Is there a rank of ensign in the Russian army? Shoulder straps of the Russian army. Shoulder straps of the Russian army and navy: photo

The armies of some countries can boast of ranks that are not available in other armies. The highest military rank in the world is marshal. You have to work up to it almost your entire life. The lowest rank in the army is considered private.

A person who decides to become a military man automatically becomes a private, since this is the very first step in the hierarchy of military ranks. The rank and file is the largest part of any country's armed forces. Scouts, infantrymen, riflemen, drivers, mechanics - drivers, sappers and radio operators - all this is a large list of ordinary soldiers. Slightly above private is the rank of refrigerator. To receive such a rank, you must excel in your studies and prove yourself in combat or special training. Often the rank of corporal is given due to the position held. The senior driver, gunner of an armored personnel carrier, clerk at headquarters and other military personnel can be corporals. Sometimes military personnel in such a position command squads in a military unit. Hitler is the most famous corporal in history.

The next rank is junior sergeant. They receive it when they graduate from a special educational institution. A junior sergeant is capable of commanding a squad, sometimes becoming a deputy platoon commander. The sergeants were located on the next step. They are assigned to lead the formation, conduct classes, and manage certain jobs of other military personnel of lower rank. Deputy platoon commanders are usually senior sergeants. Among soldiers, this position is the most responsible. The final step in the hierarchical ladder of junior military personnel is the rank of sergeant major. The main thing here is to understand the difference between title and position. The position of sergeant major can also be held by a warrant officer.

The platoon commander is, as a rule, a warrant officer or senior warrant officer. Military personnel of this rank are appointed as company foremen, warehouse chiefs, or radio station chiefs. Warrant officers occupy positions that do not require high qualifications and higher education, but they have to lead soldiers. Special training opens the way to obtaining the rank of warrant officer. As soon as a person graduates from the military department of a civilian university, he is automatically awarded the rank of junior lieutenant. You will have to lead a platoon of approximately thirty soldiers. A warrant officer can also become a junior lieutenant who receives higher education. Officers remain in this rank for only a year, after which they become lieutenants.

Many armies around the world have the rank of lieutenant. It can only be assigned to those military personnel who have a military university behind them. In most cases, lieutenants command a platoon, but sometimes they can be assigned by company commanders. Senior lieutenants are those officers who perform the duties of deputy company commanders, deputy commanders for work with personnel and deputy commanders for equipment and combat. Senior lieutenants are often entrusted with command of companies. Senior lieutenants have many powers.

Next comes the rank of captain. It is present in many of the world's armies, but is often confused with the rank in the navy. Captains can be company commanders, deputy battalion commanders, and also hold other positions. Above the captain is major - the first rank of senior officers. With this rank one is guaranteed to become the head of a service, battalion headquarters, commandant of a military commandant’s office, etc.

The rank of lieutenant colonel is not present everywhere. It's about about the deputies of regiment commanders, regiment chiefs of staff and battalion commanders. The lieutenant colonel is immediately followed by the rank of colonel. This rank is common in almost all world armies. The colonel commands the unit, is the chief of staff of the regiment, they can be found at the division headquarters and at the district headquarters.

The lowest general rank is considered to be major general. Following him in seniority is the lieutenant general, and after him the colonel general. They are entrusted with command of divisions, districts, and sometimes entire branches of troops. The highest general rank- army General. Not all military personnel are able to rise to this level.

The last step in the military hierarchy of ranks is marshal. All armies in the world have this rank, but in peacetime it is almost impossible to become a marshal. The famous musketeer D'Artagnan once became a marshal, but he had to devote his whole life to this. Such legendary figures as Suvorov, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, and Alfredo Stroessner were awarded the title of Generalissimo. Nowadays, many armies of the world have abolished this title.

The highest military rank in the country is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. This is the president. It should be noted that the president in most cases is not a military man, and often he has never served in the army at all. And now the fate of the country will be in his hands.

In many ways, they have preserved the system inherited from the armed forces of the USSR. But modern system military ranks also acquired their own unique features.

Structure of ranks of the armed forces and rank and file

Ranks in the troops of our country can be divided into several categories:

  • Rank and file.
  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

The lowest rank in the modern troops of our country is private. This title is worn by people serving in the military. They began to call ordinary military personnel of the USSR army after the war; before, the terms “Red Army soldier” and “fighter” were in use.

Private reserves can be called those citizens of the country who have a military specialty: a doctor or a lawyer. They are called “ordinary medical service” or, in turn, “ordinary justice”.

Enlisted men are also called cadets who undergo training to achieve officer's shoulder straps. During their studies, they can receive ranks related to the rank and file, and, upon completion of training, receive their first officer rank.

The best and most experienced of the rank and file receive the rank of corporal. This military rank has the right to replace the junior officer commanding the department. A private receives the rank of corporal for the impeccable performance of his duties and adherence to ideal discipline.

Following the corporal comes the rank of junior sergeant. The holder of this rank can command a squad or combat vehicle. In special cases, a private or corporal may, before leaving military service, be awarded the appointment of a junior sergeant in the reserve.

A sergeant who is higher in the service hierarchy than a junior sergeant also has the right to command a squad or combat vehicle. The rank was introduced into the Soviet armed forces before the war, in 1940. Its holders underwent special training in their units or were promoted from the most distinguished junior sergeants. Next in the structure of our armed forces is the staff sergeant.

This is followed by the positions of foremen, which were introduced in the Soviet army somewhat earlier than sergeants - in 1935. In today's Russian army, the best senior sergeants who served in the previous rank for at least six months and received a promotion to a position with the rank of foreman become sergeants.

Within his company, the sergeant major serves as the commander for personnel consisting of sergeants and privates. The sergeant major is subordinate to the officer commanding the company and can act as company commander when he is absent.

Since 1972 Soviet troops were replenished with the rank of warrant officer, and since 1981 - senior warrant officer. Its owners, as a rule, graduate from military personnel corresponding to their profile educational establishments who do not have superior status. Warrant officers are assistants to junior officers.

The lowest officer rank in the troops of our country is junior lieutenant. Today, it is often possessed by cadets completing their military training. educational institutions, as well as graduates of lieutenant schools at military units. Sometimes the rank of junior lieutenant can be received by graduates of civilian specialties, as well as warrant officers who have shown zeal and ability to serve.

Typically, graduates of military universities become lieutenants. After an appropriate period of service and passing certification with a positive result, junior lieutenants move to the next level - lieutenant. The next level among the ranks of junior officers is the rank of senior lieutenant and captain. The rank of an engineering officer at this stage is “engineer captain,” and that of an artillery officer is battalion commander (battery commander). In infantry units, a military man with the rank of captain commands a company.

Senior officer ranks include major, lieutenant colonel and colonel. The major has the right to command a training company or be an assistant battalion commander. The lieutenant colonel commands a battalion or serves as an assistant regiment commander.

The colonel has the right to command a regiment, brigade and be deputy division commander. This officer rank was introduced into the armed forces of our country along with a number of others in 1935. In the Navy, the three senior officer ranks of the ground forces correspond to their own ranks of captains of the third, second and first ranks.

The first highest officer rank of the Russian troops is major general. The holder of this rank can command a division (a unit of up to 15 thousand personnel), and also be a deputy corps commander.

Next comes the rank of lieutenant general. Historically, it arose from the position of a senior officer who was the second-in-command of a general. The word "lieutenant" is translated as "deputy". Such a high-ranking officer may command a corps or be deputy commander of an army. Lieutenant generals also serve in military headquarters.

A colonel general may be deputy commander of a military district or command an army. Holders of this military rank hold positions General Staff or the Ministry of Defense. Finally, above is the highest military rank of our country's troops - army general. Today, senior officers of individual branches of the military - artillery, communications, etc. can become army generals.

In the naval forces of our country, the highest officer positions correspond to rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and fleet admiral.

When we remember the military leaders of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War, traditionally the holders of the title of “marshal” come to mind - G.K. Zhukov, I.S. Konev, K.K. Rokossovsky. However, in the post-Soviet period, this rank practically disappeared, and the functions of marshals were transferred to army generals.

In 1935, Marshal of the Soviet Union was introduced as the highest personal military rank. It was awarded to the most worthy representatives of the highest military leadership and could serve as a badge of honor. In 1935, a number of senior military figures in the Soviet country became marshals, holding senior positions in the army.

Three of the first five marshals of the USSR came under the blow of repression in the years following their appointment. Therefore, before the start of the war, Semyon Timoshenko, Grigory Kulik and Boris Shaposhnikov, who replaced them in responsible positions, became the new marshals of the Soviet Union.

During the war, the highest rank of marshal was awarded to the most distinguished commanders. The first of the “wartime” marshals was Georgy Zhukov. Almost all the senior military men who led the fronts became marshals. Joseph Stalin received the rank of marshal in 1943. The basis was the “positions he held” of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and People's Commissar of Defense.

In the post-war period, Secretary General L.I. received a rare military rank for the country. Brezhnev. Marshals were persons who held the post of Minister of Defense - Nikolai Bulgarin, Dmitry Ustinov and Sergei Sokolov. In 1987, Dmitry Yazov became Minister of Defense, and three years later he received a personal senior officer rank. Today he is the only surviving retired marshal.

In 1943, while the war was going on, the USSR began to use the rank of marshal of the military branch. A little later, the ranks of marshals of special forces were added to them. In the same year, a number of the country's highest military councils became such marshals. In particular, the famous military leader Pavel Rotmistrov became the marshal of tank forces. In 1943, the rank of chief marshal of the military branch was also introduced.

Most of the ranks of chief marshals were abolished in 1984 - retained exclusively for aviation and artillery. But after 1984, none of the representatives of the country’s top military leadership received them either. The ranks of marshals and chief marshals of military branches were finally abolished in 1993. In 1991, the last modern history Evgeny Shaposhnikov became the country's air marshal.

In the modern army of our country there is a rank - “marshal” Russian Federation" As in the pre-war period, this is the highest personal military rank. The reason for receiving the rank of marshal may be the officer’s special services to the country, recognized by the President.

In 1997, the title was awarded to Igor Sergeev. The awarding of this rank followed the appointment of Igor Dmitrievich as Minister of Defense of our country. In 2001, the military man retired from active service and until the end of his life he held the rank of retired marshal.

Modern ranks in the Russian army are inherited from Soviet period. The Russian Army has partially retained its previous structure and military formations. Therefore, the system of military ranks and positions has not undergone major changes.

Ship ranks in the navy are used in the Russian Navy and are assigned to sailors to the extent they are able to take responsibility for the command of one or another military personnel. They are also assigned to the military coast guard of the border troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, underwater and surface units of the Navy and naval units of the troops.

Almost all naval ranks are different from missile and ground forces, Airborne Forces and Airborne Forces. From 1884 to 1991 they changed due to a number of events:

  • the collapse of the Russian Empire in 1917;
  • creation Soviet Union and its subsequent collapse 1922-1991;
  • creation of the Russian Federation in 1991

Modern ranks in the navy are divided into 4 categories:

1. Conscripts of conscript and contract service. These include: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the second class, petty officer of the first class and the chief petty officer. The senior ranks also include a midshipman and a senior midshipman.

2. Junior officers of the fleet. These are: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant commander.

3. Senior officers of the Navy. Ranks are divided into: captains of the third, second and first rank.

4. Senior officers. Consists of: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and fleet admiral.

Detailed description of ship ranks in ascending order

Sailor- a junior rank in the navy that corresponds to a land private. These are conscripts for military service.

Senior sailor- a parallel to the army rank of corporal, which is assigned to a sailor for maintaining discipline and exemplary performance of duties. Can be an assistant sergeant major and replace a sergeant major of the second class.

Petty Officers

Foreman of the second article- junior rank in the senior ranks, which was introduced on November 2, 1940. Situated in rank above the senior sailor and below the first class petty officer. May be a squad leader.

Petty Officer of the first article- a sailor of the fleet who is ranked higher in rank than the petty officer of the second article, but below the chief petty officer. Second in order of growth in the list of senior officers, introduced on November 2, 1940. This is a squad commander who has shown excellent results in performing military and organizational duties.

Chief petty officer- military rank Navy Russian Federation and Coast Guard. Occupies a place between the first class petty officer and the midshipman of the fleet. Naval rank The chief petty officer corresponds to the army senior sergeant. Can replace a platoon commander.

Midshipman– a word of English origin, which is assigned to a sailor after completing appropriate training programs and courses. In land terms, this is an ensign. Performs organizational and combat duties within the framework of a platoon commander or company sergeant major.

Senior midshipman- a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than midshipman, but lower than junior lieutenant. Similarly - senior warrant officer in other branches of the military.

Junior officers

Rank junior lieutenant comes from French and translates as "substitute". Occupies the first rank in the junior officer ranks, both in the ground and naval forces. May be a post or platoon commander.

Lieutenant- second among ranks in the navy, in rank above junior lieutenant and below senior lieutenant. Awarded upon completion of service with the rank of junior lieutenant.

Senior Lieutenantnaval rank junior officers in Russia, who are higher in rank than lieutenant and lower than lieutenant commander. With excellent performance in the service, he can be an assistant to the captain of a ship.

Lieutenant Commander- the highest rank of junior officers, which in the Russian Federation and Germany corresponds to captain of the army of the ground forces. A sailor with this rank is considered the deputy captain of the ship and the commander of a company of hundreds of subordinates.

Senior officers

Captain 3rd rank- corresponds to an army major. The abbreviated name for the shoulder strap is “captri”. Responsibilities include commanding a ship of the appropriate rank. These are small military vessels: landing craft, anti-submarine ships, torpedo ships and minesweepers.

Captain of the second rank, or “kapdva” - the rank of sailor in the Navy, which according to land ranks corresponds to a lieutenant colonel. This is the commander of a ship of the same rank: large landing ships, missile and destroyers.

Captain of the first rank, or “kapraz”, “kapturang” is a military rank in the Russian Navy, which is higher in rank than captain of the second rank and lower than rear admiral. May 7, 1940 exists among ranks in the navy, the Presidium decided Supreme Council THE USSR. "Kapturang" commands ships with complex control and enormous military power: aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines and cruisers.

Senior officers

Rear Admiral can command a squadron of ships and replace the commander of a flotilla. Adopted since 1940 and since that time corresponds to major general of the ground forces and aviation.

Vice Admiral- a rank of sailors in Russia, which allows you to replace an admiral. Corresponds to a lieutenant general of the ground forces. Manages the actions of flotillas.

Admiral translated from Dutch as “lord of the sea”, therefore he is a member of the senior officer corps. Army employees are assigned the rank of Colonel General. Manages the active fleet.

Fleet Admiral- the highest active rank, as well as in other types of troops, army general. Manages the fleet and is assigned to active admirals with excellent combat, organizational and strategic performance.

What types of troops are assigned naval ranks?

The Navy of the Russian Federation (RF Navy) also includes the following units:

  • Marine Corps;
  • coast guard;
  • naval aviation.

The Marine Corps is a unit that carries out the defense of military installations, coastal areas and other sea lines. The Marines include sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Motto Marine Corps: “Where we are, there is victory.”

The Coast Guard is a branch of the military that defends Russian naval bases and special facilities in the coastal zone. They have at their disposal anti-aircraft, torpedo, mine weapons, as well as missile systems and other artillery.

Naval aviation is troops whose responsibilities include detecting and destroying the enemy, defending ships and other elements from enemy forces, and destroying enemy aircraft, helicopters and other air structures. Russian aviation also carries out air transportation and rescue operations on the high seas.

How and for what is the next rank assigned to sailors?

The assignment of the next title is specified in the current laws of the Russian Federation:

  • For a senior sailor, you must serve 5 months;
  • obtaining a sergeant major 2nd article can be expected after a year of service;
  • three years for senior sergeant and chief petty officer;
  • three years to become a midshipman;
  • 2 years for junior lieutenant;
  • 3 for promotion to lieutenant and first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to become a captain-lieutenant and captain of the 3rd rank.
  • 5 years to captain 2nd and 1st rank;
  • for senior officers, at least a year at the previous rank.

It is also worth knowing that military ranks in the navy may be assigned if the due date has not yet passed, but the military man has demonstrated his organizational, tactical and strategic abilities. A bad sailor is one who does not want to become an admiral, especially since it is possible. There are many examples of motivated, big-thinking sailors who became admirals.

Military service implies the presence of military ranks among citizens who have made it their profession. The titles are the same for all Russian territory and are awarded in accordance with the laws of the country.

The purpose of this form of distinction for military personnel is to ensure their subordination in relation to each other. The presence of a certain rank in a military man affects the conditions under which he serves.

In Russia military ranks are divided into 2 types and can be military and naval. That is, the first are assigned to military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, and the second to employees of the Navy.

More specifically, military ranks indicate belonging to a certain specialty by adding a prefix or corresponding word to them. For example, for a military medic the prefix “medical service” is added to the rank, for a military lawyer - “justice”.

The words “retired, in reserve,” etc. clarify the current status of a serviceman. If a serviceman serves in a guards unit (ship), then the word “guards” is added before his rank.

Since 1993, in armed forces oh our country experimented with appearance shoulder straps reflecting the rank of a serviceman. There were quite a lot of intermediate projects until we settled on the design option that still exists today.

You can view the full list of existing military ranks in Federal Law No. 53 “On Military Duty” of 1998. The law makes a distinction between military service and conscription. If they talk about military service, then they mean the presence of citizens on special form civil services, and when the second is mentioned, they mean army recruits with their subsequent stay in the reserves. But their ranks are called military in any case.

In the Federal Law (Article 46), ranks are listed in ascending order, which determines their seniority. Military ranks are conventionally divided into the following groups for the armed forces and navy, respectively:

Title group Military rank / Ship rank
Non-officer ranks
(Conscripted and contract personnel)
  • Private/Sailor;
  • Corporal / Senior Seaman;
  • Junior Sergeant / Sergeant Major of the second class;
  • Sergeant / Petty Officer First Class;
  • Senior Sergeant/Chief Petty Officer;
  • Petty Officer/Chief Petty Officer;
  • Ensign/Midshipman;
  • Senior Warrant Officer / Senior Midshipman.
Junior officers
  • Junior Lieutenant/Second Lieutenant;
  • Lieutenant/Lieutenant;
  • First Lieutenant/First Lieutenant;
  • Captain / Lieutenant Commander.
Senior officers
  • Major / Captain 3rd rank;
  • Lieutenant Colonel/Captain 2nd Rank;
  • Colonel/Captain 1st Rank.
Senior officers
  • Major General / Rear Admiral;
  • Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral;
  • Colonel General/Admiral;
  • General of the Army/Admiral of the Fleet;
  • Marshal of the Russian Federation / no analogue.

The supreme commander of the armed forces of the state in Russia is considered the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (usually in wartime), this is the Russian President.

For the training of officers, there are higher military institutions, where during the period of study, citizens are called cadets, if before that they did not have any ranks or were in the rank of private/sailor. Persons who have other titles at the time of admission are listed as students.

Upon graduation from military schools, persons who have completed training there receive the rank of “lieutenant”. The same name will be given to citizens who studied at a civilian university where there was a military department after passing exams and training camps. Upon receipt of their diploma, they are awarded the rank of “reserve lieutenant.”

What insignia for military personnel look like

The military rank of a serviceman is indicated, first of all, by his shoulder straps and chevrons.

  • Private soldiers and sailors on field uniforms and everyday uniforms do not have any distinctive insignia. And on the shoulder straps of the exit and dress uniforms there are golden metal letters that indicate belonging to the type of service or training. For example, the letter “F” is the fleet, “KK” is the cadet corps, etc.
  • For sergeants and foremen, shoulder straps are distinguished by the presence of metal corners (straps) that are directed upward, and warrant officers and midshipmen can be identified by small stars that are located vertically. Junior officers are provided with shoulder straps with clear stripes with a vertical arrangement and no stars big size.
  • Senior officers can be identified by two gaps and large stars on their shoulder straps. Representatives of senior officers wear shoulder straps with large vertical stars that have no gaps.
  • The marshals' shoulder straps are decorated with a very large one star, and they also have the Russian coat of arms.

For military personnel, there is a certain order in which they receive ranks. They are assigned personally to each military person.

They are assigned a subsequent rank only when the previous one expires. Duration of service refers to the period a person must remain in the previous rank to be eligible for promotion.

Countdown of the period required to receive more high rank, comes from the date of publication of the order on conferring the title. It includes breaks due to the unlawful conviction or dismissal of a military personnel, suspension of service. An exception to the rules is the time spent under arrest and serving a sentence, which do not count towards this period.

Receiving titles is first and foremost. The law provides for their assignment earlier than the due date if a military person has special services to the Motherland. This situation becomes possible if this applicant occupies a position in which his current rank is lower than the most highest distinction provided here. Early assignment of ranks is carried out by an authorized official.

The procedure for deprivation and restoration of ranks

Only the judicial authorities have the right to deprive a military man of his rank. This happens by court decision in connection with the crime he has committed, which can be serious or especially serious. According to the law, the court has the right to do this, regardless of who awarded the title. Such a court decision entails the removal from the serviceman of all benefits and social privileges that he had due to his military status.

A citizen has the right to be reinstated in rank after expunging a criminal record. To do this, you will need to obtain the consent of the authorized body and positive feedback military commissar. The order of his actions should look like this:

1) The citizen must submit an application to the commissariat regarding reinstatement of rank. It must be reviewed within 30 days.

2) If there are grounds for restoration (illegal court verdict), the commissariat employees prepare a presentation, and the authorized official issues an order to return the rank to the applicant.

For sergeants and foremen, the law provides for disciplinary punishment for a specific offense. It consists of demoting him in rank by one step by order of the head of the institution, who holds the position of regiment commander or higher. After this, the serviceman is obliged to change his shoulder straps in accordance with the new rank.

This decision is made after an objective investigation to determine the causes of the incident. The penalty can be lifted after the incident for at least 3 months, after which the military rank is returned to the serviceman.

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--> On the same topic

To a military personnel in accordance with his official position, belonging to one or another branch of the armed forces.

The history of military ranks

In Rus', the emergence of permanent military formations was associated with the beginning of the use of firearms. Indeed, in order to learn how to use this type of weapon, frequent and regular training, as well as specific knowledge, were necessary. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Streltsy hundreds appeared in Russia, and military ranks appeared in them. First military ranks Russian army were: archer, foreman, centurion. However, they were an amalgamation of military rank and position held in a military formation. Later, under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, two more titles appeared - Pentecostal and head. After this, the hierarchy of military ranks began to look like this:

1. Sagittarius.

2. Foreman.

3. Pentecostal.

4. Centurion.

5. Head.

By modern standards, a foreman can be equated to the rank of sergeant or foreman, a pentecostal to a lieutenant, a centurion, respectively, to a captain, but a head is the same as a colonel. By the way, under Boris Godunov, foreign military units - companies - already had the ranks of “captain” - captain and “lieutenant” - lieutenant, but these ranks were not used in Russian units. And by the end of the 17th century, during the reign of Peter the Great, the military ranks of the Russian army were replenished with the rank of half-head and colonel, the latter is still used to this day. During the same period, regiments of a foreign system were formed. Both Russians and foreign mercenaries served in them. The system of these units almost corresponded to the European ones, and the hierarchy of ranks was formed from the following ranks:

I. Soldier.

II. Cpl.

III. Ensign.

IV. Lieutenant (lieutenant).

V. Captain (captain).

VI. Quartermaster.

VII. Major.

VIII. Lieutenant colonel.

IX. Colonel.

Until 1654, the military ranks of the Tsarist Russian Army did not include the rank of general. This title was first awarded to Avram Leslie by Peter the Great for the return of the city of Smolensk. It was this king who introduced this title as an addition to the highest ranks of the state. This is how ranks appeared, etc.

Hierarchy of ranks in the early twentieth century

General (the highest military ranks of the Russian army):

General - (field marshal; lieutenant; major);

General of infantry, cavalry, etc.

Staff officers (highest military ranks of the Russian army):


Lieutenant colonel;

Chief officers (middle officer ranks):

Captain (captain);

Staff Captain;


Second lieutenant (cornet).

Ensigns (lower officer ranks):

Ensign, sub-ensign and ordinary ensign.

Non-commissioned officers:


Non-commissioned officer (senior, junior).

  • corporal;
  • private.

Military ranks in the modern Russian army (ground forces)

After October revolution, establishments on the territory Russian Empire power of councils and birth Soviet army The military regulations have undergone some changes. A new hierarchy of ranks was created, which, in principle, is no different from the modern one. Below is a list including military ranks of the Russian army.

  • Private and Corporal.

Junior command staff:

  • Sergeant (junior, senior).
  • Sergeant major.
  • Ensign (senior).


  • Lieutenant (junior, senior).
  • Captain.
  • Major.

Officer commanding staff:

  • Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel.
  • General- (-major, -lieutenant, -colonel, army).

That's full list, which includes all military ranks corresponding to each rank, are shoulder insignia by which the rank of a particular serviceman can be determined.