Phrases from Disney cartoons. Catchphrases and expressions from Soviet cartoons. “Kid and Carlson, “Carlson is back”

A friend is someone who, whenever you need him, knows about it. Jules Renard

Friendship should be immortal, and enmity mortal. Livius Titus

There is nothing more dangerous than an ignorant friend. Jean de Lafontaine

There can never be too many girlfriends, but there is a real one who never leaves you.

Unfaithful friends are like swallows that you only meet in the summer. This is a sundial that is only useful as long as the sun is shining.

And why is she so jealous of him because friends should share everything?

A friend to a friend is like a mirror

Only those people who can forgive each other's minor shortcomings can be connected by true friendship. J. Labruyère

Many are friends for food, not friendship. Menander

A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices. Cicero Marcus Tullius

To gain the favor of friends, one must value their services higher than they do themselves; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends believe. Plato

Without a comrade, no happiness brings joy. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The friendship between the girl and the boys weakens as night falls.

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can. Jean Jacques Rousseau

Friends are like good health: you don’t appreciate it until you lose it.

You cannot shake hands with clenched fists. Indira Gandhi

Yesterday I had a blast with my friend Today I can’t remember where

For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friends are made in need. Petronius.

Only those who have experienced life can talk about friendship with meaning...

But only your mother believes that you will be happy with him, despite what your friends say. This is not fate!

Test your friend, and love the tested. Unknown author

It's better to have a real enemy than a fake friend!

A friend is like a second self. Cicero Marcus Tullius

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a friend is unlucky. Yanina Ipohorskaya

The best moments are when you have your best friend nearby..

True friends have no expiration date.

What's sweeter than halva? Friendship after enmity. Arabic proverb

I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. Karl Marx

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. Leopold Nowak

I'm your best friend, you just don't know it yet...

Don't judge a person just by his friends. Remember that Judas had perfect friends. Ernest Hemingway

I can only say one thing about friends - they must be real...

He who seeks friends deserves to find them. He who has no friends has never looked for them. G. Lessing

Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation. Johann Friedrich Schiller

Before you cry into your girlfriend's vest, smell it to see if it smells like your boyfriend's perfume

I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, because a shadow does the same thing better. Plutarch

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

Don’t rush to choose friends, and even less so to change them. Franklin.

Friendship is more valuable than money.

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Good old Soviet cartoons gave us all an unforgettable childhood and hundreds of quotes that became popular.

On June 10, 1936, the largest studio of animated films, Soyuzmultfilm, was created in the USSR. Thanks to her and her masters, the legendary Soviet cartoons “Baby and Carlson”, “Umka”, “Well, Just Wait”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Crocodile Gena” and many others were born. These cartoons are perhaps the best that we got from the collapsed USSR. In them you can find whole deposits of epic, spontaneous wisdom and incredible wit! Sincere, bright cartoons, whose charismatic characters taught us to live, laugh, worry and not lose heart.

On this occasion, the site decided to select the 50 best quotes from the good old Soviet cartoons, which have long become popular and have become firmly established in our lives.

Carlson, who lives on the roof

Our phone number: two-two-three, three-two-three, three-two-two.
- He flew away, but promised to return...
- I'm a man anywhere! Well, in full bloom!
- Calm! Only peace.

Vacations in Prostokvashino

Congratulations, Sharik, you are a fool!
- Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!
- We have the means! We are not smart enough!
- Just think, I can also embroider... and on a machine.... too...
- They go crazy one by one. It's just that everyone gets sick with the flu.
- So I have increased shaggyness.

In the land of unlearned lessons

Execution cannot be pardoned.
- Execute?! Me?! Aaaaand... for what? - And for ignorance, laziness and ignorance of the native language!

Last year's snow fell

It won't be enough. Ma-lo-va-to!
- Oh, boring. Yesterday the king, today the king - every day everything is the king, yes the king! Not enough...
- Oh, how I really love and respect this wealth!
- I sent it, so I sent it.
- The end, the end... Ends in the water!
- Wow, your raking hands! Curious nose! Insatiable eyes! Yeah, greedy guy!

Winnie the Pooh

Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely!
- It seems the rain is starting...
- Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life, Pooh!
- I got it! These are the wrong bees! This means they are making the wrong honey!

Cheburashka and crocodile Gena

We built and built and finally built it.
- Gena, is it very difficult for you? Let me carry the suitcases, and you carry me!

Return of the Prodigal Parrot

Freedom for parrots! Free-bo-do-pu-ga-yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be Vovka, may there always be me!
- Rested - in! Sour cream - wow! Pisces - wow!
- We are starting the “Alarm Clock” program for those who do not sleep. On weekdays until sixteen and after midnight.

The Adventures of Leopold the Cat

Leopold, come out, you vile coward!
- Guys let's be friends!

The Adventures of Brownie

I am a free bird! Wherever I want, I fly there!
- Nafanya, the chest was stolen!
- Kuzenka! Come back, my yacht!

These cartoons are so brilliant that phrases from them have long become catchphrases. Because these cartoons were made for both children and adults - with their own meaning for each.

Bright Side chose several chic phrases that we still remember at every opportunity.

Winnie the Pooh

Owl, open up, the bear has arrived!

This is “w-w-w” - for a reason!

It's all because someone eats too much!

So, if I understand anything about anything, then a hole is a hole. And the hole is the Rabbit. And Rabbit is suitable company. And a suitable company is one where they can treat us to something.

Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely!

I thought and thought and finally understood everything. These are the wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey...

Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life, Pooh!

Bobik visiting Barbos

Where does grandpa sleep?

Yes, right there in the corridor. On the rug. And if he doesn’t listen, then I’ll broom him!

This is right.

Once upon a time there was a dog

I'll sing right now!

Didn't crush the child?

What will happen to him!

You are it, come in if anything happens!

Wings, legs and tails

Remember: it’s better to lose a day, then fly in five minutes!

If you don’t know how, we’ll teach you; if you don’t want to, we’ll force you!

Legs, wings... The main thing is the tail!

Come on, ostrich, let's go! We are working, we are working!

We're late, they'll eat everything delicious!

Return of the Prodigal Parrot

Tahiti-Tahiti! We haven't been to any Tahiti! We are fed well here too.

Oh, you dullness! It's a bubblegum!

I drink juice... orangeade... yes, right without leaving the pool.

Freedom for parrots! Free-bo-do-pu-ga-yam!

Magic ring

I feel sorry for the jacket in Ami’s pocket, Maha. Vanka is so handsome in it!

But don’t give me your Ulyanka for free, or for money. She is no longer my wife - not my wife!

flying ship

Oh, my life, tin! Well, she's in the swamp!

Three from Prostokvashino

Just think, I can also embroider... and on a machine too...

Maybe I’m just starting to live: I’m moving on to retirement.

To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, and we don’t have money.

Interesting: Bright quotes from DMB (27 photos + 1 gif)

Why was I harmful? Because I didn't have a bike!

So! Choose: either me or the cat!

Well, I choose you! I’ve known you for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen this cat!

You're eating a sandwich wrong, Uncle Fyodor.

I would unscrew the ears of this guy with big EARS...

I was happy before, but now I’m twice as happy. Because I have two cows!

In this weather they sit at home and watch TV. Only strangers wander around.

Ant's journey

He's got a leg, and he's going home!

So you're a jerk!

I hear it from a booger!

Have you fallen from the moon?

No, from a caterpillar.

Impudent! Ugh!

Last year's snow fell

She already sent it, so she sent it!.. Go, he says, and don’t come back without a Christmas tree. But come back with the Christmas tree, he says!

It won't be enough!

Who is the ultimate king here? No one? So I'll be the first!

Auntie, let me go! I know the magic word: “Please”!

I'll become a king - the first thing... so what's the first thing? Ah, the piano! What kind of life is this without a piano?

Oh, how I really love and respect this wealth!

Pictures with quotes from Soviet cartoons

In 1936, the largest studio of animated films, Soyuzmultfilm, was created. Thanks to her and her masters, the legendary Soviet cartoons “Baby and Carlson”, “Umka”, “Well, Just Wait”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Crocodile Gena” and many others were born. There are treasures of spontaneous wisdom and incredible wit to be found in these cartoons.

Bright Side collected legendary quotes from good old cartoons. Remember?

Cool phrases from foreign cartoons that we use every day

We have grown up, but we still don’t miss a single premiere of new cartoons. And all because the creators never cease to delight us not only with stunning graphics and an interesting script, but also with witty dialogues.

Bright Side I've collected the coolest phrases from foreign cartoons so you can please yourself and your inner child.






I don't know about you, but I still watch cartoons. Despite the fact that I’m already well over 18. They instantly lift my spirits and sometimes even make me think about something important.

Nowadays there is a huge variety of different new animations, but we all remember the good old cartoons we grew up with. They are filled with kindness, sincerity, and often full of deep meaning.

LifeGuide invites you to look at the best quotes from Soviet cartoons through the eyes of an adult, but, nevertheless, with the soul of a child.

"Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom"

First of all, some cake! Secondly, candy! And thirdly, ice cream!..

Why are you going to eat candy for me?..


Gold fish! So, I want you to...
- What?! Have you woven a net? Did you throw it into the sea three times? Did you catch me?! I didn’t touch my finger, but right there – “I want.”

You don’t understand anything about royal life. Tsar! If you want ice cream, if you want cake, he paints fences.

We are having a Vasilis gathering to exchange wisdom.

Right now I’m going to knead it all!

Oh well, it’ll get fried somehow!

What is this? Black... pies?
- If you bake it yourself, eat it yourself!

First give you a trough, then give you a washing machine!


It's not green for some reason.
- It’s okay, he’ll live with us and turn green.

You need to get married, neighbor!
- So you have to feed your wife, and wives, you know, they are voracious...

Do something, work.
- Tired of it.
- How are you tired of this if you have never worked?
- And I’m already tired of it.

We slept, now we can eat. We've eaten, now we can sleep.

Wait for it!

Hare, Hare, can you hear me?
- I hear, I hear.

And I'm so hungry
Like an iceberg in the ocean!
And you are so beautiful
Like a popsicle in summer...

Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been? Tell me, honey, how are you?
- I was running after you, Santa Claus! I shed a lot of bitter tears...

Waiting for my gifts
And you will get it
From me!
- Finally, they come true
All dreams.
My best gift -
It's you!

We are starting morning exercises for those who watch us in the evening.

Do not be sad,
Whole life ahead,
Whole life ahead,
Well, Hare, wait a minute!

Well, wait, it’s not evening yet, nothing is clear yet. And I believe that there will be a meeting under the roof of your house.

- Well, crazy guy, wait a minute!

"Once upon a time there was a dog"

Wolf: Do you remember how you chased me?
Dog: So I, this is...
Wolf: Well, yes. That's how it works, right? And I’ve been hanging around here all my life and no one will give me a bone.
Dog: So I, this is...
Wolf: How am I now, huh?

Dog: Didn’t you crush the baby?
Wolf: What will happen to him?
Dog: Bye then!

Wolf: - Well, you are... come in if anything happens.

Wolf: - I’ll sing right now!

"Baby and Carlson"

This is a joke. Well, I mean, I'm playing around.

You know, my grandmother is the world champion in hugging! How it will swoop in, how it will hug you! Carlson, dear!

How so? There is a shoe, but there is no child in it.

Oh, I am the sickest person in the world...
Why are you standing there, you promised me to be my own mother!

Oh, what a pain it is to educate!

Happiness does not lie in pies.
-Are you crazy? What else?

And here, you know, we’re still indulging in buns.

I'm a man no matter what! Well, in full bloom!

This is how you can live your whole life without a dog!
- What about me, Baby?! After all, I’m better... better than a dog!

- By the way, mademoiselle...

And I'm crazy! What a shame...

They show crooks on TV! Well, why am I worse?!

I hope, Freken Bock, you love children, right?
- How can I tell you?.. Crazy!

Why did you lie about being 7 years old? You weigh 8!

Are you crazy? A dear friend flies from afar for a minute - and you don’t have a cake!

Wash your hands!
- Why wash them? After all, there’s nothing to eat anyway.

Actually, I would rather have a dog than a wife.

Don't... I'm afraid of you.

Our phone: Two-two-three, three-two-two, Two-two-three, three-two-two.

Calm! Only peace.

Do not Cry!
- Whine.
- Do not Cry!
- Whine.
- Are you crying or am I crying?
- I'm crying.
- So don’t cry.
- I'm not crying.

Well, I don't play like that...

Well, why are you yelling? People are sleeping all around.

I get my older brother's things. So if he gets old and dies, I'll have to marry his wife?

He flew away, but promised to return...

"Three from Prostokvashino"

Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

And we have already made peace. Because working together for my benefit unites.

Make of me whatever you want. At least a stuffed animal. Life is not nice to me anyway.

How greedy people are for other people's goods.

Who's there?
- Ours!
- People are sitting at home in this weather, watching TV!

They go crazy one by one. It's just that everyone gets sick with the flu.

Maybe the boy feels bad without us?
- It’s bad for us without him. He has a cat there that you can grow and grow into. He is behind him - like behind a stone wall.

Congratulations, Sharik, you are a fool!

We have the means. We are not smart enough.

I barely have the strength to watch TV.

To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary, and we don’t have money!

Why was I harmful? Because I didn't have a bike. And now I’ll immediately become kinder!

Why are we all without milk and without milk, we could die!

Don't click me. Maybe I’m just starting to live - I’m moving on to retirement.

"Return of the Prodigal Parrot"

Tahiti, Tahiti... We haven't been to any Tahiti!... They feed us well here too.

Goodbye! Our meeting was a mistake!…

Ah well! Oh, that's how it is! Oh, it’s like being with a friend, right? How are you and your friend? Well, you know! I don’t regret my life for him, but he!.. No! No, it's all! End! Goodbye forever! Only death will save me from heartache! Good bye, my love, good bye!!..

It’s always like this: in the most interesting place!

Attention, all traffic police posts! Stop the blue Zhiguli cars! Be careful: the criminal is armed!
- Kesha, you again?
- What about me, what am I doing? I'm nothing! I... I'm okay! He can't hear it!

Freedom for parrots! Free-bo-do-pu-ga-yam! May there always be sun, may there always be sky, may there always be Vovka, may there always be me!

Do you know, Vovka, how bad I felt? I was alone, completely alone, and they... a crowd of scoundrels... all with bazookas! With helicopters!.. I’ll do it alone! The other one gets two! This one is behind! And I'm his chair!

- I can! I'll prove! I'll show you!.. They'll find out about me. They'll talk about me!...

- Oh, you grayness! It's a bubblegum!

Hello, Kesha, is that you?
- Yes, yes, it’s me, drinking orangeade, juice, yes, yes, right without leaving the pool.

Oh you! Haven’t you smelled life?! And I’ve had a whole summer, a whole summer: mowing in the morning, milking in the evening, then the cow farrows, then the chickens rush... And then the cherry tree has sprouted! The beets are starting to spike!.. You plow like a tractor... What if it rains during drying, eh?

Winnie the Pooh and that's it!

He was always not averse to refreshment. In addition, he was a poet.

Hello Rabbit. We accidentally walked past...
- Maybe you'll come in after all? Since you were walking by anyway.

Pooh, what should you spread - honey or condensed milk?
- Do you want honey or both? Both, and you can do it without bread.

It’s not such a simple thing to visit! When we walk, the main thing is to pretend that we don’t want anything.

Are you in any hurry?
- No, I’m completely free until Friday.

Are you leaving already? - asked the Rabbit.
- What, do you really have anything else?

It's not very polite to leave guests as soon as you're full.

No one can be sad when they have a balloon!

Sorry, I would like to know what color it was when it was a ball?
- Green.
- My favorite color is. What size?
- Almost from me.
- Just think, almost as big as you... My favorite size.

Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely!

Where are you going?

Don't know.

Then we're on our way.

I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all.

Excuse me, but is there no one at home?
- No one at all.
- Something is wrong here. Someone is still there! Someone should have said “no one at all”!

Free of charge - that is, for nothing.

Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life, Pooh!

Well? Stuck?!
- No! I'm just resting!

And this is all because someone’s doors are too narrow...

- No! All because someone eats too much!

And no one knew what the Rabbit thought, because he was very well-mannered.
