Hazelnuts and hazelnuts (hazelnuts) - what are the differences and features. Nuts. Types and names with photos

From what to “eat and drink”?
based on mine personal experience and numerous observations in gardens - here is a short list of more or less “problem-free” (edible perennials - from trees to herbs):

Asterisk (*) - the most “reinforced concrete”, can be tasted annually

1. Trees

*common quince- questions only with shoots
pawpaw three-lobed- light partial shade is desirable
cherries- sometimes damaged by late frosts. wild is good too!
*chestnut, softest, crenate etc. - good in all respects, ...it’s even strange why they aren’t planted in every yard?
tripoint curl- the branches are prickly, but the fruits are in November
black mulberry- much larger and tastier than white
*Apple tree- and rules here :)
pear- sometimes damaged by frost
plum- Same
hybrid cherry plum(Russian plum) - the same
Walnut - Same
pecan(Illinois caria) - very rare, comes into fruiting late
*yew berry- for extreme sports enthusiasts... fruits every year, but the seeds are VERY poisonous!
bear nut- the nuts are small but very tasty
Virginia persimmon, and in a good microclimate - and hybrid (Rossiyanka and other varieties)
*ginkgo biloba- but not near the house or near the road, the pulp of the fruit stinks wildly!
*hawthorns - large-fruited varieties and types of och. good, protects from frost
*medlar- Same
*chaenomeles- exist fruit varieties, bred in Ukraine. Some types and forms are affected by curliness...

2. Shrubs

(and what grows here in the form of a bush)

*hazelnuts, hazel- questions only with shoots
sucker umbrella- interesting for late ripening
*sea ​​buckthorn- only large-fruited varieties + pollinator
figs- with bending down the shoots for the winter, but it’s worth it!
laurel- we cut off all the shoots at the root for the New Year
*Chinese twig And sacred- your own allspice
*edible honeysuckle- prefers partial shade, watering is advisable. There are few fruits, but in May. sometimes in December...
*remontant raspberry- bears fruit annually from July on the shoots of this year, watered during drought
*Pirate and Colchis squawk (dzhonjoli)- moist partial shade or watering during drought. a real delicacy.
*lavender angustifolia
*rose (essential oil varieties)- petals for gulbesheker
*dog rose (rosehip)
blueberry(large-fruited varieties) - watering in drought, partial shade, neutral or acidic soils
*Crimean savory
*common thyme(b-m erect!)
*common dogwood(there are large-fruited forms)
*jujube (unabi)- on wild forms spines
*golden currant

3. Creepers

*grape(cultivars of the Isabella group) - practically unkillable!
actinidia kolomikta and arguta(and its hybrids) - partial shade is better, watering during drought is required
Schisandra chinensis- partial shade, watering during drought
blackberry- resistant to drought, needs a trellis, occasionally freezes, wildly productive... thornless - rules!
*aronia raspberry- fruits every year, you need a trellis, thorns!

4. Herbaceous

artichokes- water during drought, otherwise they become smaller and may rot in winter
slime bow- watering is desirable, partial shade is possible
*tarragon (tarragon)- tenacious Siberian, more gentle when watered
*lovage- maybe partial shade, one of our favorites
*horseradish- abundant growth, if you don’t need a lot, it’s easier to buy
*whine- partial shade, aggressive. April salad :)
*nettle- for rich soils in partial shade
*peppermint- an aggressor, but the aroma is better than other species
*flea mint(ombalo) - classic for tkemali
*lemon balm
*fennel- self-sows, overwinters

But here’s what turned out to be more or less “problematic” for us:

apricot- sometimes blooms in December, susceptible to winter provocations, fruits are irregular
peach- is a little less susceptible to provocations, but is affected by diseases. Local small-fruited forms are more resistant
black, gray and manchurian nuts- tasty, but the kernel is almost impossible to remove from the shell!!! These are purely ornamental/timber plants. There are varieties in nature, but we have not tested them and are practically inaccessible...
cherry- due to damage to the leaves by diseases, it stands “naked” from July, produces sparingly, often produces a lot of growth
raspberries(varieties with a two-year cycle) - requires frequent watering, severely affected by pests and diseases...
black and red currants- Same
strawberries(all groups of varieties) - very demanding on care and watering, i.e. unnecessarily labor intensive
yoshta(a hybrid of currants and gooseberries) - produces abundantly every year, but the berries (completely!) are eaten by birds - blackbirds and jays...
thymes(creeping species) - easily clogged with weeds, better for light soils
monarda- requires watering and frequent division


Oddly enough, I haven’t seen onions or rhubarb anywhere in the area... I haven’t gotten one for myself yet either.
...it’s too early to talk about akebia, zedrella, torreya, shepherdia, kiwi, cedar pines, bamboos, xanthoceras, Eleven multiflora and pistachios - ours are very young (1-4 years), and I have not yet met adults in the region.

Sergey Sidorenko, 2014

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Mother nature keeps in her bins different types plants and animals that make up the human diet. Many have not yet been discovered, others, lost through the centuries, are forgotten, others are used as an invaluable gift by people living on different continents of the planet. One of them is the numerous types of nuts. It was they who saved soldiers from hunger and illness during difficult campaigns, participated in rituals, helped families survive in difficult times. climatic conditions. A lot of interesting legends at different nations exists about this small tasty kernel. Sometimes it is hidden in a very strong shell, which is not easy to open, but you really want to.

Benefits of nuts

It is difficult to find an analogue to nuts in terms of the beneficial elements they contain. Vitamins, microelements, minerals, including magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Being in a harmonious combination with proteins and fats, they are effectively absorbed by the human body. All types of nuts are filled with them in varying percentages. Protein is similar in composition to meat, but is absorbed by the body much easier. The same applies to fats that do not contain cholesterol. A high percentage of fatty acids ensures proper fat metabolism processes.

Composition and

Nuts are high-calorie foods. In the absence of access to food, they can completely compensate for the body's need for the required energy reserves. At the same time, supplying it with protein and a small amount of carbohydrates. All types of nuts contain a large number of vitamin E, constantly required by various human organs. General requirement to eating nuts is to observe a sense of proportion and follow the recommendations of experts. And then even nut diets will bring the long-awaited effect.

Varieties of nuts

Experts know what type of plant peanuts are and what types of nuts there are. In everyday life, any tasty kernel in a shell is called a nut. This is probably not so important, the main thing is to know what nuts you like and their beneficial properties.

Peanut or peanut does not grow on a nice shady tree. Its fruits are formed underground according to the invisible secret laws of nature. Man has long discovered the mechanism of growth and formation of plant fruits. Agricultural technology for growing peanuts on plantations has been mastered in many climatic zones. Peanuts are easy to find on the market at any time of the year. These include not only fresh in-shell nuts, but also numerous options in the form of delicious prepared foods. Harmonious set useful elements has long been used as an aid for many human diseases. Improving memory, attention, hearing, sleep. Creation optimal conditions the body when restoring strength during overexcitation, nervous exhaustion, and complex diseases.

They say that there are no comrades for taste and color. But many people consider this type of nut to be the most delicious. Appearance it looks like a coconut. But as soon as you break it, oblong grains in the original box will appear from under the shell. Ancient people learned how to extract them correctly from monkeys who appreciated the taste of nuts. And also the agouti rodents, which store them for future use, like squirrels. It is sometimes called cream nut.
The calorie content of Brazil nuts is 658 kcal. Nuts can be stored for up to two years. Light, tasty, healthy, they are indispensable on long, difficult journeys.

The nut grows on one of the largest trees in the Amazon forests. Its name is Bertoletia. This tree is not grown specifically for many reasons. Nuts are collected from wild trees in virgin forests. Interestingly, trained monkeys are often used for this purpose.

The chemical composition of nuts differs from their relatives. Many vitamins, for example D, K, and folic acid are missing. But it contains a large percentage of B vitamins and selenium, a content that has no equal. Until serious scientific research Selenium was considered only a potent poison. It has now been scientifically proven that its deficiency in the body leads to premature aging and an increase in the likelihood of a viral infection. Selenium takes part in the mechanisms of production of many necessary enzymes and serves as a good prophylactic against the formation of malignant tumors. Just two nuts a day fill the body required quantity this element. The increased fiber content creates a feeling of fullness.

The best oil for lubricating watches, ancient works of art owe their preserved beauty to unique properties Brazil nut oil.

This nut is often associated with the New Year. There was a place for him under any home tree. Many ancient scientists studied it healing properties, believed in them, recommended them for consumption and treatment of many diseases.

Almost sacred tree the inhabitants of the Caucasus believe it. The vitamins, proteins, fats, and minerals that make up walnuts are beneficial for any age. It is especially interesting that it helps to cope with constipation in old age, reduces fatigue and vascular spasms. The properties of nut proteins are similar to those of milk and meat proteins. Its absorption is easier due to the presence of lysine. In this case, the formation of uric acid does not occur, leading to unwanted salt deposition.

The daily amount of people's food can be replaced by 400 g of nuts. With long, leisurely chewing, a person receives maximum benefit.

Numerous types of nuts surprise with their variety of shapes and taste. Among them is a priceless gift from the northern forests, growing not on cedar, but on the famous cedar pine. The dense cones growing on it are like storing small tasty nuts in a safe pantry. It’s a pleasure to click them on long winter evenings with family and friends. From them they get healthy oil, make decoctions, tinctures, and use for cooking.

In addition to tasty nuts, traditional healers have long learned about the benefits of all parts of the cedar pine. For example, effective tinctures and preparations that help with many diseases are made from the shells of pine nuts. Natural leather dye, wood alcohol, acetone, finishing materials.

Residents northern regions be sure to prepare this for yourself every year valuable product nutrition.

The knowledge of the ancient Indians in the field of nutrition and treatment has always aroused interest among the inhabitants of the planet from other places. The development of trade relations made it possible to try many Exotic fruits, plants. One of them is the cashew nut, widely used by the Tikuna Indian tribe. Now cashew is popular in many countries.

The nut grows on mighty trees. At first glance, it may seem that this is a fruit and not a nut. Pink, oblong fruits look like a pear. The juicy, edible pedicel is unsuitable for transportation. You can only try it on the spot. Locals know how to cook from it delicious jams, drinks, for example, feni liqueur, which you can try in the state of Goa.

But the second part of nature’s amazing creation, resembling a hook attached to a pear, is called a cashew nut. The trick of the fruit is its shell. If you remove it like from an ordinary nut, you can get poisoned and get burned. Deleted dangerous substance cardol during heat treatment. Therefore, nuts go on sale only after all technological operations have been completed.

Residents of tropical countries can hardly imagine their life without this brown furry bear cub in the shape of a large nut. Solar energy accumulated by the majestic coconut tree, is contained in it. For many centuries, its beneficial qualities have been used in human nutrition. It is used in fresh. They prepare dishes, use them for diets, and prepare medicinal preparations. Buying coconut is easy. Often the beautiful fruit is given to friends and ceremonially opened with the family.

When the nut fruit is not ripe, it contains a lot of milk and little pulp. When buying coconut, you need to take this property into account. Dairy lovers should choose green, unripe fruits. The degree of ripening of a coconut is determined by the presence of the outer copra husk. She must have green color, smooth surface. At home, such a coconut can be easily opened with a knife. Getting the snow-white contents out of ripe, brown fruits is more difficult, but possible.

The Australian tribes called this nut mullimbimbi, quindal-kindal. Only in 1930 was the name of macadamia nuts approved, given in honor of the Australian chemist John McAdam. Although sometimes it is called Australian, Queensland nut. Nine species of this plant have been discovered. Only two are grown on plantations in California, Brazil, Australia, and South Africa. The first tree plantations were planted on volcanic soil Hawaiian Islands. Nowadays the largest walnut tree plantations are located here.

Walnut has round shape with a very strong shell. The core is very difficult to separate from it. This was one of the reasons high cost nut Agricultural cultivation technology is considered complex. The tree suffers greatly from wind and pests. Now it is considered the most expensive nut. It tastes like hazelnut. Delicious chocolate desserts and salads using seafood are prepared from it. The nut has no contraindications. Macadamia oil is similar in composition to the fat from the sebaceous glands of humans. Therefore, drugs are prepared from it that increase blood circulation while smoothing wrinkles and strengthening hair follicles. In cosmetology, macadamia has occupied a special place due to the content of palmitic acid, which has a healing effect on the skin.

Among all types of nuts, macadamia is considered royal, the most nutritious, and the most expensive. Its calorie content is 718 kcal.

The modern pace of life requires organization proper nutrition, ensuring you keep your weight, blood pressure, and sugar levels in shape. Cutlets, borscht, fatty pork, overeating fade into the background if you want to preserve beauty and health. This is especially true for people with a tendency to heart disease, which is becoming increasingly common. An effective option in this case, eating almonds is considered. They contain many vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins. But there is no starch. Regular consumption of 60 g of almonds per day will provide the body with phosphorus, potassium, and iron. This is especially important for the elderly and people with heart disease.

Often the fruit of the pecan, Caria illinois is called a relative of the walnut. But its taste is more delicate, the kernels are softer. There are no partitions inside the shell, like a walnut. The base of the nut does not have a soft layer, but is completely closed. This fact makes them unique among other nuts. Pests do not penetrate inside, the nuts are not wormy, and are stored for a long time without access to air inside. The shape of the fruit resembles that of an olive. Therefore, it is sometimes called olive nut. Fruits are formed on a deciduous tree only in conditions of moist, hot air coming from Gulf of Mexico. The pecan is native to North America. The Indian tribes of these places have been using the delicious nut for many centuries to prepare hot dishes, salads, pies, and cookies. The calorie content of nuts is 750 kcal.

Carotene found in the nut helps in the treatment of eye diseases. An important advantage of pecans is its anti-cancer properties, which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Based on it, the drug gamma-tocopherol was created, which is supposed to be used for the treatment of lung cancer.

High-calorie nuts containing a high percentage of vitamin E. The nut is considered a relative of cashews. Multi-stemmed bush, tree, up to four meters high. It can bear fruit for 400 years. They are sometimes called smiling nuts. The maturation process ends with a click. As a result, a smile is formed. The open shell and the green color of the kernels confirm their ripeness. The greener it is, the tastier the nut.

The ancient Persians used the nut fruit as money. For 25 centuries they have been considered a symbol of wealth. Pistachios grow in groups, singly. Fruits are formed on female trees that have reached ten years of age. The main plantations are located in Greece, Spain, Turkey, and the USA. Delicious low-calorie nuts with high content vitamins and other useful substances, just 10 pieces per day will provide the body with all the necessary elements.

From the point of view of botanists, this is a real nut. Its taste cannot be confused with other nuts. Useful properties and advantages make it one of the most favorite nuts. We shake them slightly when choosing, rejoicing that there are no sounds indicating that they are not fresh. Fats, proteins, fiber, folic acid make it possible to use it in the diet of weakened and elderly people. It is recommended even for pregnant women.

Shopping centers offer different types of nuts. They are all worthy for use in nutrition and treatment. The main thing is to find out about beneficial properties nuts detailed information and start regular consumption.

Nuts are a group of different fruits consisting of a dry woody shell (shell) and an edible kernel (seed) enclosed in it. In everyday life and trade, the most common nuts include: peanuts (groundnuts), walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, Pine nuts, almonds and pistachios.

Nuts are valued as tasty and high in calories. food products, rich in fat, proteins, mineral salts and other beneficial substances.

In cooking, nuts are often used in the preparation of sweet dishes (fillings, creams, fillings, etc.), flour confectionery, sauces (for example, nut sauces of Georgian cuisine). The nuts are also used to produce very valuable nut oil, which is used in cooking, in the food industry and for technical purposes. Nuts in their natural form are widely used as a favorite dessert.

Peanut(earthen, or Chinese, nut) - the fruit of an annual herbaceous plant legume family; in the CIS it is bred in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Georgia, Armenia. Especially a lot of peanuts are sown in China (hence the name “Chinese nut”).

Peanuts are collected late autumn, pulling the bush out of the ground along with the beans (the beans develop in the ground), then the beans (pods) are dried and stored in a dry room.

Peanut fruits are elongated cylindrical fruits, 2 to 6 cm long, 1-2 cm in diameter; On the outside, the beans are covered with a shell (skin), inside of which there are 1-2 large dicotyledonous kernels (seeds). The peel is about 25% and the kernel is 75% total weight nut

Roasted peanuts are used as a delicacy, as well as in home cooking and in the confectionery industry for making cakes, pastries, halva, sweets, and various sweets; it is also salted and served with champagne

Most peanuts are processed into peanut oil, used for food and industrial purposes; The cake obtained as a by-product when squeezing oil is used in the confectionery industry to make chocolate (mixed with cocoa), halva and other products.

Peanut nut flour is used to make muffins, biscuits and other products for diabetics.

Walnuts(Voloshskie) - the fruits of a tree of the nut family, growing in southern regions CIS. They are collected in their mature form, when the outer shell dries up, cracks and a nut falls out of it, consisting of a hard shell with a kernel enclosed inside; the core is divided by 2-4 incomplete septa.

The collected nuts, after being shelled, are dried in the sun or in dryers, which helps in their storage.

According to the degree of hardness and the amount of shell, walnuts are divided into thin-skinned (shell thickness is up to 1.5 mm, the kernel weighs about 50% of the total weight of the nut) and thick-skinned (the shell is thicker than 1.5 mm, the kernel weighs 30-35% of the total weight of the nut). The size of the nuts is from 3 x 2.8 cm to 5.5 x 4 cm, and the weight is from 8 to 15 g.

Walnuts are rich in vitamin C (up to 85 mg%). There is especially a lot of vitamin C in unripe nuts (up to 3000 mg%), which is much higher than the content of this vitamin in all fruits and berries. Green walnuts are used to prepare various medicinal vitamin preparations, confectionery products and to make jam.

Walnuts are sold whole (in shell) and shelled (kernel).

Crushed, crushed, chopped walnut kernels are used to prepare some salads (from apples, celery, etc.), as well as to prepare many dishes, sauces and gravies.

Walnut kernels, fried with salt, are served with champagne and grape wines.

We offer several recipes for dishes made from walnuts.

Peanut sauce. Crush the walnut kernel with garlic, add salt and ground red pepper, chopped onion or green onions, parsley, mix all this thoroughly and dilute with vinegar (to taste). The sauce is served as a gravy for various dishes.

For 100 g of walnut kernel: 100 g of onions or green onions, 50 g of parsley, garlic, vinegar, salt, ground red pepper - to taste.

Nut filling (made from walnuts or other nuts). Grind the roasted nuts with butter, powdered sugar or waffle crumbs until a thick mass is formed.

This filling is used for cakes, pastries, pies and other products.

Pine nuts- fruits Siberian cedar, or, more precisely, cedar pine, growing mainly in Siberian forests (cedar forests), are less common in the northern regions of the European part of the Russian Federation.

Pine seeds (nuts) are enclosed in cones, each of which contains up to 100 seeds. Cedar bears fruit in 3-4 years. Nuts are usually collected in September-October, before frost, since nuts harvested after frost are poorly stored, become moldy and acquire a bitter taste.

There are 2 types of pine nuts on sale: taiga - small (6-9 mm), in a reddish or dark brown shell, and larger, so-called kondovy, 7-13 mm in size, differing from taiga in its angular shape, light brown color and a stronger shell; The kernel accounts for about 45% of the nut's weight.

Pine nut oil is extracted from pine nuts, which is used primarily for making confectionery. The cakes obtained by pressing the oil are used in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, halva, etc.

Fresh and especially dried pine nuts are consumed fresh as a delicacy.

Hazelnuts- fruits of shrubs, less often trees, of the birch family, growing in forests in continuous thickets almost everywhere in Ukraine and the CIS. In the northern and central regions, hazelnuts are smaller (0.5-1.0 g) than in the south (1-2.5 g).

The kernel makes up about 40% of the nut's weight and is rich in fat and protein; used to produce high-quality oil that has good nutritional properties and is widely used in the confectionery industry.

The hazelnut kernel is used raw as a delicacy, as well as in whole and crushed form in home cooking and confectionery production for various types culinary products.

Hazelnut- a cultivated or garden variety of hazelnut; widely cultivated in the southern regions - in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, the North Caucasus and Central Asia.

In accordance with the shape and size of the nuts, they are divided into 2 groups in trade: badem hazelnuts - with larger nuts, 2.5-3.0 x 1.5 cm in size; Kerasundian (curly) or half-hazelnuts - with small nuts, 1.6 x 1.5 cm in size. Each of these groups is sold in shells and without shells.

Like other types of nuts, hazelnuts serve as a valuable nutritious food; consumed raw, used in home cooking and in confectionery production.

Almond- the fruit of the almond tree; grows wild in Central Asia and produces fruits with a bitter kernel and a very hard shell.

Almonds with a sweet kernel are grown in the Crimea, Transcaucasia, and Central Asia; divided into hard-shell and soft-shell; in the latter, the shell is easily crushed by hand. More valuable are soft-shell almonds, their kernel is larger. Almonds ripen in August-September.

The almond fruit has an elongated ovoid shape, laterally compressed, ranging from 10 to 60 mm in length. When ripe, the outer shell dries and cracks, releasing the nut. A nut consists of a shell and a kernel (seed) enclosed in it. Outer shell makes up from 25 to 48%, the shell from 37 to 50% and the kernel from 11 to 17% of the weight of the fruit.

Almonds are sold in shells (almonds), as well as shelled (almonds).

Almond kernel contains valuable essential oils, giving the almond kernel a specific aroma. Bitter almonds are distinguished by a high content (from 2 to 4%) of a glucoside - amygdalin, from which, when ground with water, poisonous hydrocyanic acid is formed. Therefore, bitter almonds can be eaten only in very small quantities (up to 5-6% of the total amount of sweet almonds) and used only for flavoring confectionery products.

Sweet almonds are eaten fresh; in the confectionery industry - in the production of cookies, cakes, marzipan, caramel fillings, as well as for the production of very valuable edible almond oil. Bitter almond oil is obtained from bitter almonds for special technical purposes.

Pistachios- a genus of plants (trees or shrubs) from the sumac family, grow in Transcaucasia, Moldova, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, in Central Asia.

The fruits are small, weighing from 0.6 to 1 g, have a thin but hard shell, cracking in half, from which two fall out - the cotyledon core (seed) is greenish in color, with a thin brown peel. The kernel accounts for about 48% of the nut's weight.

A very valuable edible oil used in confectionery production is obtained from pistachios.

In cooking, pistachios are used in grated or crushed form (in halves) in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, creams, etc., they are also added to some meat dishes, in puree soup from poultry; preparing duck and chicken stuffed with pistachios. Pistachios are served toasted and salted with champagne and strong dessert wines.


To remove the thin skin from the nuts, soak them briefly in cold salted water. Then rinse and dry.

To make it easier to peel the almonds, pour boiling water over them for 1-2 minutes and then rinse cold water and dry.

c If you roast the nuts in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 200 °C, their taste and aroma will improve significantly.

If the walnuts have dried out and lost their characteristic taste, keep them, without breaking them, in lightly salted water for 2-15 hours. The kernel will regain its consistency and taste.

To remove the skin, place the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and place in a very hot oven for a few minutes. Under the influence high temperature the skin bursts and separates from the kernel. Then it is cleaned as usual, peeling between the fingers. Hazelnuts must be stored in a cool, dry place, otherwise they will quickly go rancid.

Pistachios are sold with the shell cracked; it can be easily removed; the skin is removed in the same way as with almonds. Pistachios should not be heated for a long time, otherwise their color will deteriorate.

Peanuts have a hard but fragile shell that can be easily removed with your fingers after roasting.

Total in Krasnodar region More than 3,000 species of plants grow, and there are even relict ones, that is, those that appeared here even before ice age. These are linden, chestnut, blueberry. And our ancestors collected dogwood fruits for food back in the Stone Age!

To get from our area to the forest, you must first drive through the foothill forest-steppe zone. Both the steppe part of the Kuban and the foothills, of course the forest itself, are rich in medicinal herbs.

There are more than 160 species of plants in the Kuban forest pharmacy!

Peppermint. A plant with a pleasant smell. It has refreshing, invigorating and tonic properties. Relieves tension and headaches.

Infusion of coltsfoot is used to treat colds. Porridge from fresh leaves applied to tumors, abscesses, boils.

St. John's wort is said to help against 99 diseases.

Fresh nettle leaves heal purulent wounds and even chronic ulcers. It is even used to make paints!

Valerian is a plant that has sedative properties.

And plantain will help us with a bruise, a cut, in the treatment of any small wound, be it a burn, abrasion, scratch.

Chamomile will help us with a cough, and a decoction of dandelion leaves will relieve fatigue.

Rose hips are rich in vitamins; a decoction of these berries is very useful for boosting immunity, as well as for overwork and fatigue.

Elecampane helps with many diseases and gives us nine strength.

Tea made from strawberry leaves and berries is very useful for colds.

When you enter the forest, you are surrounded first deciduous trees, shrubs, herbs. These are hornbeam, beech, elm, oak, maple, ash. Wild animals are often found here fruit trees: apple tree, pear tree, cherry plum, and numerous shrubs, for example, dogwood, hazel, rhododendron.

We rise higher. We are surrounded by beech, hornbeam, chestnut, maple, linden, cherry laurel, blueberry, azalea, and hazel.

The higher the mountains, the more conifers there are. At an altitude of 1200m above sea level, Caucasian fir, pine, and sometimes Caucasian larch and juniper reign. There are still deciduous trees: beech, maple, alder, birch. In some places only pine or fir forests are found. The trees are tall and the crowns are lush.

Here's what I learned about some of these plants:

Chestnut. tall plant, reaches 35 m in height, long-lived - lives up to 1000 years. Leaf blades oblong with teeth. The fruits are eaten by humans. Ripen in autumn. Collection in October. In Russia it is found only in Kuban

Juniper. This coniferous shrub. Its needles are not like those of spruce and pine. They are flat and prickly. In autumn, bluish peas become noticeable among the needles, which have a pleasant sweetish-resinous taste. These are juniper fruits - “cone berries”

Fir. This plant is called the sister of spruce. She lives up to 400 years, tolerates up to 40 degrees of frost and 40 degrees of heat. The air where this tree grows heals sick people. Its needles are used to prepare vitamin drinks and wound-healing pastes.

Pine. Tall slender tree. To see its crown, you need to look high into the sky. The cones are round in shape and the needles are long. The air in the pine forest is very useful for people with diseases of the respiratory system and heart diseases.

Linden. This tree has heart-shaped leaves. It blooms in June, spreading a wonderful aroma. A wonderful honey plant. Linden flowers are good to brew for coughs and colds. Linden fruits are dark nuts. They make it easy to recognize a tree in autumn and winter.

Larch. Coniferous plant, which sheds its needles for the winter. Exists special kind– Caucasian larch.

Dogwood. This grows on the shores of the Black Sea wild plant. Its fruits are tasty, sweet and sour berries, oblong, shiny, dark red in color, with a seed. These berries are used to make excellent preserves, jelly, jam, and compotes. People consider them to be curative for colds and stomach diseases. Can be eaten together with the seeds. In Russia it is found only in Kuban.

Maple. This is a tree with beautiful carved leaves. It can be called “musical”, because musical instruments are made from its wood.

Ash. Tall tree with a straight barrel. An ash leaf consists of many elongated leaflets. Its fruits hang in thick panicles. Each fruit has one elongated wing.

Alder. Loves damp areas forests. This tree is easily recognized by the small dark cones on the branches.

Rising higher, we find ourselves in alpine meadows. How beautifully the grasses bloom in the mountains in the alpine meadows! Creeping plants predominate here. The colors and variegation of flowers in the rocky meadows are striking: bright blue gentians, red mynids, golden yellow buttercups and dandelions, bells, pink-red carnations, blue forget-me-nots.

And although I haven’t hiked much in the mountains yet, I have already managed to visit different forest areas of the Caucasus mountain range. Since the height of the mountains is different, the vegetation is slightly different.

For example, in the forests of the Black Sea coast from Anapa to Novorossiysk, the mountain slopes are covered with hornbeam, oak, hornbeam, and hornbeam.

To the south, in the area from Gelendzhik to Tuapse, the climate is milder and in some places resembles the subtropics. Here you can find elms, dogwood, hawthorn, ash, maple, walnut, hazelnut, cherry plum, wild apple, wild pear, Pitsunda pine.

But the most luxurious variety and splendor of the vegetation of our region is in the Greater Sochi region. I have yet to visit there. But I have already read and heard about this. In the Greater Sochi area, in addition to all the plants already listed all year round Cypresses, palms, and magnolias are turning green. This is because the mountains protect from the winds, and the warm sea warms the coast. Palm trees, bamboo, yucca, and noble laurel grow in the parks. Apricots, peaches, persimmons and even figs and feijoas ripen in the gardens, and the northernmost tea is grown on the mountain slopes.

Persimmon. This tree grows on the coast North Caucasus. In our region - in the subtropics, it is found on the Black Sea coast from Gelendzhik to Sochi. The fruits of this tree orange color, rich in iron, vitamin C, carotene, very tasty and healthy. In Russia it is found only in Kuban

Tea. This plant is a low shrub. The plantations of this plant look like a dark green sea. This evergreen. It takes about 3,000 movements to harvest this plant. In Russia it is found only in Kuban

Feijoa. Outlandish leathery dark green fruits, the size of a small egg. This juicy green berry with a reddish tint when ripe tastes like pineapple. The plant grows well on the Black Sea coast. The berry is rich in iodine. In Russia it is found only in Kuban.

Eucalyptus. Essential oils are extracted from the leaves of this plant and used in medicine. Bath brooms are made from branches with leaves of this tree. Brooms are medicinal! In Russia it is found only in Kuban.

Tiss. This conifer tree- a very valuable breed. It is also called negnoy-tree. It lives up to 4 thousand years, does not rot in water and grows up to 25m in height. It can be used to make parts for underwater structures, furniture, and glue can be made from its bark.

And in the Greater Sochi area, the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve originates - our Russian wealth - a natural heritage. I really want to go there, see all the beauty of this wildlife. But, unfortunately, the construction of sports complexes and roads may prevent us from leaving nature untouched.

Hazelnuts are nutritious, tasty and healthy fruits. They have a long shelf life, so they are often stored for the winter. To collect good harvest, you need to know where hazelnuts grow in Russia and what they look like.

The hazel plant belongs to the birch family. It owes its name to its leaf shape -

with a heart-shaped base and acute top part. This shape evokes an association with bream fish. Hazelnut is one of the long-living plants. The age of individual bushes reaches 100 years. Hazelnuts can grow up to 7 m in height.

Hazel is a spreading shrub, or less commonly a tree, with roots located almost at the surface. Hazel inflorescences externally look like elongated earrings. Fruits - nuts small size in a hard yellow-brown shell. Depending on the type of plant, the nut may have a round or oblong shape. The fruits ripen in a leaf wrapper resembling a bell. The harvest period is from August to September.


Hazel fruits are tasty and nutritious. They are able to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger. Hazelnuts contain many vitamins, microelements, and antioxidants. In the kernels hazelnut- proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the human body. Hazel is used in the cooking process various dishes, in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics.

Attention! Hazelnuts should be consumed with caution by people with liver and kidney diseases.

Places of growth

Hazelnut has many types. The most popular of them include:

  1. Common hazel. This is the most famous variety of hazelnuts. It is widely distributed throughout the world. Common hazel grows in Europe, Asia, North America. Hazelnuts are collected in Portugal, Ireland, southern Norway and Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries.
  2. Large hazel (purpurea). One of the best varieties of hazelnuts. Grows in Italy, Asia and Turkey.
  3. Tree hazel. It is distinguished by the highest growth, capable of reaching 30 m. It grows in Asia Minor, Transcaucasia and the Balkan Peninsula.
  4. Manchurian hazel. Frost-resistant, able to grow in the shade. The fruits of the plant are protected by a thorny wrapper, which makes the harvesting process difficult.

Growth of wild and cultivated hazel in Russia

Where do hazelnuts and hazelnuts grow in Russia? First, it should be noted that hazelnuts and hazelnuts are not the same thing. Hazelnuts grow in the wild. Hazelnut is one of the types of hazel, created by breeders as cultivated plant. Hazelnuts have larger kernels than wild hazel and have a higher calorie content. Otherwise, only a specialist will notice the differences between hazelnuts and hazelnuts.

In Russia, wild hazel grows in the central part of the state, the Caucasus, Crimea, Kuban, Far East, near Baltic Sea. Cultivated hazelnuts are grown in orchards and vegetable gardens.

Where to find hazel in the forest

Wild hazel grows on any soil except sandy and marshy soils. But more In general, hazelnuts love fertile soils, black soil. The plant needs moisture, warmth and sunlight.

Hazel can be seen at the edge of broad-leaved, coniferous and mixed forests. Common hazel often grows together with hornbeam, oak and other tree species. In the Caucasus, hazelnut grows adjacent to dogwood.

In the forest, hazel can be found near ravines, fresh soil, near roads, rivers and lakes. The most common place to see hazelnut trees is at the edge of the forest or at the edge of the forest. Wild hazelnuts can grow both in mountainous areas and in lowlands, but they cannot tolerate spring waters. In mountainous areas, hazel settles on the southern slopes. The plant requires free space, where dense thickets of bushes can be formed.

Thus, hazelnut - unpretentious plant, growing over a vast area in many countries around the world. It can be found near the forest in sunny areas.