Living room bedroom 20 sq. Zoning a square room. Photo of bedroom zoning

Owners small houses and apartments, for a more reasonable distribution of space, you have to use certain tricks. One of these tricks is to combine the living room and bedroom. However, this is feasible in a room of at least 20 square meters. meters. Only in a room of this size can you optimally combine the living room and bedroom without losing comfort or overloading the room with things. Design of a living room-bedroom with an area of ​​20 square meters. m should be thoughtful.

Proper organization of space

Experienced designers argue that any room that will perform more than one function must be zoned, dividing the room into two separate zones. However, the design style cannot be neglected. Even though the parts of the room serve different functions, they should fit together - and with the house itself.

When choosing a zoning method, of which there are many, it is necessary to take into account the layout, style and free space.

Conditional zoning

Conditional zoning is a play of light and shades of a room. It is better to decorate the sleeping area in calm colors, and the guest area in sharper colors. It is very important to combine these colors. You can choose one color, but in different shades, or play with contrasting but compatible colors.

Modern design ideas

The living room combined with the bedroom can be different. Giving preference to color zoning, it is important to decide which style to give preference to. Designers most often resort to minimalism, loft and classic style.


This style involves a minimum of objects and maximum space. Minimalism can be seen as a way of life, because not everyone likes it. It is most often used in office buildings.

Minimalism is characterized by parsimonious forms. It uses straight lines and geometric proportions. The minimum of items is compensated by the maximum function. Furniture and decorative items should not clutter the rooms; there should be plenty left free space. There shouldn’t be too much light either, but there shouldn’t be too little of it either.

It is important to know that minimalism uses one color palette, diluted with two contrasting colors.


This style is inherent in studios and workshop rooms, it is interesting design for the bedroom-living room.

The distribution of the room into zones is possible using all kinds of partitions (the list of materials for partitions is presented below). It is important to consider that the partition in this style should not be transparent.

It is better to paint the walls in solid colors, one of the walls can be left untreated (concrete or brick). If the height of the room allows, then you can move the sleeping area to the podium, thereby separating it from the living area.

Classic style

The classic was and remains relevant. It is important to consider that the furniture should not be bulky. Decorative elements are always thoughtful and compatible. The color scheme should be calm and restrained.

However, it is worth considering that small rooms have their own rules. You will have to minimize all the grace and majesty of this style, leaving only severity and restraint.

Color solutions

Selection color range very important when finishing. It is important to consider both the size of the room and the design of the house as a whole. Calm colors will look good with a pair of contrasting items. White color can visually expand a room.

It is important to take into account the design style itself, because each style gives preference to its own colors. Perfect option- combination of white, black and brown colors. To them should be added a couple of contrasting things that will harmonize with each other.

Conditional zoning methods

So, we can highlight several of the most common methods. They are the ones most often chosen by consumers.


Zoning a room can be done using a partition. These products come in a variety of shapes and materials.


The wooden partition looks very cozy and suits both the classic style and the loft. It can be solid, covering part of the room completely, or made in the form of shelves. This ensures a certain visibility area. The partition can be either strict in design or carved.

The disadvantages include the cost of natural wood. However, natural wood can be replaced by chipboard and MDF.


Glass partitions can be very different: there are transparent, matte, stained glass, mirror, tinted options, products with and without patterns. Glass transmits light perfectly, so both areas of the room will seem much lighter and more spacious.

An aquarium can be built into the glass partition, which will add zest to the room.


One of the advantages of this partition is low price. You can easily make such a partition yourself. You can also build shelves or an electric fireplace into the partition.

You can make an arch from drywall, which will also look very original. A square arch is suitable for minimalism, and a round arch is suitable for a classic style.


In a good way zoning is the use of curtains. They can be light, translucent, or heavy. When choosing curtains you should consider general style premises.

Curtains most often separate the bed, as well as a small space in front of it. It is very important that the curtains can be moved apart. They can be decorated with interesting patterns or tassels.


The shelving gives a lot of light, and the shelves can hold a lot of various items, saving space. Shelves can be of completely different shapes and vary in height. Options are available both up to the ceiling and in one tier. Most often, shelving is made of wood, but metal products will also look beautiful.


One of the advantages of a screen is its mobility. The screen can be easily moved, and it can also serve as a decorative element. You can depict any design on the screen itself. Chinese motifs will look beautiful.

A light source located behind the screen will create an amazing play of shadows.

Multi-level floor

One of the zones (most often the sleeping area) can be placed at a level above the main floor. Drawers can be built into the podium, which solves the problem of storing things. You can combine a podium and a bed, which will look unusual and practical.


The furniture in the room should not be bulky; it serves its function. There is no need to install anything extra in the room.


The most important attribute of the bedroom is the bed. You should approach the choice of such furniture wisely. To save space, you can buy a bed built into a closet, or build furniture into a podium.

To store things, you can use shelves in the partition or bedside tables. It is important to consider the space of the room. In some cases, the bed will occupy the entire space of the sleeping area.

If the housing problem has managed to bring you almost to a nervous breakdown, then this article is for you... Combining rooms is a fairly common forced combination, because modern city apartment does not allow having separate rooms for kitchen, dining room, living room or bedrooms. Therefore, competently combining several zones with different functional purposes in one room is perhaps the main task when developing the design of a small apartment.

However, you also have to create an original design for such an open space when decorating a large studio apartment. Therefore, read on to learn how to avoid typical mistakes in interior design and get the apartment of your dreams!

Fact! Successful layout, if you want, will allow you to combine almost all the space at your disposal, creating a multifunctional kitchen-living-bedroom area.

Design and its pitfalls

If the area of ​​the room is large enough, in this case you can organize a full-fledged living room and bedroom in one room, dividing the room into two zones: private (sleeping area) and public.

Zoning a room into a living room and a bedroom begins with choosing a place to sleep. First of all, the sleeping area should be located as far as possible from front door, and, unlike the living room area, it cannot be a walk-through area. Therefore, the typical location of a place to sleep (bed) is by the window, which in most cases is located on opposite side from the entrance.

Pros! Another advantage of this location is that many people feel psychologically comfortable waking up and falling asleep next to the window.

However, there is a slightly different approach to choosing a place for a sleeping area. After all, sleep is a time when a person is completely defenseless, so many people prefer to have a bedroom that will be as intimate as possible, where you can feel safe and comfortable.

Advice! In this case, it is worth placing the bed in a fenced off place (the corner located opposite front door), in which the lack of natural light can be easily compensated by installing spotlights, or sconce.

Interior and zoning

The easiest way to zone a space is to install a physical partition, the implementation options of which can vary greatly:

  • A plasterboard partition is a common technique that is suitable for fairly large rooms. In fact, with its help you can get an isolated bedroom if you install it at the entire height of the room. This is a very lightweight structure, so you won’t have to obtain permission for redevelopment to install it if we're talking about about the apartment. The main disadvantage is that when the sleeping area is located near the window, the living area is almost completely blocked from access to natural light. By installing a partition just half the height of the room (or half the width), you can achieve preservation natural light and sufficient privacy of the bedroom, vacationers will feel comfortable.
  • Transparent partition made of frosted glass or translucent plastic. This creates a clearly visible boundary between the living room and bedroom. The room remains spacious and bright, the transparent partition does not compress the space. To glass wall looked attractive, it could be a stained glass window. However, this option may be psychologically uncomfortable for someone: when there is a window on one side and a glass (plastic) partition on the other, you may feel like you are in an aquarium.

Happiness is not in square meters

  • For a small room, installing partitions is unacceptable, and in this case, for zoning, you can use fabric or bamboo curtains, which can be moved (folded) during the day if desired. Thick curtains will provide maximum privacy, while light, airy curtains will simply mark the boundaries of the bedroom, while maintaining the unity of the room. It will look original curtain made of beads.
  • Alternatively, you can use sliding panels, compartment partitions or screens– in the folded position they will not overload the interior. If the partition consists of more than two panels, this will make it possible to vary the width of the installed partition, partially or completely separating the recreation area from the living room.

Advice! Using mobile screens that move in two directions, you can change the area of ​​the bedroom. When guests arrive, we expand the living room by moving the partition closer to the bed. To provide free access to the sleeping area, in the evening the partition can be moved to the living room side.

In a room, especially a small one, you can use a visual effect for zoning. There may be several options here:

  • floor covering– lay a tactilely pleasant carpet in the bedroom area, and parquet (laminate) or carpet in the living room;
  • wall decoration - for each zone, choose wallpaper of different shades or textures, paint the walls in different colors; However, a living room-bedroom, the wallpaper of which is chosen according to the rainbow principle, is unlikely to be able to claim harmony, so be extremely careful when choosing.
  • the bedroom area can be distinguished by arranging a podium (the drawers inside it will serve for storing things), on which to place the bed;
  • lighting is the most popular method of zoning, especially considering the development of lighting devices. The bedroom area is a zone of cozy, soft, intimate lighting, which can be achieved with the help of sconces or floor lamps. Their paired installation will help provide each sleeping place with light individually - then you can read without blinding your resting half with light. In the living room you can install a bright chandelier or a row of spotlights as the main lighting. In addition, additional light sources can be installed near the chairs, and directional spotlights can be used to effectively illuminate paintings, photographs or accessories.

When dealing with visual zoning of the living room and bedroom, it is important to remember that this is still one room. This means that its parts must be combined, look harmonious, and be consistent in the same style. You cannot highlight areas with incompatible colors: to achieve contrast, you need to use different shades.

Where to hide the bed?

A completely different approach will be required if you have a bedroom-living room of about 16 square meters. m (a room in a typical Khrushchev building) or a little more. Here functional division can be done only by time: until the evening it is a living room, and after the guests leave or at nightfall the room becomes a bedroom. In this case, you have to decide main question– where and how to hide the bed so that it does not interfere during the day, while maintaining enough free space.

You can achieve the effect of an abundance of air and space even in Khrushchev’s one-room apartment. Proven methods: light color of wall decoration, visual zoning - without partitions or screens

The studio apartment format has become so incredibly popular that tens of thousands of design projects are being created for it. The idea of ​​combining several separate zones in one room first came to the mind of an American architect with German roots, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. In his famous parallelepiped house, which became a unique art object, he simply swept away the walls, and with them the generally accepted frames. The structure consists of just one room with huge panoramic windows. Based on the new concept, arose universal solution and for small apartments that have less space than they would like. They simply arrange combined zones within one room.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room in Khrushchev apartments is more a forced step than a whim of the owners. These two sites perform opposite functions, so combining them in one space is a difficult but doable task. The interior design of a combined room is developed based on:

  • Room size;
  • Stylistic preferences of the owners;
  • Ratios of the areas of both zones.

It is also worth considering useful tips experienced designers, who “ate the dog” in the design of rooms with a shortage of space. The division of zones is of special importance in such interiors. It can be achieved using various techniques, but it always fulfills one task: to clearly show that the room has two areas independent of each other (living room and bedroom). Let's learn how to create a combined set, parts of which will not fall out of the overall stylistic composition.

Pros and cons of a single space

The main advantages of combining a bedroom and a living room in one room include:

  • Space saving. As a result of renovation and rearrangement, you will get a versatile room. Perhaps the owners simply have nowhere else to fit the functional minimum of the apartment, or with the arrival of a child in the family, they have to be sophisticated so that the baby has a separate nursery.
  • Project budget. The idea of ​​dividing space into several mini-rooms using walls has long been considered outdated and ineffective. In addition, the construction of a full-fledged partition will affect the thickness of the wallet, and zoning the room will not only allow you to create a neat interior, but will also cost much less.
  • Ability to maintain good lighting. The area that will be further from the window will, of course, partially lose daylight, but access to it will not be completely blocked.

Among the disadvantages of a single space, note:

  • The ability to highlight the shortcomings of the room. Here we are talking more about premises complex shapes. It is precisely these that, out of ignorance, a novice designer can design completely incorrectly, hiding their advantages and exposing what should have been veiled in the first place.
  • Excessive space congestion. The problem arises if you wanted to fit a lot in the room, but no compromises were found. In this case, the zoned room will be a Minotaur labyrinth of bedside tables, cabinets, coffee tables, somewhere in the wilds of which a bed will be hidden. Agree, such an interior is very unsightly.
  • Illiterate division of sites. The room must be properly zoned. You can’t get too carried away with light, airy decor, which in its abundance will not lift the room to a state of weightlessness, but, on the contrary, will ground and load it.
  • Lack of sound insulation. Unfortunately, if you do not divide the room with a blank wall, then the echoes of fun in the hall will disturb those who are trying to sleep in the bedroom.

In general, the combined premises have more benefits, rather than shortcomings, otherwise they would not be so popular.

Zoning methods

You can divide a room in several ways, even a moderate combination of them is allowed:

  • Covering walls, floors and ceilings. You can separate two different “worlds” in an apartment using cladding. The more contrast its texture is, the more noticeable the border will become.
  • Light. Usually this method is combined with a podium on the floor or a ledge on the ceiling, into which spotlights are built.
  • Furniture. Its role can be sofas, shelving, cabinets, beds, tables and bar counters (relevant in the kitchen).
  • Color scheme. This separator is considered conditional, since it creates an illusion that puts pressure on a person’s perception on a subconscious level. A similar practice is used for small rooms (less than seventeen square meters), where actual options load the space.
  • Curtains and doors. Both types of partitions are easily retractable, so they allow you to completely open or close the opening between zones as desired.
  • Mobile and static partitions. In the first case, screens are used, which are rolled up if necessary, thereby uniting the spaces again. Static partitions can be made of glass, plasterboard, bamboo, decorative brick or stone.

Zoning can also be marked symbolically with decorative items or columns. The first can be two identical vases, which are installed symmetrically on both sides conditional passage. Columns are not recommended to be built in small rooms with a shortage of sq. meters. A fireplace can also separate two rooms. It is difficult to classify it as furniture, so in the list of methods it stands apart. Based on the type of location, only central fireplaces that are built into a column are suitable for these purposes.

Forged partitions look unusual; they are superimposed on the canvas of an interior painting with an elegant touch.

Using multifunctional furniture

Furniture for zoning is used in two types:

  • Regular. It will inevitably look backwards into one of the areas of the room.
  • Multifunctional. Organically complements the design of both “rooms”.

Any living room must have a place to relax. Its role is often played by a sofa, less often by armchairs. The furniture market presents original models the first, which have a common back, and on both sides of it two independent seats. This way you can solve placement problems large quantity visitors and add a couple of sleeping places. Also popular are modules that include a folding bed and a wardrobe or open system storage The best option for small rooms. During the day, the module is compactly assembled, and the owners have space to do household chores in peace. If two people sleep in the bedroom, and one also has a hobby or activity for late hours, then install a multifunctional closet, which partially turns into a small workplace.

Finishing materials: as means of zoning

In this case, it is necessary to select materials that are different in texture and even relief, but which still harmonize well with each other. For example, the bedroom is finished with wood veneer, and the walls in the living room are painted or plastered. PVC boards look good in combination with foil wallpaper. Wood panels with different textures and shades will also harmoniously blend into the interior picture. For zoning, you can paint half the room, leaving the other for wallpaper. In this case, it is not necessary to select similar shades, but to play on the game of contrasts.


You can conditionally divide a room using wallpaper. The best option would be to cover the walls in the bedroom and living room with materials of different shades, but with complex patterns. At the junction, a wide strip is made into which a third type of wallpaper with a special texture is wedged. Preference is given to photo wallpapers, as they will act as a spectacular highlight against the background of more practical neighboring walls. In small rooms, the use of small patterns is allowed. Large prints will play cruel joke with the perception of space, “biting off” a large meter-long piece of it.

Ceiling and light - highlighting zones

Multi-level ceilings are often made of plasterboard. The material is low in cost and can replicate the most intricate contours. “Steps” on the ceiling often echo a similarly shaped podium on the floor. To emphasize this obvious advantage rooms, spotlights are built into the frame of the structure. They will help not only add luxury to the decor of the room, but also make up for the lack of natural light in the area that is separated from the window.


Textiles are among the most economical solutions space zoning problems. Ideal for inexpensive repairs. The cornice is installed either along one line connecting opposite walls, or along the contour of the bed, which needs to be hidden from prying eyes. During the day, the curtains move compactly apart, completely erasing the previous boundaries. It is recommended to select textiles to match the wall decoration and window curtains. If a child spends the night in the bedroom, and one of the adults likes to work at night, then choose a dense fabric so that it does not let in light and does not interfere with sensitive rest.

Some people prefer not textiles, but original versions from beads, long threads or bamboo “sticks”.

Cabinet or rack as a delimiter

Wardrobes divide space only in large rooms where there is room to spread out. If the dimensions of the room are on the average border, then it is desirable that the façade of the furniture be made in light shades or have glass panels. To prevent the divided room from looking overloaded with decorations, shelving is used. To achieve the effect of lightness and airiness, preference is given to open and combined storage systems.

Closed options fall under taboo. There are no restrictions on the design of this piece of furniture. They can be made of untreated wood, which will emphasize the originality of the “eco-stylish” environment, or painted in White color and have a “snake” shape for original interiors. Options with storage spaces of different geometric shapes are relevant. To create the feeling of “floating” shelves, choose built-in models, where metal pins from the floor to the ceiling act as supports. It’s as if there are transverse crosses strung on them wooden boards, which serve " permanent home» for books and small items.

Partitions - changing the perception of space

Partitions are divided into two types:

  • Mobile. Cleaned if necessary.
  • Static. In any situation they “stand their ground.”

Screens have become prominent representatives of the group of mobile partitions. They are made from bamboo panels or wooden frame with textiles stretched over it. Drawings are applied to the fabric, which are selected in accordance with the style of the interior. Static ones can be made of plastic, plasterboard, wood, glass, decoracrylic, varnish, lacobel, metal or fabric stretched over a frame, as in screens. The partitions look gentle and fresh, repeating the neat openwork pattern. Although they come from oriental styles, they quickly acquired the status of a universal element. Models made of metal, worked on by a blacksmith, emphasize the elegance of the interior. Wooden partitions fit almost all styles, and plastic is inexpensive.

Sliding doors

Sliding doors have an undeniable advantage: they are built in and reach right up to the ceiling, which is not the case with wardrobes. The range of these products allows you to choose not only the material of manufacture, but also original design canvases Frames are usually made of chipboard, PVC or timber (more expensive options). Canvases or facades are created from plastic, several types of heavy-duty glass and laminated wood boards. There are options with combinations of materials, patterns and designs on the surface of the doors. Sliding models can have a standard “in-line”, angular or semicircular shape. The latter type is rare and is often made to order. This model will be in harmony with a bed of a similar shape.


A podium in the interior can perform not only a decorative function, but also combine “utilities” in the form of additional storage spaces hidden behind the steps. The elevation is placed either on the border of two spaces, or directly in front of the bed, in order to highlight it against the background of other interior objects. You can make a podium yourself.

The work is divided into three stages:

  • Design and selection of materials.
  • Creating a frame and covering it.
  • Decorative finishing.

It is worth considering the large weight load that the podium will have to withstand, so it is better to make the frame from metal. Decorative lamps arranged in a row will serve as an original addition.

Advantages of a room with high ceilings

Owners of rooms with high ceilings are incredibly lucky, since they can refuse zoning altogether. The room is decorated with a mezzanine-type structure, on which the sleeping place is located. It is located separately from the living room, and allows you to allocate additional space for it. The staircase, to which all eyes will now be directed, becomes a stylish element of the interior. It can be made of wood, metal, tempered glass. In more modern versions the railings are completely abandoned and each step is built directly into the wall.

Is color separation simple or complex?

The color palette should be in harmony with the shapes and lines of the decoration. When designing, you can keep the traditional selection accent wall above the head of the bed.

It is not known for certain who was the first to zone the space with shades, but this method remains the most practical and popular. Usually colors are combined within the same area of ​​the spectral circle, or contrasting tones. These combinations are used in wall decoration, since they set the “fashion” for the entire room. The lining of the “box” is used as a starting point when choosing color scheme room decoration and decor.

It is not recommended to use flashy shades in the bedroom, so for accents they leave places in the living room or additional element zoning. Preference is given to neutral pastels:

  • Grey;
  • Sand;
  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • Lilac.

In medium-sized rooms, one wall is given over to photo wallpaper with a thematic design, and in small rooms they combine small patterns with a vertical or horizontal strip, depending on which guide you need to visually stretch the room along.

In this article I will talk about the intricacies of dividing a room of 20 square meters. m for the bedroom and living room. I'll consider different ways zoning and the most suitable stylistic directions. Finally, I will give useful tips on choosing colors and materials, lighting and furniture arrangement, as well as give examples beautiful options zoning.

Features of zoning a room into a bedroom and living room

Combining two functional areas – a bedroom and a living room – in one room always entails a more complex interior composition. Therefore, you are faced with the task of simplifying perception and making the interior organic. This can be achieved by using calm colors, clear lines and simple decor.

The back part of the room will be ideal for arranging a bedroom. If this is where the only window is located, then you should take care of sufficient lighting of the entire room. Choose zoning methods that will allow natural light to penetrate all areas of the room. These could be glass panels, open shelving, low chests of drawers, or visual highlighting of areas.

Consider your electric lighting plan in advance. In the living area, you can use bright general light - spotlights and chandeliers, complementing them decorative lighting. A sconce or floor lamp will suffice in the bedroom.

Pros of zoning:

  1. Opportunity to release extra room (for example, make a separate children’s room in a 2-room apartment).
  2. In a one-room apartment, this is the only way to create a full-fledged recreation area with the ability to receive guests.
  3. Ease of use of the premises(when everything is in sight and at hand).

Disadvantages of zoning:

  1. Risk of ergonomic errors.
  2. Possibility of cluttering space.
  3. Difficulties in creating a single harmonious design.

By combining the living room and bedroom in one room, you can intelligently organize the space of your home. To avoid the downsides, carefully study all the intricacies of zoning before starting renovations.

By placing a sofa bed in the sleeping area, you can easily expand the living room if necessary. In this case, zoning should be done using color or light textile curtains.

Methods for zoning a room of 20 sq.m.

To divide a 20-meter room into a bedroom and a living room, you can use a variety of options:

  1. Installing a niche in the sleeping area. If there is already a niche, then it is in it that the bed should be placed. But it can also be created artificially. If the bedroom is planned in a dark part of the room, then the niche can be quite deep. The main condition is to provide good lighting and leave at least 50 cm for passage around the bed. A shallow niche will help visually separate zones and can be supplemented with partitions.
  2. Curtains. The easiest and most cost-effective way to separate the bedroom from the living room. The fabric can be dense or translucent, you can use. The partition can be placed close to the bed. Then there will be 13 - 16 square meters left for the living room. m.
  3. Rack. Open shelves let in light, but the design of the furniture masks the private area. By choosing this option, you will also free up a significant part of the room for the living room, but you will have to carefully monitor the order on the rack.
  4. Fireplace. To create a full-fledged partition, it can be built into a column. But if you don’t need to hide your bedroom, then it’s better to install a bio-fireplace on a small podium.
  5. Glass partition. It distracts attention from the bedroom, fills the living room with “air”, and visually expands the space. Translucent glass or the presence of an ornament will help hide the private area from prying eyes.
  6. Selecting an entire tier. This option is suitable for ceilings with a height of more than 3 m. A sleeping place is placed on the second tier - usually only a mattress, complemented by low shelves. Downstairs there remains a full-fledged room. The steps of the stairs leading to the second tier can simultaneously act as a storage system.
  7. Plasterboard partition. It is rarely used for zoning, since it is about 8 cm thick and does not have functionality. But in some cases it can be used. Created from plasterboard figured partitions, which partially hide the bedroom and act as an expressive detail of the interior.
  8. Two-level ceiling. When it is not necessary to hide the bedroom, you can divide the zones visually. A projection on the ceiling, created according to the shape or size of the bed, will help organize the space.
  9. Sliding partition. Lightweight design that allows you to turn one room into two. It can be made of translucent glass or a stack with an ornament. This way the bedroom will be hidden from prying eyes, but light can easily penetrate into it. Mirrored partitions will help expand the living room space.
  10. Zoning with color. Allows you to maintain the scale of the room and organizes the space. A uniform texture of surfaces and the absence of sharp contrasts will help to establish harmony between functional areas.
  11. Other zoning options - blinds, " green walls» from live or artificial plants, aquarium, podium.

All these zoning methods do their job well and are quite simple to implement.

Glass partition is one of the most popular zoning methods

You can choose one of them or combine two together. For example, add tulle fabric to a glass partition and you can hide a private area if necessary.

Style solutions for the bedroom-living room

Before combining the bedroom with the living room, you need to study the style directions and their characteristics:

  1. Classic. Combines rigor and luxury. It assumes the presence of expensive furniture made of valuable wood, symmetrical compositions, carved and forged decor. Classic interior filled with lots of details and curved lines.
  2. Modern. This is a style of smooth lines and streamlined shapes. Here everything is interconnected with everything else, the architecture flows into the interior and merges with it. Ceiling beams, original windows and stained glass are an integral part of the design. They are complemented by intricate metal lamps and furniture. At the same time, the interior is filled with space and order.
  3. Loft. Combines elements of industrial design and home comfort. characteristic of brick and concrete surfaces, open pipes, rough metal constructions, good solid furniture. All this is complemented by soft textiles, an abundance of pillows and blankets, and bright accents.
  4. High tech. Style latest technologies. The main detail in the interior is ultra-modern technology. The design is quite cold and strict. It abounds in mirror and glass surfaces, metal, black gloss, straight lines.
  5. Country. Country style with its characteristic attributes - wooden beams, knitted decor, cotton textiles and rare furniture. Color scheme The interior resembles a flower meadow.
  6. Eco style. Its main feature is natural materials and no imitation. A simple one would be appropriate here wooden furniture, stonework, living plants and exclusively natural colors.


Actively use mirrors and gloss to visual expansion space.

Room of 20 sq. m is quite spacious. But to combine a bedroom and living room in it you need to know certain rules. Arrange furniture in such a way as to avoid creating long narrow aisles. If the room is rectangular, then divide it into 2 square zones.

If you often have guests in your home, then allocate minimal space for the bedroom. It is enough to put a bed and a small cabinet, which will take 4 - 6 square meters. m. The main storage system can be placed in the living room in the form of a large built-in.

For a bedroom-living room of 20 square meters. A style with a small amount of detail will suit me. Eco-style, country and hi-tech will look quite organic. If you are close to classic, modern or loft, then you will have to limit yourself to individual details characteristic of these directions, since in full execution they require scope and space.

The color scheme should be soft and non-contrasting. This will help visually increase the size. The effect will be enhanced by fine textures, glossy surfaces, and tiles. small size. The ceiling must be lighter than the rest of the interior. Hidden lighting will help to visually raise it.

There should be enough light in the room. This is necessary not only for comfort. A well-lit room seems more spacious. With the help of light you can also zone a room. To do this, install cold or neutral spectrum lighting in the living room, and install sconces with warm light in the bedroom.

Draw attention away from your private area with bright accents in the living room - a large painting above or original decor.

To make the room look harmonious, complete the composition with decor made in the appropriate style. The main thing is not to overload the space.

Beautiful zoning options

A convenient and stylish zoning option is a partition in the form of an open shelving original form. The bed will be hidden behind it, and it will serve as a unifying link between the zones.

A cabinet with a built-in aquarium will serve as a way of zoning and will become the main element of the interior composition. Its production should be trusted only to professionals with a proven reputation.

If you like classics, then separate the bedroom with curtains made of expensive fabrics, decorating them with lambrequins. In the living room area, place only the necessary furniture, creating a symmetrical composition.

Room of 20 sq. m is quite suitable for arranging a bedroom and living room in it. You can arrange it in different styles, although with some restrictions. In order for each zone to fully perform its functions, it is necessary to consider correct lighting and take care of ergonomics. Light colors in decoration, mirrors and gloss will help create a feeling of spaciousness.

A combined bedroom-living room is a difficult option for zoning space, but quite possible. This planning method is chosen in case of emergency, when there is not enough free space in the apartment. Connect two functional areas of 20 square meters. m possible, knowing a few useful techniques and taking into account the advice of experienced designers. So the design of a bedroom-living room of 20 square meters. It will turn out to be very interesting.

Space zoning options

The bedroom and the living room perform certain functions that are opposite to each other. In the hall, residents receive guests, watch TV, do household chores, and in the bedroom people relax and sleep.

If the dimensions of the apartment do not allow organizing a living room and bedroom in different rooms, knowing the zoning rules, they can be combined. It is important to create a universal space so that nothing stands out in the interior and does not create chaos.

Design Tips:

  • Zoning should begin with a precise determination of the importance of one of the zones. If the living room is preferable for residents, then it should be larger, and this is where work should begin.
  • Both zones must be stylistically connected. This can be a single color scheme, ornament or shape of furniture. The visual similarity of the two spaces will add special comfort and coziness to the room.
  • It is not advisable to place the bedroom near the door. It should be hidden from prying eyes, and therefore it is better to move it to the background.
  • Ideal place For sleeping place- this is a window. Waking up with the first rays of the sun is much more pleasant than in the dark. The living room is intended for evening gatherings, so it can be limited to artificial light.
  • Minimalism will help to properly organize the space of a room of 20 squares. There should be a minimum of furniture - only the essentials so that there is free space in the room.

When all zoning issues have been resolved, it’s time to move on to fencing one part of the room from another.

To do this, it is not enough to use different wall coverings; it is best to use other options.

Partitions, screens, shelving, an aquarium and a canopy can separate the bedroom from the living room. There are no clear boundaries here; you can use any option that the apartment owner wants. The main thing is that it is convenient and does not interfere with movement.

Modern ideas

Having completed the preliminary zoning of the premises, you need to move on to solving the issue of interior design. The residents’ task is to achieve the practicality of the two zones. Using a few clever tricks, you can get the most usable space, which will perform several important functions.

To save space in the room, it is best to use compact furniture. As a basic option, you can purchase a folding sofa, which will be both a place for daytime activities and a place for sleeping at night. Nowadays, furniture stores offer many models with various mechanisms that can easily turn a sofa into a bed. The sofa should be hard enough not to harm the spine. When choosing a sofa, you need to give preference to orthopedic fillings.

The living room-bedroom should also have storage space for various things.

It could be spacious wardrobe, rack, hanging shelves, chest of drawers or cabinets. Coffee table It must be on wheels so that it can be easily moved around the apartment.

An interesting option is to create a niche on which the bed is installed. This method is chosen because storage boxes can be made in the niche, and it itself visually divides the room into two zones. You can install lighting on the structure to create an intimate atmosphere. Curtains or a canopy that matches the color of the wallpaper will help to enclose the sleeping area.

If a partition is chosen to separate two zones, then it is important to select in advance the material from which it will be made. You need to understand that brick partition- This is a part of the room that cannot be moved. It is better to use movable partitions made of plasterboard or glass. You can replace them sliding doors, which are matched to the style of the room and can be made of glass or wood.

Style direction

As soon as renovations are started in the apartment, the owners must immediately resolve issues related to the style of the future bedroom-living room. The choice of floor and wall coverings, as well as the design of the ceiling and color scheme will depend on this. Therefore, before purchasing materials, you need to decide exactly in what style to decorate the interior.

There are several style trends that can set the mood for the entire space.



This is the most common style for decorating a bedroom-living room, which is suitable for conservative and serious people. Calm colors, precise lines, absence of colorful products and accessories - all this is valued in classic style. It is also important to use natural materials: wood, stone, leather, flax. You can achieve a feeling of luxury with the help of expensive wallpaper and textiles with gold embroidery. The bed, sofa and other interior items must be made of natural wood.


Modern is a direction that is aimed at creating comfort and warmth in the room. It implies space and an abundance of various accessories: paintings, figurines, floor lamps, indoor plants and carpets. The interior should be dominated by calm, light shades. The ceiling can be painted decorative plaster, a good option for the floor - parquet. Furniture in the bedroom-living room can vary in style, because modernism does not limit people in color or geometric design.


A direction that has gained great popularity at the present time. To create a design in this style, you need to combine decorative brick or concrete walls with a cozy upholstered furniture. It is very important that the room has a minimum of furniture and a maximum of free space. The interior should be dominated by brown, white and gray shades, which can be diluted with burgundy or orange. Furniture and interior items should have an unusual shape, and the presence of modern technology should make the room original.


High tech

High-tech is a favorite direction for lovers of minimalism. This style involves a combination of metal and glass materials with cool shades, unusual shapes furniture with plenty of light, mirror surfaces with the latest technology. The sleeping area here can be limited to a bed and a wardrobe, and the living room can be limited to a spacious sofa, a large TV, a stereo system and an unusually shaped coffee table.


Country music is the creation of rustic comfort, which city dwellers so lack. Textiles are selected with a checkered pattern, photographs are inserted into simple frames, furniture should be made of wood, and they will help complement the interior ceramic products. You can highlight the design of the bedroom-hall with wood-look wallpaper, as well as a woolen carpet and green accents.

Eco style

Eco-style, which involves the use of natural materials in the design of the room. The floor should be wood and the walls are usually plastered or covered with wall panels. The interior should be dominated by natural shades green, beige and brown, and yellow or red will help dilute it. The presence of outdoor house plants, which will complete the style, is welcome in the bedroom-hall.