Photos of floristry for beginners using artificial flowers. DIY topiary made from artificial flowers. Master class with photos. Making bouquets of artificial flowers

Compositions from pre-prepared artificial flowers for home interior with their own hands are gradually replacing living plants. And if until recently such decor looked in most cases clumsy and tasteless, today it is able to compete with natural works of art - living roses, chrysanthemums, tulips and ficuses.

We make compositions from artificial flowers with our own hands

There is no need to prove that arrangements of artificial flowers in a cemetery are in any way superior to their natural counterparts. There will always be both supporters and opponents of such unusual artificial interior decor. We will simply provide a list of the positive and negative aspects of artificial flora in the room, and you can draw your own conclusions.

The positive aspects for interior decoration include the following:

  • artificial plants in pots for home interiors do not require the use of fertilizers, replanting, or watering;
  • there is no need to ask relatives or your neighbors to come to your home and water the green seedlings when you are away;
  • such artificial plants do not get sick and are not attacked by evil pests;
  • artificial flowers are a real salvation for flora lovers suffering from allergies to pollen;
  • if pets or small children accidentally knock over the container with the composition, you will not have to clean up the spilled black soil or wipe up the flower water;
  • artificial flowers are a wonderful opportunity for handicraft lovers to show their talents, because if you learn how to make artificial flowers and practice a little, you can decorate the interior with your own hands stylish decor in hand-made style;
  • Unlike living plants, artificial seedlings are completely unpretentious to living conditions. You can place them in the bathroom, hallway, dressing room and even on the loggia, without worrying that the plants will have a hard time staying in cold or dark conditions;
  • artificial plants give you the opportunity to choose your own color shade bouquet. If you like bright yellow sunflowers, but the entire interior is decorated in subdued colors and a classic style, and you don’t want the composition on the wall to stand out from the overall style of the room, there is a way out. You just need to tint the sunflower petals in a suitable shade.

The disadvantages of artificial compositions include the following:

  • artificial plants will not delight you with their floral aroma;
  • artificial plants made from cheap and not quality materials, may cause allergies;
  • leaves and petals may lose color saturation over time and fade under exposure sun rays;
  • Artificial plants still require care: you will need to wipe or wash them with water and soap from time to time to prevent dust from accumulating.

We told you about the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial flower arrangements. Now you can think about and decide how acceptable it is for you to use such elements in decorating your room.

Your interior, of course, will be decorated with compositions of artificial flowers, made by yourself with a master class. Such decorative elements can be used to decorate the interior of the room you are preparing for receiving guests. Your friends will also be pleasantly surprised if for the holiday you present them not just a bouquet of flowers, but a beautifully decorated composition, for example, in a wicker basket.

Artificial flower arrangements you can decorate it with your own hands in a wicker basket, because they don’t need water at all, they will for a long time to please you with my beautiful view, however, they will not fill your home with their unique floral aroma.
You can also decorate an unusual autumn composition in a wicker basket, which will include yellowed autumn leaves, berries and dry twigs, as well as dried flowers. Also, compositions made from artificial materials can be placed in a tea cup or teapot, and if you want to use them for decoration personal plot, then you can take an old iron kettle.

A selection of thematic videos for the article

After reading our article, we suggest watching a selection of thematic videos. This will allow for a more in-depth study this question. You can also learn other subtleties and tricks of making compositions. Enjoy watching!

Master class: Flower arrangements “Flight of Fantasies”

Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna teacher of the first junior group
Municipal preschool autonomous educational institution kindergarten general developmental type No. 11 MO Korenovsky district

Description of work:

The master class is designed for parents and teachers, all creative people. I bring to your attention five compositions at once, I called the master class “Flight of Fantasies”, each flower tree is your fantasy and such trees also symbolize differently when you make one original gift, be sure to put “your whole soul” into your work and then the result will be 100%.
Not a lot of history, we all know that the art of topiary has a long history. Original small trees, for the production of which natural and artificial materials, your imagination and each tree will be original in its own way, it will be very nice to receive such a craft as a gift and decorate your home with it.


The flower tree is intended as a gift to friends, acquaintances, as well as for interior decoration. Learn to create a flower tree from improvised material: artificial flowers, ribbons, and beads.

develop creative imagination, fine motor skills hands, an eye and of course patience.
Develop accuracy, cultivate perseverance when creating flower tree. In this tutorial I will show you how to make five flower topiaries from artificial flowers at once.
This is the kind of beauty we will create:

To create our topiary we will need:


1. Flower pots
2. Artificial flower heads
3. Gypsum, water
4. Artificial grass (lawn)
5. Glue gun
6. Various decor(ladybugs, butterflies, grapes)
7. Skewers
8. Plastic ball
9. Ball
10. Foam film
11. Tape
12. Toothpicks
13. Coffee beans

Step by step stage works:

Each master in the manufacture of topiary uses a base at his own discretion and according to his money. I tried many ways to make the base of a tree, the cheapest is to crumple up newspaper and wrap it in cling film to form a ball, flat paper or fabric flowers can easily be glued to this shape, foam balls or children's balls are used to insert flowers or fruits using toothpicks straight into the ball, using glue gun If you are making a heart, you can use polystyrene foam (sold at any hardware store). To start making trees, you need the pots to be filled with plaster and, of course, have time to dry
And so we start by preparing to pour gypsum into pots, dilute the plaster with water, install the “trunk”, in this case I used 6-7 skewers

having previously wrapped the tape with tape,

you can add small seedlings to the pot for strength, pour the solution into the pots, insert the stem and let it dry well, usually one day is enough

There is no need to insert the trunk immediately; after 10 minutes, when the plaster turns into a thick “porridge”, you can insert the “trunks”

In my master class, I used coffee, poured it onto still wet plaster, when the plaster dries, the coffee beans will also hold tightly

Now put our pots aside and begin preparing the top base. In the first example I will show this base, I caught my eye like this unusual blank with spikes in the shape of a ball, on which you can put artificial grass in this case

And we begin to string the grass step by step around the entire circle

This is the basis

I decided to make only such green and fluffy trees for my trees.

Once the plaster has thoroughly hardened, using a glue gun, we glue our fluffy green ball and begin to create

1.The first tree “Our Kuban Sun”

For this tree, I used sunflower heads, coffee beans

To begin with, we revive our sunflower, decorate the middle with coffee beans using PVA glue

Apply glue to the middle and glue the grains

and so are all the flowers, it should turn out like this

we begin to decorate the bottom while our flowers are drying, it’s your imagination, I used artificial lawn grass and ladybugs

sunflower flowers glued on hot glue, the bottom of the trunk was tied with three leaves using tape tape, and at the top there was a butterfly as a decoration and I got the first tree “Our Kuban Sun”

let's look from different angles

2. Second tree “Passion”

In this tree I decorated the bottom when the plaster had not yet hardened with the help of canapés and grass, inserted it into soft plaster

Added red flowers and decorative decoration and I got it like this

Now the crown, I used red flowers beads and greenery, placed and glued with a glue gun at the top and bottom

Decorated with red beads

The result is a tree of passion

3. Third tree “Tenderness”

For this tree I used very delicate color flowers similar to jasmine flowers. I decorated the bottom with flowers and glued the butterflies with hot glue.

Now the top of the crown, I glued the flowers in a chaotic order, on the right for shade there is a delicate twig with white flowers

It turned out to be a very delicate tree

4. Fourth tree “Grapevine”

In making this tree I used artificial grapes, artificial grape leaves, flowers purple, and various decor.

I decorated the bottom of my tree with artificial flowers and leaves.

Top, your flight of fancy, definitely a bunch of grapes, everything is glued with thermal glue, it holds up very well

And now the tree is in all its glory

5. Fifth tree “Breath of Summer”

This tree consists of a variety of wildflowers and you can arrange it at your discretion, the bottom can be decorated like this

The top will be so fun

In the end our tree will look like this

To decorate your home with an original composition, you don’t have to look for it in a store. , created with your own hands, will definitely fill your home with warmth and comfort.
Materials that will be required during the work process:
- transparent vase;
- colored chalk;
- fine salt;
- grater;
- glue gun;
- artificial flowers;
- bugs for decoration.
Prepare crayons and a vase. Its surface must be clean and dry.

Grate the chalk on a fine grater. The powder should not contain large particles.

Mix the salt and crayon powder in separate containers. Depending on the size of the vase, determine the number of tablespoons of salt for each layer so that they are the same in height.
Do colored salt using chalk is quick and convenient, but the color is not very saturated. If you want to get bright colors, try painting the salt with gouache. It will take a little longer, but the colors will be richer.
First, take five tablespoons of salt and add 7 ml of gouache, a little water and mix thoroughly. The color should be uniform. Then place the salt on thick paper and dry. To speed up this process, salt can be placed in the oven.
You can mix it if you wish different colors and get unusual shades of paint.
If your salt is coarse, then it must be crushed. Place in a bag and carefully go over it with a rolling pin.

Now fill the bottom and add a second layer. You need to pour it with a spoon, first from the edges and then in the center.
To achieve the effect of “interweaving” the layers, use a cardboard funnel to fill the container.

Alternate colors and make sure the layers are the same. To make them wavy, add a little more colored salt on one side. And when you cover everything with the next portion of salt, the position of the previous layer will be fixed.
While working, try not to tilt or shake the container, otherwise the layers will mix and the boundaries between them will become unclear.
This is what a filled pot looks like.

Prepare artificial flowers. Measure the desired height and cut off the unnecessary part.

In order for the flowers to stick well to the base, you need to fix the surface above the salt with hot glue. First, use hot glue to outline the rim of the vase. This must be done quickly, otherwise the glue will cool and not stick.

Then apply glue in a circle and make sure that there are no gaps between the glue strips.

In this case, the flowers were very tall and did not harmonize with the vase. Therefore, the stem of the flower is glued to the floral wire. This is how we achieved the desired height of the stem.

Artificial flowers are suitable for decorating any room. They will make it brighter and more comfortable, and will help you not to worry about constant care.

Everyone wants to add variety to daily life, however, what is the best way to do this? You can make the atmosphere of any room brighter and more comfortable with the help of figurines, crafts, souvenirs and other trinkets. However, the easiest way to decorate a house or workplace flowers. They will easily fit into any interior style, make the room more lively and fill it with colors.

How do you feel about using artificial flowers? We are sure that we will be wary and even with a grain of skepticism. In vain! We assure you that they provide much more opportunities to create original decor.

In addition, modern artificial analogues are in no way inferior in appearance to living plants, they are unpretentious in care and will delight their owners for a long time. Artificial plants serve as the basis for many creative original compositions - bouquets, panels, ekiban, collages and garlands. The popularity of this decor came to us from Europe and is growing every year.

Advantages and disadvantages of using artificial flowers

Aesthetic benefits for internal use flowers and plants are obvious. They enhance interior design and bring pleasure. But too often the psychological benefits are ignored or simply forgotten.

There are many studies that document that having flowers and plants in an office environment reduces stress, increases job satisfaction and improves employee morale, creativity and productivity. The use of artificial analogues has a number of pros and cons. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.


  • they do not need to be replanted, watered, or fed;
  • they don't require natural light, that is, they can be placed in the hallway, bathroom and other dark corners;
  • there is no land - the main source of dirt; children or pets do not have the opportunity to overturn the pot or pour the contents onto the carpet;
  • the plant does not get sick, does not dry out, there are no fallen dry leaves around it;
  • a child or beloved pet does not risk being poisoned or injected with the plant they like;
  • people with pollen allergies can enjoy a beautiful analogue;
  • you will not worry about who will water the flowers during your departure;
  • artificial plants - a great opportunity For creative personalities. You can express yourself and decorate your home with beautiful flower arrangements;
  • if you need to move from one place to another, you will not have any problem.


  • even artificial plants require regular care- leaves and buds will have to be cleaned of dust and washed;
  • you can forget about the subtle floral aroma wafting throughout the house;
  • if they stand on a windowsill or balcony, they will soon risk burning out and losing their aesthetic appearance;
  • cheap analogues can emit bad smell, sometimes even cause allergies.


There is a simple way to ensure that an artificial bouquet gives a delicate aroma. You can resort to essential oils. A few drops on fabric flowers - and pleasant incense will fill the room.

Artificial plants in the interior of various rooms

Arrangements made from artificial flowers can be placed in any room, but it is important to understand the most harmonious combinations and correctly determine the place for them. When decorating, take into account the overall style of the room. For example, gladioli or roses are suitable for the Baroque style, and bright sunflowers are suitable for the Provencal style.


The hallway is often the most dark place in a house where natural light does not reach well, and electric light is turned on extremely rarely. Living flora placed in the hallway will quickly wither and die . Therefore, this room is considered ideal for decorating with plants made of fabric, plastic, polymer clay.

The hallway is what your guests see first, so give it as much attention as the living room. She deserves a little effort on our part and creative ideas. As a rule, this room is quite cramped, so it will be emphasized favorably by a vine that will gently hang from the side wall of the cabinet with outerwear. If there is more space in your hallway, it would be appropriate to place a high floor vase with herbs.


If in your hallway old renovation, a mess and it just looks neglected, don’t place flowers there. This will further emphasize her lack of grooming and worsen the impression. It’s better to quickly start repairing and putting things in order!

Decorative elements should emphasize the atmosphere of comfort and correspond total area. We recommend that you decorate your kitchen shelves with small vases and baskets, which will ideally complement jars of cereals and spices. Interesting option- flowerpot.

The dining table will look more elegant if you place a vase next to the fruit dish. To make your kitchen interior more original, replace standard flowerpots with an old teapot, glasses or salad bowls of fancy shapes. It is in this room that compositions of dried flowers, herbs and even twigs with dried berries or fruits will be most appropriate.


Place imitation violets on the windowsill, upper tier Decorate cabinets or shelves with authentic clay pots with wildflowers. On dinner table place a jug with variegated plants.

Living room



Due to high humidity, there is no point in keeping natural bouquets in the bathroom, whereas products made from polymer clay or plastic will not deteriorate and will add coziness. Consider the overall design of the bathroom and decorate according to it. You can place a large glass vase next to a cabinet with cosmetics or decorate a mirror.


Use floral decor not only for the permanent decoration of your home. Select compositions for specific holidays or seasons. For example, on the eve of Christmas you can decorate front door a wreath with mistletoe, and for Easter she will prepare a composition of buttercups.

Flower arrangements: varieties

Floral arrangements are ideal for room decor. They are unpretentious and easy to care for. Carefully thought out artificial decor will last long years. It will enliven the living space and help create a positive mood. What types of compositions exist?

Flowers in pots

Exact copies of real plants are very popular in decorating homes, offices, beauty salons and restaurants. They look good and successfully mask the flaws of the room. This applies to forked communications or uncovered pipes. Climbing plants, or rather their imitations, are good at distracting attention from the pipes.

Large flowerpots with artificial palm trees or ficus trees also cope with the task of hiding planning flaws. Mostly artificial plants in pots are made green with unusual shape leaves, flowering species are used only occasionally.


You can enhance the effect of naturalness with the help of green branches; they will not differ from the real ones. You can use a floral sponge or foam as a base.

Flowers in glass vases

Surely you have a couple or three unoccupied glass vases that you received as a gift for one of the holidays. There is no point in them standing idle, use them for original compositions and decorate your home. Making a beautiful intricate bouquet will not be difficult, the main thing is to consider the size and shape of your vase.

A tall and narrow version is well suited for artificial roses or tulips, while in a small wide vase feel free to place a neat bouquet with trimmed stems.


Add a resemblance to living plants and pour water into the vase for naturalness. Small flowers in a glass or glass will look harmonious in the kitchen, and tall glass vase will decorate the dining table.


German art style in the design of bouquets it is suitable for both artificial and real flowers. Large flower heads on short stems are collected into a round bouquet. Identical elements (plants, decor) are arranged in circles.


Make a bouquet like different plants, and from the same colors different shades(such as white and purple roses). Arrange each decorative element very tightly, add spikelets or beads if desired.

In a Biedermeier style composition, the leaves or stems themselves should not be visible, only the buds and inflorescences themselves. Such luxury will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room and bedroom. However, you need to pay attention to the colors. For the second option, choose products in soft and pastel colors.

Make thorough preparations, purchase materials in advance the right colors and other decorative elements. It is important to make at least four circles, so you will have to prepare a lot of artificial buds.


Artificial floral compositions are often decorated in panels. Massive elements have long been made using a wire panel at the base, as well as moss. Later, with the development of the industry, they were replaced by special sponges, which are sold in florist stores.

A composition of artificial flowers, greenery and fruits is placed tightly on this sponge so that there is no free space left at all. They come in different sizes.

Hanging basket

A decoration with flowers that can easily be hung on the wall can also serve as a lamp. We recommend using baskets only in spacious rooms. In small narrow rooms they will look unfavorable and steal space.


Place both a classic luxurious bouquet and climbing plant. Ivy will help hide repair defects and will fit under various options wall decoration.

Basic materials and care

Amazing floral products that do not require frequent care are made from various materials.

The most popular are:

To create a composition you will need:

  • polymer clay;
  • wire;
  • scissors (it is advisable to look for a model with curved ends);
  • glue;
  • mold;
  • stack;
  • ribbon.


To recreate the natural veins of a flower, use mold. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to find a mold that imitates ranunculus. Therefore, feel free to purchase the option with rose veins.

Let's get started:

  • Read the instructions on the polymer clay packaging. Some manufacturers recommend leaving it for a while before sculpting to allow it to breathe. With clay from other suppliers, you can start working right away.
  • Let's start by making some yellow ranunculus. Prepare three types of clay - yellow, green, uncolored. The first one will be needed for most of the petals, the second one for the middle.
  • Roll two colored balls. Add a little undyed material to one green and one yellow to make them a little paler.
  • Pinch off a small piece of green color and roll it into a ball with your hands. Prepare a piece of wiring and pre-bend it top part to make a loop. Dip it in glue and thread a small ball through it.
  • To create the center of the flower, use scissors. Make several cuts, moving from the top to the center. The bottom should remain intact.
  • Now let's start making the petal. Separate another piece from the green clay. Roll it out into an oval shape. Use a stack and make the flat piece of clay curve at the sides. Make four more petals in this manner.
  • Use glue and attach them to the base of the flower. Each petal should slightly overlap each other.
  • Now we use light green clay. Make the petals in the same way and glue them to the bud in a circle. You need to recreate several rows.
  • From light yellow clay we glue two more rows of delicate petals.
  • The last rows are bright yellow color it is necessary to make it no longer smooth, but with characteristic veins. For this you will need a mold.
  • Make five pieces of bright green clay and roll out a cup for the flower. Glue it to the base.
  • Unfold the red napkins and place them one on top of the other.
  • Trim the edges of the white napkin and place it on top.
  • Carefully fold the layers into an accordion, tie them exactly in the middle with thread.
  • Round the edges and smoothly straighten the bud.
  • Insert a toothpick into its base and glue it with tape.
  • Use tape to hide the tape.

Such artificial products will resemble the shape of real carnations!

Recently, you can increasingly see a variety of compositions made of artificial flowers for the interior. We will try to find out what criteria they need to be selected by, what to look for Special attention to get the desired result.

Selection rules

In order for the interior of the apartment to acquire individuality and additional charm, you can choose original compositions from artificial flowers. For example, with the help of velvety roses, delicate lilies, amazing orchids, you can decorate the interior of your apartment.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences after completion design works, it is necessary to select uncrumpled lush flowers for the interior, not to purchase branches with frayed petals, to check the presence of buds and leaves, and also to make sure that the selected compositions are durable.

Corridor decoration

Compositions made from artificial orchids or roses are quite appropriate here. Real fresh flowers are not suitable for the interior of the corridor, since they will wither due to insufficient sunlight.

Advice! When choosing artificial flowers for a corridor, interior experts suggest choosing tall flowers that can be placed in a floor vase, or small branches that will serve as decoration for a mirror.

Flowers for the modern kitchen

Taking into account the specifics of this room, stylists suggest placing vases with decorative peaches, oranges, and apples in the kitchen. Bundles of artificial garlic, peppers, and onions would be quite appropriate over a work apron. Vases and pots with decorative roses or orchids.

Living room decorated with artificial compositions

This room is business card house or apartment, so it is important to be especially careful when choosing artificial flowers to decorate this room. Original ideas, rules for selecting artificial flowers, as well as photo and video review finished interiors look for the link

If you plan to decorate the living room in country house, in the center of which the real wood burning fireplace, it can be decorated using original artificial flowers.

For example, next to soft sofa you can install a ficus bush, or put a palm tree. Decoration coffee table there will be a small vase with decorative fruits.

Bedroom decor

In this room, it is advisable to use artificial compositions with extreme caution.

Attention! Don't forget that flowers can attract dust, so instead of artificial composition It’s better to choose a small bouquet of original dried flowers for the bedroom.

But for a balcony or loggia, professionals consider artificial flowers ideal option to create a harmonious home environment. Due to temperature changes and changes in air humidity, it is difficult to choose fresh flowers that will delight their owners on the window of a balcony or loggia, and here original compositions of artificial flowers come to the rescue.

Specifics of caring for artificial compositions

You do not need to have special knowledge in order to fully care for artificial flower arrangements created in a residential interior. You can limit yourself to wiping them with a damp cloth several times a month.

Professionals do not give specific advice on choosing the type of artificial flowers, but remind you of their clear advantages: long service life, low cost, an excellent assortment, simplicity and ease of maintenance, and flower arrangements maintaining their original appearance throughout their entire service life.

People are created to live in complete harmony with living nature, they strive to surround themselves beautiful objects, flowers, make the interior of your home or apartment as cozy and comfortable as possible. Natural flowers - perfect material for decoration, but they quickly lose their beautiful appearance, and then completely fade away. In order to cope with this problem, interior experts advise choosing compositions of artificial flowers for decorating living spaces.

The creators of modern synthetic and polymer materials used in production innovative technologies, so there is no need to fear for the quality and safety of those materials that are chosen to create single and spray roses, orchids, tulips, lilies.

Excellent decorative bouquets can be selected from latex, plastic, synthetic and natural fabric. Thrifty housewives try to create unusual flower arrangements with their own hands, arm themselves with beads, glass beads, braid, and realize their creative imagination.

Silicone flowers are practically no different in appearance from their living counterparts. This material accurately conveys the smallest details of the flower, has a long service life, is easy to maintain, and is not afraid of direct sunlight hitting the finished product.

Among the main disadvantages that can be identified in silicone flowers, we note them high cost. The reason is that flower arrangements are created by hand, which significantly increases the final cost of the product.

Fabric imitations of fresh flowers began to be used in China, and currently they are used by interior designers to decorate residential premises in different parts of our planet.

For modern interiors they create compositions in which satin, silk, cambric, and crepe de Chine are used as materials for flowers.

Flowers made from modern plastic also look elegant and original. Buyers are attracted not only by their aesthetic appearance, but also low price, as well as ease of maintenance.


Artificial compositions can increasingly be seen in the works of experienced interior specialists. They are convinced that artificial flower arrangements made from safe and high-quality materials are beautiful decorative element for urban and country interiors.