Where is the best place to install a septic tank on the site? Distance according to snip from the septic tank to the house, well, well, neighbors, highway. Where to place a septic tank relative to a well or well on small land areas

They stopped building on it a long time ago suburban areas temporary toilet structures. Comfort and amenities country house, the first thing people think about when planning the construction or construction of additional communications for existing buildings. Modern construction private buildings on plots of land remote from the central sewer system have their own developed modern system drains and water supply. Gone are the days of using a bucket. Every yard has a septic tank, but everyone’s situation is different. To inexperienced owners, the location of the septic tank seems unimportant. The issue of placement is the first priority to resolve, then planning the construction of the entire sewerage system. Modern models and technology will not cause any special installation problems, correct placement is 50% of a job well done.

Let's consider the main difficulties of the operation process. The process of use itself is familiar from childhood, but the consequences are different. Preventive cleaning done at the wrong time causes flooding of the area; the soil after such a tragedy is not suitable for plants and requires replacement; blockages lead to unpleasant odors and other unpleasant consequences. In any case, until the consequences are eliminated, the location of the septic tank will play a huge role, important role. Don't neglect simple rules for first-class comfort for the whole family.

Rules for placing a septic tank on a plot of land

The first thing people pay attention to, especially mothers, who always give valuable advice, is sanitary and hygienic standards. When taking care of your offspring, mothers will not allow you to neglect sanitation standards - health and safety come first. You can study this issue by regulatory documents, access to literature is free, take advantage of the advice of practitioners who have polished their skills year after year. State regulations contain a whole list of necessary standards for organizing a sewage system for a country house, taking into account all currently known knowledge in this area.

The second condition is the absence of capital structures in the immediate vicinity. Septic tanks, most modifications, are designed in such a way that after passing through the treatment phases, wastewater goes into the soil. After time and the amount of moisture passed through, the soil erodes and subsides quickly. The foundations of capital structures will sag along with the soil, under the weight of the structure, after which the building will become unacceptable for use. An unaffordable luxury in our times. It is almost impossible to restore such consequences. Choose a place remote from a residential building. Availability basements Also necessary to take into account when planning the system, flooding of the burial pit is a very big nuisance. Having pumped out the wastewater that has entered the basement, in addition to the loss of nutritional reserves, it is very difficult to restore it to its original form due to the lack of heat, mold appears, and the process of rotting begins. The premises become unusable. You shouldn’t place it very far either, extra expenses on the component material, pipes often get clogged, digging up the entire area is impractical even from an aesthetic point of view, such a yard will always look like after a bombing. Building standards assume a distance of 10 meters from the foundation of the house, the water flow is directed towards the opposite side. Distances of more than ten meters provide for wells and access to sections of the chain for removing blockages and replacement.

Third important condition. Water is the vital engine of everything that exists on earth. Absence drinking water the worst of all troubles. If you place it near a well or another source, you will make a global mistake. Sewage through groundwater fall into the source, the water will become unsuitable for consumption. A small amount of groundwater on the site is not an excuse; in any case, it is there. The distance from the septic tank to the well, to the building, between them should be 8 meters (15 meters maximum). Additionally, equip the pit; waterproofing will not be superfluous. These dual-purpose safety measures protect the structure from external influences and protect the environment from harmful microorganisms, toxins, and caustic substances.

The fourth point of the basic rules is accessibility. Cleaning is carried out regularly, mandatory for all models, usually done by a vacuum cleaner. The car must have access to the septic tank, otherwise you will carry it in buckets the old fashioned way. Considering the capabilities of the vacuum cleaner pump, the length and cleaning is carried out at 50 meters, no more. Consider placing it near the roadway. Provide access to the septic tank for any equipment, just in case, and cases are different, as life shows.

The fifth rule of placement - take into account air currents. Owners with experience advise installing a septic tank on the leeward side of the house. In the event of an accident, unpleasant odors will not penetrate into the home, causing discomfort until the completion of the liquidation process. The septic tank is equipped ventilation pipe, can be taken out in the desired direction, at a distance from the house (even if the wind changes direction).

Sixth point. Use an unsuitable area of ​​soil. It would be a pity to give a fertile area of ​​soil under a septic tank, you can plant fruit tree, other plants. If there are places in the plot where nothing can grow, take a closer look, perhaps this is very convenient option, taking into account the previous points.

At number seven we will place caring for others. This is a concern, first of all, about relationships between people. Neighbors should also not suffer from possible leaks. A successful option may be to place it on the edge of the plot, adjacent to the neighbor’s plot and the roadway, if there is no well there. Information on this issue usually taken from regulations. Compliance with the above rules will save you from litigation and compensation for damage caused. This also includes caring for the garden and vegetable garden, not just your own lands. Your work is as valuable as your neighbor’s, respect each other.

Eight. Placement occurs in different planes. The depth should not reach groundwater. Having disrupted the natural underground waterway, the liquid rises to the surface, flooding is guaranteed. If you encounter something similar when preparing a pit, look for another place. Freezing is contraindicated; it must be lowered below the soil freezing line. If there are places on the site that are lower than others, you can use it to your advantage by deliberately tilting the pipes for gravity flow Wastewater. The soil is not hard, clayey soil is completely contraindicated (such soil will not allow purified water to pass through it). The lack of an alternative solution is not a problem; you can change the modification of the septic tank itself, concrete the foundation pit, and equip an outlet for purified water masses.

The ninth point will be the possibility of moving the septic tank outside the site, located on the other side of the fence. The location has many advantages, the only criticism is the equipment with an impact-resistant, powerful hatch with a lock, from the penetration of vandals, possible collision with the hatch of a vehicle, and other possible misfortunes leading to damage.

It is better to carry out planning on paper, conveniently, by plotting all the objects and drawing them to scale. The marking of the sewerage itself is done on a separate sheet, then transferred to the soil.

Every nuance of the territory of the site and the spaces adjacent to it can be a huge plus. Analyze in detail all the possibilities of the site. Conduct geodesy, use every centimeter of land in a businesslike manner. Don’t deviate from the norms, build a masterpiece of plumbing art.

The listed points are the main notes on creating a sewer system for a country house and must be observed. Neglecting at least one point will lead to consequences that will cause unwanted damage and will require new financial investments, which is not always possible. It is not advisable to build a septic tank yourself, it is not your profession, contact the experts, they know absolutely all legal norms, popular observations, care features, and will do everything in the best possible way.

We have found a place to install a septic tank, taking into account all the instructions, congratulations, feel free to proceed to the next stage of sewer construction. Good results and no alterations!

Modern a private house impossible without engineering communications providing the owners with the proper level of comfort. Central networks are a rare blessing in villages and small towns; you have to rely on your own strength. A well, as a rule, is drilled even before the construction of a house begins, because construction works require a considerable amount of water. But the arrangement of local sewerage is often postponed to the last minute. This approach is quite justified, however, to study the issue and accept the determining factors technical solutions We recommend installing local wastewater treatment in advance, even at the stage of planning the location of buildings and structures. At a minimum, you should understand how to place a septic tank on a plot of land.

Often, even professional builders use the term “septic tank” not entirely correctly, thus naming all types of local systems without exception. treatment facilities. Despite the fact that the design, dimensions and principle of operation are different. To understand how to properly locate a septic tank on a site, let’s figure out what types of treatment facilities are used in a private backyard and how they differ:

Storage tank for waste removal

This is a sealed underground storage facility of significant volume, into which household waste drains from the house. As the container fills (once or twice a month with constant use), the wastewater is removed using a sewage disposal machine. The machine is designed for 5-8 m3. The storage tank has nothing to do with a real septic tank, because there is no wastewater treatment, only their periodic removal. Sealed containers are preferred by sanitary and epidemiological service workers at the project approval stage, if necessary. For them, this is the simplest option; there is no need to “bother” with assessing the possibility of local cleaning. But such a solution is unprofitable for the owners of the house. Although the container takes up minimal space on the site and is inexpensive, waste removal is expensive and costs constant load on family budget. In addition, you will have to spend time checking the fluid level, calling and waiting for the car.

Septic tank is an incomplete cycle treatment facility

A septic tank is a device designed not so much for storing waste as for treating wastewater. The wastewater, after entering the septic tank, undergoes gravitational settling, freeing itself from large insoluble fractions. Further, in the separated waters, as a result of the activity of anaerobic (not requiring an influx of oxygen) microorganisms, the process of putrefactive fermentation occurs, during which biological contaminants are decomposed into harmless mineral components . A standard septic tank is not capable of providing complete purification of wastewater from biological contaminants. But what is there is enough so that the water can be discharged directly into the ground for soil purification.

Since the metabolism of anaerobic bacteria is slow, the cleaning process to the required level (about 65%) takes a lot of time, at least three days. Accordingly, the capacity of the septic tank should be at least three daily drainage volumes, preferably more. It is quite possible to officially approve the construction of a septic tank (if this is required at all), but the sanitary and epidemiological service may require you to submit a design of the structure with a calculation of its characteristics. The main advantage of a local treatment plant is the absence of the need for constant waste removal, which means low operating costs.

A three-chamber septic tank is optimal: it provides a high degree of wastewater treatment and requires almost no maintenance

Single-chamber septic tank is not the best option

Theoretically, the standards allow the construction of single-chamber septic tanks with a wastewater volume of up to 1 m3 per day. One tank, not separated by partitions, simultaneously serves as a sump, an anaerobic reactor and a absorption well that discharges wastewater into the ground. Some developers prefer single-chamber septic tanks because of their low cost and compactness. However, in practice such a solution is extremely ineffective.

In our opinion, for a home with permanent residence- this is wasted money. Firstly, settled wastewater is constantly mixed with “fresh” wastewater, which does not allow achieving the desired degree of purification. Secondly, the sediment quickly silts up the bottom of the well, through which the liquid is mainly drained into the ground. As a result, the wastewater hardly flows away and has to be removed using sewerage machines. Over a year or two of active use, a single-chamber septic tank will approach the properties of a storage tank, losing the benefits of a treatment facility.

Multi-chamber septic tank - an effective solution

Most effective in long term The solution is the construction of a multi-chamber septic tank. For a private courtyard, it is rational to divide it into three separate containers (chambers). In the first, the removal of large particles and the initial stage of fermentation will take place. In the second chamber (methane tank) the main biological purification processes take place; the content of anaerobic bacteria is highest there. The third is for the final clarification of wastewater and its removal into the ground for further treatment. A multi-chamber treatment plant can be built from standard concrete rings, in this case, underground it will take up quite a lot of space.

A septic tank made of concrete rings takes up quite a lot of space on the site

However, the location of the septic tank on the site will be revealed only by hatches located at ground level. Another option is to purchase a special polymer container. A ready-to-install factory septic tank is more compact than a set of concrete wells erected on a construction site, but it is limited in volume and will most likely cost a little more. It is necessary to maintain a multi-chamber septic tank, but doing it is much easier and cheaper than in the case of storage tank. Once or twice a year, or even less often, the insoluble sediment accumulated in it will have to be removed from the first chamber using a sewage disposal machine.

Aeration biofilter (aeration tank) - local treatment station

A biofilter is in many ways similar to a multi-chamber septic tank. The same three (less often four) chambers, the first of which serves to separate large particles, and the last to clarify the liquid and drain it into the ground. The main difference is that biological treatment in the second chamber (reactor) occurs with constant mixing and saturation of the wastewater with air using a compressor. The enrichment of water with oxygen leads to rapid proliferation of aerobic bacteria.

The metabolism of microorganisms that use oxygen for oxidative reactions is much more intense than that of anaerobes. Accordingly, the time required to treat wastewater sufficiently to discharge it into the ground is reduced. The required volume of the aeration tank is also significantly reduced. As a rule, aeration biofilters are made in very compact polymer containers, but they can also be equipped in standard concrete wells.

Unlike a septic tank, in an aeration biofilter the water is saturated with oxygen, which creates a favorable environment for aerobic microorganisms

It is possible to “upgrade” an anaerobic septic tank to the level of an aerobic biofilter by installing the appropriate equipment in it. In “advanced” aeration biofilters, the degree of purification is set by the operating mode of the station and can reach 95%, which allows you to discharge purified and practically unpleasant odor drainage onto the ground surface into a ditch or technical reservoir. You can even water your garden with this water; the increased content of some minerals will be beneficial for plants. But more often the wastewater is not cleaned until high degree, sending it to the ground for further treatment.

Maintenance of the aeration biofilter consists of maintaining the automation unit, aerator and overflow pumps, if provided, in working condition. It will also be necessary to remove several kilograms of accumulated sludge from the separator every six months, which can be used as fertilizer. There is no need to call a sewage disposal truck. Disadvantages of an aeration biofilter: relatively high price; constant (albeit small) electricity consumption; Long interruptions in the operation of the station disrupt its normal functioning.

Additional treatment of wastewater in the ground

The location of the septic tank is determined not only by the type and design cleaning device, but also the applied soil treatment technologies.

Absorption (filter) well

An absorption well is the simplest and most space-consuming soil treatment device. The wastewater is discharged into the ground through the bottom and walls of the well, which is the last section of the septic tank or the discharge device of the aeration biofilter. The absorption part of the well (bottom and perforated walls) must necessarily be located above the groundwater level (GWL) and below the depth of soil freezing. If the water level on the site is too high, the construction of a absorption well is impossible. We recommend that you remove the source of drinking water (well, well) from the absorber as much as possible. And not only your own, but also your neighbor’s.

Installation of a filtration well made of perforated reinforced concrete rings. Absorption of wastewater by soil will be carried out both through the bottom and through the walls

Filter trench

The filter trench is a perforated horizontal pipe sprinkled with gravel. The clarified waste seeps through the holes into the backfill; bacteria live on the surface of the pebbles and process biological contaminants. The advantages of this solution: low cost, minimum earthworks, the possibility of a filtration device when high groundwater level. Disadvantage: neither trees nor shrubs can be planted near the filter trench. When a trench used in winter is buried above the freezing level of the soil, it must be isolated from the surface with a layer of hydrophobic insulation. Expanded polystyrene and expanded clay are suitable.

The length of the trench is calculated based on the volume of wastewater and the presence of ventilation

An analogue of a filter trench with an increased volume of backfill and protected from atmospheric influences. If the infiltrator is equipped with a ventilation outlet to the surface and thereby ensures air flow into the trench, the process of processing organic matter can be intensified. The device can be located both below and above ground level, partially or fully. This solution is used at very high groundwater levels in combination with an aeration tank with forced pumping of wastewater, when other systems are not suitable. The pipe and backfill are covered with a polymer “lid” on top, insulated if necessary and covered with soil. An earthen mound overgrown with grass remains on the surface.

The infiltrator can be multi-sectional

In essence, the filtration field is a system of branched filter trenches. Thanks to the long length of pipes, it is possible to achieve best cleaning drains. You cannot plant a garden above pipes. By the way, the magnificent lawns in front of private houses in America are laid out just above the filtration fields, because 95% of houses in North American towns are equipped with local sewer systems. Filtration fields are inexpensive in warm climates, but installing them in areas with deep soil freezing is not so profitable; the volume of excavation work is too large.

The filtering field is a good thing, but it takes up a lot of space

How to choose the right place for a septic tank

Now we know that, firstly, septic tanks (in in a broad sense words) can have completely different dimensions. Secondly, some of them need periodic or constant maintenance. Thirdly, in addition to the septic tank itself, space is also required for the absorption device.

How to place a septic tank on the site, where to start? First, you need to decide on the type of local treatment plant and know its dimensions. For example, a storage tank will occupy a plot of 1.5-2 meters in diameter. The aeration tank excluding the infiltrator is approximately 1x3 m. And for a three-chamber septic tank made of one and a half meter concrete rings, you will have to set aside an area of ​​2x6 m in size. The soil post-treatment absorption device can be separated from the septic tank or biofilter, if necessary, removing it tens of meters from the main tank.

Knowing the size of the structure, you can begin to find a place for it. It is more convenient to do this with a ruler and a scale plan of the site with buildings on hand. So, how to properly position the septic tank, what factors should be taken into account:

Periodic Maintenance

A storage tank from the first days of operation, and a single-chamber septic tank a year or two after the start of operation will need frequent removal of wastewater with a sewage disposal machine. It is necessary to provide the most convenient access for truck and opportunity easy cleaning anything that may “splatter” during the removal of feces. We recommend placing such structures in the area entrance gate onto the area, and not on the grass, but on a paved area, from which it is easy to wash off the dirt with a stream of water.

To remove sewage from a storage tank or insoluble sediment from a septic tank, convenient access for special vehicles is required.

There is no need to constantly remove waste from a multi-chamber septic tank, but sooner or later the sewer trucks will still have to be called. Access for a car, taking into account the length of the standard suction hose of a car of 4.5 m, should still be provided.

The length of the “trunk” of most sewage disposal machines is 4.5 meters

There are also machines with a longer “trunk”, up to 20 m, but their services are noticeably more expensive. There is no need for private extraction of sludge; the treatment plant can be located under a green lawn. Only the first chamber will need to be serviced; if there is not enough space, subsequent compartments can be located further away.

An entrance for the aeration biofilter is not needed.

Standard distances

The rules for the location of the septic tank should be observed in terms of sanitary distances to other structures. SP 32.13330.2012 contains the following restrictions:

  • The distance of the septic tank from the house (residential) is at least 4 m, to the windows of the building - no closer than 5 m. But this rule applies only to aeration tanks and primary non-absorbing (non-filtering) chambers of multi-chamber septic tanks.
  • The filter well of a multi-chamber septic tank and other elements of ground wastewater treatment should not be located closer than 8 m from housing.
  • Single-chamber septic tank distance from a residential building - no closer than 8 m.
  • The storage tank, provided it is sealed, should be no closer than 5 m from the house.
  • Moving away from outbuildings not standardized.
  • No closer than 5 m from gas pipes.
  • The distance from any elements of the treatment facility to the well or borehole is at least 20 m. If the water supply source is located below the septic tank in relief, we recommend that it be spaced as far as possible possible distance.
  • The distance from the septic tank to the fence is at least 1 m, but no closer than 3 m from the main road. However, it should be taken into account that the distance from the septic tank to the neighbors cannot be closer than 5 m to the residential building. That is, if the neighbors built their house at the minimum permitted distance of 3 m from the border of the plot, the treatment facility will have to be located at least 2 m from neighbor's fence, if it is located opposite.

Scheme of the minimum permissible distances from treatment facilities to buildings on the site

When applying for a developer’s passport, you have the right to be prescribed other, more stringent restrictions than in the joint venture.

We have listed the main recommendations on how to locate a septic tank on a site; the specific linking of structures is carried out taking into account the location of buildings and the availability of the required space. In urban areas and in cottage villages, compliance with standards is usually monitored by requiring wastewater treatment plants to be reflected in the construction plan and by checking when registering buildings. In villages and summer cottages, local authorities often do not care about this. In any case, when planning the construction of a treatment plant, we recommend consulting with specialists.

What is the main difference between a hut and a cottage? That's right, in availability of sewerage. As for the sewerage system, there are two possible options for its design. The first is connecting to the city network. The second option is the device autonomous system sewerage using a cesspool or septic tank. The latter will be discussed in this article.

The septic tank is a local element treatment facilities (sealed tank) designed for collecting and treating wastewater. It is installed most often in cases where it is not possible to connect to central system sewerage. Therefore, the main buyers of septic tanks are the owners of individual residential buildings and cottages.

A septic tank is one of those types of containers that have special requirements. This is due to the fact that it produces explosive methane and foul-smelling sulfur gas, the smell of which is reminiscent of rotten eggs. WITH most requirements requirements for cesspools and in particular for septic tanks can be found in Federal law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", SanPiNe 42-128-4690-88 and SNiP 30-02-97 * "Planning and development of territories of horticultural (dacha) associations of citizens, buildings and structures."

The main thing you need to know when using a septic tank is where you can and where you can’t. place a septic tank on the site in accordance with regulations. Since if it is placed incorrectly, not only the comfort of staying on the territory may be disrupted, but also administrative liability may follow. Therefore, anyone who wants to bury a septic tank closer to their neighbors needs to think twice.

Basic requirements for placing a septic tank on the site

1. Minimum distance septic tank from a residential building or cottage - 5 meters. This limitation is dictated by two requirements. Firstly, if the septic tank is located at a considerable distance from the house, then the costs of laying sewer pipes, as well as cleaning them, increase. Secondly, cesspool It has a specific smell, which means that if it is close to the house it is impossible to open the window for ventilation.

2. septic tank and fence, separating you from your neighbors - 2 meters. This requirement is explained by the fact that neighbors are people too.

3. Minimum indentation septic tank from the road - 5 meters. It should also be noted here that this container should be located so that it is convenient to pump out the contents from it using special equipment.

4 . Minimum distance between septic tank and foundations outbuildings(bathhouse, barn, etc.) - 1 meter. This is necessary in case of washout due to unwanted depressurization of the tank or rupture of the connection between sewer pipe and a septic tank.

5. Minimum distance between septic tank and water pipe - 10 meters. This requirement is imposed in order to exclude the possibility of wastewater getting into drinking water in the event of a water pipe seal failure.

6. Minimum distance between trees (shrubs) and septic tank - 4 meters. This limitation is a recommendation. Because if there is excessive moisture, plants may die.

7. Minimum indentation septic tank from an open reservoir - 30 meters. This distance will avoid unwanted discharge of wastewater into rivers and lakes.

8. Minimum distance between septic tank and drinking water source - 50 meters. Compliance with this requirement ensures that drinking water, for example, in a well, remains potable. But this distance can be reduced to 20 meters in the case where soils with poor water permeability lie between the aquifers and the septic tank. Such soils, for example, include dense clays.

A septic tank is a sealed container for storing sewage that poses a potential danger to the environment, so it is important to consider its relative location with other objects. According to existing standards, it should not be located near sources of drinking water. Anyone planning to build a local sewer system on their property should know how to prevent contamination of wells and wells.

The correct location of the septic tank on the site is regulated by sanitary and epidemiological services. Sewage must be collected at a distance from all water sources and building foundations. Before starting construction, review the following documents:

  • SNiP No. 2.04.03-85 – the main document with the basic requirements;
  • SNiP No. 2.04.01-85 - the standards for the location of the septic tank in relation to drinking water sources are prescribed here:
  • SanPiN No. - a collection of norms regulating boundaries security zones around surface bodies of water;
  • SanPiN 2.2.1/ - the document regulates sanitary zones around potentially dangerous objects (including septic tanks).

They contain the basic rules. In addition to maintaining the footage of objects located on the site and beyond, there are a number of rules for the location of the septic tank. These include accessibility for a sewer truck (no matter how expensive and waste-free the system is, sooner or later it will still require maintenance), and the safe location of the sewer hatch.

What objects are taken into account when placing?

Minimum distance between objects on the site

When installing a septic tank, the location of the following objects must be taken into account:

  • drinking well or well - 20-80 meters;
  • pond or lake – 30 meters;
  • stream or river – 10 meters;
  • residential building - 5 meters;
  • outbuildings – 1 meter;
  • road – 5 meters;
  • gas pipeline – 5 meters;
  • the fence between you and your neighbors is 4 meters;
  • trees and shrubs – 1-3 meters;
  • garden or vegetable garden - 5 meters.

How to determine the distance taking into account the characteristics of the soil?

Compound land plot directly affects the distance that must be maintained from the septic tank to the source of drinking water. If in doubt, order a soil test and, depending on the results obtained, begin the planned work.

Features of installation in various soils

  • Clay. Due to its high density, such soil permeates water very poorly. This will be a big plus in small areas, because clay allows you to withstand minimum distance between the septic tank and the source of drinking water is only 20 meters.
  • Loam. Here things are a little different - you should lay at least 35 meters.
  • Sandy or sandy loam soil. Unlike clay, it allows water to pass through perfectly, which means that a distance of at least 50-80 meters should be left between the septic tank and the well.

IMPORTANT! If the size of the plot does not allow you to meet the standards, do not neglect the required footage. Avoid the septic tank and consider other treatment system options.

Features of installation of sewer and water supply communications

Water supply and sewerage are mandatory attributes of a modern private home. If the first system helps in the delivery of water, then the second in its removal. In case there is no network connected to the site central water supply the source is a borehole or well. It is important to place clean water pipes so that they are at a sufficient distance from the sewer pipes.

The distance between incoming and outgoing pipes is regulated in accordance with SNiP 2.07.01-89 and must be at least 40 cm when arranged in parallel. Intersection is allowed only at an angle of 90 degrees, and water pipe should be 40 cm above the sewer line. At the entrance to the house, the distance should be at least one and a half meters.

When using polymer pipes, additional protection must be provided at intersections. 5-10 cm casings are used.

IN different regions countries, depending on climatic conditions, these distances are subject to change.

IMPORTANT! Failure to maintain the required distance between water supply and sewerage pipes can lead to poisoning of drinking water and health problems for residents of the house.

Selecting the distance from the well to the septic tank

When choosing the distance from the well to the septic tank, you should first of all be guided by the size of the area. On average it should be 30 meters. The water intake site must not be located below the groundwater flow. This footage may vary in one direction or another depending on the characteristics of the soil, as described above in the article.

If the area allows, it is better to increase the distance. Experts believe that it is optimal to withstand 50 meters or more. Why is this so important? Not all septic tanks, especially homemade ones, are one hundred percent sealed, and in the event of an accident, the runoff will saturate the soil and poison it. If it gets into drinking water it will make it undrinkable. Therefore, it is better to drill a well on safe removal from the septic tank.

Selecting the distance from the well to the septic tank

According to SNiP, this distance should be the same as from the well. The only difference is that the depth of the well is often much smaller, and the water source is considered open, so it is better to increase the footage. Many people prefer to install a septic tank at an impressive distance of 200 meters, but on standard plots of 6 acres this is impossible.

Where to place the septic tank relative to the well or well on small areas of land?

What to do if the plot is small and difficulties arise in maintaining the required standards, but you want to live comfortably? There are several options to solve this problem:

  1. Draw up a site plan in advance. Oddly enough, lack of distance often occurs due to late planning. By distributing the drinking source and septic tank in different directions in advance, you can avoid the problem of lack of space in the future.
  2. Improve soil waterproofing. This can be done with clay and other materials.
  3. Reduce the productivity of the septic tank. The smaller the volume of waste processed and stored in a container, the simpler the requirements for the sanitary protection zone around it.
  4. Install a biofilter. This design is an analogue of a septic tank, but the degree of purification in it increases several times. This allows water to be discharged into a technical reservoir or into a ditch in open ground. Therefore, the requirements for the footage to sources of drinking water for such systems are much smaller.

Material and legal liability

A septic tank poses a threat to human health and the environment. Unauthorized installation of this structure is prohibited by law, and construction requires permission from the SES. To obtain it, you need to draw up a project and approve it. Permission can only be obtained if the project complies with all standards and regulations. It is worth remembering that after completion of the work, SES employees may visit you and make sure that the construction was done according to plan.

Violation of norms is subject to administrative liability. Legal entities will pay a fine from 20 to 250 thousand rubles, and individuals from 1.5 to 20 thousand rubles. If this is the first violation of sanitary standards, then you can get off with a warning. In case of large-scale consequences of the offense, criminal liability and a very real prison term are possible. In both cases, you will have to rebuild or remove the installed septic tank.

To avoid problems, carefully study the above SNiP and SanPiN. The peculiarities of the region should also be taken into account. Depending on climatic conditions and soil characteristics, requirements may vary.

Maintaining the distance from the septic tank and the communications leading to it to other objects or buildings on the site is an important stage in the design of future housing. Modern wastewater contains a large number of chemicals that can poison the environment and humans. Compliance with the standards will allow you to achieve comfortable living conditions and avoid negative consequences.

Alexei 03.11.2014 Septic tanks

Time outdoor toilets long gone. They have been replaced by modern equipment that does not require such frequent pumping, and some models do not need it at all.

Today, most owners of private houses and summer cottages choose an on-site septic tank. This equipment is much more aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

What are treatment systems?

Let's start getting acquainted with this equipment with its purpose. So, a septic tank is a sealed container used to collect and treat sewage. Depending on what material it is made of, there are:

The former can be either monolithic or prefabricated from concrete rings. Although sometimes there are models made of brick.

But they are quite problematic to install, so such septic tanks are not widely used.

Watch the video, how it works:

Classification is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • Operating principle;
  • Shape;
  • Location.

According to the principle of operation, they are distinguished: accumulative, with biological treatment and with soil filtration.

According to their shape, they are divided into vertical and horizontal. And according to the method of location of the septic tank in a given area, there are:

  1. Superficial;
  2. Underground.

There are also volatile and autonomous installations. Which one will be installed on your site depends on many factors. Typically, the septic tank model is selected taking into account the regulatory requirements for its installation.

What are the consequences of incorrect placement?

soil freezing table

Since a septic tank is a reservoir where sewage is accumulated and treated, special requirements are placed on it. Before proceeding with installation, you will have to complete the project and approve it with the SES. This will allow you to obtain permission to carry out installation work. However, only if the project fully complies with all standards for installing a septic tank in a given area.

The main issue is choosing the right site for the equipment. So, where on the site to place a septic tank? This is determined taking into account current standards, registered in:

  • SNiP 2.04.03-85;
  • Sanpin 2.2.1/

They indicate distances to water intakes, residential buildings and other objects. An important condition is compliance with the standards for installing a septic tank near a well with drinking water. It is very important that waste does not get into the water. Otherwise, it will not only lead to pollution, but also pose a threat to human health. There should be the maximum possible distance between the container and the well. It is determined by the height of the layers between the aquifers and the soil used as a filter for treated wastewater.

Installation Standards

If there is no connection between them, then a gap of at least 20 m is allowed. This can be determined using hydrogeological studies. According to experts, light soils are considered the best natural filters. If you have such soil, then the gap between the septic tank is summer cottage and the well must be more than 50 m.

Installation standards

The septic tank is built according to sanitary standards. They regulate the location of water supply pipes. So, according to regulatory requirements the gap between them and the sewer should be more than 10 m. Moreover, it is usually located lower than the well, so that in the event of a breakthrough, the wastewater does not get into the water.

The gap between the treatment system and the house is also established in accordance with the standards for the location of the septic tank on the SNiP site. It must be more than 5 m from the foundation. Then, when wastewater flows out of the septic tank, it will not wash away the walls of the building, and the smell will not bother the residents.

Watch the video, the rules for the location of equipment:

However, the distance from the house to the treatment system should not be very large. This is due to the difficulty of ensuring the normal operation of a very long sewer pipeline. After all, blockages can occur in it, which will be quite difficult to remove if they are long. If you still have to construct such a system, then for every 15 m you need to install 1 inspection well.

The regulations also regulate the following rules for installing a septic tank:

  • The distance from your treatment system to the road is at least 5 m;
  • The fence that is installed between you and your neighbors and the septic tank can be left 2 m.


In addition to the above rules, there are other regulations governing the location of the septic tank on the site. This is what you need:

  • Plan installation on soft ground– this will facilitate the process of preparing the pit;
  • Provide convenient access to the well of the treatment system, since it will have to be cleaned of solid residues.

As you can see, the requirements for installing septic tanks on a summer cottage are quite simple and everyone should follow them. This will not only help avoid emergency situations and environmental pollution, but also various diseases which can result from effluent entering drinking water.

Correct distance

What should you pay attention to when installing a treatment system? The main thing is where to start installation work– this is the preparation of a pit and trenches for pipes. Where should the septic tank be located on the site area? Firstly, it is installed below the freezing level, only then the system can operate year-round. If this is impossible to do for some reason, then you will have to insulate the pipes with one of thermal insulation materials or install a heating cable.

If a pit is dug in clay or loam, then its bottom should have a concrete pad to which a storage tank is attached. This is necessary in order to avoid pushing out the septic tank when it is completely cleaned.

Filtration fields or a well must be equipped. But if the groundwater is high, then it is better to choose last option. The water level in the well is easier to control, and water from it can be pumped out if necessary.

Of course, it is possible to install a septic tank with any soil, but it is better if it is dry and softer samples. This is due to the work on preparing the pit for the equipment. It is much more difficult to dig in heavy soil.

Let's watch the video, installation nuances:

Since the treatment systems are located underground, it is necessary to organize air exchange inside the tank. For normal development and the vital activity of microorganisms requires oxygen. So this point should also be taken into account when performing installation work.

Bottom line

In our article, we examined all the basic requirements for the location of a septic tank on a summer cottage. Only strict adherence to them will allow you to achieve comfortable living conditions outside the city.

After all, modern wastewater is saturated with various chemicals, which have a detrimental effect on nature, which means they must be airtight. In addition, from correct location The installation of a septic tank on the site in accordance with existing standards depends on the efficiency and safety of its operation. The more accurately all requirements are met, the fewer problems you will have with maintaining the treatment system.