The main reasons why you need indoor plants in the house. What are flowers for? They help you concentrate

It’s hard to imagine how expressionless and boring life without flowers will be. This is a holiday of beauty and solemnity, bright colors in gray everyday life. We greet the bride with flowers, send the child to school and see off our loved ones on their last journey. An ordinary bouquet can express feelings without words and show your attitude towards a person, bring a smile to his face and bring him back to life. They decorate our lives, demonstrating with their perfection the beauty of the surrounding nature. That's why we meet them everywhere: on window sills, garden beds, in the forest. But the bouquets created by specialists are of particular value because they are selected with meaning and in full accordance with harmony.

Designer bouquets

Florists working at the Flowers Retail company, located at, create real masterpieces by combining flowers into compositions and bouquets.

Applying an order to these specialists means receiving light in life, a joyful mood and aesthetic pleasure from artistic work.

Florists will select a bouquet depending on the upcoming holiday or celebration, take into account all individual wishes and create a unique composition of the beautiful flowers of life.

Advantages of Flowers Retail

  • Affordable prices.
  • Delivery is carried out by specialized vehicles.
  • You can place an urgent order.
  • If necessary, the order can be made online.
  • Large selection of products for all occasions.

Flowers have been given since time immemorial. A bouquet of flowers can be: sad, playful or solemn, but it always means increased attention and caring for the person. Given for no reason or for some reason, in any case it will be a pleasant surprise.

House flowers decorate our home and bring a living, warm breath of life into the stone walls of the apartment, constantly reminding us that there is a big beautiful world of natural nature around us, and not just daily trips to work and shopping. Therefore, these wonderful plants can be seen on many window sills or flowerpots in homes.

Properly selected flower arrangements emphasize our individuality, reveal character traits and demonstrate our attitude to life.

Plants are also used to create interiors, making it possible to organize new spaces and create corners for relaxation or work. The main thing in these cases is correct location allowing flowers to grow.

Staring at the delicate purple petals of an African violet for a few minutes will increase your adrenaline levels, send more oxygen to your brain, and calm you down.

They humidify the air

Instead of buying an expensive humidifier for your apartment, get some Nephrolepis (Boston ferns). These plants act as natural humidifiers, eliminating air pollution and neutralizing the effects of formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and other harmful fumes. The fern is undemanding to light, so it is also suitable for a dark apartment.

they can heal

Aloe Vera is a plant whose healing properties have been known since ancient times, is one of the best means for the treatment of burns, frostbite, dermatitis. Aloe also significantly speeds up the healing process of herpes.

They inspire

Plants with bright leaves stimulate the imagination, so the next time you're experiencing a creative block, take a closer look at their complex textures and unusual colors.

They reduce allergic reactions

If you suffer from allergies to house dust, get a few Chlorophytums (spiders). This plant can destroy up to 90% of toxins in a room in just two days. Moreover, the more polluted the air, the more actively the “spider” grows.

And clear the air

English ivy ranks first on NASA's list of plants that purify the air from harmful pollutants. It is especially good to have at home for people suffering from asthma.

charge with energy

Do you suffer from lack of appetite and loss of energy? Get plants with red leaves and place them in your bathroom to look at them and feel energized and energized in the morning.

They help you concentrate

Observations prove that having indoor plants in classrooms or offices increases attentiveness by as much as 70%!

They reduce stress

The very process of caring for indoor flowers, when you water them, loosen the soil, wipe the leaves from dust, calms and relieves stress.

They soothe the eyes

If your eyes are irritated and tired from spending hours on the computer, all you need to do is look at the Pothos plant. This flower is also believed to prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts.

Since time immemorial, flowers have been a part of human life and culture. These beautiful creations of nature have always been used to express emotions and feelings. Even a small snowdrop can make someone happy. Flowers are mentioned in old religious texts, myths and folk tales.

The presence of colorful bouquets changes the atmosphere of the room, fragrant and beautiful plants affect our mood.

The meaning of flowers in life

All over the world, regardless of country, traditions and religion, flowers are used as decoration, a remedy for the treatment of many diseases, and as a component cosmetics. Flowers enliven lawns, houses, reception halls, and wedding events. They emphasize the importance of the event and give the holiday a special mood.

Flowers are an expression of feelings and emotions. What can help express your feelings better than flowers? One red rose is enough to declare your love. The importance of flowers in our lives is clearly seen in love relationships, here a bouquet of flowers is enough to convey hidden love and tender feelings for your loved one. Flowers are used to express love, sadness, grief, sadness, and even gratitude. They can express feelings that are difficult to express in words. Roses have become a symbol romantic relationships between couples. A bouquet of red roses is the most popular gift that conveys the warmth of feelings.

Flowers as a way to lift your spirits

Besides the fact that flowers are used for decoration premises, they are used to improve mood. They magically refresh the atmosphere, calm the nerves, and fill the room with aroma. Availability of bright colorful flowers can change our mood, fill us with happy emotions, and bring an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility into our lives. Flower arrangements decorate conference rooms, restaurants, banquet halls, etc.

But with where to buy flowers, things are much simpler. Today, you can order anything you want without leaving your home. So flower delivery in St. Petersburg is very popular.

Flowers and women

Flowers are used to decorate women. For many, it is an accessory for hair and outfits. No wedding is complete without flowers. Magnificent wedding bouquets become the main decoration of the bride. Thanks to delicate flowers, the wedding receives a special, romantic and tender mood.

Language of flowers

The colors of flowers can be used instead of words. Red – expresses feelings of passionate love and desire. Blue flowers symbolize calm and peace, and pink flowers express gratitude.

Very few plants do without flowers, but on most plants flowers are sure to appear, because it is in the flower that the seeds are formed, from which next year new plants will grow. We love the flower for its aroma and for its beautiful, bright corolla.

But for a plant, the most important thing in a flower is its stamens and pistil. Every flower has them, even the smallest and most inconspicuous. The pollen must fall on the pistil of a flower of another similar plant. Then there will be offspring.

But how to arrange this? And here the plants resort to various tricks. Some plants rely on the will of the wind. This is the timothy, birch, and willow that are already familiar to us. Their flowers are usually small and not particularly beautiful. The wind doesn’t care which way it blows. But they provide a lot of pollen. Let at least one speck of dust fall on the flower of another plant!

Many flowers are pollinated by insects. But the insect will not pollinate for nothing. You need to lure him with something. And there is no end to flower tricks. The first trick is nectar, sweet juice. It accumulates in the calyx of the flower, at the very bottom. The second trick is the bright corolla, visible from afar. That's why flowers are so beautiful.

The third trick is aroma. Insects have an excellent sense of smell; they can smell “their” flower a whole kilometer away! A bee, having drunk nectar, crawls out of a flower covered in pollen. Now she will fly to another flower for nectar and bring pollen to its pistil!

Some flowers smell unpleasant, these flowers are pollinated by flies and beetles. There are also flowers that are pollinated by small birds, hummingbirds. Their nectar collects in a deep tube, where the hummingbird sticks its long, curved beak.