Giant granite bathtub from Tsarskoye Selo (21 photos). Tsar-Vanna - We found her! Royal bath

A lot of time has passed and the most surprising and interesting thing is that this post found a response among the Internet audience, people began to link to my page and that’s great :)

But the main thing is that he himself had never been to this place and had not seen the granite king’s bathtub with his own eyes.

It was time to fix this. Therefore, on the next day off, when we were thinking about where to go, we chose this option.

Granite Tsar Bath in Babolovsky Park

It’s a very strange thing, they don’t take tourists to Babolovsky Park and to the ruins of the palace where Tsar Bath rests. These objects are not even mentioned in guidebooks. Moreover, the local history museum has no information about either the park or the bath!

I did not find any clear instructions on how to get to the place. In general, this is surprising, perhaps, that only for me, who is involved in stone processing, this monumental product made of granite seems amazing, but in fact it is something ordinary? and therefore no one knows about the Tsar Bath and it is of no interest at all?

Personally, I don't think so. It’s hard to even imagine how much work was invested. For more than 10 years, the famous St. Petersburg stonemason Samson Sukhanov carved it from a whole block of granite.

But for some reason we go to look at the Admiralty pillar and admire it, looking at the colonnade of St. Isaac's Cathedral, we admire the work and are glad that it survived the German bombings during the Great Patriotic War, and the Tsar has a bathtub that the German invaders wanted to take with them, but They couldn’t even move it with tanks, it’s in ruins and no one cares about it.

Tsar-Vanna, how we got there

During my searches, I was unable to find information about where exactly the king bath is located. There are many mentions that there is a Potemkin in the Babolovsky park and on the hotel grounds, but for it to be written - you need to go along such and such a route or take such and such a bus and go to this turn there was no.

Now, of course, I understand that finding a king bath is not difficult, but not then.

I am sure that if there was more information on “how to get to the king’s bath”, then there would definitely be more people wanting to visit this place

Therefore, I wanted to talk about our little trip and show where this stunning granite product is located - the King Bath.

On one of the sites I finally found the coordinates of the place where the king bath is located. Entering them into the navigator, I was very surprised. It only takes about 10 minutes by car from Catherine Park in Pushkin.

Here GPS coordinates: N59.70867 E30.34438

The main landmark is the Potemkin Hotel, which is located at Krasnoselskoe highway, 85— it is through its territory that you need to pass.

There shouldn't be any difficulties here. There is a dedicated parking lot for cars, you can tell the guards that you are going to see the king bath, a stone bath or a granite bath, they will understand and let you through, admission is free

At least they didn’t even ask us anything and we walked through completely calmly.

From the parking lot you need to go straight along the path, without turning anywhere. Walking around the hotel building on the right side, you will find yourself near a small elongated lake. Perhaps in summer you can go straight through the forest, but in winter you didn’t want to climb through the snowdrifts.

Standing on the bridge next to the hotel, we quickly found our bearings and understood how we needed to go:

Brick building, in which the king’s bathtub stands, is located very close, about 150 meters away, and is clearly visible through the forest of Babolovsky Park. And along the right bank there was a path trodden by a few visitors, along which we continued further to the next bridge.

After walking about 50 meters along the path (about half), we saw the entire building and realized that we were going in the right direction

View from the second bridge.

We walked around the building on the right side, here the path was cleared and it was much more convenient to walk than through the snowdrifts.

Happened here interesting event, At least for me. Walking around the building, we met a couple of young people who had just visited this place and were returning back. They were holding a phone in their hands and looking at something.

Quite by accident, I looked at the screen and saw that in this moment they were on the Internet and read information about the king bath and guess what site it was on

At that moment I was simply bursting with pride.

On a wave of positive emotions, we walked around the building and the path led us to an unblocked window through which we could see the object of our interest

Through this window, in fact, a full view of the room where the king of the bath is located opens up.

To be honest, I was overwhelmed with feelings. Just imagine…

Forest, there are no people, you see a dilapidated building with all the windows blocked, you look inside and see THIS. Feels like finding a treasure

The situation around, of course, leaves much to be desired. There are baths around the king wooden scaffolding, the ceiling is dilapidated and a little creepy. But the sight of such a huge granite product is simply breathtaking

I couldn’t resist the temptation to climb inside and touch the king’s bathtub with my hands.

Only being next to him can you feel how huge she is.

The dimensions of the king bathtub are impressive... I would even say that this is not a bathtub, but an entire pool made of granite

Stone is a cold accumulator in winter, so now the entire granite bathtub was covered with frost, but through it the polishing was visible, which lasted almost 200 years.

How to use the Tsar Bath

By the way, many people wonder how they heated the water? After all, to fill such a stone bowl you need almost 8,000 buckets of water, which is not at all small, and even if you pour warm water, by the time the bath is filled, it will already have cooled down.

There is an assumption that a fire was made from below and when heating the granite, the water was gradually heated :)) Having visited the site, I strongly doubted the plausibility of this version.

Indeed, there is a niche under the bathroom:

Full of rubbish, unfortunately, but it is clear that the king bathtub stands on 4 granite cubes and there is a small distance from the floor. But this is really a short distance.

There is not enough firewood to heat a bath of water.

Moreover, if you look closely, then Bottom part The king of the bath is completely unprocessed. There are many places on it where soot from kindling would fall and the granite here would be very black, and it would be impossible to clean it.

And the room is small, if you light a fire in it, the whole room will be filled with smoke and it will be very difficult to breathe, not to mention water procedures

Personally, I believe more in the other version that I heard.

The fact is that Alexander I, for whom this granite bath was made, was a big fan of cold bathing. And the granite bath was a kind of font with constantly cool or even cold water.

Such a thickness of granite absorbs heat for a very long time; one might say it is a kind of cold accumulator.

The bathtub is in a niche underground and the room is most likely always cool in the summer. And the small lake heats up in the summer.

Perhaps that is why the king conceived a bathtub made of granite, so that in the summer one could bathe in cold water.

In those days, a cast-iron staircase with railings, supported by cast-iron columns and equipped with viewing platforms led to the bath.

Unfortunately, they have not survived to this day... Not a trace remains of them! Apparently still in Soviet times The cast iron structures were dismantled and sold for scrap.

While we were looking at the king’s bath in fascination, it began to get dark and it became completely dark inside... it was time to go back.

And, finally, we left a small message in the form of the name of the site, where you can read about our journey to the king’s bath :)))

By the way, if you are interested in where we managed to visit and what amazing finds we discovered, then be sure to

Did you know about the Tsar Bath?

Perhaps you also saw unusual products, write about it in the comments...

Along with the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon, there is also the Tsar Bath. It is hidden from prying eyes on the outskirts of Babolovsky Park in Tsarskoye Selo.

The Babolov bowl can be called a masterpiece of stone-cutting art. Primitive tools were used to work on it, which makes its creation even more amazing.

Faktrum introduces the reader to the history of the creation and purpose of the granite bath in Tsarskoye Selo.

Who and when started work on the Tsar Bath

The order for a bathtub for the Babolovsky Palace of Alexander I, at the request of the court engineer Betancourt, was taken by the famous stonemason Samson Sukhanov. For work on the bathroom, Sukhanov received as much as 16,000 rubles. According to the official version, in 1818, a 160-ton block of marble was delivered directly to the estate under construction, and Sukhanov, together with his craftsmen, set to work on the granite bowl.

Work on the Babolovskaya bowl lasted for ten long years. During this time, with the help of the most simple tools- mallets and scarpels - workers trimmed everything unnecessary from a block of granite: approximately 120 tons of stone were removed. Then the bathtub was polished for several more years, bringing its external and interior walls to perfect smoothness and thickness of 45 centimeters. As a result, Sukhanov’s team ended up with a bathtub made of granite, whose height was almost two meters and whose diameter was almost five and a half meters. It contained 12 tons of water, which is approximately equal to 800 buckets. After the stone-cutting work was completed, the walls of an octagonal tower were built around the huge bowl and a roof was erected over it.

The difference in the versions of the creation of the Babolovskaya bath

The story of where the granite block for the bath was actually processed seems somewhat confusing. If it was processed right next to the palace, then it remains a mystery how this stone was delivered. At that time there were no such powerful machines, and it seemed difficult to drag such a colossus manually.

If the stone was processed directly near the quarry (and it was located on one of the islands in Finland), then the question of transportation also remains open. Moving the considerably lighter bath (from 160 tons to 40) was still extremely difficult.

Photo from the site

Why was the granite bathtub in Babolovsky Park needed?

Many historians agree that members of the royal family and Alexander I himself, when coming to Babolovo, used the bath in the Babolovsky Palace for summer ablutions. However, it is not entirely clear how this giant was filled. To carry and pour out 800 buckets of water would take a colossal number of hours, and royalty was not used to waiting. It remains a mystery how the water was drained from the bathtub: it does not have a drain hole. It is quite possible that initially it was supposed to be a water drainage system in the bathroom, but the craftsmen were simply afraid to drill into such a fragile material.

There is another version of what the Tsar Bath was intended for. According to it, the Babolovsky Palace was to become one of the Masonic temples. Some scientists even allegedly spotted Masonic signs on the walls of the palace. However, this version is not very plausible. Indeed, in 1882, Alexander I issued a decree on the destruction of Masonic lodges and other secret societies. In this regard, it is difficult to believe that, having destroyed the presence of Freemasons in Russia, the emperor left the lodge in Babolovo.

What's happening to the granite bowl near St. Petersburg these days?

During World War II, the Germans, seeing a granite bathtub, were about to take it out, but they did not have enough resources to do this. Bath remained in Babolovo. Today the royal estate is in disrepair: the walls and roofs of the buildings have collapsed and rotted, only the walls of the bathhouse remain relatively intact. In 2014, the park around the palace and the palace itself were closed for restoration, and, unfortunately, it is now impossible to look at the masterpiece of stone-cutting art.

- a country of paradoxes! Only we have the Tsar Bell, which never rang, and the Tsar Cannon, which, according to legend, fired only once in history. However, both the bell and the cannon are in the Kremlin, and the people of Russia are terribly proud of them. While another royal artifact, the Tsar Bath, completely undeservedly vegetates in oblivion - in the dilapidated Babolovsky Palace on the outskirts of Tsarskoye Selo...


Numerous visitors to Tsarskoye Selo do not spoil Babolovsky Park with attention: it is neglected to such an extent that it rather resembles a forest. But here it is always quiet and calm. And if you walk along the main alley, you will come to a pond formed in the place where the Kuzminka River is blocked by a dam bridge.

On the other side, red brick ruins are all that remains of the Babolovsky Palace. To be fair, it should be said that crowds of people never walked around him. Firstly, it is not customary to loiter around the royal residence. Secondly, this palace was originally built for intimate meetings of monarchs, quiet rest after a hunt, and not for a ball or other noisy court entertainment. By and large, it can be called a palace with a huge stretch: it has only 10 rooms, and three of them are reserved for “bath” premises. An interesting detail: from each room of the palace you can freely exit into the park. Why it was necessary to do this is a big question. Maybe representatives of the royal family practiced blind dates? And the extra door is additional opportunity for "retreat"?

The first wooden palace appeared on this site in 1782. And it was presented by Catherine II to her favorite Grigory Potemkin. The wooden structure - modest, but tasteful - cost the treasury 3,984 rubles, but it was possible to live in it only in the summer. Therefore, in 1785, a stone building was built in its place in gothic style according to Neelov's project. This palace already cost 15,000 rubles - fabulous money at that time. But it was an original building - with a turret that housed a marble-lined bathtub for bathing... Alas, this highlight was not enough for the empress to fall in love with the Babolovsky Palace. It was empty almost all the time, and therefore fell into disrepair...


The beloved grandson of Catherine II, Alexander I, breathed new life into it. He decided to rebuild the Babolovsky Palace for himself. And I started with what I ordered new bath- “more.” When the architect V.P. Stasov, who was entrusted with the reconstruction project, found out what a “bigger bath” was in the mind of Alexander I, he realized: in order to implement the emperor’s idea, the palace would simply have to be dismantled!

Can you imagine starting your home by installing the plumbing? No? This is because you are not an emperor. But Alexander I had no doubts. This is how a unique palace with a hipped tower erected around a granite bath appeared in Babolovsky Park.

The bath itself was ordered from the then popular stonemason Samson Sukhanov and his team. The work took 8 long years - from 1811 to 1818. It did not stop even during the War of 1812. Sukhanov estimated the cost of manufacturing the granite bowl at 16,000 rubles!

A 160-ton dark pink granite block was found on one of the Finnish islands. It is not known for certain where the bathtub was hewn out of it - directly in the quarry or near the installation site. But the result was a bowl that has no equal in the world.

Its weight is 48 tons, diameter is 5.33 meters, depth is 1.52 meters, height is 1.96 meters. It included up to 800 buckets of water. The work done by the stonemasons can be called truly hellish. Just to give the granite block a cup-shaped shape, it was necessary to make tens of billions of blows with a mallet on a scarpel (this is a tool, a steel rod expanded at one end in the form of a sharpened blade).

You need to hit the same number of times so that the outer contours become perfectly rounded. At that time there were no carbide stone-cutting tools. The simple steel tools that the craftsmen used had to be sharpened after every 3-4 hits on granite. It’s simply amazing how, under such conditions, they managed to create a bowl of an ideal geometric shape!

It is unknown how such a huge thing was delivered to Babolovo. After all, neither cranes nor other technical devices existed then...


The result exceeded all expectations: when the emperor saw the bath, he was delighted. His mood was shared by everyone who saw this miracle. And “Domestic Notes” reported to the general public: “Finally, this summer Sukhanov finished the wonderful, only bath for the Babolovskaya bathhouse... Many of the St. Petersburg residents went on purpose to see this work of the Russian Sculptor. It is all the more worthy of attention since nothing so huge of granite has been known since the time of the Egyptians. Foreigners did not want to believe that Sukhanov was able to produce this miracle of sculpture or sculpting art...”

A cast-iron staircase with railings, equipped with viewing platforms, led to the bathtub-pool. In short, we did everything to royal family it was convenient to swim. Which is exactly what she did. She didn't care how the bath filled with water.

But contemporaries are racking their brains over this question: it is unlikely that this giant was filled by hand every time. Surviving descriptions claim that the water came from a sluice near the bridge. But no one knows how this happened in practice. How they drained the water is also a mystery. After all, there is no hole for this in the bottom of the bath. But it is physically impossible to tilt it.


After the 1917 revolution, the palace did not become a museum. A pilot school was located here. This decided the fate of the unique structure. During the Great Patriotic War The palace was actively bombed, and it quickly turned into ruins. But a miracle! The bath itself was not damaged. By the way, the Germans, who had incomparably greater technical capabilities than the engineers of the 19th century, were forced to abandon the idea of ​​​​exporting a unique artifact to Germany: they did not have any suitable equipment or vehicles.

Today, the remains of the building with the Tsar Bath inside are surrounded by a fence and are awaiting the start of restoration, which has not begun. It's a pity! A unique stone structure could attract many tourists and people interested in history. After all, unlike other Tsar objects in Russia, the miracle bath was actively used for its intended purpose!

Considering the uniqueness of the stone bath, modern specialists working in the field of granite processing, of course, became interested in the process of its creation. No formal studies have been conducted. However, on the Internet you can find a lot of evidence from experts who unanimously state: it is technically impossible to carve such a stone bath by hand! And polish it even more so! Such precision and smoothness can only be achieved using machine processing.

Some especially zealous researchers compared the Tsar Bath with a sarcophagus in the Cheops pyramid, the manufacturing technology of which is also unknown.

Finally, the version that the giant bath is a legacy of past civilizations of the Earth and was found in the swamps near Tsarskoye Selo has become widespread.

However, this version is easily refuted financial documents, confirming that a lot of money was allocated to create the amazing bowl.

Babolovskaya granite bath
Amazing St. Petersburg

It turns out that not everyone knows about the masterpiece of stone craftsmanship of our ancestors - a giant bathtub; neither the craftsmen cared about making something like this ancient egypt, nor to other ancient cultures. Due to the fact that the palace lies in ruins and has not been restored, you won’t find much information about the cup.

On this topic: Dopetrovsky Peter and Babolovskaya bath | |

Babolovsky Palace

This artifact is also called the “Babolovskaya Bowl”, “Bathtub” Russian Empire", "Granite Masterpiece" and "Eighth Wonder of the World". Meanwhile, you will not find it in any popular guide to St. Petersburg and its suburbs. In Tsarskoe Selo, on the outskirts of Babolovsky Park, there are the ruins of the Babolovsky Palace.

Babolovsky Palace

If you look through the wall gap inside the octagonal tower, you will see a giant granite bowl, a colossal monolithic pool, carved from a single piece of red granite, about two meters high and more than 5 meters in diameter. This is the famous Babolov bowl.

Babolovskaya bowl

The Babolovsky Palace was built in the era of Catherine the Second (1785) as a one-story dacha-bath for summer holiday. The red brick building was made in the then fashionable Gothic style and harmoniously fits into the park landscape.
Catherine's grandson Alexander1 loved this place, and allegedly had intimate dates here. Alexander remodeled the palace and ordered, instead of a white marble one, a giant granite bathtub, which was contracted to be made by the famous St. Petersburg master stonemason Samson Sukhanov.

The court engineer Betancourt turned to the famous team of stonemasons, and Sukhanov entered into an agreement in 1818 to make a bathtub, asking for 16 thousand rubles for his work.

In 1818, a granite block weighing more than 160 tons was delivered to Babolovo from one of the Finnish islands. The craftsmen had to cut off everything unnecessary (120 tons). The work took 10 years and was completed on time with the highest quality. The result is a polished granite bathtub: height 196 cm, depth 152 cm, diameter 533 cm, weight 48 tons. Data on a displacement of 8 thousand buckets, according to calculated data - 12 tons of water.

At the same time, the craftsmen demonstrated an amazing sense of stone. The thickness of the walls of the bowl is minimal - 45 cm, which allows it to withstand the pressure of a multi-ton mass of water, but at the same time it is the limit for fragile granite. Art critic, professor J. Zembitsky said that “this work of a Russian artist is all the more worthy of attention since nothing so colossal from granite has been known since the time of the Egyptians.”

After the stone-cutting work was completed, walls were erected around the bath - an octagonal tower. Along the perimeter of the room, cast iron walkways with railings, slopes, and observation platforms were made on brackets.

Contemporaries are puzzled by the fact that there is no drain hole in the Bathtub, and there are also no technical capabilities for supplying and heating water. The “hole” at the bottom of the bathtub does not in any way resemble a drain hole and is most likely made relatively recently.

Babolovskaya bowl

Today there are two versions explaining the purpose of the Babolov bowl.

The first version is household. By tradition, the Romanov Family spent the summer seasons in Tsarskoye or Peterhof. Monarchs sweat too. On hot days there was a need to cool off in cool water. Since august persons, especially ladies, were not supposed to be naked in public, they could do their refreshment in this pool. Why is the pool not made of polypropylene? - Yes, because there were no other materials except granite then. Why wasn't the water heated? - Yes, because this pool was planned to be used only in summer time and only for cooling.

Most likely, after the completion of the main work, due to the death of the Customer (Alexander1), the heirs abandoned the construction of the pool, deciding to display the bathtub as an object of stone-cutting art. Thus, like the “Tsar Cannon” and the “Tsar Bell,” the “Tsar Bath” was never used for its intended purpose.

The second version is "Masonic". Its supporters consider the Babolovsky palace with the bowl as the future main Masonic temple. At the same time, “experts” see numerous Masonic signs in the decorations of the palace. This version does not fit well with the fact that in 1822 Alexander1 issued the highest rescript “On the destruction of Masonic lodges and all secret societies.” It’s hard to believe that Alexander1, when destroying the lodges, left one for himself.

There is a third version - space. Someone, Yu. Babikov, writes: “There is no doubt that the bowl itself is an element of an antenna converter-emitter of viton microwave oscillations for ultra-long-distance space communications..”

The twentieth century did not spare Babolovsky Park and the palace. First they stopped caring for the park, then they sawed down hundred-year-old trees for household needs, then the war came and destroyed the palace. But the bowl has survived to this day intact and intact! The Germans were unable to take it out because in this part of Europe they did not have the technical capabilities to lift and transport a 50-ton giant.
Today, the cost of restoring the Babolovsky Palace and the surrounding area is estimated at $100 million. But the investor is not there. This economic paradox is beyond my comprehension: 200 years ago, Russia, armed with a hammer and chisel, had the opportunity to create this miracle, but the modern Russian Federation does not have the opportunity to simply maintain, use and show IT. Have we become poorer and technically weaker?

Updated article with brief description possible technologies for manufacturing the Tsar Bath in Babolovo.
There are probably only a few who do not know about the existence near St. Petersburg of a masterpiece of stone craftsmanship from the past - the Tsar of the Bath. It is also called the “Babolovskaya Bowl”. The huge size of the bathtub is amazing, but there is no explanation as to how it was made. Especially against the backdrop of a complete lack of drawings, process descriptions and drawings.

In Tsarskoe Selo, on the outskirts of Babolovsky Park, there are the ruins of the Babolovsky Palace. Inside the octagonal tower, you will see a giant granite bowl, a colossal monolithic pool of red granite, about two meters high and more than 5 meters in diameter.

The current state of the palace. Although, they wrote to me in the comments that restoration has been going on for three years. Apparently they haven't finished yet, because... No one is posting new photos.

This is how he was originally

There is a stone miracle installed inside. The bath was made by Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov.

Official information about bathtub making is as follows:
in 1818, a granite block weighing more than 160 tons was delivered to Babolovo from one of the Finnish islands. (I still don’t understand how it was delivered deep into the continent - 27 miles over rough terrain?). The craftsmen had to cut off everything unnecessary (120 tons). The work took 10 years and was completed on time with the highest quality. The result is a polished granite bathtub: height 196 cm, depth 152 cm, diameter 533 cm, weight 48 tons. Data on a displacement of 8 thousand buckets. The thickness of the bowl walls is minimal - 45 cm.

After the stone-cutting work was completed, walls were erected around the bath - an octagonal tower. Along the perimeter of the room, cast iron walkways with railings, slopes, and observation platforms were made on brackets. The work ended in 1829, 4 years after the death of the customer, Alexander I.

Many are puzzled by the fact that there is no drain hole in the Bathtub, and there are also no technical capabilities for supplying and heating water. But that's not true. The photo will be below.

A short video with information about the Tsar Bath:

Bathtub size compared to person's height

Perhaps the bath was not finished, i.e. the surface was left without polishing

Throughout the entire time, from the moment I learned about the existence of such a product, I have been haunted by the question: why don’t our ministries reconstruct the building, why don’t they make an interesting place for tourists. After all, this is in any case an achievement of our past masters. It needs to be preserved and the information disseminated. Or are they afraid that people will start asking awkward questions? Which? For example, about manufacturing technology. It’s unlikely that there are stone-cutting factories in our time that could take on such work...

Let's move on to the manufacturing technologies of this bath. Let's start with the latest and most controversial version:

1. Die casting.
To immediately understand this version, look at the process of making concrete flowerpots somewhere in Southeast Asia:

Here's another similar example:

Thank you peshkints for the version expressed

There is a hole from the pipe in the center of the flowerpot. It is poured and smoothed over with concrete before it sets. It turns out that there is a hole in the center of the Tsar Bath. And it is not classified as a drain, because... diameter is too small. But the hole from a pipe when stamping using this technology is quite good. I just don’t understand why the craftsmen didn’t cover it up?

Hole in the Tsar Bath

Many readers will say that the video shows concrete. And the Tsar Bath is granite. There are many facts that artificial granite could be created from mixtures. I showed examples in my articles.
Here is one recipe for simulating granite composition:

Imitation granite
Mix clean fine sand, pyrite or some other mass containing flint with freshly burnt and crushed lime in the following proportion: 10 sand or pyrite and 1 lime. Lime, quenched by the moisture of the sand, eats away the flint and forms a thin layer around each flint grain. Once cooled, the mixture is softened with water. Then take 10 crushed granite and 1 lime and mix it into place. Both mixtures are placed in a metal mold so that the mixture of sand and lime forms the very middle of the object, and the mixture of granite and lime forms the outer shell from 6 to 12 mm (depending on the thickness of the object being prepared). Finally, the mass is pressed and hardened by drying it in air. The coloring agent is iron ore and iron oxide, which are mixed hot with granite granite.
If they want to give special hardness to objects formed from the above composition, then they are placed in potassium silicate for an hour and subjected to heat at 150°C.
Information from the book “The Handicraftsman's Handbook”, 1931.

Tell me, who tested this recipe? There is no such information. What if the recipe works? What if one of many? So, I would not exclude the possibility of making the Tsar Bath and similar granite products from compositions very similar to or replicating natural granite. In addition, I believe that natural granite is not an igneous rock, but a mineral rock, petrified or crystallized mud masses emerging from the depths.

2. Manufacturing from granite block

I provided brief official information about this above. It turns out that there are references to the production similar products in the 19th-20th centuries:

Lustgarten granite bowl

70 tons, made in 1826-1827. Primary processing The profile of the bowl, made from a 225-ton granite plate, was carried out directly in the quarry by 20 stonemasons, after which the bowl was moved using rollers to the port, onto a barge.

Granite bowl in a grinding workshop. Figure 1831. The equipment is very similar to the patterns from stamping flowerpots in the video above.

Previously she stood like this

Drawing of the installation process.

Another similar product:

In 1910, a fountain bowl was made from a 65-ton granite block for Union Station Plaza in Washington. Processing was carried out manually according to templates, using 4 and 6 blade hammers. When polishing it was first used Rotary table. Polishing was carried out using iron irons, felt discs and polishing pastes.

I couldn't find any information on it.

Apparently, either the craftsmen still knew how to make such masterpieces from multi-ton granite blocks. Moreover, they knew how to deliver these blocks to the place of manufacture and knew how to install them.
Or they want to give us the technology of modeling from artificial granite for his skill in processing this hard rock.
What do you think?

A duplicate of the article can be viewed at Yandex.Zen . There are comments here too.

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