Where are the Siluans now? Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov. Biography, activities. Childhood and education of Anton Siluanov

Almost nothing is known about the new Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov. “Interlocutor” decided to fill the gap.

Finance by inheritance

Anton Siluanov – hereditary financier. His parents and, as they say, even his grandfather worked at the Ministry of Finance. The future minister himself came to the same department immediately after receiving a diploma from the Moscow Financial Institute (now a university).

Anton Siluanov I was never the leader of the course, but I also didn’t shy away from social life, I didn’t break away from the team: I went to the potato harvest and went to meetings,” recalled the former dean of the Faculty of Finance and Credit, Boris Suprunovich. - He studied well. It was noticeable that in the world of numbers he felt like he was in his element. Our disciplines are difficult, but he studied without problems. Most Anton Siluanov I was surprised when, in my 5th year, I asked to be assigned to work at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, where our graduates generally did not aspire: the salary there was low, the work was boring, and the department itself decided little at that time. But Anton Siluanov, despite all this, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents. I started from the lowest level - an ordinary economist. And, as time has shown, he was right: he went through the entire career ladder, right up to the very top step...

The institute recalls that Anton Siluanov, despite the fact that he was a Muscovite and the son of officials, after the 1st year he signed up for a construction brigade and even participated in the construction of the Vnesheconombank building on Academician Sakharov Avenue in Moscow. Myself Anton Siluanov later he told in an interview that he then earned 47 rubles, with which he bought the first serious watch in his life. In senior years Anton Siluanov in the summer I went to BAM, where I received more than a large sum– more than 800 rubles. But, as the future chief financier himself later said, his “main” motive was not money, but adventure.

Anton Siluanov he still comes to the financial institute every year and meets with his classmates, where Bamov’s stories certainly come up. For example, about how a city student Anton Siluanov, as the most responsible of the group, one day they were entrusted with a horse and sent to graze the cows... And then everything went smoothly, and later Anton Siluanov Often it was necessary to solve problems so that the wolves were fed and the cows were safe.

Experience and meticulousness

Perhaps in the early stages of your career Anton Siluanov support of his parents - employees of the Ministry of Finance - and played some role (father Anton Siluanov headed one of the departments in the Ministry of Finance), but the future minister came to the very top on his own. However, if not for the lightning resignation Alexei Kudrin, Anton Siluanov could have remained “eternally second” behind the Minister of Finance.

Anton Siluanov- one of the most experienced, but not at all public and, as it seemed, unambitious deputy ministers in the current government. And when candidates for the ministerial chair were discussed, the name Anton Siluanov never even sounded,” said a government source.

Probably, main recommendation Anton Siluanov it was given by the ex-boss after all Alexey Kudrin. They say, former minister appreciated Anton Siluanov for experience and meticulousness. Already after dismissal Alexey Kudrin said in an interview that he still comes to the ministry to complete his business, for which the former deputy even allocated him a separate spacious office, not being afraid to shelter the disgraced official.

– U Anton Siluanov“very strong reputation in financial circles,” the director of the department confirmed to Interlocutor strategic analysis company "Finance.Business.Consulting" Igor Nikolaev. “Nobody doubts his professionalism.”

This is exactly the kind of professional to the core who will not play his own behind-the-scenes games, and is needed in pre-election period: it will help maintain the appearance of prosperity in the country’s finances and will not pull the blanket on itself.

Personal budget

It is not known how about the federal one, but about our own family budget Anton Siluanov already taken care of. For two years in a row, in 2009 and 2010, he managed to earn more than his, also wealthy, boss Alexey Kudrin. Besides, Anton Siluanov became the record holder for the number square meters– The Siluanov family has several apartments in different parts of Moscow. Some of them were inherited from their Muscovite ancestors, and some were purchased: the deputy minister’s salary allowed. For example, in 2009 income Anton Siluanov amounted to 9.3 million rubles.

Didn't give money to Putin

They say that Anton Siluanov the same occupational disease as another old-timer of the Ministry of Finance Tatiana Golikova, about which it is known that she keeps in memory all the main budget figures. Only Anton Siluanov It seems like he doesn’t just hold them, he also compares them on the go.

He speaks little, but his word is valuable. Literally. Administration of Mordovia, for example, the word Anton Siluanov cost more than 5 billion rubles. Here is how it was. In June 2011 Anton Siluanov participated in a retreat led by the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, at which the Mordovian authorities asked for another 5.5 billion in addition to the 28 billion they had already received - to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state. As usual Anton Siluanov quietly listened to all the speakers while Vladimir Putin did not address him directly: “What will the Ministry of Finance say?” “According to our calculations, this is already the most expensive project in Russia, more expensive than the 1000th anniversary of Kazan,” replied Anton Siluanov and thereby devalued Russian-Mordovian friendship by 5 billion.

And on the January conference call, the same one during which Vladimir Putin attacked the governor Kirov region Nikita Belykh, another scandal arose, unnoticed by the press, and caused it to be “quiet” again Anton Siluanov. He presented a damning analysis of regional budgets, after which, as they say, the governors of several regions began to pack their bags just in case. But on Anton Siluanov Personally, no one can be offended: he hits not with words, but with numbers.

They say, new minister Finance, like his predecessor, is also an opponent of expanding the military budget, which is why he got burned Alexey Kudrin. True, he is not so categorical in his statements. Anton Siluanov has already opposed increasing taxes in the near future and continued to follow Kudrin’s line: do not increase budget expenses without increasing revenues. Both points will not be easy to accomplish: before elections It is especially difficult for the authorities to resist the temptation to “gift” voters.

Anton Siluanov For a long time he could not get rid of the prefix “acting,” which is why experts began to say that the new minister does not yet have enough political weight. But in modern conditions This is unlikely to hinder him: the government really needs a person who can count well.

14:46 — REGNUM A person’s actions are controlled by his past.

What life experience has been accumulated in the personality of Anton Siluanov, the future First Deputy Prime Minister?

Having become the Minister of Finance of Russia, he defended his dissertation for the scientific degree the doctors economic sciences in 2012, using professional knowledge.

The topic of the dissertation is “Interbudgetary relations in the context of the development of federalism in Russia.”

It looks like oil. The development of federalism in the dissertation is considered as the development of budgetary federalism, and this is the relationship between the federal, regional and municipal budgets. So, it turns out: inter-budgetary relations in the conditions of development of inter-budgetary relations. Butter oil. And what on earth is the problem?

But it's not that simple.

There are many federation states in the world with a vertical territorial division of powers with their own budgets. The concept of fiscal federalism was invented to state and generalize precisely this fact and in the hope that real fiscal federalism will someday cease to be the focus of internal conflicts and hidden contradictions.

So far this is a dream. In fact, even on paper it is not possible to distribute powers and provide them with money (revenue sources) so that the federal promises of human benefits are realized in every Russian municipality, and the money is not lost on the way to the local budget.

Therefore, one can credit A. Siluanov as an academic minister for his attempt to personally analyze the experience of foreign fiscal federalism and personally formulate “directions for improving Russian interbudgetary relations, taking into account the development of the domestic model of fiscal federalism and cyclical fluctuations in the economic situation.”

This is the purpose of doctoral work.

Improving inter-budgetary relations, it turns out, is something that does not affect the development of fiscal federalism, but only takes into account its Russian modification.

In theory, it would be necessary to develop the problem in such a way that scientifically based changes in interbudgetary relations would strengthen fiscal federalism in Russia, strengthen and expand the capabilities of its participants at all levels of government and management. In the interests of increasing the well-being of citizens.

Otherwise, the result is the improvement of inter-budgetary relations for the sake of their improvement, with the loss of a conceivable result already at the start.

As a result, the goal shifts from result to process.

There is nothing surprising in such a conceptual gap. Many Russian government documents And federal laws structurally sound, but conceptually broken. There are goals, there are tasks, there are indicators of their achievement, but they are all very weakly connected to each other or not connected at all.

You can take any government program Russian Federation and discover in it not just one goal corresponding to the name of the program, but many goals. Where does such a multi-purpose installation hit: on the target or on the square? The answer is clear - by space, not by place.

The Ministry of Finance is the responsible executor of the state program of the Russian Federation “Public Finance Management and Regulation of Financial Markets”. The purpose of the program is stated in one sentence, which creates the external impression that it is the only one. However, several goals are built into the formula:

— ensuring long-term balance budget system;

— ensuring its stability in time and space;

— improving the quality of public financial management;

— quality improvement legal regulation financial market.

A. Siluanov put it all together in one paragraph: ensuring long-term balance and sustainability of the budget system of the Russian Federation, improving the quality of public finance management and legal regulation of the financial market, and called it the goal of the state program.

The Ministry of Finance and its subordinate structures are the only participants in this program. The question arises: why does the Russian government need this program at all, which is of a narrow departmental and methodological nature, and whose goals have such an elusive horizon? Whatever you do, there is still more to be done.

The hypothetical answer is this: the program is needed to allocate surplus budget funds for it, which, if necessary, could be used for a variety of non-departmental purposes. Because this state program - according to the definition of the Ministry of Finance itself - is of a supporting nature. What is the provider? Myself, since money is also allocated for other government programs, areas, and projects.

What also confuses A. Siluanov’s dissertation is that out of 222 bibliography items, sixty-eight are references to federal laws, orders and letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance, which scientific evidence has no relation.

Such is the paradox: money loves counting, but words float away into an infinity of meanings. Transferring the actual, rather than stated in the abstract, methodological approach to developing a problem to government management may turn out to be unproductive in the activities of the First Deputy Prime Minister.

The scientific model is not predictive for the minister himself.

For him and for the newly appointed governors in 2017, it was news and a mystery where the skeletons in the budget closet of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the form of large commercial loans came from. At a time when the government did everything to equalize the budgetary provision of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2 trillion 300 billion rubles - this is the debt of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These include commercial debts and overdue debts of budgetary organizations (schools, hospitals, higher educational institutions). In one and a half dozen regions, the amount of debt amounts to up to one hundred percent of annual income, in thirty - up to eighty percent. Another thirty have less than 50% of their income.

The Finance Minister now hopes to reduce the share of commercial debt to 50 percent of tax and non-tax revenues by at least 2020. An inventory is needed, after which there will be a redistribution - “more targeted” - of the volume of interbudgetary transfers.

This is an indirect (or direct?) result of the implementation of the state program “Public Finance Management and Regulation of Financial Markets”.

As First Deputy Prime Minister, Siluanov will no longer be able to step on the rake of budget insecurity for regional and municipal powers, which have already been transferred vertically down, but are not backed up with resources. We will have to either increase budgetary transfer support or withdraw powers that are not backed by resources. In the worst case, problems will grow like a snowball. And no breakthrough development will happen at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To be fair, it should be said that the situation in the regions is much better than before. In 2013, the budget deficit of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was ten percent of their own revenue sources. But last year it turned out to be minimal.

The Ministry of Finance is also concerned that the migration of the tax base does not lead to a loss of regional self-sufficiency, and that the regions have a stable income base and are encouraged to develop their economic potential. We will learn about measures to ensure a better situation soon after the formation of a new cabinet of ministers.

Any system is good if the Ministry of Finance knows why it is bad

A. Siluanov believes that the ministry is always at the forefront of the economy, and its specialists are very highly qualified and fairly equipped and in many ways have a better understanding of certain industries than industry departments. All sectoral departments take into account his colleagues from the Ministry of Finance.

The minister himself receives an average monthly salary that is three times higher than the prime minister's salary. Approximately 1.7 million rubles.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

Out of habit or verbal figurativeness, the minister uses Lenin’s expression that politics is a concentrated expression of economics.

In fact, in the Siluanov-Medvedev government, it is not the economy that will determine politics and it is not politics that will determine the economy. Both the economy and politics will be centered by the budget.

Did it happen that way or did it happen that way?

Chairman of the Duma Budget Committee A. Makarov has already proven from the State Duma rostrum that only the budget strategy will save us, because our economic forecast is of no quality. The socio-economic development forecast may change five times during the year. Even at a time when the law on the federal budget is already in the State Duma.

He is right when he says that we have a lot of strategies, and many have already learned to write strategies and even then report on how well they were written, but in general, the effectiveness of these strategies is low.

This applies to government programming in general. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance is forced to continue to perform the function of the main arbiter in the process of integrating strategic plans, budgeting and management in the strategic documentary chaos.

Earlier than design federal budget preceded by the Budget Message of the President of the Russian Federation. After last year’s regular amendments to the Budget Code, the main directions of the budget, tax and customs tariff policy of the Russian Federation are developed and submitted to the government exclusively by the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance annually receives budget requests for next year and the subsequent two-year planning period from ministries and departments and then sends to the ministries a “returnable” distribution of budget allocations for government programs. What it is?

This means that the Ministry of Finance analyzed the departments’ budget requests, re-evaluated them and “returned” them in the form of maximum figures for approval by the ministers. If the ministry does not agree, then a list of uncoordinated issues is compiled and sent to the Ministry of Finance.

The arbiter - in case of disagreement between ministries and departments with the adjustment of the Ministry of Finance - is the government. But such cases when disagreements with Finance Ministry officials would be brought to the level of the prime minister, if they happen, are very rare.

It turns out that the goals, objectives of industry activities and the necessary resources for achieving them are reviewed and opposed in the financial department, as if it is there that the priorities in the socio-economic development of the country are determined. In law - It shouldn't be this way. In practice, it turns out the way it turns out.

The Ministry of Finance does not adjust the goals and objectives of ministries, leaving them at the discretion of the department. Maybe he doesn’t even read them carefully. Simply, at his own (methodological?) discretion, he applies two of the four actions from the multiplication table.

Therefore, the future appointment of A. Siluanov as First Deputy Prime Minister is rather a formalization of his actual place in the government management system of planning, forecasting and management. Perhaps at this point in history Russian state this is right.

If we synthesize thoughts from public speaking A. Siluanov of the most recent times, then the following action program of the first economic deputy prime minister will turn out.

The budget rule will remain, the essence of which is to maintain the estimated value of the oil price and curb inflation. According to the minister, this is not only a measure to preserve reserves and create a safety cushion for the budget, but also predictability that we will not have the risk of repeating the crises that we had in last years. Because the crises were mainly related to the budget. Oil prices fell, and revenues decreased accordingly, expenses were not financed, everything was cut, the deficit increased, high inflation, destabilization of the exchange rate, and so on. Actually, this is how crises have always developed. And this year we estimate up to 3% of GDP additional foreign exchange earnings from oil and gas revenues into reserves.

Our share of defense spending has decreased. The share of spending on health care and human capital, on the contrary, has increased. Siluanov believes that one of the key tasks is improving infrastructure. It is obvious that without this there will be no economic growth. These include roads and air travel. Especially in the eastern part of our country, on Far East. The only way to get from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk is through Moscow. This is completely unacceptable. Therefore, the issue of infrastructure will obviously be one of the priorities in the next budget plans.

The same goes for investing in human capital. We need to involve more people (especially vulnerable groups) in active production processes. On the other hand, the population should have access to best quality services regardless of whether you are in Moscow or anywhere else in our country. And here there is a lag. We need to raise these issues.

What could be the sources? First of all, of course, these are taxes. And improved administration, which also reduces the shadow sector. Money for priorities will be taken from there. So the changes tax system and improved administration are the main revenue sources for the maneuver.

We must create a climate in our country that would be more liberal, more attractive, in order to neutralize the impact of the restrictions that are being imposed on Russia. This includes taxes, currency liberalization, improved competition, including a reduction in the share of the public sector and an improvement in the position of companies (not state-owned companies, which today largely dominate certain sectors). Therefore, the issue of currency control and currency regulation- one of the most important on the agenda.

Regarding customs: by 2020, several electronic declaration centers will be created, which will make it possible to clear customs cargo, export and import foreign participants without contact with a customs officer. economic activity. Such remote interaction with customs will reduce both administrative costs and corruption risks. This will ultimately improve administration. All this is done so that normal, conscientious companies can operate with lower costs and generate more income.

We'll see how it really turns out.

On Tuesday he made an official statement regarding the incident. Kudrin admitted that he made the decision himself several months ago and “emotions had nothing to do with it.” “In February of this year, I discussed my desire to resign with the chairman of the government. Then the resignation was considered undesirable, including due to the severity of the situation due to the fact that this year budget process a selective process was imposed. At the same time, my participation in the future configuration of the executive branch of the Russian Federation was not discussed,” Kudrin said.

At the same time, he sharply criticized the policies of the country's leadership. “For several months, despite my numerous objections, including public ones, decisions were made in the field of budget policy that, without a doubt, increased the risks of budget execution,” Kudrin noted. “And budgetary risks associated primarily with inflated liabilities in the defense sector and social sphere, would inevitably spread to the entire national economy,” he threatened.

“On September 24, the structure of power in our country for the long term was determined. I also made up my mind, explaining my position. Emotions have absolutely nothing to do with it,” the former finance minister clarified. At the same time, the now former official sharply criticized the “Just Cause” project, the leader of which he was expected to be last spring.

Kudrin admitted that he “did not consider the prospect of participating in an artificial project, which in fact discredits the liberal democratic idea.”

“I am grateful to all those who express their support to me today. I am also grateful to those who have given me invaluable operational, political and life experience over the past two days,” Kudrin concluded his address.

This statement was commented on in the Kremlin. “The statement of ex-Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin is a well-written document, carefully verified in style, which quite clearly reflects the views of Alexei Leonidovich, in contrast, unfortunately, to some of his other statements.

This position of Alexei Leonidovich can certainly be respected, with the exception of theses concerning the Right Cause party,” a high-ranking source in the Kremlin said on Tuesday evening.

The Kremlin representative noted that “Mr. Kudrin was seriously considering the opportunity to head Right Cause” and at that moment it did not seem to him at all that this was an “artificial project.” “Moreover, if Alexey Leonidovich headed this really existing party, which undoubtedly has many supporters and good electoral potential, this would benefit the development of liberal democratic ideas in the country,” he added.

According to the document on the distribution of responsibilities posted on the government website, during Kudrin’s absence his duties were to be performed by Alexander. But, according to the director of the International Institute of Political Expertise, Evgeniy Minchenko, the responsibilities were transferred to Shuvalov because “Zhukov is busy with the Olympics” and “this is not really his profile.” “It cannot be said that this will significantly strengthen Shuvalov’s position; he is already in a very good position,” says the expert. “Everything else will depend on the figure of the new head of the Ministry of Finance.”

Quiet until the elections

“A good, strong specialist,” described the new acting leader. O. Minister Siluanov Putin.

Siluanov has worked in the Ministry of Finance for many years, is a professional, can negotiate with different people, characterizes the official, general director of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting. “But recently it has played a big role. I don’t know what criteria are important for the country’s leadership when choosing a minister,” the expert admits.

“If they appoint Golikova, with whom Kudrin has a bad relationship, this will mean that Kudrin has a conflict with the head of government, and not just with the president. In reality, only Dvorkovich could come from Medvedev,” says Petrov.

Dmitry Naumov

By placing his people on the “golden streams,” Finance Minister Anton Siluanov becomes one of the most influential people in the political establishment. Step by step he is moving towards gaining sole control of the country's gold reserves.

The story began in 2011 with the antics of the Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin at the meeting Russian government and the subsequent resignation. Alexey Leonidovich agreed to leave on good terms, that is, without much scandal, setting the condition for Dmitry Medvedev that he would transfer the said post to his protege, Anton Siluanov. In this case, the awl was replaced with soap. What can you say about Kudrin's receiver? A quiet official who went through all levels of the civil service in the Ministry of Finance, a guide and strict executor of all the undertakings of his predecessor, who received the popular nickname “executioner of pensioners” for his cruel policy in pension reform.

But after some time, having waited for the time of possible new appointments by Kudrin, Siluanov begins to form his own team to ensure his livelihood, but in essence to seize power. Because whoever has the capital calls the tune.

It included:

"Tatar" - former Minister of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev;

“Strong” - former deputy of Siluanov and current Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin;

"Wallet" - Director of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Finance Alexander Akhpolov;

"Altai" - head of the Gokhran of Russia Andrey Yurin;

"Cut" - CEO JSC "Goznak" Arkady Trachuk.

Siluanov himself is called “German”, from his patronymic Germanovich.

These honored people are called by their subordinates by these informal names. Not to offend, of course, but to speed up communication.

Alexei Kudrin always had support from above, which, however, did not save him, so “German” understood that he needed to have his own people at the horizontal level. So that those who need it understand that if you touch one link, the whole chain will fall apart, and this is nothing less than a real management crisis. In this regard, it cost him a lot of effort to lobby for the appointment of “Tatar” as Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. It is no secret that this ministry was created in opposition to and to control the Ministry of Finance. Therefore, the second echelon after “Tatarin” arrives there with “Strong” Oreshkin, who until recently was the deputy of “Nemets”.

The need to raise funds for operational management The operation always rested with “Wallet,” Kudrin’s friend and former classmate. He was in charge of the Ministry of Finance even under Lesha, so the transition to a new minister was not something new for him, and the flexible national character speaks for itself.

Two months ago, during a search by the FSB related to theft in government procurement of the Ministry of Finance, 10 million rubles were found in Akhpolov’s office, which he called “money for personal expenses”!

It is worth noting that a red thread running through the activities of Kudrin and Siluanov is human weakness in the form of love for precious stones. It just so happened the mighty of the world This is why we have always gravitated towards beauty! That is why at one time Kudrin entrusted AK "Alrosa" under the supervision of business executive Alexander Akhpolov. The “German” did not change anything, but at the same time brought his own to power in the subordinate organization Gokhran of Russia (diamond storehouse) former colleague for the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of Andrei Yurin, aka “Altai”.

Yurin liked the new court the most: in addition to cunning manipulations with stones, he proved himself to be a strong business executive. Although he became famous for this in the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, from where he took his feet at the right time. Only the hugs of the “German” and an appointment to Gokhran saved him!

At the new place, he began repairing everything that could be repaired or purchased, fortunately “German” did not skimp on allocating funds, foreseeing his future profits. The bill runs into billions of rubles! What kind of diamonds are these “German” thought, but greed takes its toll and in 2017 Siluanov plans to appoint his friend from Goznak Trachuk, better known as “Rezany”, as the new head of PJSC Alrosa.

You don’t need to be a genius to not understand the degree of influence that can be achieved by completely controlling the chain: Alrosa - Goznak - Gokhran - Ministry of Economic Development - Ministry of Finance. Siluanov builds a work plan in such a way as to remain the only person who understands all the nuances of moving gold, precious stones and other riches within the country. It makes no sense to talk about abuse here - it’s too petty. There is a smell of much more serious and far-reaching plans here.

For example, in the administration of US President Donald Trump there are whispers about introducing a “gold standard”. All this is still at the level of rumors, but why not prepare for the “innovation” in advance, on an individual, so to speak, basis. So Siluanov is preparing to be the first and only. Well, there is a team, there is gold too.

But there is still one nuance, thanks to which the “German” will not be able to carry out his brilliant plan - these are the revelations of the “Tatar”, which he indulges in with enviable regularity.

Anton Germanovich Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow into a family of famous professional financiers. Father - German Mikhailovich Siluanov worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, RSFSR and the Russian Federation, retired in 1996. Mother - Yanina Nikolaevna worked in a leading economic publishing house, then in the editorial and publishing department at State University Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Since conversations about economics in the family were a constant topic, there was no question of where to go.


Anton Germanovich Siluanov has a higher education and is a Doctor of Economics. After graduating from school, the future Minister of Finance becomes a student at one of the oldest Russian universities training specialists in the field of economics - the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI), which, after reorganization in 2011, becomes the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial Academy). During his student years, Siluanov was active, engaged in social and organizational activities and went with his fellow students to “potato harvest.” He works in a construction team and eventually goes to BAM, where, as the politician himself believes, he gains invaluable experience. At the same time, the future minister has no problems with studying at the institute; at the university, Siluanov is on the list of the best excellent students. In 1985 he received a diploma of higher education. In 1994, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “State Budget Policy in the Transition to Market Relations” and received an academic degree.


As a fifth-year student in 1985, Siluanov was assigned to the Ministry of Finance. He occupies the position of first private, then senior economist. In 1987 he joined the ranks Soviet army and ends up in a unit under the control of the KGB. For two years he acts as the head of the financial department, manages the cash register, accrues wages and is on duty. Siluanov ends his service with the rank of senior lieutenant. After demobilization, he returned to the Ministry of Finance, where he worked from 1989 to 1992. Initially, he holds the post of leading economist, then becomes deputy head of the income department and consultant to the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation. From 1992 to October 1997, he was an employee of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Joins the department as deputy head of department budget management, then moves to the budget department, where he initially holds the post of deputy head and head of department. At that time, Siluanov was only 29 years old. Having established himself as an excellent specialist and professional, in 1997 he took the post of head of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Banking at the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 1999, he joined the board of directors of Rossiysky Credit Bank. In 2000, he was a member of the supervisory board at Rosselkhozbank. In the spring of 2001, he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2002, he served on the board of directors of the state corporation ACRO (Agency for Restructuring credit institutions). In July 2003, he held the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia. Siluanov held this post for a year, after which he headed the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, Siluanov joined the board of directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency corporation and the supervisory board of Vneshtorgbank. In 2007, he became a member of the supervisory board of the state corporation “Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform”, and in April 2009 - the board of directors of OJSC UralVagonZavod. At the same time, in 2005 he became Deputy Minister of Finance. Since September 2011 - acting minister in the same department. During this period, he was a supporter of the single-industry towns program aimed at socio-economic development settlements related to the activities of city-forming enterprises. In December 2011, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in agreement with President Dmitriev Medvedev, signed a decree appointing Siluanov to the post of Minister of Finance of Russia. The head of the Ministry of Finance is included in the Russian Security Council, at the same time Siluanov represents Russia as a manager in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as in the World Bank. Member of the Anti-Crisis Council of the Eurasian Economic Community. He still holds the post of head of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Also, since January 2013, Siluanov has held the position of dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics in Financial University under the Government of Russia.


During this period he joined the ranks of the All-Russian political party"United Russia". In May 2012, he joined the supreme council of the structure that determines the party’s development strategy.


Siluanov, being a person with an analytical mind, is a supporter of strict monetary policy and, after taking the post of head of the country's main financial department, begins to work to restore the investment attractiveness of Russia. In 2015, he joined the supervisory board of Sberbank of Russia. Special attention devotes his time to the country's banking sector and personally oversees issues of budgetary relations between the constituent entities of the federation. At the end of 2014, after the collapse of the national currency, he did everything to stabilize the ruble. Siluanov explains the situation by falling oil prices and geopolitical issues. The main task of the department is the stability of the state budget and the ability to control the quality of expenditures. Declares that the country should not pay attention to sanctions, but is obliged to monitor price quotes on stock exchanges. In the summer of 2017, Siluanov gave an optimistic forecast regarding Russia's economic growth. During a conversation with journalists on the sidelines of the G20 in Hamburg, he stated that the Russian Federation could catch up with the eurozone countries in terms of economic growth by the end of 2017. Siluanov widely presented his vision of the country’s economic development during a discussion at the St. Petersburg International economic forum. According to the minister, to achieve stability, one should not deviate from the estimated $40 per barrel of oil, on which planning directly depends, but to achieve growth, one should rely on attracting private investment, especially in infrastructure construction. Such a program is already being developed by the department. The minister emphasizes that it is not the quantity that is important for the country Money, which is available in Russia, but the quality of money and expenses. There is no point in betting on easy income from oil sales; you need to rely on what actually exists. Siluanov notes that capital should be invested not only in budget balance and economic growth, but also in human capital, in teaching Russians new skills, and this is not a question of money, but of the efficiency of professionals. It is important to build long term perspective a trend towards the stability of the state’s budget system, and when “life in debt ends”, it is possible to ensure a balance in the financial sphere and the task of growth. In February 2016, he left the Supreme Council " United Russia" On May 18, 2018, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.


Anton Germanovich Siluanov is officially married and has a son, Gleb, born in 1999. Family life the minister prefers not to show it off. It is known that the official’s wife is a financier. Siluanov raises his only son in strictness, and calls himself a good family man who, despite being constantly busy, finds time for loved ones. Weekly dinners at a restaurant have become a unique tradition in the family, where preference is given to Mediterranean cuisine. Siluanov speaks German.


In 2001, Siluanov’s work was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2002, he received two Letters of Gratitude from the President and the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. At this time, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal “200 Years of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.” In 2003, Siluanov received a medal “In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg.” In 2004 he was awarded the Gratitude of the Chairman of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. In 2006 he was awarded a medal Federal service state statistics "For merits in conducting the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2006." In 2007, he received the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class. In 2009, Siluanov’s work was awarded a certificate of honor from the Government, a medal “For Assistance” from the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation, a medal “For Merit in Development transport complex Russia" from the Ministry of Transport. In 2010, he was awarded the distinction “For merits in strengthening cooperation with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.” During the same period, he received medals “For interaction with the FSB of Russia”, “For strengthening the customs commonwealth” from the Russian customs service, “For commonwealth in the name of salvation” from the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Consequence Elimination natural Disasters, as well as a certificate of honor from the President and memorial sign"90 years of the Republic of Karelia." In 2011, Siluanova received the medal “For Military Cooperation” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the badge “For Development international cooperation» Federal Customs Service of Russia and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.