Where was boxer Nikolai Valuev born? Nikolai Valuev: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Personal life and life philosophy of Nikolai Valuev

“Nikola Pitersky”, “Man-Mountain”, “Beast from the East” - as soon as rivals and fans called Nikolai Valuev. A boxer inspires respect with just his appearance.

Nikolai Valuev was born on August 21, 1973 into a working-class family. Both mother and father worked at the factory. The future boxer spent his childhood and youth in Leningrad.

Nikolai was born an ordinary child - 52 cm, standard weight. But in kindergarten the boy grew rapidly, leaving his peers far behind. Now the boxer’s height is 213 cm, and his weight at the peak of his sports career reached 146-151 kg. Parents did not have time to buy shoes and clothes for their son, which were difficult to get at that time.

Basketball coaches noticed the boy and offered to take up this sport. Nikolai Valuev started playing basketball in the 5th grade. At first he studied in the school section, then trained at a sports boarding school with Anatoly Steinbok and won the national junior championship.

However, the growth that led the boy to basketball became an obstacle to his further career. Nikolai had difficulty doing push-ups and pull-ups; he had problems with coordination. Then Valuev moved to the sports academy and took up discus throwing. Nikolai easily passed the master of sports standard. Due to the fact that the athlete was constantly growing, the coach had to constantly change his approach to training.

At one time Valuev attended a circus school, then entered college physical culture. A year later he dropped out of school and recovered after 10 years. Valuev's diploma work was devoted to the psychological preparation of boxing athletes. She presented the diploma to the illustrious champion. But Valuev did not stop there, but went to receive the second higher education. In 2010, the boxer entered the K. G. Razumovsky Moscow University at the Faculty of Economics.


Nikolai came to boxing late - at the age of 20, when other athletes already had solid experience. Valuev's first coach was Oleg Shalaev. The boxer developed at a rapid pace. Within six months, Valuev had already passed the standards for master of sports. Several months of intense training - and the novice boxer entered the ring. His boxing biography began in 1993.

The first fight took place in Berlin. Nikolai entered the ring against American John Morton and won. In 1999, Nikolai Valuev defeated Russian boxer Alexei Osokin and became the country's heavyweight champion. IN next year the athlete won the RABA champion title in a duel with Ukrainian boxer Yuri Elistratov, nicknamed “The Killer”.

Nikolai Valuev won the title of intercontinental champion in 2004 after meeting Richard Bango in the ring.

A fight for the WBA world heavyweight title was scheduled for December 2005 in Berlin. Nikolai Valuev's opponent was John Ruiz. In order to get ready for the competition, Nikolai Valuev attended the Sunday service, which was led by Anatoly Kolyada, Archpriest of the Alexander Nevsky Church in Potsdam. After the liturgy, Nikolai Valuev received a blessing from the abbot for the battle.

At the end of 12 rounds, two of the judges were on Valuev’s side, the third voted for a draw. As a result, the heavyweight champion belt went to a Russian for the first time. In 2006, in a fight against Jamaican native Owen Beck, Nikolai defended the title with honor, and a year later Nikolai repeated the result, speaking against Jamil McCline.

But in 2007, in a duel with Ruslan Chagaev, a boxer from Uzbekistan, Nikolai Valuev was weaker and lost on points. In 2008, the Russian repeated the fight with John Ruiz for the championship title and again the judges gave preference to Valuev.

Nikolai Valuev had one of the best fights in his sports career in 2009 with the Englishman David Haye, but lost. The enemy almost knocked out the Russian athlete. Information appeared in the media that Valuev was close to retiring from his career due to problems with his knee joints. Initially, the boxer denied the rumors, but soon this information was confirmed.

In 2010, Vitali Klitschko challenged Valuev to a duel, but the fight between two outstanding athletes did not take place. Fans still regret this. A year later, Nikolai Valuev announced that he was ending his career.

The Russian boxer had 53 fights in the ring, 50 of which ended in Nikolai’s victory. The boxer's unique physical characteristics, height and arm span allowed him to achieve amazing results in the ring. Fans of Nikolai remember the tournament, during which Valuev simply stood with his arm extended forward, not letting his opponent get close. The opponent had no choice but to admit his own defeat. It was a fight against the American Evander Holyfield.


Nikolai Valuev entered politics in 2011. The athlete ran for State Duma deputies from the party " United Russia" In a government position, the boxer is involved in physical education and sports, being a member of the relevant committee.


Nikolai Valuev acted in films several times. Valuev made his debut in episodes of the films “A Game Without Rules”, “7 Dwarfs: And the Whole Forest is Not Enough”, and in 2008 he played main role in the film “Stone Head”. The boxer didn’t have to invent anything, because Nikolai played himself. A year later, Nikolai Valuev played in the films “The Path,” where he played a prisoner nicknamed “The Beast,” and “Fight Without Rules,” in which he played the role of an athlete from Siberia, Nikolai Valov.

The boxer appeared not only in action films. The athlete took part in the filming of the top-rated comedy series “Voronin”, as well as the fairy tale “Antique Clock”. In 2014, Nikolai Valuev played a cameo role in the TV series “A Gift with Character.”

Valuev was offered the role of Ratboy in the film adaptation of The Master and Margarita, but the boxer refused this offer because his sports schedule did not allow it.

Personal life

Athlete, politician and showman Nikolai Valuev is a good family man. In 1998, the young man met his future wife Galina. A petite girl with a height of 165 cm and a weight 100 kg less than a boxer, attracted the attention of Nikolai. Soon the young people began to live together.

The family has three children: daughter Irina, sons Grigory and Sergei. On one of the TV shows, the boxer admitted that the wife is the main one in the family. It then became clear that while menacing in appearance, in his soul he remained sentimental and vulnerable, as well as faithful to his wife. Family photos often appear on the boxer’s official Instagram.

Valuev loves hunting and boats, and owns real estate in Russia and Germany.

The end of his sports career marked the beginning of his social and creative activity Nikolai Valuev. The main thing for the champion was popularization healthy image life. In 2007, Nikolai Valuev organized a youth boxing tournament, the winners of which, in addition to traditional figurines, cups, and medals, also receive cash and material prizes.

Since 2009, Nikolai has headed his own boxing school, branches of which operate in St. Petersburg, and is also involved in charity work. The Nikolai Valuev Foundation helps the Youth Sports School.

In 2016, the athlete opened a wide-profile boxing club in Moscow, designed for training, sparring and master classes for professionals and amateurs. The club also has a children's section. Nikolai Valuev selected the best representatives of the Russian boxing school for his coaching staff.

Nikolay Valuev now

Since 2016, Nikolai Valuev, together with game biologist Valery Kuzenkov, has been running the “Big Hobby” program. TV presenters travel to hunting grounds and reservoirs in Russia, where they review the local fauna and talk about methods of hunting wild animals and fishing. Valuev and Kuzenkov introduce viewers to different types edged weapons and methods of their use, study the features of hunting equipment.

Nikolai Sergeevich Valuev is a world-famous ex-world boxing champion, a successful showman and deputy of the State Duma of Russia. Was born in Northern capital August 21, 1973 in a family of factory workers. He became not only the heaviest and tallest fighter in boxing history, but also the first Russian to win the title of world super heavyweight champion among professionals according to the World Boxing Association (WBA).

Childhood and family of Nikolai Valuev

The parents of the future talented athlete did not suspect that their only son would have such extraordinary physical characteristics. At birth, his height was quite normal - 52 centimeters. But while still a preschooler, Nikolai began to rapidly outstrip his peers in height.

Sports coaches did not miss the opportunity to use his unique qualities and attracted him to basketball, where height gives advantages in the fight for victory. He became the national champion in this sport among youths younger age, being a student of the honored coach of Russia Anatoly Steinbock.

However, over time it became clear that fast growth negatively affected the coordination of the teenager’s movements and physical strength – the ability to withstand fatigue, endurance. So he switched to athletics, namely hammer throwing. And in this type of sports competition, Valuev achieved success - in a stubborn struggle he earned the title of Master of Sports.

Sports victories of Nikolai Valuev

After graduating from school in 1990, our hero entered the National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health. P.F. Lesgaft. A year later he interrupted his studies (but later, in 2009, he still completed it).

At the age of 20, the young man decided to take up boxing. His first mentor was Oleg Shalaev. Our giant's debut in the ring as a professional took place in 1993 after just a few months of training and a little more than 10 amateur fights. The first fight was with the American John Morton, took place in Berlin and ended in victory for the Russian.

Six years later, Valuev, in a duel against Russian Alexei Osokin, became the national champion among professionals in the heavyweight division. The following year, 2000, in a meeting in the ring at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, under the leadership of his mentor Samvel Gabrielyan, Nikolai won the PABA championship title in a fight against a Ukrainian boxer, interestingly, also actually born in Northern Palmyra, Yuri Elistratov, to whom German boxing fans gave the threatening nickname Morder ("Killer").

In 2004, as a result of a victorious meeting in the ring with the Nigerian Richard Bango, Valuev became the intercontinental champion. After the fight, Nikolai changed his manager Shalaev to German promoter Wilfried Sauerland. A year later, in a fight with John Ruiz (USA), he won the title of the first domestic super heavyweight champion according to the WBA version. He defended this high achievement in performances against Jamaican fighter Owen Beck, Americans Monte Barrett and Jamil McCline.

However, in 2007, he was defeated in a meeting with Ruslan Chagaev (Tatar by nationality) from Uzbekistan. After that, Nikolai Valuev competed in the heavyweight division, again defeating Ruiz, then the legendary US boxer Evander Holyfield. In 2009, the Russian boxer had one of his most brilliant fights against Briton David Haye, but was defeated.

Valuev and Klitschko

In 2010, Ukrainian boxer Vitali Klitschko, owner of many championship titles, challenged Valuev to a fight, announcing that he was allegedly afraid of him. Many boxing fans regret that these outstanding athletes never met in the ring. A year later, Valuev announced the end of his sports career, during which he fought 53 fights, won fifty victories and received many nicknames (“The Beast from the East”, “Mountain Man”, “Koli the Sledgehammer”, “Nicholas of St. Petersburg”).

It is known that Valuev intends to open his own restaurant in Germany. Moreover, Nikolai plans to offer visitors a cake with figurines of the Klitschko brothers as his signature dish. He promises that he himself will defiantly eat them in public, obviously for the sake of double pleasure - moral and gastronomic.

Nikolay Valuev today

After stopping performances in the ring, Nikolai demonstrates his versatile creative and political activity, the desire to act, create and decide practical problems. He continues his education by entering MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky, manages the boxing school, which he opened in 2009 in the city on the Neva (with branches in Leningrad region), is involved in organizing the Valuev Cup boxing competitions and popularizing sports among Russians. He became the founder of a charitable foundation for the development of children's and youth sports named after him.

Having an unusual appearance, he appears in advertising, in particular, he entered into an agreement with the poker site Pokerstars, and became the “face” of one of the German sausage manufacturers for advertising sausages big size, works as a TV presenter, acts in films - both as “himself” and in other character roles. In addition, he presented the book “My 12 Rounds” written with Konstantin Osipov. The former professional boxer went into politics, becoming a State Duma deputy and a member of the Duma Committee on Physical Education, Sports and Youth Affairs. Together with the Russian song ensemble "Grandma's Grandsons" he is currently working on recording a new album. The first work of the song project has already become “Anthem of Kuzbass”.

Secrets of the personal life of Nikolai Valuev

The famous athlete and parliamentarian is happily married to his wife Galina. The couple has a daughter and two sons - Irina, Grigory and Sergei.

As it turned out during the program “The Invisible Man” on channel TV-3, the heroes of which were the Valuevs last year, the wife, despite her height of 163 centimeters, dominates the family. It is known that one of Nikolai’s main hobbies is hunting. But during the broadcast, many of his unexpected traits were also revealed - vulnerability, sentimentality, the presence of complexes regarding his appearance.

Separately, Nikolai’s fidelity in terms of his relationship with his beloved woman was emphasized. Family and close people are the most important thing in life for him. Perhaps this was an involuntary reason known fact his fights in the parking lot when Galina was driving. The incident resulted in serious injuries to a Spartak SC security guard and criminal proceedings. TV show experts also noted that the ex-fighter in life often had to prove his worth to others. Today the Valuev family owns several apartments in Russia, two in Germany, a house, cars and boats.

Heavyweight boxer, who became the first Russian to win the world heavyweight title (according to the World Boxing Association - WBA). In April 2007, he lost his title, but in August 2008, having won a fight with American Johnny Ruiz, he became the WBA world heavyweight champion.

Nikolai Sergeevich Valuev was born on August 21, 1973 in Leningrad. At school he played basketball and became the champion of the USSR among older boys. Later he was involved in athletics (for six years) and fulfilled the standard of a master of sports in discus throwing.

Valuev began boxing at the age of 20, and had his first fight in the professional ring on October 15, 1993 in Berlin, defeating American John Morton. The athlete and his coaches did not treat this fight as a professional one, and Valuev continued his amateur career.

At the 1994 Russian Boxing Championship, Valuev took second place, fulfilling the standard of a master of sports. That same year, he competed at the Goodwill Games, where he was disqualified for fighting Morton in a professional fight in 1993. After this, the boxer finally turned professional.

By the end of 2005, Valuev had 42 victories in 43 fights (one fight was declared a no contest), and he received the right to fight with the WBA title holder, American Johnny Ruiz. The fight, which took place on December 17, 2005 in Berlin, ended with the Russian’s victory on points (two referees determined Valuev’s victory, and another recorded a draw).

In 2006 and 2007, the Russian defended his WBA title three times, defeating Americans Owen Beck, Monte Barrett and Jamil McCline. On April 14, 2007, Valuev lost his championship title, losing to Uzbek Ruslan Chagaev. According to the results of that fight, two referees gave the victory to Chagaev, and one - to Valuev.

After the defeat from Chagaev, the Russian athlete changed his coach - instead of Manvel Gabrielyan, Alexander Zimin became the boxer’s mentor. In September 2007, Valuev defeated Canadian Jean-François Bergeron, and in February 2008, Belarusian Sergei Lyakhovich. After these successes, the Russian became an official contender for the WBA title, gaining the right to a rematch with Chagaev.

The Chagaev-Valuev fight was scheduled for May 2008, but due to the illness of the Uzbek boxer, the fight was postponed to July. In June, Chagaev suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon in his left leg and his fight with Valuev was cancelled. The WBA declared the Uzbek athlete a “temporarily inactive champion” (champion in recess) and decided to play for the title between Valuev and Johnny Ruiz, who was ranked second in the WBA rankings. The fight between Valuev and Ruiz took place on August 30 in Berlin. On this day, Valuev defeated Ruiz for the second time, becoming the WBA world heavyweight champion.

Valuev boxes in a traditional left-handed stance. In total, he had 50 fights in the professional ring, won 48 victories (34 by knockout) and suffered one defeat. Another fight was declared invalid. Valuev’s height, according to various sources, ranges from 213 to 215 centimeters, and his “combat weight” is about 150 kilograms. The Russian is considered the tallest and heaviest world champion in history.

In January 2007, the management of the recently created political party"A Just Russia" announced that Valuev should soon become a member of the party and even be elected on its list to the Omsk regional Duma. Valuev was supposed to become a kind of “counterweight” to boxer Konstantin Tszyu, who had recently been accepted into the ranks of United Russia. However, on the eve of the “Fair Russia” congress in February 2008, its leader Sergei Mironov said that Valuev was not yet a member of the party, although he was its supporter. Subsequently, no information was published that Valuev joined the party or participated in its election campaign.

IN different time Valuev's sports nicknames were "The Beast from the East" and "Nick Value". Currently, before fights, he is presented as the “Russian Giant”.

Nikolai Valuev is married (his wife's name is Galina), he has a son, Grigory, and a daughter, Irina. One of the main hobbies of the Russian boxer is hunting. He is trained by Russian surgeon Pirogov and therapist Sokolsky. Dahl defended his dissertation for his doctorate, outlining “observations on successful craniotomy and hidden ulcerations of the kidneys.” Rich practice was not long in coming: the young resident had to put on his military uniform again and go to the tent hospitals.

“The Turks are falling like chumps, but ours, thank God, are standing without their heads.” During Russian-Turkish War 1828-29 he often heard such soldiers' jokes, and also saw thousands of wounded, cutting, removing bullets, bandaging... During the Polish campaign, he also managed to distinguish himself as a strategist - his cadet training and service in the navy came in handy. He supervised the construction of the bridge across the Vistula, and then its destruction, which saved a large Russian detachment from death, and Dahl himself almost simultaneously received the Vladimir Cross with a bow from the emperor and a reprimand from his own superiors for failure to fulfill direct duties. However, much more terrible enemies than the Turks, Poles and stupid tsarist generals were plague and cholera... Already awarded orders and medals for saving lives at the front and suppressing the cholera epidemic in Kamenets-Podolsk, Vladimir Dal returned to the capital and quite quickly became there he became a medical celebrity, having gained fame as an ophthalmologist.

And here Cossack Lugansky was born, who spoke on that very in simple language, how soldiers, nurses and healers communicated with the savior doctor during the war, supplying him with basic knowledge about herbs that were useful for future generalizations in homeopathy. With this pseudonym, Dahl signed his first story “Gypsy” in the Moscow Telegraph, and many medical articles, the form of presentation of the material in which was not designed by his colleagues with a scalpel. He still got away with this popularization. But “Russian fairy tales from oral folk traditions translated into civil literature, adapted to everyday life and embellished with current sayings” by the same Cossack Lugansky, on the orders of the head of the gendarmerie department Mordvinov, were withdrawn from the press in 1832 under the pretext that the satire written there on the authorities "can confuse the lower classes of merchants, soldiers and servants." However, the military doctor was far from matching Radishchev’s laurels, and he was not only quickly released from arrest, but also apologized. But he still managed to preserve his book for history - Dahl gave one of the handwritten copies to Pushkin, who persuaded the author not to give up his original hobby of collecting folklore under any circumstances.

Quite soon after gaining this new life experience, the official's coat became a good shield for Dahl to continue his favorite activity. Now an official for special assignments under the military governor of Orenburg, he continued to collect folk tales and fables without any academic system. Only this can explain that the saying of Julius Caesar “came, saw, conquered” was inserted into “Russian Proverbs”. In other words, Dahl recorded everything he could hear while wandering around the country. “All my life I have been looking for an opportunity to travel around Rus', to get acquainted with the way of life of the people, revering them as the core and root, and the upper classes as color or mold... When, on the way to Nikolaev, I wrote down the word “rejuvenates”, which was then wild for me - and soon became convinced that we did not know the Russian language - I did not let a day pass without recording a speech, a word, a turnover to replenish my reserves." There is a well-known joke about this: “It makes you look younger, though!” - said the coachman, looking at the blue sky. Lieutenant Dal made himself more comfortable in the sleigh and took out notebook: “Rejuvenates (Tula province) – quickly cools.” “We need to get going, balin, otherwise we’ll freeze!” - the coachman continued in the meantime.

Having diligently carried out the instructions given to him, Vladimir Dal is also known as the author of “Notes on Literacy,” where he proved, based on his experiences, that teaching peasants to read and write “without any mental and moral education almost always comes to a bad end.” In 1844, from his pen, at the direction of the Minister of Internal Affairs Perovsky, harsh articles about sectarianism and non-Orthodox confessions came out. The most pressing one, “Investigation of the killing of Christian infants by Jews,” contains a description of 134 cases of murders on religious grounds (from 1146 in England to Zhitomir, where in 1753 a three-year-old baby suffered from Hasidic fanatics and was bled alive). However, this article could hardly have been useful to the organizers of the pogroms, since Dahl conscientiously noted that “this ritual not only does not belong to all Jews in general, but even, without any doubt, is known to very few. It exists only in a sect.”

The objectivity characteristic of a doctor who collected folk wisdom almost as components for his homeopathic medicines, backfired on Dal in another way - in his relations with the clergy. “Voice sixth, raise your hand against the abbot, against the madman (seminar),” he wrote in the collection. And this greatly disappointed Archpriest-Academician Kochetov, who paid tribute to the “huge work, alien to selection and order,” but was indignant at the fact that he found places in it that “could offend the religious feelings of readers.” Actually, it would be easiest to answer with a proverb - there’s no point in blaming the mirror. But that's the point. Because Dahl only reflected in his collection and without any censorship everything that the people said in real life, the people’s attitude to reality. Including the church one. Well, the collector himself had no need to report to anyone or accept a blessing, especially since he, a Lutheran, accepted Orthodoxy only in the fall of 1871, about a year before his death...

Without this enthusiastic and versatile person, the gold of folk wisdom would have remained sand, scattered in a changing language. “We will always be reproached by the fact that the loner Dahl accomplished work equal to the work of decades of another humanitarian institute with its powerful team and modern means science and technology." Over half a century, he explained and provided examples of 200 thousand words, collected more than 37 thousand proverbs and sayings. Even if 10% of them are not purely Russian, this is impressive. And even more so, that without the Russian Dane Dahl we would They could hardly understand how great and rich our native language really is.

“Nikola Pitersky”, “Man-Mountain”, “Beast from the East” - as soon as rivals and fans called Nikolai Valuev. A boxer inspires respect with just his appearance.

Nikolai Valuev was born on August 21, 1973 into a working-class family. Both mother and father worked at the factory. The future boxer spent his childhood and youth in Leningrad.

Nikolai was born an ordinary child - 52 cm, standard weight. But in kindergarten the boy grew rapidly, leaving his peers far behind. Now the boxer’s height is 213 cm, and his weight at the peak of his sports career reached 146-151 kg. Parents did not have time to buy shoes and clothes for their son, which were difficult to get at that time.

Basketball coaches noticed the boy and offered to take up this sport. Nikolai Valuev started playing basketball in the 5th grade. At first he studied in the school section, then trained at a sports boarding school with Anatoly Steinbok and won the national junior championship.

However, the growth that led the boy to basketball became an obstacle to his further career. Nikolai had difficulty doing push-ups and pull-ups; he had problems with coordination. Then Valuev moved to the sports academy and took up discus throwing. Nikolai easily passed the master of sports standard. Due to the fact that the athlete was constantly growing, the coach had to constantly change his approach to training.

At one time, Valuev attended a circus school, then entered the Institute of Physical Education. A year later he dropped out of school and recovered after 10 years. Valuev's diploma work was devoted to the psychological preparation of boxing athletes. She presented the diploma to the illustrious champion. But Valuev did not stop there, but went to get a second higher education. In 2010, the boxer entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Economics.


Nikolai came to boxing late - at the age of 20, when other athletes already had solid experience. Valuev's first coach was Oleg Shalaev. The boxer developed at a rapid pace. Within six months, Valuev had already passed the standards for master of sports. Several months of intense training - and the novice boxer entered the ring. His boxing biography began in 1993.

The first fight took place in Berlin. Nikolai entered the ring against American John Morton and won. In 1999, Nikolai Valuev defeated Russian boxer Alexei Osokin and became the country's heavyweight champion. The following year, the athlete won the RABA champion title in a duel with Ukrainian boxer Yuri Elistratov, nicknamed “The Killer.”

Nikolai Valuev won the title of intercontinental champion in 2004 after meeting Richard Bango in the ring.

A fight for the WBA world heavyweight title was scheduled for December 2005 in Berlin. Nikolai Valuev's opponent was John Ruiz. In order to get ready for the competition, Nikolai Valuev attended the Sunday service, which was led by Anatoly Kolyada, Archpriest of the Alexander Nevsky Church in Potsdam. After the liturgy, Nikolai Valuev received a blessing from the abbot for the battle.

At the end of 12 rounds, two of the judges were on Valuev’s side, the third voted for a draw. As a result, the heavyweight champion belt went to a Russian for the first time. In 2006, in a fight against Jamaican native Owen Beck, Nikolai defended the title with honor, and a year later Nikolai repeated the result, speaking against Jamil McCline.

But in 2007, in a duel with Ruslan Chagaev, a boxer from Uzbekistan, Nikolai Valuev was weaker and lost on points. In 2008, the Russian repeated the fight with John Ruiz for the championship title and again the judges gave preference to Valuev.

Nikolai Valuev had one of the best fights in his sports career in 2009 with the Englishman David Haye, but lost. The enemy almost knocked out the Russian athlete. Information appeared in the media that Valuev was close to retiring from his career due to problems with his knee joints. Initially, the boxer denied the rumors, but soon this information was confirmed.

In 2010, he challenged Valuev to a duel, but the fight between two outstanding athletes did not take place. Fans still regret this. A year later, Nikolai Valuev announced that he was ending his career.

The Russian boxer had 53 fights in the ring, 50 of which ended in Nikolai’s victory. The boxer's unique physical characteristics, height and arm span allowed him to achieve amazing results in the ring. Fans of Nikolai remember the tournament, during which Valuev simply stood with his arm extended forward, not letting his opponent get close. The opponent had no choice but to admit his own defeat. It was a fight against the American Evander Holyfield.


Nikolai Valuev entered politics in 2011. The athlete ran for State Duma deputy from the United Russia party. In a government position, the boxer is involved in physical education and sports, being a member of the relevant committee.


Nikolai Valuev acted in films several times. Valuev made his debut in episodes of the films “A Game Without Rules”, “7 Dwarfs: Even the Whole Forest is Not Enough”, and in 2008 he played the main role in the film “Stone Head”. The boxer didn’t have to invent anything, because Nikolai played himself. A year later, Nikolai Valuev played in the films “The Path,” where he played a prisoner nicknamed “The Beast,” and “Fight Without Rules,” in which he played the role of an athlete from Siberia, Nikolai Valov.

The boxer appeared not only in action films. The athlete participated in the filming of a top-rated comedy series, as well as the fairy tale “Antique Clock.” In 2014, Nikolai Valuev played a cameo role in the TV series “A Gift with Character.”

Valuev was offered the role of Ratboy in the film adaptation of The Master and Margarita, but the boxer refused this offer because his sports schedule did not allow it.

Personal life

Athlete, politician and showman Nikolai Valuev is a good family man. In 1998, the young man met his future wife Galina. A petite girl with a height of 165 cm and a weight 100 kg less than a boxer, attracted the attention of Nikolai. Soon the young people began to live together.

The family has three children: daughter Irina, sons Grigory and Sergei. On one of the TV shows, the boxer admitted that the wife is the main one in the family. It then became clear that while menacing in appearance, in his soul he remained sentimental and vulnerable, as well as faithful to his wife. Family photos often appear in official " Instagram» boxer.

Valuev loves hunting and boats, and owns real estate in Russia and Germany.

The end of his sports career marked the beginning of Nikolai Valuev’s social and creative activities. The main thing for the champion was to popularize a healthy lifestyle. In 2007, Nikolai Valuev organized a youth boxing tournament, the winners of which, in addition to traditional figurines, cups, and medals, also receive cash and material prizes.

Since 2009, Nikolai has headed his own boxing school, branches of which operate in St. Petersburg, and is also involved in charity work. The Nikolai Valuev Foundation helps the Youth Sports School.

In 2016, the athlete opened a wide-profile boxing club in Moscow, designed for training, sparring and master classes for professionals and amateurs. The club also has a children's section. Nikolai Valuev selected the best representatives of the Russian boxing school for his coaching staff.

Nikolay Valuev now

Since 2016, Nikolai Valuev, together with game biologist Valery Kuzenkov, has been running the “Big Hobby” program. TV presenters travel to hunting grounds and reservoirs in Russia, where they review the local fauna and talk about methods of hunting wild animals and fishing. Valuev and Kuzenkov introduce viewers to different types of bladed weapons and methods of their use, and study the features of hunting equipment.

Awards and achievements

  • January 22, 1999 - June 2000 – Russian Heavyweight Champion
  • June 6, 2000 - June 30, 2001 – PABA interim Asian heavyweight champion
  • June 30, 2001 - July 2004 – PABA Asian heavyweight champion
  • October 10, 2002 - September 2003 – Russian Heavyweight Champion
  • July 24, 2004 - November 20, 2004 – WBA interim intercontinental heavyweight champion
  • November 20, 2004 - December 17, 2005 – WBA Intercontinental heavyweight champion
  • December 17, 2005 - April 14, 2007 – WBA world heavyweight champion
  • September 29, 2007 - November 2007 – WBA champion North America heavyweight
  • August 30, 2008 - November 7, 2009 – WBA world heavyweight champion

Nikolai Valuev is probably one of the most recognizable and famous personalities. Moreover, thanks to his height and frequent appearances on TV screens, he is known not only to avid fans who never miss a single boxing match. And besides, he has already left professional sports, preferring to run his own boxing school and political career V State Duma. The public's attitude towards Nikolai Valuev is, of course, different. Nevertheless, given his merits, it is difficult to doubt that he is the pride of our country. Everyone knows from himself that in his personal life he is incredibly happy man. Speaking about his family, he emphasizes that they are his reliable rear. Nevertheless, it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine a miniature as a reliable rear wife of Nikolai Valuev Galina in the role of a reliable rear.

As a girl, Galina bore the surname Dimitrova. Meeting an athlete, and especially the feelings that have arisen, is a pure coincidence. At a party with mutual friends, they turned out to be neighbors at the table. Showing usual politeness, Galina diligently looked after Nikolai Valuev at the table, carefully putting more and more new dishes on his plate. This, apparently, sank into the heart of the athlete. He simply needed caring participation also because at that time he was worried about the end of his previous relationship. At first, rare meetings - twice a week - soon grew into living together. It must be admitted that in his courtship the athlete turned out to be very romantic and, in modern times, absolutely not trivial - he dedicated his own poems to his beloved girl. And Nikolai Valuev, as a noble and honest man, immediately asked his beloved’s hand in marriage from her father. Having received consent, he approached her with the same proposal.

As the spouses admit, Galina Valueva plays the leading role in the family. This is probably due to the fact that for a long time a constantly busy athlete simply physically could not keep up with imposing his own rules. Peace, tranquility and mutual understanding reign in their family. Nikolai Valuev and his wife prefer to negotiate serious expenses together and in advance. The same thing has recently begun to apply to gifts to each other. Several unfortunate surprises from the boxer convinced both of them that this decision was correct. Despite the fact that Nikolai Valuev values ​​his wife immensely and considers him incredibly lucky to have her, still, like all families, they are not immune from small quarrels. Of course, from the outside it looks a little comical when Galina Valueva, lifting her head up (she doesn’t even reach her husband’s chest) tries to scold her hefty husband.

To date, Nikolai and Galina Valuev have already become parents three times. They have two sons - 13-year-old Grigory and 3-year-old Sergei - and a daughter Irina, who is already 8 years old. According to the athlete, he took an active part in caring for his first son, but due to constant employment, Galina had to cope with the rest herself. True, after the birth of his third son, a nanny shares the care of the children with Nikolai Valuev’s wife. And, of course, my grandmother always tried to help whenever possible. Many people assume that athletes, and especially boxers, can teach their children little, but this opinion is completely wrong. Nikolai Valuev received a second higher education, was seriously interested in reading books on the psychology of relationships between parents and children, and therefore does not make gross mistakes in upbringing. And, undoubtedly, the father’s sports background only has a positive effect on the education process, since Nikolai Valuev tries to introduce children to both sports and active recreation. By the way, in matters of education, he and his wife Galina are absolutely in agreement.