Minced pike perch. Fish cutlets from pike perch. Steamed minced fish cutlets

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today I want to invite you to prepare a very, very tasty side dish or an independent dish - rice with vegetables in the oven. Everyone loves this kind of rice; both adults and children eat it with pleasure. For cooking, I often use steamed rice; as for vegetables, here give preference to your favorite vegetables, and, of course, seasonal ones. In summer, the choice of vegetables is quite large, but in winter you can get by with frozen and canned ones. In this version, I suggest you use celery, carrots, onions, asparagus, and corn. You can add a little garlic and spices to taste. This rice can be served with a salad of fresh vegetables, you can add herbs. I have kindly described a detailed recipe with step-by-step photos of this dish for you. I think this information will be useful for you -.

- steamed rice – 1 cup,
- canned sweet corn – ½ cup,
- black Eyed Peas– ½ cup
- carrots – 1 pc.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- garlic – 2 cloves,
- Bell pepper- 1 PC.,
- celery – 2 stalks,
- salt, pepper, dry paprika - to taste,
- vegetable oil – 30 ml.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Prepare all the necessary ingredients. You can immediately turn on and preheat the oven. Set the temperature to 170 degrees. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse and dry. Cut the onion into cubes, cut the carrots into cubes. Transfer the vegetables to the pan, add asparagus, bell peppers and celery, chopped as desired. Pour in a little vegetable oil and fry the vegetables for 5-7 minutes.

Transfer vegetables to a large bowl.

Add sweet corn to the vegetables, add a couple of cloves of garlic, which need to be peeled and cut into pieces.

Add rice to vegetables.

Mix all the ingredients well, add a little salt and pepper at your discretion, you can add more spices. Stir again.

Place the rice and vegetables in a mold and pour in clean warm water. Seal the pan with foil and place in the oven; cook the rice for 30 minutes. Check for readiness and add more water if necessary. Serve the finished rice with vegetables to the table. I'm sure you'll like this one too

Rice is a valuable source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This cereal is especially useful for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, as well as for those who have excess weight.

Scientists believe that it is thanks to the consumption of rice that Japanese women do not gain excess weight and maintain their beauty for a long time. long years. You can cook this cereal different ways. In addition to traditional cooking, it can be baked in the oven.

In fact, cooking rice in the oven is quite simple, All the necessary components will probably be found at home. To give rice a unique taste, bake it with any meat, fish, vegetables and spices. This is very convenient, because you don’t need to cook rice and cook meat separately. You can prepare a delicious and quick dinner for the whole family. Rice in the oven is a unique dish that perfectly preserves all the beneficial substances of the ingredients.

Ingredients for rice in the oven

  • 250 g rice
  • 1 onion
  • 300 g of any meat
  • 2 carrots
  • spices
  • greenery
  • oil

How to cook rice in the oven

  1. Wash and peel the carrots. Grate it on a fine or coarse grater, as you like. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  2. Turn on the oven and set it to heat up to 200 degrees. While it is heating up, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, add the onion and fry for a minute.
  3. Then add grated carrots and meat to the pan. Pour in a little water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Take a baking dish and place the prepared roast into it. Place a layer of uncooked rice on top and add spices. Now add water at the rate of 500 ml per 1 cup of rice, stir.
  5. Cover the dish and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Before serving, garnish the rice with chopped herbs.

Rice is eaten as an independent dish, side dish or as part of other more complex recipes. The most famous dishes made from this cereal vary significantly in the set of ingredients, but the method of preparing them is approximately the same - on an open fire or on a stove. If you are already bored with known recipes, you can try cooking rice in the oven.

Why cook rice in the oven?

The question may arise if traditional ways Rice preparations are well known and have long been loved by millions of gourmets around the world, why change the established order of things that suits everyone? There are several arguments for this:

  • When cooked in the oven, rice loses less nutrients and vitamins.
  • In the oven, the pan heats up evenly over its entire area, so a situation in which food burns on the bottom but remains raw in the center is impossible.
  • Cooking in the oven is easier than on the stove. In many recipes, ingredients are added in a strict sequence and only at a certain time. It is very easy to get distracted by something extraneous and miss the right moment. As a result, the dish will turn out too dry, burnt or boiled. The pan is placed in the oven with all the necessary ingredients, so it is difficult to make a mistake during the cooking process.
  • All your favorite rice dishes can also be prepared in the oven, which will give their taste new bright shades.

How to cook rice in the oven?

Boiled rice is a very simple, but tasty and satisfying dish. The cereal prepared in this way is suitable as a universal side dish or as the main part of a meal - it occupies one of the main places in the diet of many dietary nutrition systems.

To simply cook rice in the oven you need:

  • rinse the cereal;
  • pour the cereal into a saucepan, add water, add salt to taste, cover with a lid;
  • Place in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 180°C.

If you pre-soak the rice in cold water for 1-2 hours, after cooking it will become crumbly.

You can make the cooking process a little more complicated:

  • the rice is washed, poured into a pan, water is added, and then salt to taste;
  • the pan is placed on the stove;
  • after the water boils, cook the rice for about 15 minutes, then remove from the heat;
  • The dish is transferred to a pan with thick walls and placed in the oven for another 15 minutes, preheated to 160 °C.

For those who do not like meatless dishes, you can try another recipe:

  • the cereal is washed and soaked for about an hour;
  • the rice is placed in a frying pan and poured with a small amount of vegetable oil, after which it is fried for no more than 2 minutes;
  • the cereal is transferred to a baking dish;
  • salt to taste is dissolved in water, after which it is poured over the cereal in a baking tray;
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 200 °C and bake for 40 minutes.

Finally, the taste of rice can be diluted with vegetables and spices:

  • 1 carrot grated on a coarse grater, 1 onion finely chopped;
  • 1 cup of rice is thoroughly washed in cool water;
  • Heat vegetable or vegetable matter in a frying pan olive oil, fry the onion for about 5 minutes, and then the carrots;
  • Place the rice in a frying pan, add a pinch of ground red pepper and coriander, fry for about 5 minutes;
  • Remove the pan from the heat, add 2 glasses of water and place in the oven, preheated to 180 °C, for 20 minutes.

Meat dishes with rice in the oven

You can cook a huge number of rice dishes with the addition of meat in the oven.

The central ingredient of the following recipe is meat broth (chicken, lamb or beef - it just depends on personal preference):

  • 3 cups of rice are washed and placed in a wide baking dish;
  • fill the mold with 1.5 liters of meat broth, cover with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180 °C for about 45 minutes;
  • while the dish is being prepared, grate 0.5 kilograms of hard cheese;
  • take out the baking sheet, add 80-90 grams of butter, black pepper and salt to taste, and then sprinkle with grated cheese;
  • The finished dish is laid out on plates and served on the table.

Those who prefer a pronounced meat taste should please themselves and their household with another recipe:

  • 2 cups of round rice are washed, then placed in a deep plate and filled with water for about 1 hour, during which the liquid is drained several times and replaced with a new one;
  • 2 onions, peeled and finely chopped;
  • 2 carrots grated on a coarse grater;
  • 600 grams of pork cut into small cubes;
  • Heat a small amount of olive oil or butter in a frying pan;
  • Place the onion in a frying pan and fry for about 1 minute over medium heat;
  • add carrots to the onion, mix and also fry for 1 minute;
  • carrots and onions are transferred to a baking dish;
  • Place the meat in a frying pan and fry over high heat until golden brown for 2-3 minutes, add a little more oil if necessary;
  • remove the pork from the heat and add to the onions and carrots, mix everything and add salt and spices to taste;
  • drain the water from the rice, then spread the cereal on top of the mixture of vegetables and pork;
  • fill the dish with 1 liter of hot water;
  • Cover the mold with a lid or foil, then place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25-30 minutes.

When many gourmets mention rice, the first thing they think of is pilaf. The famous oriental dish can also be prepared in the oven.

An incredible variety of rice dishes can be prepared in the oven. This cooking method allows the food to retain more useful substances. Baked dishes acquire an amazing flavor bouquet and do not lose their natural aroma. Try to prepare such delicious, healthy, original dishes from pearl grains.

How to cook rice in the oven

To prepare an unusually tasty lunch, you need to know the rules for choosing grains and combining products. Baking rice in the oven is not difficult. It is important to guess the correct dose of liquid so that the dish is crumbly, tastes good, and is not overcooked. Some recipes recommend pre-boiling the rice until half cooked, others recommend frying it in oil, like pilaf. There are also those where you just need to put the ingredients together, add water, and bake. Prepare in large heat-resistant forms and small, portioned pots.

How to choose the right rice

The choice of rice grains depends on the dish you are going to cook and on your personal preferences. Traditionally, sweet porridges and casseroles are prepared from the round variety, and meat dishes, porridge with vegetables and mushrooms, from the long variety. The taste qualities of round and long rice cereals are identical. Before you choose a good product, inspect the pack carefully. The grains must be whole and of the same size. For some dishes, steamed rice is used; it cooks faster.

Oven baked rice recipe

When choosing a recipe, first of all decide what role the cereal will play in the dish. Will you cook it as a side dish, or will rice cereal become an important ingredient in a complex dish (meatballs, casseroles)? Perhaps you have sweet porridge with pumpkin and raisins for breakfast? Choose a recipe to your liking, prepare a set of ingredients, turn on the oven, and start creating!

With Chiken

A dish suitable for a festive feast and for an everyday lunch is chicken stuffed with rice in the oven. Its recipe has been tested by generations of housewives, but now it is no less popular than among your mothers, aunties and grandmothers. In a modern oven, the dish turns out incredibly beautiful. To prepare it, you need to buy a large broiler chicken, it will become a baking container, the basis of the treat, business card feast.


  • cereal – 1 cup;
  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc. (large);
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Grease the washed and dried chicken with sour cream mixed with crushed garlic.
  2. Prepare the filling. Boil the rice until half cooked. Saute chopped vegetables using oil. Mix everything, salt, season with spices.
  3. Place the prepared mixture inside the chicken, sew up the hole or chip it with toothpicks.
  4. Place the bird in a heat-resistant dish and bake in the oven for 1.5 to 2 hours. During the baking process, occasionally baste the chicken with the resulting fat, then the chicken will delight you with a beautiful golden brown crust.

With meat

If you want to pamper your family amazingly delicious food and original serving, cook rice with meat in a pot in the oven. This dish requires pork, beef or lamb. A combination of two types of meat is also possible. If desired, cook this dish with poultry. You can use wings, drumsticks, thighs, breast pieces. Roasted vegetables pleasantly complement the taste of meat. A dish cooked in portioned pots should not be transferred to a plate. The composition of the products is given for one ceramic container.


  • rice cereal - 0.5 cups;
  • pork – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc. (average);
  • sunflower oil– 5 tbsp. l.;
  • water or broth - 1 glass;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop and sauté carrots and onions. Use 2 tablespoons of oil.
  2. Fry the cereal in the remaining oil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cut the pork into pieces and fry.
  4. Place meat, rice, and vegetables in the pot. Add water or broth, salt, season with spices.
  5. Place the pots in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

With fish

A side dish of rice cereal is suitable not only for meat. Fish baked with rice in the oven is a tasty, healthy dish, rich in potassium, phosphorus and saturated amino acids. Both pots and a general baking dish are suitable for its preparation. A wide variety of fish can be used for this dish. Cod, pink salmon or salmon are especially excellent here. The described recipe is more accessible; the taste of the dish is determined by pollock and vegetables, including sweet peppers. Take the steamed product, it will not stick together.


  • cereal – 1 cup;
  • fresh frozen pollock – 1 pc. (approx. 500 g);
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc. (large);
  • bell pepper – 1-2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 50-60 g;
  • tomato sauce– 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise – 200 g;
  • salt, pepper, seasoning for fish;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Make fried onions and carrots.
  2. Thaw the fish, remove the fins, remove the bones, and cut into pieces. Fry the pieces of fish fillet, first salting them and sprinkling them with flour.
  3. Boil the cereal until half cooked.
  4. Cut the pepper into thin strips.
  5. Place rice grains, fried fish, fish, peppers in layers in a baking dish. Apply a grid of mayonnaise. Add some salt and spices.
  6. Dilute the tomato sauce with a glass of water and pour this liquid over the prepared dish.
  7. Bake for about half an hour. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

With minced meat

Every housewife periodically solves the problem: how to prepare a hearty lunch from simple ingredients. An excellent option would be a casserole with rice and minced meat in the oven. This lazy dish is a wonderful alternative to boring cutlets. Delicious casserole Cooking rice in the oven is easy and quick and will look beautiful. You can add a variety of vegetables, cheese, and herbs here. Use any minced meat, but it’s better to make it at home from meat or poultry. As part of the described dish bell pepper, tomatoes, two types of cheese.


  • chopped meat- 1 kg;
  • round rice – 0.3 kg;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • large carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • suluguni cheese – 100 g;
  • greens, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Add grated carrots, finely chopped suluguni, and greens to the minced meat. Salt, season with pepper, add egg, stir.
  2. Rinse the cereal and boil it until tender. Don't forget to salt the cooking water.
  3. Grease a baking dish, lay out layers of rice, minced meat, tomatoes, cut into slices. Cover everything with grated cheese.
  4. The dish must be baked at 180 degrees. This will take approximately an hour.


Meatballs – meat dish, which must contain rice. They are prepared with red (tomato) or white (sour cream) sauce and served as a separate dish. The meatball recipe described below is interesting with sour cream and tomato sauce delicate taste. Meatballs in the oven are not only tasty, but also beautiful, hold their shape well, and have an appetizing crust typical of baked foods. They can be made from minced meat or chicken.


  • minced meat – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • rice cereal – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste– 100 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook thoroughly washed rice until half cooked.
  2. Sauté chopped onion for vegetable oil.
  3. Mix the minced meat with eggs, onions, cereals, and chopped herbs. Add salt to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  4. Grease a high baking sheet with oil and place the formed meatballs on it. The size depends on personal preference, the approximate diameter is 4-8 cm. The main thing is that the meatballs are the same.
  5. Pour a mixture of tomato paste and sour cream over the prepared balls. Salt the gravy a little.
  6. You need to cover the baking sheet with foil and bake the dish, preheating the oven to 180 degrees. Cooking time – from 30 to 50 minutes (depending on the size of the balls).
  7. Remove the foil, take a photo, serve the meatballs and enjoy!

Check out others as well delicious recipes,­ .


Hedgehogs are a type of meatball. Their main difference is that the minced meat for hedgehogs is filled not with boiled, but with raw long rice. Before you cook meat hedgehogs, carefully read the features of this interesting recipe. It turns out very tasty if the hedgehogs are baked with a large amount of tomato or sour cream-tomato sauce with vegetables. For this recipe, minced chicken is used (from breast pulp, legs). You can use pork, beef, a mixture of different types minced meat.


  • minced meat – 1 kg;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • rice cereal – 150 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 30 g;
  • greens (dill, parsley) – 1 bunch;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the minced meat as you would for meatballs. Instead of boiled rice, add raw rice.
  2. Place the hedgehogs inside a greased baking dish, giving them a round shape.
  3. Pour in sauce made from sour cream, tomato and salt.
  4. Cover the pan with foil and bake for 40 minutes.

Stuffed duck

Another festive dish that is traditionally prepared for winter celebrations is duck with rice in the oven. It is marinated, stuffed with a rice-vegetable mixture, rubbed with sour cream, mustard, and honey, then baked to a beautiful golden brown crust. You can use a baking sleeve. The recipe can easily be adapted to the everyday needs of the family: take more cereal, divide the bird into pieces, cook in pots or a deep baking pan. Duck meat requires careful heat treatment, it must be cooked by tightly closing the container.


  • long rice, steamed – 100 g;
  • duck – 2 kg;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • Walnut– 6-8 pcs.;
  • soy sauce– 1/4 cup;
  • honey – 1 tsp.
  • salt, spices, dry herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the marinade: mix soy sauce, honey, spices, herbs. Rub the outside of the duck thoroughly with the marinade, pack it in a bag or cling film, and place it in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. Fry chopped mushrooms and onions with butter.
  3. Boil rice for 10 minutes.
  4. Mix cereal with mushrooms, salt, add nuts.
  5. Stuff the duck with the filling and use toothpicks to trim the edges of the skin to prevent it from falling apart.
  6. Pack the bird in a baking sleeve, remove excess air and bake for 1.5-2 hours.

Sweet casserole

Rice cereal is often the basis for sweet dishes. Children love it when sweet rice casserole with cottage cheese is supplemented with raisins and dried fruits. For this dessert, choose a round variety or even chopped rice. It’s good if you buy homemade cottage cheese and eggs from the countryside. A delicious breakfast casserole will prepare you and your kids for the joys and challenges of the day ahead.


  • rice cereal – 200 g;
  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • egg – 1-2 pcs.;
  • raisins – 50-80 g
  • sour cream for serving;
  • butter for greasing the mold.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the cereal.
  2. Rinse the raisins and pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes. Drain the water and dry slightly.
  3. Mix porridge, cottage cheese, raisins, sugar and eggs.
  4. Place the curd-rice mixture in a baking dish coated with oil.
  5. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

With vegetables

Rice porrige it becomes wonderful if you add a lot of vegetables to it. A real find for vegetarians and fasting people is rice with vegetables in pots in the oven. The recipe given is approximate. You can add or subtract any vegetables you like. Main secret recipe: there should be a lot of vegetables, then the porridge will turn out juicy, aromatic and very healthy.


  • rice cereal – 1/2 cup;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • eggplant – 1 pc. (small);
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc. (small or piece);
  • canned corn - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, herbs, spices;
  • vegetable oil – 30-50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil.
  2. Add diced eggplant and zucchini. Fry a little more.
  3. Mix washed rice with fried vegetables, add corn, chopped tomatoes, and pepper.
  4. Place the mixture into pots (fill no more than 2/3 of the volume).
  5. Salt and add spices to each serving. Pour water into the mixture until it is completely covered.
  6. Bake for 40 minutes (oven temperature – 180 degrees).

Baked pumpkin

Have you ever seen a photo of a pumpkin that was used as a cooking pot for dinner? This oven-baked pumpkin will not only surprise your family, but will delight you with its exquisite taste. Having tasted this masterpiece, a person cannot remain indifferent. Don’t forget in the fall, after harvesting, to select several beautiful, healthy pumpkin fruits of the desired shape and size for baking.


  • pumpkin – 1 pc. (small);
  • rice cereal – 1/2 cup;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • prunes – 5 pcs.;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Choose a small pumpkin of the correct round shape and cut it top part with a leg to make a lid. Carefully remove the seeds from the fruit to create a cavity inside.
  2. Using a spoon, gently scrape out the flesh of the squash, thinning the sides a little. The pulp needs about 100 g. It must be crushed (you can use a blender).
  3. Peel the apple and cut into cubes.
  4. Soak briefly and rinse raisins and prunes.
  5. Rinse the rice, boil, and rinse again.
  6. All ingredients need to be mixed and stuffed tightly into the pumpkin.
  7. Close the “lid” and bake the pumpkin at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Rice baked in the oven - secrets of cooking the dish

Rice cereal is a godsend for housewives. For each recipe it has its own properties. To ensure that your baked rice turns out fluffy, be sure to rinse it several times before using it. Boil it with plenty of water and rinse again. If you are planning a casserole or a viscous mess, do the opposite. Cook the cereal in a small amount of water, after adding a piece of butter. After cooking rice in the oven using one of the methods, be sure to save the recipe with the photo so you can cook healthy dishes more often.
