If you dream of a dead person being alive. When the deceased dies again. Emotional background of sleep

Alive? This dream is very interesting. Many sources believe that such a dream means a change in the weather. However, a lot for correct interpretation depends on the details of the dream. For example, a dream in which the dead are calling for them will have a completely different meaning.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If a person sees his grandparents alive in their own home- this is a warning dream. One of the dreamer’s relatives on their side has serious health problems. Long-dead relatives signify important events in the family.

Dream interpreter from “A” to “Z”: why do you dream of a living dead person?

A dream in which a person sees living relatives as dead foretells them longevity and good health. When a dead person comes to life in a dream, this means that the dreamer will return something that he lost long ago. Moreover, he no longer counted on the return of this. When a girl has her lover, it means a sad parting with him. A dream in which the sleeper is surrounded by revived dead people who have turned into ghouls and want to drink his blood is a harbinger of many troubles in personal relationships and a decrease in social status.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Hun: Why do you dream of a dead man alive?

If a dead person comes to life, this means news, a letter. Seeing your son dead is a joyful event with some addition. Seeing venerable ancestors who have already died portends great happiness.

Aesop's Dream Book

When a sleeper sees in a dream a person who has already died alive, it means a change in the weather.

Russian dream book: seeing a dead person alive in a dream

This dream indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of guilt towards this person. If, on the contrary, a living person dreams of a dead person, then the dreamer may have a hidden desire for the death of this person. The dream can also indicate fear of loss.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

When a person sees people alive in a dream who have actually already died, then in reality this may portend peace, rest, or a change in weather. A bad omen is a dream in which the dead call and take them away. It dreams of death (of loved ones or one’s own), misfortunes and illnesses. A dream in which a person takes something from the living dead or gives them something has the same meaning.

Interpretation of dreams: dead man alive

When a person sees the death of still living friends or loved ones in a dream, in reality relationships with them may deteriorate for some reason, and feelings may fade or become greatly weakened. If a dreamer sees people alive who are already dead, and he talks to them, in reality some changes await him in his personal life. A bad dream is one in which the living dead call the dreamer to come with them. It warns of a terrible, mortal danger. living relatives who have already died and behave calmly and serenely; in reality, he needs to trust fate and not worry about little things. Dreams in which the dreamer talks to people who have recently died are warnings about real threats and dangers.

Dream book of the 21st century: why do you dream of a dead person alive?

When you dream of dead people alive, it means weakness or big troubles. If, on the contrary, a living person appears dead in a dream, then in reality he will live for a long time and will be freed from his sorrows.

People have been thinking about why a dead person dreams of being alive since ancient times. Someone believed that his soul came to his relatives to warn about dangers or deception. Others associated his appearance with the need to go to church and pray for a loved one.

Losing a loved one is very difficult. It seems that I didn’t have time to explain and tell him a lot. Some women, having lost their husband, continue to mentally talk to him, hoping to intuitively receive answers to their questions. Almost everyone sees a deceased loved one alive in a dream. This eases the pain of loss, because you can communicate with him in your vision.

The prediction of a change in weather has become a widespread and familiar meaning, but depending on the behavior of the deceased, the interpretation of the dream varies. Some dream books offer an explanation for his arrival as the end of a certain period of life, after which a significant renewal will follow. The sleeper can change his place of work or point of view on the events that have taken place, or meet new people.

A cheerful and joyful deceased marks the onset of a favorable moment for the implementation of plans and the inevitable success of undertakings. If the deceased who has appeared continues to lie in the coffin, one should hope to receive large sum money.

The interpretation of what a conversation with a dead person means in a dream is not so rosy. Sleep will likely be followed by quarrels with loved ones and disruption of plans. Kissing a recently deceased person who has come in a dream means that the sleeper is to blame for something and is worried about this reason.

The meaning of sleep in various dream books

All dream books urge you to be attentive to the situation in which you dream of a dead person alive. Often this dream has a deep meaning and it is better to figure it out as soon as possible.

You should not feel alarmed about seeing a deceased person. The dream does not carry unkind consequences, unless the dreamer agreed to answer the call of the deceased to go with him. Such a dream should be considered as a serious warning. In other situations, night vision rather speaks of longing for a departed relative or friend and a thirst for change.

According to Miller

The psychologist believed that the deceased person was trying to prevent mistakes that the behavior of the sleeping person would lead to. These could be problems in business, injustice towards relatives and friends, as well as conflicts with ill-wishers. When the deceased speaks about something, you should listen and follow his advice. He may even require a promise to act as he asks.

A deceased friend or brother more often reports the need of acquaintances to receive help from the dreamer. If only the voice of the deceased is heard, and he himself is not visible, bad news will soon follow.

A dead person coming to life before the eyes of a sleeping person foreshadows participation in dubious enterprises and dishonesty of partners. In reality, you should be more careful and far-sighted.

David Loff advised coming to terms with the loss of a relative or friend. In his opinion, a dream with a deceased person who came to the dreamer’s house only means a strong longing for him and an inability to fully understand the sad fact that has happened. You shouldn’t lock yourself within four walls and grieve endlessly. For the sleeper, life goes on, and it is necessary to participate in it.

Another interpretation is that the deceased appears to prepare for receiving important news. In the days following sleep, you should pay Special attention any events. It is possible that one of them will greatly influence the dreamer’s fate.

According to the gypsy dream book

The man who saw himself in dead in my sleep, will live a long and comfortable life. A dream with one of your living acquaintances has a similar meaning. They will all be healthy.

A meeting or conversation in night vision with a deceased person is also good, but attention should be paid to health.

According to Tsvetkov

The dream book created by Tsvetkov suggests thoughtfully considering every proposal received after a dream with the deceased. Most likely, it should be accepted because it will bring good results. A new position or trip will lead to a series of successes and joyful events.

If a girl had a dream dead alive man, there is no need to expect anything positive in the near future. Troubles and disappointments will follow the dream. For a man, such a dream foretells receiving an invitation to a friend’s wedding. Three kisses from a deceased person who dreamed of being alive speak of the illness of a loved one.

According to Velesov's dream book

The main interpretation of the dream book promises a sharp change in the weather. Seeing a dead man alive in a dream means the onset of a bright streak. You can start previously postponed tasks, the result will please the sleeper. A dreaming woman, on the contrary, promises problems and failures. You should not give a gift to the deceased in a dream. This action will cause material difficulties and losses in reality.

The long-awaited news will come to the dreamer in the event of a friendly conversation with the deceased. Perhaps the sleeper is on the verge of promising achievements, and the deceased gives a sign that all his plans will come true.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the deceased person in the dream

In a dream, a recently departed relative or friend wants to be remembered. You should go to church and then give alms to the poor. It’s a good idea to buy an element of a man’s or women’s wardrobe, depending on the gender of the deceased, and give it to those in need.

Mother or father

Velesov's dream book says that a mother in a dream often reports an upcoming serious illness or loss of strength. If blood is visible, a great misfortune will happen to a relative. The father warns about significant events. His visit in a dream speaks of difficulties or difficulties on the way to achieving your goal.

Other interpreters decipher such a dream as the desire of the deceased parents to warn their child against mistakes and false aspirations. You should weigh the pros and cons many times when organizing a business or agreeing to participate in a controversial venture.

The appearance of a friend or acquaintance’s deceased mother in a dream is explained by her desire to “reach out” to the child in any way. She conveys a message through the sleeper, and it cannot be ignored.


Grandmother usually appears in a dream before a celebration or ceremony. She tells me that there is no need to worry, the event will be wonderful. Hugs with a relative will bring trouble. If a deceased granny dies again in a dream or seems seriously ill, in reality the dreamer will be faced with injustice and intrigues of people from close circles.

Miss Hasse interpreted a dream with her grandmother as a harbinger of unplanned expenses or unrequited love. After this dream, Miller advised taking care of relatives and paying them a visit.

Sex with her departed husband will be a bad sign for a woman. In reality, troubles and disappointment await her. Walking next to a deceased spouse or listening to his singing means that the living person is under supervision and protection.

It happens that anxiety about old obligations or unfinished business is projected into a dream with a deceased spouse. Fleeing from him indicates a quick resolution of the unpleasant episode.

A husband returning home alive and happy in a dream will bring joy and entertainment in reality. A drunken spouse reports strange behavior from their significant other. The sleeper needs to reconsider his actions in order to avoid troubles.

Brother or sister

The vision of a dead man has a more positive connotation than the appearance of a woman. Thus, a brother signifies good fortune, while a sister signifies difficult times.

In some cases, the departed brother tries to stop the sleeping person from entering an enterprise that subsequently threatens bankruptcy. Nostradamus interpreted the dream as an unexpected turn in routine affairs. It won't necessarily be successful.

If you dreamed about a cousin, distant relatives will ask for help, which will require effort from the dreamer. Their request will put him in a difficult position, but it must be fulfilled.

Other relatives

If you happen to see several deceased relatives in a dream, it means that the ancestors are taking care of the sleeping person, and there is no reason to doubt the error of their intentions. Colleagues or ill-wishers are preparing intrigues against the dreamer, which can lead to losses and damage their reputation.

Vanga predicted a possible catastrophe that you could get into with your loved ones. It is better to avoid traveling for several days after such sleep. Loff interpreted the appearance of buried relatives as a nervous disorder.


A close friend can report on actions he has not completed on Earth. He asks the sleeping person for help. After listening to his words, you cannot delay helping. If a deceased friend hugs the dreamer in a dream, he will receive support from his friends. For an unfaithful wife, seeing her husband's buried friend promises the publication of her secret, which will result in divorce.

Yellow clothing on the deceased warns of his disagreement with the actions of the living person or the emergence of problems. A dream before an important event or marriage gives you a chance to once again consider their feasibility.

Various situations with dead people in a dream

If the dead extend their hands from the coffin towards the sleeping person, real life he will have to fight the negativity alone. There is no need to look for support. The answer to the question: why do dead people dream of being alive has the opposite meaning. When several dead people come at once in a dream, in reality things will turn out successfully.

A deceased person crying in a dream warns of poor health in one of the family members. It is necessary to take the warning seriously and take action.

If you dreamed of a dead person being alive and in prison, this indicates huge expenses. You should immediately pull yourself together and stop waste.


Relatives do not stop protecting their loved one even after death. Their arrival in dreams shows support. Relatives should often remember kindly the departed and mentally thank them for their success in the affairs that began during their lifetime.

The messages of the dead should be listened to, because they wish well. A dream that leaves a feeling of joy reflects their love and warmth. Once again, it is worth understanding that you need to take an active position in life and accomplish as much as possible. And let the sadness and sorrow for the departed be bright.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently helping to promote projects virtual reality. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Dead man in a dream- A white coffin with a deceased person promises recovery, healing from a fatal illness, improvement of life, hope for the future.
There are situations when the same dream about a dead person torments a person for a long time. As a rule, this situation indicates that there were events in your life related to this person that still haunt you. Try to distract yourself from the past and plunge into the events taking place at the present time.
In your dream, did you see many dead people in the morgue or in the hospital? This is just a prediction that in real life there will be a sharp change in the weather, your mood or other surprises.
Seeing one of the parents in the deceased- to danger, deception, betrayal.
Seeing your child in a dead person- to joy.
To dream of seeing a dead person in your apartment or house very often means danger or minor troubles.
Seeing your dead body in a dream best friend - to new acquaintances.
Seeing a dead man in a coffin in a dream- to good luck.
Seeing a dead person alive in a dream means a change in the weather, and seeing a living person dead means fear of loss.
Seeing a dead person on the floor or ground in a dream- to gossip, to obscene rumors.
Seeing your deceased brother in a dream- someone will try to take revenge on you for a long-standing insult or out of envy, simply because you are more successful. Be on your guard, don't tell anyone about your plans and dreams.
Seeing your deceased father in a dream- to great responsibility. Resurrecting the deceased in a dream means incredible adventures.
Seeing a deceased person in a dream who is actually alive means new news that will not make you very happy.
Seeing your deceased mother in a dream- to happiness and joy.
Seeing deceased parents in a dream means that they want to warn about some kind of grief.
To see a dead man standing and talking loudly in a dream means that a big disaster is about to happen.
Seeing in a dream how you are trying to wake up the deceased is a big mistake that will bring you many failures in the near future.
Seeing a dead person lying in a coffin- a change in weather, news, buying new clothes or equipment, a short trip. In general, this dream does not foretell anything bad.
Seeing a dead person come to life means receiving a letter or news. Attending a funeral is not very good sign: the person is sick and may die.
Seeing your late husband sick and exhausted in a dream- this is a sign that in real life you place too strict demands on your soulmate.
Seeing your deceased mother alive- Excessive impressionability can be a source of trouble.
Seeing your loved one dead- to separation or betrayal. Mourning the deceased in a dream means troubles in the family or condemnation from loved ones.
Seeing yourself in a hornbeam or feeling that you have died is fortunate.
Seeing your late father in a coffin- to illness, sadness, tears, quarrel with a relative.
Seeing your late father in a dream with the face of another person - the dream suggests that in reality you trusted an dishonest person, fell in love with a rogue who will use your feelings for his own needs.
Seeing the corpses of deceased animals or birds in a dream- to financial difficulties, everyday problems, losses or thefts.
Seeing your dead mother- excessive impressionability will lead you to big troubles.
Seeing the body of the deceased decompose- liberation from evil, relief.
In a dream, see yourself dead- a warning that in pursuit of material values ​​and external beauty, you forget about development internal qualities of your personality.
In a person’s dreams, dead people appear for a reason. This is a kind of sign, a warning.
Marrying a deceased husband- a dream promises to receive a reprimand, insult or humiliation in a public place in reality.
Talking to dead parents in a dream- you should take care of your reputation and listen to useful tips. Be careful - intrigues are being woven against you. The interpretation of this symbol is far from clear.
Talking to a dead person in a dream- to danger.
The formidable and stern behavior of a father in a dream is actually a desire for success and prosperity, since only the determined and persistent can achieve victory.
For a person in love, this dream will mean that the relationship is not what he expected.
For lovers to see a dead person in a dream- it means you have to wait for betrayal.
For family people, the deceased father in a dream- a symbol of calm, well-being and confidence in tomorrow.
If in your dream you saw many dead people, and this did not frighten you, the new business you are starting will be profitable.
If in your dream people around you are discussing a person who is lying in a coffin, you may soon be subject to severe criticism and condemnation.
If in your dream a dead man lying in a coffin opens his eyes and stretches out his hands to you, this is an unkind sign, a warning of danger. You will face health problems, revenge from an offended person, participation in an accident or catastrophe, and you may become the target of an attack by a criminal.
If in your dream you make a promise to your father, this foreshadows a streak of failures and problems.
If in your dream a deceased relative suddenly comes to life, then in reality this may result in another death of one of the family members, a serious illness, grief and mourning. There are also not very pleasant dreams, for example, when you dream of a dead person. This doesn't have to mean anything bad.
If in a dream you dreamed of your dead father being alive, and you had a heart-to-heart talk with him, then such a dream is a sign of making a bad deal, therefore, having seen such a dream, be very careful in important matters, because you are surrounded by ill-wishers.
If your late husband appears to you in a dream, then know that in reality you have chosen the wrong tactics to achieve your goal and are following the wrong path in life.
If you dreamed of a dead person, then this is a warning.
If you happen to see a dead man resurrecting in a dream, then you should expect losses and troubles. Suddenly, in a dream, a dead person takes something (for example, clothes) - this is unfortunately with people close to you or even with you, but if he gives money, you will be rich, a dead person gives food - to your good health or happiness in your personal life.
If you dreamed of deceased people in your home, expect bad news.
If you dreamed of a large number of deceased people, this is a bad sign: some kind of strife awaits your family line. Sometimes such a dream can even foreshadow a war between states.
If you dreamed that you saw a deceased person in a dream who looked healthy and happy, then in reality you are susceptible to manipulation by others, and other people take advantage of this.
If you dreamed that you were following a dead person, this is a misfortune that will lead to death.
If you dreamed that you were dead, this is a sign of changes in better side. Usually such a dream is about a move or a new stage in life.
If you dreamed that you were kissing the deceased, then in reality you will have the opportunity to correct your mistakes.
If you dreamed that a dead person was calling you with him, then this means an approaching accident.
If you dreamed that a dead person came to life, this is for guests.
If you dreamed that the deceased was having fun and rejoicing, this should alert you.
If you dreamed of someone alive being dead, pay attention to who he is to you.
If you dreamed of a dead person- this means that in real life you are doing something wrong or there is a threat hanging over you.
If you dreamed of a dead person in an unusual position (standing or sitting), it means that you cannot avoid trouble.
If you dreamed of a dead man in a black robe, this is an accident. In white - to good news.
If you dreamed of a dead person in your house, it means that in reality you will experience discord with one of the people close to you who lives with you.
If you dreamed of a deceased grandfather, expect new responsibilities and troubles to arise. Also, the appearance of this relative in a dream may indicate that in the near future someone will ask for your help and support.
If you dreamed about your deceased father, it means that in reality you will expect good news.
If you dreamed of a deceased person, then you should think about your attitude towards business, family and friends.
If you dreamed that your family member was deceased, it means that soon one of them will get sick or suffer some kind of disaster.
If you dreamed that one of your relatives was deceased, then in reality you should take care of him.
If you dreamed of your dead father and you are talking to him, this means that in the near future there will be a conspiracy against you.
If you dreamed of a dead person and he good mood and good health, this means that you are not leading the right way of life and you have strayed from the true path.
If you dream that you are already dead, it means that in real life prosperity and prosperity await you.
If you dreamed of your father in the form of an animal, then beware of an aggressive person, revenge, or an attack on you.
If suddenly in a dream you saw one of your relatives dead, then you should regard such a dream as a warning. In life, you will have to endure very serious grief, perhaps even the loss of relatives.
If you see in a dream how a dead person rises from the coffin, this means that there will soon be guests in your house. It is not at all necessary that they will be pleasant and their visit will make you happy.
If during sleep the husband does not ask for anything and looks alive and healthy, a change in the weather is most likely expected.
If in a dream you happened to see a dead person alive- this is a bad sign, promising you to soon receive sad news about your loved ones and friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Such a dream also foreshadows the appearance financial problems that will frustrate you for a long time. Troubles and failures will haunt you, so it is better for you not to take on serious matters, postponing them for a while.
If in a dream you dreamed of a living dead person, then such a dream may mean that deep in your soul you feel some kind of guilt towards that person.
If in a dream you see a loved one who is actually alive dead, then soon a discord may occur in your relationship, and your feelings may noticeably cool down.
If in a dream you see many dead people from whom you are trying to hide, then in reality big changes await you, which will bring you many difficulties. No matter the problems and disappointments, you will overcome them.
If in a dream you see a deceased child, then in reality you are experiencing certain losses that worry you very much.
If in a dream you talk to your dead mother, you should worry about your health.
If you talk to him in a dream, it is unlucky.
If in a dream you saw your dead relative alive, scandals and quarrels will begin in your family, this period will last quite a long time, threatening even divorce.
If in a dream you saw a deceased person unfamiliar to you, this means that you should be on guard: your enemies can harm you.
If in a dream you saw a deceased person in a coffin, it means that you should be afraid of something in the near future.
If you saw a deceased relative in a dream, it means that family problems are preventing you from improving.
If in a dream you saw a deceased person lying in a coffin, then in reality troubles and disappointments await you.
If in a dream a living dead person was too noisy and angry, the dream promises retribution.
If in a dream a person whose funeral you attended appeared to you and warned you about possible upcoming worries, listen to his advice and do not get involved in any business. Or avoid long journeys for some time after this dream.
If in a dream someone condemns a dead person- expect a conflict with your superiors or a quarrel.
If in a dream a deceased person behaves too actively and gets rowdy, then the dream foreshadows anxiety and imminent troubles.
If in a dream your deceased father appears alive before you, then in reality expect news and unforeseen events. You may be in danger, and the appearance of your father in a dream indicates exactly this.
If you dreamed about your late husband, in most cases, this means the occurrence of various life changes. Depending on the dream, they can be positive or very negative.
If in a dream the dead person who came spoke to you, then the weather will soon change for the worse.
If your loved one died or was killed in a dream, then expect separation from him and trouble.
If in a dream a deceased loved one speaks to you or asks for something, then this foreshadows mental depression and a decline in business.
If a living dead person appeared in a dream, who was also very happy and cheerful, the dream may warn that there are cunning and hidden friends in your environment. It may even be that this person is a bad influence on you.
If in a dream, people around you strongly criticize your late husband, then you should be prepared for serious conflicts and disputes with relatives, bosses or neighbors.
If you took him by the hand, then you should beware, basically, such a dream is a harbinger of death.
If you see your father who has died in a dream, then you should be careful in your affairs, since enemies do not sleep and can influence the course of your affairs.
If you see a dead man briefly, he played a minor role in your dream, then this most likely means a change in the weather.
If you see a dead person, but he is alive in reality, then this means that some kind of misfortune will happen to your loved ones.
If you see your deceased grandfather in some place or room that is special to you, expect drastic changes in your life.
If you hug your late father in a dream, then this means a successful outcome of the business you started.
If you do not listen to the advice of your friends, you risk failure in business.
If you are talking to a relative who has died a long time ago, this indicates a bad influence. Which someone is now exerting on you.
If you kiss him yourself, it means that you will soon get rid of the problem that oppresses you.
If you saw a lot of corpses in a dream, but did not get scared or panic, then a successful undertaking will soon await you. This business will bring you considerable benefits.
If you saw your deceased relatives in a dream, then it’s time to honor their memory, visit the burial place, and also pay attention to your own health. You may have a chronic disease that you don't even know about.
If you saw in a dream your father, who had already died, and also talked to him, then be very careful in your affairs, since there are people with bad intentions lurking around you, and there is also a possibility of making a bad deal.
If a girl sees a chance meeting with her father in a dream, then this indicates changes in her personal life. Singles will find a mate, and young lovers will sign their names.
If you dreamed of living relatives or acquaintances as dead, then this promises them a long and happy life.
If a married woman sees her husband dead, it is a great misfortune.
If a dead person, for example, develops quite such active activity, then, unfortunately, one can only expect various kinds of fears and a variety of small nasty things from this.
If a dead person calls you to follow him or offers you something, this is a bad sign, signifying illness, and possibly death. A dream in which you see yourself between the dead has a similar meaning.
If you dreamed of a dead relative, get ready for serious life trials and even losses.
If the husband is in real world is alive, but in a dream you see him deceased, this means that in reality the relationship will soon crack, your family will face divorce and the collapse of love.
If stranger - to good news, and the enemy - to solving a difficult problem in your affairs.
If she says something, it will definitely come true.
If the father is sad or crying, then the girl should pay more attention to her personal life, pay attention to her studies and household.
If in front of you is a dead man lying in a coffin- this means anxiety and worry.
If the dead person in your dream begins to rage- this is a sign of anxiety and trouble.
If a dead man in a dream does nothing and lies quietly, this means that in real life you have nothing to fear - he will not harm you in any way.
If the deceased also spoke to you, then expect bad weather.
If the deceased appears alive, this indicates the return of old problems that you have long forgotten about and perceived as resolved.
If you dreamed about the deceased outside the coffin, then expect guests.
If a dead person is crying- quick quarrels with loved ones.
If the deceased leaves you, then success, recovery, and good luck await you.
If the deceased is your friend or distant relative, this means that they will ask you cash assistance.
If the deceased whom you saw alive in a dream cried, illnesses await you, which you will spend a lot of time and effort fighting.
If the deceased person you dreamed about is actually dead, it means that you will soon be able to improve your relationships or business affairs.
If the dead- relatives, then perhaps you should just go and pray for them.
If the deceased in your dream lies quietly and does not address you in any way, then in reality he will not harm you in any way.
If the deceased person in a dream is actually a living person in reality, it means that everything will be fine with him.
If your late husband takes you away, calls you or drags you along in a dream, then be careful in the real world. You may be at risk of danger, attack by criminals, car accident, serious illness and death.
If your late father gives you money in a dream, this portends that someone may soon take advantage of your excessive gullibility and deceive you, which will bring you misfortune.
If your deceased father calls you with him- This is a warning about an accident. It is considered a particularly negative sign if your deceased father called you, and you went, moreover, taking him by the hand, since this portends death.
If a very young girl sees her deceased father, then she should be careful, as she may become a victim of unfair gossip.
If you are with a deceased brother, then do not refuse to help loved ones who need your help.
If a dream with a dead person was seen by a sick or elderly person, then this is a sign that he will live for many more years.
If you dream of long-dead relatives, this means that it will happen soon, some kind of an important event in family.
If a dead person in a dream behaves loudly, then this foreshadows some troubles, losses, and anxieties.
If you had a good, warm relationship, a deceased grandfather who came in a dream may be warning you about something. When you wake up, try to comprehend everything that has been said to you.
If this is a friend or close relative, it means that you will soon face separation or a quarrel.
If this dream is dreamed by a sick person- this is to death.
A woman sees in a dream what surrounds her a large number of living dead, then such a dream is completely unfavorable and foreshadows unpleasant meetings and events.
Making love to your dead husband- soon you will meet a new love in the real world. The main thing is not to miss your happiness because of your own pride, stupidity or carelessness.
A father who is healthy in a dream and who has died in reality is a warning about frivolity and carelessness.
Sometimes the deceased dreams of a warning about something.
As a rule, if a person dreams of a deceased father in a dream, then this means a slight warning or reminder of something. It all depends on the gender and age of the dreamer.
When the deceased come to life before your eyes in a dream, this portends that in reality you will experience a feeling of satisfaction, gratitude, and peace. Your offenders will get what they deserve and will remember your lesson for a long time.
When deceased distant relatives come to you in a dream, this portends minor worries and troubles. Unwanted guests and household chores await you.
When in a dream your late father is chasing you and you run away, this dream prophesies troubles, loss of strength, you will want to shift part of your work and the burden of responsibility to another person.
When lovers see such a dream, it means that their relationship may never be the same as what they dreamed about before when they first started communicating.
When a dead person suddenly comes to life, then keep in mind that you are wasting your energy in vain. The person you are worried about does not need your care and guardianship at all. You will not receive gratitude from him for your help.
The dead lying calmly in a dream are not capable of causing any trouble in real life.
A dead person lying in a coffin means changes in life.
A dead person who behaves negatively, robbers, destroys, especially in your home - leads to serious illness and death.
Young people dream of the dead as a sign of disappointment.
Bad sign- quarrel with your late grandfather in a dream, this may mean that you are doing something wrong, and in order to avoid serious problems, you should urgently rethink and change your behavior.
Stranger in a coffin- to big profits.
Lack of time to communicate, meet with friends and family will mean that one day you will find yourself completely alone.
You should think about the impending danger in the case when a dead person in a dream takes you by the hand and makes a covenant with him.
Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream- to a good event.
Hugging or kissing a deceased person means that things will soon improve for you.
Hugging or kissing a deceased person in a dream foretells obstacles in your affairs and endeavors.
Hugging your late father and asking him for advice means that in real life you will have to solve a difficult problem, find a way out of a complicated situation, you will act as a judge, and someone’s reputation will depend on your decision.
Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream- to worries and problems in various kinds of matters. If a patient has such a dream, then unfortunately it means death.
The image of a dead person is usually deciphered as an unexpected change in weather, most often for the worse.
One of the neutral signs- the deceased person coming to you in a dream and talking with him. This indicates a change in the weather. Touching the deceased in a dream, hugging or kissing him also portends slowness in business and danger.
However, this symbol also has a good meaning if you saw yourself dead in a dream. This means that you will have a long, happy and interesting life, and you will never complain about your health.
However, you should not let it come to this, always remember that soon everything will return to its usual calm course, be more patient and understanding towards your loved ones.
A revived dead man foreshadows major troubles and irreparable loss. Well, if you dreamed that a dead person was crying, then this is just a possible change in the weather. Despite the fact that no one enjoys seeing themselves dead in a dream, such a dream foretells a successful and long life.
Father in dreams- this is a sign of his protection and patronage.
Opening the lid of a coffin in which a dead person lies in a dream means a loss.
Father - misfortune and shame that will cover your home. And dying distant relatives predict utter wealth for you.
Very bad sleep, is considered a dream in which the deceased husband persistently calls you to his place, gives you gifts or receives them from you. This may portend major misfortunes and illnesses that can lead to death.
Very often, just by the kind of relationship you had with this or that person who is already dead, you can tell a lot.
By folk beliefs, what the deceased says in a dream must be fulfilled. And you need to take this seriously, this way you will save yourself from many problems.
Did you dream about your deceased mother? Then keep in mind that in real life you have nothing to fear, you are under her care and protection, she gives you her blessing for a happy life.
The deceased mother dreams of disturbing events.
Dead man in a coffin in a dream- to profit.
A dead person in a dream is often associated with troubles, but in reality this is not always the case.
Dead Man Gives you an item- also expect troubles and troubles.
Dead man lies in a coffin- means that misfortunes and failures will follow on your heels; if he comes to life and rises from the coffin, his health may deteriorate significantly.
A dead person may be warning you from trouble.
Does a dead person attack you in a dream? This means that in reality you committed an obscene act or lead an immoral lifestyle, you somehow angered your ancestors, violated a family tradition.
The dead man took something from you- unfortunately, which will happen either to you or to your loved ones.
A dead person giving you flowers portends fast execution most cherished desires.
A dead man lying in a black coffin symbolizes sadness, melancholy, grief and tears.
A dead person you dreamed about in your house- a sign that danger awaits you.
Seeing your deceased sister in a dream- pay attention to her words.
The deceased are usually seen in a dream as a bad thing.
The deceased dream of bad news.
The deceased in a black robe dreams of problems associated with personal life.
A deceased grandfather watching you from afar in a dream is a guardian angel, a symbol of support from higher powers, and a sign that even if some difficulties and problems lie ahead, they will all resolve themselves.
A deceased father inviting his daughter to a laid table portends success in all endeavors and popularity with the opposite sex.
Kiss the forehead of the deceased in a dream- perhaps a sign of farewell to a loved one or a well-known person. In reality, you are concerned about thoughts about a new business, then at this time, unfamiliar dead people in your dreams will mean that the business you are thinking about is not worth starting, it will all end before it begins.
Kiss the deceased in a dream- to good luck.
Dreaming of a kiss with a dead person promises you a successful completion of important matters.
An empty table warns of an unreliable environment and dubious friends.
Talking to a dead person in a dream- to get in bad company or under the bad influence of some people, if a dead person offers to eat in a dream, you need to be treated, because you are sick, if you eat with him, death is very close, the dead person calls you with him, and you are heading towards illness or death.
Talking to the deceased in a dream- to new knowledge that will be useful to you in life.
Hearing the voice of the deceased in a dream- warning, bad news.
A father laughing in a dream speaks of his son’s inappropriate behavior.
A quiet or cheerful dead man- a good sign, noisy or sad - bad. Giving something to a dead person in a dream is a bad sign; taking something from him is a good sign. Unexpected resurrection of the deceased - get back something long lost. Moving or dressing a dead person in a dream means illness. Undressing him means the death of a relative.
Dreaming about the dead can mean different things, depending on who exactly you are seeing and what sensations you experienced.
Dreams about the dead usually occur when the weather changes.
Dreams in which a dead person comes to us are always unpleasant to see. And these dreams usually foreshadow unpleasant events too.
A stranger in your dream portends ease in overcoming difficulties that you may experience in life. this moment, or receiving good news.
A dream about your late father foreshadows approaching danger; it is worth remembering all the tips that he gave you in the dream. such a dream foreshadows an imminent global change in your life. A conversation with a deceased father in a dream warns that the business you have started must be thought out down to the smallest detail. After such a dream, it is necessary to protect your good name, as someone wants to compromise you.
A dream about a deceased enemy or competitor foreshadows the complete defeat of the latter; if your friend died in the dream, then in reality you will be separated from him.
The dream is very unfavorable if you take something from a deceased person or give it (you can lose a loved one or die yourself, this also means serious illnesses).
The dream is a warning, someone wants to protect you from harm. Seeing the father of the deceased in a dream means that it is time to visit his burial place, remember and pay honor to the deceased. this dream indicates that you are responsible for someone and you will have a hard time.
A dream in which you see the death of your enemy foreshadows victory over him.
A dream in which a dead person curses you means that you are living correctly. Don't doubt your actions.
A dream in which a deceased person washes his face promises a big holiday in the family.
A dream in which the deceased husband urgently asks for a favor means the emergence of everyday problems that will require a lot of your attention.
Sleep together- to success, kissing - to an affair with a celebrity, to carry - to death.
Quarreling with your late husband in a dream- your sorrows and sorrows will soon be replaced by joy and happiness in reality.
Interpretations of a dream in which a dead person dreams- in general there will be changes in the weather, if a dead person takes you away, then this is very, very bad (perhaps serious illness or your own death awaits you in the future) to see a deceased grandfather or grandmother in a dream, this means that one of the relatives will soon become very ill.
A corpse in a dream will do you absolutely no harm, only if it does nothing at all.
Seeing a deceased husband in a dream may indicate a strong feeling of guilt towards him. Especially if the deceased utters curses at you or hits you.
Seeing a brother or sister means a good time and a happy long life. There is no need to fear the dead; they sometimes bring good news.
Seeing one of your parents as a dead person in a dream means a quarrel with loved ones or bad news.
To see your acquaintance in a dead person in a dream, who is alive in reality, means a quarrel with him.
Seeing a living person as a dead person in a dream in reality means that he will live a long life.
Seeing a crying dead person in a dream- to a quarrel.
Seeing a dead person in a dream- to big changes in life. This can affect you both positively and negatively.
Seeing a dead person at a meal in a dream- to illness.
To see a dead person in a dream calling you to come to you or follow you - to death.
To see a dead person come to life in a dream- to the news.
Seeing a deceased baby in a dream- to the hopeless start of a new business.
Seeing a deceased person alive in a dream- to new plans that must be implemented.
If you see a loved one deceased in a coffin in a dream, then good news about this person awaits you, for example, news about his wedding.
Seeing a dead person standing or sitting in a dream- to trouble.
Seeing a dead person in a dream who is alive in reality foreshadows health problems and a threat for him real death.
Seeing a dead mother in a dream- promises you a long and beautiful life.
Seeing family members who are alive in the real world as dead in a dream promises troubles and sorrows for your home. This dream is especially bad for sick and elderly people.
Seeing a lot of dead people, and bravely not being afraid of them, is a sign of a new successful idea or business.
Seeing a dead person in a coffin in your home means that you will have many problems related to your bad habits.
Seeing the deceased in your apartment or house- You also need to prepare for danger.
Seeing your best friend dead in a dream- to loss of strength.
Die in your sleep yourself- begin new stage in your life, which will lead to changes in life.
A deceased mother appearing in a dream foreshadows the possible death of a loved one and suggests that your excessive impressionability can be a source of problems and troubles.
Hearing the voice of a deceased person in a dream, especially one calling you with him, foretells that a serious, almost mortal danger is looming over you. You need to try to move more carefully on the roadway and in very crowded places. Also, it is worth interpreting dreams depending on who you dreamed about.
The worst thing is if you see a dead person in your own home. This does not bode well.
People dream of kissing the dead on the forehead as a sign of separation from someone close enough to them. A short meeting with dead people unfamiliar to you, at the moment of thinking about something, in a dream means failure of a business, or disappointment in a person.
Often such a dream promises deception or negative influence.
Most often, a dream involving a dead person does not carry any special meaning and only leads to a change in the weather.
A young man who sees his late father in a dream will quickly mature and become influential.

What amazing, sometimes unimaginable dreams we have.

Sometimes we even jump up in a sticky cold sweat and complete bewilderment as to why we dreamed of this or that terrible phenomenon.

This is especially true for scary dreams associated with the afterlife. A morgue, a cemetery, meetings with the living dead - such dreams are more like a horror movie, but they are dreamed for a reason and carry important meaning.

If we see a dead person in the world of dreams, it is usually unpleasant and creepy. Sometimes deceased relatives or friends “visit” us in dreams. But sometimes we just have to contemplate dead people, funerals, or, worse, the living dead.

As every dream book testifies, a dead person in a dream is an important sign. It provides valuable knowledge and cannot be ignored.

Unfortunately, most visions of the dead carry a dark and bad meaning and do not promise anything good. But you need to listen to them especially carefully, because it is precisely such a dream that gives a warning about something extremely important.

What happened in your night vision?

Dreams involving the dead can be divided into the most common, such as:

  • You saw in a dream a dead person lying in a coffin or in a cemetery.
  • A deceased relative comes to you in a dream and says something.
  • You saw a lot of corpses.
  • You had to see a dead stranger, acquaintance or enemy.
  • You saw the death of a loved one or friend who is alive in reality.
  • You yourself died in your sleep.
  • You hug or even kiss a dead person in a dream.
  • You were buried alive in a dream.
  • You are carrying or moving a deceased person.
  • The dead man gives you something - money, food, clothes.
  • Lie with the dead.
  • You see a living dead man who can behave differently.

There can be a huge variety of dreams involving the dead, and each such dream can portend something important. So you should be careful when trying to decipher what the dead man is dreaming of, and make correct and verified decisions, depending on the advice of the dream book.

I had to see a dead man in a dream

Seeing a dead person in a dream can be shocking and scary. Especially if this is your relative or acquaintance who is alive in reality.

But don't rush to get scared. First, you should find out why the dead man is dreaming - such a dream can warn you about something serious.

1. If in a dream you saw a dead person unknown to you lying quietly in a coffin or on a table, or even you had to visit a morgue or cemetery where a dead person lies, this means that the dream does not pose any danger, but warns and advises you to be more careful.

2. If a dead person lies in a coffin or on a table in your home, this means that you are in danger in life. It may be small, but be careful in everything for a while, look around carefully.

3. If lovers see a dream in which there is a morgue, a dead person, a coffin or a cemetery, this means that the relationship with the other half, even if it has just begun, will not lead to good things and is doomed to collapse.

4. Seeing a lot of dead people in a dream is, oddly enough, a good sign. It promises the sleeper the start of some profitable business, success in all matters. You are on the right path, the interpreter promises.

5. If in your dream you suddenly witnessed how someone unfamiliar to you died, Miller’s dream book will tell you the answer.

This means that you yourself will cope with the difficulties that are now taking place in your life. Get good news, your reality will soon become better and easier.

6. But if in your dreams you saw how a person you know, who is alive in reality, died, this, according to Miller’s interpreter, means a quick separation from this person, worries about this, or at least difficulties and troubles in the relationship with the participant in the dream.

7. But the enemy dying in your dream is a sign that you will win complete victory over him. Of course, this dream does not promise death to a person, he will simply lose in competition with you.

8. If you dream of your own funeral, you have died - this promises you a quick move, or a change of job. In other words, a new milestone in life, a transition to something completely new for you. It may be difficult, but it is a transition to good things.

9. But if you experienced something in a dream where you were buried alive in the ground, do not be alarmed, this only promises anxiety and difficulties in life, but nothing tragic. You may experience a period of melancholy and depression, but you will get through it.

10. In a dream, did you accidentally meet a person who died? This could be your deceased relative, such as a grandparent, or someone you know.

When a dead person does not tell you anything, and does not try to do anything, then this marks something new for you. Business, love, friendship - depending on what kind of connections you had with the deceased person before, during his lifetime.

Contact with the afterlife

Often in dreams you have to not only see a dead person, but also do something with him. In this case, it is extremely important to understand why the dead man dreams.

Such dreams can be especially unpleasant, and almost always carry a warning about something unfavorable and advise you to be on guard.

1. Hugging or kissing a dead person in a dream promises anxiety, obstacles in business, difficulties. You have to make an effort to deal with them.

2. Carrying a coffin with a deceased person in a dream - expect a period of sadness, hopelessness, and depression. The reason may not be tragic, but your feelings will be strong.

3. Trying to move the deceased from his place, to somehow move him - this is a sign that now in reality you are busy with an empty and meaningless task that is needlessly taking away your strength. You should reconsider your affairs and stop doing stupid things.

4. If in a dream you happen to be lying next to a dead person, this means that your relationship with your partner has come to an end, it’s time to end it, they have died. If you take this step, then a new, good future awaits you.

5. And if you are between two dead people, this portends an illness, and it can become very serious. Take this warning and try to prevent the disease.

6. If you had to give money, food, or clothes to a deceased person in a dream, this is an unkind sign. It promises misfortune, a great misfortune that is possible in the near future.

7. Dressing a dead person in a dream is a signal that it is time for you to take special care of your health.

He comes to life!

Undoubtedly, a dream in which a dead person comes to life can be very creepy. As any dream book says, a dead person who becomes alive in a dream warns the sleeper about danger or enemies.

Why do we sometimes dream of the living dead, and what do they want to communicate?

1. If you saw a dead person come to life, the meaning of such dreams is unpleasant - difficulties and delays in business, losses and losses await you.

2. But if he not only comes to life, but also gets rowdy, tries to do something, attack - this already promises serious troubles and worries, so be careful.

3. If a living dead person comes to you and speaks to you, this means an unfamiliar dead person - this means changes for the worse. And if you come and remain silent, on the contrary, for the better.

4. If in a dream a dead person who has come to life is having fun, this foretells you good news that will be sent by relatives or a friend. On the contrary, sad dead people dream of bad news and warn that enemies are not asleep.

5. If a living dead man in your dream came to your room and straightened your bed, this promises you illness.

6. Gives you food or money - a good sign, foreshadowing income, prosperity, reward.

7. But if you happen to fight with a dead man who came to life, this means that quarrels with people await you. Most likely, these are your relatives.

Relatives or friends

Deceased relatives are often seen alive. And believe me, they never appear to us without a reason.

Don’t be afraid of the dream and decipher what the deceased father, mother, grandmother or other relative is dreaming about - most likely, they are bringing you important news.

1. If you dream of a deceased mother, father, grandmother, and so on, calling you and leading you, beware, this promises a very great danger. An illness or accident may await you, be especially careful.

2. If a deceased person, whose funeral you attended in reality, came to you and began to talk to you, remember everything he said. This person in a dream will bring you an important warning or simply reveal a secret. So remember everything he said and take what you hear seriously.

3. A dead person crying in your dream, with whom you were close during life, also indicates danger in life, and advises you to be careful in everything.

Despite the horror of such dreams, instead of being scared, take the advice and warnings into account. And do your best to avoid trouble. Author: Vasilina Serova

Sometimes the dead come into people's dreams, often these are deceased relatives or close friends - those with whom the dreamer was closely connected by emotional ties. Some are frightened by such dreams, others, on the contrary, perceive them as news from the other world and look for a secret encrypted meaning in it. So why do we dream about dead people? It will help you understand this interesting and mysterious issue.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Talking to a living dead person in a dream is a sign warning of problems and troubles that will appear in the near future. It is very important to understand the essence of what was said, to remember what was discussed in the conversation. Perhaps he will give answers to questions that have been tormenting you for a long time, and will also tell you in which area of ​​life to expect trouble.

A long life, full of many events - this is indicated by a dream with a revived dead man.

If a deceased person gives money and he is your acquaintance, then he wants you to live his life, repeating his fate. You need to listen to the advice he gives and remember them. Gifts from the deceased symbolize the things he gave. You need to pay special attention to this, since this thing symbolizes a certain message.

If you dream of a deceased relative alive and calling you with him, this could mean illness or even death. Following him, hugging him and kissing him means the same thing.

If deceased relatives very often appear in dreams, then this is no longer just a coincidence, it is a signal - they are warning you, most often of trouble. They are watching you and trying their best to help. But perhaps you just miss them very much, you miss them in real life, such a dream is a projection of your thoughts.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, dreams with the dead are interpreted as a warning about some kind of misfortune or danger. If in a dream you are visited by a deceased parent and you are having a conversation with him, a difficult matter awaits you, which will end unsuccessfully for you. You need to be extremely careful when communicating with other people - secret enemies have appeared among your friends. If you dreamed about your deceased mother, this is a signal of a serious illness in the near future.

This is also a warning that you should restrain your aggression and not pour out your negativity on other people. A close friend who appears in a dream and is no longer in the world of the living means that some person is in great need of friendly support and will soon turn for it.

A cheerful living dead man who came into your dream means that you are under someone’s strong negative impact, which may cause your property losses. If a dead person wants to talk to you in a dream, it means that he is waiting for a promise from you to do something that can save him from harm in the future.

Vanga's Dream Book

Coming scary time disasters, epidemics and diseases - this is how this dream interpreter explains the vision. If the deceased person who comes in a dream is sick, then you will soon encounter great injustice on your life path.

To indicate the coming changes, you dream of a deceased friend. It is very important to listen to his words - perhaps he wants to help you, give you friendly advice and get you out of trouble. A dream in which you saw the death of your friend or acquaintance speaks of the betrayal of friends and weaving intrigues.

Loff's Dream Book

When a deceased person appears in a dream, this may indicate resolution complex problems. Because of dreams in which the main characters were dead people, very often people develop anxiety and a depressed mood.

If you look at a dream as big picture, then the deceased person present in it does not carry an important semantic load. It's just a dream in which one of the heroes is a dead man. If you saw a deceased person in a dream, it means that you blame yourself for something, since you could have prevented a certain situation, but did not. Such a dream suggests that a person is burdened by sorrows, and he regrets bitterly.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

All words spoken by the deceased should be taken literally, that is, as if they were said during life. A wish or a warning - this is symbolized by a dead person appearing in a dream. In the case when a living person dreamed of being dead, perhaps in real life you have a complex, hostile relationship with him.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This dream book interprets such a vision in its own way - very positively. It symbolizes the dreamer's good health and longevity.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the deceased? This is a bad sign associated with problems in the family. Bringing a dead person back to his senses or watching him come to life means the return of an old unresolved problem that you have already safely forgotten, you want to run away from it, but you need to finally solve it.

It may also indicate that a friend or relative of the deceased wants to convey something through you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If a deceased person appears alive in a dream, it means weather changes and peace of mind. It is a very bad sign to take or give anything to a deceased person, or if he calls and takes you to his place. This is an omen of great troubles, tragedies and terrible losses, in particular, the deaths of loved ones.

People's dream book

A visit from the deceased in a dream warns of tragic and painful anticipation, as well as hidden fear. Seeing a living person dead indicates a fear of losing something or a secret desire for death for such a person. When a dead person is a living person in a dream, it means a feeling of guilt towards this deceased person, a desire to make amends.

Dead people dream of being alive, why is this? If we summarize all the interpretations of dreams about death and funerals, then they not only testify to grief, but also carry a good message, except in cases when goes to sleep specific warning of danger. You should also pay attention to the details of the dream, for example, the coffin is a bad sign, symbolizing grief and tears.

Every dream is a journey into the magical world of dreams, which lifts the curtain on the secret and unknown. Why dead people dream and how to perceive the information received depends only on the person. Whatever the dream, you must always remain optimistic and believe that the best is yet to come!

Also interesting: why do you dream?