Where can I find out about the soldiers who died in WWII? How to find where your grandfather fought. Alimgulov Gabit Khaibullovich

“The Combat Path” is designed in the form of a bound report and contains photocopies of real archival documents: military tickets, order books, registration and service records, award sheets, orders, various statements, certificates, questionnaires, photographs.

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The results of this research in the future may serve as the basis for creating the book “The Glory of the Family,” which will be an excellent gift for a grandfather, father, son or grandson.

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"Antique set"

The Great Patriotic War, being a huge test for the entire Soviet people, affected almost every family in our country, which gave their fathers, brothers, sons or daughters to the holy feat of arms. Victory in it was paid at a high price, which has to be paid even today, since the fate of thousands of people still remains unknown.

And although more than seventy years have passed since the end of the fighting, we, living today, still need and need the truth about the fate of our loved ones. To continue to preserve the memory of the courage and heroism of those who did not spare their lives in our name. To pass it on to those who follow us.

Today, thanks to the fact that many military archives have been declassified, the documentary restoration of the military path of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War has become a truly real opportunity to pay our debt to the memory of our family and friends who will no longer be able to tell about themselves.

Military information search and its features

In order to help find traces and find out the combat path of a participant in the Great Patriotic War by last name, there are many different military archives (including closed departmental ones) that have data on fronts and groups, divisions, regiments and companies of all branches of the military.

Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

However, the Military Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), which works on the basis of departmental instructions, is considered the most important custodian of information on this period. You can contact it with a written request (compiling it extremely competently and clearly, providing as much as possible all available information and identifying all the questions that need an answer) or by appearing in person.

Specialized sites and forums

Today, the Internet can also provide great assistance in searching for soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, where (with the help of an intelligent search system) it is possible to find and recreate the history of an individual front-line soldier. This is, for example, a unified electronic database " Memory of the people", created on the basis of earlier projects " Memorial" And " Feat of the people"and works extremely simply and clearly. There are also many generalized data banks about the fates of not only WWII participants, but also home front workers. There are also resources where you can learn about those killed in captivity on the territory of European countries and about those who are listed as missing.

In addition, various military-historical forums can help in recreating the military path of a WWII veteran, where you can find tables of correspondence to military units with field post numbers or find the numbers of evacuation hospitals and their locations. However, when working impersonally with sites, it is always worth remembering the presence of such a problem as the reliability of the information received there. Therefore, preference should be given to official Internet resources.

Information used for searching

Of course, the search for truthful information about the life and heroic past of our relatives in those already far from today, times is a rather complex and lengthy algorithm. And it begins with a search by name in the military archive of the Second World War. Although just a surname, as a rule, is not enough.

There is a list of so-called primary information, with the help of which the process of finding the right person will become much faster and easier. In addition to the surname, it includes information about the name of the wanted person, the date (or at least year) and place of his birth.

Place of residence before the war also plays an important role, since this will help to find out which district military registration and enlistment office a person was called to the front. On the basis of which, as a result, the main thing becomes clear - the number of the military unit where the wanted person served for at least some time.

  • where and in what ranks the service took place (stage by stage);
  • in what military operations and in what areas did the military take part;
  • when, what and for what exactly was it awarded;
  • if necessary, the place, time and circumstances of the death, the presence and location of the burial are also clarified.

Thus, slowly and gradually a single chain of a person’s fate is born from the moment he is drafted into war until the day he returns (or fails to return) home.

Search for unknown ancestors

In addition to searching for front-line soldiers by name in military archives, it is possible to find many other threads of family history lost in time.

With each passing year, it becomes more and more common for a person to turn to the past. And not only to your personal, about which your own memory keeps memories, but also to the past of the family, clan. To the past of a whole series of generations of people related to the family, who lived before him and who, voluntarily or unwittingly, came into contact with the most interesting events, which the history of our country is so rich in.

Genealogical research is usually carried out by studying and analyzing information obtained from various sources(a variety of archives, data from local history museums, metric and church books, formal lists and much more). Of course, you can do this on your own, since studying your own genealogy is an extremely exciting, albeit difficult, task.

However, ideally (or rather, in order to save time and nerves), this labor-intensive process is often entrusted to those who understand it as professionals. Professionals who have access to and are able to analyze huge amounts of complex and specific information.

The results obtained from this great job At the request of the customer, they can be designed in several versions.

Design of found search materials in the form of panels

One of the possibilities for visual design of the most significant and interesting facts from the combat past of a war veteran, offered by the House of Family Traditions “Christian”, a specially designed unique memorial panel can become.

It represents wooden frame, handmade for each specific order. It houses key documents and certificates behind cut glass. military service: photographs, copies of award sheets or order book, fragments of letters or extracts from the registration card. This can be anything that most accurately and vividly reflects the main milestones of the path traversed by the serviceman, and will allow him to preserve a long and bright memory.

In general, the study " Battle path"consists of structured and step-by-step information on the biography of a WWII participant, obtained as a result of the work of company specialists, in the form of a brochure-report with attached photocopies of all actually found documents.

Family tree

In addition, based on various genealogical studies, a family tree can be created and a family pedigree compiled. As a rule, these are large projects offered by the unique line of services of the Christian House of Family Traditions, which involve several professional researchers (historians, archivists and genealogists) under the auspices of a personal curator who is responsible to the customer for the quality and speed of the work, as well as for optimizing its budget.

The result of these painstaking research is the compilation of a complete family tree, which helps you get in touch with your roots, the achievements and values ​​of your own ancestors and their wisdom.

The family tree, as a result of the work performed, can also be presented to the customer in several options:

  • in the form of a design diagram or a picturesque tree;
  • like a folding tree or a carved wooden panel;
  • and in the shezhere version (traditional Turkic genealogy, documented in writing).

Order a service « Military search" and its cost

House of Family Traditions "Christian" offers the whole complex work to find the most comprehensive and reliable information about the family, its founders, the brightest representatives and traditions.

And given that the company’s activities are based on the use modern technologies and business models, the cost of services from the House of Family Traditions “Christian” is an absolutely competitive value, ultimately depending on many parameters of the order: its complexity, features, terms and conditions of execution. And it is best to clarify it in the process of direct communication with a company specialist.

Good afternoon

I am the granddaughter of Dotsenko Artem Korneevich. My mother Ekaterina Artemovna Zvonareva (maiden name Dotsenko) daughter of Artem Korneevich Found it on the resource. Information that you can find your grandfather's award

Dotsenko Artem Korneevich Year of birth: __.__.1900

Place of birth: Kirghiz SSR, Osh region, Uzgen district, village. Leninskoe

Award document no.: 55

date of award document: 08/01/1986 entry number: 1514962302 Order Patriotic War I degree

But the fact is that we do not have grandfather’s documents, the award was given in 1986, according to the data, grandfather died in 1988, but no one told us this. We then still lived in Kyrgyzstan, in the Osh region, but in Kochkor-ata, and in 1993 we moved to Russia.

In 86, the grandfather and grandmother Dotsenko Irina Stepanovna lived in the village of Leninskoye near Uzgen, with their eldest daughter Sofia Artemovna, they moved to her at that time, since it was already difficult for themselves, they were very old, maybe that’s why they didn’t find her, Unfortunately, he is also no longer alive. But the award was definitely not presented. We would know, it was a holiday.

Where we live now, my mother is alive, thank God, but we left in a hurry then, we lived in the Osh region, so, unfortunately, the documents were not preserved. I hope my mother still has her birth certificate and marriage certificate; she is also already 701 years old.

And there is also an error in the birth data, the grandfather was born in Ukraine, and during the war he moved his family to Kyrgyzstan with the children, and he himself went to the front, either from Ukraine or from Leningrad, and the data indicates his place of residence after the war and before his death in 88.

Of all my grandfather's children, my mother and her brother Alexey Artemovich survived, but he is even older than my mother. Naturally, his last name is like his grandfather’s. Please tell me how they can receive their grandfather's award? Or at least a document confirming that he was awarded; it’s just a symbol, but a very important one. What needs to be done, I would really like to please them, I already called my mother and told her, she burst into tears. Our grandfather was a human being, but before the war in Ukraine he came under repression, he was later released and he volunteered, although they didn’t really want to take him, he broke through, returned wounded, spent his whole life with pieces of iron from wounds in his leg and arm. He was very strong. We did not even think that a reward was possible, given the repression that preceded the war. Help.

If it is possible to find some more information about my grandfather’s military path and you can help, we will be very, very grateful. There will be something to tell your great-grandchildren about your roots.

We all know from childhood how destructive and bitter the Great Patriotic War was for the entire Soviet people. The war, which claimed the lives of more than 26 million of our compatriots, still echoes the tragedy in many families, because not only those who lost their fathers and mothers are still alive, but even those who met the enemy with weapons in their hands.

The number of missing people alone after the war was estimated at almost 5 million people. To date, despite all efforts, it has been possible to clarify the fate of only 1 million people, of whom 500 thousand died under unclear circumstances, and the other 500 thousand remained abroad. The fate of more than 3 million people remains unclear.

Today, not only the surviving veterans are elderly, but also their children. In this regard, the majority of those who are currently searching for missing persons or simply want to learn about battle path their relatives are the grandchildren of war participants.

How can I find out where my grandfather fought by his last name?

Recently, many resources have appeared on the Internet to help with finding information about veterans, their combat path or burial places, all this was achieved thanks to digitization huge amount paper archival data.

You can start from the website obd-memorial.ru is an electronic database of the central archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO), contains a large number of records of the dead soldiers of the Red Army in the Second World War. On it you can find where your grandfather fought by last name, first name, patronymic and year of birth.

If the search does not produce results, you should definitely try changing some letters, especially if the surname is difficult to pronounce or enter one consonant when it is correct to write double ones, for example, replacing “Filippovich” with “Filippovich”. Often the data was filled in with errors and was difficult to read; you need to take this into account and try to enter data into the search engine with appropriate amendments.

On the site moypolk.ru contains information not only about the dead, but also about the missing and survivors of the war; the database is still being replenished with the help of participants in the “Immortal Regiment” action. On it you can also find out where your grandfather fought in the Second World War and about his future fate by last name, first name and patronymic.

If your grandfather went missing, then he could well be among the prisoners of war, since more than 4.5 million people were captured by the Germans during the entire war. Information about those killed in German concentration camps is available on the website dokst.ru

During the search, you may more than once encounter full namesakes, so it is very important to collect as much information as possible in the family about where you were born, where you were drafted, whether there are front-line photographs (by insignia you can establish rank and approximate time, by uniform - branch of the military).

It is worth noting that the names of many settlements have changed since then. In order to find out exactly what those areas were called during the war, you need to use historical reference books.

You definitely need to look for letters from the front; the envelopes were marked with the number of the field postal station, by which you can determine the number of the military unit. Information on postal numbers those years and their compliance can be obtained from reference books on the website soldat.ru/spravka/ . On the site's forum you can also take advantage of the advice of experienced search engines on how to find out where your grandfather fought.

It should be noted that searching for the burial or military path of one’s grandfather/great-grandfather is a long, sometimes difficult, sometimes expensive task. From the very beginning, you need to prepare yourself for a long, painstaking work of collecting information and analyzing it.

However, in general it is a simple and straightforward process.

Data collection

Specify the surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, place of birth, place of residence before the war, military registration and enlistment office to which you were drafted, address of relatives, place of service, military rank, party affiliation, if there are letters - find the field mail number in them, if we are looking for a dead or missing person missing - check the date of the last known letter.

Read the letters carefully, they may contain important information: about the type of troops, about the military unit, any details of movements.

Type of army, military unit- regiment, division, army - this information is sometimes the key to searching, for example, a burial

Primary search

The base is unique, there are no analogues in the world. About 14 million sheets of archival documents were scanned and posted. Work to fill the database continues. Therefore, do not be surprised if there is no data on your relative yet.

Here you can find all possible (taking into account the fact that the database is filling up) references to a person: Books of memory, reports of losses, lists of those buried, etc.

The base contains almost all military graves, where soldiers and commanders of the Red Army are buried. From Murmansk to Crete.

Additional information can be obtained on the Feat of the People website. There is information about awards there.

If you know about the awards of a relative, then from the award documents you can find out information about the military unit, place of birth, etc. And of course about exploits.

In addition, “Feat of the People” has a section on the Geography of War. In this section you can find information about the combat path of the military unit.

If you want to know where your grandfather fought and lived to see the end of the war, this is main tool. But only if he was awarded.

Books of Memory

In every area Soviet Union, including in Ukraine, a multi-volume “Book of Memory” was published. The Book contains information about those who did not return from the war. But! Information at the time of publication of the Book, and the information that the regional commissariat had at that time. Some Books have been reprinted.

The “Book of Memory” is kept in the district military registration and enlistment office. It is necessary to contact at the place of conscription your relative...

There is an easier way to access the “Book of Memory” - contact the Veterans Council. There, active grandparents will give you the “Book” and give you some tea.

Books of Memory can also be electronic. Then you need to look for a link to them on the websites of the central authorities of the region.

Most of the Books of Memory have been digitized and are located in the Memorial Database. In the "Advanced Search" section you can search for these Books.

Request to TsAMO

If the previous search did not provide the required results, send by registered mail request to the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense - 142100, Moscow region, Podolsk, st. Kirova, house 74.

The request looks like this:


142100, Podolsk, Moscow region

Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


on the search and establishment of the fate of a serviceman

1. Last name, first name, patronymic (of the wanted person)




2. Year and place of birth (region, district, village, city)______________________________

3. Where did you live and work before conscription (indicate the detailed address and name of the institution, enterprise) _________________________________________________________________


4. Which military registration and enlistment office was drafted, when and to what unit was sent _____________________



5. Military rank ______________________________

6. Branch of troops (by conscription and service) ________________________________________________

7. Party affiliation _________________________________

8. When written communication ceased (year, month, date) _________________________

9. Address of the military unit at the last place of service (last letter) ___________

10. Who is requesting (last name, first name, patronymic, relationship, home address)




Applicant's signature - _________________

The reception was conducted by __________________________


Request in the form of a word file.


After some time, you receive an official certificate about the burial place.

It will read:

1. Killed (indicating the place of burial)

2. Killed (without indicating the place of burial)

3. Died from wounds (indicating the place of burial)

4. Died from wounds (no indication of burial place)

5. Missing.

If the burial place is known, then take one more step:

After receiving the official certificate, write a request to the regional military registration and enlistment office for the burial place (depending on the accuracy of the indication).

To the head of the military registration and enlistment office of the Demyansky district of the Novgorod region

We ask you to establish the burial place _______full name______, check it using burial passports based on the information we have from

1) Notice of death ____________

2) OBD Memorial (list of documents)_____________

I am attaching copies of documents___________

If there is no data on the full name in the burial passport, please enter the full name in the burial passport and perpetuate his name

Copies do not need to be certified; regular copies are sufficient.

If the certificate indicates a specific burial, then look for it using the Memorial OBD - Advanced search, Search for burials

If the burial place is unknown, then do the following:

Died from wounds

A request to the archive of military medical documents of the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (191180, St. Petersburg, Lazaretny Lane, 2) and a repeated request to TsAMO with a request to clarify the location of the hospital for the period of death of the wanted person.

Very often, the passport of military graves (if it is hospital) contains information about the hospital.

If there is any information about the hospital, then - a directory of the deployment of Red Army hospitals in 1941-1945.

Killed or missing.

This is where the fun begins. You should know the unit in which your grandfather fought. This will be in a certificate from TsAMO or in the joint Memorial database. Your task is to establish the combat path of the division/brigade/regiment. Not an army, but a division/brigade/regiment.

If there are letters and they indicate a field mail number, then we decipher this number.

If part is known, then further - memoirs, maps, reports on military operations, and so on. You can search TsAMO for reports and orders for a narrow period of time. It is quite possible, for example, to establish the fate of an individual tank, and from aerial photographs to suggest the place of its destruction, and after interviewing the local population, to establish a previously unknown grave. But this is a piece of work, and most likely a local search team can do it.


Sometimes, the military registration and enlistment office cannot give a complete picture, especially for the battles of 1941-1942. The maximum that they can give in this case is a map of the burials of the area. But there could be dozens of them.

Keep in mind that the burials were enlarged. Consolidation campaigns have been carried out in the country 2-3 times. They are still being carried out, the main reason being inaccessibility to transport and impossibility of care.

The history of burials can also be traced from the Memorial ODB. Sometimes, lists of burials are posted on official websites.

It may also be that the burial was transferred only on paper. And where it really is - everyone has forgotten.

The mass grave, created in 1941 and noted in the documents, may simply “dissolve” in the area during 2 years of occupation. Or it may be that the person you are looking for will be listed in several graves.


School and local history. No matter how strange it may seem to someone, school museums exist and are actively working in specific departments and parts. Most full list school military history museums are located.

Search teams

You need to contact the search team of your area/city, as well as the search team of the area where your relative died/went missing.

A search in Yandex like “Demyansk search party” usually also finds everything.

If there is no information on the Internet, call the Youth Affairs Department desired area and you will be informed of all available information on search teams in the region.

The war that took place in the 40s of the last century became a difficult test for the peoples former USSR. Tens of millions were killed, thousands of cities and villages were destroyed, more than 30 thousand enterprises were destroyed, about 100 thousand collective and state farms were destroyed. Many people went missing in that bloody chaos, and many people are still looking for loved ones who once went to war and never returned from it. Below we will look at what the archives of the Ministry of Defense are, as well as how you can search by last name and first name of participants in the Great Patriotic War (WWII).

What is the Ministry of Defense archive?

The generalized Data Bank “Memorial” was created on behalf of the President of Russia, with the aim of organizing memorial work and perpetuating the memory of those killed during the Second World War.

This project is a huge database of Soviet war dead or missing persons during the war, as well as in the immediate post-war period. On this moment the database stores about 40 million records from archival documents, including about 18 million digital copies of documents on irretrievable losses, more than 10 million digitized records from the Book of Memory, tens of thousands of passports of military graves, about 50 thousand archival files of the Central Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, others types of digitized sources.

Work on the project was carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in collaboration with the ELAR (Electronic Archive) corporation. Around 2008, colossal work began on the digitization of documents, which continues to this day. Data on prisoners of fascist camps, records of wounds, medical units, and other important documents are awaiting digitization.

When creating the database, we used data from the archives of the Central Military Medical Academy of the Russian Federation, RGMA, Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation, Central Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, regional military registration and enlistment offices, documents from military transit points (MTP) and other important sources.

How to use the Memorial OBD

To work with the archive of the Ministry of Defense at ODB “Memorial” you must:

Search by last name and first name of WWII participants (as well as by first and patronymic) has important feature. It must be taken into account that the people filling out front-line documents did not always have perfect literacy. Therefore, when searching for the right person, try different variants writing his full name, including those that would be allowed by a not very literate person (for example, instead of “Kirillovich” try “Kirilovich”). Use different options, perhaps one of these incorrect options will allow you to find a loved one lost in the war through the archive of the Ministry of Defense.

One of the documents found

Other resources for searching for WWII participants by last name

Of course, the Memorial OBD project is not the only resource of this kind. There are a number of other sites on the network that allow you to search for soldiers who died during the Second World War. Among these resources it is worth noting the following:


The archive of the Ministry of Defense ODB “Memorial” allows you to search by last name and first name of participants in the Great Patriotic War (WWII). And also view digital documents that may contain references to people close to us. Use the database of this and similar resources to find people with whom contact was severed during the war and post-war times.