Federal program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”: a designer’s view. Project "formation of a comfortable urban environment" Comfortable urban environment project approved

The national priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” requires further development with the participation of the expert community

October 31, 2017 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation a meeting of the Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and communal services was held on the topic “Economics and ecology of the urban environment. R The role of business, budgets of all levels and authorities, managers and owners of apartment buildings in creating the economy and ecology of the urban environment » .

The meeting was attended by representatives of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, experts from the Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on environmental management and ecology, heads of management organizations, representatives of the professional community in the field of ecology, nursery farming, landscape architecture and design, etc.

During the meeting, views were exchanged on the following issues:

    the role of business in shaping the economy and ecology of the urban environment;

    the role, powers and financial capabilities of municipalities to create a comfortable and favorable urban environment;

    state regulation and financing in the field of improvement;

    possibilities and limitations of the national project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”;

    necessary support measures (including government support) in creating a comfortable and favorable urban environment;

    Russian model of creating a comfortable and favorable urban environment, taking into account historical experience and existing practice;

    problems of financial support for the maintenance of the urban environment;

    measures to support small businesses in this area; development of basic government frameworks for the development of entrepreneurship;

    legislative and regulatory legal documents requiring development and modification.

The meeting was broadcast on the Internet.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the RF CCI Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Field of Housing and Communal Services Andrey Shirokov. In his opening remarks, he emphasized the relevance of the topic, since it concerns every citizen. “The topic of creating a comfortable urban environment is largely a topic for tomorrow, but we need to talk about it and discuss existing problems today”, - said Andrey Shirokov. “And it is very important to focus our attention on the role of entrepreneurs in ensuring the formation of a comfortable urban environment, to understand what problems exist in this business, and to prepare constructive proposals for the Government of the Russian Federation”, - emphasized the Chairman of the Committee.

supported him Olga Shtemberg, chairman of the subcommittee on a new quality of life and sustainable development of regions of the Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on entrepreneurship in the field of environmental management and ecology. She noted, in particular, that the quality of life is a very pressing problem, the development of the national priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” is very timely, and the tasks set in it are ripe. “It is very correct that the project has certain deadlines and responsible persons”, - said Olga Shtemberg. However, in her opinion, the project has both positive and negative sides. There is no place for business in it, the expert concluded, all participants except business are registered. In addition, calculation methods and indices of the quality of the urban environment require adjustment with the involvement of the business community.

Next the floor was given Veronica Mezhetskaya, Deputy General Director of CJSC Scientific Research Center for Municipal Economics, who was one of the initiators of consideration of this topic at the Committee meeting. She posed the question whether the national priority project could create a comfortable urban environment, ensuring key positions, namely accessibility, safety, friendliness and environmental friendliness of the urban environment.

Veronika Mezhetskaya supported the opinion of Olga Shtemberg that calculation methods and indices of the quality of the urban environment raise a number of questions and require expert assessment. Separately, the expert focused on issues related to the lack of economics for maintaining urban environment objects, the need to adopt standards for planting material and support the nursery industry. In conclusion, Veronica Mezhetskaya said: “Today it is clear that the national project will not solve the problem of creating a favorable urban environment, and it is precisely such an environment that must be ensured by the Constitution of the Russian Federation”.

The director of the Savvateev Nursery spoke on behalf of the nurserymen Irina Savvateeva. She shared with the meeting participants the problems occurring in this business. “State nurseries have practically disappeared, and those that remain exist only due to strong directors and their enthusiasm”. On a Russian scale, there are now very few nurseries, mostly private. But the state does not support them in any way. According to Irina Savvateeva, there is an urgent need to change the system of city tenders, which is currently not designed for the final result and is often corrupt.

Separately, Irina Savvateeva focused on the problems with the planting material used for landscaping. “The nursery needs time to grow the required planting material, so city tenders should be held so that the final result is designed to last several years. In our country, tenders are held based on obtaining results in the near future, so there is a massive purchase of planting material in Europe, which negatively affects the development of domestic business.”.

In addition, Irina Savvateeva noted that in the field of urban landscaping there is a big personnel problem, which affects the quality of landscape design in cities. “There is a need for a state program to support producers of planting material; it is necessary that only professionally trained people engage in landscaping, and that domestic planting material is used”, concluded the nursery manager. She also spoke in favor of the need to adopt standards for planting material.

The director of the “Urban Economy” direction of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation spoke at the meeting. Vladilen Prokofiev, who dwelled in detail on the advantages and disadvantages of the content of the national project and emphasized the existing problems in the regulatory framework in this area.

Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region Alexey Belovodov shared with the event participants the ministry’s experience in implementing the national priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.” To successfully complete assigned tasks “it is important to create an atmosphere of constructivism aimed at creation”, noted Alexey Belovodov. According to his information, the ministry has developed regulatory requirements for improvement rules without any reference standards, which are strictly observed, specific responsible persons and deadlines have been identified, and active citizens and businesses have been involved. The higher the comfort of the urban environment, the higher its investment attractiveness and, accordingly, profitability, concluded Alexey Belovodov.

Representatives of the professional community in the field of ecology, landscape architecture and design told the meeting participants about existing problems, difficulties, their own experience in overcoming them and made proposals for the development of domestic business engaged in the field of urban improvement and landscaping.

Speakers at the meeting Nikolay Fionov– Head of the Urban Environment Development Department of the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow, Ekaterina Samukhina– Deputy General Director for Design of JSC Institute of Environmental Design and Surveys, Pavel Danilov– Head of the Project Office for Housing and Communal Services and Urban Environment (branch of the Federal Autonomous Institution “Project Directorate of the Ministry of Construction of Russia”) Olga Talivanova– Director of the Association of Planting Material Producers, Rashid Artikov– Deputy Chairman of the Technical Committee TK-393 for standardization “Services (work in the field of housing and communal services and the formation of a comfortable urban environment”), etc.

Summing up, Andrei Shirokov noted that a very interesting conversation took place, the topic is truly pressing and requires attention. “Our once green cities are turning into deforested forests, how many old and diseased trees are due to improperly selected planting material, how many construction sites and large urban facilities have been cleared of plantings. In addition, the urban environment is not only benches and trees. These include shops, restaurants, and other infrastructure in which people live and work. All this should be perceived favorably and have a positive impact on the quality of life and health of people. We will recommend to the Government of the Russian Federation to properly plan urban improvement projects, calculating future orders for domestic business.”, concluded Andrei Shirokov.

Based on the results of the Committee meeting, taking into account all the positions expressed, proposals will be prepared to the Project Committee on the main direction of the strategic development of the Russian Federation “Housing and communal services and the urban environment”.

Committee of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on entrepreneurship in the housing and communal services sector

The topic of urban improvement is one of the most serious problems that covers almost all cities and towns of our country.

Understanding the complexity of this issue, in September 2016, Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev, at a meeting of President Vladimir Putin with the United Russia faction in the State Duma, took the initiative to create a federal program for the improvement of Russian cities, which would cover the entire country. The President of Russia, in his annual address to the Federal Assembly, supported this initiative and called the issue of urban improvement one of the priority areas of work of the Government of the country.

In order to create conditions for a systemic increase in the quality and comfort of the urban environment, at the end of 2016, the project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” was launched throughout Russia under the leadership of the Ministry of Construction.

The main goal of the project is the improvement of all populated areas of the country with the obligatory consideration of the opinions of citizens.

In this case, during the implementation of the project it is assumed:

Involving business representatives in the improvement process;

Adopting new or updating existing landscaping rules;

Formation of the Federal Register of the best implemented improvement projects in order to disseminate best practices in the field of improvement.

St. Petersburg plans to implement the project using budget funds St. Petersburg and local government.

Citizens with suggestions can contact:

1. To the Improvement Committee St. Petersburg.

2. To the District Administration.

3. To a municipality.

Development in St. Petersburg The project “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” is aimed at ensuring that residents feel comfortable and comfortable in their home, in their city.

IN St. Petersburg In 2017, 561 intra-block territories and 18 public spaces were developed. The address list of objects for 2017 is posted in the “Address list of the Program for 2017” tab.

In 2018, 573 intra-block territories and 19 public spaces were developed. The address list of objects for 2018 is posted in the “Address list of the Program for 2018” tab.

The tab "Address list of the Program for 2019" contains up-to-date information about the facilities where improvement work is planned in 2019.

In addition, on this section of the site you will find methodological recommendations and all the necessary information about the project and the conditions for participation in it, get acquainted with the proposals of residents, and also learn the results of discussions of your initiatives. All this will allow us to evaluate in practice the effectiveness of decisions made and receive prompt feedback from citizens.

We are confident that our joint work for the benefit of the city will allow us to develop the basic principles for implementing measures to create a modern, comfortable urban environment. The result of our fruitful interaction will be renovated driveways, landscaped and comfortable courtyards, which will significantly improve the quality of life in our city!

“Formation of a comfortable urban environment” is a priority project of the Ministry of Construction, initiated by the United Russia party and designed for 2017–2022. During this time, the authorities are going to comprehensively improve all courtyards and public spaces in all municipalities of the country with a population of more than 1,000 people. At the same time, the residents themselves will choose the courtyards that need repairs.

In the Belgorod region in 2017, four municipalities will participate in the program - Belgorod, Gubkin, Belgorod and Shebekinsky districts.

Why only these four municipalities?

They were selected by the regional housing and communal services department based on the criteria outlined by the Ministry of Construction. In 2017, there were several mandatory ones:

1) Participation in the regional center program

2) Participation in the single-industry town program

The Belgorod and Shebekinsky districts were chosen because in these territories in 2016, programs for the overhaul of high-rise buildings were actively carried out. In addition, these municipalities wanted to co-finance the project.

How much will the project cost and who will pay?

The project is being implemented on co-financing terms: more than 263 million is a federal subsidy and 135 million is money from the regional budget. Another 76 million 830 thousand will be added by municipalities. Thus the total budget for the Belgorod region for 2017 is 475 million 664 thousand rubles. Of this, two-thirds will be spent on repairing courtyards and another third on improving public spaces.

Photo by Elena Baytinger

How will yards be selected for the program?

If earlier people thought that officials choose which yard to repair and which not, now residents will determine this themselves. Anyone can submit an application to the local administration or housing and communal services department with a proposal to improve their yard. All municipalities have created commissions, which include house elders, representatives of social movements, etc.: they will consider applications and form a so-called address list - a list of courtyards that will be repaired. The main criterion, again, is the recent overhaul of houses.

What will they do with the yard?

How exactly to improve a particular yard will be decided at a meeting of owners, not only of residential premises, but also of shops, offices - everyone who uses the yard. When the list of works is approved, the local architecture department will draw up a design project, which residents will again be able to discuss at meetings and make their own adjustments - everyone will be able to influence the progress of the improvement. If people cannot agree, the meeting will be held again, and the final version of the project will be adopted by a majority vote. Next, a contractor will get involved and must complete all the work by the end of 2017.

What do I have to do with it?

The project involves participation in the improvement of townspeople - either financially or laboriously. This means that residents are not prohibited from chipping in themselves, for example, for additional play equipment or plant seedlings for a flower bed. However, this is not necessary: ​​holding clean-up days and maintaining a well-maintained yard clean also count. The desire or unwillingness of residents to continue to monitor their yard is one of the conditions that can significantly affect the acceptance of their application.

How exactly will the courtyards be transformed?

There are mandatory and additional lists of work. Mandatory work includes repairing driveways, sidewalk paths, installing benches and trash cans, lighting, etc. The list of optional works includes landscaping, arrangement of additional parking areas, installation of sports or children's equipment - whatever the residents themselves choose.

Photo by Natalia Kozlova

How many yards will be renovated in 2017?

There is no exact figure yet - it all depends on the number of applications and the budget. On average, repairing one courtyard costs 6–8 million rubles, but a large courtyard in a new building may require all of 20 million. Therefore, a commission with the participation of citizens will choose: whether to make one huge courtyard for 20 million or spend this money on four courtyards in Khrushchev-era buildings at once . The regional housing and communal services department expects to improve about 40 courtyards this year.

What will be developed besides the courtyards?

As part of the program, public areas (for example, embankments) will also be developed - one in each municipality. Residents can already submit applications and propose certain public spaces for consideration by the commission. About 158 ​​million rubles from the project budget will be spent on their improvement.

For example, in Belgorod, city residents can propose their own version of a public area that will be landscaped this year. Voting is carried out on the Active Citizen portal. Proposals for both courtyards and public areas will be accepted until April 10.

What about parks and squares?

The development of parks and squares is a separate project with separate funding, designed for cities with a population of 250 thousand people or more. This year in the Belgorod region only the park named after. Lenin in Shebekino - as the only park in this municipality. 11 million rubles will be spent on its improvement: 3.5 million will be given by the region, 7.5 million by the federal subsidy. If there are several parks in the municipality, citizens will choose one of them (next year).

What then?

Then regional authorities will develop a five-year program for 2018–2022. All municipalities and all settlements where more than 1,000 people live will participate in it. How many federal subsidies the region will receive next year depends on how the program is implemented in 2017. At the end of the year, a commission created under the governor will select the best two from the renovated courtyards of Belgorod, Gubkin, Shebekinsky and Belgorod districts, the projects of which will be sent to the Ministry of Construction. There they will form a rating, on the basis of which subsidies will be distributed for the next year. So far there are no figures for 2018, and there are no criteria by which regions will have to determine municipalities to participate.

Elena Baytinger

On budgetary allocations for the implementation of projects to create a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements Resolution of March 7, 2018 No. 237, order of March 6 No. 387-r. Funds in the amount of 5 billion rubles are allocated from the reserve fund of the Russian Government for the implementation of projects to create a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements. State support will ensure the implementation of such projects in at least 80 small towns and historical settlements.

December 25, 2017, On changes in the procedure for providing subsidies to support regional and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment Resolution of December 16, 2017 No. 1578. The changes made to the Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to regional budgets to support state programs of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment establish the procedure and conditions for conducting rating voting for the selection of public areas subject to improvement. This will allow the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments to prepare a five-year program for the formation of a comfortable urban environment that will best meet the interests of residents of municipalities.

September 27, 2017, General issues regarding the implementation of national projects On the interim results of priority projects in the areas: “Mortgage and rental housing”, “Housing and communal services and the urban environment”, “Safe and high-quality roads”, “Ecology”, “Reform of control and supervisory activities”.

April 18, 2017, Road maintenance On changes and additions to the passports of priority projects “Safe and high-quality roads”, “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” and “Ensuring the quality of housing and communal services”

February 13, 2017, Urban Economics. Urban environment On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies to support state programs of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment Resolution of February 10, 2017 No. 169. The Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation to support state programs of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal programs for the formation of a modern urban environment have been approved. The federal budget for 2017 provides funds in the amount of 20 billion rubles for these purposes.

February 8, 2017, Urban Economics. Urban environment On decisions following a meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects

January 25, 2017, Urban Economics. Urban environment Briefing by Mikhail Me at the end of the meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and Priority Projects On the progress of the implementation of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.”

January 25, 2017, Urban Economics. Urban environment On the progress of the implementation of the priority project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.”

December 5, 2016, Urban Economics. Urban environment The passport of the priority project in the main direction of strategic development of the Russian Federation “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” was approved The key goal of the project is to ensure the comprehensive development of modern urban infrastructure based on unified approaches.

November 21, 2016, Road construction On passports of priority projects in the main areas of strategic development “Safe and high-quality roads”, “Housing and communal services and the urban environment”, “Small business and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives”.