DIY gas stove. The most economical heating method: a small, hard-working gas furnace for the home. When papers are not needed

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Recently, gas stoves have gained great popularity, especially in the construction and arrangement of baths. These designs have advantages over their wood-burning counterparts - quick heating of the room. A gas stove can heat a small bathhouse in just 3-4 hours; it is economical and easy to use. It is also worth noting that when gas burns there is practically no waste, so there is often no need to clean the structure.

Gas heating system universal, it is used:

  • for heating baths and saunas;
  • as heating boilers when laying thermal communications in the room;
  • as part of boiler structures to provide apartments hot water during the summer period;
  • If we consider household gas stoves, they are very popular among housewives. Thanks to the open fire, dishes cooked on this design much faster.

Types and features of gas furnaces

Before you build a gas stove for a bath with your own hands, you need to understand the main design features of these structures and their types.

All gas structures have the following classification:

  • heating;
  • household;
  • heating.

If you are considering a stove for a bath or sauna, then you should choose a gas heating structure.

Heating stoves are used in autonomous heating systems and hot water supply of private buildings. It is worth considering that when high humidity air, these structures are practically useless, since they cannot maintain high temperatures.

Gas household structures- These are cooking stoves that are often installed in dachas. They are easy to maintain and easy to use; in addition, they are quite economical.

Gas ovens have various qualifications in:

  • the type of burner that is installed in the boiler;
  • coolant heating method;
  • material for the manufacture of the furnace frame;
  • the type of fuel that is planned to be used.

There are many types of gas furnaces; there is another type of qualification - according to the type of gas burner:

  • atmospheric;
  • supercharged.

The most affordable on the market are atmospheric burners. They are easy to install - no need to supply electricity or install special automation. In this case, injection is involved, under the influence of which air enters a zonal chamber or a special pipe installed by analogy with home-made structures.

It is worth understanding that this is why the efficiency of the furnace will depend on the supply of oxygen. If the blowing is weak, then the efficiency of the furnace will greatly decrease - gas combustion will be sluggish.

The most complex and expensive design is inflatable burners, which are directly dependent on electricity. A design feature of this unit is a special fan that forces air into the combustion chamber. The operating efficiency of the structures is high; their use is universal, since they can be installed in combined-type furnaces. Atmospheric units can only be installed in gas furnaces.

The body material may vary:

  • stone;
  • brick;
  • metal.

Each material has how positive characteristics, as well as disadvantages.

Brick and stone ovens

These designs differ in the duration of warm-up. If you want to take a steam bath during the day, you will have to start heating the bathhouse at night or early in the morning. Of course, such a stove takes much longer to cool down, for example, a well-heated bathhouse retains heat for 2 days even in winter if it has a brick structure.

Brick structures need to be installed on a foundation, since they have a decent specific gravity and differ little from the classic version of sauna stoves. The only difference is that the door will provide access not to the firebox, but to the heater, which is located in the stove itself.

It is worth noting that a brick oven will be quite expensive, since a lot of material will be needed to install it.

As for metal gas furnaces, they are much more popular among ordinary people, their advantages:

  1. Easy to install.
  2. The ability to build it yourself, without the help of a professional mason.
  3. The design has a low specific gravity.
  4. It heats up quickly, thereby taking much less time to heat the room.
  5. Cost-effective, especially if you assemble the structure yourself.

Sauna stoves are divided into types according to the type of fuel:

  • exclusively on gas;
  • combined.

If everything is clear with the former, then the latter are worth considering in more detail, since they are heated with both gas and wood. This versatility has significant disadvantages:

  • bulkiness of the structure;
  • it is mandatory to install a burner with inflatable air;
  • complexity of execution;
  • dependence on electricity;
  • Traditional wood stoves are much safer.

As for gas stoves, they can be equipped without having a gas pipeline nearby, since they function perfectly on propane, which is freely available and sold in metal cylinders.

In addition, propane compares favorably with natural gas; the thermal energy during its combustion is much more efficient. This gas is economical for heating small room baths, you won’t have to refill the cylinders often.

But there is also a significant disadvantage - the need to arrange a special room for installing gas cylinders, which must be located at a sufficient distance from the building, outside it. It is advisable to prepare a steel container dug into the ground.

How do gas ovens work?

To have an idea of ​​the structure of a gas furnace, let’s consider the main design elements:

  • a housing made of metal or other material that protects the internal contents;
  • a fuse that is installed in case there is an attenuation in the furnace - the gas is shut off instantly and automatically;
  • thermostat responsible for temperature;
  • hermetic chamber. It is this unit that you should pay special attention to when choosing a design in a store or making a gas oven yourself. The safety of people living in the house depends on the integrity and reliability of the camera;
  • The chimney serves to remove combustion products from the bathhouse.

As for the operating principle, it is quite simple. The gas burner to which gas is supplied is located inside the housing. On the body there is a heater and a chimney. As soon as the burner fires, the combustion process begins in the working chamber, which heats the stove body and stones, and the waste products exit through the chimney.

We must not forget about the tank of water, in which it will be heated by combustion in the stove. It can be installed above the heater and attached to a pipe, which, when heated, will release heat to the liquid. But some craftsmen build a tank attached to one of the walls of the furnace.

In addition to all of the above, for gas sauna stoves it is necessary to construct a protective casing, which is built on top of the main one, in places where the stove is close to the walls of the sauna.

Advantages and disadvantages

Today, many people choose gas fuel if there is such an opportunity in the region, since it is considered the most economical fuel. It should also be noted that gas-fired stoves have many advantages:

  1. The design is simple when compared with solid fuel stoves; for example, gas stoves for baths do not have huge fireboxes and ash pans - there is no need for them.
  2. Easy to operate gas unit. A wood stove needs to be constantly monitored and fuel added as it burns. Concerning gas boiler, then it is enough to set the basic parameters: fuel flow rate, temperature regime, pressure and automation will monitor all this. It is worth immediately noting that when constructing a structure yourself, you should not skimp on automation - gas requires a responsible attitude.
  3. There is no need to constantly clean the gas structure - there are no ash residues or solid waste.

Gas stoves have disadvantages, but they are few:

  • preparation of documents and installation permits gas equipment- one-time, but there are some difficulties;
  • sometimes there are difficulties in winter time with high fuel consumption;
  • In some areas the pressure in the system may decrease, but this is quickly eliminated.

How to make a gas oven with your own hands

If you decide to create a gas oven with your own hands, then it will not be difficult. The main thing is to determine the sequence of work and know the main nuances, which we will consider further,

Don't be afraid complex circuits, which can often be found on the Internet, if you understand how to understand the drawing, then there will be no problems.


First of all, we create a project on paper. It will indicate the pipeline that will approach the bathhouse. You should not do this yourself, as it is likely that you will make mistakes. Contact special service, which has specialists - they will not only make a detailed project, but also lay communications to the installation site of the furnace.

In addition, you will have to go through the approval procedure with the management of the gas service and obtain permission from the fire service.

But these actions need to be performed only if the furnace will operate from the gas main. On gas-cylinder equipment it is necessary to install completely different spare parts, since the fuel will come from cylinders.

When drawing up a project, you need to develop a good ventilation system, which looks similar to chimney. This work should also be entrusted to professionals, since if the room is poorly ventilated, there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if the heating fails. Before inviting specialists, it is worth preparing all the permitting documentation - workers have the right to refuse installation if there is no approval.

Gas furnace installation

Before installing the furnace equipment, you need to prepare a reliable and heat-protected base:

  • an asbestos sheet is laid on the floor where the structure is supposed to be installed;
  • it is then covered with a piece of sheet iron and screwed tightly to the boards. If the floor in the bathhouse is made of concrete, then these manipulations are not necessary;
  • Next, they protect the nearby walls, which are also sheathed with asbestos and iron. Even if the equipment is installed at a considerable distance, it is worth being on the safe side - heat has a negative effect on the wall material;
  • Now there are special screens on sale that can provide additional protection not only to walls. Experts advise installing them around the stove from the steam room side - they will prevent those present in the bathhouse from touching the hot surface.

Next, installation is carried out in accordance with the gas supply system and the presence of non-load-bearing walls in the bathhouse. If you are installing a stove that will operate from a gas main, it is worth buying a special metal hose that is connected to the inlet pipe. The distance is calculated in advance - it is important that there is no strong tension when laying it to the installation site of the furnace equipment. Passages are installed in the walls and partitions, which subsequently need to be well insulated so as not to flood the street in winter.

Important! It is undesirable to use a rubber hose for connection, as it is unsafe, and it also serves a short time. It’s better not to waste money and buy an element made of heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material. In addition, modern hoses for connecting gas equipment are easy to use and reliable.

If you decide to install cylinder equipment with liquefied gas, then it is worth preparing a special room, which will be located at a decent distance from the bathhouse structure, protected from direct contact sun rays And summer heat. You can go two ways - build a special shed, the walls of which will be additionally insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool.

Dig a pit, the walls of which can be covered with boards so that they do not crumble, and fill with concrete. After installing the cylinders in this recess, an insulated lid is constructed, which can subsequently be covered with earth.

Next comes the assembly and connection of the gas furnace. Installation of the structure must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, since different manufacturers there are certain nuances during assembly - various fastenings and installation method. But there are rules that apply to all models without exception:

  • minimum distance between the wall and the stove - 30 cm. If the walls are prepared and covered with fire-resistant material - 15 cm;
  • the chimney is discharged through a unit on the ceiling and roof;
  • nail a sheet of metal to the floor in front of the firebox - sparks may fly out of it.

If the gas stove model requires the installation of a water tank on a pipe, then you can adjust its height so that it is convenient for all family members to use it.

Once the oven is installed on permanent place- start assembling the control system - if it is not built into the structure. In this case, it is tedious to strictly follow the manual that usually comes with the stove.

Today there are many models that provide automatic ignition; it does not work without electricity, so before assembling the structure, a separate cable is pulled into the bathhouse, protecting it with a special corrugation from high temperatures.

If there is no built-in fan, then before each ignition you need to check the draft in the structure - to do this, light a match and bring it to the combustion window.

If there is a gas stove in the bathhouse, then the room will be completely warmed up in winter to desired temperature after 8 hours. This is not an exact indicator; everything will depend on the strength of the structure, the quality of insulation of the walls, ceiling and floor.

If you install external temperature sensors, the oven will turn off automatically.

Making a sauna stove with your own hands: instructions

Necessary materials:

  • gas burner, atmospheric;
  • a gas cylinder that has already been used;
  • metal door for the combustion chamber;
  • a used brake disc from a large car - for a heater;
  • gas pipe with a cross section of 50 mm - for supplying gas;
  • pipe 100 mm - for the chimney.


  1. Using a grinder, cut the gas cylinder according to the drawing.
  2. Drill 2 holes with a crown for gas and air supply.
  3. Form round parts for partitions that will divide the cylinder into working areas.
  4. Weld the structure by inserting the blanks into the places where the firebox, vent and heater will be located.

Important! If the water container is located on top, then it is worth welding a pipe to remove smoke.

You need to make a blower from a pipe with a cross-section of 50 mm. To do this, make several holes with a cross-section of 5 mm, weld a piece of pipe to the main cylinder - in the place where the blower will be located.

Then, in the same order, install the gas supply pipe, which should be located opposite the firebox where the burner will be located.

At this stage, the manufacture of the gas stove can be considered complete; all that remains is to install the internal equipment.


If we consider the cost of high-quality, modern gas heating equipment, then it will be equal to the price of laying a heater by an experienced stove maker. There is practically no need to maintain a gas stove; a large number of You won’t have to use solid fuel every year, and gas is cheaper. For this reason, more and more people are switching to gas heating of baths, saunas and houses.

Heating a private building is one of the main tasks, which arises in front of people who want to live in a warm and comfortable room.

Still very popular way is considered to be the use of a stove, a type of which depends on the size of the building, the preferences of the owners and other factors.

Heating in a private house

You can heat your home using:

  • Wood-burning stoves - peat, coal, and wood are used for heating;
  • Gas— runs on liquefied gas;
  • Cast iron structures - fuel is peat, firewood, coal, diesel fuel;
  • Finnish— only firewood is used;
  • Electrical.

Advantages of a gas oven

It is not for nothing that the gas oven has recently become very popular way to heat a house, since it can also be connected to backbone network, and to a regular cylinder with gas. Design the most economical among all types of stoves.

The unit differs in such positive properties:

  • not dangerous for people's lives;
  • can be placed in houses made from any building materials ;
  • uses for work natural liquefied gas;
  • It has small size;
  • doesn't burn out in room oxygen;
  • different big efficiency;
  • simple in operation;
  • durability and the ability to work without interruption.

Device elements. Types of burners

The equipment in question must include such components:

  • brick or metal body;
  • chimney;
  • foundation.

The building contains three elements:

  1. Heating shield.
  2. Firebox.
  3. Gas burner, which is a replaceable element. It happens one-, two-stage and may have floating adjustment. If necessary, the burner can be replaced with a more or less powerful one.

Such furnaces operate in permanent or temporary mode, which is achieved through the presence of automation. The principle of operation of the units is quite simple: a burner is placed in the firebox, in which the gas combustion process takes place, the latter is discharged through the chimney.

Photo 1. Scheme internal device gas oven. All main parts of the structure are signed.

In the case when it is planned to build a furnace on one's own, inside she lays out red brick. If the use of additional types of fuel in the device is allowed, the brick must be fireproof.

Above the firebox is chimney, and below - blower, through which air enters the oven. It is without this part of the entire structure that the fuel will not burn.

The design of gas furnaces is designed in such a way that gases flowed through certain channels having maximum five smoke turns.

Attention! All channels must be located strictly in a vertical position, otherwise it will be prohibited to install the device in question in the house.

Deciding to install a gas stove in your home, the following features must be taken into account:

  • When choosing a device, first of all, pay attention to its power, because the temperature in your home depends only on this. What power the burner will have will be affected by the future heated area, the number of windows and doors in the house, as well as their condition, wall thickness and more.
  • When purchasing a gas structure, you should first take care of sufficient good ventilation in the house. If there is none and it cannot be improved, then the installation of such a stove is strictly prohibited.

  • Consider complete set system you like. In some cases, it is equipped with adapters, which allows you to connect to several fuel sources.
  • The design in question is suitable only if the house has no more than two floors, otherwise the entire heating system will be ineffective.
  • For ease of use and additional control of the device, it is mounted a special sensor that determines the level of carbon dioxide. If there is any change in the air, the oven will turn off automatically.
  • If you buy finished metal oven, you need to inquire about the documents for the device, which indicate whether it is truly safe for use in a residential area.
  • Categorically forbidden install this type of stove in wooden houses, channels in which are located horizontally.

When purchasing a gas stove, you need to consider what it will be square heated room. It's easy to calculate. For 10 square meters living space should be 1 kW power burners (for reserve It’s better to add 15-20%). Thus, in a house whose size will be 100 square meters, need to install a stove power 12 kW.

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Types of stoves

If speak about heat capacity, then in this case the furnaces are divided into two categories:

  1. Heat-intensive have brick building, which accumulates heat in itself and then gradually releases it into the environment. Having already been turned off, the oven, depending on its size, may still continue heat the room for 4-12 hours.
  2. A non-heat-intensive design is made made of metal. She generates heat only when the gas combustion process occurs. After stopping the fuel supply, the device cools down very quickly. The advantages of this design are that it has small size and weight and can be installed even in small spaces.

Photo 2. Compact ceramic gas oven Elitech TP 4GI. A fuel tank is built into the back.

Furnaces in your own way appearance there are:

  1. round;
  2. oval;
  3. rectangular.

The appearance of the device only affects its combination with a certain interior.

Reference. Internal stove design no way not related to her external view.

Placement of a gas heating device

A gas stove can only be installed in those houses in which the air ducts are correctly installed in advance. They must be strictly vertical.

Attention! Never install a structure close to the wall. Acceptable indicator amounts to minimum 50 centimeters.

As grounds It is prohibited to use wood or linoleum. It must be smooth, hard and non-flammable. In addition, depending on the size of the oven, the base must exceed it at least 10-15 cm on each side.

The placement of the device in the house is influenced by its power:

  • Installation in progress in the kitchen, if this indicator no more than 60 kW.
  • In case of excess power ( more than 60 kW) installation is acceptable V separate room or an extension.

Not allowed placement of such stoves in houses, the height of the walls does not reach two meters.

Connection rules

Connect the structures in question only specialists can, because they will do everything quickly and reliably. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, you should adhere to certain advice and recommendations.

  1. Select well accessible and ventilated place in the house, taking into account the location of the chimney.
  2. Measure at least 50 cm from the walls and make it durable, non-flammable base, which will be on each side more bottom area ovens approximately by 10-15 cm.
  3. If you plan to build a brick building, you need protect the walls with heat-resistant material.
  4. Using pipes from of stainless steel, connect the chimney with a stove.

Reference! The pipes must be pushed into each other at a minimum by 5 cm.

  1. Connect installed structure With gas pipe special hose, tightening the connections tightly.
  2. Before connecting to the chimney, install there is a stainless pipe inside it.
  3. Smoke exhaust placed strictly vertically.

Important! Acceptable tilt angle chimney is equal 30 degrees.

  1. If the outer part of the chimney is not inside the brick well, then it must be wrap with insulation, and on top cover with a stainless steel sheet.
  2. Number of turns there must be a chimney within 3.
  3. Using brackets, attach the pipe to the wall without allowing sagging.
  4. Connect using a tee pipe with stove.

If you pay attention to how much a cast-iron or steel wood-burning stove costs, you will quickly understand that buying it to heat a garage or cottage with a greenhouse is not always justified. More affordable option– a potbelly stove made from a long-burning gas cylinder, made by hand or welded by a craftsman to order according to your drawings. Our goal is to help with the choice of design, describe the manufacturing technology of the potbelly stove and its installation, right down to the installation of the chimney.

Selecting the design of a wood stove

Outdated and ineffective heating technology is gradually becoming a thing of the past, which also affects homemade stoves. Nowadays, no one needs primitive iron boxes with a pipe and doors that devour firewood without good heat transfer. A modern potbelly stove should be economical and heat the room well. Therefore, advanced craftsmen are constantly working to improve steel furnaces.

To achieve the most efficient operation of a wood-burning heater, it is necessary to solve 2 questions: how to increase the efficiency of a potbelly stove and the burning time from one load, without increasing the quantity and price of the materials used. We present 3 homemade options where these tasks were successfully solved and implemented:

  • three-pass stove made of two propane cylinders;
  • pyrolysis stove with an air-fire-tube heat exchanger and a secondary chamber;
  • A very popular design is “Bubafonya” with top burning of wood from a gas cylinder.

For reference. The first 2 units were designed, made and tested by our expert, who kindly provided his photos and video materials.

If you are comfortable with a welding machine and have the necessary tools, then there will be no technical problems with production. Below we will present drawings and explain the technology of how to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder using all three options. But first, make your choice by reading the review of these stoves.

To make a stove you need welding machine, grinder, plumbing and measuring tools. You will need several clamps, at least 2 pieces

Three-way potbelly stove - operating principle and pros and cons

This homemade stove the master assigned the humorous name “Collider” due to its unusual appearance and good heat dissipation. This wood-burning stove is made from two standard 50-liter propane cylinders welded to each other at an angle of 90°, as shown in the drawing. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. The first tank, laid horizontally, plays the role of a firebox and is accordingly equipped with doors and grates. An impressive portion of firewood is placed in it and set on fire.
  2. The second vessel is an air heat exchanger with internal partitions that slow down the flow of flue gases and force them to change direction three times and give off more heat. At the end, combustion products leave the heater through the chimney pipe.
  3. To increase the heating surface, both parts of the housing are equipped with additional ribs.
  4. An ash pan made of sheet metal, whose door regulates the supply of combustion air.
Sectional drawing of a homemade three-way wood-burning heater

Note. With the same success, instead of cylinders, you can use a steel pipe for a potbelly stove with a diameter of 300 mm and thin walls (4-5 mm).

The estimated power of the “Collider” is 10 kW with an efficiency of about 55%, which allows you to heat a room of up to 100 m² - a cottage, a greenhouse or a large garage (box). Practical tests have shown that in the mode of maintaining heat in a heated room, 1 load of firewood lasts for 1.5-2 hours. If you use a heating unit in a smaller house (25-50 m²), the combustion duration will increase to 3-4 hours. Anyone who understands the topic will understand that for homemade potbelly stove This is good economics.

Photo of the finished Collider stove with heat exchange fins

This long-burning stove has one downside - its strange appearance. But it is compensated by numerous advantages:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • quick warm-up and decent operating time from 1 load of solid fuel;
  • the design is cheap, you only have to buy comfortable handles and also a pipe for the potbelly stove if you don’t have propane cylinders;
  • due to the size of the firebox, long (80 cm) and massive logs are placed in the stove, which contributes to the duration of combustion;
  • the unit can be made with hob, as shown in the photo.

The "Collider", like any potbelly stove made from a gas cylinder, welded by yourself, can be supplemented by installing a water circuit, regulating the air damper in the ash pan door and an external fan. The dimensions of the stove can be changed in any direction by selecting smaller tanks or pipes of a different diameter.

The operation of a potbelly stove used to heat a 100 m² cafe is described in the video:

Review of a pyrolysis oven for 2 chambers

This small wood-burning stove, made from a 24-liter gas cylinder, was named “Pyaterochka” due to the number of pipes air heat exchanger. It operates according to this principle:

  1. As in the previous case, the cylinder laid on its side serves as a combustion chamber, and an ash pan is attached to the bottom. The role of the grate is played by slits cut in the wall of the vessel.
  2. At the top of the tank there is an opening where 5 are adjacent vertical pipes heat exchanger. Hot flue gases move along them and thus release some of the heat into the room.
  3. From the heat exchanger, combustion products enter the secondary chamber, where heated air is supplied separately through a separate tube. Thanks to this, the combustible gases formed in the firebox are burned and release additional heat, after which they are directed into the chimney.

Drawing of a long-burning pyrolysis stove with a gas afterburning chamber

The results of practical tests of the heater are as follows: a room with an area of ​​30 m² warms up to 20 °C within 1 hour, after which one laying of wood lasts for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the operating mode. Approximate power – 5 kW. As you can see, in this design the burning time is reduced due to the reduction of the firebox, but the stove is very compact and will fit in any room. Yes, and it heats up quite well.

Advice. Do you want to increase the burning time to an average of 4 hours? Then study the drawing of another option, which shows the same pyrolysis potbelly stove, made with your own hands from a 50-liter gas cylinder. The design of the heating units is identical, the only difference is in the volume of the tanks used as a firebox.

This is what a two-chamber homemade stove looks like. 2 rods are welded on top - you can put a saucepan or kettle with water

Thanks to the efficient combustion of wood, the Pyaterochka stove is more economical than the Collider, although it is more difficult to assemble. In terms of the cost of materials, the difference between them is small - the first has 2 cylinders, the second has 5 pipes with a diameter of 57 mm and a length of 40 cm. A separate advantage of the stove is the ability, after heating, to burn wet wood and any debris without losing heating intensity. The remaining advantages are the same - low cost, ease of use and the possibility of modernization.

More useful advice. It is quite natural if, after replacing a small cylinder with a standard one (50 l), you want to increase the heater’s power and add 2-3 more pipes to the heat exchanger. Remember that the flow area and chimney draft should increase accordingly. Otherwise, you will waste materials and time, because due to insufficient draft, the outer sections will remain cold and the furnace power will not increase.

An enlarged version of Pyaterochka from a large 50 l cylinder

Top burning stove "Bubafonya"

By and large, “Bubafonya” cannot be classified as a potbelly stove, since it has a radically different operating principle. But it is impossible to ignore this stove due to its wide popularity due to the burning time from 1 load of wood from 6 to 10 hours. At the same time, the heater is famous for its numerous shortcomings, which we will discuss later.

The operation algorithm of the Bubafonya long-burning stove shown in the drawing is as follows:

  1. The firebox is standing vertically propane tank for 50 l. Through a hole in the top cover, an air supply pipe enters inside, ending with a thick metal disk. Steel strips are attached to the bottom, distributing air in all directions.
  2. When the firebox is filled to the top with firewood, the heavy disk presses it down and causes it to sag as it burns. Ignition is also done from above, and only then the pipe with the load is lowered.
  3. The combustion air supply is regulated by a damper installed at the upper end of the pipe. The chimney pipe is cut into the side wall of the cylinder under the lid itself.
Drawing of a top combustion furnace and arrangement of air distributors

Note. The place where the pipe passes through the lid is not sealed and secondary air is sucked in there, which helps to burn out the flammable gases above the disk when the oven is properly heated.

The strengths of "Bubafoni" are a decent operating time, simplicity and the possibility of conversion into an upper combustion boiler (a stove is made with a water jacket, as described in). And here weak sides forced many garage owners to abandon such potbelly stoves:

  • the stove cannot be loaded until all the fuel has burned;
  • if the damper is closed, the firebox will not go out and will smolder for a long time, because secondary air enters it;
  • without good draft, the heater smokes into the room;
  • in the slow burning mode, the stove heats weakly, and the chimney pipe becomes intensively clogged with soot;
  • To enter normal mode, the unit must warm up well, which consumes ¼ of the fuel.

On the left in the photo is a close-up of the air damper, on the right are homemade heat exchange fins from profiles for installing gypsum boards

For reference. To burn out soot in the chimney, you need to drive “Bubafonya” into maximum mode.

Finally, let's sweeten the pill a little. Despite all the shortcomings, a long-burning stove made from a gas cylinder does not lose popularity; in addition, it successfully operates on sawdust and various flammable debris.

Instructions for making a potbelly stove with your own hands

Before you cook wood stove long burning, you should prepare all the necessary power tools:

  • welding inverter;
  • grinder, also known as an angle grinder;
  • drill with a set of drills.

Note. We will not list hammers with pliers here, since a good owner will always have a full set of tools in his house.

Of course, you will need an old propane tank, from which you need to twist the valve and be sure to fill it with water before cutting. The fact is that propane is heavier than air and its residues will not leave the tank on their own. To push them out of there, water is used. The order of further work depends on the chosen design.

Assembling a three-pass furnace

In addition to the cylinders, to make this potbelly stove you need to prepare the following materials:

  • sheet metal 2 mm thick will go to the ash chamber and ribs, 3 mm - to the doors;
  • trim round pipe with a diameter of 100 mm - on the chimney pipe;
  • corners or profile pipes for legs;
  • asbestos, or better yet, graphite-asbestos cord for sealing the doors;
  • steel profile 20 x 20 mm or reinforcement of the same cross-section - to strengthen the grate.

Joining two cylinders (left) and welding door frames (right)

Advice. It is easier to buy handles - locks with beautiful ebonite linings than to waste time on homemade ones. To give your stove a modern look, purchase heat resistant paint(sold in aerosol cans).

To prevent the rods from bending high temperature, they need to be reinforced with welded profiles

First of all, cut the metal into blanks according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing of a long-burning potbelly stove presented in the previous section. The furnace manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. At the end of the first cylinder, cut an opening for the door and a hole in the wall for the gases to escape. Cut off the bottom of the second vessel, and make a 100 mm hole at the end for a pipe. Make semicircular cutouts on the walls so that one cylinder sits tightly on the other.
  2. Cut the slits in the grate. WITH outside weld amplifiers from a 20 mm profile to it.
  3. Make an ash pan and door frames, weld them to the body. Install the legs at the same time.
  4. Weld the doors and seal the junctions with the frame. Install the sashes and handles.
  5. Use the cut out walls of the cylinder as partitions, welding them inside the vertical tank.
  6. Connect the two vessels together by welding. Install the chimney pipe and boil it.
  7. Attach heat transfer fins to both housings. At this point the oven is ready.

A few words about how to make tight doors for a long-burning potbelly stove. The technology is simple: a channel is formed from narrow steel strips welded to the inner surface of the sash, into which a graphite-asbestos cord is subsequently stuffed. The main thing is to clearly determine the location of the groove. Upon completion, all metal must be degreased and painted in 3 layers with breaks for drying.

Advice. Before painting, it is advisable to heat the welded stove in order to burn out all the old paint.

Manufacturing of a two-chamber pyrolysis stove

The assembly diagram of this high-efficiency potbelly stove is in many ways similar to the Collider, only 1 gas cylinder is used, and pipes with a diameter of 57 and 20 mm are added from materials (for the heat exchanger and secondary air supply, respectively). The work order is as follows:

  1. Cut holes in the tank for the loading door and for installing the heat exchanger. The dimensions of the platform for it are 260 x 200 mm.
  2. Make an ash pan and install doors as described above. Weld the supports.
  3. Make a heat exchanger by cutting pipes in a staggered pattern between two sheets of metal. Observe the center distances indicated in the drawing.
  4. Bend the 20 mm pipe at an angle of 90° and weld it to the heat exchanger. Attach the latter to the opening cut in the cylinder.
  5. Weld the secondary chamber with the chimney pipe. As a lid, use a semicircular blank that used to be the wall of the cylinder. The heater is ready.

Stages of assembling the firebox door - non-combustible insulation is laid in the center, graphite cord is laid along the edges

Note. If you use a standard cylinder, then the work algorithm does not change, only the ash pan needs to be made larger (the size is shown in the drawing).

A little about how to properly supply air to the secondary chamber of a long-burning potbelly stove. Before installation, the end of the tube must be plugged, and 5-6 cuts in the form of a Latin V must be made on the sides. Then the pipe is inserted into the hole in the upper platform of the heat exchanger and scalded. If you are making a potbelly stove with your own hands from a pipe taken instead of a cylinder, you will need to weld back wall and a front panel made of metal with a thickness of at least 4 mm.

Such slits need to be made on the sides of the tube - air passes through them into the secondary chamber

Photo of the potbelly stove assembly process

We install a frame for the oven doors

We weld an ash pan from sheet metal

We cut the grates and reinforce them with a welding profile

We weld the ash chamber to the cylinder

We put handles and locks on the doors

Cutting holes for pipes in the flanges of the heat exchanger

Making a potbelly stove on video

Assembling the Bubafonya heater

The manufacturing technology of this stove is one of the simplest. Take a 50 liter gas cylinder, cut off the top part along the factory seam, and then perform the following steps:

  1. Weld a grate from periodic profile reinforcement with a diameter of 20-24 mm and install it according to the drawing. Below, cut an opening and install the ash chamber door.
  2. Make a hole in the cut off lid for the air pipe, and weld a steel strip to the outside of the cylinder for sealing.
  3. Attach a disk weight with welded air diffusers to one end of the 57 mm pipe by welding, and place an air damper on the other.
  4. Install the chimney pipe.
  5. Insert the air pipe into the firebox and put on the lid.

In fact, 3 parts are the entire Bubafonya stove

For reference. Many home craftsmen do not install grates and an ash pan door in a Bubafonya-type stove. This simplifies the work, but complicates the operation: after the firewood burns out, the body has to be turned over to shake out the ash.

Installation of a grate made of reinforcing bars

How to properly install a potbelly stove and chimney

When placing wood heaters, it is important to follow fire safety regulations. This is especially true for our expert’s stoves, whose upper part can become red-hot under maximum operating conditions. Here the requirements are:

  1. In a garage or country house built of brick or other fireproof materials, the minimum distance to the walls of the room is not standardized. But any flammable objects or structures must be no closer than 50 cm from the body of the stove.
  2. In a greenhouse, a potbelly stove should not be placed close to plants or external glass walls.
  3. In a wooden house, the floors under the stove are covered with a metal sheet protruding from the side of the firebox by 700 mm. Nearby walls are also lined with metal to prevent fire.

A separate question is what to make a chimney for a potbelly stove from. Aluminum corrugation is definitely not suitable, since the temperature of the gases at the outlet reaches 200-400 °C, depending on the operating mode. What options are acceptable:

  • ordinary steel pipe with thin walls;
  • flue made of roofing or stainless steel;
  • insulated sandwich chimney.

It is better to lay the chimney duct at an angle (left) than simply vertically (right)

Advice. It is preferable to take the last option for a chimney - a double-walled pipe with basalt fiber insulation in the middle.

To create good traction, the top of the pipe is placed at a height of 4 m or more, measured from the grate. The Bubafonya potbelly stove is especially demanding in terms of draft; for it, the gas outlet should be made higher, so that later there will be no questions about why the stove smokes into the room. Ideally, the vertical section of the chimney should end with a condensate collector, although many home craftsmen do not adhere to this rule.

By the way, correct chimney allows you to increase the efficiency of the potbelly stove. This is achieved in two ways:

  1. In a garage or greenhouse, the chimney pipe is extended and laid at an angle, and at the other end of the room it goes out onto the roof, as shown in the photo above. This way, the hot combustion products will give off more heat to the internal air.
  2. A heat exchanger is installed on the vertical section of the chimney, connected to the water heating system of the house or cottage. Disadvantage: you will have to remove soot from the chimney duct of a long-burning potbelly stove more often.

Connection diagram for a water heat exchanger located on a chimney pipe

A samovar-type heat exchanger placed on the chimney of a potbelly stove should not be directly connected to the water heating network. There is a danger that the coolant may boil and rupture the pipelines. It is better to use a connection diagram through a container of water - a heat accumulator, which you can also make with your own hands from a gas cylinder. For a description and drawings of its design you can.

Natural gas can be called the most inexpensive type of fuel. And thanks to such efficiency, gas stoves are becoming more and more popular, including when used in baths. Devices that run on gas are very compact and easy to maintain. Today we will look at how to make a gas stove for a sauna with your own hands and what you need for this.

Features of gas furnaces

Today, a gas stove can seriously compete with a wood stove. It is much cleaner, simpler and cheaper to use. It can warm up the steamy air quite quickly: in three to four hours in summer, and a little longer in winter. It takes about eight hours for the sauna to warm up well. But high-quality heating provides comfort, warmth and coziness.

One of the main advantages of a gas bath, as we have already said, is efficiency. This fuel is the cheapest and most economical, so you can save a good amount. For wood and electric ovens it will cost three times more! A gas oven does not require special attention from you. The combustible waste is very small, so the heating box and chimney ducts are practically not polluted.

There are rules for installing a gas boiler in a bathhouse, which are very strict, but ensure high safety of use. The service life is approximately twenty-five years, and if you regularly perform preventative repairs, the oven will work for a long time and not break down. If you do not take into account overly strict safety rules, the only disadvantages include the mandatory presence of a centralized gas pipeline.

Construction of gas furnaces

The design of gas stoves is similar to wood stoves, but has some differences in the properties of the fuel. A gas stove has a housing, a fuse (to stop the fuel supply in case of extinguishing), a thermostat, a sealed gas chamber, and a chimney. The difference is that the fuel is supplied through a gas line.

Gas cylinders are placed in a special container in accordance with all safety regulations. As practice shows, gas canister five cubic meters will be able to warm up a room of up to two hundred square meters within one heating season. It is worth noting that propane has a higher heat supply capacity when compared with natural gas. Such furnaces can have different capacities, the calculation of which depends on the volume of the bath.

You should know that 0.4 cubic meters accounts for 252 kilocalories of heat. Therefore, you can easily calculate how much gas you need. Gas sauna stoves do not require periodic heating, so they should be turned off during use. Such ovens work very well simple principle- air is mixed with gas before entering the furnace. A separate part of the air passes into the firebox.

You can regulate the amount of air supplied to the gas sauna stove using the bottom door, which also allows you to clean the burner. Using a special flexible hose, gas is supplied to the burner (or a cylinder is used).

Classification of gas furnaces

There are many different modifications of a gas furnace. You must determine for yourself what kind of bath you want and, based on this, make a decision. The best option is a brick oven with an inflatable burner. A simpler option is a metal stove lined with brick. Gas boilers are divided according to their purpose - they can be heating, heating and domestic. As a rule, heating stoves are used in baths, which differ in material, water heating technology and burner type.

Materials for a gas sauna stove

Homemade gas stoves for baths can be built from stone, metal or brick. Stone and brick take longer to melt than metal, but also retain heat for a long time. But metal gas furnaces heat up very quickly, but also cool down quickly. It is worth noting that metal stoves are the most compact. They are very easy to install and use. If a metal stove is lined with brick, its appearance will not differ from a brick one.


There are two types of gas burners: atmospheric and inflatable. Atmospheric burners are the simplest and cheapest. Their operation does not require an automation system or complex equipment. Gas combustion is supported by air that enters the combustion chamber through the ash pan or ash door. The efficiency of operation depends on the amount of air inside the bath, so a small amount of oxygen can lead to problems. There are also inflatable burners, but such equipment is more complex.

The design of such burners depends on a fan, which blows air from outside and depends on electric current. The price of gas sauna stoves with inflatable burners will ultimately be the highest, since this option is more expensive in terms of electricity consumption, but also more efficient. It is often used in so-called combined stoves, which can be heated not only with gas, but also with other fuels, for example, wood.

Methods of heating water

There are gas stoves with a built-in water tank and a remote option. The first option is more convenient, since the water is heated by the products of fuel combustion. The chimney must be installed so that it can pass through the heated volume of water. Heating the tank also produces heat that comes from the heater. This option allows you to avoid cluttering the bathhouse with unnecessary devices.

For a gas furnace with a remote tank, it is usually placed on a nearby wall or in another room. The two elements are connected by a system of pipes through which hot water passes, which is heated inside the firebox.

Do-it-yourself gas stove for baths

Please note that to install a gas stove in a bathhouse you must obtain permission. The most best combination humidity and temperature can be created by a brick oven. It may seem that this option is very difficult to install, but with diligence and compliance with all construction technologies, any good owner can cope with this task.

Preparatory work

First you need to design everything and choose the most suitable location. As a rule, the stove is placed near a partition or wall, since it must heat the steam room and maintain optimal temperature in the rest room. The main elements of a homemade gas stove: base, chimney (insulated with mineral wool), heater, burner, sheet of fire-resistant material, cover plate, control unit.

When creating a stove, you can use leftover materials that were not needed during the construction of the bathhouse, but it is better to buy new ones. We recommend that you do not skimp on quality, because a good stove will provide you with its reliability and durability. In the process of work, you will need the following materials and products: red baked brick, clay, galvanized sheet, reinforcing bar, metal pipe, grate, sand, ash door, asbestos cement pipe, firebox doors, water and gas pipe and a sheet of steel.

Before you make a gas stove for a bath, you need to build a foundation. Its construction begins with a pit, the bottom of which should be located below the freezing point of the soil, which takes about seventy centimeters. At the very bottom, its width should be slightly larger than the main recess. This technique will help to avoid unnecessary hassle in case of ground movements. The bottom of the pit must be covered with sand fifteen centimeters thick. The sand is filled with water, soaked and covered with stones broken brick about twenty centimeters.

After this, crushed stone is applied, formwork is made and a reinforced frame is installed. Next, it is necessary to pour concrete, after which the formwork has set, the formwork is dismantled, and the surface is covered with tar in several layers. The area that has been cleared of boards can be filled with fine gravel and coarse sand. Don't forget to install a moisture barrier at the top of the foundation.

Furnace wall arrangement

After arranging the foundation, you can begin installing the walls. First, a protective wall is made that can protect the bathhouse from possible fire. It is made of cut bricks, which are held together cement mortar. For a brick bath it is better to use a sand-clay solution. As a rule, clay is taken at a depth of at least half a meter of soil.

It is poured with water in a special container for a day and mixed thoroughly. The sand must be cleared of debris and sifted. After this, sand and clay are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, then mixed again with the addition of water. When the solution reaches an absolutely even consistency without lumps, construction can begin. It is better to prepare the solution in small batches as it is used.

The very first brick laying plays very important role. A waterproofing layer made of bitumen is first placed on the foundation, on which the first layer is placed. All bricks are wetted with water, ideally you need to place the brick in the water and wait about ten minutes. When the brick is laid on the mortar, you should hold it a little with a construction pick.

Carefully check that the bricks fit tightly together and that the seams are no thicker than five millimeters. The second and subsequent rows are laid in such a way that each brick subsequently overlaps the joint of 2 bricks of the lower row. Before laying the bricks in the mortar, builders recommend laying them out dry so you can see the full picture.

Each stage of construction must be coordinated with the drawings of a gas stove for a bath. When laying the third row, it is necessary to build in a blower door, which is secured with galvanized wire or cut strips of steel sheet. In the fourth row there is a well for ash and a grate. To place it securely, it is necessary to make indentations and leave room for its expansion (one centimeter is enough).

Installation of accessories

The sixth row should complete the installation of the blower door, and the seventh row should complete the placement of the grate and the firebox door. Cast iron doors are considered the most durable. In the eighth row, a partition is installed - the beginning of the chimney. The bricks are laid up to the fourteenth row, on which the channels are placed.

Make an opening in the front wall for a container in which water will be heated and which is installed on the channels. The container is held vertically by the side walls. The fifteenth row is made from halves of bricks and placed at an angle. The halves will be the basis for laying the dividing wall. The next three rows are laid in exactly the same way as the first ones.

At the level of the nineteenth row, you can install a door that releases steam. Thin strips of mild steel are placed between the twentieth and twenty-first rows, after which a container is placed hot water, which is surrounded by fragments of bricks. From the twenty-third row, a chimney is installed, which is selected based on the modification of the stove. The pipe above the roof should rise at a distance of at least half a meter.

A massive gas boiler for a bath should have a large and heavy pipe, and a small one should have a light pipe. Remember that the thickness of the pipe must be at least half a brick. The cross-section for the passage of smoke must have the same dimensions. Here it is better to use a solution of lime or cement. The clay composition can be washed away by rain, leading to destruction.

Final works

After all work is completed, the stove must be plastered. This procedure will improve the appearance and provide additional protection against fire. Plaster can be made from any solution by adding alabaster to it. You can also use gypsum, but keep in mind that it tends to harden very quickly. An excellent option for plaster is clay, gypsum and sand mixed together (you can omit the gypsum).

Before plastering, it is necessary to prepare the stove wall. It is cleared of frozen solution down to one centimeter. After this it is better to putty. If you are going to heat the sauna using liquefied gas, the cylinder should be placed outside. Many bathhouse owners bury gas cylinders a few meters from their location. Let us remember that liquefied gas has a higher calorific value.

If you are assembling a gas boiler for a bathhouse with your own hands, it is better to give preference to the SABK-8-50S automation system. This system perfectly maintains the set temperature and is familiar to all craftsmen. It is also as safe as possible - due to four degrees of automatic protection.

This automation has the ability to turn off heating equipment in emergency situations: when the flame goes out, if the gas pressure drops below the set mark, or if the impulse automation system depressurizes. Such a furnace takes eight to ten days to build and dries for two weeks. After this, you can begin to gradually melt it, but do not immediately bring it to strong heating.

Security questions

To properly make a sauna stove, you should study the instructions for the gas sauna stove and strictly follow them. As you know, a gas boiler is an explosive structure. To reduce the risk of fire, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The stove must be located at a distance of at least half a meter from structures that may catch fire. This distance can be reduced by installing a protective barrier made of fire-resistant material (for example, iron). If the wall next to the stove is made of fire hazardous material, a special screen should be installed opposite the door, which is the size of two firebox openings.
  2. When installing the stove and chimney, you must use a stainless steel pipe. Pipes must not be pulled through residential premises. The chimney must be up to five meters from the burner level. Do not forget to tightly connect the chimney to the stove.
  3. The opening for the burner should have the following dimensions: height from 470 to 550 millimeters, width from 350 to 450 millimeters.
  4. It is necessary to carefully insulate the chimney from heat loss. This is done where it passes through the roof and ceiling. The chimney is also insulated.
  5. The refractory base, which is located under the stove, should protrude one hundred millimeters from the edges of the device.
  6. The height of the room must be at least two hundred and twenty centimeters. It should be arranged exhaust ventilation and a window with a window was installed. All doors should only open outwards.
  7. The gas pipeline, according to the diagram of a gas stove for a bath, is made of copper or steel.
  8. Flexible connections must be solid, resistant to pressure and temperature, marked “gas” and have a diameter of ten millimeters.
  9. If a centralized gas supply is not provided, a vent of combustible products to the atmosphere should be installed.
  10. A metal sheet with a heat-insulating layer underneath is laid on the floor in front of the stove.

A gas stove is perfect for baths and saunas. Today this option is the most convenient and economical. If you decide to make a gas boiler for a sauna with your own hands, you should take safety rules seriously and obtain permission from the relevant authorities. If all construction technologies and appropriate operating rules are followed, your stove will serve for a very long time and without interruption.

You can make a stove that runs on wood gas. The peculiarity of such a furnace is that it is capable of producing very high temperatures, and it works in a rather interesting way. Due to high temperature solid fuel turns into a gas, then this gas is mixed with air, and at the exit from the stove we get approximately the same flame that we can see on a gas stove.

Materials and tools for making a stove:
- big cylinder made of tin (its height should be 28 cm and width 25 cm);
- another tin cylinder with a height of 28 cm and a width of 20 cm;
- cooler from the system unit (92 or 80 mm);
- steel tubes (diameter about 30 mm);
- hammer and chisel;
- scissors for cutting tin;
- hacksaw;
- screwdriver;
- long screws;
- Dremel and cutting attachment.

Furnace manufacturing process:

Step one. Making the body
A large tin can will be used as the body. Kerosene containers are best suited for these purposes. You need to take a can and make a window in it to install a fan. This is done at the bottom of the jar. The width of the window should be suitable in size to the dimensions of the fan. That is, if our fan is 92 mm, then the window needs to be cut to about 88 mm, that is, a little less, so that the fan does not fall into it.

The easiest way to cut such a window is with a Dremel and a cutting attachment. It is also tedious to drill 4 holes for screws, with the help of which the cooler will be attached to the stove.

Now we can talk about small jars; containers made from compote or canned vegetables are suitable for these purposes. You need to drill a row of holes in it, at the bottom and at the top, as shown in the photo. It is important that the holes are located at the same distance from each other, otherwise the oven will either not work at all or will not work correctly.

The diameter of the holes may be different, for example, they may be larger holes, but there will be fewer of them. Or you can drill a lot of small ones. Of course, the latter option is preferable, since such a stove will work better.

Subsequently, take the lid from a large cylinder and use a chisel to cut out a hole of a suitable diameter in it. To do this, take a small diameter jar, place it on the lid and then draw a circle around it.

Then you need to insert a small jar into the lid and secure it. This can be done in two ways, by welding or using ordinary self-tapping screws.

Step two. Fan installation
A fan is needed to pump oxygen into the furnace. It is installed on special legs, this prevents its body from melting if the furnace body heats up. To make the legs you will need a piece metal pipe, you can use brush handles. The length of the tubes should be about 2 cm, four of them are needed in total.

Then four long screws are taken and inserted into the fan holes. Next, tubes are put on the free ends of the screws. Well, now the entire structure can be screwed to the furnace body. That's all, the assembly process can be considered complete.

Step three. The final stage assemblies
After installing the fan, large gaps will remain; if they are not sealed, the air simply will not be pumped into the furnace at the required rate. For these purposes, a special adhesive tape for sealing. Use it to carefully seal all the cracks.