Greenboard technical solutions. Fiberboard greenboard. Installation of fiberboard slabs

Fibrolite is a universal one, which is made from wood wool and Portland cement ( cement fiberboard) or from wood wool and caustic magnesite (magnesite fiberboard). Wood wool is understood as a ribbon-like fiber having a length of 25-50 cm. The versatility of fiberboard lies in the fact that it can be successfully used both for installation and for arranging formwork - and this is not all areas and construction work, where fiberboard is used.Fiberboard is also attractive for its long service life, which has been repeatedly confirmed by practice. In Europe, in buildings built at the beginning of the last century, it was found that the materials used in the construction fiberboard boards , today they are in excellent condition.The University of Padua (Italy), in turn, confirmed the high ability of fiberboard to preserve the structure of wood fiber, and also established that silicates contained in Portland cement and special mineralizing additives provide complete protection of wood fiber from almost any atmospheric, biological and chemical influences. Scientists are confident that the strength of fiberboard not only does not suffer over time, but even increases due to the carbonization process.

History of fiberboard

In the Soviet Union, fiberboard began to be produced in the late 1930s. Several workshops for the production of fiberboard were launched throughout the country, mainly in the construction and woodworking industries. In 1975, the production of fiberboards amounted to 3 million cubic meters.However, by 1980, when technologies for the production and use of fiberboard were being improved and developed throughout the world, and the volume of its consumption was growing, the production of fiberboard was curtailed in the Soviet Union.Today, interest in fiberboard is beginning to revive, which is directly related to the beginning of its use for the construction of permanent formwork in frame-concrete and monolithic, as well as in other concrete works.

Types and properties of fiberboard boards

According to GOST 8928–81 fibrolite are divided into three grades: F-300 - thermal insulation material, F-400 - structural and thermal insulation material, F-500 - acoustic material. Also, fiberboard boards, depending on density, are classified into low density boards (GB1), slabs medium density(GB2), high-density boards (GB3) and multi-layer boards in which layers of different densities alternate (GB4). In addition, there are special fiberboards GB1L with ultra-low density (used as a sound insulator) and GB3F with high density and a decorative protective outer coating. Fiberboard is a biologically stable material, has a long service life and excellent fire resistance, and is not damaged by insects and rodents. Fiberboard has high thermal insulation properties, which allows its use to significantly reduce costs. The material is resistant to low temperatures, this makes it possible not to stop working even in winter time of the year. In addition, fiberboard boards have high noise insulation properties, which is especially important in housing construction.

Scope of application of fiberboard boards

More often fiberboard boards are used for arranging permanent formwork, and this makes it possible to reduce the cost of construction and installation work by almost 3 times. Also, fiberboard (especially high-density boards) is used in combination with other materials for the construction of inexpensive housing. As a rule, fiberboards are used with concrete, metal and wooden frames, in which they also play the role of external walls.Also, fiberboards can act as insulation or soundproofing material. By the way, in many European countries, acoustic fiberboard slabs are widely used in residential construction for soundproofing halls, vestibules, staircases, etc.Fiberboard slabs with roofing fiber finishing are used for. As an alternative, roofing boards made of high-density fiberboard can be used.

Fiberboard boards Green Board

Green Boards are one of the varieties of fiberboard boards that are very popular both in Russia and abroad. This is due to many factors. Firstly, Green Board slabs are durable and strong, and are not afraid of conditions high humidity and have excellent fire resistance (group G1). Secondly, they are able to provide the necessary level of acoustic and thermal comfort of the home. Thirdly, Green Board slabs have such properties as structural strength, bio-, crack- and frost resistance.Green Board boards are easy to install and process, and are compatible with many types of modern ones. The environmental parameters of Green Board boards can be compared with solid wood, however, fiberboard boards have the effect of thermo- and hydroregulation, which cannot be said about wood.Green Boards 60% consist of wood wool, which allows them to act as a buffer when interacting with air: when the humidity level increases, the slabs absorb water vapor, and when the humidity level decreases, they return moisture back into the room. At the same time, the fiberboard, regardless of fluctuations in temperature and humidity, does not change its geometric dimensions, which extremely distinguishes it from wood.The disadvantages of Green Board slabs include their heavy weight. This material is approximately 20% heavier than wood, but 4 times lighter than concrete. However, this drawback can be considered conditional, since a considerable number of Russians prefer to build houses from reliable and solid materials rather than, for example, from, which many associate with temporary housing. In addition, Green Board slabs have standard sizes and they can be easily carried by hand without resorting to lifting mechanisms.Green Board slabs are widely used in low-rise construction to create almost any type of structure, ranging from permanent formwork and, and ending with the arrangement of the roof. In frame-panel and frame housing construction Green Board boards may well replace OSB boards - they are not inferior to them in manufacturability and strength, but at the same time they are more environmentally friendly and cheaper. In the manufacture of Green Board boards, non-commercial and small-sized wood is mainly used, which allows this material to be sold according to affordable price– 200-450 rub. per 1 m², where the cost of the material depends on the density of the fiberboard.

Installation of fiberboard slabs

As we have already said, fiberboard boards are simple and easy to install: they can be sawed and drilled without difficulty, nails can be driven into them well, and they can be easily processed with milling equipment. Glue and any paint can easily be applied to fiberboard slabs. You can glue almost anything you want to such slabs - siding, wallpaper and even a natural stone. In this case, no additional treatment with soil solutions is required.If you decide to use fiberboard as soundproofing material, then it is recommended to install them at a certain distance from the surface of the walls or ceiling, since in this case the sound absorption coefficient of the cladding will increase significantly.Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of seams between frame elements and fiberboard slabs. The fact is that due to deformations that may occur in wooden frame, cracks may form. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the seams between the frame and the slabs with strips metal mesh, which is sewn to the edges of fiberboard boards using wire staples.The porous surface of fiberboard can be puttied with any gypsum and cement-lime mixtures, and the high porosity of the product will ensure reliable adhesion of the fiberboard to the surface. Due to their high degree of moisture resistance (withstands up to 75% air humidity), fiberboard boards can be used for furnishings and toilets.

Surfaces made of fiberboard slabs , must be done after completion of installation and sealing of seams. It is better to paint the surface, as advised, in two layers.

Greenboard panels are a unique building material designed to perform a wide range of jobs. This domestic development successfully replaces plywood, MDF, chipboard, plasterboard, DSP, . The panels are fiberboard boards made from wood wool and special quality cement. Wood wool is a fine fiber from trees coniferous species in the form of long ribbons.

The thickness of such fiber is about 2-5 mm, and the length is 25 cm. High-quality cement grade M500 is used for the manufacture of panels. Special physical properties panels are achieved thanks to long strips of wood, which are pre-mineralized with liquid glass.

History of fiberboard

The production of fiberboard in the USSR began in the 1930s. There were several dozen factories in the country producing this material. As a rule, every woodworking plant had such a plant. In 1975, the volume of fiber boards produced was about three million cubic meters.

However, in the 80s of the 20th century, the production of this material in the USSR was completely curtailed. This material received a second chance for development, presenting itself as a high quality material with unique technical and operational properties.

Characteristics of panels

Greenboard panels have the unique qualities of wood and the strength of cement. This is achieved due to the fact that the basis of the material is made up of these two materials in a ratio of 60% wood and 40% cement.

Panel properties:

  • the panels have very high strength and elasticity, excellent resistance to resistance, stretching and tearing;
  • the material is resistant to cracking under high loads and sudden impacts;
  • the stoves are almost not afraid of fire;
  • are resistant to high humidity, swelling and warping of sheets due to being in a humid environment;
  • high resistance to the formation of rot, mold and fungi;
  • has pronounced soundproofing qualities;
  • the material tolerates heat and cold well;
  • the manufacturer claims a high service life of the material - almost unlimited due to the fact that the material is not subject to chemical destructive processes and the action of biofactors;
  • Greenbord slabs do not cause harm to human health, as they do not contain formaldehydes, phenols and other carcinogens.
  • All slabs are very easy to process and hold fasteners perfectly.

All of the above qualities determine the popularity of these panels among developers and private housebuilders.

Application of panels

Greenboard panels solve the problems of builders in frame and monolithic construction. In particular, the material is used:

  • for cladding internal partitions and external walls in private and commercial housing construction;
  • is the basis for roofing materials- as a base, continuous flooring;
  • ideal for use as permanent formwork;
  • as a rough covering material in the manufacture of floors and ceilings;
  • The use of fiberboard panels can significantly increase the energy efficiency of the facility being built due to the fact that they are able to effectively regulate air and moisture exchange.

Types of fiberboard boards

Fiberboard panels are classified depending on density:

  • GB1 - panels of low density and strength, used for sound insulation and noise absorption, thermoregulation and hydroregulation, used as an acoustic material, permanent formwork and material for internal lining.
  • GB450 - panels of low density and strength, used for external and internal cladding, for the construction of walls and partitions, permanent formwork, material with acoustic properties, for interior and decoration, for ceiling lining.
  • GB600 - medium density and strength panels for use in external cladding frame buildings and partitions, as well as for the construction of permanent formwork.
  • GB2 - panels of medium density and strength for building walls, covering them, lining the ceiling, creating screeds under the roof.
  • GB3 - panels of high density and strength.
  • GB1050 - high strength panels for external and internal cladding, with frame construction, to create a subfloor, as a base for a soft roof.
  • GB L type board is a very low density material that is used as insulation, heat insulator and sound insulator for any walls and partitions.
  • Plate type GB F – represents single layer material sufficiently high density, having a protective decorative coating.

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There are a huge variety of panel panels on the market finishing materials. In this article we will tell you about Green Board fiberboards. They represent a worthy alternative to boards such as OSB, plywood, plasterboard, fiberboard, chipboard, etc.

Such boards contain about 55% wood wool, and the rest consists of Portland cement with various additives. Thanks to this, this material combines the environmental friendliness of wood and the reliability of brick.

GreenBoard panels are also called fiberboard panels. It was not by chance that they received this name. Translated from Latin, fibra means fiber, and Greek word lithos – stone. As we have already written, wood wool is used as fiber, and cement is used as stone.

What's special about GreenBoard slabs?

To do this, we will consider the properties, thanks to which fiberboard panels have reliably occupied their niche in the construction markets.

— A serious advantage is that the service life of fiberboard panels is more than 100 years. In addition, over time they only become stronger. First of all, this is due to the properties of the cement that is part of Green Board fiberboards.

Experts know that the ripening process of cement continues throughout its entire service life, i.e. it constantly happens chemical reactions which make it stronger.

— High water resistance. If water gets on the surface, thermal insulation and mechanical properties recover after drying.

— Resistance to high temperatures. As you know, wood burns well under the influence of fire or high temperature, but when wood fibers are mixed with cement, this disadvantage disappears. The fiberboard board becomes fire-resistant. Moreover, when high temperatures she doesn't highlight any harmful substances. So fire is almost impossible.

— Greenboard panels are breathable, which creates a favorable microclimate in the house. Compared to wood, the vapor permeability of fiberboard boards is 3 times higher.

— High thermal insulation property. We have already written several times about why it is worth insulating walls. You can read about how to do this in the article “Insulating a home.” For effective insulation Appropriate materials must be used. So, GreenBoard slabs are one of them.

An indicator of thermal protection is the thermal conductivity coefficient λ, which for a given material ranges from 0.06 to 0.16 W/m* 0 C. The lower this coefficient, the better the heat is retained. For comparison, the thermal conductivity coefficient stone wool, which is insulation, is equal to 0.045 W/m* 0 C.

Variety of Green Board boards

Initially, three modifications were made. These are GB-1, GB-2, GB-3. Now other varieties have appeared with more pronounced soundproofing, thermal insulation or structural properties.

The main difference is their density. Based on this, their application is also different. Thus, the GB-3 board, which has a high density, is used in structural load-bearing elements, such as external walls frame house.

Low density slabs GB-1, more suitable for interior wall cladding, interior partitions. They have good performance thermal conductivity and sound insulation.

GreenBoard-1 used for heat and sound insulation.

GreenBoard-2 used in cases where a certain rigidity of the material is required in combination with a small heat-shielding effect.

GreenBoard-3 They are mainly used to obtain structurally rigid structures.

Thus, GreenBoard fiberboards can be used for cladding frame houses, interior decoration of apartments, when installing floors, as permanent formwork, for rough roof cladding, for SIP panels, etc.