The main problem is environmental. Environmental problems of our time. Ozone layer depletion

State budget educational institution Gymnasium No. 63 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Environmental problems of the modern world

Subject: Ecology

Completed by: student of grade 9 “A”

Ardalyonov A.V.

Teacher: Tumanova O.G.

St. Petersburg 2015


Chapter 1. The problem of water pollution

1.1 Oil pollution. The impact of oil on flora and fauna

1.2 Remedies

1.3 Other types of pollution

Chapter 2. The problem of air pollution

2.1 Causes of air pollution

2.2 Main types of pollution atmospheric air Earth

2.3 Methods and methods for protecting the Earth’s atmospheric layer

2.4 Consequences

2.5 Impact on the atmosphere




Everything is interconnected with everything - says the first environmental law. This means that you cannot take a single step without touching, and sometimes even violating, something environment. Every human step on an ordinary lawn means dozens of destroyed microorganisms, frightened insects, changing their migration routes, and perhaps reducing their natural productivity.

The environmental problem is one of the most serious global problems that humanity has encountered. The problem of water and atmosphere pollution is the most pressing today, because any changes in the natural environment lead to disruption and functioning of nature.

The purpose of this work: to determine the main causes of environmental pollution, specifically water and atmosphere, and also to identify ways to solve this problem.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

) Find out the causes of water pollution.

) Identify the main types of air pollution.

) Find out what methods exist to protect the atmospheric layer.

) Understand what activities help eliminate environmental problems.

A person who lived in the 20th century found himself in a society that was burdened with many dilemmas that accompanied its socio-economic development. Society is faced with a severe crisis and it can be concluded that its foundations are the positions of relations between society and nature.

Atmospheric air is the most important life-supporting natural environment and is a mixture of gases and aerosols in the surface layer of the atmosphere. Water is one of the most important life-supporting natural environments formed as a result of the evolution of the Earth. It is an integral part of the biosphere and has a number of anomalous properties that affect the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in ecosystems. Due to the continuously increasing pollution of surface waters, groundwater is becoming practically the only source of household and drinking water supply for the population. Therefore, protection from pollution and depletion and rational use are of strategic importance. In my work I used a number of books, articles and several magazines. Among which are the works of R.R. Ismailov, Yu.L. Khotuntsev, A.D. Yanshin, as well as several Internet sources.

Chapter 1. The problem of water pollution

1.1Oil pollution. The impact of oil on flora and fauna

Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. By the beginning of the 90s, about 16 million tons of oil entered the ocean annually, which amounted to 0.23% of world production. Most of the oil that pollutes the seas and oceans gets there not as a result of accidents or natural disasters, but as a consequence of ordinary operations.

The oil film changes the composition of the spectrum and the intensity of light penetration into water. The light transmittance of thin films of crude oil is 11-10% (280nm), 60-70% (400nm). A film 30-40 microns thick completely absorbs infrared radiation. When mixed with water, oil forms two types of emulsion: direct “oil in water” and reverse “water in oil”. Direct emulsions, composed of oil droplets with a diameter of up to 0.5 microns, are less stable and are characteristic of oil containing surfactants. When volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous inverse emulsions that can remain on the surface, be transported by currents, washed ashore and settle to the bottom.

Birds are particularly affected by oil spills, as the oil saturates their feathers, rendering them water-repellent and thermal insulation properties. Birds find themselves unable to swim or support desired temperature bodies. Estimates of the number of birds killed in oil spills are often low, simply because stranded birds are not visible to observers. When birds try to get out of the oil, it coats them from head to toe, making them unable to see and poisoning their entire body. Oil also pollutes or destroys natural springs bird food. Diving birds are especially affected, as they must repeatedly dive through the layer of oil on the surface in search of food. In addition to its impact on individual aquatic organisms, oil also affects entire ecosystems. In areas where oil often enters the water, changes in the species composition of the marine community also become noticeable. Both petroleum and petroleum resins (tar) contain some carcinogens. The results of several studies conducted on shellfish in contaminated waters indicate that these animals exhibit an abnormally high number of neoplasms similar to human cancers.

Once oil or petroleum products enter the water, it takes a certain time for their traces to disappear. This must also include the time required for the repopulation of the contaminated area with the same and in the same numbers of organisms that lived here previously.

If the oil release does not lead to the complete death of all local organisms, then the remaining ones, multiplying, begin to fill free space, as oil disappears.

1.2 Remedies

Natural self-cleaning processes no longer cope due to the systematic entry of oil and petroleum products into sea water. Behind last years Considerable material has been accumulated on the development of various methods for eliminating oil pollution. Let's look at them in more detail.

Oil and petroleum products can be burned, but only immediately after a spill, because during the first two hours it loses light fractions, and quickly spreading, forms a thin layer, and the cooling effect of the water located under this layer leads to the cessation of combustion.

Oil and petroleum products can be collected from the surface of the water in three ways: by simple manual scooping from the side of small boats;

Limiting the oil film using floating booms with its further concentration by reducing the surface and bringing the booms closer together; complex machine systems.

Oil floating on the surface of the water can be partially collected by covering it with absorbent material.

A very promising treatment method is to coat the oil film with a powder or finely granulated substance, which, when mixed with the oil, sticks and floods it. However, numerous experiments have shown that after a few months the submerged mass is mobile, and oil can rise when the sea is rough.

Promising is the use of detergents, which include substances that form an emulsion and chemically act on the molecules of hydrocarbon compounds and change their surface tension.

Oil and petroleum products have low surface tension compared to water, so when bubbling air through water there is no need to use foaming agents. In this case, oil and oil products will be adsorbed at the gas-liquid phase interface; the total surface area of ​​air bubbles depends on their diameter and can be quite large. Taking all this into account, scientists have developed a mechanical floating movable device on which all these three physical and chemical processes (flotation, adhesion and adsorption) are carried out. The advantage of this proposed device over existing ones is as follows:

) oil and petroleum products are extracted not only from the surface of the water, but also from the surface layer of water, determined by the design of the apparatus;

) the surface layer of water is cleared not only of liquid, but also of solid particles;

) the simultaneous implementation of all three of these physical and chemical processes determines the greater efficiency of the process of cleaning a given water area from oil and oil products.

1.3 Other types of pollution

· Dumping of waste into the sea for the purpose of burial (dumping).

Many countries with access to the sea carry out sea burial various materials and substances, in particular soil removed during dredging, drilling slag, industrial waste, construction waste, solid waste, explosives and chemical substances, radioactive waste. The volume of burials amounted to about 10% of the total mass of pollutants entering the World Ocean. The basis for dumping at sea is the ability of the marine environment to be processed large quantity organic and inorganic substances without much water damage. However, this ability is not unlimited. Therefore, dumping is seen as a forced measure, a temporary tribute from society to the imperfection of technology.

Industrial slag contains a variety of organic substances and heavy metal compounds. Household waste on average contains (by dry matter weight) 32-40% organic matter; 0.56% nitrogen; 0.44% phosphorus; 0.155% zinc; 0.085% lead; 0.001% mercury; 0.001% cadmium. During the discharge, when the material passes through a column of water, some of the pollutants go into solution, changing the quality of the water, while others are sorbed by suspended particles and pass into bottom sediments. At the same time, the turbidity of the water increases. The presence of organic substances leads to the rapid consumption of oxygen in water and not to its complete disappearance, the dissolution of suspended matter, the accumulation of metals in dissolved form, and the appearance of hydrogen sulfide. The presence of a large amount of organic substances creates a stable reducing environment in the soil, in which a special type of silt water appears, containing hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and metal ions.

Benthos organisms and others are exposed to varying degrees to the effects of discharged materials. In the case of the formation of surface films containing petroleum hydrocarbons and surfactants, gas exchange at the air-water interface is disrupted. Pollutants entering the solution can accumulate in the tissues and organs of aquatic organisms and have a toxic effect on them. The discharge of dumping materials to the bottom and prolonged increased turbidity of the added water leads to the death of sedentary benthos from suffocation. In surviving fish, mollusks and crustaceans, their growth rate is reduced due to deteriorating feeding and breathing conditions. The species composition of a given community often changes. When organizing a control system for waste discharges into the sea, it is crucial to identify dumping areas, determine the dynamics of seawater pollution and bottom sediments. To identify possible volumes of discharge into the sea, it is necessary to carry out calculations of all pollutants in the material discharge.

· Thermal pollution.

Thermal pollution of the surface of reservoirs and coastal marine areas occurs as a result of the discharge of heated wastewater by power plants and some industrial production. The discharge of heated water in many cases causes an increase in water temperature in reservoirs by 6-8 degrees Celsius. The area of ​​heated water spots in coastal areas can reach 30 square meters. km. More stable temperature stratification prevents water exchange between the surface and bottom layers. The solubility of oxygen decreases, and its consumption increases, since with increasing temperature the activity of aerobic bacteria decomposing organic matter increases. The species diversity of phytoplankton and the entire algal flora is increasing.

Based on the generalization of the material, we can conclude that the effects of anthropogenic impact on aquatic environment manifest themselves at the individual and population-biocenotic levels, and the long-term effect of pollutants leads to a simplification of the ecosystem.


Industrial wastes take first place in terms of the volume and damage they cause, so the problem of their discharge into rivers must be solved first. Due to pollution caused by wastewater, various biogenic mutations begin. Many types of fish disappear from rivers and lakes, and those that remain are unfit for food. The flora and fauna of water bodies is significantly depleted. Due to industrial wastewater, there is an excess of oxygen in water bodies, so you can observe the so-called “blooming” of water bodies. Changes and chemical composition water bodies, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorine-containing substances increases. An important problem is the pollution of water bodies with agricultural waste. Many people have probably noticed more than once with the onset of spring floods bad smell, which exudes drinking water.

This smell is caused by the fact that stormy spring streams wash into the river fecal matter that has accumulated over the winter and was transported to the fields in the spring. Instead of monitoring the entry of these substances into rivers, they prefer to mix it with a huge amount of bleach, which is far from a safe substance, before supplying this water to homes. The third problem is the entry of various household and industrial waste into rivers and other bodies of water. In some place, all this garbage accumulates and sediment forms in the river bed, and islands appear. All this leads to clogging and drying out of the river. The same garbage, when decomposed, releases various carcinogenic substances that end up on our table with food.

· Basic methods of wastewater treatment.

Reservoirs are polluted mainly as a result of the discharge of wastewater from industrial enterprises and populated areas into them. As a result of wastewater discharge, the physical properties of water change (temperature increases, transparency decreases, colors, tastes, and odors appear); floating substances appear on the surface of the reservoir, and sediment forms at the bottom; the chemical composition of water changes (the content of organic and inorganic substances increases, toxic substances appear, the oxygen content decreases, the active reaction of the environment changes, etc.); The qualitative and quantitative bacterial composition changes, and pathogenic bacteria appear. Polluted water bodies become unsuitable for drinking, and often for technical water supply; lose their fishery importance, etc. General terms The release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies is determined by its national economic significance and the nature of water use.

Methods used to treat industrial and domestic wastewater can be divided into three groups: mechanical; physico-chemical, biological. The complex of treatment facilities, as a rule, includes mechanical treatment facilities. Depending on the required degree of purification, they can be supplemented with biological or physical-chemical treatment facilities, and with higher requirements, deep treatment facilities are included in the treatment facilities. Before being discharged into a reservoir, treated wastewater is disinfected, and the sludge or excess biomass formed at all stages of treatment is supplied to sludge treatment facilities. Treated wastewater can be sent to circulating water supply systems of industrial enterprises, for agricultural needs, or discharged into a reservoir.

Mechanical treatment is used to separate undissolved mineral and organic impurities. As a rule, it is a pre-treatment method and is intended to prepare wastewater for biological or physico-chemical treatment methods. As a result of mechanical cleaning, suspended solids are reduced by up to 90%, and organic substances by up to 20%.

Mechanical cleaning structures include screens, various types of traps, settling tanks, and filters. Sand traps are used to separate heavy mineral impurities (mainly sand) from wastewater. Dehydrated sand, with reliable disinfection, can be used in road work and manufacturing building materials. Moderators are used to regulate the composition and flow of wastewater. Averaging is achieved either by differentiating the flow of incoming wastewater, or by intensive mixing of individual wastewater.

Biological treatment- a processing method widely used in practice. It is based on the process of biological oxidation of organic compounds contained in wastewater. Biological oxidation is carried out by a community of microorganisms, including many different bacteria, protozoa and a number of more highly organized organisms - algae, fungi, etc., interconnected into a single complex by complex relationships (metabiosis, symbiosis and antagonism). Chemical and physicochemical treatment methods play a significant role in the treatment of industrial wastewater. They are used both independently and in combination with mechanical and biological methods.

oil water atmosphere pollution

Chapter 2. The problem of air pollution

1 Causes of air pollution

The problem of air pollution is one of the most serious global problems facing humanity. The danger of air pollution lies not only in the fact that harmful substances that are harmful to living organisms enter clean air, but also in the change in the Earth's climate caused by pollution.

Air pollution due to human activities has caused carbon dioxide concentrations to increase by almost 30% over the past 200 years. However, humanity continues to actively burn fossil fuels and destroy forests. The process is so large-scale that it leads to global environmental problems. Air pollution also comes from other types human activity. The combustion of fuel in thermal power plants is accompanied by the release of sulfur dioxide. Nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere with vehicle exhaust gases. When fuel burns incompletely, carbon monoxide is formed. In addition, we should not forget about fine solid pollutants such as soot and dust.

The main cause of air pollution is the ingress of uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into it, as well as a change in their natural concentration. This happens as a result of natural processes, so due to human activity. Moreover, it is humans who play an increasingly important role in air pollution. The cause of most chemical and physical pollution is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels during production electrical energy and during operation of vehicle engines. One of the most toxic gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity is ozone. Lead contained in car exhaust gases is also toxic. Other hazardous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and fine dust. Every year, as a result of human industrial activity (during the generation of electricity, cement production, iron smelting, etc.), 170 million tons of dust enter the atmosphere.

2.2 Main types of air pollution on Earth

Various properties are taken as the basis for the classification of atmospheric pollution: the origin of pollution, its nature, types and types of sources.

The nature of pollution can be physical. Such contaminants include solid particles (dust), radioactive radiation and isotopes, different kinds electromagnetic waves, loud sounds and low-frequency vibrations, as well as heat emissions.

Chemical pollution includes the release of gases and aerosols into the atmosphere. Among the main types of atmospheric pollution of this kind are emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, heavy metals, ammonia, and radioactive isotopes.

Biological pollution is mainly microbial in nature. These are, first of all, spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, as well as waste products of living organisms.

Another way of classification is by the sources and composition of air pollution. Sources of anthropogenic pollution are divided into transport, industrial and domestic. According to their composition, they are usually divided into mechanical (dust, solid particles), chemical (gases and aerosols that can enter into chemical reactions), and radioactive - dangerous due to radiation.

2.3 Methods and methods for protecting the Earth’s atmospheric layer

Addressing the problem of air pollution requires concerted action across the board. different levels. At the government level and international organizations Various documents are adopted obliging economic participants to reduce harmful emissions. Such documents include the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and environmental legislation of states.

One of the most common ways to control greenhouse emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) is carbon quotas, which imply that each participant in economic activity (industrial enterprise, transport company) buys for itself the right to produce emissions in a strictly defined volume, exceeding which will lead to severe penalties. sanctions. The funds received from the sale of carbon credits should be spent on overcoming the consequences of global warming. At the level of specific sources of harmful emissions, measures must be taken to prevent or at least reduce air pollution. Such measures include cleaning the air from dust, aerosols and gases. The most effective methods here are inertial (“cyclones”) or mechanical (filtration) dust collection, adsorption of gaseous pollutants, and afterburning of combustion products.

2.4 Consequences

In the process of human activity, the atmosphere is polluted by emissions of various gases, aerosols and solid particles. In addition, humanity is intensively polluting the atmosphere with electromagnetic and radiation radiation, thermal emissions, and so on. This kind of impact is commonly called anthropogenic air pollution.

It is anthropogenic air pollution that accounts for the bulk of harmful emissions. In addition, they are more dangerous than naturally occurring pollution. Based on their state of aggregation, I distinguish the following types of anthropogenic atmospheric pollution: solid particles, liquids (aerosols) and gases. The latter account for more than 90% of all emissions.

Main anthropogenic sources of air pollution: enterprises chemical industry, where at technological processes ozone may be released, which is dangerous to living organisms; thermal power plants emitting carbon dioxide - the “main” greenhouse gas, as well as toxic nitrogen oxides and other substances; road transport that pollutes the atmosphere with carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic substances and soot; refrigeration equipment And aerosol cans, containing freons - chemical compounds that contribute to the destruction of stratospheric ozone and global warming.

2.5 Impact on the atmosphere

Harmful emissions entering the atmospheric air are a factor affecting a variety of processes and objects. And yet, for obvious reasons, research into the impact of air pollution on humans and on the climate of our planet is of greatest importance.

The impact of air pollution on humans is not limited solely to the direct impact of impurities contained in the air on the functioning of the body. Although, of course, this is an extremely important aspect. Thus, the presence of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) in the inhaled air prevents the flow of oxygen into the blood, which leads to human death. Heavy metal salts present in car exhaust gases are extremely toxic, as is ozone, which is a by-product of the chemical industry. Fine dust, soot particles formed during combustion diesel fuel, have a carcinogenic effect.

In addition, the harmful effects of pollution may occur indirectly. For example, freons, which are absolutely safe for humans when inhaled, enter the upper layers of the atmosphere, decompose and destroy the ozone layer, which protects humans (and all living things with them) from hard ultraviolet radiation.

The influence of air pollution on the climate also, ultimately, negatively affects human health, as it leads to a reduction in areas suitable for agriculture (and this means hunger), leads to an expansion of the range of carriers of dangerous diseases, in addition, a simple increase air temperature can cause an increase in cardiovascular diseases.


Environmental pollution, depletion natural resources and violations of ecological connections in ecosystems have become global problems for humanity. And if humanity continues to follow the current path of development, then its death, according to the world's leading ecologists, is inevitable in two to three generations. As the negative consequences of ecological imbalance began to become universal, the need arose to create an environmental movement.

The rational use of water resources is currently an extremely pressing problem. This is, first of all, the protection of water spaces from pollution, and since industrial wastes occupy first place in terms of the volume and damage they cause, it is first of all necessary to solve the problem of dumping them into rivers. In particular, it is necessary to limit discharges into water bodies, as well as improve production, treatment and disposal technologies. Another important aspect is the collection of fees for the discharge of wastewater and pollutants and the transfer of collected funds to the development of new non-waste technologies and treatment facilities. It is necessary to reduce the amount of payment for environmental pollution to enterprises with minimal emissions and discharges, which in the future will serve as a priority to maintain a minimum discharge or reduce it. When organizing a control system for waste discharges into the sea, identifying dumping areas and determining the dynamics of pollution of sea water and bottom sediments are of decisive importance.

During the work, the main causes of air pollution were identified. The main cause of air pollution is the ingress of uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into it, as well as a change in their natural concentration.

Harmful emissions entering the atmospheric air are a factor affecting a variety of processes and objects. And yet, for obvious reasons, research into the impact of air pollution on humans and on the climate of our planet is of greatest importance. One of the most common ways to control greenhouse emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) is carbon quotas, which imply that each participant in economic activity (industrial enterprise, transport company) buys for itself the right to produce emissions in a strictly defined volume, exceeding which will lead to severe penalties. sanctions. The influence of air pollution on the climate also, ultimately, negatively affects human health, as it leads to a reduction in areas suitable for agriculture (and this means hunger), leads to an expansion of the range of carriers of dangerous diseases, in addition, a simple increase air temperature can cause an increase in cardiovascular diseases.

Unfortunately, on modern stage the development of market economic relations is significantly ahead of the development legislative framework, including this applies to stimulation rational environmental management. But let’s not rush to pessimistic conclusions, because the development of an appropriate legislative framework has been underway for several years now, and the attitude towards the environment and the need to protect it is gradually changing in people’s minds. The economic and legal levers for protecting the natural environment and preventing its pollution, described in this work, are an important foundation for the further development of economic and legal relations in the field of environmental safety.


1. Ismagilov R.R. The problem of water pollution and ways to solve it [Text] / R.R. Ismagilov // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 11. - pp. 127-129.

2. Khotuntsev Yu.L. Ecology and environmental safety: Textbook. allowance. - M.: ACADEMA, 2012. - 233 p.

indicating the topic right now to find out about the possibility of obtaining a consultation.

According to world studies, the country is included in the list of the most polluted countries in the world. The difficult environmental situation entails a poor quality of life and negatively affects the general condition of citizens. The reason for the emergence of problems of environmental pollution is the dynamic desire of man to influence the environment. In response to the selfish actions of the most intelligent being, nature aggressively rewards what it deserves. The environmental situation in Russia requires an early resolution, otherwise there will be a serious imbalance between man and the environment.

The geographic environment must be divided into two component categories. The first includes the habitat of living beings, the second includes nature as a colossal storehouse of resources. The task of humanity is to learn how to extract minerals without violating the integrity of the objective environment.

Pollution of the environment, irrational use of materials, thoughtless destruction of flora and fauna - these mistakes are a priority for the Russian Federation and already exist for a long time. Large industrial enterprises, agricultural corporations and the individual desire of a person to maximize their needs become the main argument in the case of an extremely alarming environmental situation (see). Insufficient desire to resolve a difficult situation drags the state into a larger crisis. The main environmental problems of Russia are:

The government has left virtually no control over the activities of corporations engaged in... Today, the situation has sharply worsened in the north-west of the country and in areas of Siberia, where hundreds of hectares of trees are being destroyed. Forests are being modified to create agricultural areas in their place. This provokes the displacement of many animal species and flora from the areas that are their real home. With any form of cutting down a green zone, 40% of wood is irreversible loss. Reforestation is difficult: a planted tree needs 10 to 15 years to fully grow. In addition, legislative approval is often required for restoration (see).

Energy facilities belong to the number of bases that intensively oppress the biosphere. Currently, methods for extracting electrical or thermal resources are focused on the future of operation, while in former periods the course was aimed at minimizing financial costs. Each energy facility accumulates a huge risk of causing significant harm to our planet. Even regulating the limits of negative impacts cannot fully eliminate the danger.

Mining useful resources, humans pollute groundwater, soil and atmosphere. Animals and plants are forced to live in unsuitable conditions. Oil transported on ships spills, resulting in the death of many creatures. A colossal amount of harm is caused by the process of coal and gas extraction. Radiation pollution poses a threat and changes the environment. These environmental problems in Russia will cause irreparable damage to the country if significant measures are not taken.

Interesting! The country's largest oil dump is located in the Gulf of Finland. Contamination affects nearby soils and groundwater. Alarming statements are emerging: a large percentage of drinking water in the state is no longer suitable for consumption.

Polluted water bodies do not allow the use of the life-giving element to feed creatures. Industrial enterprises discharge waste into the aquatic environment. In Russia there are a small number of treatment facilities, and much of the equipment is out of order, and this aggravates the problem. As water becomes polluted, water becomes scarce, which leads to the death of ecosystems.

Industrial facilities are the main sources of air pollution. According to indications special services a quarter of all production waste is released into the environment. Most residents of large metallurgical cities breathe air full of heavy metals every day. The fly in the ointment in this matter is added by vehicle exhaust gases.

There are more than four hundred nuclear reactors in the world, 46 of them are located in the Russian Federation. Nuclear explosions irradiating waters, soils and organisms, produce radioactive contamination. The danger also comes from the operation of the stations, and leakage is possible during transportation. Dangerous rays also come from certain rocks (uranium, thorium, radium) lying deep underground.

Only 4% of all Russian garbage is recycled, the rest is transformed into huge landfills, which provoke epidemics and infectious diseases in animals living nearby. People do not strive to monitor the cleanliness of their own home, city, country, so there is a huge risk of infection (see).

Poaching in Russia is the most important issue, the essence of which is the unauthorized extraction of natural resources. Criminals, despite the state’s attempts to suppress any untruth, cleverly disguise themselves with fake licenses and avoid punishment. Fines for poaching are fundamentally inconsistent with the harm caused. Many breeds and varieties of nature are difficult to restore.

How are environmental problems solved in Russia?

In our state, supervision over the extraction of mineral resources has been significantly weakened, despite the fact that the preservation and improvement of the environment comes first. The laws and local documentation being developed do not have sufficient power to work effectively, completely leveling or reducing the main environmental problems of Russia.

Interesting! The Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation, reporting directly to the government, has existed since 2008. It has a large amount of activity in the direction of improving the quality of local systems. However, there is no body in the country that would monitor the implementation of laws, so the ministry remains in limbo and passive.

The government, however, is taking organized measures aimed at resolving the situation in the most unfavorable industrial areas of the Russian Federation. It uses innovative technologies, strengthen monitoring of large-scale structures, and also introduce energy-saving procedures into production.

An integrated approach to the problem is needed, including long-term actions in all areas of human life and society. Fundamental resolution of the environmental situation in the Russian Federation includes the following categories:

The legal system creates a large body of laws to protect the environment. International experience plays a vital role here.

Eliminating the consequences of irrational use of the planet's resources requires considerable financial support.

The use of new technologies in industry will reduce environmental pollution. The main goal of the development is to create environmentally friendly energy. Special plants allow you to dispose of waste with the highest percentage of usefulness. Consequently, excess territory is not occupied, and the energy from combustion is used for industrial needs.

Greening populated areas will be beneficial. It is necessary to plant trees near places of high pollution, and also to take measures to protect the soil from erosion. (cm. )

The plans include reducing the amount of household waste and treating wastewater. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve a transition from oil and coal to sources based on solar and hydropower. Biofuel significantly reduces the concentration of harmful elements in the atmosphere.

An important task seems to be to teach the population of the Russian Federation to respect the environment.

The decision to switch vehicles to gas, electricity and hydrogen will reduce emissions of toxic exhaust. A method for producing nuclear energy from water is at the development stage.

Expert opinion - Environmental issues and corporations

These days, the topic of environmental protection is heard more and more often; many countries are concerned about water, soil and air pollution, deforestation and global warming. In Russia, new standards are emerging in the field of construction and emissions regulation, social movements and programs. This is certainly a positive trend. However, all this solves only part of the problems. It is necessary to develop and stimulate voluntary efforts to reduce the burden on the environment, including among large companies.

Environmental responsibility of mining and manufacturing corporations

Mining and manufacturing corporations have a particularly high potential for environmental damage, so they typically devote significant resources to environmental programs.

For example, the SIBUR corporation holds numerous cleanup days throughout Russia, and the Gazprom group invested more than 22 billion rubles last year. on environmental protection, the AVTOVAZ group reported success in reducing harmful industrial emissions and reducing the volume of solid waste. Environmental responsibility is an international practice.

For the last 5 years, the international corporation 3M has been conducting an annual environmental audit to assess the effectiveness of its sustainable development policy. One of its first points is the economical use of wood and mineral resources, including through increased use of recyclable materials. 3M, a member of the international association The Forest Trust, also motivates many other companies to protect the Earth's interior by increasing environmental requirements for their suppliers.

On the other hand, manufacturing corporations can help preserve the environment by inventing and introducing environmentally friendly products. An example is special coating for solar panels, invented by 3M, which improves the efficiency and lifespan of these renewable energy sources.

Application of an integrated approach while preserving the environment

Tangible results are achievable when implemented integrated approach, which implies the leveling of all controllable factors that negatively affect the environment.

For example, it is not enough to organize tree planting in the fight against global warming. Companies must also reduce the consumption of greenhouse gases that live in the atmosphere for years, which include refrigerants used in refrigeration units, fire fighting and chemical production.

Example. Mature tree on average absorbs 120 kg of CO2 per year, and the release of 1 cylinder with fire extinguishing refrigerant will amount to several tons of CO2 equivalent. That is, choice ecological system fire extinguishing, for example, with GOTV Novek® 1230, which has minimal global warming potential, the effect will be equal to planting a small park of trees.

The challenge of an effective nature conservation program is taking into account and prioritizing all factors affecting the environment. The task of the professional community is to form a center of competence, a set of ready-made environmental solutions, which will be convenient for companies to implement and use.

International environmental organizations in Russia

A whole range of specialized structures for environmental protection operate in the country. These organizations coordinate security specifics regardless of the political situation. Russia participates in the work of a large number of international structures to protect the environment. These organizations are strictly divided by areas of interest. Below is a list of systems operating in the Russian Federation.

  • The UN has developed a special UNEP program that protects nature from inappropriate use.
  • WWF – International is the largest organization protecting biological resources. They provide financial support for the protection, development and training of such structures.
  • GEF - created to help developing countries solve environmental problems.
  • Operating since the early 70s, UNESCO supports peace and environmental safety in the country, and also deals with regulations on the development of culture and science.
  • The FAO organization works towards improving the quality of agricultural crafts and the extraction of natural resources.
  • "Ark" is an environmental movement that promotes the idea of ​​selling food and goods that do not litter or pollute the environment.
  • WCP is a program that develops methods for long-term climate change and its improvement.
  • WHO is an organization whose goal is to achieve humanity better conditions life on the planet by monitoring the use of resources.
  • WSOP - the program accumulates the experience of all states and builds ways to resolve problems.
  • WWW is a service that collects information about weather conditions in all countries.

The work of international environmental organizations in Russia helps to increase national interest to cleanse the native land and increase general level cleanliness of the environment.

Interesting! Mistrust of the authorities, accusations of espionage, and a ban on receiving proper information complicate the activities of these structures. Domestic systems do not want to spend money on environmental protection measures and do not accept the essence of environmental management, for which international institutions are convened.

Social structure specialists conducted a survey on this topic. Based on the results, lists of favorable and unfavorable cities were compiled. The course of the study was shaped by the opinions of residents who distributed 100 items. The respondents rate the situation as a whole at 6.5 points.

  • The most environmentally friendly city in Russia is Sochi. Armavir takes second place. These settlements have excellent climatic conditions with clean air, sea and plenty of vegetation. In these cities, the desire of the residents themselves to erect gazebos, flower beds or front gardens is noted.
  • Sevastopol took third place. The metropolis is characterized by a variety of flora, little traffic and a fresh atmosphere.
  • The top ten environmental favorites include: Kaliningrad, Grozny, Stavropol, Saransk, Nalchik, Korolev and Cheboksary. The capital is in 12th place, and St. Petersburg is in the middle of the third ten.

Rating of Russian cities by ecology 2017 – the dirtiest megacities

Here are settlements that were originally planned as industrial. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the situation in these cities remains virtually unchanged.

  • Those surveyed placed Bratsk in last, 100th place on the list. Respondents note a huge amount of garbage on the streets and a minimal number of green spaces. People living here smell emissions all the time.
  • Novokuznetsk is in 99th place. The “coal capital” of Russia is experiencing a glut of heavy metals in the atmosphere. Residents find it difficult to breathe in windless weather; there is always thick smog here.
  • Chelyabinsk closes the top three outsiders in the environmental rating. Respondents note poor water quality and dirty oxygen. Magnitogorsk, Makhachkala, Krasnoyarsk and Omsk are nearby on the list.

Expert opinion - Experience of other countries in eliminating environmental problems

Alexander Levin, Executive Director of the Fund for Support of Foreign Economic Activity of the Moscow Region

In my opinion, when solving environmental problems in our country, it is necessary to adopt the experience, first of all, of the countries of the European Union, especially such as Denmark, Germany, and Austria. These states are focusing on improving plant efficiency, cleaning up air emissions and recycling wastewater.

In addition, in European countries a lot of attention is paid to the recycling of raw materials, as well as the creation of renewable energy sources. In Russia, the problem is the basic lack of industrial treatment facilities and storm water treatment facilities. There is also a technological backwardness of the processes of reconstruction of existing ones. I think that now we need to increase the amount of funding for activities related to the reconstruction of such facilities in the housing and communal services and road infrastructure, as well as subsidize the creation of new treatment infrastructure where it does not exist. This is the only way we can preserve water resources in our country.

Solving environmental problems in Russia is a priority task not only for government agencies, but also for the population, who must reconsider their own views on the preservation and protection of the environment.

The level of human impact on the environment depends primarily on the technical level of society. She was extremely small initial stages development of humanity. However, with the development of society and the growth of its productive forces, the situation begins to change dramatically. The 20th century is the century of scientific and technological progress. Associated with a qualitatively new relationship between science, technology and technology, it colossally increases the possible and real scale of society’s impact on nature, challenges humanity whole line new, extremely acute problems, primarily environmental.
What is ecology? This term, first used in 1866 by the German biologist E. Haeckel (1834-1919), refers to the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. The scientist believed that the new science would deal only with the relationships of animals and plants with their habitat. This term firmly entered our lives in the 70s of the 20th century. However, today we actually talk about environmental problems as social ecology - a science that studies the problems of interaction between society and the environment.

Today, the environmental situation in the world can be described as close to critical. Among the global environmental problems the following can be noted:

1. - the atmosphere in many places is extremely polluted permissible sizes, and clean air becomes scarce;

2. - the ozone layer, which protects against cosmic radiation harmful to all living things, is partially damaged;

3. forest cover has been largely destroyed;

4. - surface pollution and disfigurement of natural landscapes: it is impossible to detect a single one on Earth square meter surfaces, wherever there are no artificially created elements.
Thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed;

5. - the world ocean is not only depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, but also ceases to be a regulator of natural processes

6. - the available reserves of minerals are rapidly declining;

7. - extinction of animal and plant species

1Atmospheric pollution

Back in the early sixties, it was believed that air pollution is a local problem of large cities and industrial centers, but later it became clear that atmospheric pollutants can spread through the air over long distances, having an adverse effect on areas located at a considerable distance from the place of release of these substances । Thus, air pollution is a global phenomenon, and to control it it is necessary the international cooperation.

Table 1 Ten most dangerous biosphere pollutants

Carbon dioxide

Formed during the combustion of all types of fuel. An increase in its content in the atmosphere leads to an increase in its temperature, which is fraught with harmful geochemical and environmental consequences.

Carbon monoxide

Formed during incomplete combustion of fuel. May disrupt the thermal balance of the upper atmosphere.

Sulphur dioxide

Contained in industrial smoke. Causes exacerbation of respiratory diseases and harms plants. Corrodes limestone and some stones.

Nitrogen oxides

They create smog and cause respiratory diseases and bronchitis in newborns. Promotes excessive growth of aquatic vegetation.

One of the dangerous pollutants food products, especially of marine origin. It accumulates in the body and has a harmful effect on the nervous system.

Added to gasoline. Acts on enzyme systems and metabolism in living cells.

Leads to harmful environmental consequences, causing the death of planktonic organisms, fish, seabirds and mammals.

DDT and other pesticides

Very toxic to crustaceans. They kill fish and organisms that serve as fish food. Many are carcinogenic.


In excess of permissible doses it leads to malignant neoplasms and genetic mutations.

Among the mostCommon air pollutants include gases such as freons
। Greenhouse gases also include methane, which enters the atmosphere during the extraction of oil, gas, coal, as well as during the decay of organic residues and the growth of cattle numbers। Methane growth is 1.5% per year। This also includes a compound such as nitrous oxide, which enters the atmosphere as a result of the widespread use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, as well as as a result of the combustion of carbon-containing fuels in thermal power plants. However, we should not forget that despite the huge contribution of the listed gases to the “greenhouse effect”, the main greenhouse gas on Earth is still water vapor। With this phenomenon, the heat received by the Earth does not spread into the atmosphere, but, thanks to greenhouse gases, remains at the Earth's surface, and only 20% of the total thermal radiation of the Earth's surface goes irrevocably into space. Roughly speaking, greenhouse gases form a kind of glass cover over the surface of the planet.

In the future, this could lead to increased melting of ice and an unpredictable rise in the level of the world's oceans, flooding of parts of the continental coasts, and the disappearance of a number of plant and animal species that are unable to adapt to new conditions. natural conditions life. The phenomenon of the “greenhouse effect” is one of the main root causes of this actual problem like global warming।

2 Ozone holes

The environmental problem of the ozone layer is no less scientifically complex. As is known, life on Earth appeared only after the protective ozone layer of the planet was formed, covering it from harsh ultraviolet radiation. For many centuries there were no signs of trouble. However, in recent decades, intensive destruction of this layer has been noticed.

4 Desertification

Under the influence of living organisms, water and air on the surface layers of the lithosphere

The most important ecosystem, thin and fragile, is gradually formed - the soil, which is called the “skin of the Earth”. This is the guardian of fertility and life. A handful of good soil contains millions of microorganisms that maintain fertility.
It takes a century for a soil layer 1 centimeter thick to form. It can be lost in one field season. According to geologists, before people began to engage in agricultural activities, graze livestock and plow land, rivers annually carried about 9 billion tons of soil into the World Ocean. Nowadays this amount is estimated at approximately 25 billion tons 2 .

Soil erosion, a purely local phenomenon, has now become universal. In the United States, for example, about 44% of cultivated land is susceptible to erosion. In Russia, unique rich chernozems with a humus content (organic matter that determines soil fertility) of 14–16%, which were called the citadel of Russian agriculture, disappeared. In Russia, the area of ​​the most fertile lands with a humus content of 10–13% has decreased by almost 5 times 2 .

A particularly difficult situation arises when not only the soil layer is demolished, but also the parent rock on which it develops. Then the threshold of irreversible destruction comes, and an anthropogenic (that is, man-made) desert arises.

One of the most formidable, global and fleeting processes of our time is the expansion of desertification, the decline and, in the most extreme cases, the complete destruction of the biological potential of the Earth, which leads to conditions similar to those of a natural desert.

Natural deserts and semi-deserts occupy more than 1/3 of the earth's surface. These lands are home to about 15% of the world's population. Deserts are natural formations that play a certain role in the overall ecological balance of the planet’s landscapes.

As a result of human activity, by the last quarter of the twentieth century, over 9 million square kilometers of deserts had appeared, and in total they had already covered 43% of the total land area 2.

In the 1990s, desertification began to threaten 3.6 million hectares of drylands.

This represents 70% of potentially productive drylands, or ¼ of the total land surface area, and does not include the area of ​​natural deserts. About 1/6 of the world's population suffers from this process 2.

According to UN experts, current losses of productive land will lead to the fact that by the end of the century the world may lose almost 1/3 of its arable land 2 . Such a loss, at a time of unprecedented population growth and increasing food demand, could be truly disastrous.

5 Hydrosphere pollution

One of the most valuable resources of the Earth is the hydrosphere - oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctic. There are 1385 million kilometers of water reserves on Earth and very little, only 25% fresh water suitable for human life. And despite

These are people who are very crazy about this wealth and destroy it without a trace, indiscriminately, polluting the water with various wastes. Humanity uses mainly fresh water for its needs. Their volume is slightly more than 2% of the hydrosphere, and the distribution of water resources around the globe is extremely uneven. Europe and Asia, where 70% of the world's population lives, contain only 39% of river waters. The total consumption of river waters is increasing from year to year in all regions of the world. It is known, for example, that since the beginning of the 21st century, fresh water consumption has increased 6 times, and in the next few decades it will increase by at least another 1.5 times.

The lack of water is aggravated by the deterioration of its quality. Water used in industry, agriculture and everyday life returns to water bodies in the form of poorly treated or completely untreated wastewater. Thus, pollution of the hydrosphere occurs primarily as a result of the discharge of industrial,

agricultural and domestic wastewater.
According to scientists' calculations, soon diluting this same wastewater may require 25 thousand cubic kilometers of fresh water, or almost all the actually available resources of such runoff. It is not difficult to guess that it is precisely this, and not the growth of direct water intake main reason worsening fresh water problems. It is worth noting that wastewater containing residues of mineral raw materials and human waste products enrich water bodies with nutrients, which in turn leads to the development of algae, and as a consequence to waterlogging of the reservoir. Currently, many rivers are heavily polluted - the Rhine, Danube, Seine, Ohio, Volga, Dnieper, Dniester and others. Urban runoff and large landfills often cause water pollution with heavy metals and hydrocarbons. As heavy metals accumulate in marine food chains, their concentrations can reach lethal levels, as occurred after a large industrial release of mercury into Japanese coastal waters near the city of Minimata. The increased concentration of this metal in the tissues of fish led to the death of many people and animals who ate the contaminated product. Increased doses of heavy metals, pesticides and petroleum products can significantly weaken the protective properties of organisms. The concentration of carcinogens in the North Sea is currently reaching enormous levels. Huge reserves of these substances are concentrated in the tissues of dolphins,

being the final link in the food chain. Countries located on the North Sea coast have recently been implementing a set of measures aimed at reducing, and in the future completely stopping, the dumping and burning of toxic waste into the sea. In addition, humans transform the waters of the hydrosphere through the construction of hydraulic structures, in particular reservoirs. Large reservoirs and canals have a serious negative impact on the environment: they change the regime groundwater in the coastal strip, affect soils and plant communities; after all, their water areas occupy large areas of fertile land.

Nowadays, pollution of the world's oceans is growing at an alarming rate. Moreover, not only wastewater pollution plays a significant role here, but also the release of large quantities of petroleum products into the waters of the seas and oceans. In general, the most polluted inland seas: Mediterranean, Northern, Baltic, Japanese, Javanese, and also Biscay,

Persian and Gulf of Mexico. Pollution of seas and oceans occurs through two channels. Firstly, sea and river vessels pollute water with waste generated as a result of operational activities and products of internal combustion in engines. Secondly, pollution occurs as a result of accidents when toxic substances, most often oil and petroleum products, enter the sea. Diesel engines of ships emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, which subsequently settle on the surface of the water. On tankers, before each regular loading, containers are washed to remove the remains of previously transported cargo, while the washing water, and with it the remaining cargo, is most often dumped overboard. In addition, after delivering the cargo, the tankers are sent to the new loading point empty; in this case, for proper navigation, the tankers are filled with ballast water, which becomes contaminated with oil residues during the voyage. Before loading, this water is also poured overboard. As for legislative measures to control oil pollution during the operation of oil terminals and the discharge of ballast water from oil tankers, they were adopted much earlier, after the danger of large spills became obvious

Among these methods (or possible ways problem solving) can include the emergence and activities of various types "green" movements and organizations. Besides the notorious « Green PeaWithe'A",distinguished not only by the scope of its activities, but also, at times, by the noticeable extremism of its actions, as well as similar organizations that directly carry out environmental protection

e shares, there is another type of environmental organizations - structures that stimulate and sponsor environmental activities - such as the Wildlife Fund, for example. All environmental organizations exist in one of the forms: public, private state or mixed type organizations.

In addition to various types of associations that defend civilization’s rights to the nature it is gradually destroying, there are a number of state or public environmental initiatives in the sphere of solving environmental problems. For example, environmental legislation in Russia and other countries of the world, various international agreements or the “Red Books” system.

The International "Red Book" - a list of rare and endangered species of animals and plants - currently includes 5 volumes of materials. In addition, there are national and even regional “Red Books”.

Among the most important ways to solve environmental problems, most researchers also highlight the introduction of environmentally friendly, low- and waste-free technologies, the construction of treatment facilities, rational placement production and use of natural resources.

Although, undoubtedly - and this is proven by the entire course of human history - the most important direction for solving the environmental problems facing civilization is the increase in human ecological culture, serious environmental education and upbringing, everything that eradicates the main environmental conflict - the conflict between the savage consumer and the rational an inhabitant of a fragile world that exists in the human mind.

The right to a favorable environment is enshrined in the Constitution Russian Federation. A number of bodies monitor compliance with this standard:

  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia;
  • Rosprirodnadzor and its territorial departments;
  • environmental prosecutor's office;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of ecology;
  • a number of other departments.

But it would be more logical to consolidate everyone’s responsibility to conserve natural resources, minimize consumer waste, and take care of nature. A person has many rights. What does nature have? Nothing. Only the duty to satisfy the ever-growing needs of man. And this consumer attitude leads to environmental problems. Let's figure out what it is and how to improve the current state of affairs.

Concept and types of environmental problems

Environmental problems are interpreted in different ways. But the essence of the concept boils down to one thing: this is the result of thoughtless, soulless anthropogenic impact on the environment, which leads to changes in the properties of landscapes, depletion or loss of natural resources (minerals, flora and fauna). And it boomerangs on human life and health.

Environmental problems affect the entire natural system. Based on this, there are several types of this problem:

  • Atmospheric. In the atmospheric air, most often in urban areas, it is observed increased concentration pollutants, including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxide, carbon monoxide. Sources – road transport and stationary objects (industrial enterprises). Although, according to the State Report “On the state and protection of the environment of the Russian Federation in 2014,” the total volume of emissions decreased from 35 million tons/year in 2007 to 31 million tons/year in 2014, the air is not getting cleaner. The dirtiest Russian cities according to this indicator are Birobidzhan, Blagoveshchensk, Bratsk, Dzerzhinsk, Yekaterinburg, and the cleanest are Salekhard, Volgograd, Orenburg, Krasnodar, Bryansk, Belgorod, Kyzyl, Murmansk, Yaroslavl, Kazan.
  • Aquatic. There is depletion and contamination of not only surface, but also groundwater. Let's take, for example, the “great Russian” river Volga. The waters in it are characterized as “dirty”. The norm for the content of copper, iron, phenol, sulfates, and organic substances is exceeded. This is due to the operation of industrial facilities that discharge untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater into the river, and the urbanization of the population - a large share of household wastewater through biological treatment plants. The decrease in fish resources was influenced not only by river pollution, but also by the construction of a cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Even 30 years ago, even near the city of Cheboksary it was possible to catch a Caspian beluga, but now you won’t catch anything larger than a catfish. It is possible that the annual campaigns of hydroelectric power engineers to launch fry of valuable fish species, such as sterlet, will someday bring tangible results.
  • Biological. Resources such as forests and pastures are degrading. We mentioned fish resources. As for forests, we have the right to call our country the largest forest power: a quarter of the area of ​​​​all forests in the world grows in our country, half of the country’s territory is occupied by woody vegetation. We need to learn to treat this wealth more carefully in order to preserve it from fires, and promptly identify and punish “black” lumberjacks.

Fires are most often the work of human hands. It is possible that in this way someone is trying to hide traces of the illegal use of forest resources. Perhaps it is no coincidence that the most “burning” areas of Rosleskhoz include the Transbaikal, Khabarovsk, Primorsky, Krasnoyarsk territories, the republics of Tyva, Khakassia, Buryatia, Yakutia, the Irkutsk, Amur regions, and the Jewish Autonomous Region. At the same time, huge amounts of money are spent on eliminating fires: for example, in 2015, over 1.5 billion rubles were spent. There are also good examples. Thus, the republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia did not allow a single forest fire. There is someone to follow by example!

  • Land. We are talking about the depletion of subsoil, the development of minerals. To save at least part of these resources, it is enough to recycle waste as much as possible and reuse it. In this way, we will help reduce the area of ​​landfills, and enterprises can save on quarry development by using recyclable materials in production.
  • Soil - geomorphological. Active farming leads to gully formation, soil erosion, and salinization. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, as of January 1, 2014, almost 9 million hectares of farmland were subject to degradation, of which over 2 million hectares of land were degraded. If erosion occurs as a result of land use, then the soil can be helped by: terracing, creating forest belts for protection from the wind, changing the type, density and age of vegetation.
  • Landscape. Deterioration of the condition of individual natural-territorial complexes.

Modern world environmental problems

Local and global environmental problems are closely interrelated. What happens in a particular region ultimately affects the overall situation throughout the world. Therefore, environmental issues must be approached comprehensively. First, let's highlight the main global environmental problems:

  • . As a result, protection from ultraviolet radiation decreases, which leads to various diseases of the population, including skin cancer.
  • Global warming. Over the past 100 years, the temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere has increased by 0.3-0.8°C. The snow area in the north has decreased by 8%. There was a rise in the level of the world's oceans to 20 cm. Over 10 years, the rate of increase in the average annual temperature in Russia was 0.42°C. This is twice the rate of increase in Earth's global temperature.
  • . Every day we inhale about 20 thousand liters of air, saturated not only with oxygen, but also containing harmful suspended particles and gases. So, if we consider that there are 600 million cars in the world, each of which daily emits up to 4 kg of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, soot and zinc into the atmosphere, then through simple mathematical calculations we come to the conclusion that the vehicle fleet emits 2.4 billion kg harmful substances. We must not forget about emissions from stationary sources. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year over 12.5 million people (and this is the population of the entire Moscow!) die from diseases associated with poor ecology.

  • . This problem leads to pollution of water bodies and soils with nitric and sulfuric acid, cobalt and aluminum compounds. As a result, productivity falls and forests die. Toxic metals get into drinking water and poison us.
  • . Humanity needs to store 85 billion tons of waste a year somewhere. As a result, the soil under authorized and unauthorized landfills becomes contaminated with solid and liquid industrial waste, pesticides, and household waste.
  • . The main pollutants are oil and petroleum products, heavy metals and complex organic compounds. In Russia, the ecosystems of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are maintained at a stable level. The taxonomic composition and structure of communities do not undergo significant changes.

Ways to improve the environment

No matter how deeply modern environmental problems penetrate, their solution depends on each of us. So what can we do to help nature?

  • Usage alternative type fuel or alternative means of transport. To reduce harmful emissions into the air, it is enough to switch your car to gas or switch to an electric car. A very environmentally friendly way to travel by bicycle.
  • Separate collection. It is enough to install two garbage containers at home to effectively implement separate collection. The first is for waste that cannot be recycled, and the second is for subsequent transfer to recycling. Price plastic bottles, waste paper, glass is becoming more and more expensive, so separate collection is not only environmentally friendly, but also economical. By the way, so far in Russia the volume of waste generation is twice as high as the volume of waste use. As a result, the volume of waste in landfills triples over five years.
  • Moderation. In everything and everywhere. An effective solution to environmental problems requires abandoning the consumer society model. A person does not need 10 boots, 5 coats, 3 cars, etc. to live. It’s easy to switch from plastic bags to eco-bags: they are stronger, have a much longer service life, and cost about 20 rubles. Many hypermarkets offer eco-bags under their own brand: Magnit, Auchan, Lenta, Karusel, etc. Everyone can independently evaluate what they can easily refuse.
  • Environmental education of the population. Take part in environmental events: plant a tree in your yard, go to restore forests damaged by fires. Take part in a cleanup event. And nature will thank you with the rustling of leaves, a light breeze... Foster in children a love for all living things and teach them proper behavior while walking in the forest or on the street.
  • Join the ranks of environmental organizations. Don't know how to help nature and preserve a favorable environment? Join the ranks of environmental organizations! These could be the global environmental movements Greenpeace, Wildlife Fund, Green Cross; Russian: All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation, Russian geographical society, ECA, Separate COLLECTION, Green Patrol, RosEco, Non-governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, Movement of Nature Conservation Teams, etc. A creative approach to preserving a favorable environment and a new circle of friends are waiting for you!

Nature is one, there will never be another. Already today, having begun to jointly solve environmental problems, uniting the efforts of citizens, the state, public organizations and commercial enterprises, we can improve the world around us. Issues of environmental protection concern many, because how we treat them today determines the conditions in which our children will live tomorrow.

The goal of the science of ecology is to study the relationship between plants and animals and their physical and biological environment. The task of ecology today is not only the study of various living organisms and the environment in which they live, but also careful conservation of the ecosystem with its natural cycle.

The deterioration of the general environmental situation in the modern world poses a great risk not only for fauna and flora, but also for people. Examples of environmental problems are numerous. Pollution of water bodies is the greatest danger to the life and health of the entire population of the planet. The water is polluted by wastewater: pathogens, chemicals and toxic substances. Dirty drains cause infectious diseases and other diseases. How are these and other problems solved?

In contact with

Relevance of the environmental problem

The further we go, the more environmental problems in the vast modern world become more open. Their relevance is obvious, so ecology has become public term, despite her initial scientific character. The term "ecology" was first used in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel, and has its roots in Greek word"house" and implies the study of economy in nature.

To understand the state of the environment, you need to establish the difference between physical and biological environment. The term "physical environment" means:

  • light;
  • warm;
  • atmosphere;
  • water;
  • wind;
  • oxygen;
  • the soil;
  • carbon.

The biological environment consists of plants and animals.

The role of ecology in the modern world

Modern ecology is associated with Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution and natural selection, where Darwin pointed out the strong connection between animals and natural habitats.

But this connection is weakening because people are thinking more about how to satisfy their needs. Takes over consumer attitude to natural resources. People's plans usually do not include caring for plants and animals.

What is the role of ecology today? Lack of care for our planet is the main reason why so many endangered species.

Pollution can be seen in every corner of the world. But still, the number of supporters of environmental protection in the modern world is growing, and we can also join and make our small contribution to the common cause.

The environmental situation has a quantitative, emotional or qualitative assessment. If the environmental situation requires improvement or prevention, then this is an environmental problem. Each person can make a small contribution to eliminating the environmental problem in their locality by sorting garbage before disposal. Everything starts small. We have one planet, and we cannot change it.

Important! Ecology is a complex and comprehensive discipline, very demanding of other areas of science: hydrology, climatology, oceanography, chemistry, geology.

Environmental problems of our time can be briefly presented in the form of the following list:

  1. Insufficient water supply.
  2. Wastewater.
  3. Radioactive waste.
  4. Loss of green areas.
  5. Expansion of urban areas.
  6. Soil pollution poisons and chemicals.
  7. Air pollution from industrial waste.
  8. Vehicle exhaust gases.
  9. Railway noise.

All these problems occur in countries where there is conflict between short-term economic plan and environmental protection.

Local environmental problems

Environmental pollution occurs local, regional and global, depending on the scale of pollution. Local environmental problems include several types:

Loss of biodiversity

It took millions of years for the ecosystem to perfect its natural processes. Natural pollination of plants has great importance for the survival of the ecosystem.

With deforestation now are under threat individual species animal and plant world. An example of a problem is the destruction of coral reefs in the oceans, which support abundant marine life.

Human activity is leading to extinction individual species animals, plants and their habitats, which leads to loss of biological diversity.


Excessive consumption of resources by humans is creating a global crisis - waste management.

  • In the process of human life, an excessive amount of garbage is produced, which ends up in underground and open water bodies.
  • Disposal of military waste (nuclear waste) poses a huge threat to public health.
  • Plastic and electronic waste also threaten human health.

Recycling them remains life problem for the environment.

Air and water pollution

Huge concentration of industrial production, road transport has environmental problems in cities with high population density. Water bodies are polluted by industrial and domestic wastewater. Consumption of contaminated water is a source of infectious diseases . Today, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industrial enterprises and other facilities provide Negative influence on air condition which we breathe. Grow oncological diseases Therefore, environmental problems at enterprises of this kind should be given special attention.


The inhabitants of the planet are faced with lack of natural resources: fuel, food, water. Population growth in less developed countries is exacerbating the situation. Overpopulation of the continents is worsening environmental problems.


Forests produce oxygen and are natural absorbers carbon dioxide and also help regulate temperature and rainfall. IN given time forests cover 30% of the land. Every year the number of trees is decreasing as a result of growing population demand. Deforestation means the destruction of fauna and the loss of entire ecosystems.

These are local environmental problems. But there are also those that cover vast territories. These are regional environmental problems.

Environmental problems on a regional scale

The main problem of the regions remains the state polluted atmospheric air. Regional environmental problems are pollution represented within large territories, but not covering the entire planet.

Emissions enter and natural waters. If the process is prolonged, the atmosphere is damaged, which causes regional environmental pollution.

Local environmental problems become regional with the expansion of urban boundaries and the formation of huge megacities.

General problems

Global environmental problems have large scale of negative consequences.

World Warming

Greenhouse evaporation is result of human activity which influences global warming. The Earth is losing its snow cover, and Arctic flora and fauna are on the verge of extinction. Increasing temperatures of the world's oceans and the Earth's surface are causing polar ice formations to melt and sea levels to rise. Happening unnatural forms of precipitation(excessive snow, rain), in connection with this, floods and inundation of the mainland are becoming more frequent.

Change in the ozone layer

Life began on Earth after the formation of the ozone layer. The ozone shell around the Earth is depleted in volume (compared to 1980), and ozone holes . They exist over Antarctica and Voronezh. The reason for the change is the active launches of rockets, aircraft and satellites.

Important! Changes in the ozone layer are a threat to humans as well as animals. The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet rays. Without the ozone layer, all people will be susceptible to a number of skin diseases, including skin cancer.

Large amounts of exhaust gases are emitted by vehicles and various industries. Gas contamination goes beyond acceptable level. When the gases: nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide react with water, the corresponding acid is obtained. If this happens in , then we have acid rain.

Acid rain

The second cause of acid rain is operation of power plants. This problem leads to the pollution of water bodies and soils with cobalt and aluminum compounds, nitric and sulfuric acid.

If you follow the current path, it may come deterioration of the environmental situation, then people will be afraid to go outside in the rain so as not to damage their skin.

Acid rain contributes loss of crops and forests. Because of them, entire ecosystems are disrupted.

For example, in Great Britain, Czechoslovakia and Greece, more than 65% of forests were destroyed by such rains. To fight this, humanity plants trees.

Climate change on the planet

Warming occurs as a result of the combustion of fuel from thermal power plants and the emission of harmful gases by industry. Climate change is having harmful effects on nature. Along with melting polar ice seasonal changes, new diseases, frequent natural disasters, changes in general weather conditions.

Solving environmental problems in poor countries

In poor countries, the environmental situation is deteriorating. People on the brink of survival. The attitude of destruction must be changed to preserving peace and harmony with nature. However, the situation will not change if developed countries are busy solving only their own global problems, ignoring the terrible situation in poor countries. Environmental protection issues should not be the last thing people worry about.

How environmental problems are solved in the modern world

The state of the environment is catastrophic– Issues are being resolved slowly. People still need environmental consciousness. We are all responsible together for saving our planet. We must correct the mistakes before it is too late. Some small steps have already been taken, but many more steps are required at the global level.

Important! Modern technologies must exploit the peaceful coexistence between ecology and industry, in which the main emphasis is on the use of energy resources with the least negative impact on the environment.

The state of the environment will improve today if the main energy resources are wind, water and sun. The environmental crisis requires appropriate legislative support, which should prohibit modern technologies with a negative impact on the environment. Only those technologies should be allowed that save the environment.

The influence of humanity on the planet's ecosystems

Pollution and environmental protection


We have already witnessed many environmental disasters on the planet. Passive observation is not enough. Who knows, maybe this is our only chance to save the Earth. So what are we waiting for?

To follow the right path to solving environmental problems, you need understand the nature of natural crises in general and its individual manifestations, draw conclusions from the mistakes made. Otherwise, the crisis will develop into an irreversible ecological disaster with complete destruction of the biosphere. Environmental problems are at the top of the list of urgent tasks.