Gdz Russian language 52 exercise concise presentation. Concise presentation. II. Teacher's opening speech

Russian language lesson in 8th grade on the topic: “Preparation for a concise presentation of the text.”Teacher: Morozova E.I.Lesson objectives:

To learn to isolate the main thing in information, to shorten the text in different ways, to correctly, logically and concisely express one’s thoughts, to be able to find and appropriately, accurately use linguistic means of generalized transmission of content.
- prepare students to write a concise presentation of a journalistic style;
- continue to instill in students a love of reading, literature, and books;

Equipment : didactic material (text of presentation - 1 copy for each student), reminders “How to write a concise presentation”, “How to check what you have written”.

During the classes.
1. Repetition of the concept of condensed presentation.
Teacher's word.
In class we will prepare to write a concise summary. Remember what is special about this type of presentation?
In a concise presentation, we will retell individual fragments of the text briefly, leaving only the most important and essential.

Teacher's word.
Indeed, the task of a detailed presentation is to reproduce the source text as completely as possible while preserving the author’s style. A concise presentation requires skills in selecting essential information, briefly conveying the content of the text, provided that the author’s main thoughts, the sequence of events, and the characters of the characters are conveyed without distortion.

2. Setting lesson goals. Repetition of the lexical meaning of terms that will be encountered throughout the lesson.

Teacher's word.

The goal of our lesson is for each of you to learn to perceive and correctly interpret the content of the source text, identify micro-themes and reproduce the content of each micro-theme of the source text in your own written work.
Teacher's word.
What is a myctotema?
A microtheme is the theme of a fragment of text, part of it. The sum of microthemes conveys the main content of the text.

3. Familiarity with the text. Listening to the text for presentation.
What was the most significant invention in the history of mankind? Scientists from different countries unanimously decided that this was a book. Not a telephone, not a plane, not a nuclear reactor, not a spaceship, but a book. Because the appearance of the airplane and spaceship, the mastery of electrical and atomic energy and much, much more became possible precisely thanks to the invention of the book.
And today, despite the advent of the computer and the development of electronic means of communication, the book has not lost its paramount importance. It still remains the most reliable and stable carrier and keeper of information, which does not need any external energy. That is why the book is still the most durable accumulator of knowledge. It, as in ancient times, serves the main thing: from generation to generation it enlightens people, that is, it makes them brighter, leads them to goodness.
Many people think that they can study orally. Of course you can. Just saying words without writing them down is like writing on water with a pitchfork. This is what one of the creators of the Slavic alphabet, the enlightener Kirill, said. A heard word that is not fixed on paper is very quickly erased, leaves the memory, crowded out by other words and impressions. And can one rely on its reliability? A word heard and then read remains in a person’s memory for a long time.
People have always sought not only to preserve their observations and knowledge, but also to generalize them. And it is in books that the experience of dozens of generations has accumulated - everything that we call wisdom. No wonder our ancestors said: “A mind without books is like a bird without wings.” And this means one thing: just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
(Based on the encyclopedia) (248 words)

For this text, you must write a concise summary, and for this we will work on the content of the text.

4. Text analysis.

Name the features of the text.
1. Sentences are united by one topic. Words of the same topic were used (book, enlightens, words, write down, Slavic alphabet, enlightener Kirill, on paper, read, accumulated experience, proverb about a book, without reading a book.)
2. The text has an idea.
The idea of ​​the text is that the book is an eternal source of knowledge in various spheres of human life.
3.The text can be titled.
The book is the most significant invention.
4.The text is divided into four paragraphs.
- For what purpose was this done?
Each paragraph contains a micro-topic that reflects the main topic.
- We will determine the micro-topic of each paragraph and write it down in plan form.
Teacher: Make a plan for the text.
Text outline.
1. Thanks to the book, many inventions became possible.
2. A book is the most reliable and durable accumulator of knowledge.
3. The word read is retained in memory for a long time.
4. The mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
Determine the type of this text. Prove it.
The type of this text is reasoning, because the author of the text argues and proves that the book is the most significant invention in the entire history of mankind. Typically, the text of an argument consists of three parts - thesis, evidence and conclusion.
In this text we clearly see:
thesis - Scientists from different countries unanimously decided that the most significant invention is the book. Further in the text there is evidence: 1. the book is still the most reliable and durable accumulator of knowledge. 2. The word read is retained in memory for a long time. 3. The mind is limited and constrained without reading books.
and the conclusion is that it is in books that the experience of dozens of generations has accumulated - everything that we call wisdom, the mind is limited and constrained without reading books.

Teacher. It is very important to correctly determine the type, since functional and semantic types of speech are constructed in different ways; reasoning is structured as follows:
1) main position (thesis);
2) evidence using arguments;
3) conclusion.
When writing a presentation, one must ensure that the content of the source text is conveyed without distortion, that important episodes are preserved, and that heterogeneous facts are not generalized.
Determine the style of this text.
The style of the text is journalistic. It influences the reader and introduces certain information. Addresses current issues of our time that are of interest to society. The author of the text encourages people to read more.
Pay attention to the vocabulary of journalistic style. The words are cumbersome and heavy.

5. Work on text compression.
We must write a concise summary of this text.
In what ways can we compress text?
The first method is called an exception. When excluding, from the point of view of the main idea of ​​the text, we omit details and unnecessary details.
The second way is generalization. When generalizing, individual facts are first isolated and then combined using special linguistic means.
You can replace a group of homogeneous members with one word or phrase.
We will compress the text using the elimination method.
Remember what techniques we can use for this?
The main language techniques for compressing text include the following.
1. Replacements:
replacing homogeneous members with a general name;
replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;
replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;
replacing a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun with a general meaning;
replacing a complex sentence with a simple sentence;
replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

2. Exceptions:
exclusion of individual members of the proposal, some homogeneous members;
exclusion of repetitions;
excluding a sentence fragment that has less significant meaning;
exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or reasoning, presented too broadly and completely.
3. Mergers:
the formation of a complex sentence by merging two simple ones that talk about the same subject of speech.
Teacher. Read the leaflet and try to take its advice.
Memo “How to write a concise summary”
1. Highlight important (essential, necessary) thoughts (micro-topics) in the text.
2. Find the main idea among them.
3. Break the text into parts, grouping it around significant ideas.
4. Make an outline with a title for each micro-topic.
5. Think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.
6. What facts (examples, cases) can be combined and generalized in adjacent parts of the text?
7. Consider means of communication between parts.
8. Translate the selected information into “your” language.
Let's reread the text paragraph by paragraph, think about what can be excluded in each part, what details to refuse.
What was the most significant invention in the history of mankind? Scientists from different countries unanimously decided that this was a book. Because advances in science and technology became possible thanks to the invention of the book.
And today, in the age of electronic communications, the book has not lost its paramount importance. It still remains the most stable keeper of information. That is why the book is still the most durable accumulator of knowledge. From generation to generation, it enlightens people, makes them brighter, and leads them to goodness.
Many people think that they can study orally. Can. Just saying words without writing them down is like writing on water with a pitchfork. This is what the creator of the Slavic alphabet, the enlightener Kirill, said. A heard word that is not recorded on paper fades from memory. And can one rely on its reliability? A word heard and then read remains in a person’s memory for a long time.
People have always sought to generalize their observations and knowledge. And it is in books that the experience of dozens of generations has accumulated. No wonder our ancestors said: “A mind without books is like a bird without wings.” And this means one thing: just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited without reading books.

1.replacement of homogeneous members with a general name;
2. replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression
4. exclusion of sentences containing descriptions or reasoning, presented too broadly and completely.

Second text compression.
What invention has become significant in human history? Scientists unanimously decided that this was a book. Because achievements became possible thanks to the book.
And today the book has not lost its paramount importance. It remains a stable keeper of information. Therefore, a book is the most durable accumulator of knowledge. She enlightens people from generation to generation.
Many people think that they can study orally. Can. But this is the same as writing on water with a pitchfork. This is what the enlightener Kirill said. A heard word that is not recorded on paper fades from memory. A word heard and then read is retained in memory for a long time.
People sought to generalize their observations and knowledge. And the experience of dozens of generations has accumulated in books. Our ancestors said: “A mind without books is like a bird without wings.” This means: just as a bird cannot fly without wings, so the mind is limited without reading books.

What text compression techniques did you use?
1. the formation of a complex sentence by merging two simple ones, telling about the same subject of speech.
2. exclusion of repetitions;
3. exclusion of a sentence fragment that has a less significant meaning;
Do the third compression yourself, I want to warn you and remind you of logical errors.
Logical errors

1. Bringing together relatively distant thoughts in one sentence.
2. Lack of consistency in thoughts; incoherence and violation of sentence order.
3. The use of sentences of different types in structure, leading to difficulty understanding the meaning and incoherence.
4. Unsuccessful ending (duplication of output).
6. Independent work.

Third text compression.
What invention has become significant in human history? Scientists decided that it was a book. Because achievements became possible thanks to the book.
Today the book has not lost its significance. She remains the custodian of information. Therefore, a book is an accumulator of knowledge. She enlightens people.
Many people think that learning can be done orally. Can. But a word that is heard and not recorded on paper leaves the memory, but what is read is retained in the memory.
People sought to generalize knowledge. The books have accumulated the experience of generations. Our ancestors said: “A mind without books is like a wingless bird.” This means: a bird without wings cannot fly, and the mind is limited without reading books. 90 words

    7. Summing up.
    Check what you have written using the notes and assessment criteria.

    How to check what you have written

    1.After writing the text for a draft, read it at least 3 times.
    2. Read for the first time to check the content.
    Answer the questions:
    Is the main content of the source text conveyed?
    Are thoughts being repeated or important information being missed?
    Can the written text be called a summary of the original text?
    Are all the micro-themes of the source text reflected in the presentation?
    3.Read it a second time to correct the text.


educational and cognitive:

  • prepare students to write a concise summary of a journalistic text;
  • repeat the algorithm for writing a concise summary;

intellectual and developmental:

  • continue work on developing skills in text analysis, highlighting main and secondary information in the text;
  • develop the ability to compare, classify, generalize;
  • develop the ability to observe linguistic material, independently find the necessary information in the text;


  • reveal the important moral problem of the role of children's friendship in human life.

Lesson type: combined (repetition of theory, training in text compression, vocabulary work, creative work).

Lesson equipment:

  • didactic material (text of presentation - 1 copy for each student);
  • texts of instructions for writing expositions,
  • empty table for writing microtopics;
  • presentation (Appendix 1).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

II. Teacher's opening speech.

You can talk about some incident or event in your life in detail with all the details, or you can talk briefly, that is, most importantly, without details and any points of clarification.

For example, you can write several pages about how we celebrated the birthdays of those born in the fall as a class. Or you can say briefly: “Last Friday evening in our office we celebrated the birthday of those born in the fall.”

The ability to speak briefly and concisely is very important in modern life. In what situations might this be required? This is, for example, a review of new books published in print, or an announcement of a television program. In literature and Russian language lessons, you learned to highlight the most important things in texts; it is these skills that will help you write a concise summary in the 9th grade exam in the State Examination Form.


How do you understand what it means to retell a text in detail and concisely?

Sample answer.

Detail is close to the text.

Word condensed from the verb compress(reduce, reduce in volume). We can compress it by excluding or removing details from the text (details that we don’t think are necessary) or by generalizing individual facts and actions.

Slide 1

III. Work on instructions for writing expositions (every student has one).

Memo “How to work on a concise presentation”

  1. Read the text, determine its topic and main idea (that is, the idea of ​​the text), note the visual and expressive means.
  2. Think about who the concise presentation will be addressed to and what its purpose is.
  3. Select all parts (paragraphs) in the text and note how many there are.
  4. Determine which parts can be excluded and combined. Why?
  5. Make a plan (can be quoted) of a concise presentation.
  6. In each part of the text, note the main thing, that is, highlight the key words.
  7. Mark in the text what can be combined and made shorter.
  8. Choose generalizing words and sentences if you shorten the text this way.
  9. Present each part concisely, without omitting key words.
  10. Think about how to connect the parts together (what conjunctions, allied words you will add).
  11. The length of the presentation should be ninety (90) words.

IV. Checking homework


You received a text at home, in which you had to leave only the necessary vocabulary, and put the words that you could do without in brackets or underline them with colored paste.

Two students read the resulting options, the rest check them, explaining why some words were removed.


How did you shorten this text?


All three paragraphs have been shortened in this way exceptions.

Check this assignment after working with students on the slide.


Today we will continue this work. Listen to the text that is on your tables.

Reading the text by the teacher.

(The teacher has already highlighted everything necessary in the text for the lesson and filled out a table of microtopics. For students, the text is given without highlighting paragraphs, and the table is empty. It will need to be filled out during the lesson)

I remember that my mother’s best friends remained her school friends until the end of her long life. It’s the same with my father: all his friends were friends of his youth. As an adult, it was difficult to make friends. It is in youth that a person’s character is formed, and the circle of his best friends is formed - the closest, the most necessary. In youth, a person’s whole life is formed, and if he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, easier to endure grief and joy. Joy, after all, must also be “transferred” so that it is the happiest, longest and lasting, so that it does not spoil a person and gives real spiritual wealth, makes a person even more generous. Keep your youth until old age. Keep your youth in your old friends, but acquired in your youth. Keep youth in your skills, habits, in your youthful openness to people, spontaneity. Keep it in everything and don’t think that as an adult you will become “completely, completely different” and live in a different world.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

Student table

Teacher's text

I remember that my mother’s best friends remained her school friends until the end of her long life. Same with my father: all his friends were friends of his youth. As an adult, it was difficult to make friends. It is in youth that a person’s character is formed, and the circle of his best friends is formed - the closest, the most necessary.

In youth, a person’s whole life is formed, and if he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, easier to endure grief and joy. Joy, after all, must also be “transferred” so that it is the happiest, longest and lasting, so that it does not spoil a person and gives real spiritual wealth, makes a person even more generous.

Keep your youth until old age. Keep your youth in your old friends, but acquired in your youth. Keep youth in your skills, habits, in your youthful openness to people, spontaneity. Keep it in everything and Don’t think that as an adult you will become “completely, completely different” and live in a different world.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)

V. Text analysis.

Conversation with students on the following issues:

1. What is the theme and main idea of ​​this text?

(Subject - friendship; Main thought - true friendship starts from childhood) In a notebook on speech development we write. Slide 2 (it contains the theme and idea of ​​the text)

2. Slide 3 Determine the speech type of the text. (Narration with an element of reasoning)

3. What about the style? (This is a text of journalistic style (address to the public, to the reader)

4. Where is the exposition in this story, where is the plot? (1 and 2 sentences – exposition, 3 – plot)

6. Indicate the outcome in the text ( don’t think that as an adult you will become “completely, completely different and live in a different world)

7. How many semantic parts can the text be divided into? (by 3) Slide 4

9. In what part of the text can sentences be combined? (Last paragraph)

VI. Text compression. 1 part.

Underline the words without which it is impossible to convey the content of part 1.

1) I remember that at my moms the most best friends until the end of her long life remained school girlfriends . 2) Same with my father : all his friends were friends of his youth. 3) Making friends as an adult it turned out t ore .4) Exactly formed in youth person's character , is formed and cool G his best friend th- the closest, the most necessary. (25 words)

Teacher. Compression method?

Exception. Slide 5 – check

Teacher. Formulate a micro-theme. Let's write down its table.

A person's character and the circle of his best friends are formed in his youth.

2 parts.

5)Formed in youth all human life , And , if he chooses correctly to myself friends, it will be easier for him to live, easier bear sorrow and joy . 6) Joy after all also needs to be “transferred” so that she can be the happiest, the longest and most durable, to she didn't spoil the person and gave the present spiritual wealth, made a man more more generous . (35 words)

Slide 6 – check

Teacher. Compression method?


Teacher. We write this micro-topic in the second row of the table.

In youth, a person’s whole life is formed, and if he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, easier to endure grief and joy.

Underline the words without which the content cannot be conveyed3 parts.

7) Keep your youth before deep old age .8) Stay young in their old , But friends made in youth.9) Keep youth in your skills and habits ,in its young openness to people, spontaneity. 10) Keep it in everything and don't think that adults You you will become “completely, at all different” and you will live in another world.(30 words)

Slide 7 – check

3rd point of the thesis plan. Let's write it down as a micro-topic in sheets.

Until you are very old, keep youth in your old friends, in your habits, in your openness to people.


Using the notes in your notebook, retell the entire text concisely.

Do you have the right to add your own words to the retelling?

Student. Yes, especially if these are conjunctions or pronouns.

Teacher. Since we are taking an exam in the Russian language, we will pay attention to spelling in order to write the presentation correctly.

You know the criteria for evaluating presentation; they are also in your manuals.

Spelling and punctuation preparation.

  1. How to determine the ending of a verb? (By 1st and 2nd conjugation)
  2. Find verbs of 1st conjugation in paragraph 1 of the text (formed, will choose, will).

Highlight the endings of these verbs in the text with green ink.

  1. How can you tell when nouns end in E and when they end in I?


For nouns, the ending –E– is written in D.p. and P.p. 1st declension, in pp. 2nd declension, for heterodeclinables and nouns ending in –ИЯ-ИИ-И in the like.

  1. Find the noun in paragraph 1. 3 declensions (youth). Highlight the ending.


Look at the GIA preparation manual and tell me which task asks you to determine the lexical meaning of a word?

A 2

How to determine the means of expressiveness of the text?

– A 3.

Will assignment B2 help you in writing your essay?

Yes, because you won’t always remember the exact phrase, but if you understand the meaning, you can write it differently.



A 2. Indicate in what meaning the word is used in sentence 4 is being formed?

a) develops b) determined c) is organized

A 3. In what part of the text is such a means of syntactic expressiveness found? anaphora? (in the 3rd)

A 7. Which word is spelled? suffix is determined by the rule: “In the full passive past participle, NN is written”? ( I'll buy NN s)

AT 2. Replace the phrase spiritual wealth , built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control(wealth of the soul)

AT 3. Write down the grammatical basis of the first sentence of the third paragraph

(store– one-part.)

AT 6. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence No. 5. (Three)

Homework:(it is highlighted on the slide so that all students can write it down)

VII. Lesson summary. Grading.

Already when reading the presentation for the first time, you should try to write down the text in a draft. Of course, it is important to master cursive writing. If you don’t remember something, it’s better to leave blank spaces so you can fill in the gaps later. During a ten-minute pause between listening to the audio recording, you can decipher abbreviated words and try to identify micro-themes.

Often students mistakenly highlight paragraphs, distort the meaning of the text by inserting something that was not in the original text, or leave out important things and retain unnecessary details.

When the text is completely recorded, you can begin to compress it. The work needs to be organized in stages - with each paragraph separately. The best place to start is by looking for repeated words. We enclose them in ovals or emphasize them. Then we find homogeneous terms and replace them with a generalized concept. We build complex sentences from simple sentences, and transform complex ones into simple ones; we change direct speech to indirect speech. We exclude participial and adverbial phrases, introductory words, and quotations.

Don’t forget to count words, even small ones like conjunctions A, I, prepositions O, B. We count the number of words both in each paragraph and in the entire text.

We bring to your attention materials from our experience in reducing presentation texts in the OGE-2017 format.

The source texts already highlight what needs to be reduced. The total number of words in the texts proposed for compression can be from 150 to 175; you need to reduce the proposed text by half to get at least 70 words. It’s good if we can keep it to 80 words.

Working with text about mom

The word "mother" is a special word. It is born with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity. It is babbled by a child in a cradle. Pronounced with love by the young man and the very old man. In the language of any people there is this word. And it's in all languages sounds gentle and affectionate. 44 words

The place of a mother in our lives is special, exceptional. We always bring our joy and pain to her and find understanding. Mother's love inspires, gives strength, inspires heroism. In difficult life circumstances we always remember mom. AND We only need her at this moment. A man calls his mother and believes that no matter where she is, she hears him, has compassion and rushes to help. The word “mother” becomes equivalent to the word “life”. 66 words

How many artists, composers, poets have created wonderful works about mother! "Take care of mothers!" - the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov proclaimed in his poem. Unfortunately we we realize too late that forgot to say a lot of good and kind words to your mother. To prevent this from happening, you need to give them joy every day and hour. After all, grateful children are the best gift for them. 55 words

Only 165 words

Option 1 for compressing text about mom

The word "mom" is special. It accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity, and in the language of any nation it sounds gentle and affectionate. 20 words

The place of a mother in our lives is exceptional. We share joy and sorrow with her. Mother's love inspires us to heroism. The person believes that mother will always come to the rescue. 27 words

Artists, composers and poets have created wonderful works about mother. We realize late that we didn’t say kind words to mom in time. You should always give her joy, because grateful children are the best gift. 29 words

Only 76 words

Option 2 for compressing text about mom

The word "mother" is special. It accompanies us all our lives: from the cradle to old age. This word is in every language in the world, and it sounds affectionate. 23 words

The mother's place is exceptional. We share our joy and pain with our mother, and in difficult circumstances we call for help. The word “mother” is equivalent to the word “life”. 22 words

Many talented people have created wonderful works about mom. We need to take care of mothers, speak good and kind words to them, give them joy every day and hour. After all, grateful children are the best gift for them. 30 words

Only 75 words

Working with text about noise in nature

This text is quite complex. It contains many rows of homogeneous members, there are generalizing words, isolated parts of sentences and repetitions. Its parts are not entirely equivalent, so students mark paragraphs incorrectly.

Who among the people has not experienced pleasure listening to the sighs of summer rain, the rustling of autumn leaves, the waves, splashing along the shores of the lake, murmuring water, pigeons , cooing on a foggy morning? What can compare with the singing of birds, especially such outstanding musicians like nightingales? The singing of people can get boring, but the singing of birds never does. Birds create the sound coloring of the landscape. Wildlife has not only visual but also aural beauty. Various types insects, animals, birds complement each other in daily and seasonal sound rhythms, full of true beauty. 76 words

The richest music - music nature. One Canadian composer introduced a special concept - “soundscape”. In his opinion, for forest dwellers, each type of tree has its own voice. When the breeze flies in Christmas trees - they sob and moan, the ash hisses, the birches rustle, the pines hum. Even cereals have their own "voices" different day and night. 52 words

Nature makes no noise. The roar of a storm, the rustling of a leaf, the patter of rain - in all this there is an original and unknown harmony. The singing of birds, the croaking of frogs, the rustling of grass, the sound of the surf, the roar of a waterfall - this whole symphony of sounds wild nature has a huge and unattainable ideal value. 42 words

(According to V. Boreyko)

Total 164 words

Text compression example

Many people enjoy noticing rain, foliage, waves, foggy mornings. And the birdsong never gets boring. Wildlife has visual and aural beauty. Different species of the living world complement each other. 31 words

The music of nature is the richest. The Canadian composer believes that for forest dwellers, every tree has its own voice: fir trees groan in the wind, ash trees hiss, birches rustle, pines hum, and cereals have their own “voices.” 31 words

There is some kind of unknown harmony in nature. The symphony of sounds from the surrounding world has an unattainable value. 13 words

Only 75 words

Working with text about culture

The word "culture" is multifaceted. What does it carry in the first place? true culture? It carries the concept of spirituality, light, knowledge and true beauty. And if people understand this, then our country will become prosperous. And therefore it would be very good if every city and town had its own cultural center, a creative center not only for children, but also for people of all ages. 63 words

True culture always aimed at upbringing and education. And such centers should be headed by people who understand well what real culture is, what it consists of, and what its significance is. The key note of culture can be such concepts as peace, truth, beauty. It would be good if honest and selfless people, selflessly devoted to their work, and respecting each other, were involved in culture. 59 words

Culture is a huge ocean of creativity, there is enough space for everyone, there is something for everyone. And if we all begin to participate together in its creation and strengthening, then our entire planet will become more beautiful. 30 words

(According to S. Tsvetova)

Only 150 words

Text compression example

The word "culture" is multifaceted. True culture carries the concept of spirituality, knowledge and beauty. When people understand this, our country will become prosperous. We need to have creativity centers for children and adults. 29 words

True culture is aimed at upbringing and education. Therefore, such centers should be run by honest and dedicated people who clearly understand the meaning of real culture. 22 words

Culture is an ocean of creativity in which everyone will find something to their liking. Everyone needs to participate in strengthening it, and then our planet will become more beautiful. 23 words

Only 74 words

Working with text about fairy tales

Fairy tales... how beautiful and fascinating your world is. A world in which good always triumphs, where the smart always defeats the stupid, the good always defeats the bad, and in the end, as a rule, everyone is happy. No, of course, and among you there are those who make you sad and want to cry. But this is holy sadness and holy tears. They cleanse. 50 words

There are, however, evil fairy tales in which everything is the other way around. But people can be evil too. And by the way, even among you people, there are much fewer evil ones than good ones, and we don’t even have to talk about fairy tales. And a fairy tale becomes evil because someone offended it, broke it, bent it with rough hands. After all, fairy tales cannot be evil by nature, you people make them that way. 64 words

You people, on purpose, and more often by accident, forgetting about that time When you still believed fairy tales, you hurt each other. You people forget about the healing kindness of fairy tales and rush around in a dead end in life, looking for a way out and not seeing it. But it is amazingly simple. We must believe in miracles. Believe and live. Live in such a way that life turns only into kind and cheerful fairy tales. 61 words

Only 175 words

Text compression example

The world of fairy tales is beautiful and fascinating. Good always triumphs in it, and in the end everyone is happy. But there are fairy tales that evoke sadness and holy tears. 24 words

Like people, there are evil fairy tales, but there are fewer of them than good ones. Fairy tales cannot be inherently evil. 18 words

A person intentionally or accidentally causes pain to another, forgets about the healing kindness of fairy tales and does not find a way out of the impasse in life. We must believe in miracles and live, turning life into good fairy tales. 30 words

Only 72 words

Working with text about children's toys

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has a bright and tender memory associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memory from childhood each person. 37 words

In the age of computer technology, real toys no longer attract as much attention as virtual ones. But despite all the new products that appear, such as telephones and computer equipment, the toy still remains unique and irreplaceable in its own way, because nothing teaches and develops a child better than a toy with which he can communicate, play and even gain life experience. 58 words

A toy is the key to the consciousness of a little person. To develop and strengthen positive qualities in him, make him mentally healthy, instill love for others, form a correct understanding good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy, remembering what it will bring into his world not only your image, but also your behavior, attributes, as well as a value system and worldview. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys. 63 words

Total 158 words

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Each of us had favorite toys. The most vivid memories from childhood are associated with them, which are carefully stored in the heart. 20 words

In the age of computer technology, real toys do not attract attention, but remain indispensable in the learning and development of a child. They help him communicate, play and gain life experience. 28 words

A toy is the key to consciousness. To form a correct understanding of good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy. She will bring a system of values ​​into the child’s world and raise a full-fledged person. 27 words