • Slow growth - poor soil composition and lack of lighting are the main inhibitory factors affecting the development of Guzmania.

Thus, if you approach the process of growing guzmania correctly and initially study all the features and nuances of care, the rosette flower will become an exquisite decoration for any interior with minimal expenditure of the grower’s free time.

Guzmania is an exotic plant of the bromeliad family, which is native to the tropical forests of India. South America. The genus includes about 130 species, differing in the bright color of the flowers, the shape of the leaves and the size of the inflorescence. Under natural conditions, this flower can grow on mountain slopes, in dense wooded areas, or even on trees. Flower growers most often grow the popular home view, called Guzmania Minor.

Characteristics and description of the plant

Guzmania is an ornamental indoor plant with a height of about 20-30 cm. Its leaves fit tightly to each other, forming a cup-shaped rosette at the base. It accumulates the water necessary for the growth of the flower. The color of the leaves is dark green, almost always monochromatic. Sometimes there are specimens with variegated colors and striped leaves. The root system is weak and serves only to attach to the ground.

Guzmania blooms for a long time - at least three months. Its bright inflorescences in the form of a lush plume are red, pink, orange, and may have shades of crimson or yellow. After flowering is complete, the mother shoot dies, leaving 5-6 babies in the pot. Before seating them, you need to learn some rules. Although this flower is considered unpretentious, it has enough nuances of watering and replanting.

Advice! Before buying this flower in a store, you should study the conditions for caring for it. It is advisable to immediately after purchase transplant it into another pot, create suitable conditions according to temperature and watering.

Differences between popular varieties

Experienced gardeners and beginners most often grow only a few of the most popular species of this tropical plant. There are many hybrids with multi-colored inflorescences, and all of them can decorate any office space or apartment interior.

The most popular varieties of Guzmania are:

  • Donnell-Smith . It has bright yellow inflorescences, green leaves with pale scales. It blooms in early April, producing a bright red erect peduncle in the form of a pyramid. Can easily propagate by seeds equipped with a long tuft.
  • Minor rondo reed . It has a short stem and a weak root system. The leaves are dark green and sometimes striped. The rosette of dense scales looks like a bowl in which excess water from irrigation accumulates. The stipules are usually red or orange and the flowers have white petals.
  • Mosaic . It is distinguished by decorative striped leaves collected in a spreading rosette. The peduncle consists of wide petals of bright pink color. During flowering, the plant produces an inflorescence with white-yellow flowers.
  • Single-haired . It has many greenish-yellow leaves, collected in a dense rosette. The inflorescence looks like a long spike with white flowers, pink or brown veins on the petals.
  • Nicaraguan . The leaves of this plant are pointed, tongue-shaped, covered below with small light scales. The inflorescence is deeply immersed in a rosette and has a bright red or red-brown color. The flowers are small, short, with a yellow-orange tint.

Caring for Guzmania at home

The flower can be bought in a store or grown from baby shoots. If the required watering and lighting conditions are met, it will delight its owners for a long time with a beautiful inflorescence and the bright shine of leaves and petals. Not too many recommendations.

  • The tropical plant is quite thermophilic. The minimum temperature should not be lower than 10-15 degrees.
  • The flower likes moderate humidity, from 50 to 80%. The leaves should be regularly sprayed with warm, settled water, and sometimes wiped from dust.
  • The pot should be placed in a slightly shaded place, the room should be ventilated without drafts.
  • The soil should be well-drained and slightly acidic. It is good to add crushed roots of sphagnum, fern, charcoal, a handful of clay with sand.
  • It is recommended to water the soil with rain or filtered water at room temperature.
  • To feed an adult shoot, use a weak solution of stimulating fertilizers, wiping the leaves with a napkin after each treatment.

If you follow these simple rules, the plant will be healthy and strong. Guzmania at proper care as follows:

Advice! If a plant does not bloom for a long time, it means it does not have enough light. The pot should be moved to a brighter place, providing it with moderate watering and protection from drafts.

Watering and lighting requirements

When watering a plant, you must follow a number of important rules, otherwise it will grow poorly and will not even bloom. for a long time. You don’t need to be too zealous, otherwise the thin roots will quickly rot in stagnant water.

Here are a few nuances:

  • Water is poured not into the pot or tray itself, but into the rosette of leaves. After a few minutes, the residues that have not been absorbed into the ground must be carefully drained.
  • The hotter the room, the more often you need to water the soil. In summer, watering is carried out daily or every other day, in winter it is enough 2 times a week.
  • The soil should dry out a little before next watering, water stagnation in the outlet is not allowed.
  • It is advisable to leave the water for about 2 days at room temperature.
  • Once a week, the leaves should be wiped with a napkin to remove dust or possible pests.

There are also certain requirements for lighting. The pot should be kept in partial shade, on the western or eastern side. It is better not to place a flower on the windowsill. Sunlight through glass can cause leaf tips to dry out. The temperature in the room in winter should be about 18 degrees, in summer 20-25 degrees is enough. The optimal place for placement is a kitchen or a warm living room.

Advice! When spraying leaves, do not place the pot in bright light. The sun's rays hitting the water droplets will cause burns, which will lead to the appearance of dark spots.

Transplantation and reproduction by children

If transplanted correctly, Guzmania will grow without problems for at least 2-3 years. This one has unpretentious plant very weak root system, so it is replanted only in two cases:

  • when purchasing a small plastic container;
  • for propagation by dividing the bush.

The transplant process is simple:

  • drainage is poured into the bottom of a small pot with a diameter of about 15 centimeters;
  • prepare a soil mixture of peat, soil, crushed charcoal, sphagnum roots and sand;
  • the plant removed from the container is carefully placed in a pot and covered with earth on the sides;
  • The soil is slightly compacted from above with a finger and watered.

If reproduction occurs by shoots, it forms children even during flowering. Over the course of 2-3 months, the root system of the shoots gradually grows, which slowly grow into small bushes around the mother flower. When the sprouts reach 10-15 centimeters, the main shoot with faded petals dries out and dies. If there is a need to separate the children, this must be done very carefully.

Advice! If the babies do not yet have their own roots, it is too early to separate them from the mother’s appendage. First they must grow a root system, otherwise they will not take root and will die.

Common mistakes when growing

Most often, mistakes when growing and replanting are made by beginners who bought guzmania for the first time or received it as a gift. Many unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you study the problems in advance and correct incorrect watering or care actions.

Here are the main errors and ways to solve them:

  • The plant does not bloom. This means that it lacks watering, light and heat. You need to place the pot in a more illuminated place, providing the required humidity and temperature.
  • The flower began to rot. The main reason for this is overflow and stagnation of water in the outlet and tray. Watering, especially in winter, should be reduced.
  • Guzmania is dying. If the temperature in the room stays below 12-13 degrees for some time, this can lead to the death of the shoot.
  • The flower faded quickly. If, during spraying during flowering, droplets of water fall on the inflorescences, this leads to faster flowering.
  • The stem does not grow in height for a long time. The reason is the watering conditions. The water must be free of lime and chlorine and must be at room temperature or lukewarm. It is advisable to defend it.
  • Children are not accepted. This means that their root system is not formed, the maternal shoot is removed early.

Advice! If the tips of the leaves dry out, more frequent spraying is necessary. You should move the plant away from the radiator and purchase an air humidifier for a room that is too dry.

Indoor plants continue to be popular; homeowners grow them not only because they fit perfectly into any interior, but also because they can create coziness and comfort in the room.

Despite the fact that the choice of ornamental plants today is simply incredible, many women are very fond of the exotic flower - guzmania, caring for which at home is not particularly difficult.

Guzmania flower

The secret of its popularity lies in its outlandish appearance; this plant is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

But, in any case, if you decide to become the happy owner of this flower, you need to study some information in advance.

Most popular types

If you come to the store to buy a plant, then most likely they will offer you the following types:

Guzmania reed

All these varieties are quite similar to each other; any guzmania has large leaves of rich green color (it can be either dark or light) and a bright flower (red, burgundy, pink, yellow, orange).

It is worth noting that most often gardeners prefer Guzmania Minor, since it is the most compact and quite unpretentious.

How to care for a flower?

In order for indoor flowers to take root in your home and delight you with their appearance, you need to properly care for them; only under this condition will you be able to grow almost any plant. The guzmania flower is most often purchased in the store, and some gardeners prefer to grow it themselves from baby shoots. In any case, you need to care for them the same way:

  • Any exotic plant requires warmth, guzmania is no exception, it can survive at temperatures of at least 13 degrees;
  • Monitor the humidity in the room, preferably it should be about 70%, also do not forget to regularly spray the leaves themselves with water and at least once a month wipe them with a damp cotton swab to remove dust;
  • Do not place the pot directly under direct sunlight (a windowsill is not the best appropriate place), it is advisable to choose a place with average illumination;
  • There should be no drafts in the room; Guzmania categorically does not tolerate them;
  • For irrigation, it is better to use filtered or settled water; it should be at room temperature. In summer, water the flower every two days, and in winter, once or twice a week will be enough;
  • Fertilize the soil periodically; to do this, simply add sphagnum, charcoal, and clay mixed with sand;
  • If the plant is already old enough, you can fertilize it with chemicals, and also sometimes wipe the leaves with stimulating fertilizers.

If you follow these simple rules, the plant will be strong and healthy, you can easily replant and propagate it.

Reproduction by children

Guzmania propagation is carried out by division; during the flowering process, the “mother” plant begins to form a system of roots, which are called “children”. Most often, one plant produces one “baby”.

In order to finally grow, it takes about three months, only after this period the root system will form independent individual bushes of children. When these bushes reach about 15 cm, the main plant will dry out and die.

In order to reproduce, you just need to carefully separate the babies and place them in different pots.

By the way, don’t forget to take into account one important piece of advice. If you don’t know when you can start separating the babies, then keep in mind that this can only be done after they have their own roots. Otherwise, the flower simply will not be able to take root and will die.

How to transplant correctly?

We have found out everything about propagation, but how can you transplant a plant? It is worth noting that guzmania grows quite slowly, the plant can live quietly in your pot for several years, and replanting will not be required.

Most often, it is carried out only if the pot is damaged or you simply decide to move the flower immediately after purchasing it (transport pots, as a rule, do not have an exclusive design).

Here's what you'll need to do:

  • Prepare a medium-sized pot (no more than 15 cm) in advance, fill its bottom with drainage stones;
  • After this, prepare the necessary soil; it should consist of peat, turf soil, sphagnum and sand.
  • If you have no desire to do this work, you can immediately purchase the ready-made mixture;
  • Now carefully pull out the plant itself, while keeping an eye on the roots all the time, they should not be damaged.

Place the flower in new pot, and fill it with the prepared mass on top, it should be packed tightly enough;

Finally, simply water the plant with filtered water.

In the event that you are replanting a new plant that has formed from an old shrub, do not forget to untangle their roots when pulling them out. After this, the old plant will need to be thrown away.

Now you know what a guzmania flower is, how it is propagated and how the transplantation proceeds.

If you have been dreaming about something for a long time exotic flower, but don’t know what to choose, then, without hesitation, buy Guzmania.

Other indoor plants are unlikely to be able to boast such easy care, and in addition, guzmania has a stunning appearance that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Growing Guzmania at home

Also check out these articles

One of the most beautiful plants, named “Guzmania” in honor of the Spanish biologist Anastasio Guzman, is of particular interest to amateur flower growers and experienced collectors. Unusual evergreen crop grows in Brazil, India, and is found in Venezuela. Moreover, in the wild it most often settles on dead trees.

In fact, the correct name for the flower is “guzmania”. But in everyday life the pronunciation with the letter “Z” has taken root.

Beginning flower growers are simply sure that guzmania belongs to the category of finicky plants. Therefore, in our climate tropical beauty extremely uncomfortable. As practice has shown, this is a serious misconception. Guzmania does not pose any particular difficulties and tolerates climate changes favorably.

But for her comfortable stay flower growers recommend creating certain conditions.

Why is a flower interesting?

Guzmania, as reviews show, is very different from those plants that we are accustomed to associate with indoor floriculture.

It has wide, long leaves that overlap each other near the base. Thus they form a bowl playing wildlife important role.

It is into this bowl that rainwater flows, providing moisture to the plant and serving as a source of water for animals.

In the middle of the deciduous rosette there is a tall peduncle. Inconspicuous flowers bloom on it. But their beauty is emphasized by bright, as if varnished, bracts that form an unusually beautiful inflorescence. The color of the bracts depends on the species and can be red, bright yellow, fiery orange or white.

Guzmania blooms for a long time, approximately 15-17 weeks. But after flowering it gradually fades and dies. That is why plant propagation must be taken care of in a timely manner.

Main varieties

The Guzmania genus, belonging to the Bromeliad family, includes about 200 species. They differ in the color of the leaves, perianths and flowers themselves.

Most of them can not only be epiphytes (live on dead parts of trees), but also develop well in rocky areas or in the ground.

In indoor floriculture, only a few types of guzmania are in demand, which are described in the table.

This flower has a very spectacular appearance, since its color is very rich and bright. As a rule, guzmania is painted in one color, but some of the plants of this species have a very unusual striped color, and there are stripes both transverse and longitudinal.

The wild plant stands out for its large rosette, which can reach 50 centimeters in diameter. At the base, the leaves are quite tightly pressed to each other. Thus, they create a kind of “cup” in which water accumulates. The flower uses this liquid when it needs it, but tropical birds also use it.

The flowering is long lasting and very beautiful. So, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the preflowers, which are simply lovely, because when guzmania begins to bloom, they acquire an orange, bright yellow or red color. This unusual plant blooms for 15–17 weeks.

At home, Guzmania Minor (Guzmania Minor Rondo reed) feels simply excellent, which is why flower growers choose this species. Caring for it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.


In order for this luxurious flower to begin to bloom, it simply needs to provide a fairly high air temperature in the room, namely more than 25 degrees. And when flowering begins, it will no longer be so demanding, and it will be fine with a moderate temperature, but it should not be less than 12 degrees.


In order for a flower to grow and develop correctly, it simply needs a large amount of light. But it is worth considering that it does not tolerate direct rays of the sun, and therefore the plant must be shaded.

How to water Guzmania correctly?

Due to the fact that the roots of the plant are rather weak, when watering it, it is worth considering that the soil should not be over-moistened, as this can contribute to the appearance of rot. There should always be water in the “bowl” of leaves.

Guzmania must be watered correctly. If tap water is very hard, then only rainwater is used for irrigation. The water in the “bowl” is changed at least once every 8 weeks. Watering is carried out only after the soil has dried, and do not forget about drainage during planting.

In summer and at low air humidity, the plant needs spraying. It is necessary to feed guzmania through the leaves, since this is how most of its nutrition occurs.

Feed the flower once every 2 weeks. To do this, liquid fertilizer is poured into the water intended for spraying. Mineral fertilizers are excellent for flowering plants.

It is worth considering that the plant is fed only during the flowering period.

Features of reproduction in an apartment

At the base of the rosette shoots grow, due to which the flower reproduces. The shoot is transplanted after it has formed a rosette and the leaves are at least 7–10 centimeters long. Light soil is suitable for replanting, and it is important to note that until the plant takes root well, it must be kept warm.

Air temperature

The temperature regime for caring for guzmania at home should be close to the conditions of the South American tropics: high humidity with sufficient constant temperature(in summer - 20-25 degrees, in winter - 18-22 degrees).

It will be ideal for a flower if you can take it outside in the summer. Fresh air, to the loggia. In any case, always ventilate the room where the flower is located. This applies to any time of the year.

However, beware of drafts; Guzmania does not like this very much. Remember, if a flower is exposed to a draft, diseases and problems with flowering will arise.

Humidity and frequency of watering Guzmania

The care of guzmania depends on the room in which the flower is located.

Exists important rule V home care for guzmania: the dependence of the plant’s humidity on the temperature in the room.

  • It's great if you're in the room to support high humidity. But this is not always possible, so spray the plant more often, 2-3 times a day. You can gently wipe the leaves with a wet sponge.
  • In hot summer weather, it is recommended to water the plant daily. And in winter - rarely, no more than 1-2 times a week, and only on the ground. Closer to spring, when the air temperature rises, water may enter the rosette of the sheets. In the summer, when it’s hot, water should always be in the outlet - this should always be remembered when caring for guzmania.
  • As a rule, increased watering coincides with the beginning of flowering. However, moderation must be observed when watering: after all, excess water can give rise to the development of fungal diseases or plant rotting.
  • Soft water is used for irrigation; with hard water, limescale or streaks form on the leaves. If the tips of the leaves dry out, you should spray the plant more often with a spray bottle. It is also possible to leave water in the tray.

How to fertilize Guzmania

During the flowering period (March - September) the plant needs feeding.

  • You should buy a special fertilizer for bromeliad plant species; you can get by with a universal one.
  • It is recommended to fertilize with caution; it is better to use a lower concentration than recommended in the instructions.
  • Watering and fertilizing should be done no more than once a month directly into the plant outlet.

Transplanting Guzmania at home

Guzmania roots are very delicate and can easily rot if watered excessively. To avoid this, the plant should be transplanted into a loose mixture of turf and sand (equal parts), adding peat and charcoal.

Use a shallow pot, one-third filled with soil. When replanting, it is forbidden to compact the drainage or bury the plant deeply.

You should handle the roots very carefully; it is best not to replant, but to transship them, only lightly sprinkling the roots with soil.

The root system of Guzmania develops very slowly, so there is no need to replant it often.

How to propagate Guzmania yourself?

The “baby” of the plant is formed during its flowering. The time comes, and the plant itself dies, and by this time the young shoot has already reached 10-15 cm. It is important that the “baby” already has roots by this time, so that it can develop separately in another pot. Thus, the death of the mother plant is a regularity of its development cycle.

The small plant is carefully cut with a sharp knife, after which it is transplanted into special soil. Such a plant will bloom no earlier than in a year. In order for flowering to occur faster, you need to create ideal care for guzmania at home: it is necessary to provide high temperature, bright lighting, and the use of special fertilizer for young plants.

There is a way in which you can achieve flowering of a small guzmania at almost any time. A kind of greenhouse is created for the plant: they put it in a bag and put a ripe banana (or an apple) in a pot, which, when rotting, begins to release a substance that accelerates flowering. Rotting fruits can be replaced with fresh ones. And so on until the first bracts appear.

Guzmania diseases. Pest control methods

The main enemy of the plant is mealybug, mite, and scale insect.

  • To prevent diseases, it is recommended to pre-wipe the leaves with a soap solution.
  • Rotting of the stem indicates rotting of the roots of the plant. To do this, you need to reduce watering.
  • Plant fungus appears as dark spots on the leaves. We get rid of it using a special fungicide solution.

Guzmania is a little treasure of the South American rainforest. In the wild it reaches a height of 75 cm, but in domestic conditions it only grows to 40 cm.

Initially, it seems that caring for guzmania at home is very difficult, but if you follow the rules described above, this flower will bring positive energy, a sea of ​​positivity, to your home.

So, at least, it is considered from the point of view of herbal medicine.

Types of Guzmania

More and more often you can find representatives of exotic flora on our windowsills. These include guzmania, and today everything is about caring for the majestic indoor flower at home.

Rosettes of lush and bright foliage, above which yellow, orange and blood-red plumes of flowers are visible, are considered a recognized symbol in their homeland male power. They say that being near a flower, representatives of the stronger half of humanity become cheerful and filled with the ardor of love for many years.

So it is, or otherwise, but bioenergetics, having studied the effect of the plant on people, can tell a lot about guzmania.

A person feels a positive influence on his energy everywhere, but in room conditions this influence significantly increases.

A bright flower has a positive effect on emotional background, improves sleep quality, relieves depression and puts you in a good working mood. And for people of creative professions, admiring a plant causes a creative surge.

The flower got its name in honor of the Spanish traveler A. Guzman, but in Russia they got it a little mixed up, and the plant is called guzmania. Although, many gardeners know it as “guzmania”.

What is it that attracts flower growers around the world to Guzmania, and what are the features of caring for it at home?

How to get seeds at home?

The flower belongs to the Bromeliad family, which is why it is sometimes called that. Currently, more than 120 plant species are known on the globe. They differ in size, color of foliage and flowers. At home growing the plant reaches half a meter in height, although in the wild some species are much larger.

The main decoration of Guzmania is the bracts, or as they also say - sultans different color, which in combination with patterned leaves give an incredibly winning effect. As it turned out, these are not actually flowers, but just modified foliage, a bract, whose brightness is designed to attract insects for pollination. The flowers themselves are incredibly small, white and almost invisible.

Flowering ends with the formation of boxes with small seeds, from which guzmania can later be propagated.

Despite the fact that the appearance of the guzmania suggests its capriciousness, in home realities, growing and caring for a magnificent indoor flower is not difficult. And, provided that all requirements are met, even inexperienced flower growers can do it.

What to consider when caring for Guzmania at home?

The lifestyle of the epiphyte, which obtains everything necessary for existence from the atmosphere and a small amount of alluvial soil, determined some of the structural features of Guzmania.

First of all, attention is drawn to the funnel-shaped shape of the leaf rosette, designed not only to ensure photosynthesis, but also to collect rain moisture and all kinds of organic matter. The root system of guzmania, like that of other epiphytes, is not intended to extract nutrients from the soil. It is too weak and fragile, but these roots:

  • perfectly obtained from the air and a very small amount of substrate accumulating under and next to the outlet;
  • provide reliable fastening of the plant to the tree or its roots.

An important feature of the culture is its long and unusual flowering. Although the flowers themselves cannot be called beautiful, and most often they are hardly noticeable, for many lovers ornamental crops Guzmania is a welcome guest in the home collection thanks to the bright stipules that crown the rosette for 3 to 4 months during flowering.

Interest in the exotic culture is great, but the natural characteristics of the plant also affect its maintenance at home, caring for guzmania and maintaining its flowering.

How to care for Guzmania in a pot?

In order for the plant to feel comfortable in the house, it needs conditions close to those in which wild guzmania grows. The main requirements are:

  • in providing heat;
  • in the absence of drafts;
  • in regular, but not excessive watering;
  • in maintaining high humidity air;
  • in careful feeding throughout the entire active growing season.

Guzmania - subtleties and secrets of home care

Plants at home are not only a source of additional oxygen, but also a magnificent decorative element that can create a paradise out of an ordinary room.

Caring for home flowers is not particularly difficult; on the contrary, it is a great pleasure to maintain the beauty of your “green island”, take care of it, and in return have the opportunity to admire the beautiful blooming buds.

Beautiful foreigner

If you love exotic flowers that can bring bright colors And good mood, be sure to buy a flower with the mysterious name “Guzmania”.

It is a rosette, epiphytic plant with long thin leaves, which are collected at the bottom into a kind of funnel designed to collect water.

From the center of this funnel, during the flowering period, a bright large flower grows.


Shades can be very diverse: red, orange, burgundy, pink. Caring for Guzmania is not particularly difficult.

Guzmania (or guzmania) - a flower from the bromeliad family - was given to us by the tropics of the Amazon and the rainforests of India. Under natural conditions, it grows on the bark of trees and, less commonly, on the forest floor, and feeds on humid air. The root system of Guzmania is weak and serves only for attachment to the base.

at home, the height of guzmania is 40 cm, while its wild relatives are up to 75 cm in size. This is due to the lack of humidity and sunlight in apartments.

Variety of species

Guzmania has a large number of varieties.

At home you can grow:

  • guzmania tempo;
  • guzmania mix;
  • guzmania ostara and others.

There is a group of plants that attract attention not with flowers, but with incomparable leaves (plain or striped, of different colors) - this is mosaic guzmania.

The most common among houseplants is Guzmania reed. It is a plant with long green leaves, with bright brown stripes drawn on the bottom like a felt-tip pen.

The peduncle is short with small leaves, its upper leaves are red or orange in color, and in the middle there is a raceme with white flowers.

A variety of reed guzmania - minor rondo - feels great in indoor conditions; it is somewhat smaller in size.

Beauty without effort

There is no need to think that all exotic plants require special care. Best example This is guzmania, which at home without much hassle will delight you with its splendor and bright colors.

Guzmania (or rather Guzmania) is a bright, spectacular herbaceous epiphyte. Like the entire Bromeliad family, it grows in the tropics of America and Asia. Belongs to stemless plants, forms a basal rosette of long leaves, shaped like a belt. The culmination of Guzmania's life is the flowering period - it produces very bright flower intense color and then dies.

Features of growing a flower

There are principles and rules in caring for Guzmania. Without knowing them, it is impossible to grow a full-fledged plant, although this home flower cannot be called the most capricious. Even a novice indoor plant lover can breed guzmanias. Tropikanka is not suitable only for busy people who lack free time.

Planting Guzmania

Children are usually planted while they are still small and not blooming. The young seedling is immediately placed in a permanent pot so as not to disturb it anymore.

Optimal time for planting

Guzmania does not have clearly defined periods of dormancy and growing season; it grows and develops throughout its life span, so planting can be done at any time.

Soil for the plant

The substrate must be extremely loose, permeable to air and moisture, and also slightly acidic - PH5.5-6.7. You can independently mix components such as crushed sphagnum moss and fern roots, crushed conifer bark, alluvial river sand, peat, humus and turf soil in equal parts.

ADVICE! For guzmania, ready-made soil from a store for orchids, bromeliads or ferns is ideal.

Choosing a pot

Guzmania has an underdeveloped root system, which consists of small roots. They take up little space, so a spacious deep container is not required. Select a small pot for the flower, with a diameter of no more than 13 cm.

Before planting, the container must be weighted so that the adult, overgrown guzmania does not overturn it. To do this, you can lay drainage from stones at the bottom and place the pot in a heavy, beautiful flowerpot.

Tropical fragile beauty needs constant strong humidity and warm content. The lack of the necessary climate will simply destroy it. If you decide to get a Guzmania, be prepared to fulfill all its requirements.

Plant location and lighting

Guzmania needs very bright lighting, but is afraid of direct rays of the sun, which can burn the leaves. The plant can be kept directly on the windowsill of only those windows that face west or east. The flower can be placed on a southern window in winter, when the sun is not so aggressive.

Air humidity

Here it is better to overdo it than to underdo it! Not only the air around the guzmania should be humid, but also its foliage. A houseplant must be sprayed at least once a day.

IMPORTANT! The warmer the room, the more humidity Guzmania needs!

You can only use soft water with a minimum content of salts and lime. It must first be settled, filtered or boiled. It is allowed to use distilled water, as well as rain or melt water.

To improve the humidity in the surrounding space, the guzmania can be placed on a tray with wet pebbles, placed next to an open wide container with water, or wrapped in a pot with damp moss.

Temperature regime for the plant

In both winter and summer, the ideal temperature for guzmania is 22-26°. A decrease to 16-18° per a short time, you cannot keep the flower cool all the time - the tropical sissy will begin to get sick. Heat above 30° is also undesirable; at such temperatures it is difficult to maintain humidity at the usual level.

How to water correctly?

All Bromeliads, not excluding Guzmania, are watered directly into the center of the rosette, using only soft water without impurities of lime and chlorine. These compounds have a very bad effect on the roots, forming a dense coating through which air and beneficial elements do not pass.

Watering is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried in moderate quantities. Guzmania does not respond very well to excess soil moisture and stagnation of water in the outlet. Small fragile roots can simply rot.

IMPORTANT! Excessive, overly diligent watering can quickly destroy a delicate plant.

A small, slowly growing indoor flower practically does not need additional nutrition, extracting all the necessary substances from water and air. Guzmania can be fed when it begins to bloom with a complex of microelements.

To do this, purchase mineral fertilizer for Bromeliads and dilute it at half the concentration of the recommended dose. The fertilizer is poured into the outlet or sprayed onto the leaves.

ATTENTION! If the deadline has come, but the gusmania does not bloom, carry out a series of feedings at intervals of 3-4 weeks. The plant may be lacking micronutrients.

Pruning Guzmania

For this indoor plant, only sanitary pruning of dried and diseased leaves is used. The compact flower does not need any other types of pruning.

Trimming methods

Problem leaves are cut off at the base with a sharp knife or pruning shears - as close as possible. If living tissue remains exposed after trimming, the wound is covered with wood ash to disinfect the surface and prevent the entry of pathogenic microbes and fungi.

Guzmania transplant

This is a one-time procedure carried out immediately after purchasing a flower in a store or garden center. The purchased plant must be moved to a permanent pot with the temporary soil completely replaced with stationary one.

Transplant methods

In order not to injure the delicate roots of our exotic, we could use a method such as transshipment. But store-bought temporary substrate is not at all intended for full-fledged growing of plants, so it is better to free the roots from it by carefully shaking it off. Guzmania is planted in a new pot and left alone to acclimatize.

IMPORTANT! The root collar is left above the soil without covering it, and the soil is not compacted so as not to impair the flow of air.


After flowering, the plant itself takes care of reproduction and produces several children. To breed new flowers, it is enough to separate them from the mother one and plant them separately. This process is quite easy, the only difficulty is separating the roots of the baby. Being very fragile, they easily break or remain on an adult specimen.

Reproduction methods

There are only 2 of them:

  • Vegetative - lateral shoots
  • Seminal.

Children can be separated only when the root system has developed enough to grow independently. Usually, tall shoots that have reached the height of the mother are separated. In any case, the size of the baby should be at least 13-14 cm.

The shoots are cut off with a sharp thin knife and the roots are very carefully separated, trying not to tear them off from the baby. It is recommended to treat the wound with crushed charcoal - charcoal or activated. Reproduction by children is the most affordable and easiest way.

You can try to grow guzmania from seeds. They are taken from a plant that has flowered and formed a seed pod. The material is immediately sown in the ground before it loses its viability. For this, a light substrate of sand and peat is used, placed in a box.

Seeds can germinate only in light, so they are not buried in the soil, but placed on the surface. The box is covered with glass and constantly ventilated to prevent soil acidification. Sprouts appear within 2.5-4 weeks.


The exotic guest blooms only once, but this is precisely the event that flower growers are waiting for. Actually, its flowers are small and inconspicuous; all the beauty is in the brightly colored large bracts. They can be purple, scarlet, yellow, burgundy and orange. There are even varieties with variegated colors, but they are quite rare.

It also happens that guzmania does not want to bloom for several years. She can be pushed to the beginning with simple, but in an original way. Rotting apples constantly release acetylene, which promotes flowering. It is necessary to place the guzmania and spoiled fruits under one plastic bag and wait for flowering.

ADVICE! Do not forget to ventilate the structure and watch for the appearance of mold.

When does it bloom?

Flowering begins in the spring-summer season and can last up to six months. The drying of the upper bracts means the end of the process. This usually happens in the fall when all vegetation is dying.

What to do after flowering?

Despite the fact that, having finished blooming, guzmania begins to die, they do not stop caring for it. At this time, side shoots are actively developing on it, which will give rise to new plants. Continue watering and spraying the flower until it’s time to disconnect the babies. The peduncle can be cut off so that it does not interfere with the children.

All guzmania diseases are the result of improper and poor quality care. Most often, fungi attack and cause plant rot. Constant dampness of air and soil against the backdrop of a warm climate creates ideal conditions for their habitat.

Signs of rotting are easy to notice - gray or brown spots appear on the leaves, which become wet and gradually turn black, the flower becomes drooping and painful, the leaves droop. You can fight this scourge with fungicides - Rovral, Oksikhom, Skor, Fundazol.

The bracts of this species are thickly colored burgundy color, at the very top of the rosette the flowers themselves appear. They are collected in a small shield of snow-white tone. The bracts closest to the inflorescence are marked with white tips.

Mosaic Guzmania - Guzmaniamusaica

The color of the stipules is very bright, pink. About 20 flowers are formed, they are collected in yellow balls. This species is attractive even before flowering with its foliage, painted in alternating stripes of emerald and brick shades. Inner side has a pale pink color.

Guzmania Donnell-Smith

The leaves in the rosette are arranged freely and loosely, outer side consists of many small scales. The color is pale green, contrasting with the rich brown-burgundy color of the stipules. The inflorescence is a pyramid of small white petals.

Guzmania Tempo

It differs from other varieties in its denser and squat rosette. Leaves and bracts are arranged tightly, without gaps; in comparison with other guzmanias, they are wider and paler.

Guzmania Ostara

The result of the work of breeders who crossed other species. The result was an elongated plant with a loose rosette and scarlet bracts.

The most popular varieties on this moment Guzmania rondo, mix and minor are recognized. These are artificially created hybrids, the care of which is no different from that described in this article.

  • If the guzmania has turned pale, that is, changed its color from rich to pale and inconspicuous shades, then its flowering is coming to an end. Shortage may speed up the process bright light. Often purchased, very beautiful in a store, a tropicana becomes completely different in the house. Her flower turns pale, disappointing the owner. This happens precisely because of the change in lighting. In the store, all the flowers are artificially illuminated, which causes such intense colors.
  • formed on the leaves white coating? You did not take into account the recommendations and moisturize the guzmania with hard water containing lime! It is this that settles on the surface of the plant. Carefully rinse or wipe off any dirt and then use only softened and filtered water.

Answers to readers' questions

Guzmania is an annual plant, but in reality it can live for 2 or 4 years before flowering.

Is it possible to keep this plant at home?

Not only is it possible, but it is also highly desirable! Beautiful bright guzmania not only pleases with its colors, but also effectively purifies the air in the room.

Is this flower poisonous?

Tropical beauty is one of the most harmless plants.

Why doesn't Guzmania bloom?

An exotic guest does not bloom when it lacks warmth, microelements or light.

Why do the leaves turn yellow and dry?

Usually the tips of the leaves dry out, not the entire blade. This is how the plant signals that the air is deprived of the necessary humidity.

Flower care in winter

Not much different from other care. If the house is cool, it is recommended to reduce the frequency and amount of water when watering so that the roots do not rot.

In fact, the correct name for the flower is “guzmania”. But in everyday life the pronunciation with the letter “Z” has taken root. Beginning flower growers are simply sure that guzmania belongs to the category of finicky plants. Therefore, in our climate the tropical beauty is extremely uncomfortable. As practice has shown, this is a serious misconception. Guzmania does not pose any particular difficulties and tolerates climate changes favorably. But for her comfortable living, flower growers recommend creating certain conditions.

Why is a flower interesting?

What does Guzmania bring to the house? As reviews show, it is very different from those plants that we are accustomed to associate with indoor floriculture. It has wide, long leaves that overlap each other near the base. Thus, they form a bowl, which plays an important role in the wild. It is into this bowl that rainwater flows, providing moisture to the plant and serving as a source of water for animals.

In the middle of the deciduous rosette there is a tall peduncle. Inconspicuous flowers bloom on it. But their beauty is emphasized by bright, as if varnished, bracts that form an unusually beautiful inflorescence. The color of the bracts depends on the species and can be red, bright yellow, fiery orange or white.

Guzmania blooms for a long time, approximately 15-17 weeks. But after flowering it gradually fades and dies. That is why plant propagation must be taken care of in a timely manner.

Main varieties

The Guzmania genus, belonging to the Bromeliad family, includes about 200 species. They differ in the color of the leaves, perianths and flowers themselves. Most of them can not only be epiphytes (live on dead parts of trees), but also develop well in rocky areas or in the ground. In indoor floriculture, only a few types of guzmania are in demand, which are described in the table.

Table - Indoor types of guzmania and their features

Guzmania speciesCharacteristic
Blood red- Contains 14-18 leaves forming a glass-shaped rosette;
- the sheets are wide, the edges are bent down;
- the peduncle is underdeveloped;
- during flowering inner leaves turn red;
- the inflorescence consists of 8-12 flowers immersed in a leafy rosette;
- flowering is observed in April-August
Donnell-Smith- Long leaves form a loose rosette near the base;
- leaves are pointed, with small pale scales;
- beautiful straight peduncle;
- low inflorescence, pyramidal-paniculate;
- flowers appear in April-May
Mosaic- Very spreading deciduous rosette;
- rounded leaves end sharply with a sharp end;
- straight, low peduncle;
- leaves near the inflorescence are deep pink;
- blooms in February-June

Guzmania care basics

If you decide to place a beauty from the tropics in your home, then questions will certainly arise: “How to care for Guzmania?”, “What conditions need to be provided for it?” The charming guest from the tropics is completely unpretentious. And if you monitor the humidity, control watering and provide it with sufficient light, then the beautiful guzmania will definitely delight you with its original flowering. But first things first.


It is with transplantation that the cultivation of guzmania tempo at home most often begins. The plant arrives at the store in a small pot and shipping soil. In such conditions it will be able to live, but it will be quite difficult for it to develop. Therefore, after purchase, experienced gardeners recommend replanting guzmania. The transplantation process is carried out in four stages.

  1. Choosing a pot. Particular attention should be paid to the flowerpot. The root system of Guzmania grows rather slowly. Therefore, a shallow pot-bowl, the diameter of which is 5 cm larger than the transport one, is best suited.
  2. Soil selection. The plant is suitable for orchid soil. But it is best to prepare the soil yourself by mixing equal amounts of turf soil, peat, leaf soil, humus and a little sand.
  3. Drainage preparation. A drainage layer is poured into the pot. It should fill the container by a third.
  4. Transshipment of plants. The roots of the plant require careful treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to transship guzmania together with a lump of transport soil. Then the root system is covered with new soil. After sprinkling with soil, you can gently tap the flowerpot. It is strictly forbidden to compact the plant.

The plant no longer needs replanting. It is not touched for three to five years. The need for transplantation arises only when Guzmania is propagated by “children”.

Correct lighting

The evergreen plant is not a fan of bright sunlight. In the wild, guzmania grows in partial shade. Therefore, it is recommended to create similar conditions in the apartment if possible. Flower growers' recommendations for lighting are as follows.

  • Choosing a location. The plant should not stand on southern windows. Constant exposure to sunlight will cause burns and lead to rapid death. It is best to place Guzmania on high stand near the window.
  • Norm of light. You should not create full shade for Guzmania if you want to admire its flowering. By placing the plant on north windows, you will not provoke the death of culture. But, without receiving normal lighting (eight hours), it will refuse to bloom.
  • Winter lighting. In winter, the plant may suffer from light deficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial lighting sources.

Be sure to monitor the condition of the flower. The leaves, like an indicator, will indicate excess light by the appearance of yellowish or brown burn spots.


It is not difficult to ensure normal temperature conditions for a tropical guest. At the same time, it is important to protect it from sudden changes and not expose it to drafts. Guzmania likes the following conditions:

  • in summer - ensure the room temperature is within +22°C - +25°C;
  • in winter - a slight decrease to +17°C-+20°C is acceptable.

A decrease in temperature below +16°C may be dangerous for the plant. And if such freezing is combined with a draft, then, most likely, the tropical plant will simply die.

Watering and moistening

Watering Guzmania is a special science. This plant will make you completely change your ideas about proper hydration. Initially, remember that the tropical guest is a big lover of water, but it dies from excess moisture. How to properly water Guzmania? Proper watering is based on the following recommendations:

  • Watering place. Water is poured into the leaf rosette. In warm weather, water should always be present in the “bowl”. But prolonged stagnation can cause rotting, so once a month you need to completely empty the outlet and fill it with clean, always soft water.
  • Soil moisture. It is only permissible if it dries out during extreme heat. But it is better not to water the soil, but to leave a little water in the pan. Remember, the root system of guzmania is the most vulnerable place of the plant.
  • Number of waterings. The sockets are humidified daily or every other day in the summer. In winter, watering is reduced to twice a week.
  • Spraying the crown. A water lover will enjoy daily irrigation with warm water from a spray bottle. This will allow you to recreate required humidity and prevent the development of diseases.
  • Hygiene procedures. Wide leaves often accumulate dust. It needs to be removed periodically. To do this, wipe the leaves with a soft sponge. This procedure serves effective prevention appearance of pests.

If the air in the room is excessively dry, then you need to place a source of moisture near the guzmania. It could be decorative fountain or a tray with water. Just remember to always change the water in the pan so as not to cause rotting of the roots.

Top dressing

The plant practically does not need fertilizer. After all, in the wild, the beautiful tropical woman does not receive them, and therefore has learned to do without them. Typically, fertilizers are used to prolong and stimulate the flowering process. If you decide to feed Guzmania, then follow these rules.

  • Number of feedings. Fertilizers are applied once a month from May to September. In winter, the plant does not need feeding.
  • Choice of fertilizers. To improve the flowering of guzmania, you can use orchid fertilizer. But it is better to buy fertilizer for bromeliad crops.
  • Fertilization process. The selected fertilizer is diluted in water. Florists recommend preparing a solution less concentrated than indicated on the package, approximately four times. The resulting fertilizer is poured into the outlet.
  • Additional feeding. It is recommended to apply once every three months potash fertilizer. It helps maintain the elasticity of the leaves and maintains the brightness of the perianth.

When guzmania fades with photo

No matter how beautiful the flowering of guzmania is, it ends closer to autumn. The flower gradually begins to turn pale and dry out. During this period, the plant no longer needs either increased watering or fertilizing. How to care for guzmania after flowering? Follow these three recommendations.

  1. Cut off the peduncle.
  2. Moisten the pan periodically, but do not pour water into the outlet.
  3. Gradually remove drying foliage.

When the plant is almost completely dry, daughter shoots will form. It is impossible to revive an old plant. After flowering it dies. New guzmania can be obtained from daughter shoots.

Reproduction methods

A tropical flower can be propagated by two methods: seeds and “babies”. Most often, lateral shoots or “children” are used, which are formed in the mother plant during the period of death.


After flowering, the plant strives to produce offspring. Therefore, old leaves must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the emerging shoot. As the old guzmania dies, the young shoots gain strength. And by the time it completely dies, the young plants already have four leaves and have a well-developed root system. On average, this development of “babies” takes three to four months. The reproduction process consists of the following three stages.

  1. Children's department. The flower is completely removed from the pot. With help sharp knife the “baby” guzmania should be separated so that it necessarily contains the root system. After cutting off all the “babies”, the dried old plant is destroyed.
  2. Planting shoots. The planting process is practically no different from transplanting a purchased flower. But it is important to remember the incredible fragility of the root system. A “baby” left without roots is unable to settle down.
  3. Proper care. After planting, it is recommended to cover young plants with polyethylene. Young guzmanias need warmth (+25°C-+28°C) and sufficient moisture.

Young plants will begin to bloom only in the third year. Experienced flower growers claim that if the “babies” are not separated, but left in the same pot, carefully trimming all the dry elements of the old plant, then unique flowers can appear within a year.


Sometimes flower growers propagate amazing plant seeds. This method is not very popular among beginners. It is rather a method of selective breeding of new varieties of Guzmania. The process of growing plants from seeds consists of the following four steps.

  1. Seed disinfection. To do this, plants are soaked for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Planting seeds. Now the planting material is planted in the ground. The soil is prepared from equal parts of sand and peat. The seeds are placed on the soil and not sprinkled on top.
  3. Sowing care. The container with the planted seeds is covered with film or glass. It is placed in a warm and very bright room, with temperature conditions at +25°C. In approximately two to three weeks, shoots will appear.
  4. Picking plants. After a month, the plants need to be planted in separate pots.

Main problems

Growing any plant can present some difficulties. And even more so if we're talking about about an exotic beauty who was forcibly transported to a European climate. The table will tell you what problems may arise and how to solve them.

Table - Guzmania diseases and flower treatment methods

Guzmania is not growing- The soil has become poorer;
- little fertilizer;
- lack of light
- Apply fertilizers;
- change location
Guzmania does not bloom- Excess or deficiency of light;
- low humidity;
- malnutrition
- Change location;
- provide proper feeding;
- increase humidity
The lower leaves turn brown and dry out- Water scarcity- Provide moisture, but avoid waterlogging;
- spray daily;
- place the pot in a tray with wet peat
The leaves are drying- Excessive watering;
- stagnation of water in the outlet
- Reduce watering;
- completely drain the water from the outlet
Leaves become sticky, deformed, covered with green insects- There are aphids- Spray with Pyrethrum;
- treat with a systemic insecticide
The leaves turn yellow and dry, the plant becomes covered with a coating of soot and brown insects- The shield started up- Remove insects with soapy water;
- treat with solutions “Karbofos”, “Aktellik”;
- cut off severely affected leaves
The leaves dry out and cotton balls appear on the plant.- Mealybug infestation- Remove pests with a sponge soaked in soapy water;
- trim excessively affected areas with sharp scissors;
- treat with Karbofos
Cobwebs appear on the plant, the leaves turn yellow and dry out.- There are spider mites- Increase humidity;
- treat the leaves with insecticidal soap;
- apply “Phosbecid” or “Decis”;
- regularly ventilate the room
The flower turns paleThe natural process of dying of an old plant

The most vulnerable point of a plant is the root. Therefore, when caring for Guzmania in a pot, never over-moisten the soil. The rhizome can rot very quickly. But it is simply impossible to save the plant if the process of decay has begun.