Grigoriev D., Stepanov P. Organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren: methodological designer. B. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer. Manual for teachers Grigoriev in d extracurricular activities


Name: “Entertaining mathematics”

Class: 1-4

Supervisor: teacher beginning class Eriklintseva I.B.

Program implementation period- 4 years


2015-2016 academic year

Explanatory note.
The work program of the course “Entertaining Mathematics” is based on:

  • Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education second generation;

  • Author's program “Entertaining Mathematics” by E.E. Kochurova, 2011;

  • Collection of extracurricular activities programs: grades 1-4 / ed. N. F. Vinogradova. – M.: Ventana Graf, 2011.

  • Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer. Teacher's manual. – M.: Education, 2010;
instructive and methodological letter “On the main directions of development of education in educational institutions of the region within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2012-2013 academic year.”

General characteristics of the course.
Implementation of the task of raising an inquisitive, actively and interestedly exploring the world of younger schoolchildren, teaching solutions mathematical problems creative and exploratory nature will be more successful if class activities are supplemented with extracurricular work. This could be a merger additional education children “Entertaining Mathematics”, expanding the mathematical horizons and erudition of students, promoting the formation of cognitive universal learning activities.
The proposed course is intended for the development of students’ mathematical abilities, for the formation of elements of logical and algorithmic literacy, communication skills of younger schoolchildren using collective forms of organizing classes and using modern means training. Creating situations of active search in the classroom, providing the opportunity to make their own “discovery”, getting acquainted with original ways of reasoning, mastering basic research skills will allow students to realize their capabilities and gain confidence in their abilities.
The content of the course “Entertaining Mathematics” is aimed at cultivating interest in the subject, developing observation, geometric vigilance, the ability to analyze, guess, reason, prove, and the ability to solve a learning problem creatively. Content can be used to show students how to apply the knowledge and skills they learn in math classes.

The program provides for the inclusion of problems and assignments, the difficulty of which is determined not so much by the mathematical content as by the novelty and unusualness of the mathematical situation. This contributes to the desire to abandon the model, to show independence, to the formation of skills to work in search conditions, to the development of intelligence and curiosity.

In the process of completing tasks, children learn to see similarities and differences, notice changes, identify the causes and nature of these changes, and formulate conclusions on this basis. Moving together with the teacher from question to answer is an opportunity to teach the student to reason, doubt, think, try and find a way out - the answer.

The course “Entertaining Mathematics” takes into account the age characteristics of younger schoolchildren and therefore provides for the organization of active activities of students that do not interfere with mental work. For this purpose, active mathematical games are included. There is a sequential change of “centers” of activity by one student during one lesson. Moving around the classroom while performing mathematical tasks on sheets of paper located on the walls of the classroom, etc. During classes, it is important to maintain direct communication between children (the ability to approach each other, talk, exchange thoughts). When organizing classes, it is advisable to use the principle of games “Stream”, “Transplants”, the principle of free movement around the classroom, work in pairs of permanent and rotating composition, work in groups. Some math games and tasks can take the form of competitions between teams.

The content of the course meets the requirement for organizing extracurricular activities: it corresponds to the “Mathematics” course and does not require additional mathematical knowledge from students. The topics of the tasks and assignments reflect the real cognitive interests of children, contain useful and interesting information, interesting mathematical facts that can give scope to the imagination.
Value guidelines The course contents are:
formation of the ability to reason as a component of logical literacy;
mastering heuristic reasoning techniques;
formation of intellectual skills related to the choice of solution strategy, situation analysis, data comparison;
development of cognitive activity and independence of students;
formation of the abilities to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, use guesswork, build and test the simplest hypotheses;
formation of spatial concepts and spatial imagination;
involving students in the exchange of information during free communication in the classroom.
Course location in curriculum.

The program course is designed for students in grades 1-4. The program lasts 4 years. Classes are held once a week.

In grades 2-4 there are only 35 hours per year. In 1st grade there are only 33 hours per year.
Purpose of the program: formation of logical thinking through mastering the fundamentals of the content of mathematical activity.


  • To promote interest in the subject through entertaining exercises;

  • Expand the horizons of students in various areas of elementary mathematics;

  • Develop the communication skills of younger schoolchildren using collective forms of organizing classes and using modern teaching tools;

  • Contribute to the formation of cognitive universal educational actions, teach methods for performing logical tasks;

  • Form elements of logical and algorithmic literacy;

  • Learn to analyze a presented object of low complexity, mentally breaking it down into its main components, be able to draw accessible conclusions and generalizations, and justify your own thoughts;

  • Develop research skills.


As a result of completing the extracurricular activities program, the following results are expected to be achieved:

Level 1

The student’s acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality in everyday life;

Level 2

Forming a positive attitude of the student towards the basic values ​​of our society and social reality in general;

Level 3

Acquisition by schoolchildren of experience of independent social action.

Personal UUD
The student will learn:
_ educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new particular problem;

The ability to adequately evaluate the results of one’s work based on the criterion of success of educational activities;

Understanding the reasons for success in educational activities;

The ability to determine the boundaries of one’s ignorance, to overcome difficulties with the help of classmates and teachers;

An idea of ​​basic moral norms.
The student will have the opportunity to form:
_ expressed stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning;

_ sustainable educational and cognitive interest in new general ways of solving problems;

_ adequate understanding of the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities;

_ conscious understanding of other people's feelings and empathy for them.

Regulatory UUD
The student will learn:
_ accept and save the learning task;

Plan the stages of solving a problem, determine the sequence of educational actions in accordance with the task;

Carry out step-by-step and final monitoring of the results under the guidance of a teacher;

Analyze errors and determine ways to overcome them;

Distinguish between methods and results of action;

Adequately perceive the assessment of peers and teachers.

_ predict the results of your actions based on an analysis of the learning situation;

_ show cognitive initiative and independence;

_ independently adequately assess the correctness and execution of the action and make the necessary adjustments in the course of solving the educational task.

Cognitive UUD
The student will learn:
_ analyze objects, highlight their characteristic features and properties, recognize objects by given characteristics;

Analyze information, choose a rational way to solve a problem;

Find similarities, differences, patterns, reasons for ordering objects;

Classify objects according to specified criteria and formulate the names of the resulting groups;

Practice computing skills;

Carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

Highlight primary and secondary information in the task text;

Formulate the problem;

Build reasoning about an object, its shape, properties;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships between the concepts and phenomena being studied.
The student will have the opportunity to learn:
_ build inductive and deductive reasoning based on


_ choose a rational method based on an analysis of various options for solving the problem;

_ build logical reasoning, including establishing cause and effect relationships;

_ distinguish between reasonable and unfounded judgments;

_ transform practical problem into cognitive;

_ find ways to solve problems on your own

creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative UUD
The student will learn:
_ take part in teamwork;

Conduct a dialogue, working in pairs and groups;

Allow the existence of different points of view, respect other people's opinions;

Coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners;

Express your opinion correctly and justify your position;

Ask questions to organize your own and joint activities;

Exercise mutual control over joint actions;

Improve mathematical speech;

Express judgments using various analogues of the concept; words, phrases that clarify the meaning of a statement.
The student will have the opportunity to learn:
_ be critical of your own and others’ opinions;

_ be able to independently and jointly plan activities and cooperation;

_ make your own decisions;

_ promote conflict resolution, taking into account the positions of the participants

Numbers. Arithmetic operations. Quantities

Names and sequence of numbers from 1 to 20. Counting the number of dots on the top faces of the dropped cubes.

Numbers from 1 to 100. Solving and composing puzzles containing numbers.

Adding and subtracting numbers within 100.

Single digit multiplication tables and corresponding division cases.

Number puzzles: connecting numbers with action signs so that the answer turns out to be a given number, etc. Search for several solutions.

Restoring examples: searching for a hidden number. Consistent execution of arithmetic operations: guessing the intended numbers.

Completing numerical crosswords (Sudoku, Kakuro, etc.)

Numbers from 1 to 1000. Adding and subtracting numbers within 1000.

Giant numbers (million, etc.)

Numeral palindrome: A number that reads the same from left to right as from right to left.

Finding and reading words related to mathematics.

Entertaining tasks with Roman numerals.

Time. Units of time. Weight. Units of mass. Liter.

Form of organization of classes.

Math games.

“Funny Counting” is a competition game; games with dice. Games “Whose sum is greater?”, “Best boatman”, “Russian Lotto”, “Mathematical domino”, “I won’t go astray!”, “Think of a number”, “Guess the thought of a number”, “Guess the date and month of birth”.

Games " Magic wand“,” “The best counter”, “Don’t let your friend down”, “Day and night”, “Happy chance”, “Fruit picking”, “Racing with umbrellas”, “Shop”, “Which row is friendlier?”

Ball games: “On the contrary”, “Don’t drop the ball”.

Games with a set of “Counting cards” (sorbonki) are double-sided cards: on one side there is a task, on the other there is an answer.

Mathematical pyramids: “Addition within 10; 20; 100", "Subtraction within 10; 20; 100", "Multiplication", "Division".

Working with a palette - a basis with colored chips and a set of tasks for the palette on the topics: “Addition and subtraction up to 100”, etc.

Games "Tic-tac-toe", "Tic-tac-toe on an endless board", Sea battle"etc., constructors "Clocks", "Scales" from electronic teaching aid"Mathematics and Design".

A world of entertaining challenges.

Problems that can be solved in several ways. Problems with insufficient, incorrect data, and redundant conditions.

Sequence of “steps” (algorithm) for solving a problem.

Problems with multiple solutions. Inverse problems and assignments.

Orientation in the text of the problem, highlighting the conditions and questions, data and required numbers (quantities).

Selecting the necessary information contained in the text of the problem, in the picture or in the table, to answer the questions asked.

Ancient problems. Logic problems. Transfusion tasks. Preparation of similar tasks and assignments.

Non-standard tasks. Using sign-symbolic means to model situations described in tasks.

Problems solved by brute force. “Open” tasks and assignments.

Verification tasks and assignments ready-made solutions, including infidels. Analysis and evaluation of ready-made solutions to the problem, selection of the right solutions.

Proof tasks, for example, to find the digital value of letters in the conventional notation: LAUGHTER + THUNDER = THUNDER, etc. Justification of the actions performed and completed.

Solving Olympiad problems of the international competition "Kangaroo".

Reproduction of a method for solving a problem. Choosing the most effective solutions.

Geometric mosaic.

Spatial representations. The concepts of “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”. Travel route. Start point of movement; number, arrow 1→ 1↓, indicating the direction of movement. Drawing a line along a given route (algorithm): travel of a point (on a sheet of paper in a square). Construction of your own route (drawing) and its description.

Geometric patterns. Regularities in patterns. Symmetry. Figures that have one or more axes of symmetry.

The location of the details of the figure in the original design (triangles, tans, corners, matches). Parts of the figure. Place of a given figure in a structure. Location of parts. Selection of parts in accordance with the given design contour. Search for several possible solutions. Drawing up and sketching figures according to your own plans.

Cutting and composing shapes. Dividing a given figure into parts of equal area. Search for specified figures in figures of complex configuration. Solving problems that form geometric observation.

Recognizing (finding) a circle on an ornament. Drawing up (drawing) an ornament using a compass (based on a model, according to one’s own design).

Volumetric figures: cylinder, cone, pyramid, ball, cube. Wire modeling. Creation of three-dimensional figures from developments: cylinder, hexagonal prism, triangular prism,

cube, cone, quadrangular pyramid, octahedron, parallelepiped, truncated cone, truncated pyramid, pentagonal pyramid, icosahedron. (At students' choice.)

Working with designers.

Modeling figures from identical triangles and corners.

Tangram: An ancient Chinese puzzle. "Fold a square." "Match" constructor. LEGO constructors. Set "Geometric bodies". Constructors “Tangram”, “Matches”, “Polyminos”, “Cubes”, “Parquets and mosaics”, “Installer”, “Builder”, etc. from the electronic textbook. "Mathematics and Design".



Moscow "Enlightenment" 2010


2.1. Peducational activity

    1. Problem-based communication

    2. Leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication)

    3. Play activity

    4. Social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity)

    5. Artistic creativity

    6. Labor (production) activity

    7. Sports and recreational activities

    8. Tourism and local history activities



4.1. Studying changes in the personality of a schoolchild - a subject of extracurricular activities

4.2. Studying the children's team as an environment for extracurricular activities

4.3. Studying the professional position of a teacher - organizer of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren





With a high degree of probability, it can be said that in the next decade the teacher will have to work in the following conditions:

Stratification of the population (including children and youth) by levels of wealth and levels of education;

Various means working closely with the child’s consciousness mass media(television, Internet, print, FM radio) and video-audio-computer industry;

The proliferation in society of styles and forms of life activity and recreation, leading and alienating from reality;

Expansion of the youth subculture, which focuses young people on pleasure and consumption;

Rarefaction of systems of ideas that determine social-collective forms of life and forms of personal self-identification;

Increases in interethnic, interfaith, intergenerational and other types of intergroup tensions.

Only a teacher who constantly exercises value self-determination in relation to them and is able to organize and support the self-determination of children can adequately respond to these challenges. That is, in other words, a teacher with the position of an educator.

Education at school is not about special events. As emphasized in the Model Program for the Education and Socialization of Students (Primary General Education), “an approach in which education is reduced to carrying out activities and is actually separated from the content of the child’s activities at school, in the family, in a peer group, in society, from his social and informational environment, strengthens the objectively existing tendency in modern culture to isolate the children's subculture from the world not only of adults, but also from the older generation of children and youth. This leads to an even greater disruption of the mechanisms of transmission of cultural and social experience, the severing of connections between generations, the atomization of the individual, a decrease in his life potential, an increase in self-doubt, a decline in trust in other people, society, the state, the world, and life itself.”

UDC 371 BBK 74.200.58 G83

The “Second Generation Standards” series was founded in 2008

Grigoriev D. IN.

G83 Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. - M.: Education, 2010. - 223 p. - (Second generation standards). - ISBN 978-5-09-020549-8.

The manual is addressed to teachers, methodologists, specialists in the advanced training system, and students of pedagogical universities.

UDC 371

BBK 74.200.58

ISBN 978-5-09-020549-8 © Publishing House "Prosveshchenie", 2010

© Artistic design. Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2010 All rights reserved

Shh Content

Section I. Methodological designer of extracurricular activities
schoolchildren's activities

Section II. Forms of organization of extracurricular activities

schoolchildren's activities 16

  1. Cognitive activity 16

  2. Problem-based communication 19

  3. Leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication) 25

  4. Play activity 29

  5. Social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity) 51

  6. Artistic creativity 64

  7. Labor (production) activity 80

  8. Sports and recreational activities 87

  9. Tourism and local history activities 107
ChapterIII. How to develop an after-school program
schoolchildren's activities

  1. Sample program for organizing extracurricular activities for older teenagers 117

  2. Approximate educational program for extracurricular activities for 8th grade students 132
ChapterIV. Diagnostics of the effectiveness of extracurricular activities
schoolchildren's activities

  1. Studying changes in the personality of a schoolchild - a subject of extracurricular activities 141

  2. Study of the children's group as an environment for extracurricular activities" of schoolchildren 161

  3. Studying the professional position of a teacher - organizer of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren. . 166
Section V. Regulatory support for extracurricular activities

schoolchildren's activities 181

5.1. Approximate job description deputy

Director of Extracurricular Activities 181

  1. Sample job description for a teacher-organizer 186

  2. Sample job description for a class teacher 189

  3. Sample job description for a teacher of additional education 193

  4. Sample job description for an after-school teacher 197
ChapterVI. Digest of regulatory documents,
regulating the extracurricular sphere of the school

  1. Concept for the modernization of additional education for children in the Russian Federation for the period until 2010 (draft) 202

  2. Methodological recommendations for the development of additional education for children in general education institutions (Appendix to the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 11, 2002 No. 30-51-433/16) 209

  3. On increasing the educational potential of the general educational process in a general educational institution (Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2002 No. 13-51-28/13) 216

  4. Methodological recommendations on expanding the activities of children's and youth associations in educational institutions (Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 11, 2000 No. 101/28-16) 219
From the authors

With a high degree of probability, it can be said that in the next decade the teacher will have to work in the following conditions:

  • stratification of the population (including children and youth) according to levels of wealth and levels of education;

  • working closely with the child’s consciousness of various media (television, Internet, print, FM radio) and the video-audio-computer industry;

  • the proliferation in society of styles and forms of life activity and recreation that lead and alienate us from reality;

  • expansion of the youth subculture, which focuses young people on pleasure and consumption;

  • the sparseness of systems of ideas that determine social-collective forms of life and forms of personal self-identification;

  • the growth of interethnic, interfaith, intergenerational and other types of intergroup tensions.
Only a teacher who constantly exercises value self-determination in relation to them and is able to organize and support the self-determination of children can adequately respond to these challenges. That is, in other words, a teacher with the position of an educator.

Education at school is not about special events. As emphasized in the Model Program for the Education and Socialization of Students (Primary General Education), “an approach in which education is reduced to carrying out activities and is actually separated from the content of the child’s activities at school, in the family, in a peer group, in society, from his social and informational environment, strengthens the objectively existing tendency in modern culture to isolate the children's subculture from the world not only of adults, but also from the older generation of children and youth. This leads to an even greater disruption of the mechanisms of transmission of cultural and social experience, the severing of connections between generations, the atomization of the individual, a decrease in his life potential, an increase in self-doubt, a decline in trust in other people, society, the state, the world, and life itself.”

Education at school should take place only through the joint activities of adults and children, children with each other, in which the only way is the appropriation (and not just recognition) of values ​​by children. At the same time, education fundamentally cannot be localized or reduced to any one type of educational activity, but must cover and permeate all types: educational (within the boundaries

various educational disciplines) and extracurricular (artistic, communicative, sports, leisure, labor, etc.) activities.

This is exactly how the question is posed in the new Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, where extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are given special attention, space and time are defined in the educational process.

Our book is about how to organize educational extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, how to purposefully achieve educational results and effects in them, in what cultural forms and on what content it is best to do this, how to design various educational programs for extracurricular activities and implement them. The solution to these problems is included in our original methodological constructor. I would like to hope that the creative work of teachers with a methodological designer of extracurricular activities will help the school find a second wind - life after classes.

Methodical designer of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren

Extracurricular activities students are united by all types of activities of schoolchildren (except for educational activities and in the classroom), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

According to the Federal Basic Curriculum for General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson teaching system.

Types and directions of extracurricular activities. The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at school:

  1. play activities;

  2. cognitive activity;

  3. problem-value communication;

  1. leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

  1. artistic creativity;
6) social creativity (socially transformative
volunteer activities);

  1. labor (production) activity;

  2. sports and recreational activities;

  3. tourism and local history activities.
The basic curriculum highlights the main areas of extracurricular activities: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially useful and project activities.

The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely related to each other. For example, a number of areas coincide with types of activities (sports and recreational activities, cognitive activities, artistic creativity).


Military-patriotic direction and project activities can be implemented in any type of extracurricular activities. They represent substantive priorities when organizing extracurricular activities. Socially useful activities can be objectified in such types of extracurricular activities as social creativity and labor (production) activities.

Consequently, all areas of extracurricular activities must be considered as a meaningful guideline when constructing appropriate educational programs, and the development and implementation of specific forms of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren should be based on the types of activities.

results And effects of students' extracurricular activities. When organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, it is necessary to understand the difference between the results and effects of this activity.

Result- this is what became the immediate result of the student’s participation in the activity. For example, a schoolchild, having completed a tourist route, not only moved in space from one geographical point to another, overcame the difficulties of the path (the actual result), but also acquired some knowledge about himself and those around him, experienced and felt something as a value, and acquired the experience of independent action ( educational result). Effect - it is a consequence of the result. For example, acquired knowledge, experienced feelings and relationships, and completed actions developed a person as a person and contributed to the formation of his competence and identity.

So, educational result of extracurricular activities - direct spiritual and moral acquisition of a child through his participation in one or another type of activity.

Educational effect of extracurricular activities- the influence (consequence) of one or another spiritual and moral acquisition on the process of development of the child’s personality.

In the field of school education and socialization, there is a serious confusion between the concepts of “result” and “effect”. It is common to say that the result of a teacher’s educational activity is the development of the student’s personality, the formation of his social competence, etc. At the same time, it is overlooked (wittingly or unwittingly) that the development of a child’s personality depends on his own efforts at self-building, on educational “contributions” family, friends, immediate environment, and other factors are included in it, i.e., the development of the child’s personality is an effect that became possible due to the fact that a number of subjects of upbringing and socialization (including the child himself) achieved their results. Then what is the result of the educational activities of teachers?

goga? The lack of clarity of teachers' understanding of the results of their activities does not allow them to confidently present these results to society and gives rise to public doubt and distrust in teaching activities.

But perhaps a much more serious consequence of teachers’ failure to distinguish between results and effects is that understanding of the purpose and meaning of pedagogical activity (especially in the field of education and socialization), the logic and value of professional growth and self-improvement is lost. For example, today in school education the struggle for the so-called good student has sharply intensified, including because such a student is guaranteed to show high results in training and education. Not fully understanding the results and effects of their work, not being able to clearly present them to society and at the same time experiencing pressure from it, teachers in such a non-pedagogical way insure themselves against professional failures.

It becomes clear that a professional teacher sees the results of his work before the effects. No amount of enthusiasm for the process of activity eliminates the need for him to achieve an educational result. In any educational effect, he distinguishes between his own contribution and the contribution of other subjects of education and socialization.

Classification of the results of extracurricular activities of students. The educational results of schoolchildren’s extracurricular activities are distributed across three levels. iFirst level of results- the schoolchild’s acquisition of social knowledge (about social norms, the structure of society, socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), a primary understanding of social reality and everyday life.

To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with his teachers (mainly in additional education) as significant carriers of positive social knowledge and everyday experience for him is of particular importance.

For example, in a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, a child not only perceives information from the teacher, but also involuntarily compares it with the image of the teacher himself. There will be more trust in the information if the teacher himself cultivates a healthy lifestyle.

Second level of results - the schoolchild obtains experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), a value-based attitude towards social reality as a whole.

To achieve this level of results, the interaction of schoolchildren with each other at the level of

not a class, a school, i.e. in a protected, friendly environment social environment. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives (or does not receive) the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge and begins to appreciate it (or rejects it).

Third level of results - the student gains experience of independent social action. Only in independent social action, action in an open society, outside the friendly environment of the school, for others, often strangers, who are not necessarily positively disposed towards him, the young person really becomes (and not just learns how to become) a social figure, a citizen, a free person. It is in the experience of independent social action that one acquires that courage, that readiness to act, without which the existence of a citizen and civil society is unthinkable.

It is obvious that to achieve this level of results special meaning has the interaction of the student with social actors outside the school, in an open social environment.

Achieving three levels of extracurricular activity results increases the likelihood of effects education and socialization of children. Students can develop communicative, ethical, social, civic competence and sociocultural identity in its country, ethnicity, gender and other aspects.

For example, it is unjustified to assume that civics lessons, human rights classes, etc. are sufficient to develop civic competence and identity of a schoolchild. Even the best civics lesson can only give a student knowledge and understanding of public life, examples of civic behavior (of course, this is a lot , but not all). But if a student gains experience in civic relations and behavior in a friendly environment (for example, in self-government in the classroom) and even more so in an open public environment (in a social project, in civil action), then the likelihood of developing his civic competence and identity increases significantly.

When organizing extracurricular activities for younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account that upon entering the 1st grade, children are especially receptive to new social knowledge and strive to understand the school reality that is new to them. The teacher must support this trend, ensure that the child achieves first level results. In 2nd and 3rd grades, like

As a rule, the process of development of the children's team is gaining strength, the interpersonal interaction of younger schoolchildren with each other is sharply intensifying, which creates a favorable situation for achievements in extracurricular activities of schoolchildren second level of results. Consistent ascent from the results of the first to the results of the second level over the course of three years of schooling creates for a primary school student in the 4th grade a real opportunity to enter the space of social action (i.e., achieving third level of results). Such an outlet for an elementary school student must necessarily be framed as an outlet into a friendly environment. The conflict and uncertainty inherent in the modern social situation should be limited to a certain extent.

The relationship between results and forms of extracurricular activities. Each level of extracurricular activity results has its own educational form (more precisely, a type of educational form, i.e., a number of content- and structurally similar forms).

The first level of results can be achieved by relatively simple forms, the second level by more complex ones, and the third level by the most complex forms of extracurricular activities.

For example, in such a form of problem-value communication as ethical conversation, It is quite possible to reach the level of knowledge and understanding by schoolchildren of the life plot (problem) being discussed. But since in an ethical conversation the main channel of communication is “teacher - children”, and direct communication of children with each other is limited, then in this form it is quite difficult to get to the value attitude of schoolchildren to the problem under consideration (namely in communication with a peer, the same as himself , the child establishes and tests his values).

To launch value self-determination, other forms are needed - debate, thematic debate. By participating in debates, schoolchildren get the opportunity to look at a problem from different angles, discuss positive and negative aspects, and compare their attitude to the problem with the attitude of other participants. However, debate, being in many ways a playful form of communication, does not confront the child with the need to be personally responsible for his words, to move from words to action (i.e., this form is not aimed at the student entering into independent social action, although this can happen with a specific schoolchild due to his personal characteristics).

This need is dictated by another form - problem-value discussion with the participation of external experts, where participants speak only on their own behalf,

and any pretense on their part is fraught with exposure and criticism from external experts who are not interested in artificially supporting children’s opinions. A problem-value discussion takes participants to the point where the words “I believe...” are followed by the words “and I’m ready to do it.”

So, it is practically impossible to achieve the result of the second and even more so the third level with forms corresponding to the first level of results. At the same time, in forms aimed at the result of the highest level, the results of the previous level are also achievable. However, it is important to understand: forcing results and forms does not ensure an increase in the quality and efficiency of activities. A teacher who does not master the forms of activity to achieve results of the first level cannot effectively achieve the results and forms of the second and, especially, the third level. He can only do this by imitation.

Understanding the relationship between results and forms of extracurricular activities should allow teachers:

Develop extracurricular educational programs

activities with a clear and intelligible presentation
about the result;

  • select forms of extracurricular activities that guarantee the achievement of a certain level of results;

  • build the logic of transition from the results of one level to the results of another;

  • diagnose the effectiveness and efficiency of extracurricular activities;

  • evaluate the quality of extracurricular activity programs (by what results they claim to achieve, whether the selected forms correspond to the expected results, etc.). This underlies the construction of an incentive system for remunerating teachers for organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren.
The methodological constructor “Predominant forms of achieving educational results in extracurricular activities” (see Table 1) is based on the relationship between results and forms of extracurricular activities. It can be used by teachers to develop educational programs for extracurricular activities, taking into account the resources at their disposal, the desired results, and the specifics of the educational institution.


Forms of organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren

2.1. Cognitive activity

Extracurricular educational activities of schoolchildren can be organized in the form of electives, educational circles, a scientific society of students, intellectual clubs (like the “What? Where? When?” club), library evenings, didactic theaters, educational excursions, Olympiads, quizzes, etc. P.

At first glance, it may seem that all these forms in themselves make it possible to achieve first level results (schoolchildren’s acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life). However, this is not entirely true. This level of results can be achieved only if the object of children’s cognitive activity becomes the social world itself, that is, knowledge of the lives of people and society: its structure and principles of existence, ethical and moral standards, basic social values, monuments of world and domestic culture , features of interethnic and interfaith relations.

Moreover, not only and not so much fundamental knowledge will be important, but rather that which a person needs to fully live everyday life and successfully socialize in society: how to behave with a person in a wheelchair, what can and cannot be done in church, how to search and find necessary information, what rights does a person admitted to hospital have, how to dispose of household waste in a safe manner for nature, how to pay utility bills correctly, etc. Lack of basic information

social knowledge can make the life of a person and his immediate environment very difficult.

Within the framework of extracurricular cognitive activities of schoolchildren, it is possible to achieve second level results (formation of a positive attitude of children towards the basic values ​​of society). To do this, a value component must be introduced into the content of cognitive activity.

In this regard, teachers are recommended to initiate and organize schoolchildren’s work with educational information, inviting them to discuss it, express their opinions, and develop their position in relation to it. This can be information about health and bad habits, moral and immoral actions of people, heroism and cowardice, war and ecology, classical and popular culture and other economic, political or social problems of our society. Searching for and presenting this information to schoolchildren should not make it difficult for the teacher, since it can be found in a wide variety of subject areas of knowledge.

Intra-group discussions are effective when discussing such information. They allow students to compare their own attitude to the issue under discussion with the opinions of other children and contribute to the correction of this attitude - after all, the opinion of peers, which is significant for adolescents, often becomes a source of change in their view of the world. In addition, thanks to discussions, schoolchildren gain experience in dealing with a diversity of views, learn to respect other points of view, and relate them to their own.

As an example, let’s name several potentially controversial topics from different fields of knowledge:

For primary school

  • Nature pollution: can life in the city be as pleasant as in the country? (Natural science, reading.)

  • Is it difficult for a person in a wheelchair to live in our society? (Reading.)

  • My appearance: a personal matter or respect for the people around you? (Reading, science.)

  • Computer games are an exciting activity: why is mom unhappy? (Reading, math.)

  • Are violent scenes in movies and television dangerous for children and society? (Reading, history.)

  • Should small nations strive to preserve their language and culture? ( Native language, reading, foreign language.)

For primary school

  • Using animals for experiments: scientific necessity or human cruelty? (Biology.)

  • Can science be immoral? (Physics.)

  • Is economic growth in the world an unconditional benefit for people? (Economy.)

  • Should small nations strive to preserve their language and culture? (Geography.)

  • Do you agree with the words of I. Karamazov “If there is no God, then everything is permitted”? (Literature.)

  • The reforms of Peter I - a step towards a civilized society or violence against the country? (Story.)

  • Is aggression in cinema and television dangerous for society? (Art.) Etc.
The value component is introduced into the content of schoolchildren’s cognitive activity even when the teacher focuses children’s attention on moral problems associated with discoveries and inventions in a particular field of knowledge. For example, you can draw the attention of schoolchildren who are interested in physics to the dual significance for humanity of the discovery of a method of splitting atomic nucleus, and with those interested in biology, you can touch on the problem of genetic engineering and consider the ethical aspect of cloning. Schoolchildren’s attention can also be focused on the environmental consequences of the discovery of cheap methods for producing synthetic materials, on the humanitarian consequences of the Great Geographical Discoveries for the peoples of the New World, etc. Or you can be asked to think about where new technologies lead scientific discoveries: to improve human living conditions or to more and more victims?

A positive attitude towards knowledge as a social value is developed in a student if knowledge becomes an object of emotional experience. The most successful forms here could be, for example, the school intellectual club “What? Where? When?" (here knowledge and the ability to use it become the highest value for the participants of this game, unique in its influence on mental education), didactic theater (in which knowledge from a variety of fields is played out on stage, and therefore becomes emotionally experienced and personally colored) , scientific society of students (within the framework of non-governmental educational institutions research activities schoolchildren, search and construction of new knowledge - knowledge of one’s own, sought after, gained through suffering).

Achievement third level results (a student obtaining experience of independent social action) is possible provided that interaction between school and

nic with social actors in an open public environment. This can happen most effectively during socially oriented events. For example, meetings of a circle of literature lovers, organized for pupils of orphanages or residents of nursing homes, can become a factor in the acquisition of experience of social action by schoolchildren.

As part of a book club or family reading evenings, socially oriented events can be held to collect books for the library of a rural school located in the outback.

In subject groups, schoolchildren can make visual aids or Handout for educational activities at school and donate them to teachers and students. The activities of subject electives can become socially oriented if its members take individual patronage over underperforming elementary school students.

Activities of members of the student scientific society are recommended V In this connection, focus on the study of the microsociety surrounding them, its pressing problems and ways to solve them.

  • How to improve the quality of drinking water at school?

  • Endangered species in our region: rescue strategies.

  • Ways to resolve conflicts and overcome aggression in school and family.

  • Chemical composition of popular children's drinks and health problems.

  • Methods of energy saving at school and forms of energy saving behavior of students and teachers.

  • Attitude towards the elderly of residents of our microdistrict.
Such topics could be the subject of student research projects, and their results could be disseminated and discussed in the community surrounding the school.

2.2. Problem-based communication

Problem-based communication, in contrast to leisure communication, affects not only the child’s emotional world, but also his perception of life, its values, and meaning. Prob-

Lemonic-value communication among schoolchildren can be organized in the form of ethical conversations, debates, thematic debates, problem-value discussions.

For achievement first level results - schoolchildren's acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life - the optimal form of ethical conversation.

An ethical conversation is not a lecture from a teacher on moral issues. This is a detailed personal statement addressed to the listeners by the initiator of the conversation, imbued with genuine emotions and experiences and necessarily aimed at receiving feedback from the listeners (in the form of questions, answers, remarks). The subject of communication here is moral conflicts presented in real life situations and literary texts.

A well-organized conversation is always a flexible combination of programming and improvisation. The teacher must have a clear understanding and ability to maintain the main thread of the conversation and at the same time different scenarios for the development of communication. For example, when discussing with students the topic “Does the end justify the means?”, citing historical and literary examples of different answers to this complex question, the teacher should lead schoolchildren to “try on” this problem for themselves. In particular, at a certain moment in the conversation, he can introduce a collision addressed to one of the participants in the conversation: “This is the situation: you have an idea that is very dear to you and which you dream of realizing. But there are people who do not share this idea and oppose its implementation. If they continue to persist, you won't succeed. What will you do with these people?

After listening to the answer of the student (possibly several children), the teacher can offer him (them) several scenarios of behavior, for example: a) force these people to obey your will, without wasting time on empty, unnecessary talk; b) try to convince them, and if that doesn’t work, do it your own way; c) try to find a weak point in each of the opponents and act; d) listen to the objections of your opponents, come to a common opinion with them, and if it doesn’t work out, then postpone the implementation of your idea.

And then the teacher must be prepared for different scenarios of continuing communication with active participants in the conversation in the presence of other listeners. So, if one of the students chooses option “a” or “b”, it is necessary to try to bring the student to the consequences of the decision made. When choosing answer “b”, it is necessary to show the student that his decision is just a postponement of action. At the same time

The teacher must understand that such a choice is a sign of a certain struggle between the desires to implement the idea and avoid negative consequences for others, and this is worth “hooking on” and helping the student to go deeper into his thoughts. If the student chose option “d,” then you can ask him to give a detailed justification for his choice in order to understand how meaningful and sincere this choice is.

Within the framework of an ethical conversation, the main channel of communication is Teacher-Children. This form does not imply active communication between schoolchildren (the maximum permissible is the exchange of short remarks between children). And without defending your opinion in front of another, especially a peer (he is my equal, so in case of failure it is difficult to attribute everything to superiority in age, experience, knowledge), it is not easy to understand whether a child is ready to be seriously responsible for his words. In other words, whether he values ​​what he claims or not.

You can understand this, for example, by participating in debates. This educational form can, if used correctly, ensure achievement second level results - formation of positive attitudes of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general.

The educational technology “Debate” is very popular today and has been described many times in the pedagogical literature. Therefore, we will focus only on the main thing. The debate involves two sides: the affirmative (the team that defends the topic of communication) and the denier (the team that refutes the topic). The topic of communication is formulated as a statement. The goal of the parties is to convince the judges (experts) that your arguments are better than those of your opponent.

Debates are organized according to the role principle: a participant can defend before the judges a point of view that in reality he does not share. It is here that the powerful educational potential of this form lies: by selecting evidence in favor of a point of view that is initially not close to the student, listening and analyzing the opponent’s arguments, he can come to such serious doubts in his own attitudes that he will come close to the need for value self-determination. At the same time, there is a catch in the playful nature of communication: the debate participants are not faced with the task of moving on to practical action, and a certain frivolity of what is happening is felt by almost everyone.

The task of transition to practical action is initially faced by the participants problem-value discussion. The discussion is structured in such a way that a person faces a choice: to act or not? It is this educational form that is designed to help achieve third level results - students gain experience of independent social action.

The purpose of the problem-value discussion is to launch the social self-determination of a teenager and prepare him for independent social action. The subject of consideration in such a discussion are fragments and situations of social reality. Obviously, self-determination will be more successful the more specific, relatable and interesting these fragments and situations are for students.

At first glance for young man There is no closer and more intuitive social context than the context of urban (rural, town) life. And at the same time, there are no special places and spaces where a student could deepen his understanding of the life of his small homeland. It turns out that this social context, being the closest, is perceived by students very superficially. That is why the key topic of problem-value discussions may be the topic “Youth participation in the life of the city (village, town).”

In preparation for a problem-value discussion, it is necessary to conduct local sociological research that identifies the social topics that most interest schoolchildren. For example, in one of the Moscow schools the following list of topics was formed:

  1. Realization of the interests and needs of young people in the field of leisure, culture and sports in Moscow.

  2. Adequacy of the structure of the urban environment (architectural appearance, street landscapes, recreational areas) to the needs and aspirations of the younger generation.

  3. Productive employment and employment of youth in Moscow.

  4. Relationships between youth groups in Moscow.

  5. Transport problems of the city: the role and place of the younger generation in solving them.

  6. The role and place of youth in the information space of the city.

  7. Availability quality education for the youth of the capital.

  8. The position of young Muscovites in preserving the cultural heritage of the capital.

  9. Ecology of Moscow and the position of youth.
In order to pose such topics in a problematic way and make them open for understanding and discussion, it is necessary to prepare texts related to the life of the city (village, town) that would problematize students’ perception of these topics.

Problem-value discussion is a group form of work. In this form, the teacher organizes the group’s work as a sequence of steps.

First step - organizing a student’s meeting with the social situation as a problem.

If the social situation is not structured as problematic, then it can become not so much an object of understanding as an object of cognition of the student and will be perceived by him as a learning task. Then there will be no inclusion of understanding how universal method the exploration of the world by man, in which, along with theoretical knowledge, direct experience, various forms of practice and forms of aesthetic comprehension play a significant role.

A universal means of constructing a situation that meets the requirements of semantic content, problem value, and value is text (in our case, a text describing a social situation). However, as practice shows, the very fact of schoolchildren encountering a text does not always and not for all of them develop into a situation of understanding the meaning of the text. Someone was able to read the text, extract the main meaning and connotations; someone saw the text from one point of view, extracted the main meaning and did not discover additional ones; someone did not understand the meaning of the text at all.

In such contradictory conditions, the teacher is required to take a new step towards enhancing the student’s understanding of the text. The means to ensure this step is problematization as a special work of the teacher to identify contradictions in the content of messages, methods of work and goals demonstrated by the student. What is the content of pedagogical problematization? We are talking about several methods that can be combined.

Firstly, after an understanding reading of the text by students, you can invite one of them to express their understanding or misunderstanding, thereby putting the others in a situation of choice - to agree or disagree with what was said. Next, you can ask schoolchildren to express their attitude to the expressed position. Secondly, you can ask questions to the already manifested understanding (misunderstanding). Thirdly, it is possible to demonstrate and act out a misunderstanding of the opinion expressed by the student, encouraging him to clarify and deeper substantiate the position. Fourthly, you can agree with the point of view expressed, and then draw absurd conclusions from it (here it is necessary to avoid statements that could offend the student). Fifthly, in the absence of any statements, you can provoke them by expressing on your own behalf a rather radical understanding of the situation (you cannot cross the ethical line here).

The problematization implemented by the teacher should lead schoolchildren to realize the weak points of their point of view and attract new means of understanding. At the same time, the situation

The problematization must be maintained until a meaningful conflict arises between positions, in which a significant number of participants will be drawn. At this moment, the teacher must transfer his activities from the problematization plan to the organization of communication.

Communication here is special - positional. Unlike classical discussion, where the subject is focused mainly on expressing his opinion and convincing others of its truth, in positional communication the subject seeks the place of his position among others: he determines the positions with which he can cooperate and must conflict, and those that with whom you must not interact under any circumstances. And all this is weighed on the scales of the upcoming social action.

The teacher is also included in positional communication. At the same time, there is a real danger that his position will be dominant in the system of children's positions (for example, due to high authority). To avoid this, the teacher must form his own personal and professional position as an organizer of positional communication. In personal projection, this is a position Adult, in professional projection - this is a position reflective manager.

The Adult ego state, together with two other ego states - Parent and Child - forms, according to E. Berne, the personal matrix of a person. Unlike the Parent and the Child, who are turned to the past, to experience, to memories, the Adult makes decisions based on the situation that is present now, at the moment, here and now.

The position of a reflexive manager is alternative to the position of a manipulator. Its essence is the organization of reflection among schoolchildren and “support” of the situation of self-determination and independent thinking about their problems. Manipulation will be “picking up”, reflexively “formulating” and “using” the activity of others for one’s own purposes.

The main goal of positional communication among schoolchildren is their “breakthrough” into a different context of understanding the meaning: not only I - Text, as in the first stage of work, but also I - Others - Text. In the process of communication with each other and the teacher, they, in fact, for the first time clearly discover that their own understanding is not only not the only one, but also insufficient, that it can be enriched by other understandings and, in turn, enrich others. Awareness of this can serve as the basis for schoolchildren’s desire to consider different positions in order to fully understand the meaning of the social situation and move on to independent social action. It is within the power of the teacher to promote

deepening such awareness, which requires organizing students’ reflection on the results of the discussion.

The organizing role of the teacher here includes providing students with a choice of one or another form of fixing a reflexive position (answering questions, continuing unfinished sentences, interviews, etc.) and its expression (oral, written, artistic, figurative, symbolic), as well as maintaining dynamics of reflexive processes. It is great if the teacher manages to involve external experts in the discussion (and especially in reflection) - representatives of the society that the schoolchildren are discussing. Their presence and opinions are a powerful factor in increasing the social significance of what is happening.

The reflection stage completes the process of interaction between the teacher and schoolchildren in a problem-value discussion. However, in its ideal representation, this interaction does not stop, it continues in the minds of the participants. According to Yu. V. Gromyko, “by leaving the community, the individual takes with him an attempt to independently reproduce the community.” Leaving the real process of interaction with the teacher and peers, the student takes with him an attempt to independently reproduce it in other circumstances of his own life.

2.3. Leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication)

Achieve in leisure and entertainment activities of schoolchildren educational results of the first level (acquisition by schoolchildren of social knowledge, primary understanding of social reality and everyday life) is possible within the framework of such a well-known form as cultural trek to a theater, museum, concert hall, gallery.

However, the cultural campaign and the cultural campaign are different. For example, usually a visit school class theater runs according to the following scheme:

  • a theater ticket distributor comes to school;

  • the class teacher, at his own discretion, chooses a performance and informs students about it;

  • schoolchildren voluntarily and compulsorily hand over money for tickets to a teacher or a responsible classmate;

  • the class goes to a play (most often such a trip is just an opportunity for the children to “hang out” outside the walls of home and school; only by chance can it become a personally significant cultural event for someone);
discussion of the performance, if it occurs, is
spontaneous character.

Transforming a cultural trip to the theater from a formal event into an educational event, the teacher will have to organize it in a fundamentally different way, in particular:

In the amateur arts of schoolchildren, concerts most often involve performing in front of an audience of parents, guests, and peers. B.V. Kupriyanov distinguishes two ways of organizing a concert: “tour” (traveling concert) and “showcase” (home concert).

Not only children's choreographic studios and drama clubs can tour, but also the most ordinary class, when schoolchildren have something to show the audience and have a desire to go somewhere, give a concert. The concert becomes a “showcase” when guests are invited to the children's group. In this case, the concert or performance is shown in the classroom or in the school assembly hall.

Much depends on the level of preparation and the appropriate preparation of the concert program. In the practice of many good classroom groups, there are annual reporting concerts, when all the guys demonstrate their successes in artistic creativity over the past year. The concept of “report concert” also includes a concert performance of just one group. In this case, the creative team shows a detailed program in one or two departments, prepared on our own. Concerts dedicated to a theme, holiday, significant date, as well as the life or work of a person are called thematic.

Schoolchildren really love the holiday lights in the classroom. This event can be called differently an evening of communication in a makeshift cafe.

B.V. Kupriyanov notes that the prototype for a social evening in an impromptu cafe is fraternity and youth gatherings in the Russian village tradition. This form primarily solves the problem of ensuring rest and pleasant pastime for schoolchildren. The educational objectives of an evening of communication in an impromptu cafe are to optimize interpersonal relationships in a children's association, to create an experience of joint socially acceptable spending of free time.

The festive “light” assumes such attributes of a cafe as tables (no more than eight), dim lighting, refreshments, etc. Meals are organized here, artistic performances are shown (various levels of improvisation, both specially prepared and performed on the spot without preliminary rehearsals), singing and/or dancing together.

Depending on the given context, an evening of communication can look like an ancient symposium, a meeting of an English club, village gatherings, Peter the Great’s assembly, an aristocratic salon, an official reception, an epic feast, a merchant tea party, a bachelorette party, a theatrical skit, etc.

The organizational course of the party is in the hands of the manager, who involves the participants in a joint Action, determining the nature of the interaction, the movement of the Center of Attention (from one table to another). Last thing

Circumstance dictates that the tables should be placed in such a way that from behind any of them one can see the action at another table. In addition, it is advisable to leave a platform for demonstrating complex numbers prepared in advance or for dancing. It is also important to resolve issues such as proper placement of evening participants and tasty refreshments.

Entertainment at a networking evening may include competitive tasks, which are usually short-term and involve all participants (as spectators or performers). There should be no more than ten competition tasks during the program. The most natural entertainment options for a social evening are also playing forfeits and the lottery. The use of forfeits initially involves some kind of humorous tests, when personal items are confiscated from the losers. In order for the game of forfeits to attract the maximum number of people present, it is necessary to make the tests varied and try to collect forfeits from everyone. Parodies, caricatures and practical jokes correspond to the spirit of the evening of communication in an impromptu cafe.

When carrying out this form, it is possible to use elements of a role-playing game: the distribution of individual and team roles. Participants sitting at the same table become a team. There can be competition in the party, but the competitive element should be unobtrusive. The joint communication of the evening participants has a specially organized part; it can be a story about some funny events or adventures. Since it is quite difficult for many schoolchildren to improvise an interesting story, the organizers use homework, word games: “Interpreter’s Notebook”, “Alphabet Ending”, “Let’s Argue with the Greats”, writing unusual stories, etc. This option is used for holding an evening of communication , when joint communication is built as a reaction to the monologues of the presenter or some specially prepared guest.

In order for schoolchildren’s leisure and entertainment activities to begin to ensure achievement educational results of the third level (children gaining experience of independent social action), it must be transferred to public space. In other words, start building leisure time for other people who do not fall into the category of close ones. For example, you can organize a school in a neighborhood fair.

Fair (folk festival) - held at a specific site shared entertainment, which involves involving participants in various attractions. An example is the development of the New Year's celebration

ka, carried out under the guidance of the joint venture. Afanasyeva: “New Year on Deribasovskaya”, “Winter Fair”, “Twelve Months”, “New Year in international airport». Game idea(the material) underlying the types of celebrations can be a street, an area of ​​the city where the entertainment takes place, as well as a place intended for this specific pastime.

B.V. Kupriyanov highlighted the procedures, acts and situations inherent in the fair-festival.

Firstly, it is the free movement of participants throughout the entire space where the attraction sites are located. Involvement in attractions is usually ensured in the following way: for participation in attractions, tokens are issued that can be exchanged for something tasty or healthy. There is an opportunity to develop a whole economic game. There are known cases when, at the very beginning and end of the fair, tokens were exchanged for real money. A slightly different mechanism for involving participants in attractions is provided in methodological development"New Year on Deribasovskaya." Here, participants spend their tokens, receiving cards with words for them. The one who can assemble a whole phrase or several phrases from the received words becomes the winner and receives a special prize. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the specifics of the attraction as a competition that does not require special skills or a long time to complete the task. Third, the fair usually starts general collection, where the rules of the game are explained, the prizes that await the participant who collects the most tokens may be named. Fourthly, the finale of the fair can take place in the form of an auction-sale, where participants will be able to get rid of their remaining tokens by purchasing memorable prizes and souvenirs.

The fair's algorithm includes:

  • a general gathering, which may be accompanied by a line, a carnival procession;

  • free movement of participants around the space;

  • free choice of attraction and participation in it;

  • final collection, with or without auction.
2.4. Play activity

Extracurricular work -an integral part of the school’s educational process, one of the forms of organizing students’ free time.At school, preference is given to the educational direction, the organization of subject clubs, scientific societies of students, as well as the development of artistic creativity, technical creativity, sports, etc.This work allows teachers to identify potential capabilities and interests in their students and help the child realize them.



city ​​of Petrovsk, Saratov region"


"The Wonderful World of Words"

for 4th grade

Educational complex "Primary school of the 21st century"

Head of the circle

L.V. Kharitonov

2013 - 2014 academic year

Explanatory note

The work program for the course “The Amazing World of Words” is addressed to students of the 4th grade of a comprehensive school according to the system of developmental education N.F. Vinogradova and developed in accordance with:

  • with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education;
  • with the provisions of the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3 of Petrovsk, Saratov Region”;
  • with recommendations from a manual for teachers Grigorieva D.V., Stepanova P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer. – M.: Education, 2010;
  • with recommendations from the Collection of extracurricular activities programs: grades 1-4 / ed. N. F. Vinogradova. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.

Extracurricular activities related to the study of the Russian language in primary school are aimed at achieving the following goals:

Awareness of language as a phenomenon of national culture and the main means of human communication; formation of a positive attitude towards correct speech as an indicator of a person’s general culture;

Familiarization with the norms of the Russian language in order to select the necessary language means for solving communicative problems;

Mastery of educational activities with language units, the ability to practically use knowledge.

In the “Wonderful World of Words” course, special attention is paid to working on language norms and developing correct expressive speech in schoolchildren.

“The Amazing World of Words” is an extracurricular course for primary schoolchildren, the content of which examines the orthoepic, lexical, grammatical diversity of the world of words, the basic methods and ways of knowing it, and also develops linguistic intuition and artistic and figurative thinking of primary schoolchildren. The study of this course creates conditions for the formation of students’ value attitude towards language, for instilling responsibility for observing the norms of the language as an important component of language culture.

The course program complements and expands the content of individual topics in the subject area “Philology” by deepening knowledge of linguistic and speech studies, introducing elements of etymology and cultural studies.

Value guidelines for the content of classes.

Important guidelines for the content of this elective are:

Development of linguistic intuition and orientation in the space of language and speech;

Formation of ideas about language as a universal value;

The study of historical facts reflecting the people’s attitude to language, the development of skills related to the study of linguistic space;

Development of ideas about various methods of language learning (research activities, a project as a method of learning, scientific methods of observation, analysis, etc.);

Formation of basic skills related to the implementation of educational linguistic research;

Development of sustainable cognitive interest in the Russian language;

Inclusion of students in practical activities to study and preserve the purity of the Russian language.

Program structure.The program includes three sections:

Explanatory note;

The main content of the elective;

Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to study each section.

General characteristics of the elective. "The wonderful world of words» - an extracurricular course for junior schoolchildren, the content of whichthe orthoepic, lexical, grammatical diversity of the world of words, the basic methods and ways of its knowledge are considered, and also developslinguistic intuition and artistic-imaginative thinking of junior schoolchildren. Studying this course creates conditions for the formation of students’ value attitude towards language, for instilling responsibility forcompliance with language norms as an important component of linguistic culture.

Place of the course in the curriculum.The study of the elective is designed from 2nd to 4th grade in the amount of 34 hours per year (1 hour per week in each class).

The elective program complements and expands the content of individual topics in the subject area “Philology” by deepening knowledge of linguistic and speech studies, introducing elements of etymology and cultural studies.

Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering the elective program.In the process of studying thisAs an elective, students gain knowledge about the history of the Russian language, examine monuments of ancient writing, and get acquainted with the origin of words, which becomes a prerequisite for instilling pride in beautyand the greatness of the Russian language, understanding one’s own role in the knowledge of linguistic laws, the need to teach various ways of learning linguistic units. Practical use and familiarization with standardsThe use of language units in speech contributes to the development of personal responsibility for the purity and correctness of the statements created. The activity approach used in the course not only developscognitive interest, but also creates motivation for in-depth study of the Russian language course.

The system of questions and tasks, the use of various methods of language acquisition enable students to find ways to solve research and creative problems. Searching for information about the origin of words, working with dictionaries, eliminating and correcting speech errors allow you to solve problems of self-testing and self-esteem. A variety of gaming and practical activities allow you to better study phonetics, word formation and grammar.

To master the logical actions of analysis, comparison, observation and generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships and analogies, classification according to generic characteristics, the elective course contains tasks that activate the intellectual activity of students: it is proposed to compare the spellings of letters, outdated and new words, ancient and modern methods appeals; analyze, establish the necessary connections, summarize the material when working with the category of number of a noun, with members of a sentence, etc.

Active research work (individual, pair and group) develops the ability to use various ways searching for information (in reference books, with the help of parents and teachers); present reasonedly own material, listen respectfully to your interlocutor and draw conclusions.

The elective is aimed at repeating, clarifying, and expanding initial ideas about language and spelling, lexical, and grammatical norms. Students use the ability to work with language units to choose a way to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems. A number of topics containing lexical material help to present the “unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia,” as a result of which a careful and attentive attitude to correct oral and written speech is formed, which, in turn, is an indicator of the student’s general culture.

Features of training content.

The object of study of the elective is language and speech. The main content of the program includes five sections for each grade. The main emphasis is on developing in younger schoolchildren the ability to analyze linguistic facts, taking into account the unity of form, content and function of the phenomenon under consideration, which will help the student to penetrate deeper into the area of ​​thought expressed through language, and will teach them to choose adequate linguistic means for successfully solving communicative problems. The course content includes information from phonetics, graphics, spelling, lexicology and phraseology, morphemics, word formation, etymology, and grammar.

Contents of the electiveis based on an activity approach. Each section of the program involves the use of gaming and practical activities. It is expected to actively master the course in a variety of individual and group work (educational, educational, research assignments, role-playing and didactic games, work on projects, excursions). The inclusion of students in a variety of activities is a condition for acquiring solid knowledge, transforming it into beliefs and skills, and forming the foundations of personal responsibility for preserving the richness of the Russian language.

Activity approachto the development of course content will allow you to solve a number of interrelated problems during its study:

Ensure the perception and assimilation of knowledge; create conditions for junior schoolchildren to express judgments of an artistic, aesthetic, spiritual and moral nature;

Pay attention to situations where the child must learn to distinguish between universal (universal) values;

Use opportunities to develop skills in following scientific, spiritual, moral and aesthetic principles and norms of communication and activity.

This creates conditions for the formation of scientific knowledge about the language, awareness of the meaning and the need for its careful use.

Such course content not only allows you to solve problems related to the training and development of younger schoolchildren, but also carries great educational potential.Educational functionis to develop in younger schoolchildren the need for knowledge and study of the Russian language, its historical roots, diversity, well-founded norms and rules, expression of personal interest and attitude to the facts of the language and understanding of the meaning of language as a phenomenon of national culture.

4th grade

Let's play with sounds, words and sentences

Phonetic and graphic rules and patterns.

The word, its meaning and lexical norms.

Morphemic and word-formation analysis of words, work with words

educational models.

Phonetic and graphic tasks;

Games: “Typesetter”, “Wonderful transformations of words”;

Solving anagrams, crosswords, puzzles, charades;

Games with word formation models: “Tilde riddles”,

“On the contrary”, “An unbroken chain of words”, “Confusion”, “Linguistic excavations”, “Clueless dictionary”;

Jocular linguistic questions;

Guessing encrypted phrases, inventing phrases consisting of artificial words.

It's time to act!

Verb in language and speech.

Features of narrative text and descriptive text.

Type pairs of verbs, their meaning.

Verbs in personal form.

First and third person narration.

Using tense forms of verbs in speech. Replacing verb tense forms.

Correct stress in present and past tense forms.

What can the personal form of a verb tell?

The use of verbs that do not form the 1st person singular.

The conditional form of the verb.

Imperative verb forms in requests, advice and orders: rules of politeness.

Formation of imperative forms, correction of speech errors.

Use of verbs in literal and figurative meaning.

Artistic personification.

Synonymous verbs and antonymic verbs.

Verbs in proverbs and riddles.

Solving spelling problems and puzzles: verb spellings.

Practical and play activities:

Linguistic experiments: “Is it possible to talk about an event without using verbs?” (nouns, adjectives); “We tell only with the help of verbs”, “How will the meaning of the sentence change if we change the type of verbs?”;

Game “Changing Roles”;

Creative work on the topic “If I were a school principal...”;

Role-playing game “Ask or order?”;

Making riddles using verbs;

Game-competition “Spelling duel”.

Numbers and words

How numerals are used in speech.

Indicating dates and times using numerals.

Numerals in phraseological units and proverbs.

Standards for using numerals.

Correcting speech errors.

Practical and play activities:

Projects: “The main events of my life”, “Page of history”, “Myths about numbers”;

Quiz “Numbers in the titles of works of art, films, cartoons.”

Strong connections

How are the words connected in a phrase?

Word combinations are free and connected.

Word combinations with the type of connection agreement.

What parts of speech words can agree.

Features of agreement between nouns and adjectives, nouns and numerals.

Combination of words.

Collocations with the type of communication control.

Words of which parts of speech have the “ability to control.”

Difficulties in choosing the form of a word when controlling.

Choosing prepositions and case forms in phrases with control.

Collocations with the connection type adjacency.

Practical and play activities:

Game "Word combinations in puzzles";

Role-playing game “We agree, manage, join”;

Constructing word combinations using models (game “Whole and Parts”);

Creative work “Travel there and back”;

Final competition “Favorite games with words.”



sections and topics

Total hours

Formation of universal

educational activities

Date plan.

Date fact.

Let's play with

sounds, words,



I look, I speak, I listen.

Compare the structure and linguistic features of the descriptive text and the narrative text;

Observe and compare the meaning of verb types of pairs, generalize your observations, deduce the common meaning of verbs of the perfect and imperfect forms;

Conduct a mini-research to identify substitutions of verb tenses in the text;

Observe the norms of the Russian literary language in the formation of personal forms of verbs that do not have 1st person singular forms, monitor compliance with these

norms in your own speech and the speech of your interlocutor;

Compose orally a short monologue statement using given linguistic means;

Analyze the meaning of verbs used in the text and distinguish between verbs in literal and figurative meanings;


Lexical riddles.

Verbal constructor.


Fun grammar.

It's time




What are verbs for?

Doing and doing are not the same thing.

We change roles.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

One instead of the other.

She understood and accepted me.

Who speaks, who acts?

I can win!


We dream and fantasize.


Give it, give it... and go!


Living images.


Spelling duel.

Numbers and words.

What are numbers needed for?

Observe the use of numerals in speech;

Perceive by ear, understand informational texts and find information, facts given in the text in

implicit form;

Find the information you need in various sources and create on its basis your own written texts on the proposed topic;

Perform in front of classmates;

Observe the norms of the Russian literary language in the formation of numerals in speech, control

compliance with these norms in one’s own speech and the speech of the interlocutor.

Important dates in the history of our city.

Records in numbers.

Behind seven seals

Strong connections.

Observe the connection of words in a phrase, generalize

observations in the form of a conclusion that in a phrase the words are interconnected not only in form, but also in meaning;

Compare free phrases and phraseological units;

Observe the features of various phrases;

Compare and classify phrases with various types connections (simple cases);

Create an oral statement on the proposed topic;

Carry out educational cooperation and interaction, be able to negotiate, distribute roles in gaming activities.

Triangular ball.

How to drive a car by the nose?

Obedient "subordinate".

About “earthy” or “earthly” beauty.

Strict "manager".

In Siberia and the Urals.

Connected by meaning.

Favorite word games


  1. Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer. – M.: Education, 2010;

2. Collection of extracurricular activities programs: grades 1-4 / ed.

N.F. Vinogradova. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.


Municipal educational institution –

secondary school No. 3

named after Hero of the Soviet Union I.V. Panfilov



“Extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Primary school teacher

I qualification category

Kharitonova L.V.


Main tasks of extracurricular activities

In accordance with the federal state educational standard of primary general education (FSES IEO), the main educational program of primary general education is implemented by the educational institution, including through extracurricular activities.

Under extracurricular activitieswithin the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, educational activities should be understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom teaching, and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

In addition, extracurricular activities in elementary school make it possible to solve whole line very important tasks:

ensure favorable adaptation of the child at school;

optimize students' workload;

improve conditions for child development;

take into account age and individual characteristics students.

Extracurricular activities are organized in areas of personal development (sports and recreational, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural), in such forms as excursions, clubs, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, Olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, socially useful practices and others.

The forms of organization of extracurricular activities, as well as the educational process as a whole, within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education are determined by the educational institution.

The advantages of using extracurricular activities to consolidate and practically use certain aspects of the content of academic subjects and courses are also obvious.

Extracurricular activitiesstudents are united by all types of activities of schoolchildren (except for educational activities and in the classroom), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

Types and directions of extracurricular activities.

The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at school:

1) gaming activity;

2) cognitive activity;

3) problem-value communication;

4) leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

5) artistic creativity;

6) social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity);

7) labor (production) activity;

8) sports and recreational activities;

9) tourism and local history activities.

The basic curriculum highlights the main directions extracurricular activities:

sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military and patriotic, socially useful and project activities.

Types and areas of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely related to each other. For example, a number of areas coincide with types of activities (sports and recreational activities, cognitive activities, artistic creativity).

It's important to keep in mind thatextracurricular activities- this is by no means a mechanical addition to basic general education, designed to compensate for the shortcomings of working with lagging or gifted children.
The main thing here isto implement the relationship and continuity of general and additional educationas a mechanism to ensure the completeness and integrity of education.

Sample programsextracurricular activities (primary and basic general education) are structured in accordance with the areas of extracurricular activities.
This sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military and patriotic areas.

The sample programs have the same structure; they include an explanatory note, a curriculum, course content, a short list of materials, tools and equipment, and recommended literature.

Each sample program serves as a kind of reference outline when developing a work program for additional education. At the same time, the developers of the work program have the right to change the goals, objectives, priorities of pedagogical activity, the content and objects of creative activity of schoolchildren, the forms of organization of extracurricular activities (circle, section, club, studio, scientific society of students, small academy of sciences, etc.) and, accordingly, the form of summarizing the results of the work of one or another association of children (exhibition, exhibition-fair, rally, conference, competition, competition, festival, reporting concert, etc.).
The explanatory note to the programs of each of the directions reveals the goals and objectives of the education, upbringing and development of children in this area of ​​extracurricular activities, the pedagogical idea underlying the proposed sample programs, information about the duration of each lesson, what age the program is intended for, features of the location of the classes, types of activities, psychological and pedagogical principles on the basis of which the content of the sample programs is built, content and methods of activities, expected results and the form of summing up the results of the work.
The educational and thematic plan is compiled in the form of a table, which reflects the name and sequence of presentation of educational topics, the number of training hours (in total, for theoretical classes and for practical classes).

Based on the tasks, forms and content of extracurricular activities, for its implementation as basic The following organizational model may be considered. Extracurricular activities can be carried out through:

The curriculum of an educational institution, namely, through the part formed by participants in the educational process (additional educational modules, special courses, school scientific societies, educational research, workshops, etc., conducted in forms other than classroom);

Additional educational programs of the general education institution itself (intra-school system of additional education);

Educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, as well as cultural and sports institutions;

Organization of activities of extended day groups;

classroom management (excursions, debates, round tables, competitions, socially useful practices, etc.);

activities of other teaching staff (teacher-organizer, social teacher, educational psychologist, senior counselor) in accordance with job responsibilities qualification characteristics positions of education workers;

Innovative (experimental) activities for the development, testing, and implementation of new educational programs, including those taking into account regional characteristics.

Based on this basic model, several main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can be proposed:

additional education model(based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children);

full-day school model;

optimization model(based on optimization of all internal resources educational institution);

innovation-educational model.

Model of additional education.Extracurricular activities are closely related to children’s additional education, in terms of creating conditions for the development of children’s creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, environmental, biological, sports and other activities.

The link between extracurricular activities and additional education of children are such forms of its implementation as electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, and elective courses. At the same time, extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO are aimed, first of all, at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education. And additional education for children involves, first of all, the implementation of additional educational programs. Therefore, the main criteria for classifying a particular educational activity as extracurricular are the goals and objectives of this activity, as well as its content and methods of work.

The implementation of extracurricular activities based on the model of additional education is directly provided for in the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, which states that an educational institution, within the framework of the relevant state (municipal) tasks formed by the founder, can use the capabilities of educational institutions for additional education of children, cultural and sports organizations.

The advantages of the model are the provision of a wide choice for the child based on the range of areas of children's interest associations, the possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child, and the involvement of qualified specialists in extracurricular activities.

Full-day school model.The basis for the “full-day school” model is the implementation of extracurricular activities primarily by teachers of extended-day groups.

This model is characterized by:

creating conditions for a child’s full stay in an educational institution during the day;

creating a health-preserving environment, optimizing physical activity, organizing a balanced diet, working to promote the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

creating conditions for self-expression, self-realization and self-organization of children, with the active support of children's public associations and student government bodies;

The advantages of this model are: the creation of a set of conditions for the successful implementation of the educational process throughout the day, including meals, the established practice of financing after-school groups.

Optimization model.The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution assumes that all teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social teacher, educational psychologist, speech pathologist teacher, speech therapist, educator, senior counselor, tutor and others).

In this case, the coordinating role is usually performed by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks:

interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of educational institutions;

organizes an educational process in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of students’ personalities within the framework of the activities of the school-wide team;

organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies;

organizes socially significant, creative activities of students.

The advantages of the optimization model include minimizing financial costs for extracurricular activities, creating a unified educational and methodological space in an educational institution, and the substantive and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

Innovation-educational model.The innovative educational model is based on the activities of an innovative (experimental, pilot, implementation) platform at the federal, regional, municipal or institutional level that exists in an educational institution.

Within the framework of this model, new educational programs are being developed, tested, and introduced, including those that take into account regional characteristics.

The innovative educational model assumes close interaction between a general education institution and institutions of additional professional training. teacher education, institutions of higher professional education, scientific organizations, municipal methodological services. The advantages of this model are: high relevance of the content and (or) methodological tools of extracurricular activity programs, scientific and methodological support for their implementation, and the uniqueness of the experience being formed.


1. D. V. Grigoriev, P. V. Stepanov // Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer // Moscow: Enlightenment, 2009


Municipal budgetary educational institution –

secondary school No. 3

named after Hero of the Soviet Union I.V. Panfilov

city ​​of Petrovsk, Saratov region


“Leading forms and activity approach in extracurricular activities.”

Primary school teacher

I qualification category

Kharitonova L.V.


Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren combine all types of student activities (except academic), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

The time allocated for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students; in this case, forms other than the lesson-based teaching system are used.

To achieve the stated objectives, the following types of extracurricular activities are available at school:

  1. play activities;
  2. cognitive activity;
  3. problem-value communication;
  4. leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);
  5. artistic creativity;
  6. social creativity (socially significant volunteer activities);
  7. labor (production) activity;
  8. sports and recreational activities;
  9. tourism and local history activities.

Success in achieving the planned results of extracurricular activities can be ensured by the following principles of its organization:

Systematicity and integrity in the implementation of educational programs of various types;

Continuity of educational programs;

The connection of content with life, with the sociocultural environment;

Unity of educational influences and interactions of all participants in the educational process; constant complication of the content and nature of students’ activities;

Differentiation of the content of activity and methods of its organization in accordance with the age characteristics of students, their level of success in the activity being carried out, interest, motivation, and the current level of achieved results in its development.

Activity approachin the implementation of educational programs for extracurricular activities allows us not to limit ourselves to the assimilation of social experience (knowledge, abilities, skills and habits of behavior), but to focus on mastering methods of activity as the basis of what a schoolchild should master. The implementation of this approach requires the creation of conditions for the expedient selection and optimal organization of activities that contribute to the successful development of the child’s personality. Within the framework of the activity approach, the following priority areas by type of activity can be distinguished:

Value-oriented activities;

Intellectual and cognitive activity;

Eco-labor activities;

Artistic and aesthetic activities;

Physical education and health activities.

The activity approach reflects the following characteristics:

The subjective nature of the activity, where the student acts not only as an object of organized and controlled activity, but also as a subject of creative activity itself;

Developmental nature of the activity;

The ever-increasing complexity of the activity;

Perceptual-communicative nature of the activity;

The creative nature of the activity;

Individual-collective nature of activity;

Socially significant nature of the activity.

Organizational models of extracurricular activities

Based on the tasks, forms, and content of extracurricular activities at school, an optimization model for organizing extracurricular activities is implemented.

Optimization model

(based on optimization of all internal resources of the educational institution).


Mandatory participation of all teaching staff of this institution (teachers, teacher-organizer, social educator, educational psychologist, educator and others);

The coordinating role of the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks, interacts with teaching staff, as well as educational and support staff of a general education institution.

The following stages of preparation and implementation of the extracurricular activities program are distinguished:

Diagnostics of all components of the educational process;

Goal setting based on the obtained diagnostic data;

Design, planning, forecasting educational interactions

Organization of pedagogical interaction (including motivation and stimulation of subjects of educational activities);

Analysis and evaluation of results;

Adjustment (if necessary).

The effectiveness of achieving planned results (levels of results and effects) is determined by qualitative diagnostics of the initial level personal development, skillfully selected tools for tracking intermediate results, which allows you to make timely adjustments to the overall activities and to the personal development program of everyone. It is necessary to note the careful development of the goal-setting stage, which provides for the implementation of certain requirements for setting planned results, intermediate goals and objectives, including: diagnosticity, accessibility (real achievability), specificity, awareness and awareness in terms of usefulness for everyone, constant complication goals and objectives, continuity in the system of general educational goals.

A method for implementing a model of extracurricular activities.

Depending on specific conditions and opportunities, in accordance with the general education program, taking into account the wishes of parents and students, the school chooses a method for implementing a model of extracurricular activities based on the formation of individual educational trajectories.

Conditions necessary for the implementation of the chosen model of extracurricular activities:

– extracurricular activities ensure the satisfaction of schoolchildren’s needs for meaningful leisure, self-government and socially useful activities, their participation in the work of children’s public associations and organizations;

– the name and program content of extracurricular forms correspond to the direction of educational activities;

– the volume of classroom work with younger schoolchildren has been brought to a minimum;

– the planned educational results are sufficiently specified, in accordance with the content of the work programs, and differentiated according to the levels of their achievement;

– the structure of work programs for extracurricular activities corresponds to the general rules for developing programs for extracurricular activities (methodological designer of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren);

– there is a meaningful difference between extracurricular activities depending on organizational form, because sometimes the topics and content of circle, club, studio work, etc. identical;

– the proposed forms of monitoring results should not be forms of monitoring educational achievements; it is preferable to take into account sports and creative success students, their level of social activity;

– work programs indicate methods for diagnosing the development of a student’s personality, the level of development of the children’s team as the most important condition development of the student’s personality;

– a specific regime and schedule of classes has been developed;

In addition to classrooms, play corners, a gym, computer classes, an assembly hall, a library and information center, a museum, and additional education premises are actively used for extracurricular activities.

To implement extracurricular activities, course programs include both regular weekly extracurricular classes with schoolchildren, and the opportunity to organize classes in large blocks - “intensives” (hikes, expeditions, excursions, etc.). It is possible to use part of the hours of extracurricular activities during the holidays to organize thematic camp shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general education institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children, by school teaching staff.

Extracurricular activities modein individual classes, in mixed groups, as well as the schedule for “intensives” (if any) may differ in each individual educational institution.

In a general education institution, it is possible to use a linear and non-linear schedule of class and extracurricular activities. With a linear schedule of the educational process, extracurricular activities are held before or after classes. In non-linear mode, lessons alternate with extracurricular activities.

The schedule of extracurricular activities is drawn up taking into account the most favorable work and rest regime for students. The schedule is approved by the head of the educational institution.

Proposed forms of work within extracurricular activities.


Programs (working)

Forms of work

Problems to be solved

Sports and recreation

"Planet Health"

"Outdoor games"

Classes in a special room fresh air, conversations, competitions, games, sports games of a developing nature.

Comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality, formation of a physically healthy person, formation of motivation to maintain and improve health, development of general physical fitness.

Acquaintance with folk gaming culture, development of plasticity, development of children's musical, artistic and creative abilities, formation of a holistic perception of the world of traditional and artistic culture; organization of active co-creation of children, their physical development.

General cultural

"Children's Rhetoric"

Puppet theater "Solnyshko"

Speech modeling, study of norms speech etiquette, role-playing games, conversations, leisure communication, dramatization.

Development of the ability to speak and write correctly in accordance with the norms of the literary language, familiarization with speech etiquette.

General intellectual

"Introduction to the world of professions"

"Visual Geometry"

Conversations, solving entertaining problems, puzzles, crosswords, puzzles, completing projects.

Expanding your understanding of the world of professions, exploring your abilities in relation to the profession in question, developing independence, developing self-awareness and self-control, developing some practical skills related to constructing geometric figures and measurements;

development of fine motor skills in students,

constructive and spatial thinking.

Spiritual and moral

"World of Mysteries"

"The Origins of the Renaissance"

Lessons-travels to various cities of the world of mysteries, conversations, projects.

Development of speech, thinking, fantasy and creativity, formation of cognitive interest, development of basic sociocultural values.

Social project activities

“Publicly useful activities"Rostock"

Labor activity that has socially useful significance for school, class, nature conservation, self-service, social design.

Formation of a conscious need for work, respect for working people, a caring and careful attitude towards the public domain, native nature, labor activity and discipline, a creative attitude to work. Developing a sense of responsibility and self-confidence. Socialization of a primary school student.


  1. Savinkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. – 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - Samara: Publishing House " Educational literature", 2006. – 208 p.
  2. Project tasks in elementary school: a manual for teachers / ed. A.B. Vorontsova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 176 p.
  3. Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov. – M.: Education, 2010. – 223 p.


Outline of extracurricular activities

in grade 4b, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Petrovsk, Saratov Region

Press tournament “Our Cool Newspaper”

Target: create conditions for the formation of the cultural environment of students.

Tasks: 1. To intensify children’s interest in periodicals and professions related to their creation by including them in the CTD. Enrich children's vocabulary and broaden their horizons.

2. Develop imagination, creative activity and initiative, aesthetic taste, artistic skill, written and oral speech.

3. Foster a sense of community with the team, spiritual creativity and cooperation, a culture of behavior and communication when working in groups.

Preliminary preparation:

  1. Excursion to the editorial office of the newspaper “Petrovskie Vesti”.
  2. Took part in the drawing and essay competition “Native Petrovsk” (in the newspaper “Petrovskie Vesti”) as freelance correspondents.
  3. The class is divided into 3 groups. Distribute responsibilities: editor-in-chief, correspondents, technical editor.
  4. Each group chooses the name of the newspaper that will be published (typeset) and draws a business card for their publication.
  5. They make a selection of materials.
  6. We took part in the charity campaign “Give each other goodness.”
  7. We took part in sports competitions among 4th grade students “Fun Starts”.

Form:Collective creative work

Equipment: PowerPoint presentation “Press tournament “Our Cool Newspaper”, newspapers, magazines, phonogram of ditties, songs “Blue Car”, diplomas (3 pcs.), souvenirs, signs with the name of mini-editorial offices, business cards for students - “editor-in-chief” , “correspondent”, “technical editor”, for the class teacher - “proofreader”.

Location:In the school office there are desks for work in three groups. Seats have been prepared for the jury and guests. There are signs on the tables with the names of the mini-editions: “Cool Stars”, “Kind Hearts”, “School Bell”.

Progress of the lesson:

Classroom teacher: Dear Guys! Dear guests! I salute you. Let's start our class hour.

(slide number 2) A modern person is required to be able to navigate a huge flow of information, express and defend his point of view, and demonstrate a common culture. This must be learned from school.

Interesting today collaboration will help you reveal your creativity, imagination, show your culture and ability to work in groups.

So, I announce the press tournament “Our Cool Newspaper” ( slide number 3)

What is a press tournament?

The press is newspapers and magazines.

A tournament is a competition between teams.

A press tournament is a competition in newspapers, or more precisely in the creation of newspapers.

What is a newspaper? Historical information is provided by our experts.

1st student: (slide number 4) A newspaper is a printed periodical that publishes materials about current events. One of the main media.

2nd student: The very first newspaper appeared in Italy, more precisely in Venice in the 16th century. News reports were paid in small coin. This coin was called "gazzatta", hence the name. The very first Russian newspaper Vedomosti appeared under Peter the Great.

Classroom teacher: Thank you for message.

Today in our class there are 3 mini-editions, i.e. small editorial offices that have to create their own newspaper.

You have assigned roles: ( slide number 5) selected the editor-in-chief, correspondents, proofreaders, and technical editors.

You are already familiar with your responsibilities. Under the guidance of the editor-in-chief, the correspondents collected material, and its technical editor prepared a layout of the newspaper.

(slide number 6) All of you together make up the newspaper. We remember that newspaper layout is a very important and responsible stage. It determines how the newspaper will look and whether it will be attractive to the reader.

You will compete in several rounds ( slide number 7).

Round 1 – Business card.

Round 2 – Auction of ideas.

Round 3 – Test of the pen.

Your work will be assessed using a five-point system. The jury consists of teachers from our school (representation of the jury).

Let's start our tournament (the music starts playing) ( slide number 8)

1st round “Business card”(slide number 9)

Classroom teacher: Your task: the editor-in-chief presents his publication, i.e. announces the name of the newspaper, justifies its choice, and generally determines the content and character of the newspaper.

Word to the editors-in-chief.

Chief Editornewspapers "School Bell":

We decided to dedicate our newspaper to education, because education occupies a central place in our lives. They decided to call their newspaper “School Bell,” because the bell calls us to class and invites us to recess.

Chief Editornewspapers "Kind Hearts":

At all times, such human qualities as kindness, mercy, modesty, and courage were valued. We called our newspaper “Kind Hearts” and decided to talk about good and useful deeds.

Chief Editornewspapers "Cool Stars":

There are many talented guys in our class. They go in for sports, art, and love literature. Maybe in the future they will become famous people, that’s why the newspaper is called “Cool Stars”

The jury's word.

(slide number 10)

Round 2 “Auction of Ideas”

Classroom teacher: Now you will work in groups.

Your task: correspondents will present corrected materials to the technical editor. He places them in the newspaper, then talks about how the newspaper is laid out: i.e. what rubrics are there, how they are arranged (students work in groups).

Classroom teacher: Word to the technical editors.

Technical editornewspaper "School Bell": ( slide number 11)

The main place in our newspaper is occupied by the article “In the Land of Knowledge”; the articles “Interviews with the best students”, “Our pride” were also published.

Technical editornewspapers "Kind Hearts" ( slide number 12)

From October 16 to November 9, our school hosted a charity event “Give each other kindness.” We took part in this action. Our guys collected gifts for children kindergarten No. 8 “Topolek” and prepared an amateur performance number. On November 15, we met with the children at the Children's Art Center, got to know each other, gave them gifts and found new friends. And here is a photo report from the scene.

Technical editornewspapers "Cool Stars": ( slide number 13)

In our school life there is a place not only for studying, but also for bright and interesting things that reveal our talents. In the letters department we posted the results of the “Native Petrovsk” competition. The regional newspaper “Petrovskie Vesti” appreciated our work, the best drawings and essays were published on its pages.

The jury's word.

(slide number 14)

Round 3 “Test of the pen”

Classroom teacher: Each mini-edition presents its most interesting articles (ready-made newspapers are located on the chalkboard).

Editorial office of the newspaper “School Bell”:

Chief Editor: We present the lead article "In the Land of Knowledge"

1st student: In the third school everyone knows:

It's interesting in our class

We read and count

We dream of becoming scientists.

We develop our minds,

We enclose strengths.

2nd student: And we'll tell you now,

What they taught us at school.

3rd student: Here is Russian, our native language!

He is rich and wise.

Let's determine, there is no easier way,

Where is the sign of action, the object...

We know how to write “Zhi-shi”,

We'll study the cases soon.

4th student: And math problems

We've decided, but we're not all there yet.

We can subtract and add,

And solve the equation.

5th student: Reading lessons teach you to feel

And sympathize with your neighbor

6th student: And physical education teaches dexterity

And more endurance

7th student: When will we come to the music?

We sing together and have fun.

8th student: We can sculpt and draw

And sew on buttons.

9th student: Of course, it is important to know science -

We study them without boredom.

1st student: I, a correspondent for the School Bell newspaper, will present an interview with the best students of the class: Nastya Efimenko, Dima Rusyaykin, Lilya Javadyan (students perform ditties about school).

Come out guys

Don't be sorry for your shoes

Tell us about yourself,

About your ratings.

Oh, how can I not be proud,

I'm doing well

All tests

I passed with five marks.

I read very quickly

Everyone at school is proud of me

Not a single boy in class

Won't keep up with me.

Oh girls, don't worry

I'm not bad either

And everything is fine in studies

Soon I will be a hero.

I wish you to study

And don't lose patience,

Two, three, one

Do not allow it into your diary.

Classroom teacher: The floor is given to the newspaper editors"Kind Hearts":

Chief Editor:In our newspaper the leading article is “Life is given for good deeds”

A born person can be compared to a blank sheet of paper. In the process of life, this sheet is filled with the qualities that he needs for life. We have tried to determine the basic quality without which a person cannot be human. This is kindness.

This quality lives in the hearts of many

And it doesn’t let you forget about the pain of others.

It’s not at all easy to be kind,

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy,

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold,

If kindness is like the sun shining,

Adults and children rejoice.

Many glorious deeds await us, but, first of all, we must grow up to be real people, kind, sympathetic, and polite.

And we remember “to give joy, you need to be kind and polite.”

Correspondent: We present a report from the scene about the charity campaign “Give each other kindness.”

1st student: At our school, from October 16 to November 9, a charity event “Give each other goodness” was held, in which our class took an active part. The children collected gifts for the pupils of kindergarten No. 8 “Topolek” and prepared an amateur performance. On November 15, we met with children left without parental care in the House of Children's Creativity. We talked with them for a long time, played, gave them gifts and parted as good friends.

Correspondent: We present to you a photo report from the scene.

Classroom teacher: the editorial office of the newspaper gives the floor"Cool stars":

Chief Editor:“Our Talents” is the leading article of the Cool Stars newspaper. What is it about? (Theatrical scene)

Leading: Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,

In a friendly school state,

Once upon a time there lived a glorious, wise king,

Fair sovereign.

And one day I wanted

Summarize everything

Tsar:I would be glad to see

For talented guys.

1st student: We have our own talents

Pianists, musicians.

Magical sounds of music

Everyone admires them

And just listen to music

We really, really like it

Here are our musicians: Anton Efremov, Nastya Moiseeva, Yulia Podkopaeva.

2nd student:There is a house on the edge of the forest,

And the tenants in that house

Everyone speaks in poetry

They want to visit their father.

Here they are, the young poetesses: Fomina Kristina, Poleonova Vika, Efimenko Nastya and the aspiring writer Timoshchuk Gleb.

3rd student:I want to add a word

To glorify artists!

After all, what kind of masters -

This is our baby!

Everything will be decorated like in a fairy tale,

Taking crayons and paints in my hands,

Both portraits and landscape

They are drawn with a pencil.

Our young artists: Victoria Poleonova, Anastasia Dorofeeva.

4th student:There are no shortcuts in sports

And there are no accidental successes,

At sports training

They will know the price of victories.

Here are our athletes: Efimenko N., Kurnosov M., Efremov A., Kuvshinov M., Panferova V., Khanzhina L., Khacharuryan E., chess players Podkopaeva Yu., Boldyreva M.

5th student:Everyone in our class draws,

They also sing and dance.

Here it is, a delegation from the school of arts choreography class: Morozova O., Zubareva Y., Zabelina A, Dzhavarian L., Kolchina K.

6th student:Nimble, sporty,

Brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

Overall attractive.

That's what they say about us.

Leading:Glad is the great wise king,

Shkolograd, sir.

After all, that country is powerful,

That she is strong in talents.

Correspondent:In our school life there is a place not only for studying, but also for bright and interesting things that reveal our talents. In the letters section we placed congratulations to the winners of the “Native Petrovsk” competition, organized by the regional newspaper “Petrovskie Vesti”.

The editors of the newspaper appreciated our work - the best essays and drawings were placed on its pages and today we congratulate the winners of the competition Fokina Kristina, Javadyan Lilit, Timoshchuk Gleb, Khanzhina Lyudmila, Kolchina Kristina, Khachaturyan Elmira, Rusyaykin Dmitry.

Classroom teacher: Our newspapers are ready. The tournament is over. The jury is given the floor to sum up the results of the competition. (slide number 18)

(Awarding. Nominations: Most original, Kindest, Most stellar.)

Classroom teacher: Guys, I join in congratulating the jury. Each newspaper has its own style. The newspapers turned out different. Different in content and design. There are 23 “I”s living in our class. We are all different too, but we are all together. We, 4 b, are one school team.

Guys, look, these newspapers are united by your desire for knowledge, your talents, your wonderful human qualities, so your newspapers can be considered the pages of one interesting, exciting newspaper. We got “Our Cool Newspaper.”Coolmeaning that it was created by 4th grade andcoolwonderful in meaning. And I would add the column “Cheerful Notes about Friendship” to our newspaper.

I propose to end our collective creative work (CTD) with our favorite cool song, “Together We Are Together.” (The song “Blue Car” is performed to the music of Shainsky)

1 verse

Each of our lessons is like an incident:

It has been given to us all for the joy of it.

A daily journey awaits us,

Let it not end.

Chorus:Together we are, together we are

We sit in class

And we go to distant lands.

To the city of learning

And to the land of Knowledge -

They want to go there

All my friends.

Verse 2:

We are sailing on the sea of ​​mathematics,

The waves want to overwhelm the boat,

But any waves won't matter

For persistent, knowledgeable guys!


Verse 3:

The train rushes us through the forest, and the forest is silent,

The letters stand here like birch trees.

Where there are no birch trees, we will plant them -

Like words, they will speak.


Verse 4:

We are flying on a long journey on a plane,

We touch different countries with our wings.

We want to know a lot about a lot -

They gave us anything for nothing!

Our class newspaper was created by the editorial staff of the newspapers “School Bell”, “Cool Stars”, “Kind Hearts” and the proofreader, and part-time class teacher Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kharitonova.

Thank you for attention. Thanks everyone.