Main Directorate of Legal Informatization of Fapsi. Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (fapsi). General Directors of fapsi

The Orthodox newspaper "Radonezh" has been writing for more than six months about the fantastic chaos that was created in the Moscow judicial system the former Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation, now a member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom - Farit Gazizullin, decided to sue and imprison an obviously innocent man, the father of 5 children, Dmitry Matveev. The editors-in-chief of all major Moscow newspapers know about this, but the founders' fear of the Gazprom acronym prevents them from speaking out. Recently the silence was broken by “Moskovsky Komsomolets” (see: “Pavlik Morozov Syndrome” 02/11/2010) and “Teacher’s Newspaper” see: (“Timur and his team”, 03/16/2010) Greetings to colleagues!

Important preliminary note. All data contained in this article have evidentiary value: they are taken from the records of the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow, from witness testimony, sworn statements and other documents.

We have all heard about certain violations, including gross ones, in the judicial system. But we have not yet seen the chaos that is happening in this very system by the will of only one of our domestic celestials, the above-mentioned Farit Gazizullin. It feels like we live not in democratic Russia, but in a medieval khanate. Just look at his statement alone: ​​“In this country (read: our Russia) there is not a single person who could tell me anything.” Isn't it too bold? Of course, too much. This is only in the song “kings can do anything.” Moreover, real kings, as a rule, do not allow themselves such sarcastic expressions.


Gazizullin Farit Rafikovich, born in 1946 comes from a poor Tatar family, Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan, in which besides him there were 5 more children. He was the only one in the family to become a leader and became the Minister of State Property of Russia in the government of V.S. Chernomyrdin. Of the real ministers, as experts say, he was sent to an honorable pension: he was made a Member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.

The son of Farit Gazizullin - Rinat Faritovich (37 years old), who was repeatedly treated in a drug treatment clinic for alcoholism, has six children from three different wives

Gazizullin Rinat was married to his second wife, Elmira (now Matveeva Elmira Faritovna), for seven years; two sons were born in the marriage: Timur (born in 1994) and Amir (born in 1999). In 2001, due to his fault, the marriage broke up.

As Minister of State Property, Gazizullin F.R. at the same time he became, one might say, simply a prince... That is, a very rich man, the owner of more and more real estate property - both in Russia (Moscow) and abroad. So, currently he modestly has: a villa in Spain (Marbelia), a villa on the island of Cyprus, two apartments in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), a yacht in the UAE (worth about 3 million US dollars), two houses in the Moscow region (Shulgino village, Trusovo village), apartments in Moscow, a large number of land plots.

We do not know what Farit Gazizullin does as a member of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, but for the most part he lives abroad, inspecting his very expanded property. He invites his guests with their numerous families either to Dubai or to Cyprus. And all this - while doing the most responsible government work!

About twenty " legal entities", the total taxable income from which in 2007 amounted to 207 million rubles. He is the founder of a number of foreign enterprises, which were acquired by his father’s back-breaking labor...

A stranger in the family of a celestial

Farit Gazizullin owes the plot of the current drama to his only son Rinat. He took and abandoned his wife and two sons: his seven-year-old beloved grandson and chief heir Timur, and one-year-old Amir. El's former daughter-in-law, to whom he promised full content, did not listen to him and married this same Dmitry Matveev!

What our celestial being did not endure for the sake of the heir: he made family friends with this stranger, since they lived next door. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have allowed his grandchildren to visit him; his son had nothing to do with the boys... He endured it when Timur called this stranger daddy... He also had to endure the fact that both his grandsons and his ex-daughter-in-law were baptized into the Orthodox faith...

Our celestial being endured and waited... He waited for Timur to turn 14 years old and receive a passport. On the eve of the heir's coming of age, Farit Gazizullin invited the Matveev family to visit. And here it is:

Peak situation!

Already at dessert, smiling radiantly, the owner suddenly says to his former daughter-in-law:

Elya, give me Timur!

The young woman smiles awkwardly, trying to turn it all into a joke. I have to repeat it... And again she doesn’t understand! Finally, this stranger seemed to understand him. And he said something that they don’t say to the celestials! For the celestials do not forgive such words!

Farit Rafikovich,” said a 36-year-old man, the father of 5 children (it’s him Farit Gazizullin wants to put behind bars for 5 years), “why do you need Timur... You couldn’t raise your only son, so you’ll spoil your grandson...

And this upstart dared to say such a thing to him, a celestial being! I didn’t understand, then, in whose company he was allowed to be! He, no one, controls his own grandson! Well, never mind, he will regret it, oh, how he will regret it!

Heartbreaking oriental revenge

The young parents, of course, realized it too late, since his grandfather had been raising Timur the heir in the right direction for a long time.

“You will not live in this country and with this cattle,” he told his grandson. You are a rich man. You will go to study in Switzerland, in the USA, wherever you want. You will have everything - security, servants, everything will be under your control. The country was a “cattle” and, accordingly, was only suitable for siphoning funds out of it.

This was said in private, in front of the youngest grandson Amir, and even in front of his parents. But my parents didn’t take it seriously, really seriously... But Timur absorbed this temptation and this flattery, as they say, into flesh and blood: quantity turned into quality!

The logic of revenge

Outwardly, for some time everything continued as before. The grandchildren also visited their grandfather and went fishing with him. And nothing seemed to foreshadow a drastic change family life. But already at this time (autumn 2008) Timur and his grandfather were preparing for his departure from the family. They secretly ordered duplicate documents - passports and international passports - while the real ones were lying at home. And on November 22 - after celebrating his 14th birthday - having collected everything that was valuable to him, Timur went to visit his grandfather. He never returned home.

So that a 14-year-old boy does not suddenly feel the urge to go home - to his mom and dad, to his brothers and sister - his grandfather sends him to the bathhouse with the girls on that first night! This is the logic of revenge: he wanted to hit a stranger, but the first blow had to be dealt to his beloved grandson.

Then everything happens in the best traditions of the genre. Based on the complaint of this wonderful 14-year-old boy about “torture by his stepfather,” whom he called dad for 7 years, against a stranger, that is, Dmitry Matveev, a criminal case is opened! To further intimidate him - without any reason - he is being kept in a pre-trial detention center for more than 2 months.

(For a detailed account of the events, see: “Child abduction seems to be becoming an epidemic,” Radonezh, 2009, No. 6; “Farit Gazizulin showed his former daughter-in-law whose side is strong,” Radonezh, 2009, No. 8).

This doesn't happen! - the reader will say, - we live in a civilized state, we live in Moscow! This is not a remote mountain village Central Asia, where all sorts of chaos can happen! This cannot happen in Moscow. And yet, the trial of the “torturer” Dmitry Matveev in the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow began on August 17, 2009. The grandfather allowed his grandson Timur, accompanied by two guards and two lawyers, to come only to the first hearing in order to say unsubstantiated nasty things to his stepfather and mother. And in advance, Farit Gazizullin promised this “gift” to his ex-daughter-in-law over the phone.

After this, Timur was allegedly sent to study in Switzerland, and the trial of the “torturer” is still ongoing. 46 meetings have already passed.

What is noteworthy is that the trial is taking place in Moscow, not in a mountain village in Central Asia! And yet, Judge L.A. Mikhailova for six months does not hear the cry of Timur’s mother, Elmira Matveeva, that her minor son was taken away in an unknown direction, that she has neither the address nor the telephone number of her son. Is he alive, is another violence happening to him?!

So, this is the Kuntsevo District Court of Moscow!


From a letter To the Prosecutor General Russia to Yu. Ya. Chaika from Elmira Faritovna Matveeva:

Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!

The Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow is processing criminal case No. 1-426/09 on charges that my husband Dmitry Viktorovich Matveev, the father of five minor children, has committed a crime under Part 2 of Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The initiator of the initiation of this insignificant criminal case was Timur’s grandfather, Gazizullin Farit Rafikovich.

This criminal case is only a tool to achieve Gazizullin F.R. The main goal is to take away my two sons. He took one and took him to Switzerland, the second son is trying to tear him out of my family by accusing my husband of child abuse.

That Matveev D.V. did not beat the teenager, it is clear from my testimony - the mother of the teenager, the priest who has been professing our family for more than six years, nanny Romanova I.A., nanny Golosyuk N.V., nanny Shabanova E.Ya., driver Zharikov A.B., teachers, trainers, doctors, massage therapists, relatives, neighbors, friends of Timur, a total of 35 witnesses.

On January 26, 2010, witness Gazizullina Anna (wife of Gazizullin R.F., current daughter-in-law of Farita Gazizullina) spoke in court with a statement that she witnessed how the Gazizullins planned a deliberate slander against D.V. Matveev. and perjury during the investigation and in court.

After the testimony given by Gazizullina A.A., in which she exposes the criminal conspiracy of the Gazizullins based on the slander of D.V. Matveev, the reaction of the prosecutor's office of the Moscow Closed Administrative District was immediate; the prosecutor made a motion in court to change the punishment for D.V. Matveev. to be arrested. The prosecutor's office said that the command was given from the Prosecutor General's Office by the head of the department, Kamil Pashayev, and a few days later he gave the command to the city prosecutor's office to demand in court five years of real imprisonment to punish an innocent person! (At the last court hearing on February 25, 2010, this requirement was voiced by the state prosecutor, prosecutor T.I. Mironova - S.K.)

This evidence, as well as many other facts confirming the innocence of Dmitry Matveev, did not affect the position of the prosecution. Also, the prosecution ignored official appeals from members of the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leaders of parliamentary parties and letters of guarantee from the head of the synodal department of the Russian Orthodox Church, human rights organizations and various media outlets that understood the situation and sided with Dmitry Matveev.

In his statements, Gazizullin F.R. regularly refers to his acquaintances with high-ranking officials, who, according to him, if he wished, not only influenced the investigation in favor of his personal interests, but are also capable of achieving the court decision he needed. Gazizullin F.R. flaunts the fact that he allegedly was on November 19 November 2009, from 8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in Yu.M. Luzhkov’s office. and from there I contacted the Chairman of the Moscow City Court, O.A. Egorova.”

From a letter from Elmira Faritovna Matveeva to the Commissioner for Human Rights Russian Federation Lukin V. P.

“...In order to prevent the conduct of psychological, psychiatric and forensic medical examinations of the condition of his grandson Timur, Gazizullin F.R. allegedly sent him to study in Switzerland, and, according to available information, went to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaikeik Merug. Moscow so that they could explain to the court what kind of decision should be made.

...The efforts of Gazizullin F.R. were unsuccessful: at a meeting with the prosecutor's office. On February 12, 2010, in Moscow, there was information that the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Presidium of the Moscow City Court, Kamil Pashayev, known as the prosecutor in the YUKOS case, demanded that the Moscow prosecutor's office ensure the appointment of D.V. Matveev with five years' imprisonment under the general regime.

Pressure on the prosecutor's office is evidenced by the petition of the prosecutor Mironova T.I., submitted on February 8, 2010, to change Matveeva D.V. (father of four minor children) a preventive measure for arrest, since he missed 2 court hearings out of 42 due to illness confirmed by medical documents.”

Brilliant speech by a lawyer

So, what do we have in the bottom line? Demand of the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Presidium of the Moscow City Court, Kamil Pashayev, at the last court hearing on February 25 this year. was fulfilled: the state prosecutor, prosecutor T.I. Mironova demanded that D.V. Matveev be convicted. to five years' imprisonment in a general regime penal colony.

This last court hearing was significant in that during it there was a brilliant speech by lawyer S. O. AZAROV, who had recently joined the trial. 25 years of experience as a lawyer, general and legal education, impeccable logic of judgment with constant respect for the participants in the process... He simply playfully and extremely elegantly, as if inadvertently, smashed all the arguments of the investigation and the prosecution. He, fresh and untired by this hell of more than 40 court hearings, showed everyone with his own eyes that the king is naked. In conclusion, addressing judge L.A. Mikhailova, he said:

“...Your Honor, based strictly on a legal approach, I ask that my client be acquitted. And not only because there is no evidence of the criminal acts that he is charged with, but it seems to me that there is evidence of the absence of the crime that is being charged.

“...Your Honor, take courage, you have every reason without exception and the opportunity to decorate your professional biography. Because if in such a case an acquittal is not passed, then I don’t know in which case.”

Finale or “unexpected twist”?

March 24 this year In the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow, Judge L. A. Mikhailova, in the presence of three dozen people present - relatives, friends, lawyers, journalists - pronounced a verdict “in the case of D. V. Matveev, accused under Article 117, Part 2 of torture his minor stepson Timur Gazizullin."

Before talking about the essence of the verdict, we remind readers that a month ago, at the last hearing, the court on February 26 this year. Prosecutor T.I. Mironova demanded for D.V. Matveeva five years of imprisonment in a general regime penal colony.

Judge Mikhailova’s decision “caused relief among all normal people”: although she did not pronounce an acquittal, she released Dmitry Matveev, as they say, in peace, without assigning him any real punishment.

In legal language it looks like this. Judge Mikhailova L. A.

reclassified the “Matveev case” from Art. 117, part 2 (torture) at Art. 116, part 1 (beating). Well, he admitted, when he was put in a pre-trial detention center, that he spanked his stepson on the butt a couple of times... The judge sentenced him to correctional labor for a period of 6 months. However, this punishment is considered to have already been “served” in connection with the previous detention (2.5 months of unjustified arrest in the summer of 2009).

The sentence comes into force in 10 days, on April 4, Easter. During this time, both the accused Dmitry Matveev, demanding full acquittal, and the prosecutor’s office, whose demand the court ignored, can appeal the court’s decision.

As lawyers note, such cases when, contrary to the request of the prosecutor, who requires a real conviction for such a significant period (five years), the judge does not impose any punishment, are so rare (about 1:100) that they cannot be called anything other than incidents...

On the sidelines, Judge Mikhailova’s “courageous” decision was explained by the fact that on the eve of the verdict, she resigned. Therefore, she was able to ensure her judicial independence only by dismissal from office... But, if this is really so, this is a verdict on the entire judicial system, which requires comprehension at a different level.

“Matveev’s case” is of course not over. It is difficult to imagine that the party that started this process will simply come to terms with the “demarche of conscience” of the resigned judge. Most likely, more than one “unexpected turn” awaits us in this matter. But let's be patient.

As for the initiator of this process, the ex-Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation - Farit Gazizullin... Using a powerful state resource for extremely high purposes - for personal revenge, in order to imprison an obviously innocent person - Dmitry Matveev - he got a little carried away. Revenge is a passion, and it is very difficult to keep it in moderation.

By arranging this trial, Farit Gazizullin forced the high-ranking nomenklatura to act for their personal purposes, demonstrating to the whole society: one morality exists “for everyone, that is, for the cattle,” another morality – for the highest nomenklatura, for the celestials.

And it’s not that we were so naive and didn’t know this, and didn’t assume it. It’s just that F. Gazizullin’s revenge and the passion accompanying it exceeded a certain measure appropriate in society. He involved too many senior officials in this family dispute, in personal revenge, that is, he EXPOSED! Moreover, having initially deceived them all! Moreover, their participation not only did not remain anonymous, but Farit Gazizullin himself began to shout out loud about it! Well, that’s it, everyone “in this country” doesn’t dare tell him anything, everyone will act in his interests...

Enough! Still, today's Russia is not a medieval khanate. There is still publicity. And the celestials publicly prefer to act within the laws. Farit Gazizullin, by naming everyone, violated the gentleman's agreement, and must inevitably be overthrown and surrendered by this community. There are also laws here. And the wait, I think, is not long.

I would also like to say something about publicity. Despite the fact that many “big newspapers” are still hesitant to speak out about this process, the Internet on the “Matveev case” is not even boiling, but is in full swing! Dozens of publications from leading electronic media, such as,,,, and others, hundreds of thousands of views of these articles per day and thousands of posts in the comments. Website Website ( , where is posted, where documentary materials on the fabricated “Matveev case” are posted, is the leader in the “Gazizullin” tag in all leading search engines...

So, it was no longer possible to silence this process. And therefore the final decision will be in highest degree vowel


    Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation since May 2000; born September 20, 1946 in Zelenodolsk, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; graduated from the Gorky Institute of Engineers water transport in 1973, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences; 1963... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Surname of Tatar origin Gazizullin, Ibrahim Galimovich (1919 1944) Hero Soviet Union Gazizullin, Farit Rafikovich (b. 1946) member of the board of directors of OJSC Gazprom, ex-Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation ... Wikipedia

    The list shows the heads of the department performing the functions of managing state (federal) property of Russia under different names. IN Russian Empire there was a Ministry of State Property, which in 1893... ... Wikipedia

    The article provides information about the composition of the Presidium (in 1991 1992 Collegium) of the Government of the Russian Federation since 1991. In the government of M. M. Kasyanov (2000 2004), the first government of M. E. Fradkov (2004) ... Wikipedia

    The article provides information about the composition of the Government of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of V. S. Chernomyrdin, which operated in 1996-1998. The titles of the positions of members of the Government are given as they were officially named. After the date... Wikipedia

    The article provides information about the composition of the Government of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of S.V. Kiriyenko, who acted in April August 1998. The titles of the positions of members of the Government are given as they were officially called.... ... Wikipedia

Increasingly, VIPs appear in high-profile family disputes. Some share property, and some even share children. As a rule, family disputes (and any others) are resolved in favor of a strong and influential figure.

The story looks unexpected in this context former minister property relations Farit Gazizullina. The powerful ex-official was unable to share his grandchildren with their stepfather, Dmitry Matveev. It must be said that these people are systemically connected with each other. In the past, Matveev is also a major, although of a lower rank, state property official.

And Farit Rafikovich tried to treat him like a slave. And this seems to have crossed the line. This happened when, as a result of a dispute, his opponent Matveev ended up in a pre-trial detention center...

“There is not a single person in this country who can tell me anything.”
From an audio recording of the voice of a man similar to Farit Gazizullin

“I want everyone to see how the System’s pimple shit itself.”
Dmitry Matveev

The beginning of the story may seem like an ordinary family Santa Barbara to some. Influential Farit Gazizullin could not come to terms with the collapse of the family of his only son Rinat, and most importantly, with the distance of his beloved grandchildren. After all, having dissolved the marriage, the former daughter-in-law Elmira took both children with her. (Rinat Faritovich in this story turned out to be, oddly enough, the most disinterested party and subsequently did not show himself in any way.) And Farit Rafikovich Gazizullin could not imagine life without his beloved grandchildren and planned to eventually take them to himself. Former daughter-in-law Elmira alone would hardly have put up worthy resistance to Farit Rafikovich. However, at that time she was already married to Dmitry Matveev. The boys - 14-year-old Timur and 10-year-old Amir - called him dad... The brewing conflict between Matveev and Gazizullin was especially aggravated by old grievances, not yet forgotten from the time of service in the State Property. But more on that later.

Until recently, the ending of such fights was guessed once or twice. Because history has never known a single well-deserved VIP who could not quickly and quietly cope with simpler citizens. But this ending did not happen. “The main thing that surprises me,” a source close to the parties to the conflict told me, “people, without going into details, think that the conflict is about children. They sympathize with the innocent victim Matveev, who served time for nothing... What kind of innocence is there? What children? Two wolves from the State Property have fought!”

However, it is very difficult for me to judge here. Unfortunately, Farit Rafikovich refused a personal meeting with me (comment by phone - see below). Only facts and reviews of knowledgeable people speak about the scale of his personality and deeds. Firstly, he is a man of word and deed. A responsible business executive, a wise manager-diplomat, who has made his way from a ship assembler to the Minister of Property Relations of the Russian Federation. In his youth, Farit Rafikovich was also the first secretary of the Naberezhnye Chelny city committee of the Komsomol. And in his mature years he rose to the rank of chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom itself (1998-1999), then transferring this post to the future president D. Medvedev. He is interested in philosophy and defended his PhD in this field. Secondly, Farit Rafikovich is spoken of as a modest person. He is not inclined towards publicity, and prefers a quiet family circle to social events...

At first, Matveev gives the impression of a simple, modest person. I met him in a cafe in the city center. This was shortly after the terrorist attacks on March 29. Matveev was late, arriving in the evening rush hour by taxi. Doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't swear. Before dinner, he reads “Our Father” in a low voice. And he starts eating a plate of French moldy cheeses with honey. “Foie gras also goes well with honey,” he says.

Dmitry got to the Ministry of State Property over the head of Minister Gazizullin. Prime Minister Chernomyrdin personally appointed Matveev as the head of the most influential Department of Real Estate. Relations between Gazizullin and Matveev were cold and strained from the very beginning. However, Matveev worked for two whole years. But after Viktor Stepanovich was dismissed, he did not sit in his chair for even a month.

Gazizullin announced in a Jesuitical ceremonial manner that Matveev’s days in the State Property Management system were numbered. “I remember - there’s a slight trembling,” Matveev admitted to me. It was back in 1998, an extended meeting of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. Minister Gazizullin sits at the head of the table like a master. On one hand from him is Deputy G. Gref, on the other - Deputy I. Shuvalov. The heads of departments lazily glance at their fellow speakers, then at their watches. And then the minister said in all seriousness:

I would like to mention Matveev’s department. The guy is 28 years old, and what a talent! Record holder for fulfilling government orders! And the future minister!

The faces of the heads of departments stretched out in amazement. What can we say about the deputy ministers, who were bypassed by this upstart in an instant... However, the insidious Farit Rafikovich, having enjoyed the effect, burst out laughing the very next moment.

Joke! - he said loudly and turned to Deputy Shuvalov. - Where is he ahead of you!

For Shuvalov, this is basically what happened. And Matveev went to the office to collect things.

He left, but not far. The path from the seat of a high official to the seat of a successful businessman is very close in our country. Moreover, former officials (and now businessmen) sometimes fulfill old job. For example, Matveev’s company provides construction companies assistance in obtaining permitting documentation. The social circle remains almost the same. And there is nothing strange in the fact that Matveev once, in 2002, met his future wife Elmira at a party...

It is unlikely that Farit Gazizullin was happy that this Matveev now appeared in his very inner circle, next to his beloved grandchildren. However, cool but peaceful relations lasted more than five years. The children were getting older. Farit Gazizullin - too. They say that the ex-minister saw his grandchildren as future heirs and generally sought to be closer and spend more time together. And not just on weekends, as the Matveevs wanted.

Two years ago, the ex-minister began a rapprochement. At the invitation of the Gazizullins, in the summer of 2008, the Matveevs and their children went on vacation to their apartment in Dubai. “Upon arrival, my grandfather offered me to manage his assets, but I refused. Well, why should I? “I have my own business, he has his own,” Matveev assured me. “And a little later we were sitting together, having dinner, and he suddenly said: “Then give me Timur.” I had to explain to the old man that the child is not his property.”

Upon returning from the Emirates, Timur began to behave unusually. “He’ll talk to his grandfather (we lived next door on Rublyovka at the time), then return home and ask: “Why don’t we fly first class?” Or: “Will you buy me a Ferrari for my 15th birthday?” - recalls Matveev.

What can I say? Matveev was, of course, an exemplary stepfather (and this would later be repeatedly confirmed in court). But not to the same extent. He himself has been driving the same Hummer since 2002. And here is Ferrari for the 15th anniversary. People donate such cars in order not to get 15 years.

But if Matveev had shown generosity then, perhaps everything would have been different now, and Timur would have remained (along with Ferrari) in the family. But Matveev is not like that - he preaches modesty. And other Christian ideals that buying a Ferrari contradicts. Yes, Dmitry is receiving higher theological education and will soon become a theologian. But don’t be surprised by this, dear reader. He developed close relations with the church during his service (his close acquaintances have since been Patriarch Kirill). And soon after his resignation, Dmitry planned to completely convert to faith and become a priest.

But he didn’t dare, he says.

Timur suddenly left his parents' house to go to his grandfather. Later it turned out that a new international passport had been issued for the child in advance to replace the “lost” one. Although the “old” one was not lost anywhere, but lay at the Matveevs’ home. The child was briefly sent to United Arab Emirates, and then study in Switzerland. Periodically he came home to his grandfather.

Following Timur, the youngest grandson Amir was to leave the Matveevs for his grandfather. But he refused to leave his parents. (Later at the trial, Anna Gazizullina, Rinat’s second wife, testified about the ex-minister’s plans to take the child by force, while putting Matveev in prison.)

Events began to develop rapidly. The Moscow police are opening a criminal case against the stepfather for ill-treatment of Timur. Without a preventive measure. (Have they hinted that he should leave?) In response, the Matveevs are seeking to add Timur to the FSB border stop list. Which coincided with the Gazizullins’ group trip abroad. The whole family flies away. Timur remains in Russia. Farit Rafikovich's rage, they say, knew no bounds. “All my friends told me: you’re a fool, he’ll kill you for this,” recalls Matveev. - I knew and was ready for the test. Any extreme he takes will still backfire against him. And I’ll think about the next step.”

Matveev was thinking through his steps while already sitting in a pre-trial detention center, where he was hidden a few days after the Gazizullins’ unsuccessful flight. “Matveev’s case” was assigned to the senior investigator of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Western District, Alexander Maksyashin (later he would get it too).

It must be said that the humility with which Matveev deliberately put himself under arrest surprised many. And the fact that, once in the pre-trial detention center, he did not ask for help shocked everyone. After all, given his minimalist acquaintances, a few calls were enough... Yes, in the eyes of his former comrades, Matveev behaved abnormally. For example, they told him: “What, are you pretending to be Khodorkovsky?!” They themselves offered help. But Matveev, and he swears by it, refused earthly help. He prayed more and more, turning to God, talked with the Patriarch...

However, who knows, perhaps this was enough. Two months have passed.

Something began to happen with the criminal case (about torture, Article 117). It didn’t stick - there was no testimony from Timur, not to mention a medical examination. And the ex-minister himself, according to our information, was convincingly asked “at the top” to explain why he was killing “his own.” Which changed things a little.

Farit Gazizullin, through Elmira, invites Matveev to repent. And quickly hush it up. “He told me that he would order to reclassify the article to a light one - 116, “beatings,” recalls Elmira. - Dima will be released immediately. It is only necessary for him to repent.”

The editorial office has a recording of Elmira’s conversation with a man with a voice similar to Farit Gazizullin. This is what the voice says: “He must tell the investigator: I confess, well, there was a belt, well, with rods several times, like a father... but no torture.

“We don’t have rods,” says Elmira.

Well, with rods, so to speak... Listen to me! He must say: yes, it happened, I repent. This is the word it should be. Then he will be at home. Then the three of us will sit down and decide how to be together” (

Matveev, exhausted in the pre-trial detention center, makes a deal at his wife’s request. And on June 29, 2009, in her presence, he wrote a confession of beatings in Maksyashin’s office. More precisely, Maksyashin himself dictates.

But having received repentance, the investigation returns Matveev back to the pre-trial detention center. And Farit Rafikovich, they say, even allegedly asks his old friend Yuri Yakovlevich Chaika to help and deal with the child torturer to the fullest extent of Article 117. If this is true, we hope that Yuri Yakovlevich, when giving the command, simply did not have time to delve into the details of the case... Meanwhile, there was a court ahead (Kuntsevsky District).

Of course, it was completely stupid to count on a fair decision from Judge Mikhailova. For example, this is what investigator Maksyashin said in a conversation with Elmira (the recording is available at the editorial office): “All our judges follow the command, especially the young ones. That is, don’t expect anything good from her (Mikhailova - Ed.). Because he still can’t buck. They have judges in court who have lifelong status, they can still buck up and go against the system. And she - who else is she? Three years, as they did with a federal judge, and it all depends on whether they will extend it or not.”

Judge Mikhailova should have understood what was expected of her. But Mikhailova did something incomprehensible by today’s standards, even heroic for a Russian judge. She brought the case to a verdict, after which she resigned. (The verdict was almost acquittal. The charges of torture were dropped. But because of the “confessions of beatings,” the defendant received six months of correctional labor, which was immediately canceled on account of two months of arrest in a pre-trial detention center.)

However, the humility of a martyr also comes to an end.

This was a surprise for the prosecution: Farit Gazizullina became interested in the “Matveev case” and the role in it investigative committee at the prosecutor's office - the eternal opponent of Chaika's department. At the same time, Matveev’s well-wishers are even sending him to the Department own safety The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a letter asking them to check sensitive details from the life of Alexander Maksyashin. For example, it’s as if the senior investigator has recently owned a BMW 520i. And the housing, which the senior investigator rented for a short time, allegedly became his property altogether - after the sudden death of the lonely owner.

They began to say that Matveev had finally gone on the attack. And most importantly, he made some noise. After all, a loud showdown does not suit the quiet and until recently non-public Farit Gazizullin. And the System is becoming less and less willing to protect the whims of its veterans. They are no longer useful, but require class privileges. Unlike the young people who make money and don’t ask for anything.

For a man of Gazizullin’s caliber, I am nothing, scum,” Matveev told me goodbye. “To not be able to shred someone like me in one fell swoop is a disgrace in his circle.” This means that for the System you are already an obsolete organism.


Farit Gazizullin:

Why did you decide to get involved in this matter?.. Matveev is telling lies! This is the man who mocked and tortured my grandson. A trial took place, which found him guilty, unfortunately, only under Article 116, and not under Article 117, as he deserves.

- Farit Rafikovich! But Matveev claims that you forced him to make a confession.

How... All this is nonsense! How can he do this... I ask you, I have a lawyer, contact him. But believe me, there is no material here for you and the newspaper. Many people called me before you - newspapers, television. They objectively figured out what was what and didn’t write...

As for Matveev, he’s a scoundrel who has done all sorts of things and is now making up stories. He gives out my number specifically to journalists. He knows that I will be nervous after the calls, that my heart is sick. They do nasty things to their wife on purpose. They are spreading lies about the boy Timur. What for? It only makes things worse for the child. Why should they write about him everywhere so that everyone knows?

- Tell me, where is Timur now?

Studying in Switzerland, one of the best students. I saw him recently, he is doing well.

- Does he really not want to see his parents?