Formation of the government of Udmurtia. System and structure of state power in the Udmurt Republic. Composition of the government of Udmurtia

Today, January 18, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Yaroslav Semenov, a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission under the Head of the Udmurt Republic on the implementation of the state program for the SD “Comprehensive development of housing and communal services in the SD” was held. In 2018-2020, the implementation of the federal project will continue, and residents of municipalities themselves must choose the public areas that they want to see landscaped.

The key topic of the meeting was summing up the implementation results priority project“Formation of a comfortable urban environment”, improvement of courtyard areas and public spaces settlements in 2017, as well as discussion of plans for 2018-2022.

Opening the meeting, Yaroslav Semenov, in particular, emphasized that improvement issues come to the fore in the work of the authorities, and the solution to this problem is paramount. The implementation of the project is given the closest attention by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who on January 17 took part in the forum of small towns and historical settlements. One of the topics of this event was summing up the results of the first year of implementation of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.” Speaking at the forum, the head of state, in particular, emphasized that all decisions regarding the improvement of public spaces and courtyard areas should be made solely based on the opinion of residents.

“I ask the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities and Energy of the Republic to analyze the results of the forum of small towns and historical settlements held the day before with the participation President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The delegation of the Udmurt Republic also took part in it. Colleagues at the forum presented our municipalities. In addition, a decision was made to allocate a significant amount of budget funds for the implementation of projects for the improvement of small towns and historical settlements. Therefore, we need to work out how we will participate in the competition for projects for the development of public spaces. Please provide information for the next meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission under the Head of Udmurtia,” emphasized Yaroslav Semenov.

Talking about the results of the first year of implementation federal project, First Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities and Energy of the Ural Republic Ivan Novikov, in particular, noted that the experience accumulated over the past year will become the foundation for the implementation of a socially significant priority project in the coming years. In 2017, 273 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for its implementation. Co-financing from the SD budget amounted to 122 million rubles. Municipalities and owners invested more than 36 million rubles in the project.

In the city of Sarapul, the highest percentage of co-financing for the repair of courtyard areas by owners was achieved - up to 21%. In total, in 2017, 293 courtyards were landscaped in 32 settlements. The main type of work carried out was paving the yard and parking spaces. Ivan Novikov noted that this need has been formed over the years, however, from the point of view of improving the urban environment, only paving the yard will not create favorable conditions for recreation, increasing the level of culture of people spending free time. It is necessary to reconsider the approach to the issue of landscaping courtyards, pay attention to the presence in the courtyard of play areas, areas with small architectural forms, as well as to increase the accessibility of public facilities, courtyard areas for people with disabilities and low mobility groups population.

In 2017, 9 public spaces were landscaped in Izhevsk, Glazov, Votkinsk, Sarapul, Mozhga, Kambarka, Kez, Karakulino and Uva. Also, as part of the project, work was carried out to improve the park in Mozhga. For these purposes, 8.23 ​​million rubles were allocated from the federal, republican and municipal budgets. All cities and districts participating in the 2017 project completed work on landscaping courtyards and public areas on time.

As in 2017, in this year Special attention will focus on informing citizens about the implementation of programs on the Internet and the media. Most municipalities have already created communities and pages in in social networks, where they conduct active information work. In addition, it is necessary to intensify work on posting information on official websites, as well as visualizing the actions of the priority project.

Ivan Novikov noted that Udmurtia’s participation in the priority project will continue in subsequent years. Before February 15, 2018, it is planned to sign an Agreement between the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Urals for the provision of subsidies. According to the budget for 2018, it is planned to allocate 346,671.9 million rubles for the improvement of courtyards and public areas. (approximately for five years - 1,733,360 million rubles), public spaces - 6,732.3 million rubles. (approximately for five years – 33,661 million rubles)

Participation in the implementation of the project 2018-2022. will accept settlements with a population of over 1000 people. There are 89 such settlements in the Udmurt Republic. To date, all local government bodies have approved municipal programs. Each municipality will receive cash based on the five-year plan - in proportion to the number of citizens. The improvement of courtyard areas must be carried out with the mandatory involvement of funds from the owners.

It should be noted that the Government of the Russian Federation has made changes to the Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies to regions from the federal budget to support state and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment. In accordance with them, local government bodies of municipalities with a population of over 20 thousand people are obliged to ensure voting on the selection of public areas for improvement.

The heads of the above-mentioned municipalities spoke about the implementation of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”, as well as the prospects for improvement for the next five years in the cities of Izhevsk, Mozhga, Zavyalovsky and Kezsky districts, and the Uvinskoye municipal district.

Thus, the head of the city of Izhevsk, Yuri Tyurin, noted that in the next five years in the capital of Udmurtia, as part of a federal project, it is planned to improve 179 courtyards and 15 public spaces. Already in 2018, it is planned to renovate part of the Central Square and the park named after. Kirov (to create a fan zone for the World Cup). In total, it is planned to spend almost 173 million rubles on the implementation of the program this year. The head of Izhevsk said that on March 18, the day of the presidential elections in Russia, ranked voting will be organized at polling stations so that residents themselves can choose those public spaces that will ultimately be included in the federal program. Preliminary work on ranked voting has already begun. On March 18, a similar ranked vote on the choice of public spaces will be organized at polling stations and in the Kez district.

At the end of the meeting, Yaroslav Semenov focused the attention of the commission members on the need to create conditions for broad public involvement in the implementation of the federal project to create a comfortable urban environment. An innovation in 2018 is the mandatory holding of direct rating voting by municipal residents to select projects for the reconstruction of public spaces. The head of the regional cabinet of ministers emphasized that this is the most objective and direct way to assess public opinion and take it into account when making decisions. In addition, he recalled that there should be a team approach to the implementation of the project.

As part of the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, the Prime Minister also set a number of tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of work to create a comfortable urban environment.

In particular, the heads of districts and cities were instructed to provide the Ministry of Construction of Udmurtia with information on eliminating the deficiencies identified by January 20 public organizations during monitoring of the implementation of a priority project in the territory of municipalities.

“It is the implementation of a project in a particular subject, from voting to timely delivery of work and sending reports, that is the criterion by which the subject is assessed Russian Federation. The provision of additional financial support also depends on it. We see the same thing in the “Safe” project quality roads" It is the timely elimination of comments and the sending of all reports that gives us a chance to claim larger amounts than those allocated this year,” summed up Yaroslav Semenov.

Izhevsk Udmurtia. Head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov announced new structure government. According to him, it should start working on January 1, 2018, the head of the republic said on Monday, October 2, during the third meeting of the first session of the State Council of the Udmurt Republic.

“The position of the head of the administration of the head and government of Udmurtia has not undergone any changes. The head of the administration still coordinates the actions of the following departments: the department for ensuring the activities of justices of the peace, the committee for civil registry affairs, the ministry national policy, the press and mass communications agency and the archives committee,” said Brechalov.

The economic block of the government will include the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of physical culture, sports and youth policy.

“A new ministry will appear - this is the Ministry of Information and Communications,” explained Brechalov.

The financial block of the government will include the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Property Relations, the Ministry of Transport and Roads, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Energy and the State Supervision Inspectorate.

“Here we will have serious structural changes: the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy and the Ministry of Energy, Housing and Communal Services will be merged government regulation tariffs. Essentially we are repeating federal structure. In addition, we are combining the state housing inspection and the state construction supervision inspection,” explained the head of Udmurtia.

The social block will include the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and social policy and the Ministry of Culture. “The Ministry of Health will include a department for licensing medical and pharmaceutical activities. We are also merging the Ministry of Social and Demographic Policy and the Ministry of Labor and Migration Policy,” said Alexander Brechalov.

He also added that the next block will include the ministry natural resources(will include the Ministry of Forestry), the Veterinary Department and the Ministry Agriculture and food (includes state inspection for supervision of technical condition free cars and other types of equipment).

“The last bloc is the Deputy Prime Minister, the permanent representative of the head of Udmurtia to the President of Russia,” summed up the head of Udmurtia, Alexander Brechalov.

As a result, the number of ministries was reduced by three.

In Udmurtia, a change in the structure of the government is in full swing for the second month. Its formation is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Only a few officials who had experience working in the republic before the appointment of Alexander Brechalov as acting head were able to become among the heads of the most important regional departments. About the Varangians and locals in the new government - in the FederalPress material.

new broom

Already at the first session of the State Council of Udmurtia after the elections, Alexander Brechalov proposed his changes to the structure of the government of the republic. According to his ideas, the areas of responsibility of deputy prime ministers have been significantly changed. Thus, the Ministry of Transport and Transport entered the bloc together with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services, as well as the State Housing Inspectorate and the State Construction Supervision Inspectorate, which will also become one department. Another block included the Ministry of Agriculture and the Main Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Protection environment, which will include the Ministry of Forestry. In addition, a number of ministries working in related industries were merged, for example, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Policy.

Political expert from Izhevsk Alexander Balitsky believes that the team of “ambitious young pragmatic guys” corresponds to the tasks set by Alexander Brechalov for the new cabinet of ministers. Moreover, the goals set for the new government are constantly becoming more complicated external factors. For example, this is a serious national debt of the republic. And there is also a demand from Russian President Vladimir Putin to deal with the resettlement of those in need from emergency housing, which was announced following the results of the “direct line”, when a resident of Izhevsk showed the barracks in which she was forced to live. There is also a long-standing unresolved problem of increasing salaries for teachers and doctors, as was promised following the signing of the “May” decrees by the president in 2012. A new disaster has been added to the number of problems in Udmurtia - the explosion and collapse of a residential building in Izhevsk, as a result of which hundreds of people were left homeless, and three entrances of the nine-story building were recognized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations as dangerous. With all these problems, the renewed government with a new structure should start working on January 1, 2018.

Personnel loss?

The latest was the resignation of the former Minister of Sports Igor Krasnov, a decree about this was signed by Alexander Brechalov. Since 2009, Krasnov has quite successfully led his industry. Through his efforts, a lot of events are taking place in Udmurtia aimed at developing children's, youth and family sports. But he was dismissed anyway and it has already been announced that the next minister will take this position through a competition.

Alexander Balitsky expressed the opinion that the desire to renew the management team does not always justify such resignations: “Krasnov, in my opinion, was among the few who were certainly up to any task<…>Not only does he fully correspond, but in many ways he is even head and shoulders above others and an order of magnitude more capable than others. In fact, I would look at this as a big loss of personnel for the republic. This was perhaps one of the few ministers who was not only in his place, but who was truly a charismatic figure for the area and sphere in which he worked. Both athletes and young people who were and are in his department saw in him a real intelligent and competent leader.”

It is interesting that in the highest echelon of power, Igor Krasnov remained one of the last officials who were born, raised and built their careers in Udmurtia.

By the way, against this background, the resignation of Minister of Agriculture Alexander Prokhorov went almost unnoticed. But in the end, the head of Udmurtia brought Varangians to leading positions. At the same time, political scientist Andrei Kolyadin does not see anything wrong with this and gives the example of Sevastopol: “The head of the region, he hired the bulk of the people who came from outside Crimea to work for him. Of the 13 deputy governors there, 12 were invited from outside.”

Yaroslav Semenov and his team

Yaroslav Semenov was agreed to the post of chairman of the government of Udmurtia. The candidacy for the position of Prime Minister was personally presented by Alexander Brechalov. According to him, initially there were two contenders for this post, but Yaroslav Semenov more successfully coped with the task assigned to him to improve the situation in the road sector. Back in August, federal authorities gave positive assessment implementation of the “Safe and Quality Roads” project in the republic. Now Semenov also faces the task of reducing the region’s debt burden and reducing the budget deficit. At the same time, Yaroslav Semenov has already stated that the government needs to reconsider approaches to Udmurtia’s participation in federal programs, focus on developing agriculture and attracting investment. There are already four deputy prime ministers in the government of Yaroslav Semenov who have never had anything to do with Udmurtia.

Brechalov appointed Sergei Smirnov to another key position. He headed the administration of the head and government. Virtually all internal politics Udmurtia will be dealt with by Smirnov, who worked in this position as acting. from April 7, 2017. In addition, the governor appointed Sergei Smirnov as his deputy. Previously, the position of deputy head of the Udmurt Republic did not exist; during the period of vacation or illness, the head of the region was replaced by the chairman of the government.

The press secretary of the head of the region, Ekaterina Volkova, after the appointment of Smirnov as head of the administration, said that the new powers would strengthen interaction with the federal center, parties, as well as work with municipalities: “This is an innovation associated with the strengthening of the internal political bloc.” In addition, the head of the administration of the head and government of Udmurtia is obliged to supervise the Ministry of National Policy, committees for the registry office of archives, press and mass communications agencies, and the department of justices of the peace.

Yuri Bychkov, a well-known politician and businessman in Udmurtia, believes that this correct solution: “A team is being formed from outside people. That is, their own elite and local people were unable to form their own leaders<…>This means that you will be controlled by other people. Maybe they will manage better, they will generally manage perfectly.” His disappointment is understandable to Andrei Kolyadin: “The local elites are very concerned about this. They believe that the region has its own personnel who should be invited. And they express concern about this...”

Local beau monde

Only a few representatives of Udmurtia were able to become among the heads of the most important republican departments. Thus, Stanislav Evdokimov, who has headed the regional Ministry of Finance since 2014, again headed it. Its work will be supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Strokov, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation. Political consultant Andrei Kolyadin understands the purpose of such a structure: “Based on the fact that federal money could be sent there, the people who send it wanted this money not to go into the local sand, without changing anything within the republic.”

Tatyana Churakova will head the Ministry of Social, Family and Demographic Policy of Udmurtia. The ministry, according to the new government structure, will be merged with the Ministry of Labor and Migration Policy. This process must be completed by January 1, 2018. Larisa Buranova retained the post of Minister of National Policy. Chairman of the Government of Udmurtia Yaroslav Semenov, presenting her candidacy, emphasized that she is well acquainted with the problems of her industry, efficient and professional. Regional policy expert Alexander Balitsky believes that these two appointments are just “a courtesy to the national character of the subject and nothing more.”

It is interesting that the most traditionally “execution” ministerial portfolios also remain in the hands of local nominees. Svetlana Bolotnikova became the acting Minister of Education and Science of the region, and Andrei Vozdvizhensky was appointed acting Minister of Health. Alexander Balitsky believes that this distribution of responsibilities is completely justified: “It is clear that the ambitions that our current leaders have declared are very ambitious and require, naturally, a new team. Because in order to realize all the “massive plans” that Brechalov’s comrades have, it really cannot be realized with old baggage... Therefore, it is clear that he stirs up and changes everything. But not always with these changes, the desire to update is coupled with the understanding that there are people who can fully meet the new tasks of the new team.”

Andrey Kolyadin, assessing the composition of the government of Udmurtia and comparing it with the processes of updating the governments of other regions of the country, notes that this approach (mixing the most talented local officials and using promising invitees) is now the most common in Russia: “This, in essence, removes a number of local issues elite who expects to enter the processes domestic policy in the region and issues of external political actors, who also recommend certain people to the government.<…>Eat whole line interested parties among financial and industrial groups, in the Russian government, and the presidential administration, who are in one way or another interested in the region developing and having as few problems as possible.”

However, Varangians also find themselves in ministerial positions. For example, one of the traditionally key ministries, the Ministry of Construction, was headed by Ivan Yastreb. In the future, he will head a new structure that will emerge after the merger of the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services. Previously, he worked in the ONF project “For Fair Procurement”. Local builders could not characterize the new minister in any way - they simply do not know him. Now the new minister faces several difficult tasks. For example, the issue of demolishing a house damaged as a result of a domestic gas explosion on November 9 needs to be resolved. At the same time, hundreds of people living in dilapidated houses that are subject to demolition will be resettled. The new government and the Ministry of Construction need to find funds for compensation, rental housing, construction or purchase of hundreds of new apartments.

Experts note that these and other tasks of the new government are complicated by the fact that the budgets of the republic, Izhevsk and other municipalities of Udmurtia are set up with a serious deficit. The regional budget receives loans from the federal budget to refinance debts to commercial banks. Although, if you believe financial statistics, Udmurtia is a net donor to the federal budget and a little more than a third of the taxes collected in the republic are returned to local budgets.

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Udmurt republic

Geographical position. The Udmurt Republic (Udmurtia) belongs to the Volga Federal District and is located in the western part of the Middle Urals between the Vyatka and Kama rivers. The area of ​​the republic is 42.06 thousand square meters. km. (0.25% total area Russia), surpasses such Western European countries as Belgium, Switzerland and is approximately equal to the area of ​​Denmark. The length of the territory from north to south is 297.5 km, from west to east – 200 km. Total length borders 1800 km.

Borders: in the north and west with Kirov region, in the east - with Perm, in the southeast - with the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the south - with the Republic of Tatarstan. Such a neighborhood opens up broad prospects for mutually beneficial economic integration and provides relatively high level competition in the struggle for investments, sales markets, and labor resources.

From the capital of Udmurtia, Izhevsk, to Moscow is 970 km. St. Petersburg - 1370 km, Ekaterinburg - 450 km, Kazan - 279 km. The territory consists of a number of hills and lowlands. Basic natural areas: taiga (in the northern part) and subtaiga (in the southern part).

The position of the republic in the middle and northern latitudes and the absence of nearby seas and oceans cause moderate continental climate with cold snowy winters and warm summer and well-defined transition seasons.

Time zone MSK+1.

Population. Udmurtia is a multinational republic where representatives of more than one hundred and seventy nationalities and ethnic groups live. The most numerous of them are Russians, Udmurts and Tatars. According to preliminary data from Udmurtstat, as of January 1, 2017. The permanent population was 1517.1 thousand people. 65.5% of the population lives in cities (more than half of them in Izhevsk) and 34.5% in rural areas. The density is 36.07 people per square kilometer, which is more than 4 times the Russian average. For January-November 2016 the population decreased by 10 people. Over the 11 months of 2016, 19,466 people were born in Udmurtia. This is 809 fewer people than in the same period last year. Life expectancy in the republic today is 70.5 years.

National composition according to the 2010 census: Russians - 62.2%, Udmurts - 28.0%, Tatars - 6.7%, Ukrainians, Mari, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Belarusians, Besermyans, Chuvashs, Germans, etc. – over 100 nationalities in total.

There are two in the republic state languages– Russian and Udmurt.

The range of religious trends in the region is represented by both traditional and new religious movements. The predominant ones are Orthodox, Protestant and Muslim associations. There are also Buddhist, Jewish and Old Believer communities.

Natural resource potential. As of January 1, 2015, the structure of the land fund of Udmurtia is dominated by forest lands, which account for 48.7%), as well as agricultural lands - 44.3%. The share of other lands is 7.0%.

The subsoil of Udmurtia is rich in minerals. Highest value have oil, peat and Construction Materials. Deposits of hard and brown coal have been discovered. The largest peat deposits are located in the basins of the Kilmez and Cheptsa rivers. Limestones, clays, sands, and gravels are common.

For the first time, industrial oil was produced in the republic in January 1955. The annual volume of oil production is more than 10 million tons, and according to this indicator, Udmurtia ranks 13th in Russia.

The nature of Udmurtia is rich and picturesque. Udmurtia is located in the zones of southern taiga and mixed forests, which occupy over 40% of the territory.

The most common are spruce, pine, birch, linden, aspen, and oak is also common. The flora of the republic is represented by more than 1,700 plant species. The fauna of Udmurtia is quite rich: the forests are home to elk, wild boar, bear, fox, marten, ermine, badger, wolf, hare and other species of animals. Birds include hazel grouse, wood grouse, black grouse, partridge and others. The rivers are inhabited by bream, roach, perch, ide, and burbot.

All rivers of Udmurtia belong to the Kama basin, the largest of them are Izh, Cheptsa, Vala and Kilmez. There are six reservoirs on the territory of the Udmurt Republic. In Udmurtia there are mineral springs, healing properties which are used by sanatorium and resort institutions, as well as great amount underground sources of drinking water, for which Udmurtia is called a spring region.

Administrative-territorial structure. The Udmurt Republic is part of the Volga region federal district. Consists of 6 cities and 25 rural areas. The capital is Izhevsk (642.0 thousand people). Other cities: Sarapul (99.2 thousand inhabitants), Votkinsk (98.2 thousand inhabitants), Glazov (94.6 thousand inhabitants), Mozhga (49.7 thousand inhabitants), Kambarka (10.6 thousand inhabitants). residents).

State structure. The highest official of the Udmurt Republic is the Head of the Udmurt Republic. September 14, 2014 Alexander Vasilyevich Solovyov was elected head of the Udmurt Republic with a term of office of 5 years.

The highest legislative body is the State Council of the Udmurt Republic. The State Council is unicameral, elected for 5 years in the number of 90 deputies according to mixed system(50% for republican party lists in proportion to the number of votes and 50% for single-mandate districts). Chairman of the State Council - Vladimir Petrovich Nevostruev (elected on May 25, 2013).

In October 2012 at the next elections to the State Council, the party “ United Russia”, which received 53.19% of the votes. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation received 17.23%, LDPR - 10.8%, A Just Russia - 5.07%, Patriots of Russia - 4.47%, Communists of Russia - 2.31%, Yabloko - 1.71%, Russian environmental party "Greens" » – 1.49%, Green Alliance – People’s Party – 0.63%, Democratic Party of Russia – 0.59%, Cities of Russia – 0.5%. Thus, 4 parties are entering parliament - United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia.

The Government of the Udmurt Republic is the highest body in the system of executive authorities. Chairman of the Government – ​​Viktor Alekseevich Savelyev (appointed on October 11, 2014).

The Udmurt Republic has its own state symbols: coat of arms, flag and anthem. National emblem The Udmurt Republic is round shield red and black with a white swan with open wings depicted on it. The flag is a rectangular panel consisting of three vertical stripes of equal width: the left one is black, the middle one is white, and the right one is red. In the center of the white stripe there is an eight-pointed solar sign in red. The national anthem is the music of the composer G.A. Korepanov for the song “Native Kama River” in the author’s arrangement of the composer A.G. Korepanov to the words of A.A. Sheptalin.

The statehood of the Udmurt people in the form of the Votsk Autonomous Region dates back to November 4, 1920. Since 1928 the region was part of the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, and in 1934 it was transformed into the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and became part of the Kirov region. Since 1935, directly subordinate to the RSFSR. In 1937, the territory was expanded by including the Votkinsk, Sarapul, Kambarsky, and Kizner districts. Since 1991 – Udmurt Republic.

Socio-economic status. According to the main macroeconomic indicators, the Udmurt Republic is included in the group of regions of the Russian Federation with an average level of development.

The economy is distinguished by a diversified structure, the presence of powerful industrial potential and highly qualified personnel, a developed agro-industrial and construction complex, rich natural resources, and dynamically developing financial, credit, scientific and technical spheres.

Today in the republic there are more than 250 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises with modern technical equipment and experienced staff. Design base, intellectual potential defense enterprises are competitive advantages republics.

Udmurtia produces 90% of Russian hunting and sporting rifles, rocket and space technology, equipment for nuclear power plants, automobiles, medical equipment, oil and gas equipment, rolled steel, communications equipment, radio electronics, as well as consumer goods.

The main fuel and energy resources used in the Udmurt Republic are natural gas and coal.

Udmurtia accounts for 1.4% of the all-Russian and 6.2% of the level of the Volga Federal District of gross agricultural output.

Natural and climatic conditions allow the development of diversified agriculture, the production of food and raw materials for the processing industry.

The main part of arable land is soddy-podzolic soils.

The predominant forms of management are collective, based on private ownership of land and property. There are about 350 large, medium and small agricultural organizations operating in the republic.

The republic fully meets its needs for basic foodstuffs. It accounts for 7.9% of milk, 6.1% of meat, 8.9% of eggs produced in the Volga Federal District.

According to preliminary estimates, in 2016 the volume of gross regional product in Udmurtia is projected at 500.6 billion rubles, which is 0.2% less than in 2015, and the index industrial production in 2016 – 107.8% compared to the previous year.

According to Udmurtstat data based on the results of 10 months of 2016. average wage amounted to 25.9 thousand rubles. Official unemployment rate at the end of 2016 amounted to 0.97% of the economically active population.

International connections Udmurtia covers 94 countries (92 countries in 2015).

For 9 months of 2016, the foreign trade turnover of the Udmurt Republic amounted to 525 million. 342.7 thousand US dollars and compared to the same period in 2015 decreased by 47.3% (-471 million 441.9 thousand US dollars). At the same time, exports decreased by 41.6% and amounted to 336 million 567.7 thousand US dollars, imports decreased by 55.1% and amounted to 188 million 775.0 thousand US dollars.

The share of foreign trade turnover of the Udmurt Republic in the foreign trade of the Volga Federal District was 1.75%.

Balance trade balance of the Udmurt Republic for January - September 2016 was positive and amounted to 147 million 792.7 thousand US dollars; compared to the same period in 2015, the balance decreased (-5.7%) by 8 million 961.7 thousand US dollars

Trade turnover of the Udmurt Republic with foreign countries in reporting period amounted to 467 million 923.1 thousand US dollars, which is less by 237 million 108.3 thousand US dollars (-33.6%) compared to the same period in 2015.

The trade balance with these countries was positive and amounted to 112 million. 361.3 thousand US dollars. Compared to the same period in 2015, the balance decreased by 209 million 525.9 thousand US dollars (or -65.1%).

Exports compared to the same period in 2015 decreased by 223 million 317.1 thousand US dollars (-43.5%) and amounted to 290 million 142.2 thousand US dollars. Imports decreased by 13 million 791.2 thousand US dollars (-7.2%) and amounted to 177 million 780.9 thousand US dollars.

The share of the foreign trade turnover of the Udmurt Republic in the foreign trade of the Volga Federal District for 9 months of 2016 was 1.75%. In terms of foreign trade volume, the Udmurt Republic ranked 10th (for 9 months of 2015 - 8th place).

The legal framework for international contacts includes 4 agreements:

  • Agreement with the Government of the Republic of Belarus on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation;
  • Agreement with the Akimat of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation;
  • Agreement with the People's Government of Hubei Province of China People's Republic on trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation.
  • Agreement between the Government of the Udmurt Republic of the Russian Federation and the Akimat of the Pavlodar region of the Republic of Kazakhstan on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation dated September 16, 2015.

Udmurtia does not have representative offices in foreign countries.

On the territory of the republic there are 2 objects that fall under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Accumulation and Use of chemical weapons and its destruction (Kambarka and the village of Kizner).

IN international activities Municipalities also participate. As part of sister city cooperation, Izhevsk has established connections with seven cities.

MASS MEDIA. At the beginning of 2017, 262 mass media were registered in Udmurtia, including 159 print media (40 magazines, 115 newspapers, 3 bulletins, 1 almanac) and 103 electronic media (23 television, 79 radio programs and channels, one electronic periodical ).

Subordinate to the Ministry of Culture, Press and Information of the Udmurt Republic - 36 newspapers and magazines, a television and radio company, and a news agency.

Culture and tourism. In Udmurtia there are 15 theater and concert organizations, 32 museums, a state republican circus, a zoo, 543 public libraries, 7 theaters, 8 concert institutions, 58 children's art schools, 665 cultural and leisure institutions, 2 secondary institutions vocational education, Center for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers of the Udmurt Republic, Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects.

The original culture of the Udmurts is represented by the State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Udmurt Republic “Italmas”, the State Folk Song, Music and Dance Ensemble of the Udmurt Republic “Tanok”, the Udmurt State Theater of Folk Song “Aikai”, and the folk group “Buranovskie Babushki”.

Every year (since 1958) the republic has held music Festival, dedicated to the birthday of P.I. Tchaikovsky, and since 2008 – the International Festival of Circus Arts.

Many types of tourism are developing in the Udmurt Republic, including the most common according to consumer preferences: cultural and educational, hunting and fishing, business, rural, event, active (including sports and recreational), environmental, medical and recreational. “Weapon shopping tours” are popular, during which you can not only purchase weapons Izhevsk production, but also test it on a shooting stand.

Transport network Udmurtia includes 779 km railways, 16263 km of roads common use, including hard surfaced – 6039 km, 180 km of navigable river routes with access to the Caspian, Black and Baltic Sea. The most important river ports are Kambarka and Sarapul. Navigation on the Kama River within the republic. Duration of navigation – 6.5 months. The airport of JSC "Izhavia" corresponds to class "B" and has an artificial runway with asphalt concrete pavement with a length of 2500 meters, corresponding to the first category of the international association ICAO.

Science and education. The training of highly qualified specialists in the republic is carried out by 5 state and 3 non-state universities, branches of 12 state and 7 non-state universities. Largest universities: Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy.

Udmurt Republic

House of the Government of Udmurtia
Izhevsk, Pushkinskaya street, no. 214
general information
A country
Jurisdiction Udmurtia Udmurtia
date of creation 1994
Predecessor agency Council of Ministers of the Udmurt Republic
Headquarters Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 214
Chairman Yaroslav Semyonov

The work of the Government is led by the Chairman, also informally called the Prime Minister. The permanent body of the Government is its Presidium.

The structure, powers and procedure for the activities of the Government are determined by the Constitution of Udmurtia and the Law of the Udmurt Republic “On the Government of the Udmurt Republic”.


Formation order

The composition of the Government and its Chairman are approved State Council UR on the proposal of the President of Udmurtia. Thus, the nominations of the Prime Minister, his deputies and the Minister of Finance are submitted by the President for approval to the State Council no later than two weeks after taking office. The remaining members of the government are appointed by the head of Udmurtia on the proposal of the prime minister. Since the term of their appointment is not regulated by law, the terms of office of the chairman and members of the government may not coincide.

In 2014, the formation of a new cabinet of ministers took place publicly for the first time. Those wishing to become ministers could submit an application through the Internet portal “Open Government of the Udmurt Republic” and take part in online voting.

Composition of the government of Udmurtia

The current composition of the government of the republic - the Semenov government - was mainly formed at the end of 2017. From the previous Cabinet of Ministers (Savelyev's government), dismissed in April of the same year, only three ministers were able to retain their positions - finance, culture and national policy.

Job title Supervisor Took office
Chairman of the Government Yaroslav Vladimirovich Semenov September 26, 2017
First Alexander Alexandrovich Svinin December 21, 2017
Deputy Prime Minister Anastasia Aleksandrovna Mutalenko April 26, 2018
Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Ivanovich Strokov November 28, 2017
Deputy Prime Minister - Permanent Representative of the Head of the Udmurt Republic to the President of the Russian Federation Mikhail Viktorovich Khomich October 2, 2017
Head of the Administration of the Head and Government
Udmurt Republic
Sergey Vitalievich Smirnov September 19, 2017
Minister of Finance Stanislav Petrovich Evdokimov November 6, 2014
Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Energy Ivan Vladimirovich Yastreb May 8, 2018
Minister of Property Relations Anna Anatolyevna Botalova November 10, 2017
Minister of Health Igor Georgievich Titov April 5, 2018
Minister of Culture and Tourism Vladimir Mikhailovich Solovyov October 11, 2014
Minister of National Policy Larisa Nikolaevna Buranova October 11, 2014
Minister of Education and Science Svetlana Mikhailovna Bolotnikova December 15, 2017
Minister of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy Natalya Vladimirovna Goltsova April 20, 2018
Minister of Agriculture and Food Olga Viktorovna Abramova April 20, 2018
Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Denis Nikolaevich Udalov April 20, 2018
Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Alexandrovich Lashkarev August 28, 2018
Minister of Social Policy and Labor Tatyana Yurievna Churakova December 9, 2017
Minister of Transport and Roads Alexey Viktorovich Gorbachev November 22, 2017
Minister of Economy Mikhail Ivanovich Tumin December 20, 2017
Minister of Information and Communications Timur Rishatovich Medzhitov January 1, 2018
Head of the Main Department of Veterinary Medicine Roman Fiyusovich Gabdrakhmanov October 5, 2018
Head of the Main Directorate for State Supervision Evgeniy Viktorovich Pozdeev (acting)