Continuous action weed killers for the garden: a review of the most effective preparations. Herbicides: types, methods and timing of application Herbicides are used to combat

Beginning gardeners often do not know what herbicides are, but over time the need to learn more about them will definitely arise. Weeds appear instantly; after the snow melts and the first warming of the earth by the sun's rays, they stick their tops out of the soil, while taking away the nutritional properties of cultivated plants.

After a while, the weeds obscure them with their shadow, preventing the planted crops from developing. To avoid this, frequent and systematic treatment of weeds with herbicides is carried out, which gives reliable results throughout the season.

Herbicides are chemicals that have a detrimental effect on the life processes of plants. They are used exclusively against weeds. These products differ in the specific application, so you need to know which drug is best to use. This article discusses the most common types of herbicides.

"Agrokiller" is a continuous action herbicide designed to combat harmful weeds. The drug easily destroys plants that are difficult to exterminate, such as hogweed, thistle, wheatgrass, as well as unnecessary growth of trees and shrubs, thanks to the high concentration of active ingredients. With the help of Agrokiller, weed control is carried out quickly.

Did you know? You can even clean areas that have not been touched for a long time.

It is best to use the drug with the arrival of warm spring or early summer. At this time, the plants have active sap flow, which contributes to the accelerated spread of the herbicide through their tissues.

Before sowing lawn grass, Agrokiller is ideal, since it does not have soil activity.

Important! After 6 hours from the moment the drug is applied to the shoots or leaves, the plant completely absorbs it.

On the 6-7th day, Agrokiller penetrates other parts of the plant, including the root system. The process of amino acid synthesis is destroyed and the plant dies. Herbicide treatment is effective at any temperature.


Herbicide "Antiburian" is a systemic, continuous action drug that is used to exterminate perennial and annual weeds. It is better to apply it on soils before planting crops or after harvesting. Also, the drug is perfect for non-agricultural land. "Antiburyan" destroys more than 300 varieties of weeds and is highly effective.

Did you know? The advantage of the drug is that it does not accumulate in the soil.

Herbicide "Antiburyan" is one of the most popular herbicides, and its instructions for use are simple: Weeds should be treated during the period of active growth, when the plant reaches a height of up to 15 cm. Temperature conditions must be favorable, the permissible range is from +12 °C to +25 °C. It is also very important that there is no rain for 5 hours after spraying with the drug.


Herbicide "Antipyrey" is a post-emergence systemic drug that is used to eliminate perennial and annual weeds. It shows especially good results when planting vegetable crops. The surface of the leaves of cereal weed species absorbs the agent, which soon spreads to all parts, including the roots.

The active substance of the herbicide is concentrated at the growth points, as a result, the biosynthesis of lipids is blocked, and the plant dies - both its above-ground part and the root system, and re-growth of the weeds is no longer possible.

Important! The chemical weed killer “Antipyrey” will not be washed off by rain 30 minutes after spraying.

is a continuous action herbicide, effective against the destruction of annual and perennial cereal plants, trees and shrubs in non-agricultural areas.

Weather conditions do not affect the effectiveness of the drug. After spraying, leaves and roots absorb the herbicide within one hour.

This continuous action weed poison can be absorbed not only through the roots and leaves, but also through the soil. As a result, the processing period increases from early spring to late autumn. Arsenal is used once every 2-3 years, since high results last for more than one year.

Important! A distinctive feature of this herbicide is that it can destroy plants even if they are covered with oily substances or a layer of dust.

The Arsenal herbicide has the following instructions for use: The spray tank must be filled ⅓ full with water and slowly, stirring, add the product until the container is full. The prepared solution is used immediately after its preparation. The area should be treated with the stirrer turned on inside the tank; after finishing work, it should be thoroughly rinsed with water.


The drug "Deimos" is a systemic herbicide that destroys annual and almost all perennial dicotyledonous weeds in areas with grain crops. Penetrating into the leaves and root system, the herbicide leads to the death of the plant. Deimos has good compatibility with other herbicides in tank mixtures. The advantage of this type of herbicide is its high effectiveness against weeds that are resistant to drugs from other chemical classes.

Weed killer "Zenkor" is a systemic herbicide that effectively fights dicotyledonous and cereal weeds in areas where tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans and alfalfa are grown. The drug penetrates through the leaves and soil and can destroy weeds that are just germinating, as well as those that have already sprouted. Early cultivation of the site ensures that only cultivated plants receive nutrients, sunlight, and water.

Important! The amount of drug needed to kill weeds depends on the type of soil. For example, for light, only 5.0 g per hundred square meters is enough, for medium – up to 10 g, and for heavy – up to 15 g.

For potatoes, processing is best done when they have just sprouted, and the weeds are already on the surface of the soil.

"Lapis lazuli"

Selective herbicides are also used quite often to control weeds. "Lapis lazuli" is a drug designed to control weeds in areas where potatoes are planted. A distinctive feature of Lazurit is that it destroys weeds selectively, without having a negative effect on potatoes.

You can treat the area immediately after planting the potato tubers; for 1 hectare, 10 g of solution per 3 liters of water is enough. This herbicide is absorbed mainly by the root system, which allows you to destroy both vegetative weeds and seedlings in the soil, as well as prevent the emergence of new ones.

Did you know? If the potato tops have grown to 5 cm, and the weeds have filled the entire area, it is possible to treat with herbicide.

The weed killer protects the crop for 1-2 months.


Herbicide "Lontrel"– is a systemic drug with selective action, designed to combat annual and perennial weeds in strawberry and strawberry plots. The product is effective against weeds, which are very difficult to eradicate, for example: plantain, dandelion, sorrel, chamomile, cornflowers and others. After spraying, penetrating the leaves, the herbicide quickly spreads to the place of growth and destroys both the above-ground parts and the root system, and after a few hours their growth stops.

Within 2.5-4 weeks after treatment, the weeds die completely. Of the features of the Lontrel herbicide, it can be noted that the product is highly effective and does not have a negative effect on planted strawberries and strawberries, and also does not accumulate in the ground.

is a selective herbicide for the control of annual and perennial cereal post-emergence weeds.

Important! This drug does not work on dicotyledonous weeds.

After treatment, the herbicide begins to be absorbed by the leaves quite quickly. After this, the product spreads to the stem, roots, and subsequently the plant dies. The first results of spraying can be seen after 7 days, and complete death occurs within 2-3 weeks.

Such weed preparations are not absorbed into the soil, which means they will only act on those weeds that were present at the time of treatment. If you need to destroy dicotyledonous weeds on your site, then “Miura” can be mixed with a herbicide against dicotyledonous weeds. The product is effective both in the early stages of plant development and in the later stages, but during the period of active growth the best results can be achieved.

Herbicide "Roundup" is a universal, continuous action product designed to combat perennial, annual, cereal and dicotyledonous weeds. This is a very effective remedy, widely used in agriculture.

After applying the herbicide to the plant, after 6 hours, the leaves and shoots completely absorb the drug, and after 6-7 days it penetrates the root system and other parts of the weeds. As a result, the weed's amino acid synthesis is disrupted and it dies. “Roundup”, like “Tornado”, does not affect the soil; upon contact, it loses all its activity, therefore the drug does not affect the germination of seeds of planted crops.


"Tornado" is a continuous action systemic herbicide for the removal of annual and perennial weeds. This drug is one of the most common herbicides and is used in agricultural areas, as well as in vineyards. During treatment, it first penetrates the stems and leaves, then spreads to the root system, stops the synthesis of amino acids and completely destroys the plant.

Effective against weeds such as cattail, creeping wheatgrass, bindweed, thistle, pigweed and reed. Among the advantages, it can be noted that there is no soil activity, and immediately after treatment you can sow any crop. The spraying procedure can be carried out at any temperature, the main thing is that the plant maintains its viability.

"Tornado BAU"

Herbicide "Tornado BAU" is a continuous action drug that fights all types of weeds: annual, perennial, cereal dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous. Herbicides for treating a site require the correct dosage, which depends on the type of weed and their development.
After spraying, the shoots and leaves absorb the drug in 6 hours, then it spreads to the root system and other parts of the weed in 6-7 days, and as a result of a disruption in the synthesis of amino acids, the plant dies. Works exclusively on green leaves, is inactive on soil, decomposes into natural substances.

The development of large farms determined the need to find an easier solution for getting rid of weeds. Chemists, studying the properties of various substances, came across the ability of copper sulfate (while studying the properties of Bordeaux mixture) to inhibit dicotyledonous weeds. Later, the same property was discovered in the action of iron sulfate, copper nitrate, sodium chloride, sodium arsenite, sulfuric acid and other compounds.

The successful development of a new direction in chemical production has begun - the production of substances capable of destroying green plants. They were called herbicides (1944), from herb - plants, cide - to destroy. Herbicides were identified as a separate group of chemicals.

Types of herbicides

The development of the herbicide industry initially was limited to a continuous action on green plants. Later, by changing the concentration, we achieved the possibility of selective action of the herbicide on uncultivated plants. Their tiny doses, when diluted at high levels, helped accelerate plant growth, that is, they no longer inhibited the plants, but acted as a stimulant. Having identified a number of other necessary properties for the selective destruction of weeds, herbicides were divided into 2 groups:

  • continuous action,
  • selective (selective) action.

Today, the first group of herbicides is used in the construction of roads, stadiums, airfields, high-voltage lines, etc. Selective herbicides have found their niche in crop cultivation.

Ways to influence herbicides on weeds

Continuous herbicides destroy all vegetation, even cultivated plants. They are practically not used in agriculture today.

Selective action herbicides are divided according to their spectrum of action into:

  • widely selective. Destroy mono- and dicotyledonous weeds;
  • narrowly selective. They affect a certain class of weeds, down to individual species. Can be used in sowing cultivated plants.

According to the method of influencing weeds, herbicides are also divided into:

  • contact,
  • systemic.

The contact herbicide group requires contact with the plant. When spraying, the area of ​​contact of the pesticide with the surface of the weed is large, which has a depressing effect on the entire plant.

Systemic herbicides, when in contact with a plant, penetrate inside and spread with a flow of liquid throughout all its organs. This property is especially significant for the destruction of perennial weeds with a powerful root system.

In agricultural production, broadly selective systemic herbicides are most often used, especially for multispecies weeds.

Herbicides are produced in the form of:

  • emulsion concentrates,
  • wettable powders of various colors,
  • suspensions.

How to use herbicides

To choose the right herbicide, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work before purchasing it:

  • roughly estimate the degree of weediness in the field;
  • determine the species composition of weeds.

Taking into account field weediness is a very important indicator. If the dose of herbicide is insufficient (the desire is not to poison the soil too much), not all weeds will disappear. Some will survive under these conditions, and it will be necessary to apply the pesticide again. If you apply too much, the crops will suffer.

Special reference books provide standards and combinations of herbicides according to: the species diversity of weeds, the degree of weediness of the plantings, the type of soil and its properties.

Methods and terms of depositing

The timing and methods of treatment with pesticides depend on the type of herbicide. If a continuous non-selective action herbicide is used, it is necessary to protect the cultivated plants before applying it. When using a targeted herbicide, the age of the weed must be taken into account. With age, some weeds increase the degree of resistance to the herbicide, intensively weed the crop, thereby reducing its yield (sometimes up to 30-40%).

According to the timing of application, they are divided into pre-emergence and post-emergence.

Pre-emergence application is carried out before sowing seeds, during sowing and for some time after sowing.

Post-emergence preparations are applied from the phase of weed emergence, tillering and reaching a height of 5-10 cm. Most weeds die when applied in the seedling phase; with age, their resistance to the herbicide increases.

Pre-emergence applications typically use soil-based herbicides. They are usually applied to moist soil, which makes it easier for the drug to distribute in the applied layer. Special root herbicides are applied in the form of granules and embedded in the target soil layer. Foliar herbicides are applied to green plants, spraying vegetative organs (leaves, stems).

Duration of action of the herbicide and its harmfulness

To increase the effectiveness of the herbicide, it is necessary to create certain environmental conditions. So, soil and root herbicides are applied to moist soil. When dry, they are inactive and only accumulate, and then, with watering or precipitation, their increased quantities destroy all types of vegetation (weeds and cultivated species).

After treating the above-ground parts of the weeds with herbicides, dry sunny weather is required for 2-4-6 hours. Washing off the drug from plants requires re-treatment. The drug that gets into the soil does not affect weeds, but accumulates in the soil.

Undecomposed herbicides are washed out of the soil in large quantities of water and end up in various bodies of water (ponds, lakes, rivers, seas), where they enter plants, river and sea animals, and, ultimately, the human body.

Of course, time plays a role. Some herbicides are destroyed over time under the influence of biological decay, physicochemical absorption, and enzymatic destruction. But all of them, incl. and some of the herbicides that have broken down into chemical components have a negative effect on the soil biota involved in the formation of humus. As a result, humus formation decreases, and hence soil fertility. Some systemic toxins end up in crops and on the dinner table. In general, the effect of the drug and its toxins lasts for a very long time.

The duration of action of herbicides is clearly demonstrated by the drug Agent Orange, which was used by the United States in Vietnam. The drug, a mixture of defoliants and herbicides, was intended to destroy forest vegetation, but at the same time it was dangerous for people. Upon returning home, American soldiers were ill for a long time and died from cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, breathing, and damage to the nervous system. After the war and to this day, children are born in Vietnam with various disabilities. Therefore, even if your home plot is heavily infested with weeds, think before using pesticides.

The use of herbicides in summer cottages

If it is impossible to do without the use of pesticides, check out the catalog of drugs approved for use in agriculture. Select herbicides that have a short decomposition period and do not accumulate in the soil.

Today, Lintur, Hurricane, Tornado, Agrokiller, and Physilad are offered in small packaging for treating plants and soil. The most effective technique is to prepare the solution according to the accompanying recommendations and spray the green weeds. The duration of exposure is from 8 to 12 days. Within a month, the above preparations decompose and do not accumulate in the soil. The effect and duration of preservation of the components of the decomposed drug are in the specialized literature.

Health protection when using herbicides

Herbicides are poisons with a high degree of harm to health. Therefore, when using herbicides in your work, it is necessary to take personal protection measures.

  • Work only in calm weather.
  • Work in clothing that completely covers exposed areas of the body (headgear that covers the neck, glasses, respirator, long-sleeved robe, gloves, trousers, boots).
  • After work, change your clothes completely, take a shower, drink milk.

Drinking alcohol can be fatal.

  • Worldwide production and use of herbicides amounts to 4.5 million tons of drugs annually.
  • Natural living herbicide. In the Amazon, ants (s/s formicines) live in symbiosis with trees of the genus Duroya. By injecting formic acid into any type of growth, except Duroya, they clear the forest of weeds and other trees.
  • Using No-Till technology, it is possible to control weeds without herbicides if, without allowing flowering, the weeds are destroyed, leaving their remains between the plants. Leave all crop residues on the field. Due to the layer of mulch, weeds cannot emerge and germinate freely. After a few years the field is cleared.
  • Use of green manure. Green manure crops sown before going into winter, releasing allopathic substances, act as herbicides.
  • In large fields the soil is kept in the form of green vapor. Under green fallow, dense sowing of perennial forage crops is used. Over two years, under green fallow, the number of weeds is reduced by 3 times.

The main problem of many agronomists and summer residents is weeds - no matter how you weed them, they cannot be completely removed. Therefore, people often wonder what herbicides to use and whether they are as effective and safe as the manufacturer claims.

In contact with

What are herbicides

Herbicides are chemical compounds that help agronomists and gardeners fight the active growth of weeds. The process of controlling weeds using chemicals is not so complicated - the main thing is to know the basic conditions for their use and safety rules by choosing the composition you need.


Taking into account their effect on weeds, the preparations are divided into:

  • On continuous action herbicides- they kill all types of green spaces and therefore they are used to treat areas around railways and airfields, near industrial enterprises.
  • On selective herbicides— they destroy certain types of plants without negatively affecting neighboring plantings.

Taking into account movement throughout the plant, compositions can be divided into the following groups:

  • Contact- they act on the surface of the green space without penetrating into the plant.
  • System- will act only after they penetrate inside the plants, affecting the root system, leaves and stem.

List of popular herbicides

Among the most common herbicides, the following types are especially popular.

  1. Hurricane Forte- a drug with surface-active compounds quickly penetrates green space, suppressing its growth and leading to death. Its active ingredient is glyphosate.
  2. Cowboy Super- a systemic composition, marketed in the form of water-soluble granules, used for processing grain and lawn treatment.
  3. Titus is a selective herbicide, available either dry in the form of granules or in a flowable suspension, used to treat weeds in corn fields, tomatoes and potatoes.
  4. Dual Gold— herbicide, produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion, classified as a systemic composition with a selective principle of action. Most often it is used when treating fields of corn and beets, rapeseed from annual and 2-lobed weeds.
  5. Gesagard- a composition with a selective principle of action, capable of combating both adult weeds and young shoots.

Which herbicides are best for weeds?

  1. Tornado- a universal composition in the fight against many types of weeds and is ideal for soil treatment before sowing.
  2. Tornado bau. This is a continuous action herbicide, ready for use and is marketed already in a spray bottle. Convenient for small processing areas, for example, around decorative paths or along a fence.
  3. Agrokiller. The highly concentrated composition is a continuous herbicide that allows you to remove particularly “malicious” weeds, such as horsetail, wheatgrass, and bindweed.
  4. Lontrel-zood- a selective herbicide suitable for treating lawns and strawberry plantings. Excellent for controlling dandelions.
  5. Lapis lazuli- a selective herbicide used for potatoes and in areas with other tuber plantings. Helps suppress weed growth, but does not accumulate in tubers, providing protection for the next 1-2 months.

Are herbicides harmful?

The chemicals do an excellent job of controlling weeds in agricultural fields and garden plots, however, their use raises particular concerns about how safe the herbicides are for humans

Modern drugs for the most part have a low or medium level of danger to humans and do not have an excessive harmful effect on humans and animals. But there are also very dangerous ones - when choosing, the main thing is to read the instructions and choose the safest composition.

Also, in the process of treating a site with herbicides against weeds, it is necessary to take into account the correct concentration of the substance, in accordance with the instructions. If we talk about how long they last in the ground - no more than 2-4 weeks, after which they completely disintegrate. If the instructions are not followed and more is added, the decay period will be longer.

Instructions for use

When using medications, be sure to take into account the rules prescribed in the instructions.

  1. When working with chemicals, wear gloves and a respirator to protect your skin and respiratory system.
  2. After work, you should definitely wash exposed areas of your body with soap and change clothes.
  3. Before and after working with herbicides, you should not drink or eat for 2-3 hours, as during treatment.
  4. Also carry out work in calm weather, and the soil itself should be moist.

Pros and cons of using herbicides

Regarding the strengths of using chemicals to kill weeds, many users highlight the following advantages:

  • affordable price and high efficiency;
  • the ability to choose a product for treating large fields and small summer cottages;
  • the ability to use herbicides to destroy grass, shrubs and trees;
  • Many chemicals have a wide spectrum of action and at the same time get rid of not only weeds, but also harmful insects, beetles and mice.

Among the disadvantages are the following points:

  • burn of greenery of agricultural crops and fruit trees, shrubs;
  • healthy soil microflora is disrupted;
  • One should not exclude the possibility of poisoning of animals and humans due to improper processing or non-compliance with protection rules. This is why it is so important to strictly follow the instructions.

How much do herbicides cost?

Many modern chemicals in the fight against weeds are not only highly effective, but also at reasonable prices. If we talk in detail, then on the domestic market the prices for herbicides of continuous and selective action are as follows:

  • Glyphosate - 375 and Napalm - 271 rubles;
  • Typhoon - 220, and Octopus - 672 rubles;
  • Roundup - 520, and Tornado - 630 rubles;
  • Hurricane - 650, and Torch - 310 rubles;
  • Grader - 356, and Helios - 450 rubles.

Prices may vary depending on the manufacturer, as well as the region of sale, which may have its own markup and trade markup. Although the products presented can be found at a lower price on the Internet.

Herbicides are chemicals that, when in contact with weeds, cause their death. In order not to destroy garden crops when spraying weeds, you need to know the properties of herbicides, how they affect weeds, the rules for preparing solutions and the timing of treatment.

Only the correct use of herbicides will destroy weeds without harming the health of humans, animals and bees.

Herbicide translated from Latin means “killer of grass.” These are potentially dangerous chemical substances, which gardeners should turn to last. Illiterate application of herbicides will destroy all vegetation, including edible crops and, in addition, will have a very negative impact on human and animal health.

Weed control

The most optimal and environmentally friendly method getting rid of weeds is their physical destruction by regular weeding with the selection of rhizomes and root segments. But sometimes, especially when developing virgin lands, herbicide intervention is necessary. In this case, you need to clearly know which herbicide use .

Herbicides Based on their effect on weeds, they are divided into ground And soil(sometimes called plant-based). The first ones are applied to the soil, the second ones are used to treat green plants.

Soil herbicides It is better not to use it on a personal plot, although there is an opinion (very controversial) that when decomposing in the soil, they do not harm humans and animals.

Based on their effect on weeds, herbicides are divided into 2 groups:

  • continuous action, which destroy all vegetation on the site when processing green plants. Recommended for use in the development of new small gardens, paths, outdoor areas along fences, infested with various types of weeds;
  • selective drugs(selective). These types of herbicides destroy certain types of annual and perennial weeds and do not harm cultivated crops.

Methods of action on weeds

Exposure to herbicides on weeds maybe local(contact) and systemic. When applied locally, the applied herbicide contacts the surface of the weed (leaf blade, young stem) and destroys its above-ground part without penetrating the root system, which grows back over time. These herbicides mainly kill annual weeds. For perennials they are ineffective.

Unlike contact herbicides systemic actions penetrate inside the plant and completely destroy the plant organism from the inside.

What herbicides are needed on the farm?

A gardener's chemical first aid kit should contain only herbicide preparations, permitted for use on a personal plot. For private households it is better to have universal soil(vegetable) herbicides systemic action. When used correctly, they are safe for the environment and have low toxicity to humans, warm-blooded animals and bees.

Of those approved for use, the most effective are Roundup, Tornado, Zero, and ground Glyphos, which destroy all types of annual and perennial weeds. This type of herbicide is usually used against perennial weeds (dandelion, sweet clover, field bindweed, horse sorrel). Roundup and Hurricane, in addition to common perennial weeds, effectively destroy rhizomatous (sow thistle, creeping wheatgrass) and cereals.

Rules for the use of herbicides

In specialized stores herbicides sold in the form of powders or highly concentrated solutions. Considering that the drugs are poisonous, before dilution it is necessary to take personal protective measures (gloves, gown, hat, goggles and mask).

Working solutions are prepared immediately before treating weeds. Solutions are prepared only in enamel, clay or plastic containers. Contact of the solution with metal is unacceptable.

For annual and perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, the working solution is prepared at the rate of 40-80 ml per 10 liters of clean water. For more powerful weeds (rhizomatous, with a deep-penetrating root system), the working solution is made more concentrated - 100-120 ml per 10 liters of water.

Weed processing time

Weeds are treated 1-3 times during the warm spring-summer period in areas without garden plants. To effectively kill weeds, treatments are repeated for 2-3 years.

The first treatment is carried out in the spring when the weeds reach 10-15 cm in height.

The second treatment is repeated in June - the first half of July, to destroy overgrown weeds (wheatgrass, bindweed, cereals). The concentration of the working solution is increased by approximately 10-15 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water. The third treatment is carried out if necessary after harvesting.

All treatments are carried out in dry, sunny, windless weather. Watering is carried out 2-3 days before treating the weeds. The soil must be moist before spraying. Weeds are sprayed with poison in the morning after the dew disappears or in the evening before sunset. The consumption of the working solution is 5 liters per hundred square meters. The solution is sprayed over weeds and do not carry out any work on the site for 2 weeks.

To combat weeds, special preparations have been created - herbicides. With their help, you can get rid of weeds both one-time and on a regular basis. And in order not to harm beneficial plants, it is important to understand which herbicides for weeds are best to use.

Nowadays, safe herbicides against weeds are available on store shelves, the correct use of which will not affect either beneficial plants or your health. There are two large groups of weed control products:

  • herbicides against weeds of continuous action - act on all vegetation;
  • selective action - destroy certain crops.

Herbicides are also divided according to the method of their application:

  1. Which are introduced into the soil. After being in the ground for several months, they are absorbed by the roots of plants, gradually destroying them. You need to be careful with such substances - their haphazard application can ruin future harvests.
  2. Which are sprayed onto the leaves. These drugs decompose much faster and cause less damage to the environment.

Continuous action herbicides against weeds

Continuous action weed killers for gardening are used in the following situations:

  • for the destruction of weeds during the active growing season of cultivated plants;
  • some weed herbicides accelerate the technical maturation of certain crops;
  • to kill weeds after harvesting.

Such herbicides against perennial weeds are successfully used both on an industrial scale and in private backyards. In addition, modern chemists are working to make these substances as effective as possible on the one hand and safe for the environment on the other. Therefore, modern herbicides are very different from those released several decades ago.

Selective action herbicides against weeds are a real breakthrough for agrochemists. Such substances kill weeds in garden beds without affecting a specific crop - tomatoes, potatoes or strawberries, for example. Or they can destroy only one type of weed - wheatgrass, millet and others. The results of their use can be visible after 2-6 weeks. However, in this case, the weeds are completely destroyed: both the above-ground part and the root system of the plant die off.

What herbicides are best for weeds?

Herbicide treatment of weeds should not be carried out thoughtlessly. These chemicals require proper application: adherence to the processing schedule, dosage regimen and many other factors based on your needs:

  1. Continuous action preparations are used, as a rule, in early spring, before seeds begin to germinate, and in the fall, after harvesting. Such herbicides against winter weeds are often used on farms. Substances of selective action are used during the active growing season to suppress unnecessary grass.
  2. Some preparations are applied several times per season, while others require a single application.
  3. It should also be taken into account that if the herbicide is applied to potato plantings for many years, beets will not grow in this area in the future.

It takes a lot of effort to grow a beautiful green lawn that looks like something out of a postcard or photograph. And weed control here can be carried out in several stages:

  1. Weeds are removed with continuous action preparations even before the lawn is planted. To do this, in the fall the proposed area is treated with Tornado or Diquat. After the stems dry, dig up the ground and remove the roots. After a month, the treatment is repeated.
  2. Selective weed killers for lawns are used primarily to control dandelions, thistles and plantains. After mowing the lawn in cloudy, windless weather, Lontrel 300, Deimos or Hacker should be sprayed onto the lawn.

Herbicides for strawberries against weeds

Weeds are not the best neighbor for strawberries. It sucks nutrients and water from the soil, shades and drowns the seedlings. If mechanical treatment is not enough, then special chemicals will come to your aid. You can apply them several times per season:

  1. As with a lawn, weeds can be removed even before seedlings are planted. The procedure can be carried out in autumn or early spring with any continuous herbicide.
  2. The second treatment occurs during the first month of planting growth, since weeds grow best in early spring. A good choice would be to use the drugs “Dactal” or “Lontrel 300”.
  3. Any weed control herbicide for strawberries must be used before the ovaries form, so the last treatment for grass occurs at the end of April-beginning of May.
  4. In the fall, after removing the leaves, the plantings can be treated with Lenacil.

Herbicide is used very often to control weeds on potatoes. Selective weed control products for potatoes fill entire store shelves. The most popular and time-tested by gardeners are:

  1. "Zenkor". This drug is completely safe not only for potatoes, but also for carrots and nightshade crops. The active ingredient, metribuzin, begins to decompose in the soil 3 months after application. It is sold in concentrated form and not only affects weeds, but also leaves a protective film on the surface of the earth. Compatible with most insecticides and pesticides.
  2. "Lapis lazuli" contains the same active ingredient as Zenkor, but in a higher concentration. Therefore, it is used only once a season and only with special protective clothing, a respirator and gloves.
  3. "Titus"- an effective preparation for both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous vegetation. The first signs of death are noticeable within 3 days after spraying, and complete destruction occurs after 2 weeks. The drug can lead to temporary yellowing of potato leaves, so it is not used near seed plantings.

Herbicides for onions against weeds

As with all other crops, weed control in onion plantings begins during autumn plowing:

  1. Two weeks before, the plot is treated with Roundup or Fosulen.
  2. After sowing onions, other herbicides against weeds are used - “Daktal” or “Ramrod”.
  3. If the weeds prevail during the growth of the onion, then the plantings can be sprayed with Totril.

The raspberry subshrub, beloved by many, is easy to care for. However, you should not let the growth of this tasty berry take its course, because both plantings overgrown with grass and a large number of offspring take away the strength of the plant, thicken and shade the plantings. At home, you can completely get by with cultivating row spacing and weeding the rows of raspberries themselves. But in large raspberry fields, herbicides are used to kill weeds. The most popular of them is “Simazin”. It is used to treat the row spacing of plantings twice a season - in spring and autumn.

It is easy to get confused in the variety of types of modern herbicides. They differ not only in the principle of action, but also in the form of release, the time of destruction of weeds, the degree of toxicity and other factors. The best continuous action herbicides for weeds, tested by time and by other summer residents, are:

  1. "Rap"- a systemic herbicide that destroys both annual and perennial weeds entirely. Moderately toxic.
  2. "Tornado"- a highly concentrated herbicide that effectively eliminates all types of weeds. Approved for use in summer cottages.
  3. "Total"- a drug that can be used in a wide range of temperatures. It is quickly removed from the soil, so after its use, cultivated vegetation can be immediately grown on the site.
  4. "Torch"- quickly destroys all weeds on the site. In addition, cultural plantings can be planted within 7 days after treatment.
  5. "Roundup"- recognized as one of the popular and effective herbicides. Effectively removes weeds and is safe for people and animals.

The most popular selective herbicides against weeds:

  1. "Lontrel 300" low toxicity, does not affect cereals and shrubs such as raspberries and strawberries. Effective against dandelions, sow thistle and other weeds.
  2. "Hacker VRG" good for controlling chamomile, dandelion and thistle in lawn plantings.
  3. "Lintur" destroys weeds, leaving them green, which does not spoil the overall appearance of the lawn.
  4. "Lapis lazuli" effective against monocotyledonous cereals and dicotyledonous perennials.
  5. "Excellent student" recommended for use in planting potatoes and other vegetables on private dacha farms.

How to treat weeds with herbicides?

Considering the high concentration and toxicity, it is important to know how to use herbicides against weeds on your site so as not to harm beneficial plantings and the health of people and animals. There are just a few rules here:

  1. To prepare and spray the drug, use only special dishes and containers for herbicides that do not come into contact with food and other drugs.
  2. Use the drug only in the concentrations and doses specified by the manufacturer.
  3. Do not neglect personal protective equipment - closed clothing and shoes, a respirator and eye protection.
  4. When using even selective drugs, try to avoid their contact with cultivated plantings.
  5. After treatment, do not allow the presence of people and animals on the site for the time specified in the instructions.

The use of herbicides against weeds is becoming an increasingly popular agricultural technique not only in industrial and farm enterprises, but also in summer cottages. Modern drugs are low-toxic and effective at the same time. Their competent use reduces to zero harm to cultural plantings and human health.