Gothic medieval castle of Bose. Gothic medieval Bouzov castle Bouzov castle in the Czech Republic

After an overnight stay in Brno, we hit the road to Bouzov Castle, which is located 28 kilometers from. This is a very famous castle, it is very fond of cinema - fairy tale films “Arabella”, “Princess Fantaghiro” or “About the Princess and the Flying Tailor” were filmed here. The castle is one of the five most romantic castles in the Czech Republic. In the form in which we see it now, it was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. At that time, the period was ending when wealthy owners of aristocratic residences wanted to demonstrate to themselves and the whole world the antiquity of their class and rebuilt their homes in the spirit of the building styles of the past.

In the second half of the 13th century, during the reign of the last Přemyslids, intensive colonization of central and northern Moravia took place. Along with the villages, fortresses also arose. One of them was Bouzov Castle, founded at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries.
The first known owner of the castle after 1317 was Buz from Buzov. At that time, Bozov was presented primarily as a guard fortress.

In 1382, the Moravian Margrave Joscht (nephew of King Charles 4) became the new owner. Powerful stone fortress walls were built
Further, during the Hussian Wars, the castle was owned by gentlemen from Kunštát and Podebrac, for example the future Czech king George, and by about the middle of the 15th century they built a new Gothic palace with a knight's hall on the north side.

The owners changed again. Hanusz Hatzgwitz was one of the most prominent builders of the castle - he built a further palace on the eastern side and thanks to this he practically completed the creation of the oval shape of the entire castle complex

The most unfortunate period for the castle was in the 16th century - in 1558 the castle burned down and the watchtowers collapsed. It remained in a devastated state until 1617 when it was bought by Friedrich of Opperdorf.
Thanks to him, a one-story wing was built in the late Renaissance style.

On September 21, the castle was sold to the Teutonic Order, which became the owner in the next two and a half centuries. A few words about the Teutonic Order (from the late Latin “teutonicus” - German). The order was founded at the end of the 12th century. Gradually, all of Prussia came under the rule of the order; by the end of the 13th century, the order actually became a state. The troubles of the Teutons began in 1410, when Polish-Russian-Lithuanian troops inflicted a crushing defeat on the knights of the order at Grunwald. It was there that the myth of the invincibility of the Teutons was buried forever. The order was dissolved in 1809 during the Napoleonic Wars, but was restored a quarter of a century later.

For two centuries, no one lived in the castle permanently under the order, and the castle became more and more dilapidated.
A fundamental turning point occurred in 1894 after the election of Archduke Eugene of Habsburg as Master of the Order. Here is depicted Archduke Eugene of Habsburg, Master of the Teutonic Order (1863-1954).

He began developing a project for the reconstruction of the castle with the goal of restoring its medieval appearance and creating a museum of the order in it.

In 1939, all the property of the order was confiscated by the Nazis, and after the Second World War, the Czechoslovak state confiscated all the property of the order.
Since 1989, the order has been trying to achieve the return of its former property.
For example, after the end of the Second World War, the order's estates in Austria were safely returned to him.

There is a legend about the castle, according to which the knight fell in love with a beautiful peasant woman, but did not keep his promise and married a rich and noble woman. The girl did not survive the betrayal and threw herself from the castle tower. Before the funeral, her body mysteriously disappeared. Since then, a ghost has appeared in the castle: at night, a girl in a white wedding dress walks around the castle and mourns her unfortunate fate... The knight’s young wife died a month after the wedding under strange circumstances, and he himself disappeared without a trace on some military campaign.

And here I was marked against the background of the castle:

Other topics about the trip.

Address: Bouzov 8, 783 25 Bouzov, Czech Republic


Phone: +420 585 346 202

The romantic Bouzov Castle, now converted into a museum and open to the public, has survived to this day in excellent condition. It is located in the vicinity of Olomouc on a high hill in the middle of a dense forest and has a very unusual history. Among its owners were many famous Moravian families, Teutonic knights, and Nazis.

To get to it, you need to go to the village of the same name. Buses run from both Olomouc and the town of Lostice.

Previously it was called Buzov. It was built at the beginning of the 14th century by a certain Buz. The fortress was ascetic and devoid of any amenities. In 1340, the castle was bought by the wealthy Wildenberk family, who set about rebuilding the new property and turning it into a comfortable Gothic castle. However, things were not going well for the new owners of Bouzov, so they were forced to say goodbye to the fortress they loved so much and sell it to the Moravian nobleman Jost, who decided that no one would look after the castle better than the former owners.

So he appointed one of the Wildenberks as manager. He, in turn, fearing an attack from his own brothers, who were engaged in robberies on the high road, decided to significantly strengthen Buzov, for which he increased its walls. These precautions subsequently saved the castle more than once during its siege by the enemy. Thus, one of the owners of the castle turned out to be a supporter of Jan Hus and successfully withstood the attack of the army of King Sigismund.

The castle was not taken by storm by the Hungarians in the 14th century or the Swedes during the Thirty Years' War. In 1696, the new owners of the castle were the knights of the Teutonic Order, who owned it until 1939. Now the leadership of the order is trying to return the fortress, but to no avail.

Visitors to Bouzov Castle can not only explore the richly decorated interiors, but also have the chance to encounter a local ghost - the Girl in White.

Bouzov Castle - detailed description with photos, opening hours, location of Bouzov Castle on the map

Bouzov is a romantic Gothic castle built in the 13th and 14th centuries, located in a picturesque area in the historical region of Moravia in the Czech Republic, approximately 30 km from Olomouc. Until the end of the 17th century, the castle belonged to Moravian nobles, until it was purchased in 1696 by the Teutonic Order, which owned Bouzov until 1945. Now the castle is a state castle. It is a national cultural monument of the Czech Republic.

The interior of the castle includes antique furniture and art objects. Bouzov acquired its current appearance as a typical romantic Gothic building with loopholes, bay windows and sculptures after a large-scale reconstruction in 1896-1910.

Bouzov Castle is a popular venue for public events, concerts, theater performances, exhibitions and weddings. Many films were also filmed here.

Lock operating mode

Bouzov Castle is open from 9.00 to 15.00 (winter), 17.00 (summer). Ticket prices start from 240 CZK, for children over 6 years old, students and pensioners from 160 CZK.

Bouzov An amazing castle with a long history, full of many interesting people and stories, is worth a visit. It was rebuilt and decorated at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century through the efforts of the architect Jiri Gauberisser. After the completion of the reconstruction, many valuable objects of art were brought here to create the charming atmosphere of a real castle.

Czech Bouzov Castle, an excursion from Prague to which people travel regularly - the pearl of the Czech Republic, which will give you an amazing trip experience. Despite the passing of centuries, the mysterious atmosphere of the Middle Ages still reigns here. Time seems to have stopped here for this place. The reconstructors were able to achieve the main thing: to restore as best as possible the appearance of the ancient castle as it was during the biggest battles of the Order. Here you can see a unique collection of tombstones of grandmasters of the Teutonic Order in the 14th-16th centuries.

Bouzov Castle- one of the main castles for the Order, which belonged to them until 1939. After the Order, the castle passed into the possession of Nazi Germany. Ancient paintings, sculptures, knightly attributes - all this fascinates and attracts new tourists here again and again.

An interesting, slightly frightening legend is associated with this place, which is told to all tourists who come here.


One day, one of the Teutonic knights fell in love with a young peasant woman and promised to soon marry her. However, the young knight did not keep his promise and married a famous and rich lady. The peasant woman, unable to survive this, threw herself off the roof of the castle. The newlyweds also did not live long: the lady died a strange death a month later, while the groom disappeared in one of the military campaigns. This would not seem strange if the body of a peasant woman suddenly disappeared before the funeral. And since then, sometimes there are people who have seen the silhouette of a pale, saddened girl in a wedding dress walking in the evening along the corridors of the castle...


We often conduct excursions to Bouzov, where our guides tell tourists in detail the history of the castle and all the stories that local folklore and real facts have given rise to. A sea of ​​emotions and pleasant holiday experiences are guaranteed!

Want to book a tour of Bouzov Castle excursions around the Czech Republic from Prague.

Want to order transfer Bouzov Castle from Prague? - go to the order page transfer from Prague in the Czech Republic.

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The price of the excursion to Bouzov Castle includes: transfer from your hotel to the excursion site, a guided tour, excursion language - Russian, transfer to the hotel back.

Bouzov Castle was founded at the end of the 13th century. The first owner of the ancient city mentioned in historical documents was the nobleman Buz from the Bludovets family. At the beginning of the 14th century, Bouzov was a guard fortress. It is currently open to tourists. Visitors take excursions along four routes - one of them includes an inspection of the complex and surrounding area from the height of the watchtower.

Bouzov Castle (Hrad Bouzov) was founded at the end of the 13th century. The first owner of the ancient city mentioned in historical documents was the nobleman Buz from the Bludovets family. At the beginning of the 14th century, Bouzov was a guard fortress. Then it consisted of a donjon, stone walls and several wooden buildings.

In the middle of the century, the castle became the property of the Wildenberk brothers. The buildings were reconstructed in the Gothic style. The stone manor house rose above the ramparts.

The Wildenberks did not own Bouzov for long. Due to debts, the estate was sold to Jošt, the Margrave of Moravia. At that time, there were frequent raids by robbers on noble estates. By order of the margrave, the walls of the castle were strengthened and expanded. A new donjon with a height of 61 m was erected, and the fortress rampart was surrounded by a moat with water.

Bouzov became an impregnable fortress. Enemy troops could not take it during several wars. In 1617 the castle was bought Hetman Bedřich Oppersdorf. By that time, Bozov was completely abandoned after a devastating fire.

Oppersdorf rebuilt the castle again, turning it into a Renaissance complex, but already in 1669 Bouzov, along with the surrounding lands, was sold Teutonic Order. The crusaders did not use the castle for housing, and it gradually deteriorated. By the 19th century, the once powerful structure had turned into ruins.

In 1894, the Archduke became Grand Master of the Order Eugen of Austria. A new restoration of Bouzov has begun. Architect, professor Georg von Gauberisser, carried out neo-Gothic reconstruction. Heating and plumbing were installed in the old castle; New furniture was brought. From the outside, Bouzov acquired the features of a typical romantic residence with towers, bay windows and loopholes, drawbridges and drawbridges.

Castle today

In 1925, Bozov was nationalized. During the war, the Nazis took possession of it, and in 1945 the castle became the property of the state of Czechoslovakia. Since 1999 it has been declared a national monument.

Currently Bouzov is open to tourists. Visitors take excursions along four routes - one of them includes an inspection of the complex and surrounding area from the height of the watchtower.

Ghost of the Castle

Bouzov, like many Gothic castles, has its own ghost. The legend tells of Count Wenceslas, who once lived in the castle. Before the wedding, a young womanizer deceived and abandoned his bride, young Katarzyna. The girl, unable to survive the betrayal, rushed down from the tower. They say that since then the ghost of Katarzyna in a wedding dress has been wandering around the castle at night.

The castle's magical charm attracts filmmakers and has been featured in several films. Bowses are used for public events, concerts and exhibitions; rented for weddings.