Blueberries - beneficial properties of blue berries. Blueberries: beneficial properties and contraindications, composition, recipes

Back in ancient times healing properties Blueberries were actively used among the peoples of the northern forests. The berry is rich in vitamins and minerals, thanks to which it effectively strengthens the human immune system and allows you to maintain the health of the body throughout the winter season.

Where do blueberries grow?

Blueberries are found in the Northern Hemisphere. Since the berry is unpretentious plant, it grows well in all regions of temperate and cold climates. It can be seen in the tundra, forests, mountains and swamps. She is not afraid of rocky terrain or dry soil. The lifespan of a small shrub can reach 90 years.

Blueberries grow in the Arctic, Altai, Far East, Caucasus, Siberia, the Urals, as well as in North America, Iceland, etc.

Chemical composition of blueberries

Largest quantity useful elements contained in the skin of the berry.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K, RR, N.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, sodium, phosphorus.

Organic acids: benzoin, lemon, vinegar, oxalic, apple.

The value of blueberries lies in the fact that they contain all the essential amino acids and 12 non-essential ones. In terms of their content, it is ahead of many berries. In addition, the berry contains fiber, essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, antioxidants and dietary fiber (15% DV).

Calorie content of blueberries - 40 kcal per 100 g.

Daily intake of blueberries: 150 g for adults, 80 g for children.

Health Benefits and Health Benefits of Blueberries

  • has antimicrobial and antipyretic properties,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • improves vision,
  • relieves eye strain,
  • relieves constipation,
  • improves digestion,
  • normalizes metabolism,
  • cancer prevention,
  • removes radioactive metals,
  • helps with cystitis,
  • normalizes the functioning of the pancreas,
  • reduces swelling,
  • lowers blood sugar levels,
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessel walls,
  • promotes hematopoiesis,
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • improves performance nervous system,
  • prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease,
  • strengthens memory,
  • stimulates brain function,
  • relieves dark circles under the eyes,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • improves the condition of skin and hair,
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and pustules.

To get all the beneficial vitamins and minerals from the berry, as well as to get rid of many ailments and improve health, you need to eat it exclusively in fresh.

Beneficial properties of blueberries for women

Blue berries are very beneficial for the female body. It normalizes the menstrual cycle and strengthens the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Blueberry improves appearance skin, relieves skin rashes and bruises under the eyes, which often arise due to problems with the functioning of the pancreas. The plant removes bile and relieves swelling.

Pregnant women can eat blueberries, but not large quantities. Since it contains calcium, its consumption will contribute to the proper development of the bones of the unborn baby. In addition, it will allow a woman to maintain healthy hair and nails after childbirth.

Medicinal properties of blueberry leaves

The leaves of this plant also have medicinal properties. In composition they are identical to fruits, but the concentration useful substances a little smaller. As a rule, decoctions are prepared from them to treat colds, vitamin deficiency and diseases of the urinary system. In addition, the leaves are famous for their laxative effect, so they are used to combat constipation.

For drying, leaves should be collected when blueberries are in bloom.

The medicinal drink is prepared simply: 1 tsp. crushed dried leaves pour 1 glass of warm water. Let it brew for 10 minutes and then strain.

Contraindications and harm of blueberries

  • individual intolerance,
  • lactation,
  • stomach ulcer.

Despite all the benefits of blue berries, you should not abuse them, otherwise digestion will worsen: prolonged diarrhea, bloating and increased gas formation will appear. But to get such “consequences” you should try harder. This effect appears if you eat about 1 kg of the product.

You should not mix blueberries with - this mixture is very toxic to the human body, and therefore unpleasant symptoms of poisoning may appear (nausea, vomiting, headache).

In addition, the real benefits come from berries collected only in ecologically clean areas. The fact is that blueberries absorb everything well harmful substances from the soil.

When and how to pick blueberries

Blue berries ripen at the end of July - beginning of August, respectively, this is best time to collect it. The work is quite labor-intensive.

It is best to pick the berries by hand rather than using special tools(manual harvesters). They damage bushes, thereby reducing the amount of harvest in subsequent years. Agree that it is better to be patient, but rejoice and enjoy the berries every summer.

How to store blueberries at home

Fresh berries are stored for 7-12 days in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use glass or wooden containers to store it.

The fruits can also be dried. Spread the berries on a flat surface (tray) in a thin layer, then leave them in the sun for 1 day. During this time they dry out. The next day, move them to a dark, cool, well-ventilated area. Don't forget to turn the blueberries over to dry evenly. Dried berries are purchased dark color, they do not stick to your hands or to each other. Shelf life 9-12 months.

Berries can also be frozen. If frozen, they will last for about a year.

During the season of this berry, be sure to get your fill of it. It works wonders: it improves health, tones the body and energizes it.

Video: beneficial properties of blueberries


What are blueberries?

What is blueberry beneficial features and contraindications for blueberries, as well as whether they have any medicinal properties, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with the help of berries and fruits. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Blueberry (cabbage roll, gonobobel, gonobob, blueberry, hemlock, fool, drunkard, water drinker, blue grape) is a small shrub-like plant 50–120 cm high, of the lingonberry family. Blueberry fruits are used for food and medicinal purposes - bluish-colored berries. of blue color.

The plant resembles a blueberry, but is slightly taller and the berries are larger than blueberries. Blueberries are a good honey plant. Blueberries are the most common berry in the North. It grows mainly in spruce, pine and birch trees.

Blueberries are often called drunken berries. Indeed, over the blueberry thickets in hot weather there is a stupefying spicy smell. But it comes not from blueberries, but from wild rosemary growing nearby.

Its pollen settles on the berries and even penetrates them through the skin. Because of this, if you eat a lot of wild blueberries, you may get a headache. This is where another nickname for her, “hemlock,” came from.

The forests of Siberia are rich in blueberries and Far East. The mossy forest swamps of the North are sometimes covered for kilometers with continuous thickets of blueberries. Blueberries bloom in June.

The berries ripen in early August. The berries are delicate and must be picked carefully. Blueberries are consumed fresh; blueberries contain many vitamins. Blueberries are used to make jam, wine, pie filling, and jelly.

Benefits and harms of blueberries:

The berries of the plant are tasty and delicious food product. Blueberry fruits are widely used for preparing various dietary dishes, but the most popular use of the berries is fresh, natural or slightly frozen due to the presence of stable and easily digestible vitamins in the berries. In addition, blueberries are dried, canned, compotes and jam are made from them, juices and light natural wines are made.

The berries of the plant have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and tonic properties. IN northern regions countries they are recommended for the prevention of scurvy.

Blueberry fruits contain biologically active substances, including phenolic compounds that help strengthen capillaries and retain ascorbic acid in the body. Bioflavonoids are participants in redox processes and regulate the functioning of the endocrine glands, and in addition, have an antitumor effect.

Regular consumption of blueberries improves the condition of atherosclerosis, hypertension, sore throat, rheumatism, etc. They are rich in vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting.

Blueberries are a must-have product for those who want to get rid of excess weight. It has an excellent taste and contains few calories (61 kcal per 100 g). The composition of juicy fruits includes iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Blueberry fruits are an effective antiscorbutic remedy.

Fruit juice is useful for fever, decreased secretion gastric juice and other diseases of the digestive tract. The pectins contained in blueberries bind and remove harmful radioactive metals from the body, so it must be eaten by people working in harmful conditions. The leaves of the plant contain a glycoside, on the basis of which dietary supplements are made.

There is still no consensus on whether blueberries are poisonous. After eating a large amount of fruits, a person may experience a condition similar to the symptoms of intoxication and poisoning (headache, nausea, vomiting). No toxic substances were found in blueberries, but poor health is sufficient reason to recommend only moderate use for medicinal purposes.


If a person suffers from cardiovascular disease and uses blood thinning medications, then he should not consume blueberries. After all, it enhances blood clotting. When it is impossible to resist eating juicy berries and it is difficult to remember the count of the fruits eaten, this is not very good, because an excess of antioxidants leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the muscles, disrupting their functioning.

Blueberries, if consumed in excess, can lead to headaches, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions.

In addition, you should not eat blueberries if:

  • individual intolerance
  • breastfeeding
  • stomach ulcer

Are blueberries good for children?

Can blueberries be given to children, and at what age?

For a growing child's body, it is very important to receive sufficient quantities of all necessary substances. A significant amount of essential vitamins and biologically active substances are contained in blueberries.

Due to the low, and in fact absent, allergenic activity of this fruit, blueberries can be given to children as one of the first to try when introducing complementary foods. Many publications allow giving several berries a day to children over 6 months of age. Considering the absence of the likelihood of allergic reactions, as well as the beneficial properties of this berry, blueberries can be considered a priority fruit when introducing complementary foods to children under one year of age.

You can start giving blueberries to very young children in the form of puree - add them to porridge or mix them with apple or pear puree. And only from the age of three is it recommended to give blueberries to a child pure form. First, the child should be given one teaspoon of this blue berry, and it is better to coordinate the increase in volume with the pediatrician.

It is very important not to allow a child, even an older one, to overeat blueberries. This can cause not only allergic reactions, but also nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

How are blueberries good for older people?

Including blueberries in the diet of an elderly person has great importance, as they are a source of vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts. Blueberries contain about 6.5% sugars, 1% organic acids, about 1.2% fiber, some pectin, tannins and coloring substances, about 25 mg/100 g of vitamin C, beta-carotene. Thanks to vitamin C, blueberries have long been used as an antiscorbutic remedy, especially in the Far North. Vitamin C is well preserved in frozen berries.

It is known that blueberries have antiscorbutic, hypotensive, cardiotonic, choleretic, diuretic, antisclerotic and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthen the walls of blood capillaries, and normalize the functions of the intestines and pancreas. Its leaves increase the functional activity of the stomach, intestines and heart, and help reduce blood sugar.

Blueberry berries and juice are used for diabetes mellitus, as they enhance metabolism and the effect of sugar-lowering drugs. Fresh juice or decoctions of berries are recommended as a drink for feverish patients. For cardiovascular diseases, it is useful to use a decoction of all parts of blueberries.

In folk medicine, both blueberry fruits and its leaves are used. Berries and juice from blueberries are used as a thirst quencher for feverish conditions, dysentery, debilitating diarrhea due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Blueberries are a valuable multivitamin food product. Blueberry berries and leaves have a hypoglycemic effect and are used in the diet of patients with diabetes.

A decoction of branches and leaves for diseases of the cardiovascular system:

Pour 20 g of chopped blueberry leaves and branches into 300 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain and cool. Take 30 ml 3 times a day.

Decoction of leaves for diabetes and constipation:

Pour 15 g of dried blueberry leaves into 300 ml hot water and keep in a water bath for 15–20 minutes, then cool and strain. Bring the resulting broth to its original volume. boiled water and take 150 ml 2 times a day.

Infusion of fruits for vitamin deficiency:

Pour 20 g of dried blueberries into 250 ml of boiling water and leave covered for 2 hours. Take 30 ml every 3 hours for 7 days.

Tea made from dried fruits and leaves for weakened immunity:

Pour 20 g of dried blueberry fruits and leaves into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 hours, then strain. Take 100 ml 1-2 times a day warm.

Recipes from the book by Kurlovich T.V. "Lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries."

The most delicious blueberry preparations for the winter:

Blueberries in their own juice:

Option 1

Sort the berries, wash thoroughly in running water and let it drain. Pass a fifth of the volume of berries through a juicer or crush with a wooden pestle.

Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Place whole berries in prepared jars and pour juice over them.

Heat the jars to 65 °C, cover with lids and pasteurize:

With a capacity of 0.5 l - 15 minutes,

1 liter capacity - 25 minutes.

Store jars in a cool place.

Option 2

  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 200 ml blueberry juice

Pour freshly squeezed blueberry juice into the pan and add the berries. Place the pan on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Cook for 5 minutes, then quickly pour into hot jars and seal.

Natural juice:

Sort the berries, place in a colander, rinse, remove excess water, place in an enamel bowl and mash. Squeeze the resulting pulp using a press. Add a little hot water to the pomace remaining after pressing, let it sit for a while and press again.

Mix the juices of the first and second pressings, heat to 60–70 °C, filter through 3 layers of gauze.

Reheat to 85–90 °C, pour into heated jars, cover with boiled lids and pasteurize at 90 °C:

With a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 minutes,

1 liter capacity - 15 minutes,

With a capacity of 3 liters - 25 minutes.

In 3-liter jars, juice can be preserved using the hot filling method.


  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 1.2 kg sugar
  • 1.5 glasses of water

Pour sorted and washed berries sugar syrup, soak in it for 3–4 hours, then cook until tender.

When hot, place into jars and close with lids.


  • 1 kg blueberries
  • 700 g sugar
  • 3 g citric acid

Mix the prepared blueberries thoroughly with sugar and place in a cool place for 10–12 hours to allow them to release their juice.

Then cook over low heat until done. Place into jars and seal with lids.


  • 1 glass of water
  • 600 g sugar

Pour a glass of water over the blueberries and cook for 10–20 minutes.

Then rub through a sieve, mix with sugar, beat well, boil to the desired thickness and dry in trays.

Blueberries, frozen with sugar:

  • 1.5 kg blueberries
  • 500 g sugar

Wash the berries, dry them, add sugar in a ratio of 3:1.

Then mix so as not to damage, transfer to a container, freeze, seal and store in the freezer.

Dried blueberries:

Place the berries on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at 40–50 °C. Towards the end of drying, increase the temperature to 60 °C.

The berries usually dry in 3–4 hours.


Dry berries can be ground in a coffee grinder. Blueberry powder is an excellent additive that is used in the preparation of confectionery, sauces, juices, fruit drinks, and compotes.

Interesting video about blueberries from the program “Live Healthy!”:

What are the benefits of blueberries in weight loss diets?

Blueberries themselves are low in calories and therefore can be consumed with peace of mind by anyone who is losing weight. But this is not all of her contribution to the hard work of losing weight. Numerous studies have revealed unique properties blueberries that promote weight loss. Blueberries help burn fat.

Scientists have concluded that the polyphenols contained in blueberries can reduce the number of fat cells by about 70-75%. Moreover, the berry prevents the formation of new fat cells.

Of course, the experiments still need to be confirmed in humans and find out correct dosage. But you can already be sure that by simply including blueberries in your diet and without exhausting yourself with many hours of aerobics, we will begin to lose weight.

It is useful to drink blueberry tea instead of juices and dairy drinks when losing weight. For tea you need 2 teaspoons of berries or berries along with leaves, they need to be poured - attention! – cold water(250 g). Leave overnight and strain. Then the drink just needs to be heated to an acceptable temperature.

Blueberries have excellent taste; thanks to this property, many representatives of the fair sex like to include this berry in their diets. In most diets based on this berry, it is recommended to replace one meal healthy dish, like this:

one hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese, a handful of blueberries (fresh), a teaspoon of honey. This dish normalizes the process natural cleaning the human body, promoting excess weight loss.

Fruits brought from foreign countries and growing in the area of ​​residence, and useful organic elements that can both positively and negatively affect the functioning of the human body. One of them is blueberry - a shrub with small blue berries covered with a thin white coating. Blueberry benefits and harm are in our article.

What elements and groups of vitamins are in blueberries?

Long-term studies of the chemical composition of berries have shown that the main vitamins and organic substances are found in the skin. Blueberries contain the following active elements:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • cellulose;
  • pectins;
  • mineral salts;
  • anthocyanins;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, phosphorus and iron;
  • vitamins of groups B1, B2, A, C, PP, E and K;
  • carotenoids;
  • amino acids.

Considering the amount of substances and vitamins contained in the fruits of the plant, the benefits of blueberries are undeniable. Compared to other berries, blueberries contain a small amount of iron, but it is completely absorbed in the body.

Beneficial properties of blueberries as juice

Doctors recommend drinking fresh blueberry juice 1-2 times a week. Scientists from America were able to explain why blueberries are beneficial. The juice of this berry differs from pomegranate and grape juice in the presence of a large number of useful components, antioxidants and vitamins, and also has anti-inflammatory properties and alleviates the human condition during fever. If you consume 50-100 g of freshly squeezed blueberry juice per day, the body will receive the daily requirement of vitamins and organic substances.

The bush should be harvested at the end of the summer season, but this must be done carefully so as not to damage the fruits. Large berries can be eaten or stored in freezer, and small and damaged ones should be recycled. The beneficial properties of blueberries are preserved even when frozen for one year. To do this, you need to place it in an airtight container so that odors do not mix with other products.

Blueberries: benefits and harms during pregnancy

So, what are the benefits of blueberries for pregnant women? The fruits also contain vitamins. For a woman carrying a baby in the womb, it will be enough to eat 80–100 g of blueberries per day to satisfy the body’s needs.

Why blueberries are good for women during pregnancy:

  1. Lowers blood pressure.
  2. The iron contained in blueberries is fully absorbed and therefore prevents a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  3. Relieves eye tension by weakening the ciliary muscle.
  4. Reduces sugar levels in the body in women with diabetes.
  5. Improves metabolic processes.

Blueberries have beneficial properties and contraindications for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. During this time, this product should not be abused because it may cause allergic reaction and intoxication in a child.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

At least once in our lives, each of us was interested in the question: what are the benefits of blueberries for humans? In addition to its nutritional properties, the plant has a wide range of actions against various diseases. It can be used to treat pancreatic, intestinal and blood vessel adenomas. In addition, the berry prevents nerve cells from aging.

The exceptional properties of blueberries include protecting the body from the harmful effects of radio radiation and maintaining iron levels in the blood. This is due to the composition of the plant, which includes citric, acetic and malic acids, tannins and pectin substances.

The benefits of blueberries are simply invaluable; tinctures containing the leaves of the plant can have both a laxative effect and help with heart disease.

If we consider blueberries as fresh consumption, they help improve metabolism due to the pectin found in the fruit, which helps remove salts and toxins from the body. The amount of iron in these berries is significantly higher than apples.

Let's look at the benefits of blueberries. The chemical composition of berries contains polyphenols, which dilate blood vessels. If you use them in combination with probiotics, the number of bacteria that provoke inflammation in the body will be significantly reduced.

The fruits of the bush prevent the development of aging processes in the body, thereby promoting its rejuvenation. Blueberries also contain dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, preventing the occurrence of diseases.

How are blueberries beneficial for women and men suffering from diabetes? The substances contained in the berries prevent the formation of fat cells and reduce blood sugar levels.

Magnesium has a calming effect on the human body. For people with heart disease, blueberries must be added to their daily diet.

Useful elements are contained in the fruits of the bush and its leaves, but in lesser concentration. They are widely used in cooking for preservation and preparation of tinctures.

Contraindications and beneficial properties of blueberries

Blueberries may have health benefits and harms. As practice has shown, it rarely has a negative effect on the human body. However, it should not be overused, since blueberries are saturated with substances, the high content of which can cause intoxication. It may be accompanied by the following symptoms: nausea, weakness, severe headache and vomiting. Also, blueberries should not be consumed by people suffering from biliary dyskinesia.

Medicinal properties of blueberries

Blueberries can provide beneficial properties for pancreatitis, diabetes, arthritis, fever, hypertension, cholecystitis, colitis and many other diseases.

For colitis, gastritis, kidney and pancreas diseases, a tincture of dried fruits of the bush is used. To prepare, you need to pour 20 g of berries into 200-250 ml of hot water and leave for 1 hour. Drink the prepared composition 50 ml every 2–4 hours. To cleanse the blood in the human body, you need to eat 300 g of blueberries every day for one week.

A decoction of the green leaves of the plant is used for prophylactic purposes against prostate adenoma. To obtain the composition of the required concentration, you should put a small bunch of blueberry leaves in a container, add 200 ml of water, boil for no more than 5 minutes over medium heat, remove from the stove, then close the lid and leave for half an hour. Take 100 ml of tincture 10–15 minutes before meals. Two more properties of blueberries are the healing of skin diseases and poorly healing wounds.

A decoction of the fruits of the bush is regularly taken for anemia, leukemia and diabetes. To prepare it you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. berries into a container, pour 250 ml hot water and leave for 30 minutes. Take this composition 50 ml 2-3 times a day.

Differences between blueberries and blueberries

So, what is healthier for humans than blueberries or blueberries? These two plants are closely related, although they are similar, there are many differences. Blueberries are not much, but they are behind their “sister” in terms of chemical composition, to be more precise, it does not contain vitamins:

  • B1 – used for the treatment of neurological diseases;
  • E – needed to improve oxygen consumption by tissues;
  • K – necessary for protein synthesis.

Blueberries, unlike their “relatives,” have a diuretic, antimicrobial effect and strengthen blood vessels. Blueberries have a less wide range of actions; they are mainly used to treat the intestines and eyes. How blueberries are healthier obvious to humans.

Considering the above factors, it is clear that blueberries are beneficial and harmful to health, but negative consequences can only arise if a person does not comply with the amount of berries consumed.

" Blueberry

What is not discussed on women's forums - Goji berries, pineapple, jojoba... In terms of the frequency of mentions, blueberries are far from being at the top of the rankings.

This undeservedly forgotten berry is often confused with blueberries. They are similar in appearance, but blueberries are larger and their flesh is green.. Another plus of blueberries is that their berries do not stain your mouth, you can eat without fear of appearing with blue teeth and lips afterwards. Let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties and contraindications of blueberries.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of blueberries is:

  • proteins - 1 gram,
  • fats - 0.5 grams,
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 grams.

This quite decent sugar content is combined with the low calorie content of the berries.: 100 grams of blueberries are only 39 calories. And the list of all useful ingredients rightfully puts blueberries on the list of not only dietary, but also medicinal products.

The berry is tasty, consists of 90% water, and the remaining 10% is pure goodness.: vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2, K), micro- and macroelements (Fe, P, Ca, M and K), citric, acetic, malic, nicotinic, oxalic acids, fiber, pectins, carotene, tannin substances, antioxidants...

Almost all of these substances are contained in the leaves.

It is known that all fruits and berries purple contain anthocyanins, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells. So in blueberries there are 4 times more of them - 1600 mg of anthocyanins - versus 400 mg/100g in blueberries.

Beneficial properties of berries for the human body

This composition has anti-cancer properties and increases the ability of cells to regenerate. Regular consumption of at least a glass of berries helps to increase the production of natural collagen by 2 times. There is even a special lifting program for getting rid of wrinkles, based on a wild blueberry diet.

With 39 calories per 100 grams of berries, blueberries are indispensable in diets with severe calorie restriction. Carotene, which affects the formation of a beautiful tan, is absorbed almost completely by the human body from blueberries, which cannot be said about carotene from traditional carrots.

But in addition to the cosmetic effect, the collagen formed increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and overall blood flow, which contributes to the saturation of all cells of the body with oxygen. Eating blueberries not only allows you to look good, but also significantly reduces the possibility of a heart attack and other heart diseases.

It’s not just berries that have beneficial properties.. A decoction of the leaves is not only used as a mild laxative, but also to improve sugar levels and is useful for anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Actively influences the nutrition of brain tissue and the vascular system, helps improve memory and memorization processes. There is evidence that its use can slow down the progressive development of senile dementia - Alzheimer's disease. And if you drink fresh juice, age-related memory loss will not develop at all.

For illnesses internal organs pureed berries are very useful. Not only nutritionists advise consuming blueberries for cystitis, gastritis, and enterocolitis. The only thing you should definitely pay attention to is with low acidity, Eating blueberries in large quantities is undesirable: It is naturally endowed with a high content of natural organic acids.

Sour drink is indicated for colds and exacerbation of kidney diseases. Drinks based on blueberries are much superior in this quality not only to imported lemons, but also to traditional cranberries.

Harm from blueberries and contraindications for consumption

It’s still not worth overeating on blueberries. It's about not at all about allergies - excess antioxidants can be harmful to health because it reduces the amount of oxygen entering the muscles.

There is another one important aspectBlueberries increase blood clotting. This means that its use must be limited to cardiovascular patients who are forced to take medications to reduce blood viscosity (with the risk of strokes and heart attacks).

Gastroenterologist patients with low acidity They should also not overuse blueberries due to their high content of organic acids.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers You should consult a doctor in any case, even in the absence of any painful symptoms.

Use of blueberries in folk medicine

Since ancient times, traditional medicine has successfully used the properties of blueberries to treat various diseases of men and women.

To normalize intestinal function they used either a decoction of the leaves (has a laxative effect) or an infusion of berries (the fastening effect is manifested if the berries are mashed and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes).

How to prepare a decoction

2 tablespoons dry or fresh leaves pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and until it cools naturally.

Sour berry drink garden blueberry Also helps treat kidney inflammation and urolithiasis- acid can dissolve small kidney stones and help cleanse the kidneys.

Colds were treated with blueberry teas and honey.. Instead of modern tablets and antibiotics used the antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiscorbutic, mild sedative effect of blueberries.

Modern traditional medicine includes non-immune diabetes mellitus, pancreatic diseases, and age-related changes memory, mild cases of radiation sickness, varicose veins.

No one knew about thrombosis, but blueberries have been successfully used to combat low clotting with its high vitamin K content.

Use of berries during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Regularly enjoying blueberries during pregnancy is absolutely justified. It not only contains many vitamins, but is also rich in microelements:

  • magnesium responsible for the development of the baby’s nervous system,
  • iron provides oxygen nutrition.

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to receive not only a sufficient amount of vitamins, but also dietary fiber, peptins and antioxidants, which this berry is so rich in.

After childbirth, pediatricians also advise not to give up your favorite berries - eating blueberries makes a nursing mother calmer(the effect of magnesium) and postpartum anemia goes away faster (iron from blueberries is absorbed almost completely).

Eating blueberries can also cause unpleasant symptoms.: diarrhea, bloating, indigestion. But this will happen if you eat about 1 kilogram of berries at a time. So for a nursing mother and baby, an overdose is unlikely.

A woman should introduce any new products into her diet gradually - this is a well-known fact. Three months after giving birth, you can start eating blueberries with a few berries.. If the baby does not show signs of allergies, the number of berries can be gradually increased. You just need to know when to stop and be attentive to all changes in the baby’s health.

Vitamin recipes from blueberries

Blueberry drinks are not only tasty, but also beneficial for the human body. If they are prepared correctly, most of the beneficial substances are retained. What berries are needed and how many, see our recipes.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of blueberries,
  • 100 grams of blueberries,
  • 200-300 grams of sugar,
  • 3 liters of water.


Sort the berries and rinse with running water. Crush in an enamel bowl until juice appears, adding sugar as you go. During this time, the water in the pan should boil. Place the berries, grated with sugar, into a saucepan and stir until almost boiling.. Turn it off immediately. After cooling, strain and bottle. Keep refrigerated.

You will need:

  • 1.5 cups fresh or frozen blueberries,
  • 0.5 cups granulated sugar,
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of starch,
  • 1/3 teaspoon citric acid,
  • 1 liter of water.


  • The berries are ground through a fine sieve to obtain separate pomace and juice. The pomace is poured with boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes..
  • Strain the broth, add sugar and bring to a boil. Throw away the squeezings.
  • In a separate bowl, dilute a small amount of starch cold water. Pour into the boiling syrup in a thin stream with constant stirring.
  • Add carefully add blueberry juice and citric acid.
  • Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  • To prevent a film from forming, you can sprinkle it with sugar.
  • Kissel is ready.

Blueberries are consumed both fresh and prepared for the winter, frozen, mashed with sugar, or made into jam.

Garden blueberries pureed with sugar

You will need:

  • 1 kg blueberries,
  • 300-400 g sugar.


Mash the berries or break them with a blender, add granulated sugar and mix in an enamel bowl. Heat until sugar dissolves. Place into sterile jars.

To preserve the vitamin composition of the puree Best stored in the refrigerator. For storage in the basement the workpiece must be sterilized and rolled.



  • 1 kg of berries,
  • 4 cups sugar
  • 1 glass of water.


  • Sort the blueberries, rinse and dry.
  • While the berries are drying, prepare the syrup.
  • Berries are poured into syrup for 15-20 minutes.
  • Over low heat with constant stirring cook the mixture for 20 minutes, removing the foam.
  • The finished jam is placed in sterile jars, twisted and turned over.
  • The jars are wrapped and left to cool completely.

This jam can be successfully stored even without a refrigerator.


The healing effect of regular consumption of blueberries should not be exaggerated, but such a valuable gift of nature should not be neglected either.

You can be as skeptical as you like about traditional medicine, but the chemical composition and long-term practice of nutritionists only confirms that this berry is worthy of more attention.

Blueberries are often confused with blueberries, but blueberries are completely excellent plant. At the same time, the beneficial properties of blueberries are many times greater than other berries, so below we will talk about its composition and use.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of blueberries

In terms of its chemical composition, blueberries are many times richer than black currants, not to mention their fellow blueberries. It is valued for its ability to strengthen the immune system, reduce fever and help improve blood condition. Despite the fact that each blueberry is 88% just water, from 100 grams of such berries you can get:

  • 1 g protein;
  • 8 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.5 g fat.
Thanks to this, blueberries are considered the most dietary berry, since from 100 grams of product the body receives only 39 kcal. That is, by eating one glass of blueberries for breakfast, your energy supply will increase by only 100 kcal. But at the same time, many microelements enter the body, including large quantities of potassium and calcium. Blueberries are also rich in phosphorus and iron, sodium and magnesium.

Did you know? After the Chernobyl tragedy, doctors strongly recommended residents of the affected areas to include blueberries in their diet. It was noted that blueberries helped even those who were directly present during the liquidation to get rid of the harmful effects of radiation.

Among the vitamins contained in this plant are vitamins C and E, as well as group B in almost complete composition. Organic amino acids and even particles of ash (0.5 grams per 100 grams of product) are also present in the berries. In addition, among all the berries, blueberries are a rich source of pectin, a substance that can reduce cholesterol levels and also efficiently cleanse the body of toxins.

Blueberry properties

Blueberries have medicinal properties and contraindications, so this berry should be handled with extreme caution. Even if it is indicated for you to consume, you should not eat it in large portions, since its individual components in high concentrations can affect cruel joke with your health.

Beneficial properties of blueberries

This plant is a storehouse of vitamins, since even blueberry leaves have beneficial properties. During the most active period of the plant’s growing season, its leaves are torn off and dried in order to later prepare healthy and aromatic tea. In addition to tea, the leaves are used to make useful infusions, which are used in the treatment of colds and even for recovery from gastrointestinal diseases.

Decoctions from blueberry leaves and berries are useful for people who have low stomach acidity. With regular use of this natural medicine, appetite improves. If we are talking exclusively about the blueberry, then its beneficial properties include:

Did you know? In the USA, an experiment was conducted using blueberries, which were included in the diet of elderly people in an amount of 200 grams daily. Such nutrition made it possible to prevent the rapid development of senile sclerosis and improved indicators of mental activity. Even those who, due to age, could not remember new information well, improved their memorization performance.

Harm and contraindications for use

It is not advisable to give blueberries to children under 1.5 years old. although for older children it can become the basis of the diet. This limitation is associated with the fairly high carbohydrate content of blueberries, which even with breastfeeding may cause diathesis. Such precautions do not apply only to pregnant women.

There are also restrictions on the amount of blueberry consumption. In particular, if you manage to eat a half-liter jar of these berries at once, you are guaranteed to get severe bloating and possibly diarrhea. It is especially important not to overdo it with blueberries for elderly people and people with diabetes, as this natural medicine can turn into poison.

The use of blueberries in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus

The first thing people take blueberries for is to combat the symptoms of diabetes. Its main property is ability to lower blood sugar, which is very important for diabetics. However, if you suffer from hypoglycemia, then you, on the contrary, It is worth minimizing the amount of blueberries in your diet, as it can aggravate the health situation.

A decoction of leaves and twigs of blueberry bushes

This recipe can be used by absolutely all diabetics, since it contains no berries, which means there are no carbohydrates at all. To obtain a decoction 2 tbsp needed. l. ground blueberry shoots and leaves, 200 ml boiling water.

After pouring boiling water over the blueberries, boil them for 10 minutes. After this, the broth needs to brew for at least two hours so that the liquid turns out saturated and rich in vitamins. This medicine should be taken five times during the day, 1 spoon between meals.

Blueberry leaf decoction

If you have any in stock only leaves this useful plant, then they are in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of hot water and place in a water bath for 15 minutes in a sealed container. After cooling at room temperature the infusion is filtered (squeeze out the remaining leaves so that the main “juice” flows out of them). Since the volume of the infusion decreases during boiling, after straining it is diluted with water and brought to a boil again.

The peculiarity of this infusion is that it is stored for no more than two days, after which it is worth preparing a new one. It is important to choose a cool storage location. The medicinal properties of this decoction consist in a mild laxative effect on the body, so for diabetes mellitus it is taken twice a day, half a glass.

Important! Blueberries are quite difficult to grow at home, as they do not like changes in temperature and air humidity. Therefore, when growing it, it is necessary to choose a place where there are no drafts and so that the bush does not receive direct sunlight.

Uses of blueberry juice

Blueberry juice It is also good for diabetes and a little honey should be added to it for treatment. This medicine is taken half an hour before each meal in a volume of no more than half a glass.

Using fresh blueberries

Total 300 grams of blueberries, which a diabetic is recommended to eat daily, can significantly reduce blood sugar levels even without the use of any additional medications (but if the stage of diabetes is too advanced, folk remedy will not protect against attacks).

Blueberry tea

To tea made from blueberries was not only tasty, but could also help improve health in diabetes; in addition to a glass of blueberries, you should also add:

  • a glass of cranberries;
  • a glass of rosehip;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 apple.
All ingredients must be thoroughly crushed, ground together and filled with 1 liter of water in a thermos. In just 40 minutes you will have a very tasty and unusual healthy tea, which for diabetes can be drunk in doses of no more than 0.5 glasses four times a day.

Dried blueberry decoction

If blueberries are dried in advance, they can also be used to treat diabetes. To receive treatment decoction 1 spoon of berries must be poured into a thermos with boiling water and left for 2 hours. The tea obtained after straining should be drunk one tablespoon three times a day.

Dried blueberry infusion

A good remedy to lower blood sugar levels is infusionfrom dry blueberry berries, of which you only need 2 tbsp. l.. They need to be mashed in 1 tbsp. water and hold over a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is drunk immediately after preparation, and there is also no need to throw away the berries. The infusion can be prepared daily.

Applications of blueberries

The simplest and in a known way Another use for blueberries is tea, which can be obtained from both the leaves and the berries of the plant. However, even simple tea can have medicinal properties that help improve health for a variety of diseases.

Using blueberries for treatment

Thanks to a huge number beneficial properties blueberries are used not only for the treatment of diabetes. There are many recipes that allow you to get rid of digestive problems, heart disease and a decrease in the body's defenses.